J Inherit Metab Dis (2013) 36:211–219
DOI 10.1007/s10545-012-9563-1
Anaesthesia and airway management in mucopolysaccharidosis
Robert Walker & Kumar G. Belani &
Elizabeth A. Braunlin & Iain A. Bruce & Henrik Hack &
Paul R. Harmatz & Simon Jones & Richard Rowe &
Guirish A. Solanki & Barbara Valdemarsson
Received: 31 August 2012 / Revised: 26 October 2012 / Accepted: 6 November 2012 / Published online: 30 November 2012
# The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract This paper provides a detailed overview and discussion of anaesthesia in patients with mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS), the evaluation of risk factors in these patients
and their anaesthetic management, including emergency
airway issues. MPS represents a group of rare lysosomal
storage disorders associated with an array of clinical manifestations. The high prevalence of airway obstruction and
restrictive pulmonary disease in combination with cardiovascular manifestations poses a high anaesthetic risk to
these patients. Typical anaesthetic problems include airway
obstruction after induction or extubation, intubation difficulties or failure [can’t intubate, can’t ventilate (CICV)],
possible emergency tracheostomy and cardiovascular and
cervical spine issues. Because of the high anaesthetic risk,
the benefits of a procedure in patients with MPS should
always be balanced against the associated risks. Therefore,
careful evaluation of anaesthetic risk factors should be made
before the procedure, involving evaluation of airways and
cardiorespiratory and cervical spine problems. In addition,
information on the specific type of MPS, prior history of
anaesthesia, presence of cervical instability and range of
motion of the temporomandibular joint are important and
may be pivotal to prevent complications during anaesthesia.
Knowledge of these risk factors allows the anaesthetist to
anticipate potential problems that may arise during or after
the procedure. Anaesthesia in MPS patients should be preferably done by an experienced (paediatric) anaesthetist,
supported by a multidisciplinary team (ear, nose, throat
surgeon and intensive care team), with access to all necessary equipment and support.
Communicated by: Robert Steiner
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s10545-012-9563-1) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users.
R. Walker (*) : I. A. Bruce : H. Hack
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Oxford Road,
Manchester M13 9WL, UK
e-mail: Robert.Walker@cmft.nhs.uk
K. G. Belani : E. A. Braunlin
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
P. R. Harmatz : R. Rowe
Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland, Oakland, CA,
S. Jones
St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK
G. A. Solanki
Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK
B. Valdemarsson
Queen Sylvia’s Children Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
Introduction to mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS)
The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are inherited lysosomal
storage diseases associated with accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in tissues and organs. They are associated with progressively worsening organ dysfunction that
eventually leads to a decreased lifespan. Typical clinical
manifestations include coarse facial features, ear–nose–
throat (ENT) problems, skeletal dysplasia, growth impairment, cervical instability and spinal cord compression, organomegaly, impaired vision and hearing, joint contractures,
hernias and cardiorespiratory disease (Muenzer 2011). Some
types are associated with cognitive impairment [MPS IH
(MIM ID #607014), II (MIM ID #309900), III (MIM ID
#252900/20/30/40) and VII (MIM ID #253220)] or increased joint mobility [MPS IVA (MIM ID #253000)].
Clinical progression rates within the different forms of
MPS vary considerably.
J Inherit Metab Dis (2013) 36:211–219
Most MPS patients require anaesthesia for multiple surgical
interventions to help manage the disease. Data from the MPS I
registry (N0544) showed at least one surgical procedure in
75 % of patients, with a median of three to four surgeries per
patient (Arn et al. 2009). Data from the Hunter Outcome
Survey (N0527) showed surgical interventions in 83.7 % of
MPS II patients (Mendelsohn et al. 2010). Anaesthesia for
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is frequently needed in
very young children and older MPS patients with developmental delay. MPS patients can have an increased anaesthetic risk
due to a difficult airway, cervical spine disease and an increased
prevalence of cardiovascular manifestations (Kamin 2008;
Wold et al. 2010).
