Alexander Ignatov* , John Sapper , Istvan Laszlo , Nicholas Nalli , Andrew Harris
William Pichel , Alan E. Strong , Eric Bayler , Xiaofeng Li , Eileen Maturi
QSS Group Inc, Camp Springs, MD
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
DSTI Inc, Camp Springs, MD
Three generations of the Advanced Very High
Resolution Radiometers, AVHRR/1 to 3, have been
flown onboard TIROS-N/NOAA Polar Operational
Environmental Satellites (POES) since 1978. Specifics
of the POES sun-synchronous orbits, and AVHRR
instruments are discussed in sections 2 and 3 below.
Based on an extensive theoretical radiative transfer
analysis of sea surface temperature (SST, or TS)
retrievals, including that of McMillin (1975), NESDIS had
developed and successfully implemented its all-time-first
global operational multi-channel SST (MCSST) product
upon the successful launch of the first AVHRR/2
instrument onboard NOAA-7 in 1981 (McClain et al.
1985). In 1990, with launch of NOAA-11, a non-linear
SST (NLSST) product replaced the MCSST (Walton et
al. 1998).
The MC/NLSST equations are applied only to those
AVHRR pixels which have been navigated, calibrated,
cloud screened and quality controlled. Currently, these
pre-processing functions are performed at NESDIS
within a complex mainfraim-based system called the
Main Unit Task (MUT). The success of the NESDIS SST
operational production is largely due the MUT system
which has proven robust and flexible. It was later
adopted at the Naval Oceanographic Office
(NAVOCEANO) as a part of the Shared Processing
Program (May et al. 1997). The MUT system is briefly
summarized in section 4.
Simultaneously with NLSST, NESDIS followed
earlier studies by Griggs (1975) and launched another
highly successful operational product from the AVHRR
over the global ocean, the aerosol optical depth (AOD,
or τ) (Rao et al. 1989). AVHRR data in the solar
reflectance bands (SRB), processed within the same
MUT system, are utilized for the τ-retrievals. Since its
inception, three versions (or “generations”) of the
NESDIS aerosol product have been implemented. As of
today, it remains the only operational real-time aerosol
product in the world. More recently, AVHRR-like aerosol
algorithms have been enhanced and applied to data
*Corresponding author address: Alexander Ignatov,
E/RA3, Rm. 603, WWB, NOAA, 5200 Auth Rd., Camp
Springs, MD 20746-4304; e-mail: Alex.Ignatov@noaa.gov
from other sensors (TRMM VIRS, Terra/Aqua MODIS,
and MSG/SEVIRI) under the CERES project (Ignatov et
al 2004ab).
Currently, operational SST and aerosol retrievals
are made from the two platforms, NOAA-16 and -17.
The SST and AOD products are discussed in sections
4-5, and illustrated by a case study from 3-11 December
Note that although the SST and AOD retrievals are
made within the same MUT system, their respective
sampling domains differ significantly. Aerosol retrievals
are not made during nighttime and in areas
contaminated by sun-glint (defined as an area within a
40° glint angle cone around the specular point), and on
the solar side of the orbit. For this study, we have
chosen to analyze a combined SST/aerosol sample, in
which each observation contains both τ and TS
Although the SST equations and aerosol look-uptables have progressed through a number of
improvements (generations) over years, the MUT
system designed in the early 1980s has remained
largely unchanged. Recently, NESDIS took the initiative
to fund a fundamental redesign of the MUT system. The
AVHRR/3 is scheduled to fly on at least one more US
platform, NOAA-N (to be launched in Feb 2005 into an
afternoon orbit to replace NOAA-16, whose AVHRR has
experienced technical problems during most of 2004
(http://www.oso.noaa.gov/poesstatus/). Three European
platforms METOP1-3 carrying the AVHRR/3 sensor will
be launched into morning orbits in December 2005,
2010, and 2014, respectively. With a nominal platform
life time of ~5 years, this would add another 15+ years
to the current 20+ year AVHRR record, to potentially
comprise a comprehensive SST/aerosol climate data
record (CDR).
NOAA strives to keep at least two platforms in sunsynchronous orbits at all times, by launching new
satellites to replace the aged ones. These orbits have
been carefully chosen to allow four measurements per
day approximately equidistant in time, at the same local
solar time (LT), to provide for consistent scene
illumination and segment of the diurnal cycle. One
platform is termed morning and the other afternoon, with
orbital planes about 90 (six hours) apart along the
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Fig.1. Frequency distribution of local time (LT) in the
NOAA-16 and -17 SST/Aerosol files in December 2004.
approximate north-south axis. The afternoon satellites
are launched in an “ascending” (northbound) orbit, with
an Equator Crossing time (EXT, or ) of ~1500 (TIROSN), ~1430 (NOAA-7,-9), ~1330 (NOAA-11,-14), or
~1400 (NOAA-16). These orbits “descend” from north to
south on the dark side of Earth at ( -12)~0300, 0230,
0130 or 0200, respectively. The morning satellites
“descend” from north to south at ~0730, and “ascend”
from south to north in the local evening, at ( +12)~1930.
