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AI-generated Abstract
This research delves into the modeling and simulation of DC motors, focusing specifically on the current response model. It addresses the challenges faced in accurately identifying the parameters of DC motors, particularly when they may vary over time. By employing classical methods like the method of moments and Pasek's developed methods, the study compares the efficacy of different parameter identification techniques. The findings showcase the effectiveness of the moment method, particularly in dynamic tests, where simulation results are found to be closely aligned with real experimental curves.
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 2011
Time moments have been introduced in automatic control because of the analogy between the impulse response of a linear system and a probability function. Pasek described a testing procedure for determining the DC parameters from the current response to a step in the armature voltage motor. In this paper, two identification algorithms developed based on the moments and Pasek's methods are introduced and applied to the parameter identification of a DC motor. The simulation and experimental results are presented and compared, showing that the moments method makes the model closer to reality, especially in a transient regime.
The identification process consists of estimating the unknown parameters of system dynamics. Consequently, determination of the assumed system structure is of great importance in the process of system identification. Time moments have been introduced in automatic control because of the analogy between the impulse response of a linear system and a probability function. This basic idea has generated applications in identification, model order reduction and controller design. In this paper, a newly developed identification algorithm, called moments method, is introduced and applied to the parameter identification of a dc motor. The simulation and experimental results are presented and compared.
JES. Journal of Engineering Sciences
Neural networks and fuzzy inference systems are becoming wellrecognized tools of designing an identifier / controller capable of perceiving the operating environment and human operator with high performance. The purpose of this paper is to identify different models for a DC-servo system using the previous identification methods and linear identification methods as ARX, ARMAX and state space models. The paper compares between these methods and presents the practical results for the application these methods.
This paper presents parameter estimation for a class of DC motor using cheap and simple data acquisition system. The parameters estimated are the motor armature-winding resistance, backe.m.f constant, motor torque constant, moment of inertia, and the viscous friction.A FIO STD development board is used as the data acquisition device which communicates with the sensors and the computer. MATLAB Simulink environment was used for data processing and computations. The validity of the estimated parameters is verified through experiments and simulations.
Lecture 3: What should we say about being today? Lecture 4 (Mon, 29.04.2024): What should we say about truth today? Lecture 6 (Tue, 30.04.2024): Reference to objects in space and time. Lecture 6 (Mon, 06.05.2024): The ontic individuation of things 25
Annali di Ca'Foscari, sezione orientale, 2024
The present contribution deals with an inquiry about Iranian Manichaean texts (Middle Persian and Parthian) concerning the description of the garden and its symbolic values (of peace, rest, evergreen flowery, fragrance, immortality). The aim of the essay is to provide a sketch of Iranian Manichaean passages to improve the already mentioned hypothesis of a pre-Islamic influence on the Persian literature at the foundation of its imagery, which displays the motif of the garden as a characteristic mark of poetic inspiration to feature beauty, love, mystical feeling and desire for paradisiac condition.
Rahel Lumban Gaol, 2020
Abstrak Gagal ginjal merupakan penurunan fungsi ginjal mendadak dengan akibat hilangnya kemampuan ginjal untuk mempertahankan homeostatis tubuh. Penyebab gagal ginjal akut dibagi dalam tiga kategori, yaitu penyebab Prarenal (hipoperfusi ginjal), penyebab intrarenal (kerusakan aktual jaringan ginjal), pasca renal. Gagal ginjal kronis merupakan fungsi renal yang progresif dan irreversible dimana kemampuan tubuh gagal untuk mempertahankan metabolisme dan keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit yang menyebabkan uremia (retensi urea dan sampai nitrogen lain dalam darah) Asuhan Keperawatan Kritis Pasien ARF Ginjal berfungsi untuk mengatur keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh. Gagal ginjal akut (GGA) adalah penurunan fungsi ginjal secara mendadak, biasanya ditandai dengan peningkatan konsentrasi urea (azotemia) dan serum kreatinin, oliguria (kurang dari 500 cc dalam 24 jam), hyperkalemia dan retensi natrium (Suharyanto & Madjid, 2009, p. 169). Gagal ginjal merupakan penurunan fungsi ginjal mendadak dengan akibat hilangnya kemampuan ginjal untuk mempertahankan homeostatis tubuh. (Nuari & Widayati, 2017, p. 85). gagal ginjal akut juga merupakan suatu sindrom yang ditandai dengan penurunan fungsi ginjal mendadak dengan akibat terjadinya penimbunan hasil metabolisme persenyaan nitrogen seperti ureum dan kreatinin.
Perspectiva, 2021
Este texto empreende uma leitura crítica acerca do ideário inclusivista em educação, hegemônico nas últimas décadas, a fim de compreender seus delineamentos político-ideológicos em uma base material capitalista. Forjado no bojo das reformas neoliberais, empreendidas no final do século XX pelo capital em crise, com desdobramentos atuais no século XXI, tal ideário vem sendo disseminado de forma ostensiva na educação brasileira, particularmente no caso da inclusão escolar de pessoas com deficiência. Os delineamentos desse ideário são perscrutados pesquisa de cunho teórico-bibliográfico, com base na abordagem qualitativa e pautada no método do materialismo histórico-dialético, mediante proposições marxianas e marxistas. Os resultados situam o ideário inclusivista como reforma pontual do sistema capitalista, que tem se utilizado do discurso em prol da inclusão como uma justificativa ideológica para assegurar sua manutenção, reforçando a crença na escola redentora e idealizada, fundamenta...
A detailed report of events leading up to the history of Papyrus 137, previously known as "First-century Mark." This report, with many links to additional resources, documents various statements and developments involving persons such as Dan Wallace, Dirk Obbink, Scott Carroll, and Josh McDowell, beginning in the early 2000s and continuing up to the publication of the papyrus. (8 pages)
Geschichte der Fiktionalität, 2018
Technology in Society, 2003
Progressive Trends in Electronic Resource Management in Libraries
Advanced International Journal of Material Science and Engineering , 2025
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008
Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants, 2009
Journal of Endodontics, 2012
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2012
Ανταγωνισμοί Μεγάλων Δυνάμεων για Παγκόσμια Κυριαρχία: Η μάχη των ημιαγωγών, Σωτηρίου Ειρήνη, 2024
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