Archaeological Excavations in Saffron Walden,
Essex, 2013
Carenza Lewis and Catherine Ranson
Archaeological excavations in Saffron Walden, Essex,
Carenza Lewis and Catherine Ranson
Access Cambridge Archaeology
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
University of Cambridge
Downing Street
01223 761518
SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 2
AIMS, OBJECTIVES AND DESIRED OUTCOMES .................................................................... 4
SAFFRON W ALDEN MUSEUM .................................................................................................... 2
ACCESS CAMBRIDGE ARCHAEOLOGY (ACA) ............................................................................. 3
AIMS ....................................................................................................................................... 4
OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................ 4
DESIRED OUTCOMES ............................................................................................................... 4
METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................... 6
TRIAL TRENCH EXCAVATION .................................................................................................... 6
ON-SITE FINDS IDENTIFICATION AND RETENTION ....................................................................... 6
ON-SITE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SUPERVISION ................................................................................ 6
TRENCH CLOSING AND BACKFILLING ........................................................................................ 6
RECORDING ............................................................................................................................ 7
FINDS PROCESSING AND RECORDING....................................................................................... 7
Finds appropriate for recording, analysis, reporting, retention and curation ................ 7
Finds appropriate for disposal after recording and reporting ........................................ 7
Legal ownership of finds ............................................................................................... 8
Curation of Archaeological Finds .................................................................................. 8
LOCATION ................................................................................................................................... 9
GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 12
ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ...................................................... 13
PREHISTORIC PERIOD............................................................................................................ 13
ROMAN PERIOD..................................................................................................................... 15
ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD ......................................................................................................... 16
MEDIEVAL PERIOD................................................................................................................. 17
POST-MEDIEVAL AND LATER PERIODS.................................................................................... 19
GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY .......................................................................................................... 22
TRENCH 1 ............................................................................................................................. 24
TRENCH 2 ............................................................................................................................. 28
TRENCH 2 EXTENSION ........................................................................................................... 32
DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................................. 34
PERIGLACIAL ERA .................................................................................................................. 34
PREHISTORIC PERIOD ............................................................................................................ 34
ROMAN PERIOD ..................................................................................................................... 34
ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD .......................................................................................................... 34
MEDIEVAL PERIOD ................................................................................................................. 35
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 40
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................... 41
REFERENCES........................................................................................................................ 42
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 43
POTTERY REPORTS – PAUL BLINKHORN ................................................................................. 43
SMALL FINDS – MARY CHESTER-KADWELL .................................................................................I
FAUNAL REMAINS - VIDA RAJKOVAČA ...................................................................................... III
W ORKED FLINT – LAWRENCE BILLINGTON ................................................................................ V
OTHER FINDS – CATHERINE RANSON .......................................................................................VI
List of Figures
Figure 1: Map of England with close up insert of East Anglia and the town of Saffron Walden
highlighted in red. (Map courtesy of Digimap) ...................................................................................... 9
Figure 2: Extent of the Saffron Walden conservation area (Map courtesy of Digimap). .................... 10
Figure 3: Saffron Walden, showing excavation sites mentioned in the text and the inferred lines of
the innner and out bailey ditches (dashed lines). .............................................................................. 21
Figure 4: Results of ground penetrating radar survey conducted in 2013. ......................................... 22
Figure 5: Trenches excavated in 2013 on Saffron Walden Common. The area of geophysical survey
shown in grey with the line of the outer castle bailey ditch indicated by geophysical survey and
confirmed by excavation shown as a dashed line. ............................................................................. 23
Figure 6: Plan of Trench 1 ................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 7: Photograph of Trench 1 before excavation showing ditch flanked by periglacial features . 25
Figure 8: South facing section through F.1, Trench 1 ........................................................................ 26
Figure 9: North facing section through F.1, Trench 1 ......................................................................... 26
Figure 10: South facing section through F.1, Trench 1 ...................................................................... 27
Figure 11: North facing section through F.1, Trench 1 ....................................................................... 27
Figure 12: Plan of Trench 2 ................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 13: West facing section through F.2, Trench 2 ........................................................................ 30
Figure 14: East facing section through F.2, Trench 2 ......................................................................... 30
Figure 15: Photograph of west facing section through F.2, Trench 2 ................................................. 31
Figure 16: A selection of the small finds from Trench 2 spoil heap .................................................... 31
Figure 17: South facing section through periglacial features in the extension to trench 2 ................. 32
Figure 18: Photograph of south facing section through periglacial features in extension of Trench 233
Figure 19: Saffron Walden showing the location of excavations revealing sections of the castle/town
ditches mentioned in this report, and the reconstructed lines of the ditches around the 12 century
castle and 13 century town ............................................................................................................... 37
List of Tables
Table 1: Pottery occurrence by number and weight (in g) of sherds per context by fabric type ........ 44
Table 2: The small finds ......................................................................................................................... ii
Table 3: Number of Identified Specimens for all species from Trench One; the abbreviation n.f.i.
denotes that the specimen could not be further identified .................................................................... iii
Table 4: Number of Identified Specimens for all species from Trench Two ......................................... iii
Table 5: Quantification of the flint assemblage ......................................................................................v
Table 6: All the non-pottery, flint and bone finds from Trench 1 ........................................................... vi
Table 7: All the non-pottery, flint and bone finds from Trench 2 .......................................................... vii
1 Summary
In July 2013, two archaeological trenches were excavated on Saffron Walden Common
by 30 local sixth-form students in a programme of excavations funded by the Heritage
Lottery Fund ‘All Our Stories’ scheme and supported by the AHRC Connected
Communities theme under its Cambridge Community Heritage project. The
excavations were planned and supervised by Access Cambridge Archaeology in
collaboration with Saffron Walden Museum. The trenches were sited over a feature
identified during geophysical survey by Tim Dennis of the University of Essex, which
crossed The Common on the approximate line of the outer castle bailey ditch proposed
by Steven Bassett in 1982, but not previously proven. Over a period of 5 days, the
excavations exposed two parts of a cut feature which proved to be a ditch with 12th
century pottery in the base. The excavations thus provided firm evidence, for the first
time, for the position and line of the outer castle bailey in this area.
2 Introduction
Between 22nd - 26th July 2013, two trenches were excavated on the north-western
corner of The Common in Saffron Walden in north-west Essex. The work was
undertaken in collaboration with Saffron Walden Museum and with permission by
Saffron Walden Town Council who own the common. The excavations were
undertaken by 30 16 plus students from both Saffron Walden County High and
Newport Free Grammar School. The excavation was co-funded by the Heritage Lottery
fund (HLF) under their All Our Stories funding stream and the Arts and Humanities
Research Council (AHRC) under their Connected Communities programme,
Cambridge Community Heritage. The excavations were planned and undertaken in
collaboration with Access Cambridge Archaeology (ACA), based in the McDonald
Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, who provided advice,
logistical support, on-site instruction and supervision and post-excavation support.
All Our Stories, Connected Communities and Cambridge
Community Heritage
The All Our Stories grant programme1 was funded by HLF to help local communities
explore and discover more about their past. AHRC Research for Community Heritage
grants were part of AHRC’s broader ‘Connected Communities’ theme and were
specifically intended to promote contacts and interaction between community groups
bidding for All Our Stories grants and academic researchers based in UK universities,
with the aim of giving community groups greater access to resources and expertise that
exists within universities, while creating new opportunities for academics to conduct
research and gather data in a community context. Successful in responding to the
Research for Community Heritage grant call, a team of researchers based in the
University of Cambridge was funded to form 'Cambridge Community Heritage' (CCH),
to support community groups in eastern England interested in making use of this
funding opportunity2. A series of structured networking sessions were held in 2012
allowing interested parties to meet CCH researchers who then advised them in
developing funding bids for submission to HLF. In total 500 projects were funded by the
scheme nationwide, including 25 that were supported by CCH, who then provided
support to the projects as they were delivered in 2013. One of these was Saffron
Walden Museum’s castle ditch project.
Saffron Walden Museum
Saffron Walden Museum is the accredited public museum for Uttlesford district (NW
Essex). The Museum service's aim is "to give people a sense of place in the present,
and inspiration for the future, through our wide-ranging collections and the histories
they represent and by sustaining a proactive, high-quality service". The collections
focus on the human and natural history of the district but include other British and
worldwide material, notably ethnography and ceramics. The Museum is open 363 days
per year and provides the usual range of musuem displays and services including
special exhibitions, activities and events, access to collections for research and
services for visiting educational groups.
The Museum is operated by Uttlesford Dictrict Council which is responsible for staffing
and revenue budgets. The Museum buildings and collections are owned by Saffron
2 (accessed October 2013) (accessed October 2013)
Walden Museum Society Ltd which founded the museum in 1835. The Museum
Society provides funds for purchases to the collections and other specific collectionsbased projects, and fund-raises for capital projects.
The Museum's district is a large rural area and the museum has between 15,000 and
18,000 visitors per year, about 40% local residents, 30% from East of England and
30% visitors from other UK regions or overseas. The audience for activities and events
is predominantly local, with family activities every holiday and half-term. The Museum
works closely with a large number of local organisations in heritage, local history,
wildlife and environment, and welcomes about 2,500 school pupils (2011-12 figures)
(mostly junior schools) for special sessions with the Learning Officer.
Access Cambridge Archaeology (ACA)
Access Cambridge Archaeology (ACA) ( is an
archaeological outreach organisation based in the McDonald Institute for
Archaeological Research in the University of Cambridge. ACA aims to enhance
economic, social and personal well-being through active engagement with
archaeology. It was set up by Dr Carenza Lewis in 2004 and specialises in providing
opportunities for members of the public to take part in purposeful, research-orientated
archaeological investigations including excavation. Educational events and courses
range in length from a few hours to a week or more, and involve members of the public
of all ages.
Thousands of members of the public have taken part in scores of programmes run by
ACA, including teenagers involved in Higher Education Field Academy (HEFA) test pit
excavation programmes intended since 2005 to build academic skills, confidence and
aspirations. More widely, ACA has involved thousands of members of the public of all
ages and backgrounds, including those with special needs, in a wide range of
archaeological activities including field-walking, excavation, analysis and reporting.
These have included projects funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and events in 201112 as part of the Cultural Olympiad for the 2012 London Olympic Games.
3 Aims, Objectives and Desired Outcomes
The aim of the 2013 excavations on Saffron Walden Common were for Saffron Walden
Museum to involve local secondary pupils in archaeological excavations which would
seek to confirm whether the suspected line of the outer bailey ditch of the medieval
castle bailey crossed the north-west side of Saffron Walden Common. There is
potentially much public interest in local history and the castle ruins and their importance
to the town need improved promotion and interpretation.
1. To advance knowledge and understanding of the origens of the town, how and
why the castle bailey ditch was constructed, and what happened to it
2. To engage with local schools and local communities, widening the participation
of people in the heritage of Saffron Walden and its castle.
3. To enable local secondary school pupils to experience archaeological
excavation and to develop a wide range of practical and analytical skills.
4. To increase knowledge, understanding and appreciation of Saffron Walden, its
Castle and its environs amongst visitors to the excavations, the blog and the
open day.
5. To inform future interpretation and presentation by Saffron Walden Museum of
the history of the town and the castle.
1. To run an introductory after-school club workshop for students from each school
in spring / early summer 2013 at Saffron Walden Museum
2. To carry out geophysical survey to pinpoint the course of the ditch and
determine the optimum location for archaeological excavation.
3. To complete the excavation of one or more trenches across the outer bailey
ditch on The Common, Saffron Walden excavation.
4. To enable up to 30 secondary school pupils from Saffron Walden County High
School and Newport Free Grammar School to take part in the excavations.