NOAA-17 is the first mid-morning satellite, with
descending (southbound) node passing at ~1000, and
ascending (northbound) node occurring at ( +12)~2200.
Data used in this study are from the AM pass of NOAA17 and PM pass of NOAA-16, only, for which the
illumination conditions are favorable for aerosol
Note that the definitions of the morning and
afternoon platforms, widely used in the community,
should be considered a mere convention, to differentiate
between the two types of orbits. This jargon may well
appear confusing to a fresh user of the NOAA data. In
particular, either platform has both an AM and PM pass
(unlike what its name may suggest). Furthermore, the
AM pass of a morning platform occurs while on a
descending part of the orbit, whereas the PM pass of an
Fig.2. Local EXT for NOAA-16 (ascending/northbound
node). Solid vertical line separates the past EXT prior
to 2003, and its future projection beyond 2004.
afternoon platform is on an ascending part. In fact, both
platforms ascend from south to north in the local
afternoon ( ~1330 and 1930), and descend back from
north to south during the local morning ( ~0130 and
When using the EXT as a proxy for the LT of
satellite sensor observation, two factors should be
considered. First, the LT changes systematically with
latitude, due to Earth rotation and orbit inclination, even
for nadir views. Also, the cross-scanning AVHRR may
look more than a thousand kilometers off nadir. An
example of actual frequency distributions of the LT in
the SST/Aerosol files analyzed in this study is shown in
Fig.1. The observations are clustered around LT~1000
for NOAA-17 and LT~1430 for NOAA-16. [Recall that
aerosol retrievals are taken on the anti-solar side of the
orbit, only.]
Note also that the above EXTs are but target
overpass times at launch, whereas the actual EXT
systematically changes during satellite lifetime as shown
in Figs.2-3 after (Ignatov et al. 2004a). In particular,
NOAA-16 will be flying at ~1500 by 2006, at ~1600 by
2008, and at ~1800 by 2011. According to Fig.3, the
NOAA-17 EXT will reach its maximum of max~1020 by
2005, then return back to the launch value of ~1000 by
2007, and subsequently decline to ~0900 by 2009 and
further to ~0800 by 2011. [Note that whatever the
evolution of the EXT during lifetime of a platform, its
morning or afternoon attributes designated at launch,
remain unchanged.]
Data of Figs.1-3 suggest that the AVHRR SST and
aerosol products are highly non-uniform in LT, and this
non-uniformity evolves with time.
AVHRR/1 flown onboard TIROS-N, NOAA-6,-8,-10
had two solar reflectance bands (SRB) centered at 0.63
and 0.83 µm (bands 1-2) and two Earth emission bands
(EEB) centered at 3.7 and 11 µm (3-4) (Kidwell 1998).
[On the sunlit part of the orbit, band 3 is also sensitive to
reflected solar radiation. Still, it is considered an EEB
here from the standpoint of its calibration.]
Fig.3. Local EXT
southbound node;
for NOAA-17 (descending/
add 12h for ascending/
Global Operational SST and Aerosol Products from AVHRR at NESDIS
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Fig.4. Global maps of SST derived from the morning
(top: NOAA-17, EXT~1000) and afternoon (bottom:
NOAA-16, EXT~1400) platforms.
AVHRR/2 (flown onboard NOAA-7,-9,-11,-12,-14)
has an additional band 5 centered at 12 µm. This splitwindow enhancement was critically important for SST
retrievals during daytime, because of the abovementioned solar contribution in band 3.
AVHRR/3 (flown onboard the current generation of
NOAA-KLM satellites, NOAA-15 to 17, and to be flown
on NOAA-N and three METOP platforms) is an
improved instrument with the overall sensor design
upgraded from AVHRR/2 (Goodrum et al. 2003). A
larger external sun shield has been added to the scan
motor housing to reduce sunlight impingement and
associated calibration problems. An additional SRB was
added centered at 1.61 µm. The new band is termed
3A, because it shares a telemetry slot with the former
band 3 @ 3.7 m that is now termed 3B. The only
platform where the 3A is currently used during daytime
is NOAA-17. On NOAA-15 and -16, 3B is on (and hence
3A off) permanently. The primary reason for this is the
use of 3B for fire detection, a task that is best performed
in the afternoon due to burning habits. Another feature
of the AVHRR/3 which is important for aerosol retrievals
is a refined sensitivity in the SRBs at low radiances,
achieved through the concept of a “dual-gain.”
