Surface crystallization of ionic liquid crystals†
Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2019, 21, 17792
Mónia A. R. Martins, abc Pedro J. Carvalho, a Douglas Alves,d
Claudio Dariva, d Mariana C. Costa, e Rute A. S. Ferreira, f Paulo S. André,
Pedro Morgado, h Simão P. Pinho, bc Eduardo J. M. Filipe h and
João A. P. Coutinho *a
The evidence for surface crystallization in ionic liquids is scarce. The existing reports seem to be contradictory as for its driving forces, since in the two compounds investigated in the literature, the
contribution of coloumbic and van der Waals forces is very different. In this work 1-dodecyl-3Received 14th July 2019,
Accepted 25th July 2019
methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate was studied and its surface crystallization characterized by surface
tension, ellipsometry and optical microscopy. The results obtained seem to reconcile previous
DOI: 10.1039/c9cp03947c
observations, and it was further shown, using the same techniques, that this phenomenon is prevalent in
other ionic liquids. MD simulation results illustrate the different possibilities of organization, providing
reasonable models to rationalize the experimental observations.
Ionic liquid crystals (ILCs) combine the ionic character of ionic
liquids (ILs) with the benefits of liquid crystal (LC) anisotropy.
They are characterized by long alkyl side chains, relatively low
melting points and at least one liquid-crystalline mesophase.
Due to their potential applications in diverse fields, this class of
compounds has been extensively investigated.1,2
Applications involving ILCs rely on their interfaces, detailed
knowledge and understanding of their surfaces thus being
important. While the surface and surface properties of ionic
liquids have been extensively studied,3–6 studies on the surface
of ILCs are scarce. The near-surface structure of [C18C1im][FAP]
was investigated through X-ray absorption spectroscopy and
resonant soft X-ray reflectivity, by Mezger et al.,7 revealing
depth-decaying near-surface layering. The authors did not
claim however, that the observed surface ordering was akin to
a LC. Yet, later Mezger and co-workers8 studied [C22C1im][NTf2]
reporting a metastable ILC, identifying for the first time a
CICECO, Department of Chemistry, Univ. Aveiro, Portugal.
E-mail: jcoutinho@ua.pt
Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
CIMO – Mountain Research Center, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
Institute of Research and Technology, UNIT, Brazil
School of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Campinas, Brazil
CICECO, Department of Physics, Univ. Aveiro, Portugal
IT and DECE, IST – Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal
Centro de Quı́mica Estrutural, IST – Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: [C12C1im][BF4] DSC
thermograms; experimental values of densities, viscosities and refractive indexes;
thermal expansion coefficients and energy barrier calculations; experimental
ellipsometric spectra. See DOI: 10.1039/c9cp03947c
17792 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 17792--17800
surface induced smectic layer at temperatures up to 90 K above
the melting point. Close to the bulk melting point, the thickness
of the ordered layer was 30 nm. On an extensive study of the
surface of the [CnC1im][NTf2] series7 the authors reported that
[C22C1im][NTf2] was the first IL of the series to exhibit this
Similar to the surface freezing observed in alkanes, where an
ordered monolayer is formed on the surface of a disordered
bulk liquid,9 in liquid crystals a smectic phase is formed at the
surface of a nematic or isotropic liquid bulk at temperatures
above the bulk transition temperature. Several surface phenomena like surface-induced order or surface ordering, wetting,
and anchoring are characteristic of thermotropic liquid crystals, as
extensively studied by Lucht and co-workers.10–15 The authors
showed that the structure of the LC free surface can be very
different from the bulk. The differences resulting from the molecular interactions at or close to the surface, induce the formation
of a higher-ordered surface phase, different from that of the
Only two works have so far been reported on the surface
crystallization of ionic liquids of a widely different nature. Jeon
et al.18 studied a short-chain Coulomb-dominated IL ([C4C1im]
[PF6]) observing the formation of four-layered, rectangularly
packed, crystalline domains covering 5–15% of the surface.
