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Tolka Valley Park is a regional park located on both sides of the Tolka River between Finglas and Glasnevin. The Tolka River valley is rich in plant and animal life, a haven for biodiversity within the city, and local history. But the Tolka Valley Park is also situated over a former city landfill, which creates some unique challenges to its management and design. This paper examines the impacts that a man-made wetands can have on the biodiversity of an urban landscape.
Hyderabad had around 400 lakes a century ago that played a significant role in the urban ecology. They were habitats for a variety of flora and fauna and acted as microclimate stabilizers. Most of them had social, cultural and historical significance. They were natural sources of ground water recharge and flood prevention. But, today only 104 of them exist. Hyderabad has shortage of underground water, as it is located on the Deccan plateau formed of igneous rocks. Over the centuries, these water bodies served as flood cushions and rainwater storage tanks, assuring water for domestic use and agriculture for a period ranging between 6-8 months annually. But during the past 50 years, these wetlands have undergone tremendous deterioration due to over exploitation and improper management of lakeshore areas. Reducing output of water from these water bodies have made them even more vulnerable. Introduction of sewage and pollutants has degraded the water quality for sustenance of aquatic li...
Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2024
Wetlands represent a small proportion of all habitats. Still, they are very important features within the landscape, particularly in the ecosystem mosaic. They are composed of many specifically adapted organisms. Wetlands spontaneously establish and provide a significant source of heterogeneity and diversity in an urban-industrial landscape. Most of Earth's wetlands are at risk or have disappeared due to human activity. Apart from natural wetlands, unique anthropogenic wetlands are observed in southern Poland. The aim of study was to assess and analyze the water quality and the spontaneous wetland vegetation which has developed on anthropogenic wetland habitats. The study was conducted on the spontaneous wetland vegetation developed in habitats that emerged due to mineral excavation activities of quarries in the Silesia Upland and Krakow-Częstochowa Upland. The research subjects were wetlands that provide special water chemistry conditions for developing the peat bog vegetation. Water sampling and analyses, vegetation recording, and vegetation numerical analyses were conducted on studied wetlands. The results of a study conducted on flooded post-excavation sites revealed that diverse wetland spontaneous vegetation colonized such habitats. This research showed that anthropogenic wetlands can provide habitats for the development of outstanding biodiversity and form a refuge for calcareous plant species and the subsequently assembled rare peat bog vegetation. The high moisture and the increased presence of magnesium and calcium ions are developing in some sites of the post-mineral excavations. Such habitat conditions in anthropogenic wetlands enhance the occurrence of rare calciphilous species. Maintaining the relevant water conditions is crucial for the protection of these sites. The study presented that, quite frequently, the human-induced transformation results in establishing habitats that provide conditions for refuge organisms, mostly plants crucial for conservation perspective, particularly in the urban-industrial landscape. The additional importance of this study is related to the fact that the area of wetlands decreased. Therefore such anthropogenic wetlands should be integrated into urban planning and industrial site management to enhance biodiversity conservation.
Wetlands are a critical part of natural environments that offer a wide range of ecosystem services. In urban areas, wetlands contribute to the livability of cities through improving the water quality, carbon sequestration, providing habitats for wildlife species, reducing the effects of urban heat islands, and creating recreation opportunities. However, maintaining wetlands in urban areas faces many challenges, such as the reduction of hydrological functions, changed water regimes due to barriers, contamination by wastewater, habitat loss due to land-use change, and loss of biodiversity due to the entry of alien species. In this article, we review the theoretical background of wetlands in urban areas through the existing studies in the literature. We provide knowledge on urban wetlands and highlight the benefits of these wetlands in urban areas. These benefits include sustainability, biodiversity, urban heat islands, social perception, and recreation values. We also summarize the ob...
