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In Year 2024, Malaysia Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) had begun rolling out its e-Invoice system starting from August 1, 2024 for taxpayers with annual turnover or revenue more than 100 millions. LHDN is estimating that by year 2025, all taxpayers shall implement e-Invoice regardless of sizes and income amount. While small businesses registered sole proprietorship are not required to participate before 1 July 2025, some of us, especially independent content artists and social media influencers registered as one, are still required to do so in order to be validated, recognized, and claimable via LHDN taxation filing (pull-in effect). Otherwise, the small business will be essentially locked out from making any corporation deals for both supply chain and customers ends. However, for sole proprietorship, there is not enough information and emphasis on how to perform one aside from the general guidance compared to public and private corporations. After the author, a sole proprietor who personally explored and successfully experienced a filing as a seller, it’s safe to share the knowledge to the similar fate. This paper shares the experience utilizing LHDN e-Invoice as a sole proprietor mainly for enabling and validating counterparts’ invoices (supplier and customers). As the paper was written in August 2024 where LHDN is still beta-testing the system with both private and public corporations, the content of the paper can be outdated as time flows per LHDN pursue of continuous improvements. **To avoid conflict of interest and misinformation, reader MUST AND SHALL always refer to LHDN provided guidelines to perform e-invoicing. The author SHALL NOT be held liable for any consequences in any means, any circumstances, any shape, or any forms for the reader**.
IEEE/ ISI Indexed, 2016
Malaysia has provided numerous laws years ago to support the ICT developments. However, the adequacy of these laws are challenged. For instance, e-commerce law of Malaysia has been enacted many years back through different statutes. This study examines the adequacy of the Electronic Commerce Act of Malaysia as a case study to find out whether the present laws are comprehensive enough to support the new technologies, legal and commercial demands. For this purpose, the principles governing the formation of e-contract are analyzed and compared with international instruments. The results indicates that there are some silence features and lacuna under e-commerce Act of Malaysia. The study provides recommendations for future amendments of the Act with respect to time and place of receipt and dispatch of an electronic message.
International Journal of Law, Government and Communication
The mass production and distribution of goods across border demanded the producers to produce goods in large quantities without considering the quality of goods. The low quality of goods on the market will affect the buyers. Hence the existing law is important to protect the buyers when dealing with goods on the market. The Sale of Goods Act 1957 is the principal Act that applies to contracts for the supply of goods in Malaysia. In a contract of supply of goods, implied conditions and warranties are essential to cater to issues relating to the seller’s civil liability for goods. However, the existence of section 62 in the Sale of Goods Act 1957 weakens the protection of buyers under the contract of sale of goods. Section 62 provides for exclusion clause, which has been used widely by the seller as a tool to exclude liability by manipulating the method of drafting a contract. Adopting a doctrinal approach, this article analyses the provision under section 62 of the Sale of Goods Act ...
Revisiting the Contracts Scholarship of Stewart Macaulay: On the Empirical and the Lyrical
The Contracts Act 1950 (Malaysia) isan oldstatute which basically provides postal rule to govern the formation of a contact made by sending letters through post office. It is silent about the emerging new issues on the Internet contracts. When technology advances the law lags behind. So, the oldlaws are usually modified to adapt tothe new environment. At present time electronic commerce isexpanding very rapidly everywhere on the globe including Malaysia. Millions ofcustomers are buying goods and services on the Internet. As a result volumes of contracts are made on the Internet. Some of the disputes which are now arising out of the online contracts are new and the existing contract laws in Malaysia areunable tosolvethose problems, such as the validity of using data message toform a contract, the requirement ofwriting and signature on paperforcertain contracts, time of dispatch and receipt of data message, time when an electronic acceptance is effective, whether postal rule or receipt rule will beapplicable on the Internet contract and soforth. This article analyses the above issues with reference to the Malaysian contract law, UNCITRAL Model Lawon Electronic Commerce andElectronic Transactions Act 2000 (Singapore). ABSTRAK Akta Kontrak 1950 (Malaysia) menipakcm satu perundangan yang lama yang secara asasnya memperuntukkan peraturan postal terpakai kepada kontrak yang terbentuk dengan cam penghantaran surat melalui pos. Perundangan ini membisu tentang isuisu barn mengenai kontrak melalui Internet. Apabila teknologi berkembang, undangundang ketinggalan di belakang. Dengan itu, undang-undang lama perlu dipinda seiringan dengan persekitaran barn. Kini, perdagangan