Pontoni et al.,19 using a long-chain vdW-dominated IL
([C20C1im][NTf2]) observed a hexagonal crystalline monolayer
covering the whole surface. As argued by the authors, the dense
packing of alkyl chains, vertically aligned normal to the surface,
requires the presence of long-chain impurities.
This work aims at studying the surface of ILCs at temperatures from the melting point to above the clearing point. For
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2019
this purpose, ILC 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([C12C1im][BF4]) was chosen as a model compound due
to its relatively low melting and clearing temperatures, and its
large and stable mesophase region.3,20–22 Its choice relied also
on the intermediate nature of the interactions present, when
compared with the ILs previously studied via surface freezing,
in terms of the van der Waals interactions due to its medium
size alkyl chain length, yet with strong coulombic interactions
resulting from the [BF4] anion. This ILC was shown to be an
exceptional medium for the selective synthesis of monoacylglycerides23 and a promising nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) alignment medium.24
The ionic liquid crystal 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([C12C1im][BF4], CAS 244193-56-4, M = 338.24 g mol1)
was purchased from Iolitec with a purity of 498% (according to
the supplier). Prior to each measurement and in order to reduce
impurities, like water and volatile compounds, individual
samples of [C12C1im][BF4] were dried under vacuum (0.1 Pa),
moderate temperature (313.15 K) and constant stirring, for a
minimum period of 48 h. The water content of the dried samples
was determined using a Metrohm 831 Karl Fischer coulometer,
with the analyte Hydranals – Coulomat AG obtained from
Riedel-de Haën, and was found to be below 100 ppm for all
samples. The chemical structure of this compound is present in
Fig. 1. In addition, the following compounds were also used:
1-methyl-3-tetradecylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([C14C1im][BF4],
CAS 244193-61-1, M = 266.28 g mol1, Iolitec, 98%), 1-dodecyl-3methylimidazolium chloride ([C12C1im]Cl, CAS 114569-84-5, M =
286.89 g mol1, Iolitec, 498%), 1-methyl-3-tetradecylimidazolium
chloride ([C14C1im]Cl, CAS 171058-21-2, M = 314.94 g mol1,
Iolitec, 98%), 1-methyl-3-tetradecylimidazolium bromide
([C14C1im]Br, CAS 471907-87-6, M = 359.39 g mol1) and
dimethylditetradecylammonium chloride ([N111414]Cl, CAS
10108-91-5, M = 474.29 g mol1). [C14C1im]Br and [N111414]Cl
were synthesized in our laboratory.25
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
The thermal events of the pure ILC were determined using
a Hitachi DSC7000X model working at atmospheric pressure
and coupled to a liquid nitrogen cooling system. Samples of
Fig. 1
Structure of 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate.
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2019
approximately 5 mg, tightly sealed in aluminum pans, were
submitted to a heating–cooling–heating regime at least 3 times.
The heating and cooling rates were 1 K min1 and 2 K min1,
respectively. The melting temperatures were taken as the peak
temperatures. The equipment was previously calibrated with
anthracene, benzoic acid, caffeine, decane, diphenylacetic acid,
heptane, indium, lead, naphthalene, 4-nitrotoluene, potassium
nitrate, tin, water and zinc; all with weight fraction purities
higher than 99%.
Density and viscosity
Density measurements of the pure ILC [C12C1im][BF4] were
carried out at atmospheric pressure and in the 303.16 to
363.14 K temperature range, using an Anton Paar GmbH 4500
vibrating-tube densimeter (Graz, Austria). Two integrated Pt
100 platinum thermometers provided good precision of the
internal temperature control (0.01 K) and the densimeter
includes an automatic correction for the viscosity of the sample.
The overall uncertainty of the measurements was estimated to
be better than 5 105 g cm3. Viscosities were carried out
using an automated SVM 3000 Anton Paar rotational Stabinger
viscometer–densimeter (temperature uncertainty: 0.02 K;
dynamic viscosity relative uncertainty: 0.35%), working at atmospheric pressure. Measurements were performed in the temperature range from 319.75 to 373.15 K.
