Proc. of the 16th Workshop “From Object to Agents” (WOA15)
June 17-19, Naples, Italy
The Positive Power of Prejudice:
A Computational Model for MAS
Alessandro Sapienza, Rino Falcone and Cristiano Castelfranchi
Institute of Cognitive Science and Technologies, ISTC-CNR, Rome, Italy
{alessandro.sapienza, rino.falcone, cristiano.castelfranchi}
Abstract— In MAS studies on Trust building and dynamics
the role of direct/personal experience and of recommendations
and reputation is proportionally overrated; while the importance
of inferential processes in deriving the evaluation of trustees’
trustworthiness is underestimated and not enough exploited.
In this paper we focus on the importance of generalized
knowledge: agents' categories. The cognitive advantage of
generalized knowledge can be synthesized in this claim: "It
allows us to know a lot about something/somebody we do not
directly know". At a social level this means that I can know a lot
of things on people that I never met; it is social "prejudice" with
its good side and fundamental contribution to social exchange. In
this study we experimentally inquire the role played by
categories' reputation with respect to the reputation and opinion
on single agents: when it is better to rely on the first ones and
when are more reliable the second ones. Our claim is that: the
larger the population and the ignorance about the
trustworthiness of each individual (as it happens in an open
world) the more precious the role of trust in categories. In
particular, we want investigate how the parameters defining the
specific environment (number of agents, their interactions,
transfer of reputation, and so on) determine the use of categories'
This powerful inferential device has to be strongly present in
WEB societies.
In MultiAgent Systems (MAS) and Online Social Networks
(OSN) studies on Trust building and dynamics the role of
direct/personal experience and of recommendations and
reputation (although important) is proportionally overrated;
while the importance of inferential processes in deriving the
evaluation of trustee's trustworthiness is underestimated and
not sufficiently exploited (a part from the so called
“transitivity”, which is also, very often, wrongly founded).
In particular, generalization and instantiation from classes,
categories [8] and analogical reasoning (from task to task and
from agent to agent) really should receive much more
attention. In this paper we focus on the importance of
generalized knowledge: agents' categories. The cognitive
advantage of generalized knowledge (building classes,
prototypes, categories, etc.), can be synthesized in this
obvious claim: "It allows us to know a lot about
something/somebody we do not directly know" (for example, I
never saw Mary's dog, but - since it is a dog - I know
hundreds of things about it). At a social level this means that I
can know a lot of things on people that I never met; it is social
"prejudice" with its good side and fundamental contribution to
social exchange. How can I trust (for drugs prescription) a
medical doctor that I never met before and nobody of my
friends knows? Because he is a doctor!
Of course we are underlining the positive aspects of
generalized knowledge, its essential role for having
information on people never met before and about whom no
one gave testimony. The more rich and accurate this
knowledge is, the more it is useful. It offers huge opportunity
both for realizing productive cooperation and for avoiding
risky interactions. The problem is when the uncertainty about
the features of the categories is too large or it is too wide the
variability of the performers within them. In our culture we
attribute a negative sense to the concept of prejudice, and this
because we want to underline how generalized knowledge can
produce unjust judgments against individuals (or groups)
when superficially applied (or worst, on the basis of precise
discriminatory intents). Here we want rather to point out the
positive aspects of the prejudice concept.
In this study we intend to explain and experimentally show the
advantage of trust evaluation based on classes' reputation with
respect to the reputation and opinion on single potential agents
(partners). In an open world or in a broad population how can
we have sufficient direct or reported experience on
everybody? The quantity of potential agents in that population
or net that might be excellent partners but that nobody knows
enough can be high.
