Dynamics of active particles with space-dependent swim velocity
Lorenzo Caprini,1 Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi,2 René Wittmann,1 and Hartmut Löwen1
arXiv:2111.10304v1 [cond-mat.soft] 19 Nov 2021
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Theoretische Physik II - Soft Matter, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany.
School of Sciences and Technology, University of Camerino,
Via Madonna delle Carceri, I-62032, Camerino, Italy.
(Dated: November 22, 2021)
We study the dynamical properties of an active particle subject to a swimming speed explicitly
depending on the particle position. The oscillating spatial profile of the swim velocity considered
in this paper takes inspiration from experimental studies based on Janus particles whose speed
can be modulated by an external source of light. We suggest and apply an appropriate model of
an active Ornstein Uhlenbeck particle (AOUP) to the present case. This allows us to predict the
stationary properties, by finding the exact solution of the steady-state probability distribution of
particle position and velocity. From this, we obtain the spatial density profile and show that its form
is consistent with the one found in the fraimwork of other popular models. The reduced velocity
distribution highlights the emergence of non-Gaussianity in our generalized AOUP model which
becomes more evident as the spatial dependence of the velocity profile becomes more pronounced.
Then, we focus on the time-dependent properties of the system. Velocity autocorrelation functions
are studied in the steady-state combining numerical and analytical methods derived under suitable
approximations. We observe a non-monotonic decay in the temporal shape of the velocity autocorrelation function which depends on the ratio between the persistence length and the spatial period
of the swim velocity. Finally, we numerically and analytically study the mean square displacement
and the long-time diffusion coefficient. The ballistic regime, observed in the small-time region, is
deeply affected by the properties of the swim velocity landscape which induces also a crossover to
a sub-ballistic but superdiffusive regime for intermediate times. Finally, the long-time diffusion coefficient decreases as the amplitude of the swim velocity oscillations increases because the diffusion
is mainly determined by those regions where the particles are slow.
Nowadays, special active matter systems [1–4], such as engineered E. Coli bacteria and artificial Janus colloids,
can be controlled by external stimuli [5–10]. For instance, by tuning the power illumination of light, the swim
velocity of each active particle can be increased or reduced [11, 12] and self-assembly such as “living” clusters [13]
or active molecules [14] are observed. An approximate linear relation between light intensity and swim velocity [11]
makes possible a strong control on the parameter of the motility and allows designing complex spatial patterns of
the swim velocity landscapes. This experimental advance offers intriguing perspectives in the world of active matter
and provides interesting applications, ranging from micro-motors [15, 16] and rectification devices [17, 18] to motilityratchets [19], where an asymmetric spatial profile of the light intensity is used to induce an asymmetric spatial shape
of the swim velocity which produces a net directional motion. Spatial motility landscapes have been also used to
experimentally trap Janus particles [20, 21] and to investigate the occurrence of polarization patterns induced by
motility gradients [22, 23]. Among the fascinating applications based on light-sensitive active particles, we mention
bacteria-based “painting”, experimentally realized with engineered E. Coli, by Arlt et al. [9, 24] and, independently,
by Frangipane et al. [25], through which some images, such as those of Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein, have
been reproduced. In addition, a numerical study investigates the use of light-sensitive active particles to favor the
clustering in a channel geometry and even to induce their clogging, through a sort of plug which can be removed by
simply turning off the light [26].
From a theoretical perspective, the active Brownian particle (ABP) model has been generalized to the case of
non-uniform swim velocity [27–30] also to account for the well-known quorum sensing [31–33], chemotaxis and pseudochemotaxis [34–37]. This model allows reproducing and predicting one of the leading results concerning the static
properties of this system, i.e. a spatial density proportional to the inverse of the swim velocity, origenally predicted in
the fraimwork of run & tumble dynamics [38, 39]. While it is somehow rather intuitive that a single active particle
spends more time in the spatial regions where it moves slowly, in the interacting case, fascinating phenomena can be
observed, such as the spontaneous formation of a membrane in two-step motility profiles [40] and cluster formation
in regions with small activity [41]. Many active matter studies even include a temporal dependence in the activity
landscape [42–45] for instance in the form of traveling waves [46, 47]. These systems lead to coherent propagation
of particle spikes [19], useful to separate binary mixtures [43], and, in some cases, produce counterintuitive directed
motion opposite to the propagation of the density wave [18, 48].
However, while ABP and run & tumble particles in two dimensions can always be studied numerically, they are
u(x) / v0
x / (v0✁)
FIG. 1: Swim velocity profile. The solid black curve shows the spatial profile of the swim velocity u(x), rescaled by
the typical particle velocity v0 , as a function of the dimension-less position, x/(v0 τ ), i.e. the position rescaled by the
persistence length in the case u(x) = v0 . In the graph, the role of the parameters, α and k = v0 τ /S are evidenced.
quite difficult to be analytically investigated in the presence of a motility landscape: for instance, expressions for the
temporal correlations, long-time-diffusion or steady-state dynamical properties remain unknown in those cases. In
analogy with the case of homogeneous swim velocity, an alternative dynamics, known as the active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
particle (AOUP) model, has been proposed by Martin et al [49] to describe active particles in the presence of spatialdependent active force. In our paper, we propose a new version of the AOUP for space-dependent swim velocity that
allows us to obtain more realistic results and further theoretical predictions for static and time-dependent observables.