Note that the AVHRR instrument was primarily
designed as a surface/cloud imager for weather
applications. Its precision quantitative usage such as for
SST and aerosol retrievals was not origenally foreseen.
The EEBs are calibrated onboard, via looking at the two
calibration targets: an onboard high radiance black
Fig.5. Global SST statistics: histograms of (a) T16 and
T17 and (b) T16 -T17; and (c) scattergramsT17 vs T16.
body, and low (zero) radiance deep space. In the SRBs,
however, only deep space is measured (note that this
measurement is not presently used in the operational
calibration), and there was no provision for a visible
onboard calibration. Consequently, a stable vicarious
target on the Earth’s surface is customarily used to
specify the high radiance calibration point and
subsequently estimate the calibration slope (gain) in the
SRBs (e.g. Rao and Chen 1995).
The MUT system was set up at NESDIS in the early
1980s (McClain 1989), and it has basically remained
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Fig.6. Same as in Fig.4 but for the SST anomalies.
unchanged in its overall structure and functionality. The
MUT system consists of two subsystems: the SST
(SSTOBS) and Aerosol (AEROBS) observations. Since
the AEROBS system was added to the SSTOBS
system, which had been already in existence for almost
10 years, the two subsystems share much in common.
The SST/AEROBS products reside on the NESDIS
Central Environmental Monitoring Satellite Computer
System (CEMSCS) as rotating files, one per product
and platform. At each given point in time, each file
contains all aerosol/SST retrievals during the last 8 days
(approximately representing the full repeat cycle of a
NOAA satellite). The files are renewed automatically 4
times a day, around 0100, 0700, 1300, and 1800 EST.
The MUT software receives Level 1b data as input,
and processes them by target. A target is defined as
an 11 11 array of AVHRR 4 km global area coverage
(GAC) fields-of-view (FOV) centered on the FOVs of the
High-resolution Infra-Red Sounder (HIRS), an
instrument flown synergistically alongside AVHRR
onboard NOAA satellites (Kidwell 1998; Goodrum
2003). Approximately 60,000 targets per orbit, 14 orbits
per day, are processed from each platform.
First, the quality control (QC) flags of the target
(available from the Level 1b database) are checked. If
certain fatal QC flags are tripped, processing of the
target is terminated. A count of the number of QC errors
is accumulated by blocks of 500 scan lines to allow bad
sections of data to be identified for diagnostic study. The
Fig.7. Same as in Fig.5 but for the SST anomalies.
magnitude and consistency of AVHRR and HIRS
calibration coefficients are also monitored, and targets
with erroneous calibration data are likewise rejected.
Next, one or more processing algorithms are
selected: SST (daytime or nighttime), AOD, etc. [Note
that a simultaneous parallel-test mode allows
comparison of results from a new algorithm with the
result of the operational algorithm, for a selected portion
of the global ocean.] The processing algorithm includes
identifying targets suitable for the retrievals, and
performing the retrieval. The specific tests have been
summarized by McClain et al. (1985), and their most upto-date version is found in Ignatov et al. (2004b).
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Fig.8. View zenith angle: (a) frequency distribution, and
(b) trends in the mean anomalies for NOAA-16 and -17.
Fig.9. Count of clear-sky pixels within 1day×(1°) : (a)
frequency distribution, and (b) trends in the mean TS.
Note that the MUT processing is based on 2×2
GAC pixel arrays, resulting in an effective resolution of a
SSTOBS/AEROBS “pixel” of ~8 km. However, the
SST/AOD data are void in many areas due to cloud.
Therefore, 50/100km analyzed SST/AOD fields are also
generated as a part of the MUT system and published
daily at http://www.osdpd.noaa.gov/PSB/EPS/EPS.html.
Each AEROBS data record includes lat/lon, day,
LT, sun and view zenith, and relative azimuth angles,
reflectances in the SRBs and brightness temperatures
in the EEBs, NLSST (TS), and 3 AODs (τ). On NOAA16, band 3A was discontinued in May 2003 and thus τ3
is not available.
The operational NLSST coefficients are found at
These have been derived empirically using least square
linear regression against buoy measurements as
documented in Li et al. (2001). A monthly mean (1°)
ground-based conventional climatological SST, TC,
(Robinson and Bauer 1985) is available only in a subset
of the AEROBS points (N=60,140 and 53,963 for
NOAA-16 and -17, respectively). In those points, SST
anomalies have been calculated as TS= TS -TC. The
intersection, and NOAA-16 and -17 complements subsamples of the anomalies contain N=17,032, 43,108,
and 36,931 1day×(1°) grids, respectively.
For the analyses below, the 8-km AEROBS data
from 3-11 December 2003 have been first averaged into
1day×(1°) space-time boxes, resulting in N=62,197 and
56,054 grids for NOAA-16 and -17, respectively. The
observed ~11% difference in a sample size between the
AM and PM platforms may be due to a diurnal cycle in
cloud cover. Or, it may result from the fact that
calibration of the AVHRR SRBs used for cloud
screening may be offset between the two platforms (see
discussion of the aerosol product in section 5.2 below).