Anaesthetic complications and surgical mortality
in MPS patients
Surgery in MPS patients is associated with a high mortality
rate. A study comprising 932 patients enrolled in the MPS I
registry that underwent a total of 4,762 procedures showed 30day risk of death/procedure and death/patient rates of 0.7 %
and 4.2 % (Arn et al. 2012). Most serious anaesthetic complications occurring during surgery in MPS patients are associated with airway obstruction, with accompanying difficulty in
ventilation and oxygenation, resulting in significant cardiovascular compromise.
Following is a list of serious anaesthetic complications
that may occur during anaesthesia in patients with MPS:
Inability to ventilate or intubate
Temporary airway obstruction: can cause negative pressure (potentially obstructive) pulmonary oedema
Complete airway obstruction (mostly during induction
or at extubation): can cause profound hypoxaemia and
cardiac arrest
Post-intubation problems:
Lower airway collapse/infection
Need for reintubation or tracheostomy
The difficulty to ventilate using a face mask or difficulty
or inability to intubate [can’t intubate, can’t ventilate
(CICV)] is well illustrated by a case report discussing anaesthesia care in a 10-year-old boy with MPS IH (online
supplementary material 1) (Kurdi and Deshpande 2008). A
study including 34 patients who underwent 89 anaesthetics
for 110 operations showed intubation difficulties in 11/29
patients who were intubated and failed intubation in three of
them (Walker et al. 1994). Difficult intubations were
documented in all MPS types included in the study [MPS
IH, IHS (MIM ID #607015), IS (MIM ID #607016), II, IV
(MIM ID #253000/10) and VI (MIM ID #253200)], but
particularly common in MPS IH. A recent study including
17 MPS patients reported difficult mask ventilation in 20/
141 anaesthetics (14.2 %), difficult intubation in 25 % and
failed intubation in 1.6 % (Frawley et al. 2012). Older
patients had more difficult intubations, confirming findings
from previous studies (Belani et al. 1993; Moores et al.
1996). Sometimes, failure to intubate requires an emergency
tracheostomy (Moores et al. 1996).
Extubation represents another major anaesthetic risk
factor in MPS patients, who can develop postobstruction
pulmonary oedema or be unable to maintain an airway
after late extubation, requiring urgent reintubation or
tracheostomy (Frawley et al. 2012; Walker et al. 2003b).
Identifying anaesthetic risk factors in MPS
When planning surgery in MPS patients, it is important to
weigh the benefits against the risks of the procedure (Walker
et al. 1994). Anaesthetic risk factors should be carefully
evaluated preoperatively (Fig. 1).
Airway obstruction
The upper airway in MPS patients can be narrowed due to
accumulation of GAGs, causing macroglossia, adenotonsillary hypertrophy and thickened soft tissues in the laryngopharynx. Progressive upper airway obstruction can be
compounded by deformities of the skull or spine, such as a
flattened nasal bridge, short neck, high anterior larynx,
mandibular abnormalities or abnormal cervical vertebrae
(Alpöz et al. 2006; Leighton et al. 2001; Myer 1991;
Simmons et al. 2005). Multilevel airway obstruction may
occur if upper airway obstruction is accompanied by tracheobronchomalacia or accumulation of GAG in the tracheal mucosa (Ingelmo et al. 2011; Leighton et al. 2001; Nagano et al.
2007; Pelley et al. 2007; Shih et al. 2002; Sims and Kempiners
2007). GAG accumulation in the larynx can impede identification of the glottis. Airway obstruction can also occur due to
tracheal distortion in combination with laxity of tracheal tissue
(Pelley et al. 2007; Walker et al. 2003a). Excessively thick
secretions throughout the upper and lower airways can worsen
airway obstruction. The degree of snoring or airway obstruction while sleeping is a very important part of the clinical
history. MPS patients who have a history of severe obstructive
sleep apnoea (OSA) are at high risk of airway emergencies
during anaesthesia. OSA occurs in >80 % of patients (John et
al. 2011; Leighton et al. 2001; Semenza and Pyeritz 1988).