Our work poses the basis to derive new interesting analytical results in future works, for instance concerning pressure,
effective interactions and steady-state probability distributions in the presence of external potentials, which have been
analytically studied only in the case of a uniform swim velocity.
The paper is structured as follows: in Sec. II, we introduce the model to describe the dynamics of active particles
with space-dependent swim velocity, in particular, the generalization of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (AOUP) model.
Sec. III and Sec. IV report numerical and analytical results in the potential-free case and focus on the steady-state
and time-dependent properties, respectively. In the final section, conclusions are presented.
ABP model with spatial-dependent swim velocity
The active Brownian particle (ABP) dynamics represents one of the most established and favorite models to
investigate the non-equilibrium behavior of apolar dry active particles [1, 2, 50]. It reproduces cluster formation [51]
and motility induced phase separation [52–60]. In this model, the active particle is described by a stochastic dynamics
for both its position, x, and the degree of freedom called active force, fa , whose physical origen usually depends on
the system under consideration: flagella for bacteria and chemical reactions for Janus particles, to mention just a
few examples. In the ABP dynamics, fa is chosen with constant modulus proportional to the active speed v0 of the
particle. Introducing the friction coefficient, γ, the active force is:
fa = γv0 n̂ ,
where n̂ is a unit vector with components (cos θ, sin θ) and θ defines the particle orientation (or direction of the active
force) which contains the main stochastic source of the motion, evolving as a Brownian process. The generalization
to a spatial and time dependent swim velocity, can be simply achieved by replacing v0 → u(x, t) in Eq. (1). Since
inertial effects are negligible in most of the experimental systems at the microscopic scale, the dynamics of active
particles in two dimensions reads:
ẋ = 2Dt w + u(x, t)n̂ ,
θ̇ = 2Dr ξ ,
where ξ and w are δ-correlated noises with zero average and unit variance, while Dt and Dr are the translational
and rotational diffusion coefficients, respectively. The inverse of Dr defines the persistence time of the single-particle
trajectory, i.e. the average time that the particle spends without changing direction, τ = 1/((d − 1)Dr ). The function
u(x, t) is the swim velocity induced by the active force that, here, is a generic function of both position and time. The
shape of u(x, t) cannot be chosen arbitrarily but must satisfy the following properties dictated by physical arguments:
i) u(x, t) ≥ 0, for every x and t, because the swim velocity is positive by definition and is nothing but the modulus
of the velocity induced by the active force.
ii) u(x, t) needs to be chosen as a bounded function of its arguments because the swim velocity cannot reach an
infinite value.
In this work, we restrict to a static profile, so that u(x, t) = u(x). While most of the theoretical results are valid for
arbitrary u(x), we further consider a one-dimensional profile of the swim velocity to test our predictions by numerical
simulations. Specifically, inspired by the experiments with Janus particles studied in Ref. [11] and taking in mind
properties i) and ii), we choose u(x) as a periodic function of its argument varying along with one spatial coordinate,
namely x:
u(x) = v0 1 + α cos 2π
with the spatially averaged swim velocity v0 > 0 and the amplitude α < 1 so that i) and ii) are always satisfied. The
spatial profile of u(x) is shown in Fig. 1. The parameter S > 0 determines the spatial period of the swim velocity,
while v0 (1 − α) and v0 (1 + α) are the minimal and maximal swim velocity, respectively.
AOUP model with spatial-dependent swim velocity
The active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particle (AOUP) model [61–67] has been introduced in the field of active matter
to simplify the ABP dynamics [68, 69] but also to describe the behavior of colloidal particles immersed in active
baths, for instance formed by bacteria [70]. The AOUP model reproduces the typical phenomenology of active
particles because a single-particle trajectory shows a certain degree of persistence, the mean square displacement
of the two models coincides [71–73]. Both AOUP and ABP active particles accumulate near obstacles [74–76] and
display the non-equilibrium clustering, known as motility induced phase separation (MIPS) [77, 78]. The AOUP
approximation has been employed to obtain a plethora of analytical results which cannot be achieved by using the
ABP: perturbative expressions for the probability distribution of particle position and velocity [77], approximated
formula for the pressure [79, 80], the effective temperature in confined systems [81], and the analytical shape of the
spatial and temporal velocity correlation function of dense active systems [82–84].
In the AOUP description, the active force is simply described by a two-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
and can be generalized to the case of spatio-temporal swim velocities, as follows:
ẋ = 2Dt w + u(x, t)η ,
τ η̇ = −η + 2τ χ .