Our claim is that: the larger the population and the ignorance
about the trustworthiness of each individual the more precious
the role of trust in categories. If I know (through signals,
marks, declaration, ...) the class of a given guy/agent I can
have a reliable opinion of its trustworthiness derived from its
It is clear that the advantages of such cognitive power
provided by categories and prejudices does not only depend on
recommendation and reputation about categories. We can
personally build, by generalization, our evaluation of a
category from our direct experience with its members (this
happens in our experiments for the agents that later have to
propagate their recommendation about). However, in this
simulation we have in the trustor (which has to decide whom
rely on) only a prejudice based on recommendations about that
Proc. of the 16th Workshop “From Object to Agents” (WOA15)
June 17-19, Naples, Italy
category and not its personal experience.
After a certain degree of direct experiences and circulation of
recommendations, the performance of the evaluation based on
classes will be better; and in certain cases there will be no
alternative at all: we do not have any evaluation on that
individual, a part from its category; either we work on
inferential instantiation of trustworthiness or we loose a lot of
potential partners. This powerful inferential device has to be
strongly present in WEB societies supported by MAS. We
simplify here the problem of the generalization process, of
how to form judgement about groups, classes, etc. by putting
aside for example inference from other classes (higher or sub);
we build opinion (and then its transmission) about classes on
the bases of experience with a number of subjects of a given
First of all, we want to clarify that here we are not interested
in steretypes, but in categories. We define steretypes as the set
of features that, in a given culture/opinion, characterize and
distinguish that specific group of people.
Knowing the stereotype of an agent could be expensive and
time consuming. Here we are just interested in the fact that an
agent belongs to a category: it has not to be a costly process
and the recognition must be well discriminative and notcheating. There should be visible and reliable "signals" of that
membership. In fact, the usefulness of categories, groups,
roles, etc. makes fundamental the role of the signs for
recognizing or inferring the category of a given agent. That's
why in social life are so important coats, uniforms, titles,
badges, diplomas, etc. and it is crucial their exhibition and the
assurance of their authenticity (and, on the other side, the
ability to falsify and deceive). In this preliminary model and
simulation let us put aside this crucial issue of indirect
competence and reliability signaling; let us assume that the
membership to a given class or category is true and
transparent: the category of a given agent is public, common
Differently from [2][10][17] in this work we do not address
the problem of learning categorical knowledge and we assum
that the categorizzation process is objective.
Similarly to [3], we give agents the possibility to recommend
categories and this is the key point of this paper.
In the majority of the cases available in the literature, the
concept of recommendation is used concerning recommender
systems [1]. These ones can be realized using both past
experience (content-based RS)[13] or collaborative filtering,
in which the contribute of single agents/users is used to
provide group recommendations to other agents/users.
Focusing on collaborative filtering, the concepts of similarity
and trust are often exploited (together or separately) to
determine which contributes are more important in the
aggregation phase [14][18]For instance, in [7] authors provide
a system able to recommend to users group that they could
join in Online Social Network. Here it is introduced the
concepts of compactness of a social group, defined as the
weighted mean of the two dimensions of similarity and trust.
Even in [11] authors present a clustering-based recommender
system that exploits both similarity and trust, generating two
different cluster views and combining them to obtain better
Another example is [6] where authors use information
regarding social friendships in order to provide users with
more accurate suggestions and rankings on items of their
A classical decentralized approach is referral systems [20],
where agents adaptively give referrals to one another.
Information sources come into play in FIRE [12], a trust and
reputation model that use them to produce a comprehensive
assessment of an agent’s likely performance. Here authors
take into account open MAS, where agents continuously enter
and leave the system. Specifically, FIRE exploits interaction
trust, role-based trust, witness reputation, and certified
reputation to provide trust metrics.
The described solutions are quite similar to our work, although
we contextualized this problem to information sources.
However we do not investigate recommendations with just the
aim of suggesting a particular trustee, but also for inquiring
categories’ recommendations.