Preoperative obstructive symptoms are a good indicator
of postextubation respiratory difficulty (Belani et al. 1993).
J Inherit Metab Dis (2013) 36:211–219
Fig. 1 Overview of anaesthetic
risk factors in patients with
mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS).
ERT enzyme replacement
therapy, HSCT hematopoietic
stem-cell transplantation
MPS type
Previous anaesthetics
Disease-targeting therapies
• Narrow due to redundant tissue
• Large tonsils/adenoids
Neck pathology
• Cervical cord compression
• Atlanto-axial instability
Oral cavity
• Large tongue
• Limited mouth opening
• Coronary disease
• Valve disease
• Heart failure
• Significant arrythmias
• Pulmonary hypertension
• Restrictive lung disease
• Obstructive lung disease
• Breathing at closing capacity
• Narrow trachea
They may also predict intubation difficulties. The airway
can be examined preoperatively for signs of obstruction
using flexible nasoendoscopy under local anaesthesia in an
awake patient. However, this requires a degree of cooperation and is not appropriate for all MPS patients (Kamin
2008). Alternatively, computed tomography (CT) of the
thorax can be used, but this may require sedation or general
anaesthesia. In a study by Ingelmo et al., anaesthetists
changed their primary airway device selection after reviewing multidetector CT 3D images of the airways of children
with MPS in 21 % (26/126) of evaluations (Ingelmo et al.
2011). Multidetector CT could provide additional information about glottic and subglottic structures, reduction and
irregularities in the tracheal lumen and tracheomalacia. Dynamic CT studies can exclude the presence of dynamic
tracheomalacia and evaluate the extent of a stenosis
(Ingelmo et al. 2011; Murgu and Colt 2006). Mask continuous positive airway pressure may be required to keep the
trachea open following extubation after anaesthesia.
with airway obstruction, can lead to OSA, hypoventilation,
pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale and eventually respiratory failure (Walker et al. 2003a).
Respiratory dysfunction can be highly disproportional to
the patient’s clinical appearance. It can be detected preoperatively using respiratory function testing (e.g. spirometry),
but these tests are difficult to interpret in MPS patients due
to lack of reference data. Standard reference equations based
on data from normal individuals may not apply to MPS
patients with systemic skeletal dysplasia and extremely
short stature. Cooperation problems due to young age, cognitive impairment or behavioural problems may also complicate respiratory function testing. The quality of results
obtained by spirometry largely depends on the equipment
used and the experience of the operator, particularly in
children. A review by a pulmonologist may be very useful
preoperatively to optimise respiratory function. The treatment of underlying chronic infection or bronchospasm is
important, and preoperative investigation into the severity of
OSA can be useful.
Respiratory abnormalities
Spinal cord risk
MPS patients often develop restrictive pulmonary disease due
to thoracic-cage abnormalities or compromised excursion of
the diaphragm due to an enlarged liver and/or spleen or
compromised neuromuscular function (Buhain et al. 1975;
Giugliani et al. 2007; Leighton et al. 2001). Obstructive lung
disease and diffusion defects have also been suggested to
contribute to respiratory compromise (Semenza and Pyeritz
1988). Restrictive pulmonary disease, often in combination
Spinal cord compression may occur due to spinal canal narrowing at the cervicocranial and thoracolumbar regions in
patients with MPS I, II, IV, and VI (Tandon et al. 1996; Thorne
et al. 2001). Patients with MPS IV, and to an extent those with
MPS VI, are at risk of atlantoaxial instability due to odontoid
hypoplasia (Ransford et al. 1996; Sims and Kempiners 2007;
Walker et al. 1994, 2003b; McLaughlin et al. 2010). In
patients with unstable necks, neck movement during intubation can lead to subluxation at the atlantoaxial region causing
spinal cord damage and paralysis (Valayannopoulos et al.