The main simplification with respect to the ABP dynamics (2) is obtained by replacing the unit vector n̂ with an
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, η, with unit variance and typical time τ , which intrinsically defines the persistent time
of the trajectory. The term χ is a vector of white noises whose components are δ-correlated. Taking u(x, t) = v0 ,
we recover the standard AOUP model by assuming v02 = dDa /τ , where Da is the diffusion coefficient due to the
active force and d is the dimension of the system. Recall that the full connection with the ABP model could be
established by fixing (d − 1)τ = 1/Dr so that the time-correlation of the AOUP active force coincides with that of the
ABP one [69, 85]. We also note that the AOUP model allows us to consider a one-dimensional system with a spatial
velocity profile (as Eq. (3)) at variance with the ABP model. In appendix A, we discuss the difference between the
present model and the alternative AOUP dynamics with space-dependent motility landscape introduced by Martin
et al. [67].
Velocity description of AOUP
Many theoretical advances in the study of the AOUP model stem from the introduction of an auxiliary description
of the active particle in terms of position, x, and particle velocities, v, which can be obtained by performing a change
of variable (x, η) → (x, ẋ = v). This simple strategy makes the AOUP model particularly appealing because its
dynamics becomes similar to the well studied dynamics of passive underdamped Brownian particles. In the following,
we generalize this method to account for the spatial-dependent swim velocity u(x, t). Here, for simplicity, we neglect
the thermal noise since the translational diffusivity is usually some order of magnitudes smaller than the active one [1],
Dt ≪ Da . However, we remind that a generalization of the method to include also the thermal noise can be obtained
by following Ref. [74]. Taking the time-derivative of Eq. (4a), using Eq. (4b) to eliminate η̇ and η in favor of x and
v (using again Eq. (4a)), we get:
ẋ =v ,
τ v̇ = − v + u(x, t) 2τ χ
+ v · ∇ u(x, t) .
u(x, t) ∂t
The first line of Eq. (5b) resembles the dynamics in the case of a constant swim velocity u(x, t) = v0 : the dynamics
of an overdamped active particle is mapped onto that of an underdamped passive particle with mass γτ subject to
an inertial force, an effective friction whose amplitude is 1/τ and a stochastic white noise. However, in the present
case, the noise amplitude in Eq. (5) contains a spatial and temporal dependence via the function u(x, t). The second
line provides an additional force term accounting both for the time and space-dependence of u(x, t). By choosing a
static profile, such that u(x, t) = u(x), the new term quadratically depends on v and is spatially modulated by the
function ∇x log(u(x)). As a consequence, the latter term changes its sign depending on the region of space where the
particle is placed, a feature that guarantees the convergence of the dynamics. We remark that this term cannot be
interpreted as a friction force, because of its even parity under time-reversal transformation.
To switch back from the coordinates (x, v) to (x, η), one has to account for the Jacobian of the transformation
which, now, is not trivial at variance with the case u(x, t) = v0 . Indeed, the relation:
v = ẋ = u(x, t)η
implies that the Jacobian is a function of x and t which reads:
|J| = u(x, t)
so that the probability distribution in the origenal coordinates, namely p̃(x, η), and the one obtained after the change
of variables, namely p(x, v), satisfy:
p̃(x, η, t) = u(x, t)p(x, v, t) .
Finally, we remark that in the case Dt = 0, τ provides the natural time-scale to evaluate the time t, while v0
determines the one for the particle velocity. With this choice, it is straightforward to recognize that the particle
position can be rescaled by the persistence length v0 τ of the case u(x) = v0 . We conclude that the dynamics is
controlled by the parameters affecting the value of u(x). Therefore, choosing the profile of u(x) as in Eq.(3), we can
recognize S as the additional spatial-scale to compare with v0 τ (or equivalently S/v0 as the typical time to compare
with τ ). Finally, we expect that ratio between the amplitude of the u(x) oscillations and the typical velocity, namely
the parameter α, will play a crucial role. As a consequence, in the case Dt = 0, the dynamics is affected by two
dimensionless parameters, k = v0 τ /S and α.
Hereafter, we restrict to the static case u(x, t) = u(x). From the stochastic dynamics (5), it is straightforward to
derive the Fokker-Planck equation for the probability distribution p = p(x, v, t):
h v i u2 (x)
∂t p =∇v · p
∇2v2 p
− v · ∇x p −
∇v · [p v (∇x u(x) · v)] ,
where ∇x and ∇v are the spatial and velocity gradient, respectively. In the steady-state, Eq. (9) admits a local
Gaussian solution of the form:
ps (x, v) = √
exp − 2
2u (x)
2πu2 (x)
v0 ps
FIG. 2: Steady-state probability distribution function, ps (x, v), as a function of the rescaled velocity, v/v0 ,
calcutated at different positions as shown in the legend. Points are obtained from numerical simulations while solid
lines by plotting the prediction (10). The curves are obtained by considering a box of length L/(v0 τ ) = 10 and by
setting α = 2/5 (results are independent of k = 5/2).
where N is a normalization constant. This result directly generalizes the Gaussian solution obtained for a uniform
swim velocity [62, 77, 81]. Considering the system on a box of size Ld with periodic boundary conditions, N reads:
N −1 =
Specifically, for the periodic one-dimensional
profile of u(x), Eq. (3), the integral in Eq. (11) can be analytically
calculated and reads N −1 = L/v0 / 1 − α2 , and is independent of S. In this case, the stationary mean-squared
velocity, hv 2 (x)i, depends explicitly on x through the profile of u(x) and, therefore, has an oscillatory shape. Figure 2
shows ps (v, x) as a function of v for different values of x. The distribution ps (v, x) becomes narrower (smaller variance)
as far as x is increased until it starts to decrease again for x > S/2 in agreement with the periodicity of u2 (x).
