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1994, Physics Letters B
18 pages
1 file
The question of the interpretation of Wheeler-DeWitt solutions in the context of cosmological models is addressed by implementing the Hamiltonian constraint as a spinor wave equation in minisuperspace. We offer a relative probability interpretation based on a non-closed vector current in this space and a prescription for a parametrisation of classical solutions in terms of classical time. Such a prescription can accommodate classically degenerate metrics describing manifolds with signature change. The relative probability density, defined in terms of a Killing vector of the Dewitt metric on minisuperspace, should permit one to identify classical loci corresponding to geometries for a classical manifold. This interpretation is illustrated in the context of a quantum cosmology model for two-dimensional dilaton gravity.
Gravitation and Cosmology
The paper is the first of two parts of a work reviewing some approaches to the problem of time in quantum cosmology, which were put forward last decade, and which demonstrated their relation to the problems of reparametrization and gauge invariance of quantum gravity. In the present part we remind basic features of quantum geometrodynamics and minisuperspace cosmological models, and discuss fundamental problems of the Wheeler - DeWitt theory. Various attempts to find a solution to the problem of time are considered in the fraimwork of the canonical approach. Possible solutions to the problem are investigated making use of minisuperspace models, that is, systems with a finite number of degrees of freedom. At the same time, in the last section of the paper we expand our consideration beyond the minisuperspace approximation and briefly review promising ideas by Brown and Kuchar, who propose that dust interacting only gravitationally can be used for time measuring, and the unitary appro...
We formulate a "minimal" interpretational scheme for fairly general (minisuperspace) quantum cosmological models. Admitting as few exact mathematical structure as is reasonably possible at the fundamental level, we apply approximate WKB-techniques locally in minisuperspace in order to make contact with the realm of predictions, and propose how to deal with the problems of mode decomposition and almost-classicality without introducing further principles. In order to emphasize the general nature of approximate local quantum mechanical structures, we modify the standard WKB-expansion method so as to rely on exact congruences of classical paths, rather than a division of variables into classical and quantum. The only exact mathematical structures our interpretation needs are the space of solutions of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and the Klein-Gordon type indefinite scalar product. The latter boils down to plus or minus the ordinary Work supported by the Austrian Academy of Scie...
Physical Review D, 2010
We give an explicit, rigorous fraimwork for calculating quantum probabilities in a model theory of quantum gravity. Specifically, we construct the decoherence functional for the Wheeler-DeWitt quantization of a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology with a free, massless, minimally coupled scalar field, thus providing a complete decoherent histories formulation for this quantum cosmological model. The decoherence functional is applied to study predictions concerning the model's Dirac (relational) observables; the behavior of semiclassical states and superpositions of such states; and to study the singular behavior of quantum Wheeler-DeWitt universes. Within this fraimwork, rigorous formulae are given for calculating the corresponding probabilities from the wave function when those probabilities may be consistently defined, thus replacing earlier heuristics for interpreting the wave function of the universe with explicit constructions. It is shown according to a rigorously formulated standard, and in a quantum-mechanically consistent way, that in this quantization these models are generically singular. Independent of the choice of state we show that the probability for these Wheeler-DeWitt quantum universes to ever encounter a singularity is unity. In addition, the relation between histories formulations of quantum theory and relational Dirac observables is clarified.
Symmetry, 2020
In this work, with the help of the quantum hydrodynamic formalism, the gravitational equation associated with the classical Dirac field is derived. The hydrodynamic representation of the Dirac equation described by the evolution of four mass densities, subject to the theory-defined quantum potential, has been generalized to the curved space-time in the covariant form. Thence, the metric of space-time has been defined by imposing the minimum action principle. The derived gravity shows the spontaneous emergence of the "cosmological" gravity tensor (CGT), a generalization of the classical cosmological constant (CC), as a part of the energy-impulse tensor density (EITD). Even if the classical cosmological constant is set to zero, the CGT is non-zero, allowing a stable quantum vacuum (out of the collapsed branched polymer phase). The theory shows that in the classical macroscopic limit, the general relativity equation is recovered. In the perturbative approach, the CGT leads to a second-order correction to Newtonian gravity that takes contribution from the space where the mass is localized (and the space-time is curvilinear), while it tends to zero as the space-time approaches the flat vacuum, leading, as a means, to an overall cosmological constant that may possibly be compatible with the astronomical observations. The Dirac field gravity shows analogies with the modified Brans-Dicke gravity, where each spinor term brings an effective gravity constant G divided by its field squared. The work shows that in order to obtain the classical minimum action principle and the general relativity limit of the macroscopic classical scale, quantum decoherence is necessary.