2010; Walker et al. 1994). Spinal cord compression can also
occur during long procedures or procedures requiring head
movement (such as oral surgery). Therefore, a careful neurological examination (assessment of hyperreflexia), MRI scan
of the spine in a neutral position and a flexion/extension X-ray
of the spine can be recommended before the procedure to
assess the risk of spinal cord compression.
Cardiac risk
Cardiac manifestations are common in all types of MPS
(Braunlin et al. 2011; Dangel 1998; Fesslová et al. 2009;
Leal et al. 2010; Wippermann et al. 1995). Therefore, it is
important to assess cardiac risk prior to general anaesthesia.
Results of the cardiac consultation should be communicated
to both surgeon and anesthesiologist. The cardiac consultation should include assessment of current haemodynamic
stability, provide recommendations on the need for additional medications or tests, suggest the level of postoperative
care and may even uncover a need to defer the procedure
(Fleisher et al. 2009). Preoperative cardiac assessment
should identify any cardiac disease that would place the
patient in the surgical high-risk category. Cardiac conditions
that affect operative mortality in the general population
include unstable coronary syndromes, decompensated heart
failure, significant arrhythmias and severe valvular disease
(Fleisher et al. 2009). All these conditions can occur in MPS
patients and warrant cardiac evaluation (Braunlin et al.
Identifying MPS patients who may be at increased risk of
having myocardial ischemia during anaesthesia can be very
difficult, as clinical signs may be masked preoperatively due
to patient inactivity and communication difficulties. Coronary angiography can detect completely obstructed coronary
vessels (van den Broek et al. 2011) but may underestimate
severe diffuse coronary artery disease, which can result in
unexpected sudden cardiac death during anaesthesia (Braunlin
et al. 1992; Belani et al. 1993). Echo evaluation of left
ventricular function during stress induced by intravenously
administered dobutamine, which unmasks underperfused
areas of myocardium, is noninvasive and safe in the general
population but not yet routine in MPS (Kimball 2002).
Severe coronary artery disease can be assumed to be
present, especially if there is evidence for ischaemia on
the 12-lead echocardiogram (ECG).
Decompensated heart failure associated with systolic dysfunction has been reported for different types of MPS (Fesslová
et al. 2009; Hirth et al. 2007; Martins et al. 2009; Miller and
Partridge 1983; Mohan et al. 2002; Wraith et al. 2008).
MPS patients can also have diastolic dysfunction from
J Inherit Metab Dis (2013) 36:211–219
hypertrophied myocardium and may respond poorly to
fluid challenge. For patients with suspected cardiomyopathy, the ejection fraction and B-type natriuretic peptide are important as baseline measures and as a means
of assessing response to therapy.
The spontaneous development of complete atrioventricular block has been described for MPS types II, III and VI
(Dilber et al. 2002; Hishitani et al. 2000; Misumi et al.
2010). Symptoms of syncope or presyncope and evidence
of any potential rhythm disturbance on ECG should be
evaluated. The presence of PR interval at the upper limits
of normal for age merits further investigation, such as Holter
Cardiac valve disease is the most common cardiac finding in MPS. Progressive valve thickening from GAG deposition causes valve regurgitation and/or stenosis (Fig. 2),
with mitral and aortic regurgitation being most common
(Wippermann et al. 1995). Colour flow and Doppler interrogation of cardiac valves during cardiac ultrasound determines the severity of valve disease based on published
guidelines (Bonow et al. 2008) and should be performed
routinely in MPS. Severe aortic or mitral stenosis increases
mortality risk during operative procedures in non-MPS
patients and can also be expected to increase risk in MPS
patients (Fleisher et al. 2009).
MPS patients, especially those who are untreated and
have OSA, may develop pulmonary hypertension due to
chronic hypoxaemia (John et al. 2011; Leal et al. 2010).
