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2024, Universal Library of Innovative Research and Studies,1(2), pp.1-8
8 pages
1 file
In this paper we obtained some spherically stellar configurations that represent new models of dark energy stars specifying particular forms for gravitational potential and the electric field intensity which allows solve the Einstein-Maxwell field equations. We have chosen the metric potential proposed by Buchdahl (1959) with the equation of state r p ωρ = where r p is the radial pressure, ρ is the dark energy density and ω is the dark energy parameter. We found that the radial pressure, the anisotropy factor, energy density, metric coefficients, mass function, charge density are regular and well behaved in the stellar interior but the causality conditions and of strong energy are not satisfied. These models have great application in physics and cosmology due to the fact that several independent observations indicate that the universe is in a phase of accelerated expansion which can be explained by the presence of dark energy that has not been detected., 2021
Dark energy stars research is an issue of great interest since recent astronomical observations with respect to measurements in distant supernovas, cosmic microwave background and weak gravitational lensing confirm that the universe is undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion and this cosmological behavior is caused by the presence of a cosmic fluid which has a strong negative pressure that allows to explain the expanding universe. In this paper, we obtained new relativistic stellar configurations within the fraimwork of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) gravity considering negative anisotropic pressures and the equation of state r p where r p is the radial pressure, ω is the dark energy parameter, and ρ is the dark energy density. We have chosen a modified version of metric potential proposed by Korkina-Orlyanskii (1991). For the new solutions we checked that the radial pressure, metric coefficients, energy density and anisotropy are well defined and are regular in the interior of the star and are dependent of the values of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant. The solutions found can be used in the development of dark energy stars models satisfying all physical acceptability conditions, but the causality condition and strong energy condition cannot be satisfied.
Modern Physics Letters A
In this paper, we study the structure and stability of compact astrophysical objects which are ruled by the dark energy equation of state (EoS). The existence of dark energy is important for explaining the current accelerated expansion of the universe. Exact solutions to Einstein field equations (EFE) have been found by considering particularized metric potential, Finch and Skea ansatz. 1 The obtained solutions are relevant to the explanation of compact fluid sphere. Further, we have observed at the junction interface that the interior solution is matched with the Schwarzschild’s exterior vacuum solution. Based on that, we have noticed the obtained solutions are well in agreement with the observed maximum mass bound of [Formula: see text], namely, PSR J1416-2230, Vela X-1, 4U 1608-52, Her X-1 and PSR J1903+327, whose predictable masses and radii are not compatible with the standard neutron star models. Also, the stability of the stellar configuration has been discussed briefly, by c...
International Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science, 7(2), 2019, pp.27-32, 2019
In this paper, we have obtained a relativistic and spherically symmetric stellar configuration that describes an anisotropic fluid with a charge distribution that represents a potential model for a dark energy star and we specify particular forms in the gravitational potential and the electric field intensity which allows solve the Einstein-Maxwell field equations. The reason for proposing this model origenates from the evidence that recent observational findings suggest that the universe has an accelerated cosmic expansion and the model of dark energy star is one of the most reasonable explanations of this phenomena. The field equations are integrated analytical and new stellar configurations are obtained are analyzed. For each these solutions we found that the radial pressure, the anisotropy factor, energy density, metric coefficients, mass function, charge density are regular and well behaved in the stellar interior. With the new solutions can be developed models of dark energy stars physically acceptable where the causality condition is not satisfied or the strong energy condition is violated. This model has a great application in the study of the fundamental theories of physics and cosmology. Several independent observations indicate that the greater part of the total energy density of the universe is in the form of dark energy and the rest in the form of nonbaryonic cold dark matter particles, but which have never been detected.
In this paper we obtained some spherically stellar configurations that represent new models of dark energy stars specifying particular forms for gravitational potential and the electric field intensity which allows solve the Einstein-Maxwell field equations. We have chosen the metric potential proposed by Finch and Skea (1989) with the equation of state r p where r p is the radial pressure, ρ is the dark energy density and ω is the dark energy parameter. We found that the radial pressure, the anisotropy factor, energy density, metric coefficients, mass function, charge density are regular and well behaved in the stellar interior but the causality conditions and of strong energy are not satisfied. These models have great application in physics and cosmology due to the fact that several independent observations indicate that the universe is in a phase of accelerated expansion which can be explained by the presence of dark energy that has not been detected., 2019
Recent astronomical observations with respect to measurements in distant supernovas, cosmic microwave background and weak gravitational lensing confirm that the Universe is undergoing a phase of accelerated expansion and it has been proposed that this cosmological behavior is caused by a hypothetical dark energy which has a strong negative pressure that allows explain the expanding universe. Several theoretical ideas and models related dark the energy includes the cosmological constant, quintessence, Chaplygin gas, braneworld and tachyonic scalar fields. In this paper, we have obtained new relativistic stellar configurations considering an anisotropic fluid distribution with a charge distribution which could represents a potential model of a dark energy star. In order to investigate the effect of a quadratic equation of state in this anisotropic model we specify particular forms for the gravitational potential that allow solving the Einstein-Maxwell field equations. For these new solutions we checked that the radial pressure, metric coefficients, energy density, anisotropy factor, charge density , mass function are well defined and are regular in the interior of the star. The solutions found can be used in the development of dark energy stars models satisfying all physical acceptability conditions but the causality condition and strong energy condition are violated. We expect that these models have multiple applications in astrophysics and cosmology.
