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La economía es una ciencia social muy dinámica, estudia el comportamiento de los distintos agentes económicos (familias, empresa, estado, etc.). Los novatos que nos acercamos por primera vez a la materia solemos dar conceptos relacionados con el dinero. El campo de estudio convencional de la Economía abarca todos los problemas relacionados con la determinación del precio de las cosas, con el análisis de actividades que implican costes y que producen beneficios medibles en dinero, en suma con la producción y distribución de bienes y servicios lo cual es necesario para la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas. Los 10 principios de la economía. ¿Qué son? Estos principios nos ayudan a entender el mundo que nos rodea, a comprender como es que funcionan las economías de la sociedad, el individuo y del estado. Sin lugar a dudas la buena administración o administración eficaz en términos económicos, de los recursos es importante, puesto que estos son escasos y muy limitados es en esta situación que es importante pensar como un economista y usar adecuada y eficientemente nuestros recursos. 1.-¿COMO TOMAN DECISIONES LOS INDIVIDUOS? Principio 1: " Los individuos nos enfrentamos a disyuntivas. " En realidad todas las personas nos enfrentamos a disyuntivas unas más con complejas que otras, pero al final debemos tomar una decisión. Para obtener algo que queremos; generalmente renunciamos a otra cosa que también deseamos. Los seres humanos desde que tenemos conciencia nos enfrentamos a esta situación, o acaso un niño no decide cual es su juguete favorito, de igual modo los adultos dejamos a un lado cierto objeto para obtener otro, quizás porque nos da mejor satisfacción o bienestar, en esencia esto implica una relación excluyente entre dos elementos. Un economista inmortalizo hace algunos años el sentido de este principio con la máxima expresión " no existen los almuerzos gratuitos " , y esto es cierto pues si queremos almorzar debemos dar algo o renunciar a algo para obtener ese almuerzo, en este caso es el dinero; no quiere decir que el dinero no importe, es más el dinero si es importante; pero no lo es tanto como la alimentación o el bienestar (independientemente de lo que el dinero logre), en consecuencia dejamos a un lado algo para obtener otra cosa que también queremos.
Academia Biology, 2024
Trace metal ions, such as copper, play an important role in the development of amyloid β (Aβ)-mediated Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Atomic-level investigation of Aβ interaction with copper ions is essential for understanding the metal-mediated peptide self-assembly. In this study, we investigated copper ion–Aβ1–16 interactions using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, circular dichroism, and transmission electron microscopy. Additionally, we examined the role of copper oxidation states in generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) using a 2′-7′ dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFDA) assay. 13C NMR data showed site-specific interactions between copper ions and Aβ1–16, with some differences observed in H2O compared to 2H2O. Aβ1–12, which lacks His13 and His14, was found to interact with copper ions; however, it exhibited increased NMR peak broadening due to nonspecific interactions. While both Cu(II) and Cu(I) delayed Aβ self-assembly, Cu(I) binding to Aβ1–16 or Aβ1–42 resulted in increased ROS production compared to Cu(II). The structural insights provided in this study could contribute to the design and development of new copper ion-specific chelators to reduce excess copper levels and mitigate Aβ-copper-induced neurotoxicity in AD.
New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021
This paper aims to present a research study concerning the graphics and symbols in logo design exhibited in an art program dubbed ‘Golden Ages of Art Nouveau and Art Deco’. It was important for us to understand these trends, their characteristics and graphics, to create many times beautiful masterpieces of art. We have noticed a lot of differences between these two art movements related to symbols, signs and colours which were used. It was ‘a special art travel’ to study, theoretically and practically, the field of logo design connected to these ages. Starting from our research study, we have tried to make ‘a basket’ of features which characterises each trend. We have tried to explain the diversity of elements used as an art graphic design focused on logos. And, of course, we have tried to create logos using the features of Art Nouveau and Art Deco. Keywords: Art Nouveau, Art Deco, logo design, feature, symbols, colours.
-- Indus Script Meluhha semantics signifies सांगड sāṅgaḍa ‘double-canoe’ ‘association, company’ सांगड sāṅgaḍa That member of a turner's apparatus by which the piece to be turned is confined and steadied.
The title listed is the book; we (Joe Berry and myself) wrote Chapter 3: The Metro Strategy: A Workforce-appropriate, Geography-based Approach to Organizing Contingent Faculty. The editor of the book is Ishmael Munene and the publisher is Lexington.