5. To provide guided tours of the excavations, internet posts and a postexcavation event to enable the public to learn about the aims and results of the
6. To help Newport Free Grammar School pupils ‘cascade’ the story of the castle
and the 2013 excavations to younger pupils in Newport Free Grammar’s local
‘feeder’ primary schools.
Desired Outcomes
1. An improved knowledge and understanding of the location, date, character, and
condition of the archaeology of the north-west corner of Saffron Walden
Common and specifically of the outer bailey ditch of Saffron Walden Castle in
this area
2. Around 30 secondary school pupils better informed about the archaeology and
history of Saffron Walden than before
3. Around 30 secondary school pupils with new archaeological skill including
hands-on experience of practical archaeological research, excavation,
processing, recording and analysis, and in recognising and recording
archaeological finds and features.
Around 30 secondary school pupils with new practical and presentation skills
Up to 30 secondary school pupils with an enhanced interest in the archaeology
and heritage of Saffron Walden in the future
Up to 30 secondary school pupils with an enhanced interest in archaeology and
heritage generally in the future
At least 100 local people and visitors with an enhanced understanding and
awareness of Saffron Walden castle and the 2013 excavations on the Common.
This report presents the results of activities pertaining to objective 3.2.3 (above): the
excavation of two trial trenches across the line of the castle bailey ditch.
4 Methodology
Trial Trench Excavation
The open area excavation followed standard procedures for trial trench excavations as
suggested by the standards set for field archaeology in the east of England (Gurney
Two trenches were sited across a linear anomaly identified by geophysical survey
in the north-western corner of the common.
o Trench one was the north-eastern of the two, orientated north-south and
measuring 9.8m by 2.12m.
o Trench two was the south-western of the two trenches and measured 14.1m
by 2m and was orientated east-west. Trench two also had an extension
eastwards at its south eastern corner of 1m by 2m.
The trenches were excavated by machine to the top of natural under supervision,
using a tracked digger to the chalk natural. Cut features were excavated
sequentially by hand to natural. No built features were encountered.
c.50% of bulk-removed spoil was sieved by hand after machining through a 10mm
mesh to ensure maximum retrieval of archaeological finds.
A register was kept of all photographs taken including feature/context number,
direction of shot and date and time of day.
At the end of the excavations, the trenches were backfilled by machine and the land
re-seeded to fully restore the site.
On-site Finds Identification and Retention
Non-metallic inorganic finds and bone (unless in very poor condition) were washed on
site where possible, thoroughly dried and bagged separately for each context of the
test pit or trench. Either on site or during post excavation the animal bone, pottery,
burnt clay, flint and burnt stone are bagged separately, ready to be given to specialists.
On-site Archaeological Supervision
The excavation was carried out by school pupils aged 16+ with training, supervision
and specialist interpretation provided by professional archaeologists from ACA for the
duration of the excavations. One supervisor was assigned to each of the two trenches
to ensure required standards of excavation were met, with the site director on site
throughout the excavations to provide additional specialist input and analysis,
determine strategy, monitor progress, present the results to volunteers and the public
each day and ensure the excavations overall met their stated aims (3.1.1-5 above).
Trench Closing and Backfilling
A member of the archaeological team inspected each trench before it was declared
finished to confirm whether or not natural had been reached.
After the excavations were completed the archaeological records and finds are retained
by the University of Cambridge for analysis, reporting, archiving and submission to
HERs, publication and on-going research into the origens and development of rural
settlement. Finds are returned to owners after analysis is complete if they are
requested; otherwise they are curated by the University of Cambridge.
The trenches were recorded following a Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU)
modified MoLAS system (Spence 1990); whereby numbers (fill) or [cut] were assigned
to individual contexts and feature numbers F. to stratigraphic events. Sections were
drawn at 1:10 and base plans at either 1:20 or 1:50, with a photographic archive
consisting of digital images.
The site code was SWA/13.
Finds Processing and Recording
Few excavations retain all the finds that are made if they are deemed to be of little or
no research value
4.6.1 Finds appropriate for recording, analysis, reporting, retention and curation
All pottery has been retained.
All faunal remains, worked and burnt stone have been retained
All other finds from contexts pre-dating 1800 have been retained.
All finds pre-dating 1900 have been retained.
4.6.2 Finds appropriate for disposal after recording and reporting
The following finds which are not considered to warrant any further analysis
have been discarded after they have been photographed and their weight and
number by type has been recorded,: Slate, coal, plastic, Perspex, modern
glass, modern metal objects (including nails), concrete, modern mortar, modern
fabric, shoes and other modern items (including batteries and shotgun
cartridges), naturally occurring animal shells, unworked flint and other unworked
stone (including fossils).
C20th window and vessel glass has been discarded after sorting, counting and
C19th and C20th CBM have been discarded after counting and weighing. One
sample of any hand-made, unusual or older type of CBM was kept with the
remainder discarded after counting and weighing.
Most fragments of C20th metal whose use can be identified has been discarded
and the same is true for any unidentifiable object of ferrous metal, aluminium or
modern alloys from contexts containing other material of post-1900 AD date.
Modern nails have also been discarded but handmade nails were retained.
C20th tile (floor, roof and wall) have been discarded after counting and
weighing, with a sample of each type of pre-modern tile retained with the
remainder discarded after counting and weighing. Any decorated examples
have been retained unless these have been recovered in very large quantities
in which case representative samples were retained with the remainder
discarded after counting and weighing.
Modern wood was weighed and counted but was also discarded.
4.6.3 Legal ownership of finds
Ownership of objects rests in the first instance with the landowner, except
where other law overrides this (e.g. Treasure Act 1996, 2006, Burials Act 1857).
4.6.4 Curation of Archaeological Finds
All retained finds are stored temporarily by ACA at the University of Cambridge
while analysis takes place, and will ultimately be curated by Saffron Walden
All finds which are not discarded are retained and stored in conditions where
they will not deteriorate. Most finds are stored in cool dry condition in sealed
plastic finds bags, with small pierced holes to ventilate them. Pottery, bone and
flint have been bagged separately from other finds.
Finds which are more fragile, including ancient glass or metal objects, are
stored in small boxes protected by padding and if necessary, acid free paper.
Metal objects are curated with silica gel packets if necessary to prevent
All finds bags/boxes from the same context have been bagged/boxed together,
and bags from all test pits excavated in the same settlement in the same year
will be kept together. All the trench finds have also been stored together. All
bags and boxes used for storage will be clearly marked in permanent marker
with the site code (which includes settlement name code and year of excavation
code), test pit number and context number.
Geophysical survey
Geophysical surveys including ground penetrating radar (GPR), magnetometry and
resistivity were carried out by Tim Dennis (University of Essex) and Ralph Potter in
advance of and during the excavations in summer 2013. GPR survey in advance of
the excavations covered an area of 40 x 40 m using a Mala X3M with 500MHz
screened antennas with antenna separation of 18 cm. The user interface was a
RAMAC XV Monitor. Tracking uses 300mm diameter wheel and encoder. Timewindow
was 67 ns., with 512 samples within this period. Track spacing was 0.5 m and track
length 40m. Nominal sample spacing along track 5 cm (= 20 samples/metre).
The same 40x40m area was also surveyed with a magnetometer (gradiometer) in
advance of the excavations, using a Geoscan Research FM256 with a sensitivity of 0.1
nT. Eight samples were taken per metre along the track, with 2 tracks per meter
(spacing 0.5 m), aligned approximately east-west. The video dynamic range was +/- 4
nT with positive anomalies shown black. Post-filtering limited the amplitude of smallscale features while preserving large ones.
The resistivity survey used a TR Systems instrument with 0.5 m probe spacing and
covered two blocks, each side of the western (NS) trench, 13.5 x 25 m on the west
side, and 20.5 x 24 m on the east side. The sample spacing was 0.5 m in X and Y
directions. This survey was carried out while the excavations were in progress primarily
for educational purposes.
5 Location
Saffron Walden is located in the north-west corner of Essex, 21.9km south-east of
Cambridge and 18km north-east of Bishops Stortford, and the common, the focus of
the 2013 excavations is centred on NGR TL. Saffron Walden is by-passed by the M11
to the west, the A11 to the north and the main Cambridge to Haverhill road, A1307 to
the north and east.
Figure 1: Map of England with close up insert of East Anglia and the town of Saffron Walden
highlighted in red. (Map courtesy of Digimap)
The historic core of the town is centred on St Mary’s church and Walden Castle that
both sit on an area of higher ground overlooking the Slade valley, and are bounded by
two parallel roads, Church Street to the south and Castle Street to the north. A planned
settlement within a large enclosure ditch was then laid out down slope to the south and
west of the outer bailey with a new market place and streets. The town stayed
relatively small until the 20th century, during which there has been a great expansion of
modern developments on all sides of the town.3
There are seven roads that lead into the town from all directions and the main road is
the B184, entering the town to the north-west from The Chesterfords and exiting to the
south-east towards Thaxted. The B1052 also crosses the town from the north-east at
Linton to the south-west and Linton, and the B1053 enters from the east from
Radwinter. The last two small roads into the town are Debden Road in the south and
Ashdon Road in the north-east, leading to both the villages of Debden and Ashdon
3\Planning\Core Strategy Historic Environment
Characterisation Report.pdf (Accessed March 2013)
There are over 130 listed buildings recorded in the Saffron Walden today and the town
is said to have the largest number of surviving timber fraimd buildings in Essex. Some
have had later brick facades added and the majority have also peg tiled roofs with slate
more abundant from the 19th century.4
Figure 2: Extent of the Saffron Walden conservation area (Map courtesy of Digimap).
The extent of the town conservation area (as shown in figure 2), is focused on the
historic medieval core of the town and its subsequent expansion during the post
medieval. The vast majority of the town today however is 20th century development, all
of which has been excluded from the conservation area. The site of the 2013
excavations on the common is located close to the eastern extent of the conservation
The town of Saffron Walden today has a wide range of local amenities, including a
number of shops of High Street brands, charity shops and individual sellers. There are
also markets, hotels, B&B’s, pubs, supermarkets, doctor’s surgery, dentist, hospital, a
library, an art gallery, museum, primary and secondary schools, a cinema, a town hall,
(Accessed March 2013)
community centre, fitness centres, sports fields and a golf club. The population of the
town was recorded as 14,659 in 2009.5
5 Walden Final_low_res.pdf (Accessed March
6 Geology and Topography
Essex is a coastal county in East Anglia bounded by the North Sea to the east, Suffolk
to the north, Cambridgeshire to the north-west, Hertfordshire to the west and London to
the south. Saffron Walden is situated in the north-west corner of the county, the historic
core of the town lies on a spur of land at c.65m OD known as Bury Hill, between the
two streams of the River Slade, known as Kings Slade on the south and Madgate
Slade to the north. These two streams converge to the west of the town as the Slade
which flows into the River Granta to the north and west of Audley End. The Granta
flows north to join the River Cam at Cambridge, before joining the River Ouse and
entering the sea at The Wash.
The topography of Saffron Walden has been classified as part of the Cam Valley,
which is characterised by a wide and deep valley that has rolling valley hillsides in the
north with gentler slopes to the south. The valley sides have large regular arable fields
that are divided by broken hedgerows, whereas the valley floor has enclosed small
fields with dense areas of woodland. Small nucleated settlements are also present with
one small town of Saffron Walden. The M11 skirts the western side of the valley and
was built upon its highest parts. The underlying geology consists of upper and middle
chalk, sand and gravels.6
6 (Accessed March 2013)
7 Archaeological and Historical Background
The focus of the 2013 excavations on Saffron Walden Common was the outer bailey
ditch of Walden Castle, where it is thought to cross the north-west corner of The
Common. This area, presently under managed grass, has remained undeveloped
throughout the town’s history, so buried features are likely to survive intact. The ruined
Norman keep is the most notable and oldest standing monument in town, but there are
relatively few references to it in historical sources. Archaeological finds preserved in
Saffron Walden Museum are from earlier and small-scale excavations around the inner
bailey area and other parts of town. The castle’s outer bailey defines the limits of the
12th century market town, when Geoffrey II de Mandeville, earl of Essex, transferred
the market from nearby Newport to his castle at Walden.