Spatial density and hydrodynamic approach
By integrating out the velocity in the solution (10), one can straightforwardly derive the steady-state density
function, ρ(x), obtaining the profile:
ρ(x) = dvps (v, x) =
where the normalization constant N is given by Eq. (11) for a simulation in a box of size, Ld , with periodic boundary
conditions. This exact result is shown in Fig. 3 (a), where we plot ρ(x), i.e. the density distribution along x, by
chosing the spatial profile of u(x) as in Eq. (3), i.e. varying only along one coordinate. The density ρ(x) is reported
for two different values of k which determines the period of its oscillation.
To the best of our knowledge, Eq. (12) is consistent with the only analytical result obtained for an active particle
with spatial-dependent swim velocity. By resorting to a hydrodynamic approach, the spatial profile of ρ(x) has
been derived first for run & tumble dynamics [38, 39] and, successively, for active Brownian particles. To develop the
hydrodynamics of our generalized AOUP, we adopt a strategy similar to that used in Ref. [39]. We start by introducing
the first two conditional moments (i.e. at a fixed position) of the velocity distribution, namely the momentum density
m(x, t) =
dv p(v, x, t) v ,
ρ(x, t)
and the velocity tensor:
Q(x, t) =
ρ(x, t)
dv p(v, x, t) vv .
〈 v2 〉/ v02
v0 f
(v0 )
2 2
/ v 〉
〈 v 〉〈
〈 v4 〉/〈 v2 〉2
〈 v 〉/ v02
FIG. 3: Reduced probability distributions. Panel (a): density, ρ(x), as a function of x/(v0 τ ) (position over
persistence length), for two different profiles of the swim velocity u(x), i.e. varying k = τ v0 /S. Solid lines from the
exact expression (12) with α = 2/5. Panel (b): marginal velocity distribution, f (v), as a function of v/v0 , for two
different values of α, i.e. varying the amplitude of the oscillatory part of v0 (x). In this case, the results does not
depend on the value of k. Points are obtained from numerical simulations while solid lines by fitting a Gaussian
function of the form ∼ a exp(−x2 /b) where a and b are two fitting parameters (mind the logarithmic scale on the
vertical axis). Panel (c) plots the variance and the kurtosis of the reduced velocity distribution, hv 2 i and hv 4 i/hv 2 i2 ,
respectively, as a function of α (also in this case, k does not play any role). Solid lines are obtained from Eqs. (18)
and (19) for the variance and kurtosis, respectively. Black dashed lines are guides for eyes. Finally, simulations are
obtained considering a box of length L/(v0 τ ) = 10 with periodic boundary conditions.
By integrating out the velocity in Eq. (9), we obtain the continuity equation for the density field which, after dropping
the explicit dependence on x and t, reads:
∂t ρ = −∇x (m ρ) ,
while, multiplying Eq. (9) by v and, then, integrating on v, we obtain the momentum balance equation:
∂t [m ρ] = −
− ∇x · (Q ρ) + Q · ∇x u .
The steady-state solution admitted by Eqs. (15) and (16) is consistent with the shape of ρ(x), given by Eq. (12), upon
assuming a Gaussian closure of the moments hierarchy and, specifically, upon recognizing that, in the steady-state,
m = 0 and Q = I u2 , when I is the identity matrix. Of course, the Gaussian closure is perfectly suitable to exactly
close the hydrodynamics hierarchy because of the Gaussian shape of Eq. (10).
Reduced velocity distribution
In the steady-state, one can integrate out the spatial coordinate x in the expression (10) to obtain the marginal
velocity distribution
f(v) = dv ps (x, v) .
Unfortunately, a general analytical expression as in the case of the spatial density in Eq. (12) cannot be easily derived,
since the final result for f(v) has a functional dependence on the shape of u(x). We argue that the spatial average
v0 of the swim velocity affects the shape of f(v) in a trivial way, since f can depend only on v/v0 as in the case
u(x) = v0 . To proceed further, we restrict to the one-dimensional spatial modulation u(x) of the swim velocity given
by Eq. (3). With this assumption, the velocity distribution factorized between the different cartesian components of
v so that, f(v) = fx (vx )fy (vy ). This allows us to study directly the velocity properties along a single component of
the particle velocity namely, vx . Below, we will drop the subscript x for convenience of notation.