Let us consider a set of agents Ag1, ..., Agn in a given world
(for example a social network). We consider that each agent in
this world could have trust relationships with anyone else. On
the basis of these interactions the agents can evaluate the trust
degree of their partners, so building their judgments about the
trustworthiness of the agents with whom they interacted in the
The possibility to access to these judgements, through
recommendations, is one of the main sources for trusting
agents outside the circle of closer friends. Exactly for this
reason recommendation and reputation are the more studied
and diffused tools in the trust domain [15].
We introduce
Recx,y,z (t )
where x, y, zÎ { Ag1 , Ag2,...., Agn } , we call D the specific set of
agents: D º { Ag1 , Ag2,...., Agn }
and 0 £ Recx,y,z (t ) £1
, as established in the trust model of [4], is the task on which
the recommender x expresses the evaluation about y.
In words: Recx,y,z (t ) is the value of x’s recommendation about
y performing the task , where z is the agent receiving this
recommendation. In this paper, for sake of simplicity, we do
not introduce any correlation/influence between the value of
the recommendations and the kind of the agent receiving it:
the value of the recommendation does not depend from the
agent to whom it is communicated.
So (1) represents the basic expression for recommendation.
We can also define a more complex expression of
recommendation, a sort of average recommendation:
Rec (t ) / n
in which all the agents in the defined set of agents express
their individual recommendation on the agent y with respect
Proc. of the 16th Workshop “From Object to Agents” (WOA15)
the task and the total value is divided by the number of
We consider the expression (2) as the reputation of the agent y
with respect to the task in the set D.
Of course the reputation concept is more complex than the
simplified version here introduced [5][16].
It is in fact the value that would emerge in the case in which
we receive from each agent in the world its recommendation
about y (considering each agent as equally reliable).
In the case in which an agent has to be recommended not only
on one task but on a set of tasks ( 1 , ..., k), we could define
instead of (1) and (2) the following expressions:
å Re c
(t i ) / k
that represents the x’s recommendation about y performing the
set of tasks (1,...,k), where z is the agent receiving this
Imagine having to assign a meta-task (composed of a set of
tasks) to just one of several agents. In this case the information
given from the formula (3) could be useful for selecting (given
the x's point of view) on average (with respect to the tasks) the
more performative agent y.
Rec (t ) / nk
å å
June 17-19, Naples, Italy
In words: Recx,Cy,z (t ) is the value of x’s recommendation
about the agents included in category Cy when they perform
the task , (as usual z is the agent receiving this
We again define a more complex expression of
recommendation, a sort of average recommendation:
å Rec
where x Î { Ag1 , Ag2 ,...., Agn } as usual, and we characterize the
categories {C1 ,....,Cl }through a set of features { fy1 ,..., fym} :
"y Î { Ag1 ,..., Agn } $cy Î {C1 ,...,Cl } | (Cy º { fy1 ,..., fym})Ù({ fy1 ,..., fym} Î y)
it is clear that there is a relationship between task , and the
features { fy1 ,..., fym} of the Cy category. In words we can say
that each agent in D is classified in one of the categories
{C1 ,....,Cl } that are characterized from a set of features
{ f1 ,..., fm} ; as a consequence each agent belonging to a
category owns the features of that category.
0 £ Recx,Cy,z (t ) £1
that represents the recommendation value of the x's agent
about the agents belonging to the category Cy when they
perform the set of tasks (1,...,k).
Finally, we define:
å å Rec
A. Using Categories
As described above, an interesting approach for evaluating
agents is to classify them in specific categories already prejudged/rated and as a consequence to do inherit to the agents
the properties of their own categories.
So we can introduce also the recommendations about
categories, not just about agents (we discuss elsewhere how
these recommendations are formed). In this sense we define:
Recx,Cy,z (t )
in which all the agents in the domain express their individual
recommendation on the category Cy with respect the task and
the total value is divided by the number of the recommenders.
We consider the expression (6) as the reputation of the
category Cy with respect the task in the set D.
Now we extend to the categories, in particular to Cy, the
recommendations on a set of tasks (1, ...,k):
(t ) / k
that represents a sort of average recommendation from the set
of agents in D, about y performing the set of tasks ( 1 , ..., k).