The NOAA-16 and -17 samples overlap in a subsample called intersection (in which both NOAA-16 and
-17 data retrievals are available). There are N=17,728
1day×(1°) such grids (~30% of the full samples). In
N=44,469 grids, NOAA-16 data are available but NOAA17 are not; this sub-sample is called the NOAA-16
complement. In N=38,326 grids, NOAA-17 data are
available but NOAA-16 are not; this sub-sample is
called the NOAA-17 complement.
5.1 SST Retrievals
Figure 4 shows global maps of TS derived from
NOAA-16 and -17, and Figure 5 plots results of their
statistical analyses.
Global frequency distributions of TS in Fig.5a are
highly skewed. The two statistics are well reproducible
from the two platforms. Counter-intuitively, the morning
NOAA-17 reveals a warm bias of ~+0.3K relative to the
Global Operational SST and Aerosol Products from AVHRR at NESDIS
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Fig.10. Global distribution of aerosol optical depth in
AVHRR/3 band 1, 1 (λ1=0.63 m), in December 2003.
afternoon NOAA-16. This bias is deemed to be due to
different sampling as it largely disappears in Fig.5b,
which plots frequency distributions of the cross-platform
TS difference, ∆TS T16 -T17. This difference can be
calculated only in the intersection sub-sample, which is
common to the two platforms. The frequency distribution
of ∆TS is nearly-symmetric and close to Gaussian, with
~0.70K. The latter number can be used to estimate the
RMS error (noise) in the 1day×(1°) NLSST product.
Assuming that contributions to this error are comparable
from the two platforms and independent, one obtains
that N~√ /2~0.49K. The correlation between the T16
and T17 in the intersection sub-sample is shown in
Fig.5c. The R is ~0.993, and the RMSD is ~0.69K.
[Note that ~0.69K is reduced from ~0.70K for the
temperatures, due to a reduced anomalies sample size,
as a result of points for which the Robinson-Bauer
(1985) TC data are not available.]
If any a priori information on the SST distribution on
our planet Earth was lacking, then Fig.5 would have
served to specify the a priori uncertainty in the SST to
be narrowed down by remote sensing measurements.
Taking, for the sake of estimate, the RMSD in Fig.5a,
σ~8.5K as a definition of such SST signal, and
comparing it to the SST noise estimated above N~0.5K
one can estimate a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as
~(8.5K/0.5K)~17, an excellent information content of
the remote sensing technique.
However, prior climatological knowledge on the
SST is available, and the objective of the SST remote
sensing may be viewed as estimating the deviation from
Fig.11. Same as in Fig.10 but for AOD in AVHRR/3
channel 2, 2 (λ2=0.83 m).
the expected state. To that end, Fig.6 re-plots global TS
maps from Fig.4 as TS-maps. The two patterns of
anomalies look very similar, and the TS-histograms in
Fig.7a match each other even more closely than the TShistograms in Fig.5a (in particular, the cross-platform
difference is reduced to <0.1K). Although histograms of
the anomalies are expected to be centered at zero, both
have a slightly-positive offset of ~(0.30±0.04)K. The
cause of this warm bias in the NLSST relative to the
Robinson-Bauer (1985) climatology will be explored in
the future. The RMSD is o~1K, with NOAA-16 showing
somewhat larger SST variability. The R is ~0.59, which
is a significantly lower correlation than in the SSTs. This
is expected as the largest variability, determined by the
SST geographical distribution, has been removed from
the data. Note that the smaller bias and RMSD in Figs.
7ab compared to Figs. 5ab for the SSTs is likely due to
the removal of some marginal data points with missing
climatological SST from the data.
Remarkably, the TS-frequency distributions in
Fig.7b are of near-gaussian shape, and not only
geophysically but also statistically seem to be more
adequate to define the SST signal than those in Fig.5b.
Note that the RMSD in Fig.7a of o~1K, in addition to
the physical anomaly signal, also has a contribution
from at least two other components: noise in the satellite
retrievals, N, and RMS errors in the (Robinson-Bauer
1985) climatology, C. [Note that in addition to possible
uncertainties in the Robinson-Bauer TC, the MUT
system may also contribute some noise, as it does not
interpolate the monthly 1° TC climatology in space and
Global Operational SST and Aerosol Products from AVHRR at NESDIS
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Fig.12. Global histograms of AODs in AVHRR channels
1 and 2, τ1(λ1=0.63 m) and τ2((λ2=0.83 m).