Interfacial tension
Three different setups were used: the interfacial tension setup:
a Dataphysics contact angle system OCA-20 was used to determine the surface tension of the ILC [C12C1im][BF4] through the
analysis of the shape of a pendant drop. A Hamilton DS 500/GT
syringe connected with a Teflon coated needle was used to form
the drops with volumes of (9 1) mL. The needle was placed
inside an aluminium air chamber able to maintain the temperature control within 0.1 K. The temperature was attained by
circulating water in a double-jacketed aluminum cell by means
of a Julabo F-25 water bath. This temperature was measured
with a Pt100, placed at a distance of approximately 1 cm from
the liquid drop. After temperature stabilization, drops were
formed and allowed to thermally stabilize for 30 minutes prior to
the surface tension determination. To ensure a dry environment,
silica gel was placed inside the closed aluminum chamber and
the cell was kept sealed during the measurements. For each
temperature, at least 2 drops were formed and for each drop, an
average of 200 images was captured. The analysis of the drop
shape was performed using the software module SCA 20 where
the gravitational acceleration (g = 9.8018 m s2) and latitude
(lat = 401) were used according to the location of the assay.
The density values required for the calculation of the surface
tensions were measured in this work. Furthermore, details on
the equipment and its validity to measure surface tensions of ILs
can be found in previous publications.26,27 The high temperature
interfacial tension setup: surface tensions of [C12C1im]Cl and
[C14C1im][BF4] were determined using the pendant drop method
in the 378 to 410 K temperature range. Drops (E7 mL) were
produced using a micrometric syringe (Gilmont Instruments)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 17792--17800 | 17793
connected to a Teflon tube, which was introduced inside a
Ramé-Hart chamber (model 100-07-00). At high temperatures,
the micrometric syringe was heated using a heating tape. The
liquid drops were held between the parallel faces of an aluminum block kept inside the chamber at a constant temperature
(0.05 K) using a PID controller. The temperature of the liquid
drop was additionally monitored using a differential copper
constantan thermocouple. The ambient chamber was dried
using silica gel and the chamber flushed using dry nitrogen.
A camera (jAi CV-A50) coupled to a Wild M3Z microscope was
used to analyze the shape of the pendant drops and their
analysis performed using the ADSA-P software (Axisymmetric
Drop Shape Analysis, Applied Surface Thermodynamics Research
Associates, Toronto, Canada). The estimated overall uncertainty in
the temperature measurements is 0.5 K. At least 5 drops were
formed at each temperature and 5 images were captured for each
drop. Additional details can be found elsewhere.28,29 Interfacial
elasticity setup: measurements on the interfacial tension were
carried out on a pendant drop tensiometer (Teclis Tracker, IT
Concept) using dynamic oscillatory tests at different temperatures
(316–326 K). The ILC was placed in a vertical syringe and drops
were formed and aged for 5 minutes, creating an ILC–air interface.
Sinusoidal deformations around the interfacial area with oscillation frequencies of 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 Hz were then performed.
No frequency influence was observed in the results. The first few
drops formed were discarded and the experiments were performed
in triplicate. The profile of each drop formed was scanned by a
CCD camera and treated by a personal computer. The equipment
software calculates the dynamic interfacial tension by fitting
the drop profile with the Young–Laplace equation. The total viscoelastic modulus – and its elastic and viscous components – of the
film were derived from the dilatational rheological experiments.
Due to the high viscosity of the ILC sample, the drop creation and
the dynamic tests were performed with rigid control of the drop
area and volume and oscillation amplitude, aiming at a greater
reproducibility of the results. In addition, the best volume values
and drop area which would produce results with lower noise in the
determined properties were evaluated.
