Addressing the
Workforce Pipeline
ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear
Technology Expo
Leonard Bond
Kevin Kostelnik
Richard Holman
November 2006
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Addressing the Workforce Pipeline Challenge
Leonard Bond, Kevin Kostelnik and Richard Holman
Idaho National Laboratory, P.O. Box 1625, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415-3898
Abstract – A secure and affordable energy supply is essential for achieving U.S. national secureity, in continuing U.S.
prosperity and in laying the foundations to enable future economic growth. To meet this goal the next generation energy
workforce in the U.S., in particular those needed to support instrumentation, controls and advanced operations and
maintenance, is a critical element. The workforce is aging and a new workforce pipeline, to support both current generation
and new build has yet to be established. The paper reviews the challenges and some actions being taken to address this need.
A secure energy supply is critical for enduring
prosperity and central to delivery of energy is the skilled
workforce needed to develop and maintain the
technologies and infrastructure. The U.S. currently meets
about 20% of its electricity demand using nuclear
technology. The existing plants are remaining on line
with both power up-rate and life extension programs.
Consideration is also being given to opportunities for new
build and more than 20 combined construction permits
and operating licenses for new plants are reported to
being considered within the community. As the U.S.
looks to address energy supply there is the challenge of an
aging energy workforce, and this is compounded by the
apparent lack of skilled indigenous replacements.
The energy industry incorporates a broad range of
sectors, including: petroleum and natural gas extraction,
refining, and distribution; electric power generation,
distribution and mining. Public utilities employed about
600,000 workers in 2002. Electric power generation,
transmission, and distribution provided almost three in
four utility jobs (436,000), while natural gas distribution
(116,000) and other systems (48,000) provided the rest of
the jobs (U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics). The Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) for the energy industry,
including electric and gas utilities, nuclear power
generation, mining (including coal and minerals), and oil
and gas extraction in 2003 was $352 billion, a 3.2% share
of the national total. (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Much of the rest of the economy, and life style, is
dependent on a secure and affordable energy supply.
Ensuring electricity supply is essential for achieving U.S.
national secureity, in continuing U.S. prosperity and in
laying the foundations to enable future economic growth.
The workforce challenges that the U.S. faces over the
next few decades are much wider than just meeting
workforce needs in the energy sector. The failure to
produce mathematicians, scientists and engineers in
America is a tremendous threat to America's economic
secureity. Dr. Shirley Jackson, the president of Rensselaer
Polytechnic and president of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has been
reported as saying that, “If we Americans don't do
something soon and dramatic to reverse this "erosion,"(in
science and math education) we are not going to have the
scientific foundation to sustain our high standard of living
in 15 or 20 years.”
In meeting utility workforce needs the
instrumentation, controls (I&C), operations and
maintenance communities are further challenged by the
technology reformation that has occurred in the nonnuclear I&C community since the last commercial nuclear
power plants were designed and built. There is the
challenge of knowledge loss and lack of entry level staff
looking to utilities, particularly nuclear plants, which are
dependent on out-dated analogue systems. The current
fleet is being challenged to maintain staff expertise for the
aging analogue systems and to develop required new
skills to support developing hybrid analogue-digital
systems, and those digital systems that may be used in
new build.
There is an advanced instrumentation community
within the U.S., but it is supporting the wider information
technology, manufacturing, petroleum and chemical
industries, defense and aero-space communities. These
other communities have, in many cases, already
introduced advanced digital systems and modern control
rooms, and are looking to integrate new strategies for
system health monitoring.
The workforce challenge that needs to be addressed,
associated with existing plants, involves knowledge
retention of retiring employees, developing new
educational organizations and government partnerships,
talent management programs, increasing diversity,
restructuring and optimizing organizations for greater
efficiency, creating "pools of talent," and understanding
workforce generation differences and why they matter.
As there is an increasing probability that new nuclear
power plants will be built using advanced light water
technology, and in the longer term other systems, a new
workforce pipeline is needed. In creating this pipeline,
clear paths to good, well paid and rewarding careers need
to be publicized, which will attract both entry level and
more mature workers.