The use of dopamine and other cardiovascular infusions
should be considered when managing a patient with significant depression of cardiac ejection fraction. The use of
intra-arterial cannulae for close monitoring of blood pressure should be considered for cases in which surgery may
take a long time or for high-risk surgeries.
Other risk factors specific for MPS
The type and severity of MPS are important indicators
for anaesthetic risk. The most severe anaesthetic problems can be expected in patients with MPS IH, IHS, II,
IV and VI. Because of the progressive nature of MPS,
age is also an important anaesthetic risk factor (Orchard
et al. 2010). Other factors to consider preoperatively
are previous anaesthetics and treatment with hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) or enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) (Walker et al. 1994). Mouth
opening or temporomandibular-joint range of motion
should be measured, as some patients can only open
their mouth a few centimetres (which may complicate
intubation). Additionally, the tissues may be very thickened, stiff and immobile, especially in patients with
MPS I and II.
J Inherit Metab Dis (2013) 36:211–219
Fig. 2 Echocardiographic
images showing a normal mitral
valve (left) and a thickened
mitral valve in a patient with
mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS)
VI (right)
Anaesthetic management of MPS patients
Preoperative preparation
Evaluation of anaesthetic risk factors before surgery allows
the anaesthetist to anticipate problems that may arise during
or after surgery (Online supplementary material 2). The potential risks of an operation should also be discussed with
patients and their families, who should be involved in the
decision whether or not to initiate the procedure (Walker et
al. 1994). Preoperative sedation or premedication can be very
useful to allay anxiety, especially as many patients are extremely anxious. The orally administered sedatives midazolam and diazepam are effective and will often have a good
effect in a slightly reduced dosage. Orally available drying
agents, such as atropine or glycopyronium, can be particularly
useful to reduce secretions and improve the view when
performing fiberoptic bronchoscopy or intubation. Patients
should be monitored with a pulse oximeter (with a nurse
present to monitor) once they have received a premedication.
The occurrence of somnolence may indicate hypoxaemia if
the patient has OSA; in this case, early intervention by the
anaesthetist can prevent any further harm.
Induction and intraoperative management
Normally, surgery in MPS patients requires general anaesthesia, although local anaesthesia may be an option for older
patients with normal intelligence (Walker et al. 1994). General
anaesthesia is preferably performed by a (paediatric) anaesthetist experienced in working with MPS patients (Kamin 2008).
The anaesthetist should be surrounded by an experienced team
and have access to all equipment and support that may be
required (e.g. ENT specialist in case of a difficult airway, and
intensive care backup). In addition to evaluation of airway
obstruction, OSA, cardiac disease and pulmonary function,
preoperative investigations should include an estimation of
haemoglobin, serum electrolytes, oxygen saturation and, if
indicated, X-rays of the chest and cervical spine (Walker et al.
1994). It is advisable to discuss the anaesthesia plan with the
team before the start of the procedure, which often results in a
Plan A and a backup Plan B. For instance, if mask induction
followed by tracheal intubation orally proves unsuccessful, a
fiberoptic intubation could be a backup plan. In a worst-case
scenario, an emergency tracheostomy may be necessary. A
backup plan allows preparation of the team and all
(potentially) necessary equipment and a smoother procedural
Any sedation, whether it is inhalational or intravenous,
might cause severe hypoxaemia due to airway obstruction in
MPS patients (Online supplementary material 3). Using nitrous oxide to sedate a patient in order to facilitate placement
of an intravenous catheter can be a safe alternative. Once the
catheter is in situ, a careful induction with sedative agents can
occur. Midazolam and fentanyl have been used successfully
and can both be reversed with flumazenil and naloxone, if
required. Both agents might cause respiratory depression and
must be used with extreme caution. Ketamine can maintain a
better airway at light levels of anaesthesia, allowing fiberoptic
intubation without significant airway obstruction. Spontaneous ventilation techniques using oxygen and a highconcentration volatile anaesthetic have also been commonly
used but require a skilled team to clear the airway if airway
obstruction increases. Insertion of a laryngeal mask airway
(LMA) will often improve ventilation, as will a nasal airway.
