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This paper reviews the earliest empirical evidence for seafaring, leading to the exploits of Homo erectus in two world regions. This leads to the explanation of the rationale of replication experiments intended to establish the minimum conditions under which demonstrated maritime colonisations in the Lower Palaeolithic could have succeeded.
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A-sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes, 1999
The global evidence presently available for Pleistocene maritime navigation is comprehensively reviewed, and considered within the context of the relevant technologies. It reveals a pattern of widespread island colonisation during the Late Pleistocene, and of much earlier seafaring abilities in two world regions, south-eastern Asia and the Mediterranean. Sea barriers have acted as technological filters for hominids, in the sense that their crossing was only possible at specific technological thresholds. This principle is similar to the filtering effects of the same barriers on animal species, which relate to the distance a breeding population was able to cross by one means or another. To better understand the technological magnitude of these many maritime accomplishments, expeditions are currently engaged in a series of replicative experiments. The theoretical conditions of these experiments are examined. The paper concludes with the proposition that hominid cognitive and cultural evolution during the Middle and early Late Pleistocene has been severely misjudged. The navigational feats of Pleistocene seafarers confirm the cultural evidence of sophistication already available in palaeoart study.
This brief paper presents the work of the First Mariners Project, which explores the beginnings of seafaring. It is shown that colonization across the sea began with Homo erectus around one million years ago in the region of Indonesia.
Migration and Diffusion, 2002
The global evidence presently available for Pleistocene maritime navigation is comprehensively reviewed, and considered within the context of the relevant technologies. It reveals a pattern of widespread island colonisation during the Late Pleistocene, and of much earlier seafaring abilities in two world regions, southeastern Asia and the Mediterranean. Sea barriers have acted as technological filters for hominids, in the sense that their crossing was only possible at specific technological thresholds. This principle is similar to the filtering effects of the same barriers on animal species, which relate to the distance a breeding population was able to cross by one means or another. To better understand the technological magnitude of these many maritime accomplishments, expeditions are currently engaged in a series of replicative experiments. The theoretical conditions of these experiments are examined. The paper concludes with the proposition that hominid cognitive and cultural evolution during the Middle and early Late Pleistocene has been severely misjudged. The navigational feats of Pleistocene seafarers confirm the cultural evidence of sophistication already available in palaeoart study.
What is the evidence for sea travel in Prehistory on the Atlantic coast of Europe? This is a difficult subject, as there is a great deal of indirect evidence in the form of archaeological deposits on islands, but little direct evidence in the form of boats. Many archaeologists are reluctant to draw conclusions without this direct material evidence, but here I argue that we can deduce a great deal about Prehistoric sea travel through a combination of ethnographic comparisons and extrapolation from the existing evidence.
Navigation of the sea is shown to have commenced in the order of one million years ago. The earliest evidence for it appears to be that available from Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, but seafarers colonized also numerous other islands and one continent during the Pleistocene. These early technological feats of hominins provide a reliable measure of their technological limits, and indirectly about their cognitive faculties as well. To explore these aspects, the First Mariners Project conducts numerous experiments, some of which are briefly described in this paper. The implications of its findings for the first colonization of the Americas are also considered.
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2018
As one of the pioneers and major contributors to the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiative of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and G-20 countries, on 16 March 2016, the Revenue Administration website has 3 Serial Transfer Pricing in Turkey. The major one has been the introduction of the concepts of Master File and Country by Country (CbC) reporting in the Turkey\'s transfer pricing (TP) regulations in line with BEPS Action Plan 13. By BEPS Action Plan 13th, a series of amendments and updates were made on the 5th Chapter of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines concerning document. In this article, the existing transfer pricing regulations will be discussed with the guidance of the the articles of the BEPS Action Plan 13th.
Günümüzde kitle iletişim araçlarının gelişmesi, teknolojinin ilerlemesi, ulusal ve uluslararası alanda rekabetin hızlı bir şekilde artması örgütlerin politikalarını ve uygulamalarını etkilemektedir. Tüm bu unsurlar örgütlerin yaşam alanlarında bazı olgulara merkezi bir değer yüklemiştir. Bu olguların başında ekolojik dengesini temsil eden ve yaşam alanı olarak görülen örgüt kültürü kavramı gelmektedir. Örgüt kültürü, örgütün kendini ve dış dünyayı algılayış biçimini belirlemektedir. Bu algılayış biçimi de örgütün eylemlerine yön vermek suretiyle onu geleceğe taşımaktadır. Örgütler açısından bu derece önemli olan kültür olgusunun çalışanlar tarafından anlaşılabilir, yöneticiler tarafından da uygulanabilir olması gerekir. Bu yönüyle anlaşılması ve uygulanması örgütler için ciddi bir gelişme sağlayacak bir model olarak literatürde değerlendirilen Denison Örgüt Kültürü Modeli çalışmanın araştırma konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında Denison Örgüt Kültürü Modelini incelemek üzere Ege bölgesinin ilk 500 ve ikinci 500'e giren firmaları incelenmiş ve bakır sektöründen 2 firma, tekstil sektöründen 2 firma ve gıda sektöründen 2 firma olacak şekilde toplamda 6 firma üzerinde uygulama gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda elde edilen verilerle ilgili tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve sektörler arası farklılık testleri yapılarak Denison Örgüt Kültürü Modeline ilişkin analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Örgüt Kültürü, Denison Örgüt Kültürü Modeli, Bakır, Tekstil, Gıda GİRİŞ Günümüzde örgütlerin içinde bulundukları çevre bakımından, faaliyet gösterdikleri alanda ortaya koydukları rekabet stratejileri açısından ve örgüt içindeki uygulamaları bakımından değerlendirildiğinde çok farklı olabildikleri görülmektedir. Örgütler farklı bakış açılarına, farklı kültürlere ve farklı özelliklere sahip çalışanlardan oluşmasına karşın, bu çalışanlar örgütün amacı doğrultusunda bir araya gelerek ortak bir inanç ve değerler sistemi oluştururlar. Oluşturulan bu sistemin adı örgüt kültürüdür. Örgüt kültürü örgüt gerçeğinin görülmesine imkân veren düşünsel bir yapı yani bir paradigmadır. Bu bağlamda örgüt kültürü örgütleri birbirinden ayıran, onlara kimlik veren ve çalışanları aynı çatı altında toplayan önemli bir olgudur.
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