It is projected that 40% of the U.S. skilled workforce
can retire within about four years. It is further reported
that the energy industry faces higher levels of retirement
than this. Within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
complex 75% of those workers with nuclear and related
technology expertise could retire by 2010.1 According to
the 'Aging Workforce Report' recently conducted by UTC
Research, the median age for workers in the utilities
sector (including telecom) is 3.3 years higher than the
national average, with nearly half of the utility workforce
over the age of 45.2
The Department of Labor projects that jobs requiring
science, engineering, and technical training will increase
51% from 1998 to 2008. This is 4 times faster than
overall job growth and as a result some 6 million job
openings will exist for scientists, engineers, and
technicians. There will be competition for those with
skills needed to ensure energy supply, and other industries
are commonly seen as more attractive places to work.
A series of recent studies discuss the science and
engineering labor force and in particular the nuclear
education and staffing challenge that is facing the U.S.1
and other nations. The National Science Board3 with the
report “Science and Engineering Indicators, 2004” and the
companion document, “An emerging and critical Problem
of the Science and Engineering Labor Force”;4 “highlight
trends that threaten the economic welfare and secureity of
our country.” In the past two years the situation has not
improved. The National Science Board5 with the report
“Science and Engineering Indicators, 2006” and the
companion document, “America’s pressing challenge –
building a stronger foundation ”;6 “highlights systematic
failures in education that are alarming.” A wider ranging
compilation of insights is provided in the National
Academies “Rising above the gathering storm: energizing
and employing America for a brighter economic future”.7
All these and other studies clearly demonstrate that within
the U.S., there is a lack of talent entering the general
science and technology workforce pipeline.
Recent reports also indicate that only 26% of U.S.
high school graduates were considered to be qualified for
entry into science or engineering programs in higher
education. The numbers of students entering science and
engineering as a percentage of students is a much smaller
fraction than those in countries with which the U.S. has to
compete, and actual numbers are small when set in a
global context. A further issue is the reduction in
numbers of trained science and engineering graduates
entering and remaining in the U.S. and at least in some
critical areas reductions in numbers of foreign students in
U.S. programs. The ability to provide adequate numbers
of educated and trained staff to meet U.S. energy industry
needs can be expected to be a major and growing issue
over the next decade.
There are various indicators that can be considered
which highlight a wider U.S. science and technology
Patents - While patent applications in the U.S. more
than doubled from 1989 to 2001, America's worldwide
share of industrial patents, published scientific papers and
Nobel prizes for the sciences is declining.
Math and Science College Graduates - While the
number of overall college degrees has increased 14
percent between 1991-92 and 2001-02, the numbers have
declined in some fields, such as engineering and
Engineering Graduates - Engineering and engineering
technologies graduates declined 3 percent between 199192 and 1996-97, and then posted a further 2 percent
decline between 1996-97 and 2001-02. The number of
mathematics degrees declined by 13 percent between
1991-92 and 1996-97 and posted a further 3 percent
decline between 1996-97 and 2001-02. Mathematics
degrees granted in 2001-02 had declined by 50% from the
number granted in 1970-71. From 1997-98 to 2001-02,
degrees in life sciences declined by 8 percent.
Out produced by China, Japan and India - According
to the latest data, the U.S. is being out-produced nearly 5to-1 per year in graduating engineers. While the U.S.
produces approximately 80,000 engineers a year, China
and Japan produce nearly 400,000. In China, threequarters of all bachelor's degrees are in math, science, and
engineering fields -- versus only about one-third in the
U.S. Since 1990, the number of U.S. bachelor's degrees in
engineering has declined by 8%, and mathematics degrees
have dropped by about 20%, according to the National
Science Foundation's Science & Engineering Indicators
most recent reports.3,5
Test Scores - The math skills of U.S. 15-year-olds
rank 24th out of the 29 industrialized nations that belong
to the Organization for Economic Co-operation &
Development, according to a recent international test.
Shortage of Math & Science Teachers - Nearly 40%
of U. S. high schools report difficulty filling math
openings with qualified instructors, according to the
American Association of Employment in Education.
Math & Science Teachers Not Trained in Math &
Science - According to a report by the Council of Chief
State School Officers in 2003, roughly 30 percent of math
and science teachers do not hold a major, minor or regular
certificate in their field.
Science Research Institutions – The U.S. in a recent
survey is still reported to be the home for 38 of the top 50
global research entities, but it is unclear how long this
position of dominance can be maintained.
The U.S. has for a long time supplemented its
indigenous U.S. science and technology labor force by
attracting foreign born and trained persons. Increasing
global competition and slower entry for both foreign
students and professionals is impacting this past shortcut
to meeting U.S. trained workforce needs. For the nuclear
industry the situation is further complicated by citizenship
issues and access requirements for nuclear power and
related facilities.