elektronik sedang berkembang dengan pesatnya dimana saja di dunia termasuk Malaysia. Berjuta manusia membeli barangan dan memperolehi perkhidmatan melalui Internet, mengakibatkan banyak kontrak terbentuk melalui Internet. Sebahagian daripada pertikaian yang timbul kini secara atas talian adalah permasalahan barn, seperti keesahan penggunaan mesej data untuk membentuk kontrak, keperluan bertulis dan tandatangan atas kertas bagi sesetengah kontrak, masa penghantaran dan penerimaan mesej data, masa penerimaan secara elektronik menjadi efektif sama ada peraturan postal atau peraturan penerimaan akan digunapakai bagi kontrak melalui Internet dan Iain-lain. Undang-undang kontrak sedia ada diMalaysia tidak berupaya menanganipertikaian-pertikaian jenis ini. Dalam rencana ini, isu-isu diatas akan dikupas dengan merujukpada undang-undang kontrak Malaysia, UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce dan Electronic Transactions
Perkembangan hukum pidana yang terjadi belakangan, diperkenalkan pula tindak-tindak pidana yang pertanggungjawaban pidananya dapat dibebankan kepada pelakunya sekalipun pelakunya tidak memiliki mens rea yang disyaratkan. Cukuplah apabiIa dapat dibuktikan bahwa pelaku tindak pidana telah melakukan actus reus, yaitu melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang oleh ketentuan pidana atau tidak melakukan perbuatan yang diwajibkan oleh ketentuan pidana. Tindak-tindak pidana yang demikian itu disebut offences of strict liability atau yang sering dikenal juga sebagai offences of absolute prohibition. Berangkat dari hal inilah penuis tertarik menulis skripsi dengan judul “STUDI KOMPARASI ASAS STRICT LIABILITY DALAM UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 35 TAHUN 20O9 TENTANG NARKOTIKA DAN KITAB UNDANG-UNDANG HUKUM PIDANA” Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah : 1) Bagaimana pengaturan asas strict liabilitiy dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika? 2) Bagaimana pengaturan asas strict liability dalam ...
S. Afr. Mercantile LJ, 1992
SECTION 424 OF THE COMPANIES ACT payment mechanism used, but also because the creditor (lessor) had accepted (by agreement) to bear the risk of late payment as a result of an delay inherent in the system. It is, of course, also possible to argue that the insurer, by not objecting to payment by stop order, agrees by implication to accept the risks inherent in the stop-order system. Where the stopor debit-order system of payment has been preferred by the insured, or insisted on by him, any risk inherent in the payment system should lie with him. But each case must be considered in the light of its own circumstances. The agreement (or its absence) between the parties in respect of the type of payment mechanism to be used, is of vital importance to establish the incidence of the risk of late payment. It would appear, therefore, that the last word on the payment of debts by stop or debit order has not yet been spoken. One could but hope that Penderis and Gutman will not be followed blindly by our courts. The payment of debts by way of stop order or debit order deserves further careful judicial scrutiny.
International Journal for Digital Society, 2013
The rapid growth in e-commerce witnesses the emergence of a new group of consumers known as econsumers. This new group of consumers is increasing in number over the years as on-line shopping become a trend and a manifestation of the modern life style. However a distance and complex nature of online shopping has led to some new problems and challenges pertaining to consumer protection. One of the perennial problems that needs considerable attention is the adequacy of the existing legislation in Malaysia to meet the basic needs of online consumers. Even though the Consumer Protection Act 1999 (CPA) was amended in 2007 in order to protect the interests of e-consumers, the question remains as to how far the CPA and other existing legislation, namely the
Download free eBooks at Light is OSRAM Business Law Now!: Exercises 5 Contents Module 4 The tort of negligence 4.1 Essay questions 4.2 Multiple choice questions 4.3 True and false questions Module 5 Introduction to contracts 5.1 Essay questions 5.2 Multiple choice questions 5.3 True and false questions Module 6 Contract law in business 6.1 Essay questions 6.2 Multiple choice questions 6.3 True and false questions Module 7 Fundamental basics of contract law 7.1 Essay questions 7.2 Multiple choice questions 7.3 True and false questions Download free eBooks at Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more © Deloitte & Touche LLP and affiliated entities. 360°t hinking.
Bulletin de la Société …, 2010
Chinese Optics Letters, 2015
Project Penelitian Bab1,s.d Bab5, 2024
Project Management Journal, 2007
Tommaso Campanella in the Schulmetaphysik: The Doctrine of the Three Primalities and the Case of the Lutheran Liborius Capsius (1589–1654) in Erfurt (awarded the 2017 Natalie Zemon Prize for the best publication of Renaissance and Reformation), 2016
Applied Linguistics, 2019
ASCILITE Publications, 2023
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
STED / Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi, 2020
Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 2022
Archives of Virology, 2019
Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, 2022
Diaeta (B. Aires), 2007
Heart, lung & circulation, 2017
Physica Medica, 2015
Revista Iberoamericana de Argumentación, 2024
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