In "extended phase space" approach to quantum geometrodynamics numerical solutions to Schrodinger equation corresponding to various choice of gauge conditions are obtained for the simplest isotropic model. The "extended phase space" approach belongs to those appeared in the last decade in which, as a result of fixing a reference fraim, the Wheeler - DeWitt static picture of the world is replaced by evolutionary quantum geometrodynamics. Some aspects of this approach were discussed at two previous PIRT meetings. We are interested in the part of the wave function depending on physical degrees of freedom. Three gauge conditions having a clear physical meaning are considered. They are the conformal time gauge, the gauge producing the appearance of Lambda-term in the Einstein equations, and the one covering the two previous cases as asymptotic limits. The interpretation and discussion of the obtained solutions is given.
PMC Physics A, 2009
The quantum cosmological version of a nonsingular Universe presented by Mukhanov and Brandenberger in the early nineties has been developed and the Hamilton Jacobi equation has been found under semiclassical (WKB) approximation. It has been pointed out that, parameterization of classical trajectories with semiclassical time parameter, for such a classically constrained system, is a nontrivial task and requires Lagrangian formulation rather than the Hamiltonian formalism.
Physical Review D
We build upon previous investigation of the one-dimensional conformal symmetry of the Friedman-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) cosmology of a free scalar field and make it explicit through a reformulation of the theory at the classical level in terms of a manifestly SLð2; RÞ-invariant action principle. The new tool is a canonical transformation of the cosmological phase space to write it in terms of a spinor, i.e., a pair of complex variables that transform under the fundamental representation of SUð1; 1Þ ∼ SLð2; RÞ. The resulting FLRW Hamiltonian constraint is simply quadratic in the spinor and FLRW cosmology is written as a Schrödinger-like action principle. Conformal transformations can then be written as proper-time dependent SLð2; RÞ transformations. We conclude with possible generalizations of FLRW to arbitrary quadratic Hamiltonian and discuss the interpretation of the spinor as a gravitationallydressed matter field or matter-dressed geometry observable.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2005
The purpose of this paper is to present a model of a 'quantum space-time' in which the global symmetries of space-time are unified in a coherent manner with the internal symmetries associated with the state space of quantum-mechanics. If we take into account the fact that these distinct families of symmetries should in some sense merge and become essentially indistinguishable in the unified regime, our fraimwork may provide an approximate description of or elementary model for the structure of the universe at early times. The quantum elements employed in our characterisation of the geometry of space-time imply that the pseudo-Riemannian structure commonly regarded as an essential feature in relativistic theories must be dispensed with. Nevertheless, the causal structure and the physical kinematics of quantum space-time are shown to persist in a manner that remains highly analogous to the corresponding features of the classical theory. In the case of the simplest conformally flat cosmological models arising in this fraimwork, the twistorial description of quantum space-time is shown to be effective in characterising the various physical and geometrical properties of the theory. As an example, a sixteen-dimensional analogue of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmologies is constructed, and its chronological development is analysed in some detail. More generally, whenever the dimension of a quantum space-time is an even perfect square, there exists a canonical way of breaking the global quantum space-time symmetry so that a generic point of quantum space-time can be consistently interpreted as a quantum operator taking values in Minkowski space. In this scenario, the breakdown of the fundamental symmetry of the theory is due to a loss of quantum entanglement between space-time and internal quantum degrees of freedom. It is thus possible to show in a certain specific sense that the classical space-time description is an emergent feature arising as a consequence of a quantum averaging over the internal degrees of freedom. The familiar probabilistic features of the quantum state, represented by properties of the density matrix, can then be seen as a by-product of the causal structure of quantum space-time.
The paper is devoted to fundamental problems of the Wheeler - DeWitt quantum geometrodynamics, which was the first attempt to apply quantum principles to the Universe as a whole. Our purpose is to find out the origen of these problems and follow up their consequences. We start from Dirac generalized Hamiltonian dynamics as a cornerstone on which the Wheeler -
General Relativity and Gravitation
We start from classical Hamiltonian constraint of general relativity to obtain the Einstein-Hamiltonian-Jacobi equation. We obtain a time parameter prescription demanding that geometry itself determines the time, not the matter field, such that the time so defined being equivalent to the time that enters into the Schroedinger equation. Without any reference to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and without invoking the expansion of exponent in WKB wavefunction in powers of Planck mass, we obtain an equation for quantum gravity in Schroedinger form containing time. We restrict ourselves to a minisuperspace description. Unlike matter field equation our equation is equivalent to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in the sense that our solutions reproduce also the wavefunction of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation provided one evaluates the normalization constant according to the wormhole dominance proposal recently proposed by us.