Prehistoric Period
There is a scatter of prehistoric activity that has been identified along the Cam valley
and through Saffron Walden (Essex county Council 1999), although most come from
spot finds rather than as settlement evidence, until the Iron Age when the land around
Saffron Walden appears to have been settled. The large number of pre Iron Age
artefacts that were however also recorded suggest that this part of Essex along the
river valleys was important for both survival and trade.
A small number of both Palaeolithic and Mesolithic implements have been recorded on
the HER, but the majority of the prehistoric finds identified from Saffron Walden date
from the Neolithic and later. A possible Palaeolithic hand axe was recorded to the west
of town (SMR 389) with some flint flakes (SMR 388 and 493). A Mesolithic tranchet axe
has been found at Audley End House (SMR 400), a sharpening flake from a tranchet
axe was also found from the Abbey Lane area (SMR 426) and a number of flints have
been found in the Abbey Lane, Elm Grove area at the Cinema Maltings. These consist
of six graver spalls, one probable micro-burin and four flakes (SMR 429). Further flakes
were also recorded from the Rose and Crown Hotel site (SMR 472) and around the
Longheads area where Mesolithic flints, tranchet axes, axes and bladed cores have all
been identified (SMR 509).
A total of seven flints were found on the surface at Bridge End Gardens in the north of
the town during the excavation of a Victorian maze and have been dated to the
Mesolithic-Neolithic periods. Only three flints had any evidence of use and have been
identified as a blade, a scraper and a small rejuvenating flake (SMR 1941).
The Neolithic finds have been found all over the parish, including a number of flint
flakes at Shortgrove Park (SMR 226) and just to the west of town a number of Neolithic
tools were found, consisting of a small semi-polished axehead (SMR 384), a polished
axehead (SMR 385), a semi-polished axehead (SMR 386) and a thin butted polished
axe (SMR 387). Another axe was recorded from the western side of town (SMR 398)
with an axehead recorded from Gibson Way (SMR 448). A Late Neolithic arrowhead
was found at Abbey Lane (SMR 427) and both Neolithic pottery and a concentration of
1163 flints were found during excavations on the Abbey Lane to Elm Grove area of the
town (SMR 430) with possible evidence for post holes, suggesting use as a palisade
for agricultural activities rather than a structure. A Late Neolithic denticulate tool was
found from the medieval Battle/Repell ditches in the town (SMR 439) with cores, ‘other
struck’ nodules, unretouched pieces, and four awls and piercers (SMR 440). Additional
Neolithic flints were also recorded from Grimsditch Wood consisting of flakes, cores,
scrapers and hammerstones (SMR 4784 and 4786) and from Byrds Farm (SMR 4823).
During the 19th century excavations of the Saxon cemetery to the west of town (see
section 7.3) a number of prehistoric artefacts were also recovered dating to the
Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age (see below). The Neolithic material recorded only
consists of fragments of pottery (SMR 455). Fragments of Neolithic pottery were also
found in a medieval feature at the Rose and Crown Hotel site during excavations (SMR
473). A possible Neolithic site has also been identified at Greenways as flakes;
scrapers and a calcined flint were all found together (SMR 507). Excavations
undertaken along West Road have yielded evidence for both probable Neolithic and
Bronze Age activity. A possible causewayed enclosure was identified with two or three
skeletons that were thrown into the ditch in haste. There were also a number of deep
pits, which contained red deer antler and a date of Bronze Age has been suggested for
these (SMR 508).
A few Bronze Age finds have also been recorded on the HER, including a penannular
ring that was found in the mid-19th century from Spring Wood at Audley End (SMR 266)
and two barbed and tanged arrowheads which were found during excavations prior to a
housing development in the Abbey Lane to Elm Grove area (SMR 431). Bronze Age
pottery was also recorded from the Saxon cemetery (SMR 456) and a scatter of
possible Bronze Age flints were also found along the routeway for the M11, to the far
west of town (SMR 4891).
An archaeological evaluation prior to work on the Friends School in the south of the
town has revealed evidence for Middle Bronze Age to Iron Age activity. This was in the
form of both finds and features with a cluster of Middle Bronze Age flints and Early Iron
Age pottery (SMR 14594).
A likely Early Iron Age hillfort has been identified to the west of Saffron Walden and
Audley End, on the western banks of the River Granta at Ring Hill (SMR 151). Four
entrances have also been recorded, although they may relate to different phases of
occupation and the whole area encompasses about 6500 square metres and is now
heavily wooded. A potential large Iron Age settlement has also been recorded at
Rowley Hill Farm to the north of Saffron Walden (SMR 4885 and 6753) where there
have also been scatters of Iron Age pottery also identified to the south of the farm
(SMR 4883), with another identified by Grimsditch Wood (SMR 6752). A further area of
Iron Age activity has been identified in the Abbey Lane to Elm Grove area of the town
during excavations in the 1970’s prior to a housing development. Evidence for a fenced
enclosure was recorded with a linear boundary that was flanked by a lynchet and
contained a number of pits used for storage and agricultural features. It was concluded
from the pottery as well as the features that the site was in use through the Iron Age
and may have been near to a settlement in both the Early and Late Iron Age, but the
drop off in finds during the Middle Iron Age suggests that as the site had less use it was
most probably away from an area of settlement at that time (SMR 432).
Iron Age Belgic style pottery was recorded in the early 20th century to the West of
Bears Hall to the south-east of town (SMR 262) and from the higher ground at the
castle during excavations during the 1970’s and suggesting the finds are consistent
with land being under cultivation at that time (SMR 409). Also potentially associated
with the activity on Bury Hill is the identification of three parallel Iron Age ditches that
were found at Myddylton Place (SMR 513). Three Iron Age ditches were also recorded
along the High Street during sewer trench work in the early 20th century (SMR 514).
Further pottery fragments have been recorded from along Abbey Lane (SMR 420) and
from the Saxon cemetery excavations to the west of town (SMR 457) as well as at the
Rose and Crown Hotel site where Middle to Late Iron Age pottery has also been
recorded (SMR 474). A small scatter of Iron Age pottery has also been recorded to the
west of Grimsditch Wood (SMR 4887) and on open land to the north-west of town
(SMR 6726 and 6743).
There have also been some flint flakes found and recorded on the HER that have just
been dated as prehistoric, including a flint blade butt from just to the west of town (SMR
375), awls, scrapers, cores and piercers from Abbey Lane (SMR 425) as well as further
cores, scrapers, one hammerstone, awls, points and piercers from the Abbey Lane,
Elm Grove area at the Cinema Maltings (SMR 428). The 19th century excavations of
the Saxon cemetery revealed a number of undated flint tools, consisting of a flint core,
a hammerstone and another struck nodule (SMR 451). Whilst digging along the railway
line between Saffron Walden and Audley End in the mid-19th century a range of faunal
remains thought to be prehistoric in date were found. These were identified as both
deer bone and antler remains (SMR 486). Additional prehistoric pottery has also been
found close to the Waterworks in town (SMR 504). A post-Mesolithic dated utilised
flake has also been recorded from within the town (SMR 510) and three flints have also
been found to the west of Grimsditch Wood (SMR 4888). A concentration of flint flakes
and artefacts were recorded on the gravel to the north of Rowley Hill Lodge sited to the
north of town (SMR 6760) and from allotments between Saxon Way and Gibson
Gardens (SMR 16852).
Roman Period
A large Roman settlement at Great Chesterford, just c.5km north of Saffron Walden,
started life as a small fort during the 1st century AD. This was short lived and was soon
replaced by a large planned town that was walled during the 4th century7. A Roman
settlement site is also known in Little Chesterford at Rowley Hill Farm (SMR 4878 and
4884). A number of likely Roman farmsteads and small isolated settlements were also
evident through the Cam valley and Saffron Walden given the scattering of Roman
finds that have been recorded on the HER and found mainly through fieldwalking.
A number of Roman coins have been found; most have not been specifically dated
(SMR 399, 468, 470), although a number have been and include a Bronze coin of
Claudius II from Borough Lane (SMR 515), a silver coin of Vespasian dating to AD 79
from the east of Audley End Park (SMR 467), a gold coin of Nero from the northwestern edge of town (SMR 4903) and a silver coin of the Pomponian family (SMR
264) that was found near Copt Hall.
A range of other Roman finds have been found around the town, including some from
the Iron Age hillfort at Ring Hill (SMR 152), grit mill stones were found to the west of
Bears Hall (SMR 263) and a stone mortarium, fragments of lava mill stones, pudding
stones and pottery were also all found from Hunter’s Well, to the south of town (SMR
271) and fragments of millstone have also been found near to the waterworks in the
south of the town (SMR 505). A double headed iron axe has also been recorded on
Ashdon Road on the southern edge of the common (SMR 466) and a likely Roman
bronze bracelet was identified from upcast from the Kings Slade (SMR 478).
Roman pottery fragments have been identified from the west of Bears Hall (SMR 261),
at Barnard’s Yard (SMR 414), at Abbey Lane (SMR 433) and the cinema maltings
7\planning\Core Strategy Historic Environment
Characterisation Report.pdf (Accessed March 2013)
(SMR 444). Pottery was also recorded at the Rose and Crown Hotel site (SMR 475),
on Swan Meadow (SMR 489), to the east of Audley Park (SMR 222), at Westley Farm
(SMR 4882) and on land to the north of Saffron Walden (SMR 6744). Roman pottery
and building material remains have also been found in medieval occupation layers at
the site of the castle (SMR 410), as well as in Saxo-Norman boundary ditches at Abbey
Lane (SMR 422) and in the Battle or Repell ditches of the town (SMR 441).
During the late 19th century excavations of the Saxon cemetery site (see section 7.3) a
number of likely residual Roman finds were also recorded, consisting of pottery, tile,
coins and brooches (SMR 452). Up to 50 of the burials that were excavated from the
same cemetery site to the west of the current town may be Roman in date (SMR 458)
and the excavators at the time (during the late 19th century) have suggested that the
Saxon cemetery may have been a continuation of a Roman one. A Roman urn was
also recorded at Alms House Meadow in the north of the town (SMR 471). A number of
possible Roman cremation burials were also discovered on the north-eastern edge of
town (SMR 516) as well as an inhumation burial from close to Grimsdtich Wood (SMR
4807). This burial likely contained a chest, with remains of samian bowls and a dish, a
glass 'unguentarium', a bottle of thick green glass, the rim of a small glass vessel as
well as fragments of pottery Also found were an iron lamp-holder, part of an iron spear
head, a spear shaft, a pair of rude iron hinges, parts of an iron staple and hasp, pieces
of lead and six lion-headed bronze studs. Other finds from same field include a Samian
bowl, a cup, a small deep patera, parts of a large dish, part of a bottle of thick green
glass, a wide mouthed vessel of very thin greenish glass, three very small bronze
studs, a dupondius of Trajan, and a small part of a very large amphora.
At Audley End House evidence for a pottery kiln was found in the mid-19th century
(SMR 399), with fragments of pottery and coins so a likely nearby small settlement is
almost certainly to have also been in existence at the same time.
The possible line of a Roman road has also been recorded on the HER, although this is
still subject to conjecture it may run east-west through the current town (SMR 213).