We consider the expression (4) as the reputation of the agent y
with respect the set of tasks (1 , ...,k), in the set D.
Having to assign the meta-task proposed above, the
information given from the formula (4) could be useful for
selecting on average (with respect to both the tasks and the
agents) the more performative agent y.
(t ) / n
(t i ) / nk
that represents the value of the reputation of the category Cy
(of all the agents y included in Cy) with respect the set of tasks
(1,...,k), in the set D.
B. Definition of Interest for this Work
In this paper we are in particular interested in the case in
which z (a new agent introduced in the world) asks for
recommendation to x ( x Î D ) about an agent belonging to its
domain Dx for performing the task (Dx is a subset of D, it is
composed by the agents that x knows). x will select the best
evaluated y, with y Î Dx on the basis of formula:
max yÎD (Recx,y,z (t ))
where Dx º { Ag1 , Ag2,...., Agm} , Dx includes
evaluated by x. They are a subset of D: Dx Í D .
In general D and Dx are different because x does not
necessarily know (has interacted with) all the agents in D.
z asks for recommendations not only to one agent, but to a set
of different agents: x Î Dz (Dz is a subset of D, to which z asks
for reputation), and selects the best one on the basis of the
value given from the formula:
max xÎD (max yÎD (Recx,y,z (t )))
Dz Í D , z could ask to all the agents in the world or to a
defined subset of it (see later).
We are also interested to the case in which z ask for
recommendations to x about a specific agents’ category for
performing the task . x has to select the best evaluated Cy
among the different Cy Î {C1 ,....,Cl } x has interacted with (we
are supposing that each agent in the world D, belongs to a
category in the set {C1 ,....,Cl }).
Proc. of the 16th Workshop “From Object to Agents” (WOA15)
June 17-19, Naples, Italy
In this case we have the following formulas:
maxCyÎDx (Recx,Cy,z (t ))
that returns the category best evaluated from the point of view
of an agent (x). And
max xÎD (maxCyÎD (Recx,Cy,z(t )))
that returns the category best evaluated from the point of view
of all the agents included in Dz .
A. General Setup
In order to realize our simulations, we exploited the software
NetLogo [19].
In every scenario there are four general categories, called
Cat1, Cat2, Cat3 and Cat4, composed by 100 agents per
Each category is characterized by:
1. an average value of trustworthiness, in range
2. an uncertainty value, in range [0,100]; this value
represents the interval of trustworthiness in which the
agents can be considered as belonging to that category.
These two values are exploited to generate the objective
trustworthiness of each agent, defined as the probability that,
concerning a specific kind of required information, the agent
will communicate the right information.
Of course the trustworthiness of categories and agents is
strongly related to the kind of requested information/task.
Nevertheless, for the purpose of our it is enough to use just
one kind of information (defined by ) in the simulations. The
categories’ trustworthiness of Cat1, Cat2, Cat3 and Cat4 are
fixed respectively to 80, 60, 40 and 20% for . What changes
through scenarios is the uncertainty value of the categories: 1,
20, 50, and 80%.
B. How the simulations work
Simulations are mainly composed by two main steps that are
repeated continuously. In the first step, called exploration
phase, agents without any knowledge about the world start
experiencing other agents, asking to a random 3% of the
population for the information P. Then they memorize the
performance of each queried agent both as individual element
and as a member of its own category.
The performance of a agent can assume just the two values 1
or 0, with 1 meaning that the agent is supporting the
information P and 0 meaning that it is opposing to P. For sake
of simplicity, we assume that P is always true.
The exploration phase has a variable duration, going from 100
ticks to 1 tick. Depending on this value, agents will have a
better or worse knowledge of the other agents.
