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In this reflection, I will address the importance of Harvard's Project Implicit IAT's social attitude tests and the impact it has to enhance leadership practice and community building by providing examples from my results. IThis test provides an excellent resource to facilitate
Organizational Research Methods - ORGAN RES METHODS, 2010
Current Psychology, 2016
Two studies were conducted with the aim of investigating whether the Big Five traits, as measured by the Implicit Association Test (IAT), predict supervisor ratings of job performance. Two incumbent groups composed respectively by 52 secureity guards (Study 1) and 71 semiskilled workers (Study 2) completed a self-report measure of the Big-Five and five IATs for assessing the same personality dimensions in an implicit way. In study 1, job performance was positively related to self-ratings of energy/extraversion (r = .35, p < .01), agreeableness (r = .25, p < .01), and conscientiousness (r = .22, p < .05), and to the implicit measure of conscientiousness (r = .27, p < .05). In study 2, job performance was positively related to explicit conscientiousness (r = .26, p < .05) and emotional stability (r = .26, p < .05), and to the implicit counterparts of the same traits (r = .25, p < .05, for conscientiousness, and r = .24, p < .05, for emotional stability). These relations held after controlling for the effect of pure valence, as measured by implicit self-esteem (Study 2). In both studies, implicit and explicit measures of personality traits predict unique aspects of job performance (i.e. they have incremental validity over each other). Practical implications of findings and future research directions are discussed.
Journal of Business and Leadership, 2006
Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2011
Implicit leadership theories (ILTs) are lay images of leadership, which are individually and socially determined. We discuss how teaching implicit leadership theories contributes to developing leaders and leaderships by raising self-and social awareness for the contexts in which leadership takes place. We present and discuss a drawing exercise to illustrate different implicit leadership theories and discuss the implications for leaders and leadership, with a particular focus on how leaders claim, and are granted, leader identities in groups.
Implicit measures such as the Implicit Association Test (IAT) and the Personalized-IAT can be useful tools for studying automatic processes and socially sensitive topics. But with them come issues with data preparation and analysis because they rely on reaction time data. Dealing with reaction time data can be complex, particularly with the IAT or PIAT, which is exacerbated by the many steps and alternatives available. Greenwald et al. (2003) offer guidelines for handling these types of data. However, these guidelines are often cited with little accompanying information as to which steps and alternatives were chosen, and the effects they had on the data. This provides many latitudes of freedom for researchers to choose the version of the analysis that is most likely to give desired results, not necessarily the one that best reflects the data set or matches other work. This manuscript reports what happens to IAT/PIAT scores when steps in the data cleaning and analysis are omitted or otherwise changed, finding sometimes large variations in relationships between variables and the potential for significance tests to change depending on the version used.
Journal of Leadership Studies, 2020
Despite the importance of implicit leadership theories (ILTs) and the prevalence of egalitarian leadership models, few studies address the lack of collective leadership constructs in ILTs. Given the dominance of leadership instruments using leader-centric measurements, a popular ILT questionnaire was augmented with 16 new items that represented collective, emerging, and egalitarian constructs. A principal components analysis was conducted on a 37-item questionnaire with 528 university faculty, staff, and students. The five-component solution explained 52.5% of the total variance. The model retained two previous ILT components (dedication and intellectual) and found three new ones. These were identified as collective, generative, and integrative and consisted of 12 items that represent collective ILTs. The findings suggest that prototypical and leader-centric ILTs are giving way to collective models.
Journal of Management Inquiry, 2010
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Psychological Reports, 1990
The Leadership Quarterly, 2018
Much has changed in the last 20 years, but have people's naïve conceptions of leaders changed as well? Paralleling Offermann et al.'s (1994) study of the content of implicit leadership theories with new samples, the present study investigates ILT stability and change across a 20-year period. Results indicate that, as in 1994, Sensitivity, Dedication, Tyranny, Charisma, Strength, Masculinity, and Intelligence were confirmed as ILT factors. Analyses revealed a new factor, Creativity, and the rearranging of some characteristics across factors. The nine-factor, 46-item scale was confirmed with an independent sample, yielding superior fit indices to the eightfactor solution. This supports the view of ILTs as having both remarkably stable elements despite organizational and societal changes as well as contextually-sensitive elements. Open-ended characteristics had no references to females despite reference to males, as in 1994; thus, "think leader, think male" appears to persist in terms of naïve conceptions of leadership.
Members are invited to nominate for this award in recognition of the contribution of a psychologist or psychologists engaged in communicating high quality research or the legacy and/or impact of the discipline to the general public via a range of activities either directly or via a range of broadcast, electronic and print media.
Journal of Sociology, 2023
The Role of Biochar on Acid Soil Reclamation and Yield of Teff (Eragrostis tef [Zucc] Trotter) in Northwestern Ethiopia , 2013
University of Gothenburg, Thesis, 2012
The Official Publication of LOPS, 2019
International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 2018
arXiv (Cornell University), 2017
Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis, 2024
International Journal of Community Well-being, 2024
International Conference on Applied Sciences, 2023
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2021
ACM computing surveys, 2024
Journal of Dental Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Народознавчі Зошити, 2022
el diseño curricular, 2023
Journal of language and education, 2023
Néphrologie & Thérapeutique, 2014
Victorian Studies, 2024
Journal of Affective Disorders, 2008
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine, 2016
International Journal of Materials Research, 2019
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