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Japan man arrested for dumping a quarter-tonne of porn

A pensioner who dumped almost a quarter of a tonne of pornography in a Japanese park is unlikely to be charged, police said Tuesday, because the stash belonged to an ill friend.

Hideaki Adachi was spotted unloading 17 sacks of films and magazines, which included around 500 VHS video tapes, from the back of a truck at a small park in the western Japanese city of Osaka.

Adachi, 70, was arrested on suspicion of illegally dumping the 200 kilogrammes (440 pounds) of porn, but was released the next day after telling police he had found the trove in a storehouse belonging to a bedridden friend, police told AFP.

"He wanted to get rid of them out of goodwill for his friend," a spokesman said.

Asked if the pensioner had left the library in the park with the intention of giving the material away, the spokesman said officers thought not, because "the videos were not laid out to be seen".

Adachi, who worked as a volunteer in the park helping homeless people, had hoped that the huge collection of adult materials would be picked up and taken to a proper disposal site.
