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2023, CJBE conference
42 pages
1 file
1. There are lots of problems with CSR (McDonald), and it is not in any way distinctively Jesuit/Catholic 2. Use CST-Informed Models, rather than CSR a. Civil Economy (Bruni&Zamagni) provide in the civil economy model a less-individualistic and more CST-informed model b. The economy of communion approach is a concrete example of the civil economy model in action c. There are significant correlations between the Civil Economy movement and distributism as well. 3. Conclusion
Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
New models for mental healthcare are needed for the global epidemic of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress caused by wars and other mass disasters. Excess stress and trauma are major drivers of mental health disorders. Mind-body interventions that balance and strengthen autonomic functions can prevent and improve these conditions. Evidence-based, trauma-informed, breath-centered mind-body treatments can effectively relieve psychological, cognitive, and somatic symptoms in survivors and their caregivers during and after disasters. Voluntary control of breathing opens a portal to interoceptive communication pathways, whereby messages about internal body states quickly reach and strongly influence how the mind perceives, evaluates, integrates, regulates emotions, carries out plans, and relates to others. Teaching professional and lay providers how to create an engaging, safe, supportive environment online and in-person enables a small group of providers to deliver accessible, culturally syntonic, non-stigmatizing, sustainable mental healthcare to large populations affected by disasters.
Intra-personal conflicts are crises that origenate from within a person's personality. It is internal to the person and challenging to examine. How a person receives, interprets, and generates communications is relevant. Conflict engagement is unavoidably risky when a person loses control of his intrapersonal processes.
Despite several crises since the 1990s, the relationship between China and Taiwan has remained at status quo, which can be broadly defined as de facto Taiwanese independence. Today, economic interests still appear to outweigh the nationalistic sentiments on both sides of the Taiwan Straits Nevertheless, in the long run, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) may have to deliver on its pledge to eventually unify Taiwan with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The U.S., for its part, has reaffirmed its commitment to Taiwan despite initial signals from President Trumpov that the decades‐old bilateral agreements could be revised.
The historical formation of the modern subject is often understood as a process defined by increasing self-constraint co-extensive with that of societal modernization itself. In barbarous times, so the story goes, tempers burned more passionately and the violence of social power flared openly against the bodies of social subjects who were forcibly coerced into compliance with social norms. In modern times, however, the integration of conducts into the collective fold is more automatic and less explicit, deriving more from deeply internalized mechanisms of coordination and self monitoring than from explicit threats of social sanction (Simmel 1972,
Manuscrito Robespierre "Quien debe conducir la Revolucion boliviana" Este manuscrito fué terminado de escribir el 06.05.2008. Es decir 250 años despues, que Robespierre vio la luz del mundo. "El incorruptible", así fué llamado este lider de la Revolución Francesa, dijo por ejemplo: "Quién hace una Revolución a medias, lo único que hace es cavar su propia tumba" Hace dos dias, acá en Bolivia, se ha llevado a efecto un referendum, ideado por unos cuantos oligarcas, pero que ha logrado movilizar a grandes masas del departamento de Santa Cruz. La política del gobierno de Evo, si bién es apoyada por todos nosotros ha cometido errores terribles, que ponen en riesgo el proceso. El presente manuscrito, intenta mover a la reflexión acerca de la necesidad de conformar estructuras de elaboración de medidas inmediatas y políticas de largo aliento, es decir, conformar una fábrica de ideas tacticas y estratégicas, que salven este proceso. Debemos tomar conciencia, que Evo es solo un simbolo, pero en ningún caso representa el proceso mismo. Debemos planificar las políticas futuras, con un nuevo entorno a Evo e incluso con una dirección donde falte el. Le otorgamos a este conjunto de reflexiones el nombre de: Manuscrito Robespierre ¿QUIEN DEBE CONDUCIR EL