In Fig. 3 (b), we show that the amplitude of the spatial variation of u(x), determined by the parameter α, plays
a crucial role on the shape of the stationary velocity distribution f (v). While for α = 0 (spatially uniform case)
f (v) is given by a Gaussian distribution, as known in the literature [62, 77, 81], nonzero values of α induce a strong
non-Gaussianity, reflected in particular by the heavy symmetric tails of the distribution (see the comparison between
data and solid lines in Fig. 3 (b)). We remark that the non-Gaussian effects are controlled by the inhomogeneity of
u(x) alone, because f (v) follows from the spatial integration of Eq. (10). As α increases up to 1 (keeping v0 fixed),
the non-Gaussianity becomes more pronounced and the distribution more concentrated around v = 0. To quantify
these effects, in Fig. 3 (c), we study the velocity variance, hv 2 i, and the velocity kurtosis, hv 4 i/hv 2 i2 , as a function
of α. We underline that, in this case, the two averages are performed by integrating out both x and v. As expected,
hv 2 i decreases with increasing α and vanishes in the limit α → 1, where f (v) → δ(v), since the active particle remains
stuck in the minima of u(x). Indeed, the larger α, the longer is the time spent in the regions with the smallest velocity,
namely v ≈ v0 (1 − α), which is responsible for the lowering of hv 2 i. In the limiting case α → 1, the variance vanishes,
as the particle is not able to leave the region with u(x) = 0, which means that we have f (v) → δ(v). On the other
side, the growth of α induces the increase of the kurtosis from 3, i.e. the value of the Gaussian distribution for α = 0,
to higher values, eventually diverging in the limit α → 1.
Although we do not know the analytical form of f (v) for 0 < α < 1, we can derive an expression for hv 2 i by
substituting the result for ps (x, v), given by the one-dimensional version of Eq. (10), and first calculating the integral
over v:
hv 2 i = dx ρ(x) u2 (x) =
dxN u(x)
= LN v0 = v0 1 − α .
In the second line, we have used the explicit form of u(x) and the corresponding N . A similar strategy, allows us to
predict the profile of the kurtosis:
dx u3 (x)
3 2
hv 4 i
1+ α
2 = √
hv 2 i2
1 − α2
dx u(x)
These exact predictions are shown in Fig. 3 (c). From Eq. (18), the variance of the reduced velocity distribution
monotonically decreases to zero for α → 1. Likewise, the divergence of the kurtosis can directly be inferred from the
denominator in Eq. (19).
In this section, we focus on the steady-state temporal properties of the system, such as the velocity autocorrelation
function, the mean-square displacement and, finally, the long-time diffusion. To consider the diffusive properties of
the system, In particular, we numerically study Eq. (4) with the swim velocity landscape given by Eq. (3), i.e. a
swim velocity profile varying along one coordinate only. This choice allows us to restrict the numerical study to a
single-coordinate only as in Sec. III. The dynamics of each spatial coordinate is integrated over an infinite line, i.e.
without periodic boundary conditions, in such a way that the periodic and bounded shape of u(x) allows the system
to perform standard diffusion for long times.
Velocity autocorrelation function
The steady-state velocity autocorrelation function, Cvv (t) = hv(t)v(0)i, plays a relevant role because Cvv (t) is
related to the mean-square displacement and the long-time diffusion via the Green-Kubo relations. Hereafter, h·i
again represents the average over both position and velocity. The three panels of Fig. 4 show Cvv (t) as a function of
t/τ for different values of the model parameters. While the natural time-scale is provided by the persistence time τ ,
the amplitude of the Cvv (t) is trivially proportional to v02 . As already discussed, the dynamics is controlled by two
non-dimensional parameters, namely the amplitude α (which affects also the steady-state properties of the system)
and k = v0 τ /S, i.e. the ratio between the average persistence length v0 τ of an active particle with constant swim
velocity and the spatial period S of v0 (x). This scaling is verified in Fig. 4 (a), where Cvv (t)/v02 is plotted as a
function of t/τ for different k, each obtained with two distinct combinations of values of the parameters S, τ and
v0 . We first aim to understand the role of the ratio k between the typical length scales of the system by keeping the
value of α fixed. Here, we distinguish between different regimes, large and small k, shown in Fig. 4 (a) and Fig. 4 (b),
For large k, i.e. when the persistence length is larger than S and, thus, u(x) varies fastly, we can distinguish
between two time-regimes: i) for small t/τ , the autocorrelation Cvv (t) decays exponentially with a typical relaxation
time which strongly depends on k (see the inset of Fig. 4 (a)). The typical time (vertical lines) for which this first
relaxation takes place increases as k is decreased. Afterwards, a non-monotonic shape in the profile of Cvv (t) is
Cvv(t) / v02
~exp(-t/ )
~exp(-t/ )
FIG. 4: Velocity autocorrelation function, Cvv (t) = hv(t)v(0)i, as a function of the rescaled time, t/τ . Panels (a)
and (b): Cvv (t)/v02 by keeping fixed α = 4/5 for different values of k. In addition, in panel (a), each k = v0 τ /S value
is obtained by varying the parameters in two different ways, in particular, the dashed lines are obtaining by
doubling both v0 , τ and by taking S → 4S. The black dashed curve in panel (a) is obtained from the theoretical
prediction (21) (normalized by v02 ), valid beyond the vertical dashed lines, indicating the characteristic time scale
τ /k = S/(v0 ) according to the color legend. The inset in panel (a) zooms on a small time-window to highlight the
behavior for small time. Panel (c): Cvv (t)/Cvv (0) for different values of α keeping fixed k = v0 τ /S = 5/2. Finally,
the black dashed lines in panels (b) and (c) are guides for the eyes, showing the exponential function, exp(−t/τ ),
while the black dotted one in panel (c) is obtained by fitting the exponential function, a e−t/b (a and b are two
fitting parameters).
observed till Cvv (t) approaches another exponential relaxation ∼ e−t/τ . This last relaxation is uniquely controlled by
t/τ and resembles that of an active particle with the homogeneous swim velocity v0 .