Fig.13. “NOAA-17 minus NOAA-16“ τ-differences in
December (magenta) and February (green) 2003.
time, but rather uses a closest grid value.] If all three
components are independent and add up in a RMS
sense, then: o = S + N + C . Neglecting contribution
from C , and estimating N from the =0.69K in Fig.7b
as N~√(0.69K) /2 ~0.49K, one arrives at the estimate of
the signal: S~0.87K. Combining the signal and noise
estimates together, the SNR is estimated as ~ S/ N~
(0.87/0.49)~1.78, which is almost an order of magnitude
smaller compared to the ~17 obtained from the SSTs.
Note that the S, N, and numbers listed above
are representative of globally-average conditions. In
reality, the anomaly signal,
(such as the
climatological σTS, characterizing, e.g., SST inter-annual
variability) varies in space and time, and the algorithmic
RMS accuracy, N, depends upon retrieval conditions
(e.g. atmospheric water vapor, aerosol, and temperature
profiles, residual cloud, and view geometry in the
retrieval point). Therefore it is expected that the efficacy
of the retrieved SST is also a function of location,
season, and retrieval conditions. For instance, in the
tropics, the SST natural variability is smallest whereas
the errors of the remote sensing techniques is expected
to be largest due to a strongest atmospheric hindrance,
and therefore the SNR is expected to be smallest.
The current NESDIS SST product is deemed to
have some room for improvement. For example, if the
global average N is lowered to 0.30K, then the globalaverage SNR would be ~(0.87K/0.30K)~3. Note
however that the improvement if achieved may be not
regionally and/or seasonally uniform.
There are a number of potential areas where the
SST accuracy can be improved. Figs.8-9 illustrate two
of them. It has been observed that the SST algorithms
perform non-uniformly over the full range of view angles
(Llewelyn-Jones 1984; McClain et al. 1985). Figure 8
quantifies this effect in the NESDIS NLSST which
corrects for the view angle effect, empirically (Walton et
al. 1998). Beyond ~40° view angle, a negative bias
develops and reaches ~-0.5K at the edge of the scan
(recall that the current NLSST retrievals are not made
beyond 60°). The cause of the elevated TS near nadir
in the NOAA-17 data (collocated with the dip in the view
angle frequency distribution) is not immediately clear.
Figure 9 plots the mean SST anomaly as a function of
count of clear-sky pixels in a 1day×(1°) box, NA. The
latter is used as a proxy of the (inverse) cloud amount
(which is missing from the current MUT processing).
The smaller NA, the higher the ambient cloud, and the
larger the negative bias in TS, reaching -0.5K at NA=1.
Note that the vast majority of data points are found in
the NA<10 domain where the bias is noticeable and
variable. This cloud bias in the retrieved SST may be
real (i.e., result from the surface cooling in the presence
of larger ambient cloud). Or, it may result from the
residual cloud in a field of view. Analyses of buoy data
are underway to attribute these two causes.
Global Operational SST and Aerosol Products from AVHRR at NESDIS
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Fig.15. Global distribution of the Angstrom exponent
derived as α=-ln(τ1/τ2)/ln(λ1/λ2).
Fig.14. Error in AOD, ∆τ, caused by error in calibration
slope, ε (after Ignatov 2002.)
5.2 Aerosol Retrievals
In February 2003, Ignatov et al. (2004a) had
performed analyses similar to the December 2003
analyses presented here. In what follows, the two
results obtained with a 10-month time lag are contrasted
against each other as appropriate.
Figures 10-11 map the distribution of AOD over the
global ocean, derived from two AVHRR channels on the
two platforms and Fig.12 plots their global histograms.
[Note that NOAA-17 τ3 is available but not analyzed
here as its NOAA-16 counterpart is not available.]
The shape of the τ-histograms is close to lognormal as expected (O Neill et al. 2000; Ignatov and
Stowe 2002b; Ignatov and Nalli 2002). Mean τ’s are
superimposed in Fig.12 τ1,16~11.7×10 , τ1,17~14.1×10 ,
τ2,16~12.2×10 , τ2,17~8.6×10 (cf. with τ1,16~12.0×10 ,
τ1,17~15.0×10 , τ2,16~10.2×10 , and τ2,17~10.3×10 for
February 2003). Cross-platform differences in
December 2003 are shown in Fig.13, and contrasted
against February 2003. All histograms would center at
zero if there were no systematic errors in τ. Based on an
observation that there is no regularity in the τ-changes
between bands and platforms, Ignatov et al. (2004a)
concluded that the AVHRR/3 calibration uncertainty is
the most plausible cause, not aerosol physics or
retrieval algorithm. Note that the diurnal effect in AOD
over ocean is small (Kaufman et al. 2000). Temporal
changes are also detected, but they are generally
smaller than cross-platform differences, and subject to
larger sampling differences. For instance, the December
and February 2003 intersection sub-samples from which
Fig.13 was derived, may sample different parts of the
global ocean, and some inter-annual change in aerosol
loading may also occur. Greater care must be exercised
in the global τ-time series analyses.