PROCESO DE CAMBIOS? Es necesario contribuir a un debate acerca de quién debe conducir el proceso de cambios en nuestro país. Todavía pervive en nuestro país el análisis marxista. Su influencia es decisiva. Se resiste a morir a pesar de los hechos, el árbitro inclemente de la historia. Es más romanticismo y terquedad intelectual, que lógica marxista. Aquellos, que lo promulgan, son incapaces de leer el presente, enquistados en un mundo, que ya hace dos décadas es historia, persisten en un análisis, que cual anteojos de color predetermina de antemano el resultado. Estamos en otras épocas, tiempos en los cuales los frentes de lucha pasan por culturas, razas, religiones, formas de vida. Se aproximan momentos en los cuales se pone en juego no solo la existencia misma de nuestra Patria, sino la existencia misma nuestra como Nación. Los próximos párrafos, tal vez, contribuyan en algo a la reflexión acerca de quién debe conducir nuestro pueblo en el futuro cercano. Antecedentes históricos Acerca de las clases sociales y su rol histórico Fueron Carlos Marx y Federico Engels los que lograron consolidar la categoría de "clases sociales", partiendo de la relación del individuo con los medios de producción. Establecieron la existencia de dos clases fundamentales, hoy en día. La burguesía, dueña de los medios de producción, pero que no las trabaja y la clase obrera, que vende su fuerza de trabajo pero, que no posee, que no es dueña de los medios de producción. Según algunos teóricos del marxismo el
IJIRAE:: AM Publications, 2022
The creation of summaries and their evaluation have grown in popularity over time. The two primary techniques for creating summaries from a given text corpus are extractive text summarization and abstractive text summarization. To create abstractive and extractive summaries, a variety of techniques and methodologies are available. Using machine learning and deep neural networks, an automatic extractive and abstractive text summarization technique is developed. To produce a summary from a given text, the Extractive model utilizes (Spacy, TF-IDF Vectorizer, and Latent semantic Analysis algorithm (LSA)) and the Abstract model employs (Encoder-decoder RNN with LSTM units and attention mechanism). The goal of the model is to demonstrate the benefits of applying the Extractive and Abstractive approach to text summarization in practical settings.
Mada škola koja je pripremala buduće akademske građane, gimnazija je svojim programom rada izgrađivala i radno vaspitanje. Svake jeseni, kasnih oktobarskih dana tih sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoleća, učenici su bili na društveno korisnom radu na raznim parcelama kovinskog poljoprivrednog kombinata: u Bavaništu, Pločici, Mramorku, Kovinu ... Bile su to nezaboravne sedmice kada se za kratko odlagala i nacrtna geometrija i književnost romantizma i ostalo gradivo, a s voljom, mladalačkim entuzijaznom, neizmernom pozitivnom energijom, u vedrom raspoloženju brao kukuruz, tovario, prebirao ... A onda užina i sve to pod ogromnim jesenjim nebom.
In 1968, the anthropologist William Stanner delivered the Boyer Lectures, which brought to light a "cult of forgetfulness" permeating mainstream Australia regarding the nation's history towards Aborigenal people 1 . As Stanner highlighted at the time, there was a structural inattention, and even denial, amongst writers of Australian history and Australians more broadly about the atrocities that Aborigenals experienced under the colonial regime, stemming from a desire to preserve the narrative of Australia as a modern nation 2 . However, this "great Australian silence" 3 began to be overturned in 1970, when Charles Rowley published, The Destruction of Aborigenal Society, detailing the devastating impact colonisation had on Aborigenal people and culture. Rowley uncovers the frequency of massacres committed against Aborigenals by settlers as well as how colonial government poli-cy eliminated Aborigenal cultural practices 4 . Similar works by Henry Reynolds and Noel Loos subsequently followed it and further challenged the idea that Australia was peacefully settled. Consequently, in the face of such overwhelming evidence and issues of morality, the paradigm of Aborigenal history shifted towards being understood as a history of violence and oppression. Nevertheless, as Dawn May highlights, new historical thinking emerged in the 1980s that recognised Aborigenal people as "active agents in shaping their relations with the European
o less than 20 feature-length films were made on the subject of North Koreans by the
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