Protection of valuable water dependent ecosystems in urban areas.Water dependent ecosystems are habitats most vulnerable to urbanization pressure. There are not many such habitats in Warsaw. Those which remained are mostly dewatered sites existing within green areas such as parks. Habitats with peat and moorsh soils have a unique value, thus there is a rational need for detailed research and evaluation to preserve them. This paper is a case-study of two different water dependent ecosystems, localized within the boundaries of Poland's capital city, both remaining under strong urbanization pressure. Different actions were undertaken to preserve those habitats, with differing results. We examined tendencies of vegetation during recent 20-30 years, basing on fl oristical data. In the areas, where water regime has been disrupted, like Natural Landscape Complex "Olszyna" a signifi cant decline of plants rare in the scale of Warsaw is being noticed. Habitats not disturbed by human interference like "Zakole Wawerskie" do not suffer signifi cant changes, even an increase of rare plants was marked. Presence of water dependent ecosystems is also correlated with population density. In the areas of highest population density these habitats occur seldom, are of a small size and have simplifi ed border zones. The only areas within Warsaw borders where water dependent ecosystems maintained are the urban parks. In the last decades a progressive decline of wetlands is being noticed, which was also confi rmed in this study. The only real chance for further preservation of this areas is to create biodiversity hotspots and good recreation infrastructure.
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International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services & Management, 2015
Urbanization changes water balance, degrades water quality and disrupts habitats. Wetlands offer storm water volume and flow control, water pollution mitigation, and rich land-water interphase habitats. In the present case study, urban wetlands were designed and implemented to provide multiple functions, including water quality improvement and the establishment of critically endangered clay stream habitat, along a revived urban stream within the Baltic Sea watershed in Southern Finland. The primary water quality concern in the recipient lake is algal bloom controlling and clay particle-carried phosphorus. Wetlands were monitored for functioning over five calendar years. At a wetland monitored for 5 years, herbaceous vegetation was well self-established in the second year, and reached 102 species, of which 97% were native, in the fifth growing season. Successful breeding of amphibians and water birds occurred right after construction. Continuous water quality monitoring over the fourth year at this wetland, with 0.1% area of its watershed, revealed seasonal and event-based differences: for total phosphorus, an annual 10% average with lower removal rates outside, and up to 71% event reductions during the growing season, while highest load reductions occurred during heavy rain and snowmelt events outside the growing season. The created wetlands provided critical habitat and beneficial functions and thus compensated partly for urbanization.
The growing importance of shrinking wetlands: a tale of three cities, 2018
Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2018
⎯The article analyzes the consequences of one century long human influences on vegetation of the wetland ecosystem, on the example of Pančevački Rit in Belgrade, Serbia. The autochthonous, non-altered ecosystem was formed in the alluvial plain between Danube and Timis River in the formation of connected swamps and bogs with periodically flooded patches. The major transformation of the wetland ecosystem started with the construction of the embankment and dense canal system followed by settlements development, increasing of population density, intensification of agriculture activities etc. The study area transformation factors were identified in the first phase of research, while the second phase includes analyses of their influences on habitat conversion using GIS, with the purpose to preserve fragments of indigenous wetland vegetation, mostly fragile wetland meadows from further degradation.
Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 2013
Wetlands are at the same time among the most productive and the most threatened ecosystems of the world. One of the major threats for wetlands is urbanization. In the urban context there is a long history of associating wetlands with a number of water-related diseases, floods, pollution and poor living conditions. Since the end of the 20th century, there has been a paradigm shift in the attitude towards wetlands: the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands has promoted the importance of new concepts of wetland management in order to reduce health hazards by highlighting the many positive wetland values from the perspective of nature conservation. At the same time, engineering has broadly introduced the concept of constructed wetlands and biofilters as a way of effectively trapping and removing the pollution from stormwater runoff, wastewater and polluted river water. Linking the ecological and technical dimensions and integrating them with the high aesthetic and recreational value of urban wetland parks, landscape architecture has developed fascinating concepts demonstrating the high potential of an integrated strategic approach to the recovery and creation of wetlands in the urban context. This paper brings together these different perspectives on urban wetlands and argues by discussing different case-studies how wetlands can take a prominent role in urban ecosystems.