Then, in a second step (querying phase) we introduce in the
world a trustor (a new agent with no knowlegde about the
trustworthiness of other agents and categories, and that has the
necessity to trust someone reliable for a given informative
task: in our case ). It will select a given subset of the
population, going from 100% to 5%, and it will query them. In
particular, the trustor will ask them for the best category and
the best trustee they have experienced.
In this way, the trustor is able to collect information about
both the best recommended category and agent.
It is worth noting that the trustor collects information from the
agents considering them equally trustworthy with respect to
the task of "providing recommendations". Otherwise it should
weigh differently these recommendations. In practice the
agents are sincere.
Then it will select a randomly chosen agent belonging to the
best recommended category and it will compare it, in terms of
objective trustworthiness, with the best recommended
individual agent (trustee).
The possible outcomes are:
trustee wins (t_win): the trustee selected with
individual recommendation is better than the one
selected by the means of category; then this method
gets one point;
category wins (c_win): the trustee selected by the
means of category is better than the one selected with
individual recommendation; then this method gets
one point;
equivalent result: if the difference between the two
trustworthiness values is not enough (it is under a
threshold), we consider it as indistinguishable result.
In particular, we considered the threshold of 3% as,
on the basis of previous test simulations, it has
resulted a resonable value.
These two phases are repeated 500 times for each setting.
In these simulations we present a series of scenarios with
different settings to show when it is more convenient to
exploit recommendations about categories rather than
recommendations about individuals, and vice versa.
We also present the “all-in-one” scenario, whose peculiarity is
that the exploration lasts just 1 tick and in that tick every agent
experiences all the others. Although this is a limit case, very
unlikely in the real world, it is really interesting as each agent
has not a good knowledge of the other agent as individual
elements (it experienced them just one time), but it is able to
get a really good knowledge of their categories, as it has
experienced them as many times as the number of agents for
each category. This is an explicit case in which agents’
recommendations about categories are surely more
informative than the ones about individuals.
In particular, we will represent this value:
c _ win
c _ win t _ win
In words, this ratio shows how much categories’
recommendation is useful if compared to individual
Simulations’ results are presented in a graphical way,
exploiting 3D shapes to represent all the outcomes. These
shapes are divided into two area and represented with two
different colors:
the part over 0.5, in which prevails the category
the one below 0.5, in which prevails the individual
These graphs represent an useful view about the utility of the
categorial role in the different interactional and social
For each value of uncertainty, we explored 40 different
settings, considering all the possible couple of exploration
phase and queried trustee percentage, where:
exploration phase {all-in,1,3,5,10,25,50,100};
queried trustee percentage {5,10,25,50,100}.
Queried trustee %
Exploration phase
Queried trustee %
Figure 1. Outcomes for 1% of categories' uncertainty
Exploration phase
Queried trustee %
Figure 2. Outcomes for: 20% of categories' uncertainty
Exploration phase
Figure 3. Outcomes for: 50% of categories' uncertainty
June 17-19, Naples, Italy
Queried trustee %
Proc. of the 16th Workshop “From Object to Agents” (WOA15)
Exploration phase
Figure 4. Outcomes for 80% of categories' uncertainty
The part in which category recommendation wins over
individual recommendation is represented in light grey.
Conversely, the part in which individual recommendation
wins is represented in dark grey.
Through these graphs we identify three effects that influence
the outcome. The first effect is due to categories' uncertainty:
the less it is, the more is the utility of using categories; the
more it is, the less categories will be useful. It is not possible
to notice this effect just looking at one picture. On the
contrary, looking at the overal picture one can notice that the
curves of the graphs lower, going from a maximal value in
Figure 1 to a minimal value in Figure 4.
The second effect is due to exploration phase. The longer it is
the more individual recommendations are useful; the less it
lasts the more category recommendations are useful.
The third effect is introduced by the queried trustee
percentage, that acts exactly as the exploration phase: the
higher the percentage of queried agents, the more individual's
recommendations are useful; the less it is, the more categories'
recommendations are useful.