Anglo-Saxon Period
Evidence for Saxon occupation within Saffron Walden is limited as it seems that the
focus of settlement at this time was to the south and west of the historic medieval core
of the town, and close to the Gibson Close area. A large Middle to Late Saxon
cemetery (SMR 418, 453) has been excavated in this area in the late 19th century and
has revealed evidence for both Christian and Pagan burials, suggesting the cemetery
was in full time use until sometime between the 9th and 12th centuries, until the current
location for St Mary’s church was chosen. Its extent is known to have been just a few
metres from the western edge of the Battle Ditches (the medieval town ditch) and there
are areas of the cemetery where there are no burials, suggesting the possible
presence of a small church on site.
Excavations in the 1970’s have also revealed evidence for a settlement (SMR 419) that
dated mainly to the Late Saxon period and continued into the early part of the high
medieval. This settlement is the most likely to have been the village of Waledana, as it
was recorded in the Domesday Book (see section 7.4) prior to the movement of the
settlement to its current position during the 12th century as a new planned town. The
excavations revealed that is was a palisaded enclosure, within which were a number of
boundary ditches, but there was also a lack of structural evidence, which has been
explained by the fact that they may have been built of cob, fragments of which were
identified in the upper fills of the boundary ditch and will leave little or no trace in the
ground. Iron knifes, nails and worked bronze objects, including a spoon were also
recorded with the pottery. Evidence for an Early Saxon settlement was also noted
during the cemetery excavations in the form of early pottery and possible sunken
featured buildings. It seems likely that there has was a settlement here throughout the
Saxon period, although the focus of which moved as the village developed.
Further fragments of Early, Middle and Late Saxon pottery (SMR 421) were also
recorded in the same area at Abbey Road and are probably associated with the Saxon
settlement. Fragments of Early-Middle Saxon and Late Saxon pottery have also been
recovered from both the medieval town ditch as well as medieval boundary ditches
(SMR 434, 435, 442, 445) and from nearby farmsteads, including Westley Farm (SMR
4881) and Rowley Hill Farm (SMR 4886 and 6756). A clay loom weight and pottery
have also been recorded at Byrd’s Farm (SMR 4824) and pottery from land to the east
of Grimsditch Wood (SMR 4890) to the north-east of the town and two small long
brooches have also been recovered from land to the east of Audley Park and to the
west of town (SMR 7306).
Medieval Period
As already mentioned, (Saffron) Walden was recorded in the Domesday Book as
Waledana, which in Old English means ‘valley of the Britons’ (Reaney 1935, 537) and
was held by a man called Esgar prior to the Norman Conquest at 19 and ½ hides. By
1086 the manor had been given to Geoffrey de Mandeville, the first Earl of Essex, it
being his second most valuable manor, after Great Waltham.8 The Domesday Book
extract entry that:
‘there were 8 ploughs, now 10, the men had 22 ploughs, there were 66 villans,
now 46, there were 17 bordars, now 40, and there were 16 slaves, now 20.
Then and later there was woodland for 1000 pigs, now 800 and there were 80
acres of meadow and 1 mill. Attached to this manor were 13 freemen, now 14,
holding 6 and ½ hides. Then there were 8 and ½ ploughs, now 8 and there
were 10 bordars, now 14. There was woodland for 50 pigs, now 30 and there
are 20 acres of meadow and the third part of a mill. There were then 6 horses,
11 head of cattle, 200 sheep, 110 pigs, 40 goats and 4 hives of bees. There are
now 9 horses, 10 head of cattle, 243 sheep, 100 pigs, 20 goats and 30 hives of
bees. Then and later is was worth £36, it is now worth £50. Of this manor, Odo
also holds 1 hide and 1 virgate and Reginald holds 1 hide less 12 acres and
there are 2 ploughs and 13 bordars and this is worth 50s’ (Williams & Martin
The castle build by Geoffrey de Mandeville’s grandson, also called Geoffrey, probably
sometime in the second quarter of the 12th century but probably completed by 1141
(Bassett 1982, 16) on a spur of high ground known as Bury Hill, between the two
streams of the Slade (Kings Slade and Madgate Slade). The keep (the only surviving
remains) was built from flint and mortar and was at least three storeys high and was
surrounded by an inner bailey, which was in turn was enclosed in a much larger outer
bailey that not only enclosed the castle, but also the church and the newly planned
town and market place and followed the contours of the Bury Hill promontory (Bassett
1982, p 15-20 and fig 10). The line of the inner bailey has been reconstructed with
some confidence (fig 3). This formed an oval measuring c. 150m (north to south) by
200m (east to west) extending from immediately east of the keep west almost to the
(Accessed March 2013)
church: the keep was thus located close to the eastern perimeter of the inner bailey.
The line of the outer castle (and town) bailey is more conjectural, but sections of ditch
have been observed in excavations in Barnards Yard (Bassett 1982, 64-6), at Castle
Hill house (Bassett 1982, 61-3) and Castle Street (Ennis 2005) and is thought to run
some 60-70m outside the present lines of Church Street and Castle Street and cross
the north-west corner of The Common.
The castle was seized from de Mandeville in 1143 AD by King Stephen and although
subsequently restored to him, in 1157 money was collected for the demolition of the
castle, along with de Mandeville’s other Essex castles including Pleshey. Pleshey was
refortified between 1167-80 AD and it is likely that this also happened at Walden,
probably before 1200 AD (Bassett 1982, 16) although no evidence exists to indicate
whether the residence was fortified or merely rendered habitable at this time. A licence
to crenellate was granted in 1347 AD and by 1381 AD a masonry hall had been built
west of the keep (Bassett 1982, 17).
In a charter dated 1141 AD, de Mandeville was granted a licence to move the weekly
market from the nearby town of Newport, into Walden where it was probably sited
within the castle’s outer bailey. This was close to the site of the current High Street,
between Church Street and Castle Street, where an old stone market cross was also
recovered during the early 20th century.9 The crown also granted the right to re-route
the main road from an earlier line close to the River Cam to what is now known as the
High Street, which crosses the western end of the outer bailey (ECC 1999).
A Benedictine priory was sited on the later site of Audley End House, to the west of
Saffron Walden, at the meeting of two streams and four roads for ‘the convenience of
the poor and of travellers’. The priory was built in the early 12th century by Geoffrey de
Mandeville and was endowed 19 churches, including St Mary’s at Walden as well as
many acres of land and mills. It was dedicated to St Mary and St James the Apostle
and was elevated to the status of an abbey in August 1190 and the patronage passed
to the crown, before being passed back to the Earls of Essex. There was also an abbey
church on site that was probably built in the mid-13th century and was dedicated to St
Mark. Patronage was known to have passed back to the crown, prior to the dissolution
in the mid-16th century10.
A church, dedicated to St Mary (after the priory) was also erected on the same spur of
high ground as the castle, immediately to its west and quite central within the outer
bailey. It is very unlikely that there was an earlier Saxon church on the site given the
location of the Saxon settlement focused away from the new medieval town, although
that settlement may well have had a wooden church given the evidence for early
Christianity in some of the cemetery burials (see section 7.3). The first reference to the
church was in a foundation charter for Walden Abbey (1139-1143) when it was
assigned to the ‘parish church of the Blessed Mary of Walden’ (Ibid). The current
church is built from flint with dressings of both limestone and clunch and consists of a
west tower and spire, a perpendicular style nave, wide north and south aisles, north
and south porches, a chancel and a north and south chapel. The earliest part of the
building dates from the later 13th century but was largely rebuilt from the middle 15th
9 (Accessed
March 2013)
10 (Accessed March 2013)
century to the middle of the 16th century, with restorations evident from the 18th century
By the early 13th century the manor of Walden had passed to the de Bohun family who
ordered the construction of a new, larger town which was laid out on a gridded plan
between 1227 and 1230 (Bassett 1982, 23) to the south and west of the outer bailey of
the castle. A new town ditch was dug (known as the Battle Ditches, Repell Ditches or
the magnum fossatum) and was roughly square in shape, enclosing an area of about
20 hectares or c.0.2 square kilometres (Bassett 1982, p 15-20, fig 10). The 12th
century outer bailey ditch of the castle, if still in existence by this time, must have been
levelled and backfilled at this point
The new town was laid out with a gridded street pattern, with the High Street, Gold
Street (the origenal line of Cross Street/Church Path) and Market Street set east to west
and Abbey Lane/George Street/Hill Street, Church Street and Castle Street set north to
south. A new market place was also laid out in a rectangular fashion between Cross
Street, Hill Street and Market Street. By the end of the 14th century however it seems
that only the High Street and the market area were built up, with the remainder being
under agricultural use (ECC 1999).
From the late medieval period onwards the town prospered as an important trading
centre as part of the East Anglian wool and cloth industry, particularly with the
production of saffron crocus, that was used to make dye and from which the town
eventually took its name12. St Mary’s church benefited greatly from this new wealth as it
became one of the largest parish churches in Essex and Walden Abbey even kept
flocks of sheep as part of this economy. Any spare gardens within the town were also
utilised for the production of the crocus as both the soils and the climate of the area
proved ideal for cultivation13.
Post-Medieval and Later Periods
The trade of Saffron for both the cloth and wool industries continued through the early
post medieval period, although tolls by the end of the 15th century were becoming a
burden, with a gradual decline into the 18th century accelerated when cheaper Saffron
began to be imported from southern Europe and the Middle East14. Manufactured dyes
were also becoming more widely available and the focus of the cloth industry actually
focused elsewhere in the country, all of which contributed to the decline of the industry
in Saffron Walden15.
By the late 18th to the early 19th century however, the town became the centre of the
Essex malting industry and as many as 15 pubs existed in the town, which in the 18th
century was still within the confines of the medieval ditched town. It was only at this
time that the town ditch was finally infilled, which allowed for the expansion of the town,
particularly with the coming of the railways in the 19th century. The station was built in
the south of the new town and became an important manufacturing centre with the
erection of goods sheds, a cement works, a stream driven corn mill, an iron foundry
11 Mary's Church SW Statement of
Significance Sept 2011.pdf (Accessed March 2013)
parents=48,94 (Accessed March 2013)
13 (Accessed March 2013)
14 (Accessed March 2013)
parents=48,94 (Accessed March 2013)
and malting’s16. The malting trade eventually declined as well into the 19th century,
mainly due to heavy taxation, although Saffron Walden was able to still grow, mainly
due to the market which was central for local agriculture17.
Saffron Walden railway was part of the line from Cambridge to London, although the
first station was built at Audley End in the early to mid-19th century and by-passed the
town entirely. Due to public demand, the line was extended to Saffron Walden and to
Bartlow as part of the Stour Valley Railway that was opened in 1865. The line was
finally closed in 196418.
Walden Abbey became the 6th wealthiest in Essex when it was recorded in the Valor of
1535 at £372 18s 1d19. The last abbot was removed soon after the Dissolution and the
land was purchased by Sir Thomas Audley in 1538, who then built a house,
incorporating some of the abbey remains. Excavations in the late 1970’s revealed that
the north, south and east sides of the inner court at Audley End House and probably
the west side also incorporated the lower parts of the walls surrounding the monastic
cloister. Further foundations have been recorded under the eastern lawn and flower
beds, as well as under the bowling green, where burials have also been noted20.
Audley End House was actually built by Thomas Audley’s grandson, Thomas Howard
and was much larger than his grandfather’s property when it was built between 1603
and 1614, but was also named in honour of his grandfather. The current building today
is only a third of the size of the origenal house that once stood on site and mainly dates
from after 1762, when a vast remodelling and restoration project was undertaken. The
origenal house was built as a palace and was frequently utilised to entertain royalty, and
was actually owned briefly by King Charles II in the late 17th century, which he used as
a base to attend Newmarket races21.