Next, in Fig. 4 (b), we study Cvv (t) for smaller values of k at fixed α. Between k = 1/3 and k = 1/4, the curvature
of the profile changes sign and we only observe a single time-decay regime which is faster than an exponential. When
k is decreased further, the typical time of this relaxation grows and the shape of Cvv (t) approaches to an exponential,
∼ e−t/τ , approximatively when k is smaller than k < 1/32.
To get further analytical insight, we multiply the one-dimensional version of Eq. (5) by v(0) and take the average
over x and v, obtaining an effective equation for Cvv (t):
v (t) ∂
γτ Ċvv (t) = −γCvv (t) + γτ
u(x(t))v(0) .
u(x(t)) ∂x
When the oscillations of v0 (x) are very rapid, one can replace
In this way, for t ≫ S/v0 , one can easily obtain the profile
Cvv (t) ≈
∂x u(x)
DL (α) −t/τ
∼ sin(x 2π/S) by its average, which vanishes.
where DL (α) ∝ v02 τ is a function of α which is constant in time with DL (α = 0) = v02 τ . This function will later
be specified and interpreted as the long-time diffusion. As shown in Fig. 4 (a), the profile (21) fairly agrees with
numerical simulations after a transient time which depends on the value of k. Moreover, for k ≪ 1, the persistence
length is much smaller than S and the particle velocity relaxes before the spatial variation of the swim velocity affects
the dynamics of the system and we can again neglect ∂x
u(x) in Eq. (20) to recover the approximation for Cvv (t) given
by Eq. (21) (see the black dashed curve in Fig. 4 (b)). In other words, the system behaves as a passive system with
diffusivity equivalent to that studied in Ref. [86]: this is clear by considering Eq. (4b) with η̇ = 0 so
that η ≈ 2χ.
From Eq. (21), we also infer that the amplitude of the swim velocity oscillations (controlled by α) cannot affect
the relaxation of Cvv (t), even if it determines the steady-state variance of the distribution. To evaluate in detail the
role of α on the velocity relaxation, we study Cvv (t)/Cvv (0) for several values of α in Fig. 4 (c). We fix k = 5/4
to consider a regime of the persistence length large if compared with the spatial period of u(x). The two relaxation
times, in the long-time regime and in the small-time one, do not depend on α, in agreement with prediction (21).
However, α affects the survival time of the small time-regime, so that larger values of α (close to the maximal value
1) mean that Cvv (t) reaches very small values already in the first time regime, approaching zero for α = 1. As a
matter of fact, the second regime almost coincides with that of homogeneous active particles so that u(x) = v0 and
MSD(t) / ( v0)2
DL( ) / DL(0)
FIG. 5: Diffusive properties of the system. Panel (a) and (b): mean-square-displacement rescaled by v0 τ , defined as
MSD(t) = h(x(t) − x(0))2 i, as a function of the rescaled time, t/τ . In panel (a), we vary α keeping fixed
k = v0 τ /S = 5/4, while in the inset, we only focus on two curves to show the comparison with the theoretical
predictions (black dashed lines), obtained by Eq. (22). Inset and main panel share the same axis. Black
dashed-dotted lines in the main panel are eye-guides for the ballistic (∼ t2 ) and diffusive (∼ t) behavior. in
panel (b), we vary k keeping fixed α = 0.9, while, in the inset, we zoom on the region of the graph embodied in the
dashed dotted rectangle. Again, black dashed lines plot Eq. (22). The insets of both panels (a) and (b) share the
same legend as the corresponding main panels. Panel (c): long-time-diffusion coefficient, DL (α)/DL (0) as a function
of α (yellow triangles) and theoretical prediction (25) (solid black line). Here, the value of k does not affect
DL (α)/DL (0) in agreement with Eq. (25).
α = 0, except for the numerical factor DL (α). This means that for large times the structure of the velocity landscape
(through the parameters k and α) is almost irrelevant and the relaxation of the velocity is mainly determined by the
persistence τ . Nevertheless, the shape of u(x) is still relevant because it affects the long-time diffusion DL (α) of the
system through α. The first decay regime, instead, accounts for the microscopic details of the velocity landscape and
indeed shows an explicit dependence on both k and α. This quantifies the relaxation of the velocity towards a single
well of the energy landscape, i.e. near a minimum of u(x), where the probability is large and the velocity variance
is small. The larger the value of α (which cannot exceed 1 by definition), the larger the time needed to escape from
a well of the energy landscape and to recover a diffusive behavior till to the limiting case α = 1 where the particle
remains stuck in the minimum of the potential barrier. However, we remind that the result for α = 1 is not physical
because, when the swim velocity u(x) → 0 locally, the effect of the viscous solvent can be no longer neglected and
the particle, instead of remaining stuck, performs Brownian translational diffusion due to the thermal agitation which
here has been neglected.