Monography paper, 2018
A presente pesquisa de monografia objetiva operacionalizar o conceito de “lugar de fala”, teorizado no Brasil pela filósofa feminista negra Djamila Ribeiro (2017), como ferramenta descritiva-interpretativa-política para a teoria da Análise de Discurso. Para tal, realizaremos a descrição e análise dos discursos constituintes do lugar de fala das rappers feministas brancas cisgêneras Lívia Cruz e Bárbara Sweet quando da representação do corpo do homem negro e de feministas negras que posicionaram-se contra a forma de luta feminista das rappers citadas. Buscamos, dessa forma, compreender como, a partir destes lugares de fala, mulheres brancas, envolvidas na luta feminista, dizem sobre o homem negro, e como esses dizeres se diferem historicamente dos proferidos por mulheres negras feministas. Para isso, faz-se um recorte teórico aportado principalmente em Davis (2017), Ribeiro (2017) e Hill Collins (2004), a fim de entender e comparar como foram/são construídos os discursos sobre o homem negro e seu corpo dentro do movimento pelos direitos das mulheres e também dentro do movimento antirracista. Em termos de procedimentos metodológicos, o trabalho analisa e descreve recortes de um vídeo produzido por Lívia Cruz e Bárbara Sweet no canal “React Objetificando”, em que o corpo do homem negro é colocado em evidência e dito como perigoso, bandido, serviçal. Em um jogo parafrástico com a objetificação das mulheres, as rappers evidenciam em 16 minutos, a partir de sua inscrição enquanto mulheres brancas, cisgêneras, como o racismo sustenta as relações hierárquicas entre mulheres brancas e homens negros. Analisamos também as manifestações, por meio de comentários, de mulheres feministas negras e brancas quanto aos enunciados das rappers. Por fim, os resultados de nossas análises demonstram que, ao se meta-enunciarem como rappers (inclusas em ambientes culturais de raízes negras) e como feministas para legitimarem seus métodos de luta antissexista, as duas mulheres brancas reproduzem enunciados racistas sobre o corpo do homem negro, retomando memórias ligadas, por exemplo, ao mito do estuprador negro, teorizado por Davis (2016). As análises evidenciam que o apagamento racial das rappers se dá pela falta de racialização de si, visto que essas mulheres fazem parte do grupo hegêmonico que não passa por experiências raciais violentas e, por isso, hiperracializa o outro. A pesquisa propõe demonstrar que o conceito de lugar de fala possibilita explicitar como ocorrem tais contradições nas práticas de subjetivação que retomam enunciados racistas dentro de movimentos progressistas, como o feminismo. Acreditamos também que tal conceito viabilize uma descolonização do conhecimento (KILOMBA, 2015) que proporcione que novos discursos – de resistência – sobre o homem negro circulem em espaços de poder como a academia.
(Given to the International Association for Identification) Numerous ancient Greek ceramic objects preserve pre-firing plastic fingerprints from their producers. In addition to studying ancient labor systems through print-matching, archaeologists have begun to ask questions that require less specific print material, often correlating print size and biological sex. Size is a problematic criterion for a variety of reasons, and I argue that it is preferable to use other, more informative, statistics to sex producers. This technique should be transferable to contemporary forensic contexts.
Journal of Investment and Management, 2016
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of inventory control strategies on inventory record accuracy in Kenya Power Nakuru. The study looked at three inventory control strategies; cycle counting, inventory coding and computerized inventory accuracy. The three variables were individually and collectively related with inventory records accuracy. The study adopted a descriptive survey. The target populations for the study were the employees in Kenya Power Nakuru working in procurement, stores and finance departments. Since there are only 42 employees in the departments, all the employees were involved in the study as respondents. The researcher conducted a pilot study to test for validity and reliability of the research instruments before the actual study. Data was then collected through structured questionnaires that were self-administered by the researcher. Collected data was analyzed both descriptively and inferentially. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the study variables while correlation and regression analysis was used to relate the research variables. Single tailed t-test was used to test the hypotheses in the study. The study established that inventory control practices have significant positive influence on inventory records accuracy. The study recommends that public companies as well as private companies adopt inventory control practices as they are likely to experience enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in inventory records. The study suggests that further study is conducted to assess the role of management in implementing inventory control practices and whether inventory control practices can enhance operational performance of an organization.
Horticulturae, 2021
Organic fresh products are appreciated and are gaining a good reputation regarding human health and environmental concerns. Despite the fact that hydroponics are commonly used in vegetable production, growers are looking for sustainable cultivation systems. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of using an organic-based nutrient solution (NS) derived from fish waste in a hydroponic system on the vegetative growth and production of lettuce compared to a conventional inorganic NS. Plant growth, yield, physiological and nutrient content parameters were determined. The results revealed that the overall growth and fresh biomass of the organic NS grown lettuce were relatively lower than those of the inorganic NS. Stomata density was significantly higher in inorganic grown lettuce compared to the organic one. However, the total chlorophyll, carotene, phenolic compounds, and flavonoid contents, as well as antioxidant activity were significantly higher in lettu...
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Doğumunun 60. Yılında Mehmet Ölmez rmağanı, 2023
Wicazo Sa Review, 2002
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , 2024
Mededelingen van de Werkgroep voor Tertiaire en Kwartaire Geologie, 1985
Revista de Estudos Acadêmicos de Letras, 2023
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2006
CeReNeM Journal, 2023
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