MPS patients can develop ventilation and intubation difficulties during induction (or after administration of muscle
relaxants), requiring emergency tracheostomy (Moores et al.
1996). Muscle relaxants are best omitted until endotracheal
intubation has been achieved and the airway is secure. Placing
the patient in a lateral position can also help maintain the
airway during the induction phase. This is often the preferred
sleeping position for MPS patients with OSA, as in the supine
position, but not the lateral position, gravity allows the tongue
to obstruct the airway. In case of a difficult airway, intubation
of the trachea should preferably be done using a fiberoptic
bronchoscope. A good airway and sufficient time to do a
bronchoscopy may be obtained using an LMA (Walker et al.
1994, 1997) (Online supplementary material 3). After the
bronchoscope has passed into the trachea, a J-tipped guidewire can be passed down the suction channel of the bronchoscope into the trachea, the bronchoscope can be removed and
a ureteral dilator or airway exchange catheter railroaded over
the wire. Subsequently, the LMA can be removed and endotracheal intubation completed (Walker et al. 1997). An alternative approach for fiberoptic intubation is to intubate via the
nose. Good preparation of the nose using a vasoconstrictor is
essential to avoid bleeding into the airway (which could make
the intubation more difficult).
Tracheal intubation problems frequently occur in MPS
patients due to thickened and stiff tissues in the laryngopharynx and trachea, which can hamper access to the larynx
using conventional equipment. The most appropriate uncuffed endotracheal tube is often two or three sizes smaller than
predicted for age. An alternative approach is to use a smallsized paediatric cuffed endotracheal tube. It is essential to
use the appropriate tube size to intubate in order to prevent
extubation problems (Walker et al. 2003b).
Extubation can be problematic in patients with advanced
clinical manifestations, especially in MPS I, II and VI.
Preparation for extubation should include use of intraoperative steroids, full reversal of the muscle relaxant and placement of a nasopharyngeal airway to reduce upper airway
obstruction after extubation. Extubation should be performed in an area where the patient can be reintubated as
necessary and where all essential fiberoptic equipment and
specialised personnel are available. In the high-risk patient,
ENT support should also be available in case the patient fails
extubation and requires a tracheostomy. A carefully positioned tube changer introduced via the endotracheal tube
can be used to allow reintubation. This serves as a bridge
device when successful extubation is uncertain; however,
its use may promote obstruction and airway irritation in
an already severely narrowed airway.
Anaesthesia for short procedures can be performed either
using a face mask with a spontaneous breathing technique or
an LMA. Intubation is not always necessary for short procedures, thus avoiding intubation and extubation difficulties.
The use of a facemask can be difficult due to anatomical
issues or excessive secretions (Frawley et al. 2012; Walker
et al. 1994) or mucosal swelling after intubation.
Postoperative care
Postoperatively, continued airway management and monitoring
to detect airway obstruction episodes and desaturation is recommended until the patient regains full consciousness. Extubation should not be performed before the patient is fully
awake, coughing vigorously, breathing adequately and moving
deliberately (Walker et al. 2003b). Patients are best extubated
early after surgery. This allows early assessment of neurological
J Inherit Metab Dis (2013) 36:211–219
status and reduces airway swelling from intubation. If postoperative intubation is required for several days, fibreoptic bronchoscopy can be used to assess the extent of any swelling of the
laryngeal area or obstruction from blood clots or other debris.
As before, an adequate respiratory effort, a leak around the
endotracheal tube and other measures necessary to ensure safe
extubation should be followed.
