The Vulnerable Neck: What
Forensic Audiologists Should Know
By Dennis A. Colucci, AuD, MA, ABA
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he neck is a complex and delicate mechanism. It
transmits motor signals and receives sensory signals for the entire body, carries arterial blood supply
and drainage for the brain, and has visceral responsibilities for respiration—the endocrine system and the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, the neck architecture and cervical
spine are responsible for supporting the weight of the head
and controlling its movements. It also innervates upper body
and limb muscles; receives dermatomes for heat, pressure,
and pain; protects the spinal cord; and facilitates speech,
breathing, and swallowing.
The neck structures are a mechanical wonder but susceptible
to injury, degeneration, aging, and disease. The most common
injuries come from motor vehicle accidents, sports, falls, lifting of
heavy objects, diving into shallow water, or being hit by a falling
object. Additionally, aging is a primary cause of neck-related
complaints in seniors since arthritis, disc degeneration, and normal wear and tear affect cervical joints, collapsing intervertebral
space causing compression and inflammation. Neck, shoulder,
and back pain also result from repetitive activities such as excessive computer use or poor posture. A repetitive forward head
position has been shown to be responsible for neck pain in
adults and older individuals.1 In fact, a forward head position has
been reported as the most frequent physical deformity, reducing
motion and affecting static and dynamic balance control.2
To the audiologist, neck injury, especially from blunt force
trauma, may result in disorders of auditory processing, hearing
loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis, and balance, including benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.3 Audiologists should include questions
on neck injury in any clinical or forensic evaluation since these
can have long-lasting effects on quality of life, especially for
seniors. For forensic audiologists, a clear understanding of the
physiology and mechanics of the neck is critical in understanding the merits of the case and the audio-vestibular complaints.
Injuries to the neck can result in a variety of motor and sensory symptoms and frequently pain. For example, damage to
the cervical vertebra and discs can result in spinal cord compression (myelopathy) or spinal nerve compression (radiculopathy). For aging patients, the risk of falls increases as weakness,
clumsiness, and motor dysfunctions ensue, frequently including neck and shoulder pain. In the case of a whiplash injury, soft
tissue damage such as strain or sprain of muscles, ligaments,
and tendons may result in a decreased range of motion, head-
Dr. Colucci is a clinical and forensic audiologist in private
practice in Laguna Hills, CA.
The Hearing Journal
Figure 1. The cervical spine.
aches at the base of the skull, pain of the neck, shoulders, back,
and arms, and insomnia. In all cases, a brief understanding of
the functional neck anatomy can be helpful when evaluating
these patients, especially for balance complaints.
The cervical spine supports the head and articulations, protects the spinal cord, provides motor and sensory information,
and delivers blood flow to the brain via the vertebral arteries.
As seen in Figure 1, the vertebral arteries pass through foramina on either side of the vertebral bodies. These supply
blood flow to the inner ears via the anterior cerebellar arteries
or basilar artery. Blood flow to the brain is also accomplished
via the internal carotid arteries arising from the common carotid arteries of the lateral neck. Seven vertebrae (C1-C7) are
connected dorsally by a series of paired facet joints supported
by muscles, tendons, and ligaments allowing for forward, backward tilting and rotational mobility. The cervical spine forms a
normal lordotic curve, gradually curving toward the front of the
body and then back. Notably, a radiological sign of a neck injury is a straight neck that lacks curve—a condition called kyphosis, which may be seen in forensic cases of whiplash.
As seen in Figure 1, the first cervical vertebra (C1) is a
unique ring-like structure called the atlas, which connects to
the occipital skull by membranes and ligaments. The atlas articulates with the skull by paired facets and rounded condyles
found on the underside of the occipital bone, allowing the head
to nod up and down. Below the atlas is the second vertebra
September 2020
Figure 2. Muscles of the neck (reproduced from Clemente CD,
ed. Gray’s anatomy of the human body. 30th ed. Philadelphia,
PA: Lea & Febiger, 1985:451, with permission).
(C2), known as the axis, which permits the head to pivot side to
side about a peg-like structure inserted into the atlas called the
dens. Unlike other vertebrae with a single disc, these attachments have no discs but have cartilaginous membranes between the vertebra allowing for a gliding motion and maximum
rotation. The remaining five vertebrae are aligned to articulate
with discs, softening the impact of motion and compression.
The intervertebral discs are fibrocartilaginous cushions
fused in place on the surface of the vertebrae. Each disc has
a tough outer surface called the annulus fibrosis, which encapsulates fibers and a gel-like substance found in the central
structure called the nucleus pulposus. These are susceptible
to injury from blunt force trauma, physical overuse, aging, and
disease. When herniated, they can lose fluid, reduce in size,
or release proteins, thereby inflaming nearby spinal nerves
and causing pain and malfunctions.