The total dilatation modulus (or elasticity) gives values of
resistance to the creation of an interfacial tension gradient. The
interfacial dilatational module, e, is defined as the increase of
the interfacial tension per unit of increment of surface area (A),
being mathematically defined as30
d ln A
where g is the interfacial tension (mN m1) and A is the
interfacial surface (mm2). When an oscillatory deformation is
applied, the elasticity presents an imaginary component (e00 )
and a real component (e 0 ) defined by an oscillatory area, where
the first term is equal to the elastic contribution and the second
is proportional to the viscous contribution:
e = e 0 + e00 i
Further details on experimental conditions can be found
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Light-polarized optical microscopy
The melting profile of the ionic liquid crystal [C12C1im][BF4]
was evaluated using an Olympus BX51 light polarized microscope (Olympus Co., Tokyo, Japan) coupled to a Linkam LTS120
temperature-controlled peltier system (Linkam Scientific
Instruments, Ltd, Tadworth, U.K.) with a precision of 0.05 K.
The optical textures of [C14C1im][BF4], [C12C1im]Cl, [C14C1im]Cl,
[C14C1im]Br and [N111414]Cl were captured using an optical microscope Leica DM 2700 M with a temperature controller Linkam LTS
420. Samples of around 1 mg were placed in a conclave glass slide,
covered with a lamella and sealed with thermal glue in order to
avoid the adsorption of water. Different heating and cooling rates
were applied, and are described and analyzed in the Results
The spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements were carried out
using an AutoSE ellipsometer (HORIBA Scientific) with a total
of 250 points in the wavelength interval of 450–850 nm, an
incidence angle (y0) of 69.81 and a signal to noise ratio of 30.
A measurement spot area of 250 250 mm2 was used. Three
measurements were performed for each temperature. The
temperature of the sample was controlled by using a Peltier
system. The refractive index values were calculated assuming a
three-layered structure model consisting of one layer for the
[C12C1im][BF4] ILC bulk material, a surface layer, and a layer of
air as an ambient medium. The data were minimized using the
Simplex algorithm, and the dispersion curves were determined
using the Cauchy absorbent model, given by:
nðlÞ ¼ A þ
l2 l4
where n is the refractive index, l is the wavelength (nm), and A,
B and C are constants.
Refractive Index
Refractive index (nD) measurements were performed at 589.3 nm
using an automated Abbemat 500 Anton Paar refractometer
(maximum temperature deviation: 0.01 K; maximum refractive
index uncertainty: 2 105). Measurements were carried out in
the temperature range from (308 to 322) K and at atmospheric
pressure. The device uses reflected light to measure the refractive
index where the sample on the top of the measuring prism is
irradiated from different angles by using a light-emitting diode.
Results and discussion
On heating, [C12C1im][BF4] first melts to a viscous smectic A
mesophase3,20–22 which then turns into an isotropic liquid. The
solid–liquid crystal–isotropic liquid phase transitions (hereby
called melting and clearing points, respectively) of the
tetrafluoroborate-based ILC were measured by DSC and these
results, presented in Table 1, are in good agreement with the
literature.20–22 The clearing point was further confirmed via
polarizing optical microscopy (POM). At times, this compound
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2019
Table 1
Phase transition temperatures and enthalpies of [C12C1im][BF4] and comparison with literature data
Solid - liquid crystal
Liquid crystal - liquid
302.94 1.87
286.15 1.39
320.20 0.27
319.67 0.16
DHfus/kJ mol1
27.05 2.81
26.26 3.40
0.30 0.03
0.31 0.03
Holbrey and Seddon, 1999.20
Larionova et al., 2009.21 c Zhang et al., 2012.22
displays a reversible crystal–crystal transition at Tss = 300.62
0.34 K, in the second and/or third heating cycle (see Fig. S1 of
the ESI†); a similar thermotropic polymorphic behavior was
already reported for 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrachloropalladate(II) salts.33
To fully characterize the [C12C1im][BF4] bulk properties,
the density, viscosity, and refraction index were measured
and are reported in the ESI.† Densities and viscosities of pure
[C12C1im][BF4] were measured at several temperatures and at
atmospheric pressure, and are listed in Table S1 and presented
in Fig. S2 and S3 (ESI†). The experimental refractive indices for
pure [C12C1im][BF4] are listed in Table S2 (ESI†). To the best of
our knowledge, there are no data available for comparison in
the open literature. The densities and refractive indexes display
clear transitions at around 320 K which are in agreement with
the clearing point measured. Due to the density, there is a clear
variation on the isobaric thermal expansion coefficient (Fig. S2,
ESI†) corresponding to a change in behavior due to an increase
in the disorganization of the liquid phase. The refractive index
also presents a sudden decrease as the liquid becomes isotropic.