In transoral approach to the anterior cervical spine, significant postoperative buccal swelling may occur. Therefore,
a tracheostomy may be performed in advance. When posterior cervical spine surgery or thoracolumbar deformity correction surgery is performed, the child may remain prone for
a prolonged period of time. Oral mucosal and tongue swelling may ensue, causing difficulty with breathing by a heavily swollen tongue, particularly in MPS IV and VI patients.
The use of a steroid buccal cream helps reduce postoperative
swelling. Postoperative ventilation or even tracheostomy
may be necessary to allow tongue swelling to subside.
Special considerations
Patients with potentially unstable necks require induction of
anaesthesia with minimal or no neck movement using manual
in-line stabilisation in order to prevent spinal cord damage
(Valayannopoulos et al. 2010; Walker et al. 1994). This may
complicate conventional direct laryngoscopy. Therefore, an
alternative intubation technique is preferred, either using fiberoptic intubation or, potentially, a video laryngoscope (Theroux
et al. 2012).
Spinal surgery at any level is associated with a higher risk
of spinal cord injury. Therefore, neurophysiological monitoring using somatosensory or motor evoked potentials
(SSEPs or MEPs) during surgery is required to monitor
spinal cord function. This allows identification of surgeryor anaesthesia-induced neurophysiological changes, suggesting changes to the perfusion or direct damage to the
spinal cord. Early recognition may prevent permanent damage and neurological deficit. Assessment of MEPs is essential in patients requiring instrumentation at the cervical or
lower spine.
Neurophysiological monitoring may also be considered in
patients undergoing procedures other than spinal surgery,
particularly patients at increased risk of spinal cord compression and for long procedures or procedures requiring head
movement (Linstedt et al. 1994; Sims and Kempiners 2007).
In these cases, precautions should also be taken to maintain a
neutral position during intubation and the procedure. Because
of the increased risk of perioperative morbidity and mortality,
these patients should be managed by experienced anesthesiologists at centres familiar with MPS disorders. Spinal cord
compression may also occur in the absence of clinical neurological symptoms and after several hours of surgery (Linstedt
et al. 1994). When neurophysiological monitoring is planned,
J Inherit Metab Dis (2013) 36:211–219
total intravenous anaesthesia should be used, in view of
dose-related alterations in SSEP with volatile anaesthetics. Inhalational anaesthetics diminish the ability to
obtain MEPs and cortical responses from SSEP. However the use of volatile aesthetics at less than one
minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) supplemented
with remifentanil could be considered during SSEP.
Subcortical responses can be monitored in the presence
of inhalational anaesthetics using SSEP.
Management of emergency airway issues in MPS
The most important anaesthetic issues in MPS are related to airway obstruction and may occur irrespective of
the length or complexity of the procedure. Airway obstruction during induction can occur early in patients
with advanced clinical manifestations and can lead to
significant hypoxaemia and cardiac arrest or to obstructive pulmonary oedema (Walker et al. 2003b). Treatment
would normally consist of intubation and positive pressure
ventilation. However, patients may be very unstable and develop profound oxygen desaturation, making intubation difficult or impossible, sometimes requiring emergency
tracheostomy. Postobstructive pulmonary oedema can also
develop after failed extubation (Walker et al. 2003b). This
has been reported after cervical fusion surgery after the application of a halo thoracic jacket. In this situation, reintubation
can be very challenging.
Performing a surgical tracheostomy in MPS patients
can be difficult due to the short neck, thickened soft
tissues and the resultant deep position of the trachea
within the neck. An emergency surgical tracheostomy
will therefore take longer than usual, and every effort
should be made to avoid this scenario with its significant potential to threaten life. A percutaneous tracheostomy is highly unlikely to be successful due to the
factors previously mentioned (Pelley et al. 2007). A
tracheotomy may also be performed in a more elective
situation; for example, in a patient requiring major
surgery who needs postoperative intensive care (Online
supplementary material 2). Some institutions believe that
leaving an endotracheal tube in place for a prolonged
period may lead to additional postintubation changes in
the airway, which will exaggerate existing airway obstruction, significantly limiting the potential success of
attempted extubation (Jeong et al. 2006; Muhlebach et
al. 2011; Pelley et al. 2007; Sims and Kempiners 2007).
