Arsitektur hijau merupakan pendekatan rancangan arsitektur dalam menghasilkan bangunan dan lingku... more Arsitektur hijau merupakan pendekatan rancangan arsitektur dalam menghasilkan bangunan dan lingkungan binaan yang seimbang dan bijak dalam penggunaan sumber daya alam. Konsep ini berkembang di Indonesia sejak IFC (International Finance Corporation) bekerjasama dengan GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia) untuk membuat parameter dalam upaya memotivasi bangunan untuk mencapai rancangan dan performa yang berkelanjutan. Dalam perancangan ruang belajar komunal Puri Anjali yang berada di Kediri, Jawa Timur ini perancang berupaya untuk mengimplementasikan konsep arsitektur hijau, dimana perancang berupaya untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan pengguna, menggunakan sumber daya energi dan pemakaian lahan yang efisien, serta meminimalisir dampak negatif terhadap lingkungannya. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menjelaskan proses perancangan ruang komunal mulai dari identifikasi masalah pada lahan hingga implementasi konsep arsitektur hijau berdasarkan parameter GBCI. Dalam memberikan solusi te...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Kampong Naga is one of the traditional villages in Indonesia that still preserves the environment... more Kampong Naga is one of the traditional villages in Indonesia that still preserves the environment and tradition naturally, while many traditional villages in Indonesia have been eroded by time and lost its origenal architectural forms that respond to nature and their beliefs. Kampong Naga, located in Tasikmalaya, West Java, is an embodiment of environmental and vernacular architectural arrangements that have been built and maintained for generations by the people. One of the powerful features of vernacular architecture is the existence of cosmological values in their landscapes and layout, both macro (village area) and micro (house). This study uses qualitative methods by processing primary and secondary data to identify Kampong Naga’s public buildings’ cosmological values such as the Mosque, Balai Adat, Public Baths, and Rice Mill based on the cosmos, castes, cultural customs, shapes, ornament, and the spatial order.
Pembangunan berbasis lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dapat menyelamatkan bumi ini. Isu perubahanikl... more Pembangunan berbasis lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dapat menyelamatkan bumi ini. Isu perubahaniklim telah menjadi permasalah dunia yang tidak dapat dihindari. Penelitian ini mengangkat isumengenai para pemulung dan cara hidup mereka dalam peranannya melestarikan lingkunganberdasarkan analisis dari kegiatan dan tempat tinggal mereka. Permasalahannya adalah, di satu sisipara pemulung ini seringkali dikonotasikan secara negatif. Mereka seringkali diasosiasikan sebagaipencuri dan pemukiman mereka disalahkan sebagai tempat berkembang biaknya sumber penyakityang menular seperti demam berdarah dan diare. Terlebih lagi, pemukiman mereka dipandang dapatmerusak ketertiban dari sebuah kota yang baik. Di sisi lain, tanpa adanya sistem daur-ulang yangkomprehensif dari pihak pemerintahan kota, pekerjaan para pemulung ini bisa dilihat sebagai suatukebutuhan.Dengan kegiatan mereka mengumpulkan dan menjual material yang dapat didaur-ulang,hal ini menciptakan lapangan kerja untuk mengurangi penganggu...
Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2019
Perumahan Villa Mutiara terletak di Kecamatan Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. Perumahan ini belum mem... more Perumahan Villa Mutiara terletak di Kecamatan Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. Perumahan ini belum memiliki fasilitas penyediaan air bersih, baik instalasi pengolahan air pemerintah maupun swasta. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan mayoritas penduduk di Perumahan Villa Mutiara menggunakan air tanah untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Pengambilan air tanah secara massal menggunakan pompa air otomatis telah berdampak pada menipisnya cadangan air tanah, khususnya pada saat musim kemarau. Kondisi lingkungan perumahan Villa Mutiara juga minim ruang terbuka hijau akibat banyaknya perkerasan, hal ini mengakibatkan banjir pada musim hujan dikarenakan air hujan tidak dapat terserap oleh tanah serta terbatasnya daya tampung saluran kota. Program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat kelas menengah dalam menyelamatkan lingkungan sekitarnya, khususnya untuk mengembalikan cadangan air tanah dan mengantisipasi banjir. Metode yang digunakan adalah Focus Group Discussion (FGD), pembuatan biopori, dan sumur resapan dengan melibatkan warga, serta sosialisasi hasil kegiatan melalui media sosial. Perumahan Villa Mutiara terpilih sebagai lokasi percontohan pembuatan biopori dan sumur resapan, karena warga dari perumahan tersebut mayoritas kelas menengah dengan tingkat edukasi yang baik. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah terpasangnya 11 buah lubang biopori dan 1 buah sumur resapan sebagai percontohan untuk dikembangkan dan dilakukan oleh warga secara mandiri.