The exploration phase’s length and the queried agents’
percentage occur in all the four graphs and cooperate in
determining respectevely the degree of knowledge (or
ignorance) in the world and the level of inquire about this
knowledge. In particular, with "the knowledge in the world"
we intend how the agents can witness the trustworthiness of
the other agents or their aggregate, given the constraints
defined from the external circumstances (number and kind of
interactions, kind of categories, and so on).
In practice, both these elements seem to suggest how the role
of categories becomes relevant when either decreases and
degrades the knowledge within the analyzed system (before
the interaction with the trustor) or is reduced the transferred
knowledge (to the trustor).
Let us explain better. The first effect shows how the reliability
of category's trustworthiness (that will be inherited by its
members) depends, of course, from the variability of the
behavior among the class members. There may be classes
where all the members are very correct and competent, other
classes where there is a very high variance: in this last case
our betting on a member of that class is quite risky.
The second effect can be described with the fact that each
agent, reducing the number of interactions with the other
agents in the explorative phase, will have relevantly less
information with respect to the individual agents. At the same
Proc. of the 16th Workshop “From Object to Agents” (WOA15)
June 17-19, Naples, Italy
time its knowledge with respect to categories does not undergo
a significant decline given that categories' performances derive
from several different agents.
The third effect can be explained with the fact that reducing
the number of queried trustees, the trustor will receive with
decreasing probability information about the more trustworthy
individual agents in the domain, while information on
categories, maintains a good level of stability also reducing
the number of queried agents, thanks to greater robustness of
these structures.
Resuming, the above pictures clearly show how, when the
quantity of information (about the agents' trustworthiness
exchanged in the system) decreases, it is better to rely on the
This result reaches the point of highest criticality in the “allin-one” case in which, as expected, the relevance of categories
reach its maximal value.
works we have to consider how, starting from the analysis of
this study, could change the role of knowledge about
categories in a situation of open world. We have also to
consider the cases in which the recommendations are not so
transparent but influenced by specific goals of the agents.
This work is partially supported both by the Project PRISMA
(PiattafoRme cloud Interoperabili per SMArt-government;
Cod. PON04a2 A) funded by the Italian Program for Research
and Innovation (Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e
Competitività 2007-2013) and by the project CLARA—
CLoud plAtform and smart underground imaging for natural
Risk Assessment, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education,
University and Research (MIUR-PON).
Other works [9][2] show the advantages of using
categorization to select trustworthy agents. In particular, how
it were possible to attribute to a certain unknown agent, a
value of trustworthiness with respect to a specific task, on the
basis of its classification in, and membership to, one (/or
more) category/ies. In practice, the role of generalized
knowledge and prejudice (in the sense of pre-established
judgment on the agents belonging to that category) has proven
to determine the possibility to anticipate the value of unknown
In this paper we have investigated the different roles that
recommendations can play about individual agents and about
categories of agents.
In this case the new agent introduced (called trustror) has a
whole world of agents completely unknown to it, and ask for
recommendations to a (variable) subset of agents for selecting
an agent to whom delegate a task. The information received
regards both individual agents and agents' categories. The
informative power of these two kinds of recommendations
depends on the previous interactions among the agents and
also on the number agents queried by the trustor. However,
there are cases in which information about categories is more
useful that information towards individual agents. In some
sense this result complements the results achieved in [9][2]
because here we have a more strict match between information
on individual agents and information about categories of
agents: We are measuring the quantity of information, about
individual agents and categories, for evaluating when is better
using direct information rather than generalized information
or, vice versa, when is better using the positive power of
prejudice. Our results show how in certain cases becomes
essential the use of categorial knowledge for selecting
qualified partners.
In this work we have in fact considered a closed world, with a
fixed set of agents. This choice was based on the fact that we
were interested to evaluate the relationships between
knowledge about individual and knowledge about categories,
for calibrating their roles and reciprocal influences. In future
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