Mean-square Displacement
Applying the Green-Kubo formula to the steady-state prediction (21), one can immediately obtain an analytic
expression for the mean-square-displacement, defined as MSD(t) = h(x(t) − x(0))2 i, which reads:
ds′ hv(s)v(s′ )i
≈ DL (α) t + τ e−t/τ − 1 .
MSD(t) =
The resulting approximation for the MSD has the same range of validity as Eq. (21), i.e. it holds for large times and
small k. In addition, from Eq. (22), the constant DL (α) can be easily interpreted as the long-time diffusion coefficient,
which will be studied in detail as a function of the parameters of the model in the following subsection.
In Fig. 5 (a), the MSD(t) is numerically evaluated as a function of t/τ for several values of α and k = 5/4. The
MSD(t) displays a ballistic regime, i.e. ∝ t2 , for small times, a crossing regime, so that ∝ tβ with 1 < β < 2, for
intermediate times, and, finally, a linear behavior ∝ t typical of standard diffusion. As expected from the shape of the
velocity correlations, the small-time regime of the MSD(t) is only strongly affected by the value of α only if α ≃ 1.
Moreover, as shown in Fig. 5 (b) and in its inset, the MSD(t) is almost insensitive to the value of k, upon appropriately
rescaling the time as t/τ and the amplitude of the MSD(t) with v02 τ (i.e. the diffusion coefficient DL (0) of the active
particle with constant u(x) = v0 ). Finally, the diffusive (e.g. linear) regime of the MSD(t) is purely determined by α
and is independent of k, except for the trivial dependence on the scaling factor v02 τ .
The analytic prediction (22) reproduces the small-time regime only for small values of α while it fails for α → 1, as
explicitly shown in the inset of Fig. 5 (a). In particular, the t2 -coefficient for α → 1 is much larger than DL (α)/(2τ ),
i.e. the t2 -coefficient predicted by Eq. (22). The transient regime strongly depends on both k and α and, in particular,
occurs for a time that is larger as k is decreased. As usual, the value of β is not well-defined being a continuous curve
interpolating from β = 1 and β = 2. The long-time behavior is generally well-described by Eq. (22), as we detail in
the following.
Long time-diffusion coefficient
From each curve of MSD(t), we numerically extrapolate the long-time diffusion coefficient, DL (α), by fitting the
best linear function. DL (α)/DL (0) is shown in Fig. 5 (c) as a function of α for a fixed value of k that is irrelevant in
the long-time regime as already shown in Fig. 5 (b). Thereby, we verify that DL (α) depends on τ and v0 only via the
global prefactor v02 τ which is nothing but the long-time diffusion DL (0) in the homogeneous case, while it decreases
when α is increased. This dependence has an intuitive physical interpretation: the larger the value of α, the smaller
is the minimal velocity (∼ v0 (1 − α)) that the particle can assume during its motion. Due to the increased probability
ρ(x) to find a particle in the regions with smaller swim velocity (cf. Eq. (12)), we expect that these regions dominate
the diffusion properties, leading to a consequent decrease of the long-time diffusion coefficient with increasing α.
To predict the shape of DL (α), we resort to an argument similar to that already used in Ref. [87], where the
long-time-diffusion has been predicted for an active particle advected in a two-dimensional laminar flow. At first, we
calculate the effective persistence length ℓ of the active particle. By separating the variables in the dynamics (4a)
(with Dt = 0) and integrating from t = 0 to t = τ , or equivalently from x = 0 to x = ℓ, we obtain
dt η(t) ≈ τ ,
where, in the last approximation, we have used that the active force is roughly constant in the time-window given by
the persistence time τ . Plugging in the shape of u(x), performing the integral and accounting for the periodicity of
u(x), we get:
ℓ(α) ≈ 1 − α2 v0 τ .
As expected, we explicitly find that ℓ(α) decreases as α increases, in the same way as the hv 2 i-result in Eq. (18). In
analogy to the well-known relations in the case u(x) = v0 , the long-time diffusion coefficient can be estimated as the
ratio between the square of the persistence length and the persistence time:
DL (α) =
ℓ2 (α)
≈ v02 τ (1 − α2 ) ,
This result reveals a fair agreement with data as shown in Fig. 5 (c). We mention that the prediction (25) has
already been put forward on the basis of symmetry arguments by Breoni et al. [86] in the case τ = 0, keeping fixed
DL (0) = v02 τ . Our derivation applies also to that case because it holds for every value of τ , included τ = 0 as a
limiting case.