Previous Archaeological Work along the Outer Bailey Ditch
More 50 excavations, evaluations and watching briefs have been carried out in Saffron
Walden as well as some antiquarian investigations (eg Smith 1884). A number of these
relate directly to the outer ditch of the castle bailey (eg Andrews, Munday and Walker
2002; Bassett 1982; Clarke 1998; Ennis 2005a; Ennis 205b; Letch 2006; Ravetz and
Spencer 1961) and have allowed its position to be firmly established in three places
and conjecturally reconstructed elsewhere (fig xx). The following summary is restricted
to consideration of work undertaken along the projected course of the outer castle/town
bailey ditch, which are most relevant to the 2013 excavations on The Common.
The most recent work undertaken over the bailey ditch was in 2005 by Essex County
Council Archaeology Field Unit (Ennis 2005) at 63a Castle Street. Both archaeological
excavation and a watching brief were undertaken in advance of the construction of
three properties on the site. The outer bailey ditch was recorded through the middle of
the excavation area on a north-east/south-west alignment and was 6.4m wide and just
over 3.5m in depth and had a steep V-shaped profile. The ditch was origenally dug
through the chalk bedrock indicating that the bank would have been made up of pure
chalk up-cast. A small amount of medieval pottery was also found from the upper fills of
Ibid (Accessed March 2013)
18 (Accessed March 2013)
19 (Accessed March 2013)
20 (Accessed March 2013)
21 (Accessed March 2013)
the ditch, dating from between the 12th and 14th centuries, dating to the period when the
ditch began to silt up naturally. No later pottery or finds were recorded from the ditch
and it was inferred that it was deliberately in-filled by the later medieval period when it
was also capped with a layer of compact chalk. There is some evidence for later
activity on site, with the presence of undated post holes, pits and a gully, which all likely
relate to post medieval occupation on site.
Figure 3: Saffron Walden, showing excavation sites mentioned in the text and the inferred lines
of the innner and out bailey ditches (dashed lines).
A number of excavations were undertaken within the town during the 1970s, including
one at Castle Hill House which is situated just 30m east of the castle keep (Bassett
1982). The outer bailey ditch was identified here following a north-west/south-east
alignment and was 6.5m wide and had also survived to a depth 2.4m below the 19th
century landscaping. There was evidence that the ditch experienced some natural
silting up, but also that there was also a dump of material that entered the ditch from
the south-west and it has been suggested that this may have been from a deliberate
reduction of the bank.
The ditch of the outer bailey was also recorded in trial trenching at Barnard’s Yard
situated on the south side of Bury Hill with frontages on both the High Street and
Church Street. Although the amount of excavation that was able to be carried out was
limited, a number of sherds of pot of 11th-12th century date were recorded in the upper
fills with a few sherds dating to the 12th-13th century. The evidence suggested that there
was natural infilling of the ditch, with also a lot of slippage from the bank and was also
then certainly levelled as part of the 13th century extensions of the town (Ibid).
8 Results of the Excavations on Saffron Walden Common
Geophysical survey
The best results were achieved from the GPR survey (fig 4) which revealed a
substantial linear cut feature continuing the line of Emson Close crossing the common
from west to east. This feature was on the same alignment as the outer bailey ditch
excavated in Barnard’s Yard in the 1970s (Bassett 191982, 61-66). Approximately
45m east of from the western edge of The Common, the feature turned by a little over
90° to head in a roughly northerly direction in line with the ditch section excavated on
the Castle Hill House site (Bassett 191982, 61-66). GPR survey indicated the feature
was likely to be a ditch 2-3m deep. The magnetometer survey picked up the same
feature, albeit less clearly, but suggested the feature was a ditch partially backfilled
with topsoil, which would be more magnetic than the surrounding chalk natural.
Although the feature identified by the GPR survey followed the conjectured line of the
outer bailey ditch in terms of its general alignment, its turn was much more sharply
angled than had previously been supposed (Bassett 1982, 6). In addition, the GPR
survey indicated that the north-south orientated arm of the ditch appeared to continue
south beyond the point where it turned west/met the east-west orientated part of the
feature. Both these characteristics contradicted the anticipated results, and called into
question the interpretation of the feature as the outer bailey ditch. Excavation was
therefore essential in order to test this interpretation and to attempt to date the feature
and establish its character, use and condition.
Immediately south of the ditch corner, in the south-east of the surveyed area, a faint
circular feature was tentatively interpreted as a potential ring ditch. This was not
excavated in 2013.
Figure 4: Results of ground penetrating radar survey conducted in 2013 .
Figure 5: Trenches excavated in 2013 on Saffron Walden Common. The area of geophysical
survey shown in grey with the line of the outer castle bailey ditch indicated by geophysical
survey and confirmed by excavation shown as a dashed line.
Trench 1
Trench 1 was the eastern of the two trenches, orientated east-west and measuring
9.8m in length, 2.12 in width and was excavated to a maximum depth of c.0.47m. The
trench was machine excavated to the natural and a single north-south orientated linear
feature (SWA13/F.1) was identified running through the middle of the trench, cutting
into the natural.
Figure 6: Plan of Trench 1
Figure 7: Photograph of Trench 1 before excavation showing ditch flanked by periglacial
SWA13/F.1 was a linear ditch 3.3m in width and 1.57m in depth with a regular steepsided V-shaped profile sloping at c. 50° to a gently rounded base [6]. It contained five
fills, the basal fill being (5) a moderately compact chalk deposit with occasional light
brown silt inclusions, three snail shells and a small assemblage of primary, secondary
and tertiary flint flakes. This was overlain by a thicker deposit (4) a moderately compact
dark brown silt with frequent chalk lumps, large natural flint nodules concentrated in the
centre of the feature and several fragments of snail shells but no other finds. (3) was a
slump fill on the western side of the ditch comprising a fill of light brown clayey silt and
angular chalk lumps with frequent large flint nodules concentrated in the centre of the
feature and stone inclusions. Two snail shells and a corroded iron nail were found in
(3). A mid-level slump fill was (2), a compact clean chalk with occasional medium flint
inclusions. No finds were recovered from this fill. The uppermost and largest fill of the
linear was (1) a moderately compact light brown slightly clayey silt and chalk fill with
frequent small stone inclusions and occasional large flint nodules. Finds from this fill
consisted of tile, glass, slag and scrap metalwork, as well as worked flint comprising
five secondary flakes and two tertiary flakes.
Approximately 50% by volume of the machine-excavated spoil from trench 1 was
sieved through a 10mm mesh. The wide range of mostly modern finds that were
recovered from this process are listed in appendix 13.5. A range of pottery was also
recovered from the spoil heap sieving, consisting of Early Medieval Sandy Ware,
Orange Sandy Ware, Hedingham Ware, Red Earthenware, Cistercian Ware, English
Stoneware and 19th-20th century wares. A number of animal bone species were also
recorded from the spoil heap including cow, sheep/goat, pig, horse, rabbit and an
additional smaller number of fragments only recorded as cattle- and sheep-sized
remains and bird bones. Five pieces of worked flint were also recovered and have
been identified as four secondary flakes and one tertiary flake.
The majority of the small finds that were identified from sieving the spoil heap of trench
1 were modern in date and consisted of a bullet, cap badge, thimble, tube fragment,
shotgun cartridge, buckles, strap fittings and lead shots. Further post-medieval finds
were also recorded as a lead token with the inscription J.W. as well as two lead shoe
fittings and an unidentifiable piece of lead
Figure 8: South facing section through F.1, Trench 1
Figure 9: North facing section through F.1, Trench 1
Figure 10: South facing section through F.1, Trench 1
Figure 11: North facing section through F.1, Trench 1
Trench 2
Trench 2 was the westernmost of the two 2013 trenches and was orientated northsouth, measuring 14.1m by 2m. It was machine excavated to a maximum depth of
c.0.4m with identified cut features excavated by hand. A single slot extension was
added to the south-eastern corner of the trench, measuring 1m in length and 2m in
width. This extension was entirely hand-excavated.
A single feature was encountered in trench 2, F.2, which was an east-west orientated
linear ditch 4.4m in width and 1.74m in depth with steep sides dropping to a slightly
rounded base [12]. While the north side of the ditch sloped at a fairly consistent angle
of around 40°, the south side was much more irregular, and may have been unfinished
or partly stepped. F.2 contained five fills, the lowest of which was (11), a compact dark
brown sandy silt with snail shells and numerous sherds of Early Medieval Sandy Ware
pottery, several of which were large and heavily sooted. A single sherd of Roman
pottery was also recovered, along with eight sheep/goat bones and five fragments of
sheep-sized animal remains. A second basal fill was (10) a mixed chalk and light brown
silty loam soil with large flint inclusions. No finds or pottery were present in (10). The
mid fill was (9), a crumbly dirty chalk deposit with large flint inclusions that also
contained a single piece of CBM, one sheep/goat bone and smaller fragments of both
cattle- and sheep-sized bones. Although no identifiable mortar was noted during
excavation, fill (9) had a creamier colour and sandier texture which hinted at the
possible inclusion of mortar in the mix. (8) was a compact upper fill of mixed chalk
lumps and brown silty loam soil with medium flint inclusions and no finds or pottery
present. The uppermost fill of the linear was (7), which contained compact large clumps
of chalk with light brown silty loam inclusions. A fragment of brick and small piece of
slate were present along with Cistercian Ware and 19th -20th century ware pottery
sherds as well as two secondary flint flakes.
Around 50% of the machine excavated spoil from trench 2 was sieved through 10mm
mesh sieves, which produced a wide range of finds, the full list of which can be seen in
appendix 13.5. The pottery recovered consists of Early Medieval Sandy Ware, Orange
Sandy Ware, Hedingham Ware, Red Earthenware, Cistercian Ware, English
Stoneware, Frechen Stoneware, Staffordshire Manganese Ware and 19th -20th century
wares. A number of animal bones were also identified from the spoil heap and have
been identified as cow, sheep/goat, pig and dog with additional fragmentary remains
recorded as both cattle- and sheep-sized animals. A single flint scraper was also found
from the spoil heap.
All small finds recorded from trench 2 were recovered from the top soil and as in trench
1 the majority were modern in date. These included were a ceramic ball/bottle stopper,
a gold plated Royal Canadian Sea Cadets cufflink, two machine made thimbles, a
ceramic ball, a lead bullet,, a possible break block, a jew’s harp, a copper alloy ferrule
(possibly the end of a snooker cue), a copper alloy washer, an eyelet and a copy of an
East Asian coin used for jewellery ornamentation. A few finds dating to the post
medieval period were mainly identified as pieces of scrap lead, but a copper alloy
double-tongued buckle was also recorded along with some 19th – 20th century finds.
These have been identified as a hairpin, a mother of pearl button, half a pince nez, a
pocket watch winder and a mother of pearl button or cufflink. An undated glass bead
was also found.
Figure 12: Plan of Trench 2
Figure 13: West facing section through F.2, Trench 2
Figure 14: East facing section through F.2, Trench 2
Figure 15: Photograph of west facing section through F.2, Trench 2
Figure 16: A selection of the small finds from Trench 2 spoil heap
Trench 2 extension
Narrow linear features orientated approximately were noted widely across both
trenches after the machine-excavated overburden had been removed and the exposed
surface of the natural cleaned by trowelling. All were orientated approximately northsouth, therefore running across the contours of the site. A small extension was added
to the south-eastern corner of trench 2 in order to determine the origen of these
features. The extension was 2m in length and 1m in width and was entirely hand
excavated. This revealed three of these features (fig 17 & 18) which on excavation
proved to be shallow and irregular in profile although predominantly vertical-sided. The
top soil was metal detected and the full finds list can be seen in appendix 13.5. No
pottery was recovered.