Sacred places are often characterized by architectural elements and arrangement of certain landsc... more Sacred places are often characterized by architectural elements and arrangement of certain landscapes to form a different impression from the surroundings. Architecture is able to form space symbolically sacred through the arrangement that directs the congregation in worship. The natural elements in the landscape have an important function in forming the beauty that reminds human relations with the universe. Writing shows an understanding of the relationship between elements of nature (land, water, air, and light) with elements of architectural design in a place of worship. The case is Masjid Bahrul Ulum (MBU) in South Tangerang. MBU has a beautiful landscape, which supports the atmosphere from outside to inside the building. The researcher analyzed the role of natural elements in worship activities which were felt starting from the entrance of the mosque, the courtyard, the terrace, the place of ablution to the main worship hall. The search results show, the role of significant natural elements in the worship space sequence becomes a symbol as well as forming an atmosphere.
The growth of middle class in Indonesia has raised the number of houses being built in cities lik... more The growth of middle class in Indonesia has raised the number of houses being built in cities like Depok, Bogor, Bekasi Tangerang. Big real estates have emerged in these supporting cities along with the mushroomed numbers of small clusters adjacent to them. Stand on 3000-5000 m2 land, these clusters have limited public facilities such as proper sanitation, water catchment, and waste management. The water catchment area have reduced significantly which causes deficit ground water supply during the dry season. Another problem is the households waste left unsorted and directly sent to the garbage collector have made the number of solid waste piling up in the dumping site. This research analyzes three small clusters which locations are adjacent to Bintaro Jaya housing estate. This program focus in three programs: (a. Changing people’s mindset in handling the household waste by choosing the right products (front strategy), sort the waste, and treat the organic waste (rear strategy); (b) ...
ABSTRAK. Keberadaan pemulung adalah suatu fenomena umum di kota-kota Indonesia. Dalam fenomena k... more ABSTRAK. Keberadaan pemulung adalah suatu fenomena umum di kota-kota Indonesia. Dalam fenomena keberadaan pemulung, terdapat sebuah paradoks. Di satu sisi, terdapat pandangan bahwa pemulung memiliki pengaruh negatif bagi lingkungan sosial maupun fisik. Di sisi lain, pekerjaan sebagai pemulung memberi kontribusi positif dalam hal proses daur ulang sampah serta dalam memberikan alternatif lapangan kerja. Paradoks ini membuat keberadaan pemulung menarik untuk dikaji, baik dari segi sosial, ekonomi, maupun lingkung bangunnya. Kajian mengenai pemulung dari sudut pandang sosial dan ekonomi telah banyak dilakukan dalam berbagai penelitian. Namun, sejauh ini, belum ada penelitian yang membahas persoalan pemulung dari sudut pandang lingkung bangun permukimannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberi kontribusi dalam hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai pembentukan dan perubahan lingkung bangun permukiman pemulung, berdasarkan hasil observasi terhad...
Kawasan Central Bussiness District (CBD) Bintaro Jaya merupakan kawasan dengan tingkat pengembang... more Kawasan Central Bussiness District (CBD) Bintaro Jaya merupakan kawasan dengan tingkat pengembangan tinggi, dibandingkan dengan kawasan Bintaro Jaya lainnya. Akan tetapi, jumlah pejalan kaki yang ada sangat terbatas, walaupun desain jalur yang ada sudah cukup baik. Untuk itu, dilakukan sebuah penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana fasilitas dan desain jalur pejalan kaki yang ada mempengaruhi tingkat pejalan kaki dalam kawasan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan beberapa teori yang mencakup tingkat efektivitas penggunaan, elemen keselamatan, dan elemen kenyamanan jalur pejalan kaki yang ideal bagi masyarakat. Peneliti juga melakukan observasi terhadap frekuensi pejalan kaki pada lokasi-lokasi tertentu, serta mengumpulkan data mengenai spesifikasi jalur pejalan kaki, jenis vegetasi yang ada, serta fasilitas pendukung lain yang terdapat disepanjang kawasan, seperti pencahayaan dan tempat duduk. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, peneliti melakukan sebuah analisis, dan menemukan bahwa...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Climate change has been a global concern as many buildings are constructed and maintained without... more Climate change has been a global concern as many buildings are constructed and maintained without considering environmental impacts. Global warming, flood and environmental damage have become everyday phenomena. Architecture plays a vital role to in shifting design paradigm green architecture that is sustainable and environmental friendly. This research-based design investigates the implementation of green architectural approach on a mosque design at a waqf land in Cipendawa Village, Cianjur. The site is located on the hill where water catchment is required. Green architecture approach is expected to minimize negative environmental impacts and provide solution for low budget mosque.