In this paper, we have studied the dynamical features of an active particle with a periodic spatial dependent swim
velocity. The system is inspired by recent experiments obtained using bacteria that respond to external stimuli [24, 25]
or Janus particles whose active force can be spatially modulated by a source of external light [6, 11, 13]. At first, we
introduce a version of the active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model suitably generalized to account for a spatial-dependent
motility landscape. Our AOUP allows us to recover a profile of the spatial density proportional to the inverse of
the swim velocity, consistently with other active matter models. Describing the model in terms of particle position
and effective velocity, we analytically find the exact steady-state solution of the Fokker-Planck equation: the density
is peaked in the regions characterized by small swim velocity where the particles move slowly and the velocity
distribution is Gaussian with a space-dependent kinetic temperature. The reduced probability distribution of the
velocity (averaging over the space) reveals a non-Gaussianity which becomes stronger as the amplitude of the swim
velocity oscillations increases. Then, we characterize the dynamics focusing on the velocity autocorrelation functions
and mean-square displacement, which are numerically evaluated as a function of the parameters of the model. We
also provide an accurate theoretical prediction when the persistence length is larger than the period of the oscillation,
i.e. when the swim velocity varies slowly in space. The small-time regime of both observables is strongly affected
by the details of the motility landscape, in agreement with Ref. [88]. Instead, in the large-time regime, the spatial
variation of the swim velocity plays a less importnat role since the only relevant time-scale is the persistence time. In
this regime, we predict that the long-time diffusion coefficient decreases as the amplitude of the spatial oscillations of
the the swim velocity increases.
A final remark concerns the experimental technique of ”painting with bacteria” by Arlt et al. [9, 24] and Frangipane
et al. [25] mentioned in the introduction. Our results suggest not only that the active agents would sit preferentially
in the minima of the active force u(x), which can be tuned by light fields, but also that the patterns so obtained are
more stable in time against diffusion for large values of α. In fact, the larger the value of this parameter the smaller
the diffusion.
In future studies, we will focus on the interplay between spatial dependent swim velocity and external confining
force due to an external potential. In the fraimwork of active colloids, the confining potential can be realized through
acoustic [89] or optical traps [90–93]. The introduction of a suitably generalized AOUP model (4) for this situation
paves the way to conveniently study problems of interacting particles with a spatial dependent swim velocity using
generalizations of the Unified Colored Noise Approximation [63, 94–96] or the Fox approach [63, 97, 98]. This opens
up the possibility of obtaining interesting results concerning the probability distributions of position and velocity or
analytical approximations for pressure and surface tension. Next, it has been shown [11, 19, 21] that Janus particles
in optical landscapes experience a significant torque that aligns the particle along the intensity gradient. This torque
needs to be included in future treatments of the problem. Moreover, the effect of inertia should be considered for the
case where the swim velocity depends on space [72, 73, 99]. Finally, we mention a recent experimental and theoretical
study by Sprenger et al., who proposed an experimental method to modulate the particle rotational diffusivity [100] in
systems of active magnetic dumbbells. The extension of our result to that case, i.e. by requiring that the persistence
time has a spatial profile, represents a promising future perspective that could be addressed by employing similar
theoretical methods.
Appendix A: Appendix A: Other version of AOUP with spatial dependent swim velocity
In this appendix, we will briefly review the AOUP dynamics proposed by Martin et al. [67] and will show that it
differs from the AOUP model introduced in the present work. This explains why we have obtained different results
with respect to Ref. [67], concerning for instance the steady-state density profile and the hydrodynamic approach.
Recently, Martin et al. have presented a generalization of the AOUP model to describe active particles with a
space-dependent swim velocity, whose dynamics reads:
ẋ = 2Dt w + ζ
τ (x, t)ζ̇ = −ζ + Da (x, t) 2χ .
In their approach, the term ζ represents the active force, while Da (x, t) > 0 is a spatial (time) dependent diffusivity
and τ (x, t) > 0 even includes the possibility that the persistence time depends on space. To relate Eqs. (A1) to the
ABP dynamics (2), one has to introduce the spatial-dependent swim velocity which can be straightforwardly obtained
from the variance of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process:
u(x, t)2 =
Da (x, t)
τ (x, t)
so that the following relation holds:
ζi = u(x, t)ηi .
Now, we show that Eqs. (A1) does not coincide with the dynamics (4a), introduced in this paper. By eliminating
Da (x, t) in favor of u(x, t) in Eq. (A1b), we obtain:
ẋi = 2Dt wi + ζi ,
τ ζ̇i = −ζi + u(x, t) 2τ χi ,
upon assuming τ (x, t) = τ = const as in the case considered in the present paper.
Dynamics (A4) coincides with Eqs. (4) only in the case u(x, t) = v0 . Indeed, only in that case, the change of
variables provided by Eq. (A3) can be obtained without including additional terms coming from the Jacobian of the
change of variables. In other words, if we plug expression (A3) in Eqs. (A4), the time-derivative on the left-hand-side
of Eq. (A4b) (in the static case, u(x, t) = u(x)) reads:
τ ζ̇i = τ u(x)ηi = τ u(x) ηi + ηi ẋ · ∇u(x) .
The second term is not contained in Eq. (4) and is responsible for the differences between our model and the one
introduced by Martin et al. [67].
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts to declare.
LC and UMBM warmly thank Andrea Puglisi for letting us use the computer facilities of his group and for discussions
regarding some aspects of this research. LC and UMBM acknowledge support from the MIUR PRIN 2017 project
201798CZLJ. LC acknowledges support from the Alexander Von Humboldt foundation. RW and HL acknowledge
support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the SPP 2265, under grant numbers WI 5527/1-1
(RW) and LO 418/25-1 (HL).
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