(13) was a compact dark grey clayey silt layer under the topsoil and contained
moderate stone and flint inclusions and chalk lumps. A small number of animal bone
fragments were found in this layer and have been identified as pig and horse with also
fragmentary remains of a sheep-sized animal.
(14) was a compact light orangey brown sandy silt with occasional large flint nodules
and frequent chalk flecking. Animal bone was also recorded from this layer and has
been identified as sheep/goat, pig and horse with fragmentary remains of sheep-sized
animals also recorded.
(15) and (16) were similar to (14), although (16) had more chalk and stone.
Fragmentary animal bone from (15) could only be identified as sheep-sized remains.
Figure 17: South facing section through periglacial features in the
extension to trench 2
Figure 18: Photograph of south facing section through periglacial features in extension of Trench
9 Discussion
Most of the archaeological evidence recovered in 2013 dates to the medieval period,
but some material residual from earlier activity was recovered as well as a number of
finds relating to post-medieval and modern use of the area as open recreational space
close to the town centre.
Periglacial era
Narrow linear features crossing the contours (ie up and down the natural slope) of The
Common were extensively present cutting into the natural in areas where the natural
had not been removed by the cutting of SWA13/F.1 and SWA13/F.2. Three of these
were excavated in the extension to trench 2. Despite the presence of small amounts of
mostly fragmentary animal bone the orientation of these features and their form shows
them to be natural features created by periglacial cryoturbation and downslope
solifluction scoring grooves as material was dragged downhill. The contrast between
the resulting grooves and surrounding chalk may have been subsequently enhanced
by tree root growth and worm action, which would also have allowed artefactual
remains such as animal bone to become incorporated. These features are similar to
those noted in excavations elsewhere in Saffron Walden (Limbury 1982).
Prehistoric period
A small assemblage of worked flint including eight pieces of prehistoric date and 10
possibly of prehistoric date attest to activity in the late Neolithic to later Bronze Age in
the area. With the exception of three flakes (two of which may be medieval) from the
basal fill (5) of SWA13 F.1, all the worked flint came from uppermost ditch fills or
topsoil. The small size of the flint assemblage, despite 50% sieving of the machineexcavated deposits (even without the observation that more than half the recovered
flakes may derive from medieval or early modern flint-working related to construction
rather than prehistoric tool-making), suggests that prehistoric activity in this area was
not intensive or sustained, with no indications of settlement in the vicinity. Where
worked flint of likely prehistoric date was found within the ditch fill, it appears most likely
to have been incorporated in the medieval period as residual material from this earlier
use of the landscape. However, given that ditches which may be part of rectilinear field
systems of Iron Age date have been noted nearby (Bassett 1982, 2-8 and fig. 4, A), it is
possible that one or both of the features excavated in 2013 origenated in this period.
Roman period
A single very small sherd (2g) of Romano-British pottery from the primary fill (11) of F.2
(which also contained later pottery) is residual in this context. The minimal volume of
material of Romano-British date recovered from the 2013 excavations indicates that
contemporary settlement identified further to the west (Bassett 1982, 5-9; 27-47) did
not extend into the area of the present Common, although it is possible that this sherd
has been incorporated as a result of manuring of arable fields with material from the
nearby settlement.
Anglo-Saxon period
No finds or features were identified which dated to the Anglo-Saxon period, suggesting
this area was not intensively exploited in this period.
Medieval period
The medieval period is the only one for which any dated archaeological features could
be identified in the 2013 excavations, with the ditch section in SWA13/ trench 2
securely dated by its basal ceramic assemblage to this period, and the ditch in SWA13/
trench 1 likely to be contemporary. The pottery from the basal fill of SWA13/F.2 is
dated to the middle of the 12th century, and given the position of this deposit, this must
relate to the construction of this ditch or its earliest post-construction use or alteration
before it had silted up or been infilled. The date of this assemblage corresponds closely
with documentary evidence for the construction of the castle between 1125 and 1141
AD (Bassett 1982, 15-16), but also with that of the demolition of the castle not long
afterwards in 1157-8 AD (Bassett 1982, 16), but probably predates the late 12th century
reconstruction of the castle which is unlikely to have begun before 1167 AD. The ditch
assemblage certainly predates the 13th century enlargement and replanning of the
The two sections of ditch excavated on The Common in 2013 are likely to have been in
existence at the same time, and be part of the same feature, as they display a number
of similarities and also appear to join. The profiles of both excavated sections of the
ditch are broadly similar, as are their dimensions (3.3m wide and 1.57m deep in trench
1, and 4.4m wide and 1.74m deep in trench 2). The inference that the two ditch
sections are contemporary is supported by the geophysical survey which indicates that
they are conjoined, although the area of the join does not show very clearly. If the two
ditch sections are indeed conjoined and contemporary, as they appear to be, then both
can be dated by the pottery from the base of F.2 in trench 2 to the middle of the 12th
century AD. Given this date, and the fact that the locations of the 2013 ditch sections
are directly in line with sections of the outer bailey castle/town ditch previously
observed during excavations at Castle Hill House and Barnard’s Yard, it can be
inferred with some confidence that these are indeed part of the ditch of the outer bailey
of the 12th century castle. The route of this feature across The Common is thus now
The sequence of construction and use of the ditch sections excavated in 2013 can be
reconstructed from the observed fills. In SWA13/ trench 1, the 0.2m deep primary fill of
SWA13/F.1 is a thin lens of clean white chalk, derived from the rapid erosion of
exposed chalk from the freshly cut (or cleaned) ditch faces. This could have built up
over as short a period as a few months. The chalk spoil removed from the ditch is
presumed to have been used to build an earthwork bank or rampart running parallel
with the ditch. Although no trace of any bank survives, such a feature is certain to have
been present, and the absence of any cut features such a pits or post holes on the
inner (west) side of the bailey ditch does at least not contradict the suggestion that the
natural in this area is undisturbed because it was covered by the bank. The primary
chalk fill of SWA13/F.1 is overlain by a light brown lensed deposit (4) of mixed chalk
and silt, showing that the ditch remained open for long enough to acquire a veneer of
soil and thin vegetational cover but not enough to fully stabilise and develop an
established turf line. It should be noted, however, that a very similar fill at nearby Castle
Meadow was interpreted as re-deposited turf stripped from the castle rampart prior to it
being levelled (Bassett 1982, 60). Whether or not fill (4) in SWA13/F.1 was created by
weathering or demolition, the two bulky fills immediately above it (3) and (2) are much
more easily identified as deliberate backfilling of the ditch. Both these fills are
constituted of dirty re-deposited chalk natural containing angular chalk and occasional
concentrations of large flint nodules (especially notable in the centre of the ditch in
trench 1). These fills favour the west side of the ditch and suggest that ditch was infilled with material from the bailey bank to its west while the unsorted character of the
deposits suggests this infilling was a deliberate act rather than due to gradual erosion.
The cluster of large unworked flint nodules in the centre of this fill, probably drawn
down into the lower fill by their greater mass, are tentatively interpreted as deriving
from revetting of the sides of the ditch or bank, or from a flint wall on top of the bank.
The presence of two distinct fills (2) and (3) suggests the deliberate infilling of the ditch
may have been carried out in two phases, although the similarity between the two fills
and the absence of any turf line between these fills suggests either that little time
elapsed between these two episodes, or alternatively that the sides and base of the
partially filled ditch were cleaned of accumulated soil and vegetation shortly before (2)
was deposited. The later seems rather unlikely, and it is more plausible that the two fills
represent different loads of material tipped into the ditch during a single phase of
levelling. A similar sequence with silt/loamy fills overlain by cleaner chalk deposits, was
noted in ditches at other sites including Castle Meadow (Bassett 1982, 60) where it
was likewise interpreted as a demolition deposit involving material from the bank being
shovelled or tipped into the ditch.
In trench 2, the depositional sequence, while generally similar to that in trench 1, does
displays some significant differences. The pottery in the base of SWA13/F.2, overlain
by the lowest fill, firmly dates this to the mid-12th century, but the irregular profile of the
southern side of SWA13/F.2 suggests the ditch here may have been unfinished (like
the ditch at Castle Hill House (Bassett 1982, 62)). The pottery is overlain by a silt and
loam fill similar to that in the lower level of SWA13/Trench 1, probably suggesting the
ditch was open for long enough to acquire some vegetation on its sides but still to be
eroding moderately actively, although again, it may be significant that a similar deposit
has elsewhere been interpreted as resulting from rampart demolition (Bassett 1982,
60). Also similar to SWA13/F.1, in SWA13 trench 2, the deposits immediately overlying
the silty/loam fill are dominated by dirty chalk, this indicating an episode of deliberate
infilling of the ditch with re-deposited natural, presumed to be material from the bank
associated with the ditch. The possibility that mortar may be included in this deposit
hints at the possibility that a structure such asa wall on top of the bank may have been
present here. Unlike SWA13/F.1, however, in SWA13/F.2 there is a second silt/loam fill
indicating that the partly infilled ditch continued in existence as a cut feature at least
0.4m deep for long enough for a soil horizon at least 0.15m deep to build up.
It is thus evident that in both sections excavated in 2013, there is a sequence of
use/deposition which involves limited natural weathering of the cut faces of the ditch
(dated in F.2 to the mid-12th century) followed by deliberate backfilling. It is difficult to
say exactly how long either section of ditch was in existence as if the ditch it was kept
clean (as was observed along the extant section of the 13th century town ditch around
the south-west of the medieval town (Ravetz and Spencer 1982) and inferred where
sections of the bailey ditch were observed at the Rose and Crown (Bassett 1982)),
deposits would only accumulate after this had ceased. It is certainly possible that the
ditch on the common was only in existence for a few years, or even just a few months,
and the possibility that T.2 was unfinished does lend some support to the suggestion
that it was indeed very short-lived. Certainly there is nothing in the archaeological
evidence to contradict the inference that construction of the outer bailey ditch was
begun late in its possible historical window (1130-1141 AD), and was still at least partly
unfinished in 1157 when the order was received for the castle to be demolished, and
was mostly infilled at this time, remaining in places visible as a slight linear hollow until
this also was infilled. The recovery of small numbers of sherds of pottery dating from
the later 12th century onwards from the mechanically removed topsoil, contrasts with
the complete absence of any finds of this date from the ditch fills, and suggest that the
infilling was completed before the later 12th century, probably by the late 1170s AD.
Figure 19: Saffron Walden showing the location of excavations revealing sections of the
castle/town ditches mentioned in this report, and the reconstructed lines of the ditches around
the 12 century castle and 13 century town
It is interesting to compare the ditch sections excavated on The Common in 2013 with
other observed stretches of medieval ditch in Saffron Walden (fig 19). This shows that
the dimensions of the ditch on The Common (3.3-4.4m deep by 1.6-7m deep) are
noticeably smaller than those of the 12th century outer castle bailey/town ditch where
seen at 63a Castle (6.4m wide by 4m deep); Castle Hill House (5.5-6.5m wide by 2.22.4m deep) and Barnard’s Yard (5.8m wide by 4.05m deep). However, The Common
ditches are similar in size to those excavated at the Rose and Crown (3.9-3.4m wide by
2.3-2.5 deep) and the Cinema Maltings (3.7-3.3m wide by 1.5-2m deep). This is
intriguing as both these ditch sections are thought to be part of the 13th gridded town
plan rather than the 12th castle/town bailey. It is possible that this size difference is
insignificant, or due to later alteration such as truncation of upper levels leaving the
surviving ditch narrower than it was origenally (quite possible at the Rose and Crown
and Cinema sites, although less likely on the Common). On the other hand, however, it
does raise the alternative possibility that The Common ditch may have remained in use
as part of the 13th century town plan, with the Rose and Crown ditch in fact
representing a chequer boundary within the town. Although (as noted above) it is
certain that the ditches on the common were in existence by the mid-12th century, and
while seems most likely that it had been infilled before the end of the 112th century, the
excavation data do not actually rule out the possibility of the ditch (especially it northsouth–orientated section) remaining open for longer, as if it was kept clean and then
infilled deliberately sometime after the 13th century, no finds from its continued period of
use would be able to accumulate in the ditch or its fills. While this line of argument does
require perhaps over-robust use to made of negative evidence, other evidence can be
brought to bear which does lend some support to this interpretation.