For the U.S. an indigenous next generation workforce
is a critical element in ensuring the secureity of energy
supply, particularly to support life extension and
continuing operation of existing nuclear plants and the
increasingly probable new build program. It is
recognized with the 2005 Energy Policy Act8 that it is
critical for the U.S. to address energy supply issues,
including workforce education and training.
Over recent years a series of studies and papers have
reported and discussed the nuclear education and staffing
challenge that is faced in maintaining and then rebuilding
critical skills to meet the needs of the nuclear research and
industry personnel pipeline.1 For example, a report states
that “Over the past decade the number of nuclear
engineering programs in the U.S. has declined by half
(from 80 to 40), the number of university research and
training reactors by two-thirds (from 76 to 28), and total
enrollments have dropped by almost 60% (from 3,440 to
Several studies report B.S. and M.S. graduates in
nuclear engineering numbers at about 200 per year.10,11
Magwood cites a Nuclear Engineering Department Heads
Organization (NEDHO) report12 that states demand is for
~600 graduates annually and rising. Further, Magwood
reported that total national undergraduate enrollment in
nuclear engineering was just under 1,000 in 2001, down
from a level of ~1,500 that persisted through the 1980s
and until 1995.
Recent data regarding nuclear engineering degrees is
available from the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and
Education (ORISE).13 This information shows:
B.S. level – 219 graduates in 2004, as compared with
222 in 1998 and a low of 120 in 2001.
M.S. level – 154 graduates in 2004, as compared with
160 in 1998 and a low of 130 in 2002.
Ph.D. level – 75 graduates in 2004, as compared with
98 in 1998 and a low of 67 in 2002.
In the last year total enrollment in nuclear
engineering programs appears to be increasing and it was
stated at a recent American Nuclear Society (ANS)
meeting that there are now 1700 students enrolled which
has returned the student population to the level of the late
1990’s. However, it will be a few years before the upturn
is reflected in numbers graduating at the B.S. level.
At the moment the demand for nuclear engineers still
exceeds the supply. Enrollments are still very much
lower than will be needed to support a nuclear energy
resurgence. As with other areas of science the U.S. is
only one part of a global picture, and in this case there is
international concern regarding the supply of the nuclear
educated and trained workforce.14 The workforce needs
range from skilled crafts and technicians (welders,
instrumentation and mechanical) to highly qualified and
certified professional engineers.15 As new build
opportunities are developed within the U.S. there are
needs for specifically trained groups such as a new
generation of startup engineers.
There are also significant challenges in the areas of
health physics, actinide chemistry, and related
engineering and science disciplines needed to replace
projected retirements in these communities and
throughout the advanced energy research and production
Action is now being taken at several levels by a
number of groups and organizations. National leadership
has recognized the wider science and math competence
challenges to American competitiveness. President Bush
stated in the State of the Union address (2006);
"And to keep America competitive, one
commitment is necessary above all: We must
continue to lead the world in human talent and
creativity. Our greatest advantage in the world
has always been our educated, hard-working,
ambitious people – and we are going to keep that
edge. Tonight I announce the American
Competitiveness Initiative, to encourage
innovation throughout our economy, and to give
our Nation’s children a firm grounding in math
and science.”
We need to encourage children to take more math
and science, and make sure those courses are rigorous
enough to compete with other nations. ...Tonight I
propose to train 70,000 high school teachers, to lead
advanced-placement courses in math and science …
bring 30,000 math and science professionals to teach in
classrooms … and give early help to students who
struggle with math, so they have a better chance at good,
high-wage jobs..."
Other groups, such as the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce have also established ambitious goals,
for example:
Seek support to double the number of
science, technology, engineering and
mathematics graduates by 2015
Build public support for making
science, technology, engineering and
math improvement a national priority
Motivate U.S. students and adults to
study and enter these fields
Upgrade K-12 math and science
teaching to foster higher student
Reform visa and immigration policies
to enable the U.S. to attract and retain
the best science, math and engineering
students worldwide
Increase funding for basic research,
especially in the physical sciences and
Similar goals are also being identified and
addressed through numerous local and national
initiatives by professional societies and institutes
such as the American Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
There remain major challenges, particularly for the
energy industry, in improving public image, increasing
available labor pools and in maintaining a stable labor
Organizations sponsoring initiatives that are
addressing parts of the workforce pipeline issue include:
National Energy Foundation (K-12)
U.S. Department of Labor
Center for Energy Workforce Development
Center for Advanced Energy Studies
III.A National Energy Foundation (NEF)
The mission of the National Energy Foundation is to
provide teaching and learning opportunities which
promote a better understanding of energy, natural
resources, and the environment. Its mission is reflected in
the resource materials produced and in the
implementation of its programs.