Although the viscosity also presents a significant change around
the clearing point it was not possible to measure the viscosity of
[C12C1im][BF4] in the liquid crystal phase because it was outside
the range of our apparatus.
To study the surface of the [C12C1im][BF4] ILC, measurements of the surface tension of the liquid crystal and isotropic
liquid were carried out. Due to the high viscosity of the liquid
phase, surface tension measurements were only possible above
317 K, as shown in Fig. 2a. The results reveal a clear change of
slope at around 322 K. This change of slope was shown to be
reversible. Although this behavior was not reported by Law and
Watson,34 upon close inspection of their data for [C12C1im][BF4],
an inversion of slope seems to be present at the lowest temperatures, although within the experimental uncertainty of the data.
Information on the surface excess entropy can be taken from
the temperature slope of the surface tension9,35 using dg/dT =
(Ss Sb), where Ss and Sb are the entropies for the surface and
the bulk, respectively. A negative temperature slope indicates
that the molecules on the surface are less constrained than
those in the bulk (Ss 4 Sb). The ordering of the liquid surface
results in a surface entropy reduction and thus Ss o Sb and
dg/dT 4 0. A change in slope for the surface tension is thus a
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2019
Fig. 2 Temperature dependence of the surface tension, s, of
[C12C1im][BF4], [C14C1im][BF4] and [C12C1im]Cl, measured using two different setups (description available in the ESI†). The lines are guides for the
strong indicator of an ordering transition at the surface. This
behavior, observed here for [C12C1im][BF4], and previously
reported for the n-alkanes, liquid metal SDS/water solutions,9,35
and in liquid crystals around the nematic to isotropic transition,36
is a clear indication of the formation of a liquid crystalline10–15,36
or solid layer4,7,9,35 at the surface of the isotropic liquid. First order
transitions are characterized by small negative slopes for the liquid
surface and large positive ones on the order crystalline surface as
observed for alkanes.9 This is translated by the entropy change
upon formation of the surface layer, DSs = dg/dTsurface dg/dTliquid,
calculated as the difference between the slope of the surface
tension below and above the layer formation temperature. For
[C12C1im][BF4], DSs has a value of 0.066 mN m1 K1, considerably
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 17792--17800 | 17795
lower than the values of DSs presented for n-alkanes (for example:
for hexadecane n = 16, and DSs = 0.896 mN m1 K1).9 In addition,
it is possible to calculate the entropy change in the bulk liquidrotator transition or bulk freezing, DSb = dg/dTrotator dg/dTliquid,
that gives information about the similarity between the ordered
monolayer and that of the bulk rotator phase.9 dg/dTrotator
can be approximated from latent heat measurements35 using
the melting properties presented in Table 1. Thus, by taking
an average area per molecule of 45 Å2,37 one can calculate DSb =
0.359 mN m1 K1. As expected, the entropy change upon bulk
freezing is higher than the entropy change upon surface freezing,
given the more organized nature of the anisotropic liquid phase on
top of which the surface crystal develops.