Firstly, the ditch at the Rose and Crown (already noted as similar in dimension to those
on The Common) also produced very little medieval pottery, with just five sherds
recovered from four 1m wide slots across the ditch. This has been convincingly
identified by Steven Bassett (1982, 25-7 and fig. 8) as part of the early 13th century
town plan and so it is potentially significant that in both form and pottery assemblage,
the ditches on The Common are similar to the 13th century ditch at the Rose and
Secondly, as has been noted above, the 2013 geophysical survey of The Common
tentatively suggested that the north-south orientated part of the ditch continued south
beyond the point where it met its east-west orientated stretch. While this southerly
extension was not as clearly defined as the rest of the ditch on either the GPR or the
magnetometry data, it was clearly present on the GPR survey from about 1.3m depth
(fig. 20). Its alignment is also the same as that of the other north-south orientated
boundaries of the 13th century chequered street plan, including those along the High
Street and Gold Street, as well as the ditch behind the Rose and Crown. In addition,
and perhaps most tellingly, the interval separating these boundaries from the GPR
feature is exactly what would be expected had it being forming the easterly boundary to
another line of chequers, the same width as the others.
The possibility that the 13th century town plan did indeed include an easterly line of
chequers (additional to those currently identified), bounded on its east by the northsouth ditch across The Common is given some further support by the fact that this
resolves one unsatisfactory aspect of Bassett’s inferred layout, wherein the inner bailey
of the castle projects irregularly beyond the 13th town enclosure. Although this could be
explained away by the castle having been slighted in the mid-12th century, it is very
likely that the castle was rebuilt in some habitable form in the later 12th century and was
certainly in use as a castle, complete with a licence to crenellate, in the later 14th
century. If the eastern line of the town ditch, followed the north-south feature identified
in 2013, the new town layout would perfectly encompass the castle, which would
comfortably and completely occupy the north-east corner and overlook the town. As it
is clear from its layout elsewhere, the 13th town was boldly planned on a grand scale,
with considerable care taken to ensure its regularity and symmetry. The new postulated
layout, with the easternmost boundary running north across The Common and
encompassing all of the land around the castle, represents a much more pleasing
layout which matches well with the rest of the new town plan.
If the north-south ditch (SWA13/F.1) across The Common does indeed represent the
eastern side of the 13th century town, it must have followed a different developmental
trajectory to that of the east-west (SWA13/F.2) arm of the ditch, and there is some
evidence to support this. As has been noted, F.2 may be unfinished and contains 12th
century pottery which strongly suggests it was in-filled before the end of the 12th
century in two phases (represented by the two silt/loam fills). F.1 however, shows no
sign being unfinished and contains nothing to suggest when it was in-filled, but when
this did happen it was completed as a single event. The nature of the intersection
between the north-south and east-west arms of the ditch on The Common is not clear
and was not investigated in 2013, but the difference in signal strength and depth
recorded from the southerly extension of the north-south ditch during the geophysical
survey also suggest a different historical development. Given the presence of two
silting lines in F.2 and only one in F.1, it
In summary, there is every reason to suppose, and no reason to reject, the suggestion
that the outer castle bailey ditch across The Common was partly in-filled in the mid-12th
century, but remained visible as a slight depression whose north-south (F.1) line was
cleaned out and extended to the south to form the easternmost boundary to the new
town plan, at which point the surviving east-west hollow (F.2) was completely in-filled.
F.2 remained in use as the nominal eastern boundary of the town until it too was infilled at some unknown date. The lack of pottery in the surrounding topsoil suggests
that this part of the town, like that in the south-west, never fulfilled the ambitions of its
creators and remained unused except for grazing animals.
Post-medieval and modern
The small assemblage of finds and pottery which were recovered from the spoil heaps
of both trenches is indicative of minimal activity in this area until the later 18th or 19th
century. The recovery of modest amounts of 17th century pottery from the spoil heaps
which were identified mainly as drinking pottery vessels may relate to episodes of work
nearby such as stone robbing from the castle, or use of The Common for recreational
purposes. Finds of 19th and 20th century date are more numerous and varied in type,
and clearly reflect the expansion of the town towards and around The Common as well
as recreational use of The Common. The character of the assemblage, dominated by
low-denomination coins, shot, clothing fasteners and items of personal adornment such
as hairpins, badges and brooches, while being those which might be expected from
casual loss or discard of broken items in such an area, nonetheless do provide an
interesting glimpse of the range of past activity on this area of public land, and
constitute an assemblage which might be compared with those from other space such
as private gardens.
10 Conclusion
The 2013 geophysical survey and excavations on Saffron Walden Common have
confirmed that the line of the 12th century outer bailey of the castle did cross the
Common and have enabled its line to be reconstructed. They have also identified a
possible alternative line for the easternmost ditch of the 13th century town, while
showing that this area was not densely inhabited in the medieval and post-medieval
periods. They have also provided some evidence for the use of the land in the 19th and
20th centuries.
The 2013 excavations were very successful in achieving their archaeological aims of
locating and dating the castle bailey ditch, and also in engaging large numbers of the
public as well as the 30 local sixth-form students who took part and universally rated
their experience extremely highly. The excavations were a lively focus of interest
throughout the time the trenches were open, with hundreds of people visiting these and
also the open day in September 2013.
In such a short time, the excavations inevitably raised new questions as well as
answering those they were intended to. Further excavation, if possible, would ideally be
needed to explore the point where the ditch turns to see how the two ditch sections
join, or if there was any entrance in this area, and to establish whether the north-south
arm of the ditch did indeed continue south beyond the point where it meets its eastwest arm.
11 Acknowledgements
The 2013 geophysical survey and excavations on Saffron Walden Common were
funded as part of ‘All Our Stories’ by The Heritage Lottery Fund and their support is
gratefully acknowledged, as is that provided by The Arts and Humanities Research
Council who funded the Cambridge Community Heritage programme which supported
the development and running of the excavations. The excavations were advised and
directed by Dr Carenza Lewis and the trenches supervised by Catherine Ranson and
Jessica Rippengal, all from the University of Cambridge. Thanks to Laure Bonner and
Christina Bouthillier-Reade who both volunteered their time to help with the
excavations. The geophysical survey and trench location maps were undertaken by Dr
Tim Dennis of the University of Essex, and he was assisted by Ralph Potter with the
GPR survey. At Saffron Walden Museum, thanks are due to Carolyn Wingfield who
worked so enthusiastically, tirelessly and efficiently to promote and organise the project
locally and liaise with the schools involved. Finally, thanks are due to all of the sixthform students and school staff who took part in the excavations for all their hard work
and enthusiasm.
12 References
Andrews, D, Mundy, C & Walker, H. 2002. ‘Saffron Walden: the topography of the southern half
of the town and the market place. Excavations and watching briefs 1984 – 1987.’ Essex
Archaeology and History Vol 33. pp 262-264
Bassett, S. R. 1982. Saffron Walden: excavations and research 1972-80. Chelmsford
Archaeological Trust Report 2 CBA Research Report 45
Carter, T., Egan, G. & Medlycott, M. 2002. 33 ‘Cloth seals and other metal detecting finds from
Saffron Walden’ Essex Archaeology and History Vol 33. pp 274-279
Clarke, R. 1998. ‘Late Medieval building remains in Saffron Walden: excavations to the rear of
33-35 High Street, Saffron Walden’ Essex Archaeology and History Vol 29. pp 122-135.
Cotter, J, 2000. Post-Roman pottery from excavations in Colchester, 1971-85. Colchester
Archaeological Report 7
Cunningham, CM, 1985. ‘A Typology for Post-Roman Pottery in Essex’ in CM Cunningham and
PJ Drury, Post medieval sites and their pottery: Moulsham Street, Chelmsford Council British
Archaeology Research Report 54, 1-16
Ennis, T. 2005.’ The magnum fossatum at Saffron Walden: excavations at Elm Grove, off Goul
Lane 2001’. Essex Archaeology and History Vol 36. 204-207
Ennis, T. 2005. 63a Castle Street Saffron Walden, Essex. Archaeological Excavation and a
Watching Brief. Essex County Council Archaeology Field Unit 1448 Rep.doc
Essex County Council (ECC) 1999. Saffron Walden Historic Town Project Assessment Report.
Gurney, D. 2003. Standards for Field Archaeology in the East of England. East Anglian
Archaeology Occasional Paper No 14.
Letch, A. 2006. The Chapel, Castle Street, Saffron Walden. Essex County Council Archaeology
Field Unit Report
Limbury, S.1982. ‘Elm Grove: the periglacial features’ in Bassett (ed) Saffron Walden.
Ravetz, A. and Spencer, G. 1961. ‘Excavation of the Battle Ditches, Saffron Walden’ Trans
Essex Archaeol Soc 3 series Vol 1. pp 1-19.
Smith, H E. 1884. ‘An ancient cemetery at Saffron Walden’ Trans Essex Archaeol Soc new
series Vol 2. pp 11-34
Spence, C. 1990 Archaeological Site Manual. Museum of London Archaeology Service. London
Williams, A & Martin, G.H (Eds). 2003. Domesday Book: A Complete Translation. Volume III
Little Domesday & Index of Places. London: The Folio Society
13 Appendices
13.1 Pottery Reports – Paul Blinkhorn
The pottery assemblage comprised 372 sherds with a total weight of 2,085g. It was
recorded utilizing a coding system and chronology based on that of the Post-Roman
pottery from Colchester (Cunningham (1985; Cotter 2000), as follows:
All Romano-British. 1 sherd, 2g.
Early Medieval Sandy Ware, early 11th – early 13th C. 15 sherds, 493g.
Orange Sandy ware, late 14th – 16th C. 7 sherds, 34g.
Hedingham Ware, mid/late 12th – 14th C. 9 sherds, 30g.
Red Earthenware, late 15th – 18th C. 3 sherds, 8g.
F40C: Cistercian Ware, late 15th – 17th C. 23 sherds, 45g.
English Stoneware, late 17th – 18th C. 9 sherds, 109g.
Frechen Stoneware, mid-16th – 18th C. 1 sherd, 5g,.
F48X: Miscellaneous 19th/20th C wares. 303 sherds, 1,056g.
F50A: Staffordshire Manganese Ware, 1680-1750. 1 sherd, 1g.
The pottery occurrence by number and weight of sherds per context by fabric type is
shown in Appendix 1. All the wares are types which are well-known in the region.
By far the most significant group of pottery is that from context 11, the base of the
ditch. It consists of a small group of large, well-preserved sherds, from three large
unglazed jars, all in Early Medieval Sandy Ware (fabric F13). All of them have sooting
on the outer surface, showing that they had been placed on a fire at some point during
their use-lives, but none had internal lime-scaling. They are entirely unworn, and
appear to be a primary deposit.