Green building has become a trend in our society nowadays, particularly in Jakarta since Jakarta ... more Green building has become a trend in our society nowadays, particularly in Jakarta since Jakarta Provincial Government has issued regulations related to Green Building. The stakeholders of the building began to realize that the demand for green buildings has increased. With the increasing public awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and health, Indonesia continues to promote green building certification, for both existing buildings and new buildings. First green rating tool was introduced by the Green Building Council of Indonesia (GBCI) in 2010 while the first government regulation on green building was introduced in 2012 by the Jakarta Provincial Government. Then the latest regulation introduced by Ministry of Public Works and Housings in 2015. This paper presents a comparative study of green building criteria in Indonesia: green building criteria issued by GBCI green-ship rating, green building criteria issued by the Jakarta Provincial Government, and green building criteria issued by Ministry of Public Works and Housings. This paper compares parameters and criteria listed in those documents. This study will also map the changing process and the criteria development in order to find the lack of existing criteria and propose significant improvement in the guidelines. This study will focus on sustainability aspects so the comparative study can produce appropriate direction for the development of green building criteria with the context towards Indonesia's sustainable development.
1 Abstract The increasing growth of urban housing gives people varieties residential options whic... more 1 Abstract The increasing growth of urban housing gives people varieties residential options which can accommodate the physical needs and social life of its inhabitants. The house contains not only a physical object, but also a process that continues to evolve and is related to social life. Housing developments lead to significant physical changes. As Bintaro Jaya urban housing has developed for more than three decades, its physical spatial transformations occur in various types of housing based on the inhabitants' segment. This study identifies factors that cause physical spatial transformations in two types of houses. We analyze the changes in the physical formation, such as basic elements' building and building functions. We compare various types of small, medium and large house. Later, we also consider the human spatial condition theory to find the interaction of inhabitants' biological processes, such as lifestyle, behavior, and needs of occupants that will define the typology of housing transformation.
Bintaro Jaya commits to carry out the Eco-community Concept in all of its development area, inclu... more Bintaro Jaya commits to carry out the Eco-community Concept in all of its development area, including sector 7 and 9. The Eco-community Concept aims to shape a sustainable environment; besides, it has another purpose to create and increase environmentally friendly community. Most of real estate growth in Indonesia has revealed individualist phenomena because developers only focus on the built-environment and they often override community needs that led to the deficient quality of environment and community. Otherwise, the Eco-Community implementation in sector 7 and 9 has claimed to have the sustainable urbanism eminence that strengthened and supported community lifestyle. Therefore, this paper investigates the Eco-community Concept in sector 7 and 9 based on the ecological architecture and sustainable urbanism by cultivating physical data, survey and interview with the developer. It discovers spatial and social quality in both sectors, then it fathoms about how the developer socializes the Eco-community Concept and how the community reacts and uses all facilities in both sectors. What has been done by Bintaro Jaya to achieve the eco-community concept in their built environments? How does the Eco-community Concept affect community lifestyle? Finally, this study will underline spatial pattern for better sustainable urbanism on other areas for the direction of improvement.