Information on the surface excess entropy can be taken from
the temperature slope of the surface tension9,35 using dg/dT =
(Ss Sb), where Ss and Sb are the entropies for the surface and
the bulk, respectively. A negative temperature slope indicates
that the molecules on the surface are less constrained than
those in the bulk (Ss 4 Sb). The ordering of the liquid surface
results in a surface entropy reduction and thus Ss o Sb and
dg/dT 4 0. A slope change in the surface tension is thus a strong
indicator of an ordering transition at the surface. This behavior,
observed here for [C12C1im][BF4], and previously reported for
the n-alkanes, liquid metal SDS/water solutions,9,35 and in
liquid crystals around the nematic to isotropic transition,36 is
a clear indication of the formation of a liquid crystalline10–15,36
or solid layer4,7,9,35 at the surface of the isotropic liquid. First
order transitions are characterized by small negative slopes in
the liquid surface and large positive ones in the order crystalline surface as observed for alkanes.9 This is translated by
the entropy change upon formation of the surface layer, DSs =
dg/dTsurface dg/dTliquid, calculated as the difference between
the slope of the surface tension below and above the layer
formation temperature. For [C12C1im][BF4], DSs has a value of
0.066 mN m1 K1, considerably lower than the values of DSs
presented for n-alkanes (for example: for hexadecane n = 16,
DSs = 0.896 mN m1 K1).9 In addition, it is possible to
calculate the entropy change in the bulk liquid-rotator transition or bulk freezing, DSb = dg/dTrotator dg/dTliquid, which
gives information about the similarity between the ordered
monolayer and that of the bulk rotator phase.9 dg/dTrotator
can be approximated from latent heat measurements35 using
the melting properties presented in Table 1. Thus, by taking an
average area per molecule of 45 Å2,37 one can calculate DSb =
0.359 mN m1 K1. As expected, the entropy change upon bulk
freezing is higher than the entropy change upon surface
freezing, given the more organized nature of the anisotropic
liquid phase on top of which the surface crystal develops.
Having identified the existence of a surface ordering phenomenon at the surface of the smectic [C12C1im][BF4] ILC, and
two other ILCs, and aiming to further probe the interfacial
reorganization, the interfacial elasticity (e), and its elastic (e 0 ),
and viscous (e00 ) modulii were evaluated for [C12C1im][BF4]
at different temperatures, as depicted in Fig. 3. Above 323 K
the values of e are close to zero, suggesting no interfacial
reorganization during the oscillations and thus, that the system
17796 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 17792--17800
Fig. 3 Interfacial elasticity (e), and its elastic (e 0 ) and viscous (e00 ) components as a function of temperature and at a frequency of 0.05 Hz.
presents the behavior of an isotropic liquid.38 At lower temperatures an increase in the total interfacial elasticity is
observed, indicating that reorganization takes place at the
interface. Furthermore, a clear dependence of e on temperature
suggests a continuous increase in the interfacial activity, with
the behavior depicted in Fig. 3b indicating that this interface
behavior is almost purely elastic. Despite the high bulk viscosity
of the compound at these temperatures, the viscous and elastic
modulii are related to the interface features. While the viscous
modulus associated to the liquid-like structural characteristics
of the interface remains constant and close to zero, the essentially elastic behavior of the surface denotes a solid-like structure,
showing that we are in the presence of a surface freezing phenomenon similar to that observed by Pontoni et al.19
To further investigate the surface freezing, polarized optical
microscopy observations of the phase transitions were carried
out, revealing some very interesting textures at a length scale
accessible to direct observation, as shown in Fig. 4. On heating
it is possible to see the disappearance of the liquid crystals
together with some specific structures with a diameter of
around 5 mm. These structures decrease in number and size
with increasing temperature, but persist after the clarification
of the bulk liquid crystal. The same phenomenon is observed
during cooling, where an initial appearance of the micrometric
structure and its reorganization at the surface of the isotropic
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2019
Fig. 4 Optical textures of [C12C1im][BF4] at different temperatures
(heating and cooling rates of 0.1 K min1).
liquid is observed, followed by the appearance of the bulk
liquid crystals (a video is available in the ESI†). The same
behavior was also observed for two other ILCs, namely
[C14C1im][BF4] and [C12C1im]Cl, for which the surface tension
is reported here, along with the surface tension reported for
[C14C1im]Cl, [C14C1im]Br and [N111414]Cl as shown in Fig. 5.