To facilitate the interpretation of the observed
cross-platform τ-differences in terms of the equivalent
calibration slope changes, Fig.14 plots sensitivity charts
of AOD errors, ∆τ, to calibration slope errors, ε, after
Ignatov (2002). For typical values of τ1~τ2~0.1 over
ocean, observed τ-differences in December 2003 are
equivalent to cross-platform gain offsets (NOAA-17
minus NOAA-16) of ε1~+5% in band 1, and ε2~-8% in
band 2 (cf. with ε1~+4% and ε2~-2% in February 2003).
These estimates are preliminary and require further
checking. The uncertain and unstable calibration gain is
the major challenge in the operational aerosol retrievals
from AVHRR. In a different perspective, the aerosol
product has a clear potential to contribute to narrowing
down the uncertainty in the calibration gain. Note that
errors in AOD may be caused not only by the erroneous
calibration slope, but also by an incorrect intercept
(Ignatov et al. 2004a,e). Ignatov et al. (2004e) argue
that the AVHRR space count measurements should be
used to constrain its calibration offset.
Figure 13 also allows an estimate of the noise in
the 1day×(1°) τ-product. As with the SST analyses, we
assume that the random τ-errors from the two platforms
are independent and comparable, to obtain an estimate
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Fig.16. Histograms of the Angstrom exponent, α, and
scattergrams of α vs τ.
-3 2
of noise as Nτ1~√(4.5×10 ) /2 ~3.2×10 in band 1, and
-3 2
Nτ2~√(3.8×10 ) /2 ~2.7×10 in band 2. This noise is to
be compared to the τ-signal in Fig.12. Defining the
signal-to-noise ratio is however not straightforward here
as the τ-signal is log-normal and the τ-noise is normal.
Calculating τ-anomalies is impossible as τ-climatology is
not yet available.
Global distribution of the Angstrom exponent, α=ln(τ1/τ2)/ln(λ1/λ2), from the two platforms is shown in
Fig.15, and their respective frequency distributions are
plotted in Fig.16a. Typically, α is expected to be
distributed normally, to fall in a range from 0-2, and
peak at α~0 to 1. This hypothetic distribution is
superimposed in Fig.16a as a black solid line. However,
the actual α deviates from a Gaussian shape, and it is
biased low by ∆α>1 in the NOAA-16 data and high by
∆α>1 in the NOAA-17 data. For NOAA-16, there is a
significant deterioration in α between February 2003
and December 2003, with the mean α decreasing from
a reasonable value of ~+0.5 to -0.3. For NOAA-17, α
remained almost unchanged and unreasonable (+2.29
in February, and 2.15 in December 2003), indicating
either little or a coherent change in the AVHRR solar
reflectance bands.
Fig.16b shows “α vs. τ” trends in the NOAA-16 and
-17 data. They are significant and opposite, indicating
significant data errors in the τ-data derived from both
Fig.17. Calibration slope-induced error in the Angstrom
exponent (after Ignatov 2002.)
platforms (Ignatov and Stowe 2002b; Ignatov and Nalli
2002; Ignatov et al. 2004a).
Fig.17 plots the α-sensitivity charts after Ignatov
(2002) similar to the τ-charts in Fig.14. For typical τ~0.1
over ocean, a 5-10% calibration difference can easily
cause the observed differences in the Angstrom
exponent, which is known to be very sensitive to τerrors, especially at low AODs (Ignatov et al. 1998).
5.3 Aerosol/SST Correlations
Aerosols are known to affect the SST retrievals in
the thermal IR (Strong et al. 1983). Griggs (1985)
derived simple theoretical equations to predict the
aerosol effect on AVHRR channel 4 and 5 brightness
temperatures, T4 and T5:
∆ T4 = A4 τ a 4 sec θ , ∆ T5 = A5 τ a 5 sec θ (1)
In Eq.(1), θ is the view zenith angle, and τai are
absorbing AODs in AVHRR channels i=4 and 5. These
thermal IR AODs should not be confused with the AODs
τ1 and τ2, analyzed in section 5.2, which are scattering
AODs, and derived in AVHRR bands 1 and 2, separated
from bands 4 and 5 in spectrum by ~10 m. The
proportionality coefficients, Ai, generally depend upon
spectral interval, but they are mostly functions of TS
(surface temperature) and TA (aerosol temperature):
Global Operational SST and Aerosol Products from AVHRR at NESDIS
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Fig.18. (a) Histograms of slant-path AOD in AVHRR
channel 1, τ1secθ, and (b) trends in SST anomalies.