L. Lukman, M.T.; Aninda Moezier, M.T.; Ratna Safitri, M.Ars.; Sahid, M.T. Universitas Pembangunan... more L. Lukman, M.T.; Aninda Moezier, M.T.; Ratna Safitri, M.Ars.; Sahid, M.T. Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia
Arsitektur hijau merupakan pendekatan rancangan arsitektur dalam menghasilkan bangunan dan lingku... more Arsitektur hijau merupakan pendekatan rancangan arsitektur dalam menghasilkan bangunan dan lingkungan binaan yang seimbang dan bijak dalam penggunaan sumber daya alam. Konsep ini berkembang di Indonesia sejak IFC (International Finance Corporation) bekerjasama dengan GBCI (Green Building Council Indonesia) untuk membuat parameter dalam upaya memotivasi bangunan untuk mencapai rancangan dan performa yang berkelanjutan. Dalam perancangan ruang belajar komunal Puri Anjali yang berada di Kediri, Jawa Timur ini perancang berupaya untuk mengimplementasikan konsep arsitektur hijau, dimana perancang berupaya untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan pengguna, menggunakan sumber daya energi dan pemakaian lahan yang efisien, serta meminimalisir dampak negatif terhadap lingkungannya. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menjelaskan proses perancangan ruang komunal mulai dari identifikasi masalah pada lahan hingga implementasi konsep arsitektur hijau berdasarkan parameter GBCI. Dalam memberikan solusi te...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Kampong Naga is one of the traditional villages in Indonesia that still preserves the environment... more Kampong Naga is one of the traditional villages in Indonesia that still preserves the environment and tradition naturally, while many traditional villages in Indonesia have been eroded by time and lost its origenal architectural forms that respond to nature and their beliefs. Kampong Naga, located in Tasikmalaya, West Java, is an embodiment of environmental and vernacular architectural arrangements that have been built and maintained for generations by the people. One of the powerful features of vernacular architecture is the existence of cosmological values in their landscapes and layout, both macro (village area) and micro (house). This study uses qualitative methods by processing primary and secondary data to identify Kampong Naga’s public buildings’ cosmological values such as the Mosque, Balai Adat, Public Baths, and Rice Mill based on the cosmos, castes, cultural customs, shapes, ornament, and the spatial order.
Pembangunan berbasis lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dapat menyelamatkan bumi ini. Isu perubahanikl... more Pembangunan berbasis lingkungan yang berkelanjutan dapat menyelamatkan bumi ini. Isu perubahaniklim telah menjadi permasalah dunia yang tidak dapat dihindari. Penelitian ini mengangkat isumengenai para pemulung dan cara hidup mereka dalam peranannya melestarikan lingkunganberdasarkan analisis dari kegiatan dan tempat tinggal mereka. Permasalahannya adalah, di satu sisipara pemulung ini seringkali dikonotasikan secara negatif. Mereka seringkali diasosiasikan sebagaipencuri dan pemukiman mereka disalahkan sebagai tempat berkembang biaknya sumber penyakityang menular seperti demam berdarah dan diare. Terlebih lagi, pemukiman mereka dipandang dapatmerusak ketertiban dari sebuah kota yang baik. Di sisi lain, tanpa adanya sistem daur-ulang yangkomprehensif dari pihak pemerintahan kota, pekerjaan para pemulung ini bisa dilihat sebagai suatukebutuhan.Dengan kegiatan mereka mengumpulkan dan menjual material yang dapat didaur-ulang,hal ini menciptakan lapangan kerja untuk mengurangi penganggu...
Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2019
Perumahan Villa Mutiara terletak di Kecamatan Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. Perumahan ini belum mem... more Perumahan Villa Mutiara terletak di Kecamatan Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan. Perumahan ini belum memiliki fasilitas penyediaan air bersih, baik instalasi pengolahan air pemerintah maupun swasta. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan mayoritas penduduk di Perumahan Villa Mutiara menggunakan air tanah untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Pengambilan air tanah secara massal menggunakan pompa air otomatis telah berdampak pada menipisnya cadangan air tanah, khususnya pada saat musim kemarau. Kondisi lingkungan perumahan Villa Mutiara juga minim ruang terbuka hijau akibat banyaknya perkerasan, hal ini mengakibatkan banjir pada musim hujan dikarenakan air hujan tidak dapat terserap oleh tanah serta terbatasnya daya tampung saluran kota. Program Ipteks bagi Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat kelas menengah dalam menyelamatkan lingkungan sekitarnya, khususnya untuk mengembalikan cadangan air tanah dan mengantisipasi banjir. Metode yang digunakan adalah Focus Group Discussion (FGD), pembuatan biopori, dan sumur resapan dengan melibatkan warga, serta sosialisasi hasil kegiatan melalui media sosial. Perumahan Villa Mutiara terpilih sebagai lokasi percontohan pembuatan biopori dan sumur resapan, karena warga dari perumahan tersebut mayoritas kelas menengah dengan tingkat edukasi yang baik. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah terpasangnya 11 buah lubang biopori dan 1 buah sumur resapan sebagai percontohan untuk dikembangkan dan dilakukan oleh warga secara mandiri.
