Industrial Meteorology in the National Weather Service
Private sector organizations, ranging from consultants to the media to
information service companies, are vital to meeting America's needs for
weather information. These organizations, often referred to as the
Industrial Meteorology (IM) community, together serve as critical
intermediaries to make National Weather Service (NWS) information available
to all and to provide specialized services outside the NWS mission. This
part of the NWS web site indexes information of interest to the IM
On September 23, 2005, NWS made a decision (based on public feedback) not to replace its listings of Commercial Weather Providers Serving the US and Commercial Weather Vendor Web Sites Serving the US by pointing only to non-NWS listings. This decision was based on public comments on the proposed termination of the NWS listing service (for more information, click here).
We have redesigned our web site to provide both NWS and Non-NWS listings. |
The reorganization of NWS Headquarters, effective October 8, 2000, produced
a more modern and effective headquarters structure with an enhanced ability
to support the Industrial Meteorology community, primarily through two
headquarters offices:
Both offices are staffed with a strong team of professionals committed to an
effective partnership between the IM community and the NWS to meet the
Nation's needs.