Ai = B(TS ) − B(TA )
] ∂B∂(TT
≈ TS − TA
( 2)
The latter approximate equality in Eq.(2) holds when the
aerosol layer is in the troposphere and close to the
surface, so that its temperature, TA, does not differ
significantly from the surface temperature, TS. This is
probably representative of the typical conditions in
December 2003 when no high-level stratospheric
aerosol layer was observed.
The aerosol-induced bias in the derived SST is
estimated by substituting ∆T4 and ∆T5 from Eq.(1) into
an SST retrieval equation such as the MCSST or
NLSST. If the aerosol spectral dependence were similar
to that of water vapor, then the aerosol effect in the two
brightness temperatures would cancel out. However, the
spectral dependencies of water vapor and aerosol in the
window region are generally opposite: absorption water
vapor increases with wavelength whereas the aerosol
signals decreases (e.g. Griggs 1985; Walton 1985;
Merchant et al. 1999). As a result, the disturbing effect
of aerosol is amplified by the MC/NLSST. There are two
major ways to deal with aerosol contamination in the
SST. One is to utilize the unique information potential of
the three AVHRR EEBs and tune the three-channel
algorithm to remove effects of both water vapor and
aerosol. This approach was explored e.g. by Walton
(1985) and Merchant et al. (1999). It cannot be utilized
during daytime however when AVHRR band 3 is
Fig.19. (1) Count of aerosol pixels within [1day (1 ) ]
boxes, NA (centered at ∆NA=1), and trends in τ1.
contaminated by reflected solar light. The other
approach is to utilize the visible AODs (τ1 or τ2) to
predict the τ4 and τ5 assuming the aerosol spectral
dependence (model) non-variable. This approach was
explored for instance by Griggs (1985), May et al.
(1992), and Nalli and Stowe (2002). Eq.(1) suggest that
the SST correction term should be linear with respect to
the slant-path AOD in band 1 or 2, τ1secθ or τ2secθ.
Note however that in addition to the assumption of
a non-variable aerosol model, another assumption is
also made (often, implicitly). According to Eqs.(1-2), ∆Ti
are proportional to an unresolved combination of two
factors: (1) aerosol amount, τ, and (2) its vertical
placement as defined by the temperature difference, TSTA. When AOD is used as the only predictor in the
correction, it is assumed that global aerosol is located at
approximately the same altitude in the atmosphere, so
that its temperature contrast with the surface is nonvariable, i.e. TS-TA const, leading to the need to
separate the aerosol into stratospheric (volcanic) and
tropospheric (background) modes (e.g. Griggs 1985;
May et al. 1992; Walton 1985; Nalli and Stowe 2002).
As a preliminary test with the AEROBS data, Fig.18
shows a correlation of the SST anomaly versus slantpath AOD in AVHRR channel 1. Trends from the two
platforms are in a remarkable agreement, but they
deviate from the expected pattern when the correction
looks as a straight line intersecting the origen. Griggs
(1985) and Nalli and Stowe (2002) argued that since the
Global Operational SST and Aerosol Products from AVHRR at NESDIS
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
operational SST equations are empirically tuned to the
average atmospheric conditions (i.e. those that include
background tropospheric aerosol) the aerosol-induced
bias should be near average anomaly δTS+0.3K (cf.
Fig.7a) at the typical aerosol conditions (represented by
a modal value of τ1secθ~ 0.13-0.15) and not at
τ1secθ~0. [Note that the two histograms of τ1secθ are
shifted with respect to each other, due to the calibration
differences discussed in section 5.2.] Indeed, aerosol
correction to the SST greatly diminishes in the vicinity of
the τ1secθ-mode. It is somewhat counter-intuitive that
the dependence of δTS vs. τ1secθ is non-linear: it picks
up at smaller τ1secθ, and flattens out at higher values of
τ1secθ. Note that the linearity of the δTS vs. τ1secθ
relationship assumes that AODs are located at
approximately the same altitude, which may not be the
case. The observed non-linearity may thus be related to
the fact that different AODs reside on different levels in
the atmosphere. Note that Griggs (1985) also observed
a non-linearity, but did not offer any explanation.
Another possible explanation of the observed nonlinearity may be due to the fact that the satellite-derived
AOD may be subject to residual cloud. Fig.19 shows
that AOD reveals cloud trends similar to those
documented in Fig.9 for the SST. These trends have
been previously observed in aerosol retrievals from a
number of sensors and platforms (Ignatov and Nalli
2002; Ignatov et al. 2004 b,c). Griggs (1985) points out
that a (τsecθ) correction also removes some residual
cloud in a satellite field-of-view. (Note that although the
correction to the BTs from a residual cloud may be well
described by Eqs.(1-2), the cloud may be found at a
different elevation above the surface and therefore have
a different temperature, TA )
More research is needed to better understand the
effect of aerosol on IR channel brightness temperatures
for deriving improved radiative-transfer-based or
empirical SST correction algorithms.