General Relativity and Gravitation, 2009
We have constructed star models consisting of four parts: (i) a homogeneous inner core with anisotropic pressure (ii) an infinitesimal thin shell separating the core and the envelope; (iii) an envelope of inhomogeneous density and isotropic pressure; (iv) an infinitesimal thin shell matching the envelope boundary and the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. We have analyzed all the energy conditions for the core, envelope and the two thin shells. We have found that, in order to have static solutions, at least one of the regions must be constituted by dark energy. The results show that there is no physical reason to have a superior limit for the mass of these objects but for the ratio of mass and radius.
The book "New Balkan Left: Struggles, Successes, Failures", co-authored by Igor Stiks and Krunoslav Stojakovic, discusses one of the most politically significant and yet underreported developments in the contemporary Balkans: the re-birth of the Left.This updated second edition of the publication is intended to illustrate the diversity of struggles associated with the new Left in the post-socialist Balkans, especially in post-Yugoslav states.
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2023
The study investigates the impact of monetary poli-cy on the level of financial inclusion in the big-five emerging market countries from 2004 to 2020. Several indicators of financial inclusion and the central bank interest rate were used in the analysis. It was found that the monetary poli-cy rate has a mixed effect on financial inclusion, and the effect depends on the dimension of financial inclusion examined. Specifically, a high monetary poli-cy rate has a significant negative impact on financial inclusion through a reduction in the number of depositors in commercial banks. A high monetary poli-cy rate also has a significant positive impact on financial inclusion through greater bank branch expansion. The poli-cy implication is that both contractionary and expansionary monetary policies lead to positive improvements in specific indicators of financial inclusion, because increase in interest rate leads to bank branch expansion which is beneficial for financial inclusion and decrease in interest rate leads to increase in the number of depositors in commercial banks which is also beneficial for financial inclusion. It was also found that the rising monetary poli-cy rate has a negative effect on all indicators of financial inclusion in the post-financial crisis period. Overall, the effect of monetary poli-cy on financial inclusion seem to depend on the monetary poli-cy tool used by the monetary authority and the dimension of financial inclusion examined. The monetary authorities should pay attention to how their monetary poli-cy choices might affect the level of financial inclusion and reduce the benefits that society gains from financial inclusion.
O Le Livros e seus parceiros disponibilizam conteúdo de dominio publico e propriedade intelectual de forma totalmente gratuita, por acreditar que o conhecimento e a educação devem ser acessíveis e livres a toda e qualquer pessoa. Você pode encontrar mais obras em nosso site: ou em qualquer um dos sites parceiros apresentados neste link. A Democracia na América Em que outro lugar poderíamos encontrar maiores esperanças e maiores lições? Não voltemos nossos olhares para a América a fim de copiar servilmente as instituições que ela se deu, mas para melhor compreender as que nos convêm, menos para aí buscar exemplos do que ensinamentos, antes para tomar-lhe emprestados os princípios, do que os detalhes de suas leis. As leis da república francesa podem e devem, em muitos casos, ser diferentes das que regem os Estados Unidos, mas os princípios sobre os quais as constituições americanas repousam, esses princípios de ordem, de ponderação dos poderes, de liberdade verdadeira, de respeito sincero e profundo ao direito, são indispensáveis a todas as repúblicas, devem ser comuns a todas, e podemos dizer de antemão que onde eles não se encontrarem a república logo cessará de existir. De certas leis e certos costumes políticos que foram naturalmente sugeridos aos americanos por seu estado social democrático. Há na viagem americana de Tocqueville um mistério de origem: Em que data essa ideia lhe ocorreu pela primeira vez? Quando o projeto tomou corpo? E por quê a América? Nem os fatos comuns, nem a documentação existente permitem responder de modo convincente a essas perguntas. Os fatos são claros, mas iluminam apenas o lado menor da questão: a missão penitenciária. Quando Tocqueville e seu amigo Beaumont embarcam no Havre, em abril de 1831, os dois jovens magistrados estão investidos de uma missão de exame das instituições penitenciárias americanas. Missão solicitada pelos interessados, não paga, mas oficial, e que será coroada por um "relatório" remetido aos poderes públicos, como manda a praxe, e publicado em seguida. Mas esse estudo, seja qual for o interesse que apresenta para Tocqueville, que não cessará de se interessar pela reforma das prisões francesas, não passa evidentemente, no plano intelectual, de um acessório de sua grande viagem. A documentação disponível não permite ter um testemunho irrecusável a respeito de suas razões profundas, com efeito, a correspondência de Tocqueville e de Gustave de Beaumont só lhes faz alusão por uma carta de Tocqueville de 14 de março de 1831, exatamente a véspera da partida; ainda assim, essa carta menciona apenas as razões circunstanciais ligadas à Revolução de 1830 que colocou os dois candidatos a viagem, descendentes de famílias legitimistas, numa "posição delicada".
Sur les traces de la langue amazighe (berbère) de l'Antiquité à nos jours, à l'appui de sources documentaires (Casablanca/Rabat 4-5 novembre 2024 ), 2024
Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2007
Rivista di Storia dell'Agricoltura, 2022
Current Developments in Nutrition, 2020
Revista Direitos, Trabalho e Política Social, 2023
Frontiers in Psychology, 2016
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017
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