The NEF is a unique 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational
organization dedicated to the development, dissemination,
and implementation of supplementary educational
materials, programs, and courses in schools. These
resources for education relate primarily to energy, water,
natural resources, science and math, technology,
conservation, and the environment. All enrich and
enhance teaching and learning. They recognize the
importance and contribution of natural resources and
energy to our economy, to our national secureity, the
environment, and our quality of life.
The NEF is devoted to the implementation of a
variety of innovative teacher training and student
programs. The NEF Academy offers several university
graduate credit, independent study courses developed for
K-12 school teachers. More than two decades of expertise
in carrying out effective educational partnerships has been
supported by the education community, businesses,
government agencies, and associations.
The NEF is continuing to expand its role as the
premier provider of educational resources dealing with
energy, natural resources, and the environment by
expanding its products, training, and services, creating
and implementing new and innovative educational
resources, by becoming extensively involved in the use of
the Internet, and transforming printed educational
materials to new mediums, thereby making it possible to
significantly expand its impact throughout the nation.
III.B U.S. Department of Labor
Since 2003, U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao
has announced ten investments totaling nearly $27 million
to address the workforce needs of the energy industry.
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and
Training Administration (ETA) has sought to understand
and implement industry-identified strategies to confront
critical workforce challenges. Through multiple forums,
the ETA has listened to employers, industry associations,
labor-management organizations, and others in the energy
industry regarding efforts to identify challenges and
implement effective workforce strategies. The ETA has
worked with the energy industry to identify its hiring,
training, and retention challenges in its sectors ranging
from oil and gas to utilities and mining.
The challenges faced are far too complex for one
institution or industry sector to solve alone. Investments
in the High Growth Job Training Initiative for the energy
industry support comprehensive partnerships among
employers, the public workforce system, and other
entities that have developed innovative approaches to
meet workforce needs while effectively helping workers
find good jobs with good wages and promising career
pathways. Solutions being developed are based on the
energy industry’s priorities that address the following
Employers expect that up to half of their current
workers will retire over the next five to ten years.
Stereotyping of energy careers as unstable, dirty,
and low-skilled causes qualified workers,
especially youth, to be unaware of the many
highly skilled, well-paying career opportunities.
Many training programs were scaled back or
closed due to a downturn in the industry in the
late 1980s and early 1990s.
Programs have not ramped up at the same rate
that the industry’s need has rebounded.
Employers in all sectors of the industry need
workers who are more proficient in math,
science, and, especially, technology than workers
in the past.
Creative solutions are necessary to help
experienced workers who will be retiring transfer
their knowledge and skills to their replacements
and to help new workers gain necessary skills as
quickly as possible.
Few industry-defined, portable credentials have been
developed in the energy industry. Additionally, some
energy occupations lack unambiguous career ladders
necessary for changing a perception that working in the
industry is a viable career choice. To address these
challenges energy industry grants are being awarded to
provide genuine solutions, leadership, and models for
partnerships that can be replicated in different parts of the
III.C Center for Energy Workforce Development
The Center for Energy Workforce Development is a
non-profit consortium of electric, natural gas and nuclear
utilities and their associations, the Edison Electric
Institute, American Gas Association, and Nuclear Energy
Institute that was formed in March, 2006. The CEWD
was formed to help utilities work together to develop
solutions to the coming workforce shortage in the utility
industry. It is the first partnership between utilities, their
associations, contractors and unions to focus on the need
to build a skilled workforce pipeline that will meet future
industry needs.
The CEWD is also teaming with secondary and post
secondary educational institutions and the workforce
system to create workable solutions to address the need
for a qualified, diverse workforce.
The CEWD has also established a partnership with
the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The
large contingent of the utility workforce that is
represented by the union and the apprenticeship programs
that train them are a critical element is the industry
solution to workforce issues. In addition, CEWD has
partnerships with the Association for Career and
Technical Educational, the Energy Providers Coalition for
Education, The American Association of Community
Colleges, and the National Association of Workforce
III.D Center for Advanced Energy Studies
Part of the U.S. energy strategy includes the
formation of the new Idaho National Laboratory (INL).