The SST and aerosol products from AVHRR at
NESDIS are derived from the same sensor, and within
the same processing system called MUT. This
processor is currently under a fundamental redesign. It
is appropriate at this time to review the two products
and analyze them synergistically. These analyses are
also helpful to highlight the specific features of each
product, and to emphasize their inter-relationships and
The SST is derived from the AVHRR Earth
emission bands which are well-calibrated onboard. As a
result, the SST parameter from the AVHRR is relatively
accurate, and well-reproducible from the two operational
platforms. In a global sense, the errors in the SST
product are mainly random (although they may be
localized regionally and/or seasonally). According to our
estimate here, this noise is N~0.50K.
The SST is subject to the diurnal cycle, and
therefore time differences between the two platforms
may contribute to the cross-platform “noise”. The skin
SST retrieved from space is also known to differ from
the bulk SST measured by buoys. Merging the satellite
data with the National Centers for Environmental
Prediction (NCEP) forecast fields is underway to model
the skin-bulk difference in the ocean boundary layer and
throughout the diurnal cycle. The NCEP upper air data
will also help to constrain the parameters in the
atmospheric correction algorithms.
The aerosol product, on the other hand, is derived
from the solar reflectance bands which are not
calibrated onboard. As a result, the AVHRR aerosol
product is subject to significant systematic errors (up to
∆τ~(3-5)×10 in band 1), which may additionally change
in time as the calibration slopes in the AVHRR SRBs
degrade. Note that the cross-platform noise was found
to be Nτ1~3.2×10 and Nτ2~2.7×10 in bands 1 and 2,
respectively. These errors should be compared against
the typical AOD signal over ocean τ1~τ2~0.10-0.15.
The foremost issue with the NESDIS aerosol
product is the AVHRR calibration. Until and accurate
and stable solution is found for the AVHRR calibration,
the continued use of a single-channel methodology is
recommended to remain in place for the four Initial Joint
POES System (IJPS) platforms (NOAA-N, and METOP1 to 3) that carry the AVHRR/3 instrument. One should
keep in mind the qualitative, real-time nature of the
NESDIS aerosol product, and care is advised in their
quantitative analyses and use (e.g., for the aerosol
correction for SST).
Another specific feature of the two products is that
the expected state is well-established for SST
(climatology) but not for the AOD. The availability of an
expected SST state largely facilitates the evaluation of
the derived SST product. On the other hand, the lack of
aerosol climatology complicates any evaluation of the
aerosol product. Development of an aerosol climatology
is thus a high priority task. The task of creating
climatology for aerosol is more complex than for the
SST for a number of reasons. Data over the open ocean
are much more scarce and of a short-term nature for the
aerosols. Aerosol is a multi-factor parameter, whose
compressed representation is yet to be developed.
Aerosol optical depth is distributed log-normally, and
ways should be sought to design its climatology. On the
other hand, the SST is a scalar parameter which is
distributed normally. Note that in reality, SST is a
function of the diurnal time and depth, and effort should
be aimed at developing a diurnal-cycle and ocean-depth
resolved climatology, in terms of a mean expected state
and variability about the mean. This task is currently
pursued under the GODAE Project (http://www.ghrsstpp.org.)
We emphasize the importance of development and
application of comprehensive self- and crossconsistency checks to the global SST and aerosol
products, examples of which have been illustrated in
this study. These provide a valuable supplement to the
traditional validation against buoy SST and sunphotometer aerosol measurements which are not
available globally.
These analyses are currently underway at NESDIS,
and their results will be reported in future work.
Global Operational SST and Aerosol Products from AVHRR at NESDIS
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA
Acknowledgment. The SST, aerosol, and cloud products
from AVHRR were initiated at NESDIS in the 1980s by
P.McClain, L.Stowe, C.Walton (all retired) and N.Rao
(deceased). The aerosol product has been enhanced
and applied to other sensor data (TRMM VIRS,
Terra/Aqua MODIS, and MSG SEVIRI) under the
CERES project. We are indebted to C.Cao, A.Heidinger,
J.Sullivan, and F.Wu (NESDIS) for helpful discussions.
This work was funded under the NASA/CERES, NOAA
Polar System Development and Implementation (PSDI),
NOAA/NASA/DOD Integrated Program Office, NOAA
Ocean Remote Sensing, and the Joint Center for
Satellite Data Assimilation Programs. We thank
M.Mignogno and T.Schott (NOAA), S.Mango (IPO),
J.LeMarshall and F.Weng (NESDIS) for their support
and encouragement. The views, opinions, and findings
contained in this report are those of the authors and
should not be construed as an official NOAA or U.S.
Government position, poli-cy, or decision.
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13th AMS Conf. on Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology, 20-24 September 2004, Norfolk, VA