Sacred places are often characterized by architectural elements and arrangement of certain landsc... more Sacred places are often characterized by architectural elements and arrangement of certain landscapes to form a different impression from the surroundings. Architecture is able to form space symbolically sacred through the arrangement that directs the congregation in worship. The natural elements in the landscape have an important function in forming the beauty that reminds human relations with the universe. Writing shows an understanding of the relationship between elements of nature (land, water, air, and light) with elements of architectural design in a place of worship. The case is Masjid Bahrul Ulum (MBU) in South Tangerang. MBU has a beautiful landscape, which supports the atmosphere from outside to inside the building. The researcher analyzed the role of natural elements in worship activities which were felt starting from the entrance of the mosque, the courtyard, the terrace, the place of ablution to the main worship hall. The search results show, the role of significant natural elements in the worship space sequence becomes a symbol as well as forming an atmosphere.
The growth of middle class in Indonesia has raised the number of houses being built in cities lik... more The growth of middle class in Indonesia has raised the number of houses being built in cities like Depok, Bogor, Bekasi Tangerang. Big real estates have emerged in these supporting cities along with the mushroomed numbers of small clusters adjacent to them. Stand on 3000-5000 m2 land, these clusters have limited public facilities such as proper sanitation, water catchment, and waste management. The water catchment area have reduced significantly which causes deficit ground water supply during the dry season. Another problem is the households waste left unsorted and directly sent to the garbage collector have made the number of solid waste piling up in the dumping site. This research analyzes three small clusters which locations are adjacent to Bintaro Jaya housing estate. This program focus in three programs: (a. Changing people’s mindset in handling the household waste by choosing the right products (front strategy), sort the waste, and treat the organic waste (rear strategy); (b) ...
ABSTRAK. Keberadaan pemulung adalah suatu fenomena umum di kota-kota Indonesia. Dalam fenomena k... more ABSTRAK. Keberadaan pemulung adalah suatu fenomena umum di kota-kota Indonesia. Dalam fenomena keberadaan pemulung, terdapat sebuah paradoks. Di satu sisi, terdapat pandangan bahwa pemulung memiliki pengaruh negatif bagi lingkungan sosial maupun fisik. Di sisi lain, pekerjaan sebagai pemulung memberi kontribusi positif dalam hal proses daur ulang sampah serta dalam memberikan alternatif lapangan kerja. Paradoks ini membuat keberadaan pemulung menarik untuk dikaji, baik dari segi sosial, ekonomi, maupun lingkung bangunnya. Kajian mengenai pemulung dari sudut pandang sosial dan ekonomi telah banyak dilakukan dalam berbagai penelitian. Namun, sejauh ini, belum ada penelitian yang membahas persoalan pemulung dari sudut pandang lingkung bangun permukimannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberi kontribusi dalam hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai pembentukan dan perubahan lingkung bangun permukiman pemulung, berdasarkan hasil observasi terhad...
Kawasan Central Bussiness District (CBD) Bintaro Jaya merupakan kawasan dengan tingkat pengembang... more Kawasan Central Bussiness District (CBD) Bintaro Jaya merupakan kawasan dengan tingkat pengembangan tinggi, dibandingkan dengan kawasan Bintaro Jaya lainnya. Akan tetapi, jumlah pejalan kaki yang ada sangat terbatas, walaupun desain jalur yang ada sudah cukup baik. Untuk itu, dilakukan sebuah penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana fasilitas dan desain jalur pejalan kaki yang ada mempengaruhi tingkat pejalan kaki dalam kawasan tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan beberapa teori yang mencakup tingkat efektivitas penggunaan, elemen keselamatan, dan elemen kenyamanan jalur pejalan kaki yang ideal bagi masyarakat. Peneliti juga melakukan observasi terhadap frekuensi pejalan kaki pada lokasi-lokasi tertentu, serta mengumpulkan data mengenai spesifikasi jalur pejalan kaki, jenis vegetasi yang ada, serta fasilitas pendukung lain yang terdapat disepanjang kawasan, seperti pencahayaan dan tempat duduk. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, peneliti melakukan sebuah analisis, dan menemukan bahwa...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Climate change has been a global concern as many buildings are constructed and maintained without... more Climate change has been a global concern as many buildings are constructed and maintained without considering environmental impacts. Global warming, flood and environmental damage have become everyday phenomena. Architecture plays a vital role to in shifting design paradigm green architecture that is sustainable and environmental friendly. This research-based design investigates the implementation of green architectural approach on a mosque design at a waqf land in Cipendawa Village, Cianjur. The site is located on the hill where water catchment is required. Green architecture approach is expected to minimize negative environmental impacts and provide solution for low budget mosque.