Algo de novo acontece como potência de pensamento para o milênio? Que novas práticas e sob que institucionalidade? O pensamento andino da diferença aponta para uma das direções em que a filosofia pode explodir de pleno direito, com potências inusitadas, no ponto de dissolução das fronteiras entre “filosofias em sentido estrito” e “filosofias em sentido amplo”. Trata-se da força inaugural da remoção de uma das mais persistentes barreiras às transformações do pensamento imposta pela dinâmica colonialista iniciada pela expansão europeia do século XV. Se uma ética liberal disponível com signo de boa política tende a nos fazer pensar que os nossos encontros com radicalmente outros devem ser educadamente enquadrados em marcos da tolerância diante das diferenças, condescendência multicultural se revela aqui insuficiente. Aqui se busca expandir a experimentação transfilosófica de uma filosofia não-ocidental. Afinal, como a irrupção da alteridade de pensamento na forma da diferença indígena nos levaria a pensar além do multiculturalismo numa outra expressão da filosofia das diferenças? Mais do que tolerar, passa a estar em jogo o se deixar desestabilizar pela diferença na relação como condição de transformação do pensamento. Partir rumo ao desconhecido, esta era a questão colocada pelo autor. O que, a princípio, se apresentava como um mundo andino em sua diferença no extenso, como marcas daquilo que ali acontece e se afirma em suas forças. O que se colocou em jogo foi a natureza da experiência de se relacionar ao movimento produtivo dos fluxos de modos de vida “andinos” (irredutíveis, portanto, às suas marcas ou identidades). O desconhecimento, portanto, como condição para poder ser afetado pela potência desta produção em suas ações e expressões pelas quais efetuam uma diferença e sustentam intensidades como práticas políticas de existência. O que entra em jogo neste escrito é uma filosofia da experimentação como um gosto real pela diferenciação (DELEUZE, 2006). Um encontro com o mundo andino como um chamado à experimentação, mas não uma experimentação habitual onde organizamos a experiência para um enriquecimento da ordem representativa, reforçando as fixações que nos sustentam como sujeito moral em uma sociedade como a nossa (ocidental). A experiência como ato de diferenciação implica produção de afetos ou intensidades ativas geradas em relação a um potencial diferencial, no caso, em meio aos atravessamentos das forças da vida andina em nós. Trata-se de uma cartografia de conceitos andinos, amparada na filosofia da diferença, sobretudo, de Nietzsche, atualizado e desdobrado por Deleuze (2006) e Deleuze & Guattari (1995; 1997). O que não significa uma sobrecodificação filosófica, mas justamente o contrário, como uma atenção às condições de uma abertura às singularidades do sentir e pensar a diferença na relação. Deste modo, buscar ressonâncias da filosofia andina e seus conceitos com os conceitos da filosofia da diferença, diferente de um consenso, torna-se um focar na pura afirmação de tudo que difere e, com isso, na afirmação recíproca da capacidade de criação de modos de vida singulares (o ponto de vista da vida em processo de diferenciação). Neste sentido, o livro “O Pensamento Andino da diferença” acontece no encontro intercultural com o mundo andino-indígena equatoriano e seus afetos diferenciantes. O autor, ao acompanhar a constituição da Universidade "Amawtay Wasi" (no Equador) nos faz encontrar um espaço de enunciação indígena e de produção de um conhecimento aberto e atento às potências (visíveis e invisíveis) de criação e transformação do mundo. Um encontro que se constitui em uma espécie de testemunho de inquietudes e questionamento que se vão abrindo em direção ao desejo de abertura das forças diferenciantes indígenas, a diferença como princípio de produção incessante de outras subjetividades, outras opções e modos de viver. Um escrito que acontece, portanto, em relação à multiplicidade e os paradoxos de uma “epistemologia” andina e suas interpelações a subjetividade moral da modernidade ocidental (colocando em evidencia a conjunção saber-poder que nela se articula). Interpelações éticas, estéticas e, sobretudo, políticas.
Heraldo de Aragón, La Firma, miércoles 28 de agosto, p. 17, 2024
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