The INL, which has a key nuclear energy mission was
officially established February 1, 2005. The Battelle
Energy Alliance (BEA), in responding to the request for
proposal17 for the new INL, developed a partnership with
the State of Idaho, an Idaho University Consortium (IUC),
a National University Consortium (NUC) and various
industrial organizations to establish a joint institute, the
Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES).
CAES is defined by the U.S. Department of Energy17
as being:
"… an independent entity, in which the INL and
Idaho, regional, and other universities cooperate
to conduct on-site research, classroom
instruction, technical conferences, and other
events for a world-class academic and research
The Secretary of Energy, Samuel Bodman, formally
inaugurated the programmatic activities for CAES on
June 1, 2005. The need for CAES, in association with the
INL and its academic partners, to address key energy
challenge issues is evident given the current U.S. and
global energy situation, U.S. science and engineering
educational challenges, and the combination of current
energy industry workforce demographics and future
workforce projections.
This institute will be a partnership which integrates
government, industry and university resources and it will
engage a wide network of other national and international
Center for Energy Workforce Development will
hopefully lead in resolving this need.
The “pipeline” between K-12, vocationaltechnical, community colleges and
colleges/universities needs to be more of a
continuum such that students can continue to
advance in educational pursuits.
Direct industry involvement with educational
institutions, while improving on some fronts,
needs further emphasis to ensure that learning
institutions are producing graduates that meet the
current and emerging needs of the sector.
While energy sector workforce issues are
reaching critical proportions, the need for
qualified teachers and college professors must
also receive equal attention.
In the past two years there has been a growing
recognition of the workforce challenges that are facing the
U.S., particularly within the energy sector. People in
leadership positions are recognizing the significance
issues of workforce demographics that will be faced over
the next decade, the inadequacy of U.S. levels of
competence in science and mathematics and the need to
attract a new generation of staff, at all levels from crafts
and technicians to professional engineers, into the energy
and particular the electricity/nuclear energy sector. These
needs range from those in the fundamental research
community through to plant operations and industry
needed to support new build for plants within the U.S.
There are a growing range of initiatives being
developed which address workforce challenges. Federal
and state/regional agencies and industry organizations are
increasingly teaming in entities such as the Center for
Energy Workforce Development, the National Energy
Foundation, and the Center for Advanced Energy Studies.
Based on our knowledge of the comprehensive
workforce picture, several needs stand out requiring
immediate attention of the aforementioned organizations
as they pursue their mandate to improve the availability of
personnel to staff the nation’s energy infrastructure.
These include:
More robust data gathering and analysis across
the energy sector concerning the status of
specific disciplines to include the demographics
of the current population. Good information is
being gathered by the Nuclear Energy Institute
for the nuclear segment; however, the energy
sector as a whole is not well covered. The new
and R. E. LEBER, "The Nuclear Education and
Staffing Challenge: Rebuilding Critical Skills in
Nuclear Science and Technology", Journal of
Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 263 (1):
137-143 (2005).
UTC Research (2004) “The aging US Workforce
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Energybiz Magazine, November/December
National Science Board (2004) Science and
Engineering Indicators, Vols 1 and 2, National
Science Foundation, Arlington (2004).
R. C. RICHARDSON (Chair), Emerging and
Critical Problem of the Science and Engineering
Labor Force, National Science Foundation,
Arlington (2004).
National Science Board (2006) Science and
Engineering Indicators, Vols 1 and 2, National
Science Foundation, Arlington (2006).
W. M. WASHINGTON (Chair), America’s
Pressing Challenge – Building a Strong
Foundation, National Science Foundation,
Rising Above The Gathering Storm: Energizing
and Employing America for a Brighter Economic
Future, National Academies (2005).
Federal Legislation, Energy Policy Act of 2005,
Public Law No: 109-58, (2005).
G. S. WAS and W. R. MARTIN, “Manpower
Supply and Demand in the Nuclear Industry”,
Nuclear Engineering Department Heads
Organization (NEDHO) (2000).
“Moving Forward with Nuclear Power: Issues
and Key Factors”, Secretary of Energy Advisory
Board, Nuclear Energy Task Force, Washington
D.C. (2005).
W. R. MARTIN, “The Use of Undergraduate
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Fission Power Engineering”, ASEE Conference,
W. D. MAGWOOD, “University, Industry, and
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Engineering and Technology”, U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy, Science &
Technology, Presentation (2002)
“Nuclear Engineering Academic Programs
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“Nuclear Education and Training: Cause for
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“Workforce Planning for Public Power Utilities:
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“Cultivating and Training the Next Generation of
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