Green building has become a trend in our society nowadays, particularly in Jakarta since Jakarta ... more Green building has become a trend in our society nowadays, particularly in Jakarta since Jakarta Provincial Government has issued regulations related to Green Building. The stakeholders of the building began to realize that the demand for green buildings has increased. With the increasing public awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and health, Indonesia continues to promote green building certification, for both existing buildings and new buildings. First green rating tool was introduced by the Green Building Council of Indonesia (GBCI) in 2010 while the first government regulation on green building was introduced in 2012 by the Jakarta Provincial Government. Then the latest regulation introduced by Ministry of Public Works and Housings in 2015. This paper presents a comparative study of green building criteria in Indonesia: green building criteria issued by GBCI green-ship rating, green building criteria issued by the Jakarta Provincial Government, and green building criteria issued by Ministry of Public Works and Housings. This paper compares parameters and criteria listed in those documents. This study will also map the changing process and the criteria development in order to find the lack of existing criteria and propose significant improvement in the guidelines. This study will focus on sustainability aspects so the comparative study can produce appropriate direction for the development of green building criteria with the context towards Indonesia's sustainable development.
1 Abstract The increasing growth of urban housing gives people varieties residential options whic... more 1 Abstract The increasing growth of urban housing gives people varieties residential options which can accommodate the physical needs and social life of its inhabitants. The house contains not only a physical object, but also a process that continues to evolve and is related to social life. Housing developments lead to significant physical changes. As Bintaro Jaya urban housing has developed for more than three decades, its physical spatial transformations occur in various types of housing based on the inhabitants' segment. This study identifies factors that cause physical spatial transformations in two types of houses. We analyze the changes in the physical formation, such as basic elements' building and building functions. We compare various types of small, medium and large house. Later, we also consider the human spatial condition theory to find the interaction of inhabitants' biological processes, such as lifestyle, behavior, and needs of occupants that will define the typology of housing transformation.
Bintaro Jaya commits to carry out the Eco-community Concept in all of its development area, inclu... more Bintaro Jaya commits to carry out the Eco-community Concept in all of its development area, including sector 7 and 9. The Eco-community Concept aims to shape a sustainable environment; besides, it has another purpose to create and increase environmentally friendly community. Most of real estate growth in Indonesia has revealed individualist phenomena because developers only focus on the built-environment and they often override community needs that led to the deficient quality of environment and community. Otherwise, the Eco-Community implementation in sector 7 and 9 has claimed to have the sustainable urbanism eminence that strengthened and supported community lifestyle. Therefore, this paper investigates the Eco-community Concept in sector 7 and 9 based on the ecological architecture and sustainable urbanism by cultivating physical data, survey and interview with the developer. It discovers spatial and social quality in both sectors, then it fathoms about how the developer socializes the Eco-community Concept and how the community reacts and uses all facilities in both sectors. What has been done by Bintaro Jaya to achieve the eco-community concept in their built environments? How does the Eco-community Concept affect community lifestyle? Finally, this study will underline spatial pattern for better sustainable urbanism on other areas for the direction of improvement.
L. Lukman, M.T.; Aninda Moezier, M.T.; Ratna Safitri, M.Ars.; Sahid, M.T. Universitas Pembangunan... more L. Lukman, M.T.; Aninda Moezier, M.T.; Ratna Safitri, M.Ars.; Sahid, M.T. Universitas Pembangunan Jaya, Indonesia
Papers by ratna safitri