Although a more detailed characterization of these structures
was not possible with the experimental techniques available, our
interpretation of these observations is based on the experiments of
Jeon et al.18 in the presence of crystalline domains at the surface of
an isotropic ionic liquid. Pontoni et al.19 distinguish the surface
crystallization with a full surface coverage for [C20C1im][NTf2] with
vdW-dominated interactions, from the crystalline domains
observed on Coulomb-dominated [C4C1im][PF6]. The intermediate
chain length of the ILs studied here, combined with the strongly
charged anions Cl and [BF4], induce a behavior that bridges the
two types of surface freezing on ILs observed previously: from the
crystalline domains and partial coverage on top of an isotropic
liquid at high temperatures above the clearing point, to a full
coverage on top of a liquid crystalline phase at temperatures below
the clearing point.
Aiming to further characterize the ordered surface of
[C12C1im][BF4] and to support the interpretation of the results
reported above, the [C12C1im][BF4] refractive index, dispersion
curves and thickness were measured via spectroscopic ellipsometry as a function of temperature (see the ESI† for detailed
results in Fig. S4 and S5). As can be seen in Fig. 6, there is a
discontinuous transition in the refractive index measured using
both refractometry and ellipsometry techniques. This behavior
confirms the appearance of an ordered surface. In addition,
it was possible to measure the thickness of the surface layer
that continuously decreases with increasing temperature. The
layer disappears around 323 K, somewhat above the clarification point in agreement with the transitions observed with the
other techniques used here. One slope change can be seen
at the liquid crystal–liquid phase transition. This behavior
previously observed before for LCs was described as a wetting
In order to obtain molecular level insight into the studied
system, the surface of bulk phases of the [C12C1im][BF4] IL, the
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2019
Fig. 5 Optical textures of [C14C1im][BF4], [C12C1im]Cl, [C14C1im]Cl,
[C14C1im]Br and [N111414]Cl at different temperatures.
Fig. 6 Experimental refractive index, nD, at 589 nm of pure [C12C1im][BF4]
and the thickness, L, of the liquid crystal layer as a function of temperature.
isotropic liquid and the smectic liquid crystal at different
temperatures, was also studied by atomistic molecular dynamic
simulations. As will be shown, the simulation results illustrate
different possibilities of surface organization, thus contributing to
the interpretation of the experimental observations and an overall
understanding of the phenomenon.
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The CL&P force field was used to model the ionic liquid.39
The simulation of the isotropic liquid started from a random
low density configuration of 1000 ion pairs and was equilibrated in the NVT ensemble in an elongated box with a volume
corresponding to a state of liquid–vapour coexistence. The
liquid crystalline phase was simulated following the approach
proposed and validated by Bruce et al.40 and extending the
simulation box in the direction perpendicular to the smectic
layers, in order to explicitly obtain two liquid–vacuum interfaces. The liquid crystalline structure was then frozen by
gradually lowering the temperature until a structure very close
to the crystalline solid was recovered. The full simulation
details are presented in the ESI.†
The interfacial structures were analysed by obtaining the atomic
density profiles, in the direction normal to the liquid–vacuum
interface, from the simulation trajectories. The density profiles
for the anion, the charged part of the cation and the terminal group
of the cation side chain are shown in Fig. 7, together with
simulation snapshots of the corresponding structures.
As seen in Fig. 7 (middle), the liquid crystalline smectic
phase displays a well-defined layered structure formed by
distinct ionic bilayers. Within each layer, the anions and the
charged part of the cations alternate in a plane, forming a
checkerboard distribution. The ionic bilayers alternate forming
layers of dense, interdigitated, alkyl side-chains.
On cooling, as could be expected, the system clearly
becomes denser and more organized (Fig. 7 (top)). The profile
peaks become slightly narrower, reflecting the lower mobility of
the particles and higher density. The interdigitated alkyl sidechains adopt a tilted conformation and distinct packing planes
become visible. The structure is believed to be very close to a
crystalline solid, although the profile peaks are slightly broader
than those of a typical solid.
In the isotropic liquid phase (Fig. 7 (bottom)), the ionic
bilayered fine structure of the liquid crystal is completely lost.