The muscles of the neck have multiple attachments to the
skull, hyoid bone, clavicles, and sternum (Fig. 2). These provide substantial protection of intrinsic structures and control
over fine and gross motor coordination, which are needed in
speaking, swallowing, breathing, and maintaining balance and
head position. Two large muscle groups cover the outer neck—
the superficial platysma ventrally and the trapezius muscle dorsally attached at the occipital skull down to the shoulders and
mid-back. In all, the neck has 26 muscles divided into 10 pairs
and two sets with three muscles. They control head movements such as bending forward and backward, which puts
considerable weight on the neck, thus requiring the musculature to be robust just to make daily activities possible. The average 11-12-pound head is supported on the body by the
neck, softening the force of gravity by distributing the weight
on the cervical spine and collateral physiology. However, this
changes precipitously with motion, such as bending forward
or backward. The head’s static weight can be up to 27 pounds
at a 15-degree angle, and up to 60 pounds at 60 degrees.4
In accidents such as whiplash, g-force can reach seven to
eight times gravity in seconds as the head is forced backward
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in hyperflexion and then forward to hyperextend. Similar mechanical actions can occur in a fall as the body or head strikes
a surface and rebounds. This can result in ruptured discs and
misaligned vertebrae, and strain the delicate muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the neck.
The neck has multiple spaces segregated by the fascia,
compartmentalizing bones, muscles, and the vascular and
neural processes. As seen in Figure 1, a series of spinal nerves
(Nerves C1-C8) exiting both sides of the vertebra, giving rise
to peripheral nerves that ensure motor function to the head,
neck, upper limbs, and diaphragm, as well as a dermatomal
pattern of sensation in the head, neck, shoulders, and upper
body.5 Along with the accessory nerve (XI), which innervates
the large muscles of the neck and shoulders (trapezius and
sternocleidomastoid), the spinal nerves activate muscles controlling the motion of the head and activities such as swallowing, speech, and respiration. For example, damage to the C4
spinal nerve, which is responsible for innervating the diaphragm, can result in breathing issues and even paralysis.
Depending on the severity of the injury, the incidence of hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance dysfunction after trauma to the
neck can be substantial. In a study by Segel, et al., of 83 patients or 166 ears who sustained blunt force neck trauma,
such as whiplash, 81.3 percent had an acoustic trauma-like
notch and 4.8 percent had hearing loss in the 500 to 2,000
Hz range, with two ears also demonstrating higher-frequency
losses.6 Tinnitus was also reported in 55.4 percent of the subjects. These complications have been reported to result from
sudden hemodynamic pressure changes caused by the mechanical action of whiplash. In another study, Nacci, et al.,
tested two groups of subjects for vestibulopathy: Group A
included participants with whiplash only and Group B included those with both whiplash and mTBI.7 VNG test results
taken within 15 days of the injury revealed that 19 percent of
Group A and 60 percent of Group B participants had vestibulopathy. In Group A, 11 percent had peripheral findings, five
percent with central findings, and three percent had undefined findings. In Group B with the added mTBI, 50 percent
had peripheral and 10 percent had central findings. A variety
of complaints accompanied the vestibulopathy, including cervical vertigo, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or ocular
motor system abnormalities. Although a remarkable difference was found between the groups, results showed that
whiplash injury alone produced either peripheral or central
An injury to the neck may result in a myriad of potential
neurological deficits both peripherally and centrally affecting
balance, cognition, and communication. In whiplash cases,
the associated disorders include headaches, cognitive and
psychological symptoms, dizziness, tinnitus, visual impairments, paresthesias, weakness, palsy, and even paralysis. For
example, speech can be impaired as neck injuries can cause
hypoglossal nerve palsy, which affects articulation and swallowing, or superior laryngeal nerve (branch of the vagus nerve)
damage, which causes paralysis, difficulty with pitch and explosive laryngeal sounds.8
The Hearing Journal
An injury that takes only seconds to occur may take days,
weeks, months, or even years to recover, if at all. The most
common types of injuries that cause neck pain are whiplash,
repetitive strain, pinched nerves, disc injury, vertebral fractures, and spinal cord damage. All these injuries may result in
peripheral and/or central audio-vestibular complaints, and, in
some cases, include other communication and cognitive disorders. In older adults, falls not only result in severe hip injuries but also concussion and neck injury—which can all have
serious and life-threatening outcomes. In sports, head contact
with another player, even with helmets, can result in a neck
injury and concussion. Diving injuries can be very severe,
causing vertebral, spinal cord, and disc damage resulting in
paralysis. It is not uncommon for strain from poor posture or
daily physical activities to occur with many of these resolving
without long-term consequences, although repetitive forward
head position can result in more severe outcomes. Regardless of the causation, audiologists, especially those working in
forensics, should pay close attention to the status of the neck,
clinical examinations, and the patient’s medical records.
References for this article can be found at http://bit.ly/HJcurrent.
The Hearing Journal
September 2020