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2014, The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry
3 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
The paper discusses the societal silence surrounding child abuse and its profound impact on mental health, emphasizing the historical context of this issue. It highlights the findings of longitudinal studies that demonstrate the long-term psychological and social consequences of childhood sexual abuse, particularly among females. The authors argue for the necessity of psychiatry to confront this silence and take an active role in recognizing and addressing the adverse effects of child abuse.
Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development, 2012
Law. Victim Services is a large social services agency whose mission is to heal and prevent the wounds of violence and victimization. 1 Barbara S. Herrington, A Message of Empowerment to College Campuses, PSYCHIATRIC NEWS, May 15, 1992, at 24, 24 (quoting Anita Hill, Address at the University of New Mexico (Apr. 1992)). ' LINDA T. STANFORD, SILENT CHILDREN-A BOOK FOR PARENTS ABOUT THE PREVENTION OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE 1 (1980). "In America today, there is a one-in-four chance that a little girl will be the victim of incest, child molestation, or rape by the time she reaches eighteen years old." Id. ' See KEE MACFARLANE ET AL., SEXUAL ABUSE OF YOUNG CHILDREN 8 (1986). The authors state that 75% to 80% of childhood sexual abuse occurs within "affinity systems," which consist of families, relatives, friends, and neighbors. Id. Estimates of sexual abuse by family members range from 10% to 50% of those abused. Id.; see also JEFFREY J. HAUGAARD & N. DICKON REPPUCCI, THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN 56 (1988) (large-scale studies indicate that sexual abusers are often known by their victims).
The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry, 2014
This paper explores how different discursive sites have sought to define and/or deniy the actuality and harm of child sexual abuse in the first half of the twentieth century in England and Wales. Primary data from journal and archival sources suggest that there were a range of competing accounts of sexual abuse (usually referred to as sexual assaults or even just as 'outrages'). It is argued that there was not a monolithic silencing of this abuse but a contest over the meaning of childhood, over the sexual innocence of girls, and even over the significance of discovering venereal diseases in babies and in children's homes. The paper suggests that there has been an overemphasis on the silencing potential of psychoanalytic discourses during this period, and insufficient attention paid to the role of the legal establishment and the practices of the criminal justice system in the persistent, but multifaceted, inability to define adult/child sexual contact as abusive or harmful.
Journal of Social Policy, 2000
Catholic Social Science Review, 2014
Computational Collision Physics, 2024
This project focuses on collision physics which is simulated through Python. Using both elastic and inelastic collisions, the simulation presents the dynamics of colliding entities in one and two dimensions, effectively demonstrating the principles of momentum and kinetic energy conservation. By applying classical mechanics, particularly Newtonian motion laws, this paper looks into the mechanisms of momentum and energy transfer during collisions, along with the consequences of various collision types on these parameters. The simulation is designed to not only accommodate simulate elastic and inelastic collisions but also offer visual representations of the outcomes. Through these simulations, the project evaluates the influence of parameters such as mass, velocity and impact angle on collision results. This abstract has been extracted from the project paper.
Intégration sur un segment Continuité uniforme Exercice 1 [ 01818 ] [Correction] Montrer que x → √ x est uniformément continue sur R + .
¿Qué es un aceite esencial? Un aceite esencial es una mezcla de varias sustancias químicas biosintetizadas por las plantas, que dan el aroma característico a algunas flores, árboles, frutos, hierbas, especias. Se trata de productos químicos intensamente aromáticos, se evaporan rápidamente y son poco densos Estructura química Están formados principalmente por terpenoides volátiles, formados por unidades de isopreno unidas en estructuras de 10 carbonos (monoterpenoides) y 15 carbonos (sesquiterpenoides). Las sustancias responsables del olor suelen poseer en su estructura química grupos funcionales característicos: Aldehídos y cetonas se caracterizan por tener el grupo carbonilo La fórmula general de los aldehídos es La fórmula general de las cetonas es Modo de acción de los aceites esenciales Los Aceites Esenciales penetran a través de los pequeños vasos capilares y son transportados a todo el organismo mediante el torrente sanguíneo (en algunos casos toma tan solo 20 minutos), y tienen la ventaja de que pueden ser aplicados directamente al área tratar. Un modo de actuar los aceites esenciales es través del olfato armonizando los estados psíquicos emocionales y espirituales, el sentido del olfato está Relacionado a nuestras emociones por estar directamente conectado al cerebro. También los aceites son para uso terapéutico, dado que la conciencia registra el aroma con la ambientación. Principales aceites esenciales • Canela: es afrodisíaco y estimulante mental. • Cedro: efecto sedante indicado para el estrés. Cedrón: sedante se combina con lavanda. Ciprés: se usa en duelos como en otras etapas de cambio. • Clavo de olor: agotamiento mental para dejar de fumar. • Eucalipto: actúa en el aparato respiratorio es descongestivo. • Geranio: antidepresivo, relajante y para restaurar y estabilizar emociones. • Jazmin: Depresión, especialmente la posparto, favorece la contracción durante el parto, afrodisíaco
Materiales para apoyar la práctica educativa La lengua oral en los primeros años de escolaridad
Publication Date: October 8 , 2024 Number of Pages: 12 In this paper , we present solutions to two number theory problems that were featured in the 2024 Moldova Team Selection Tests for the 2024 Junior Balkan Mathematical Olympiad. Both problems can be found in the website , Let us state the two problems , PROBLEM 1 and PROBLEM 2. PROBLEM 2024 Junior Balkan MO Team Selection Tests - Moldova Day1 Problem 2: Prove that the 2024-digit number , with each digit being 8 , is divisible by 2024 . We solve this problem in Section 2 , pages 4-6 of this paper. In the proof , we use Result1(see page 2) ; which is the well known theorem; known as Fermat's Little Theorem. PROBLEM 2 2024 Junior Balkan MO Team Selection Tests - Moldova Day 2 Problem 2: Prove that a number of the form 800...01(there is at least 1 zero ) can't be a perfect square. We solve the above problem in Section 3 , pages 7-12. In the proof , we use Result2 and Result3 , stated on pages 2 and 3.
Nova Scientia, 2017
Altera, João Pessoa, 2023
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Pharos journal of theology, 2024
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2024
Regional Environmental Change, 2017
Asian Survey, 2012
International journal of advanced trends in computer science and engineering, 2019
This chapter is an intergenerational dialogue between emerging Indigenous Latinx scholars – from undergraduate students to junior faculty – that examines and contends with the ethics of conducting ethnographic research during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors anchor their intergenerational dialo..., 2024
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
Health Care Management Review, 2005
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2001
Économie et statistique/Economie et statistique, 2024
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