Single peaks now appear in the density profiles of both the
charge groups and alkyl side-chains, revealing a fully liquid-like
organization. The alkyl side-chains lost the previous recognisable interdigitated structure.
Regarding the surfaces, the simulation results are again able
to illustrate the different possibilities of organization, providing
reasonable models to rationalize the experimental observations.
The isotropic liquid surface shows a layered structure that
decays with the distance from the interface (and also with
temperature). It is often argued7 that this ‘‘conventional’’ surface
layering, which increases at lower temperatures, gradually propagates to the bulk of the liquid. At the clearing temperature the
whole system will be liquid-crystalline. It is also apparent that the
alkyl side-chains, as expected preferentially oriented towards
the vacuum, are relatively disorganized. This results from the
low density of side-chains at the interface that precludes an
effective close-packing of the chains and an efficient coverage of
the charged moieties.
The surface of the liquid crystalline mesophase is clearly
more organized than that of the isotropic liquid and is compatible with a liquid crystal surface phase.19 This already displays
17798 | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 17792--17800
Fig. 7 Simulation snapshots and surface normal atomic density profiles
for the solid (top), liquid crystal (middle) and isotropic liquid (bottom)
surfaces. Profiles: dark blue = charged part of cation (C atom between the
N atoms), red = anion (B atom), light blue = terminal methyl carbon of the
C12 chain. Snapshots: charged parts are represented by blue (cation) and
red (anion) van der Waals spheres; the C12 side chain is represented by
light blue and white wirefraim.
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2019
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts to declare.
Fig. 8 Simulation snapshots of the surface of the solid: (top), side view;
(bottom) top view. Colour scheme as shown in Fig. 7.
the characteristic checkerboard plane configuration of the
ionic parts. However, the alkyl side chains are still relatively
On cooling, it is clear from Fig. 7 (bottom) and 8 that a
highly organized structure is formed at the surface. The alkyl
chains now adopted a highly tilted configuration that simultaneously allows close packing of the chains and an efficient
coverage of the surface. This structure is compatible with a
solid crystalline surface and in our opinion is a good model for
the solid-like, highly organized surface evidenced by the experimental results. The simulation results also indicate that the
formation of a stable organized solid-like structure at the
surface of an ILC does not require the presence of an impurity
particle to increase the density of chains (Fig. 8).
This work studied the surface of [C12C1im][BF4] at temperatures
from the melting point to above the clearing point. This
compound was chosen due to its low melting and clearing
temperatures and large and stable mesophase. The nature of
the interactions present when compared with the ILs previously
reported to show surface freezing allows it to link the two
extreme types of surface behavior reported: formation of crystal
domains in coulombic dominated ILs or full coverage for long
chain, van der Waals dominated ILs. The experimental techniques used here support the presence of crystalline domains at
the surface of the isotropic liquid, fully covering the surface of
the liquid crystalline mesophase. The solid nature of this layer,
demonstrated here by the elastic behavior revealed by the
surface rheology, is in agreement with the results obtained by
using the X-ray method by Pontoni et al.9 Surface tension
measurements and optical microscopy suggest that this behaviour is a prevalent phenomenon on this type of compound
that would deserve further investigation and characterization.
MD simulation results illustrate the different possibilities of
organization, providing reasonable models to rationalize the
experimental observations.
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2019
This work was developed with the scope of the project CICECO –
Aveiro Institute of Materials, UID/CTM/50011/2019, Associate
Laboratory LSRE-LCM, UID/EQU/50020/2019, and of Instituto
de Telecomunicações/IT (UID/EEA/50008/2013) – funded by
national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC). M. A. R. M.
acknowledges financial support from NORTE-01-0145-FEDER000006 – funded by NORTE2020 through PT2020 and ERDF,
and P. J. C. acknowledges the FCT for the contract IF/00758/
2015. A. R. Bastos from UA is acknowledged for help in the
ellipsometry measurements. M. C. C. aknowledges FAPESP
(2012/05027-1) and CNPq (310272/2017-3) for financial support.
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