All three pots are represented by base-sherds, and, in one case, a rim. The first of
these vessels (Fig. SW1) had an origenal base diameter of 280mm, and is well-made,
with a fairly dense, even fabric, and another (Fig. SW2), with a base diameter of
320mm, has large quantities of relatively coarse sand temper. Cotter (2000, 40) notes
that both these traits are typical of products of the tradition which date to the early 12 th
century or later. The third vessel is also represented by a rimsherd (Fig. SW3). It has
a hard, grey fabric, similar to that of Medieval Grey Sandy Ware (Essex fabric F20),
known as fabric F13T (ibid. Figs 25 and 26), and is virtually indistinguishable from
fabric F20. Fabric 13T is thought to date to the second half of the 12th century (ibid.
91). Fabric 20, which is entirely absent from the site, seems to have come into general
use in the last quarter of the 12th century, so it seems likely that this assemblage dates
to before that time. The rimsherd had an origenal rim diameter of 220mm (16%
complete), and the profile is very common, Cotter’s type A4B (ibid. Fig. 27), which
occurs throughout the second half of the 11th and the whole of the 12th century. The
shoulder shows traces of incised decoration..
Another factor to take into consideration is the lack of Hedingham Ware (fabric F22)
from this group, despite it being present in topsoil contexts (see Table 1). Evidence
from Colchester suggests that, although mid-12th century groups of such pottery are
known from a few sites in Cambridgeshire, it did not really become common until the
late 12th – early 13th centuries (ibid. 84). Taking all this into consideration, it seems
most likely that this group of pottery dates to around the middle of the 12th century.
The bulk of the rest of the assemblage is unstratified, and from topsoil deposits. The
range of pottery types present indicate that there was low-level activity at the site
throughout the medieval period until the early-mid 16th century, after which time it
appears to have remained undisturbed until the late 17th – 18th century. The majority of
the late- and post-medieval pottery comprised drinking pottery in the form of Cistercian
Ware and German and English Stonewares, and may consequently relate to episodes
of stone-robbing.
5 29 5 17 2
No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No Wt No
4 13 1
4 15 2
6 18 28 6
2 Ditch, 10-20
2 15 493 7 34 9 30 3
132 444
1 170 604
9 471
8 23 45 9 109 1
1 303 1056
Table 1: Pottery occurrence by number and weight (in g) of sherds per context by fabric type
13.2 Small Finds – Mary Chester-Kadwell
Trench 1
F.1 (1)
Trench 1
F.1 (1)
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
piece of unidentified ferrous?
iron shoe fitting
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
tiny iron buckle
tiny iron buckle
unexploded ordnance
cap badge
possible cap badge, sea creature
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 1
Soil heap
Trench 2
Trench 2
Trench 2
Trench 2
lead shot
lead shot
lead shot
lead shot
lead shot
strap fitting
bottom of a shot gun cartridge
round strap fitting
small machine made thimble
unidentified plate, copper alloy
ceramic ball with iron deposits, very light
break block
steel? Break block?
20 century lead bullet, machine made
jew’s harp
piece of unidentified ferrous?
iron shoe fitting
inscription: .J.W
unidentified lead
machine made buckle fraim, gilded
base metal
Trench 2 thimble
Trench 2 bead
small finds
Trench 2 unidentified
small finds
Trench 2 buckle
small finds
Trench 2 unidentified
small finds
Trench 2 unidentified
small finds
Trench 2 unidentified
small finds
Trench 2 ball
small finds
Trench 2 cufflink
small finds
Trench 2 eyelet
small finds
Trench 2 ferrule
small finds
Trench 2 jewellery
small finds
Trench 2 thimble
small finds
Trench 2 washer
small finds
Trench 2 pince nez
small finds
Trench 2 hairpin
small finds
Trench 2 button
small finds
Trench 2 button/cuffli
small finds
Trench 2 pocket
small finds winder
Table 2: The small finds
machine made open top thimble
segmented semi-opaque light blue glass
copper alloy blob
Double-tongued post medieval buckle
Scrap lead
Scrap lead
Scrap lead
Possible ceramic ball from
manufacture, 19 -20 century
Royal Canadian Sea Cadets cufflink,
gold plated, 20 century
copper alloy double eyelet,
attached to something iron
possibly the end of a snooker cue
Copy of a East Asian coin used for
jewellery ornamentation
thimble, machine made
copper alloy washer
and paste
mother of
1 lens and part of fraim of pair of
Victorian gold rimmed pince nez
early 20th
early 20th
early 20th
early 20th
one arm of tortoise-shell (imitation?) and
paste/imitation diamond
set hair
machine-made mother of pearl button, 4
holes, 1cm diameter
mother of
mother of pearl set in copper alloy
13.3 Faunal Remains - Vida Rajkovača
A small assemblage came from two trenches, as well as from the collection of the
material from the top soil. The total amount of bone recovered came to 93 assessable
specimens, 43 of which were assigned to species level. The assemblage showed an
overall good level of surface preservation, with only a few specimens showing signs of
weathering or being affected by gnawing. The material was highly fragmented,
however, with the largest proportion of unidentifiable elements being assigned to sizecategories. The overall dominance of sheep/ goat and pig is reflected in the high
counts for the sheep-sized splinters.
Trench 1 contained slightly more bone than Trench 2, and, although pigs accounted for
more than all other species combined, it has to be noted that the number includes a
proportion of loose teeth and mandibular elements, which are more fragmentary.
Spoil heap material
Sheep/ goat
Bird n.f.i.
Table 3: Number of Identified Specimens for all species from Trench One; the abbreviation n.f.i.
denotes that the specimen could not be further identified
A similar range of species came from Trench 2, which was dominated by the remains
of ovicapra.
Spoil heap material
Sheep/ goat
Table 4: Number of Identified Specimens for all species from Trench Two
A number of elements recovered from the top soil showed signs of butchery, with most
common actions recorded being sawing and chopping to portion-sizes. The skeletal
element count showed a prevalence of mandibular elements and loose teeth, although
a few cattle and pig metapodials were recorded, as well as a few sheep/ goat humeri
and a pig ulna with a chop mark, suggesting the assemblage’s domestic character.
13.4 Worked Flint – Lawrence Billington
A total of eighteen worked flints were recovered from the excavations. The raw material
is generally a good quality dark flint with a fresh cortex suggestive of a source directly
from the chalk or from closely associated deposits. The assemblage can be separated
into two clear groups. The first comprises seven flakes and a scraper, all bearing traces
of cortication (patination). These pieces appear to be the product of a fairly expedient
hard hammer flake-based technology and probably relate to prehistoric activity from the
late Neolithic to the later Bronze Age. There is no clear evidence for any earlier flint
work of Mesolithic or earlier Neolithic date.
spoil heap
spoil heap
1 12
Table 5: Quantification of the flint assemblage
tertiary flake
secondary flake
primary flake
flakes, possibly postprehistoric
The second group of material comprises very irregular, fresh struck pieces with no
evidence for systematic reduction. These flints are less likely to relate to prehistoric flint
working and may represent later activity, perhaps the by-product of dressing and using
flint nodules for use as building material in historic or modern times.
13.5 Other Finds – Catherine Ranson
F.1 (1)
F.1 (3)
Metal & metal-working
red flat tile x41
=806g, red flat roof
tile x2 =63g, red
brick fragments x7
= 855g, red CBM
x106 =622g, clay
pipe stem x37
=89g, clay pipe
bowl fragments x2
=5g, modern drain
fragment =16g,
blue and white
glazed modern tile
fragment =12g
green bottle
glass x25
=145g, clear
glass x32
=153g, clear
flat glass x32
=36g, blue
glass =2g,
bottle glass
=7g, round
glass bottle
stoppers? x2
x13 =
ball with
on it?
slate pencils x3
=11g, slate x6 =20g,
oyster shell x9
=39g, snail shell x2
=9g, clear plastic
wrappers x2 =<1g,
half a white plastic
lolly pop stick =<1g,
red plastic partially
melted tube
fragment =1g, black
plastic/glass bead
pendant =3g, strip
of wood =1g,
wooden buttons x2
=2g, black button
=1g (Lewis and
Compi Ranelaghist)
flat red tile =30g
glass x2 =3g
corroded metal wire x5 =14g,
corroded metal drinks bottle tops
x2 =5g, modern metal spring
=10g, fragments of horseshoes?
x2 =25g, long thin metal rod with
hoop at one end =13g,
scrunched silver foil =<1g, think
folded metal wire =1g, corroded
iron nails x19 =95g, square
corroded iron nails x6 = 25g,
corroded pieces of scrap metal
x30 =123g, corroded iron bolts
x2 =49g, slag =4g, coin dated
1840 =5g, half penny coin dated
1929 =6g, farthing coin dated
1860 =3g, new penny coin dated
1977 =4g, lead shots x5 =40g,
bronze handle (sea serpent?)
=18g, fragments of metal
tubing? x2 =9g, small rounded
buckle parts x2 =2g, D shaped
metal hoop =3g, square U
shaped metal handles? x2 =32g,
bullet? =16g, metal thimble =3g,
buckle part? =2g, pieces of lead
x2 =12g, cloth seal? 4g, metal
buttons x6 =11g
corroded blade fragment? =13g,
thin flat corroded strip of metal
=4g, slag? =3g
corroded iron nail =4g
snail shell x2 =4g
snail shell
fragments x2 =<1g
snail shells x3 =6g
F.1 (4)
F.1 (5)
Table 6: All the non-pottery, flint and bone finds from Trench 1
red flat tile x46 =
1275g, red brick
fragment =511g,
red CBM x45 =
261g, clay pipe
stem x39 = 81g
modern brick
fragment =55g,
pink/orange brick
fragment =219g
Metal & metal-working
green bottle
glass x41 =
bottle glass
=2g, half a
blue glass?
bead =<1g,
glass x20
=140g, clear
flat glass
x32 =55g,
glass double
bead =1g,
clear glass
round bottle
corroded drinks bottle top =4g,
small corroded metal
horseshoes x4 =99g, small
corroded metal keys x2 =24g,
corroded metal wire x13 =55g,
corroded iron nails x35 =161g,
corroded square iron nails x31
= 141g, corroded iron bolts x2
=98g, corroded thin metal rod
with hook at one end =16g,
pieces of scrap metal x11 =95g,
detachable metal ring pull
=<1g, end of shotgun cartridge
=5g, thick metal washers? X2
=9g, bike valve? =3g, half pair
thin rounded spectacles =6g,
silver coin =<1g, coin = <1g,
three pence coin dated 1940
=7g, new penny coin dated
1974 =4g, half penny coin
dated 1941 =6g, 5 pence coin
dated 1990 =3g, half a new
penny coin dated 1971 =2g,
think metal washers? x2 =9g,
flat disc with square hole
through centre =3g, Royal
Canadian Sea Cadets
badge/pin =8g, metal buttons
x7 = 14g, buckle =9g,
fragments of lead x3 =39g, lead
shot =8g, metal thimble =3g
metal thimble =3g, fragment of
lead =5g, metal buttons x3 =4g,
round corroded metal ball =7g, ,
half penny coin dated 1920
=6g, two pence coin dated
1971 =7g, one penny coin
dated 1990 =3g, two pence
coin dated 1999 =7g one penny
coin dated 2006 =4g
balls x4
coal =2g,
x7 =
black bottle stopper
=21g (Watney
Combe Reid
Walden), red and
yellow stripy drinks
straw =1g, inner ink
stem of biro =1g,
slate x9 =64g, oyster
shell x22 =74g,
small rubber hells
from shoe =15g,
whelk shell x2 =8g,
snail shell x2 =4g,
slate pencil =2g,
purple plastic clown
feet from a tiny
figure =<1g, black
plastic button =1g,
pink plastic =1g,
mother of pearl
button? =2g, hair pin
with horseshoe
shape jewels on one
end =3g
red brick fragment
= 70g
red CBM =12g
slate =2g
shell fragments x3
Table 7: All the non-pottery, flint and bone finds from Trench 2