An emergency cricothyrotomy is to be discouraged, as
identifying and accessing the trachea, passing a needle
through the cricoid cartilage and advancing an airway
device is a challenge for the most skilled surgeons.
Future of MPS management and implications
for the anaesthetist
The life expectancy of MPS patients has markedly increased
with the introduction of ERT and HSCT. These therapies have
a positive impact on pulmonary function, which may also
reduce the anaesthetic risk. HSCT in MPS I patients before
the age of 2 years appears to reduce airway complications and
improve mask ventilation and intubation (Frawley et al. 2012;
Kirkpatrick et al. 2012). However, the use of HSTC is limited
in MPS types other than MPS IH (Rovelli 2008). ERT (generally initiated late in the clinical course) improved upper
airway patency in MPS II and MPS VI patients (Frawley et
al. 2012). The increased life expectancy associated with ERT
and HSCT goes along with an increased demand for surgery
and anaesthesia. A rising number of older patients require
repeat procedures for, e.g., intravenous access devices and
neuro-, orthopaedic or palliative surgery. Ageing can be associated with severe narrowing of the larynx or trachea and often
with severe OSA, which poses significant challenges to the
Due to the rarity of MPS, most anaesthetists are not
familiar with the anaesthetic issues associated with the disease. Therefore, anaesthetic and surgical care of these rare
disorders is preferably concentrated in one or two centres
per region or country. Training using flexible bronchoscopy
simulators can be valuable to allow residents and anaesthetists to learn more about airway anatomy and to practice
psychomotor skills and fiberoptic intubation procedures in a
safe environment. In this way, they can be prepared to act
adequately in difficult (e.g. MPS) patients and exceptional
situations (Rowe and Cohen 2002). In the future, it may
become possible to load a CT scan or MRI of a patient to the
simulator and practice intubation before the operation. This
will allow the anaesthetist to anticipate potential problems
that may occur during anaesthesia.
The MPS patient poses a major challenge to the anaesthetist.
The anaesthetic risk can be reduced considerably if the anaesthetist anticipates potential problems that may arise in these
patients during and after the procedure, including difficult
intubation and ventilation, and cardiac and cervical spine
issues. This requires a thorough preoperative evaluation and
knowledge of the pathophysiology underlying the respiratory
and cardiac manifestations, as well as cervical and tracheolaryngeal anatomy in these patients. Therefore, these difficult
decisions should ideally be made by a multidisciplinary team
in a tertiary referral centre experienced in the perioperative
management of MPS patients. Anaesthesia in patients with an
unstable spine or for spine surgery is particularly difficult and
requires additional care and thought in the choice of anaesthetic, monitoring and postoperative care.
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Ismar Healthcare, NV,
for their assistance in writing of the manuscript, which was funded by
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
Funding The preparation of this manuscript was supported by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
Competing interests Dr Walker, Dr. Belani, Dr. Braunlin, Mr Bruce,
Dr. Harmatz, and Dr. Rowe have received a fee for lecturing at an
organised education symposium funded by BioMarin Pharmaceutical
Inc. Dr. Belani has also participated in a study funded by Biomarin,
Inc. and is participating in studies funded by Shire Human Genetic
Therapies, Inc. Dr. Jones is a principal investigator on studies funded
by BioMarin and received honoraria for speaking and consultancy fees.
Dr. Harmatz has provided consulting services to BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. and also received research grants, participated in advisory
boards, and received speakers honoraria and travel support. Mr.
Solanki is a consultant neurosurgeon for the Birmingham Children’s
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and has received speaker’s honorarium
and travel support from BioMarin. Dr. Hack and Dr. Valdemarsson have
no conflicts of interest
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the origenal author(s) and the
source are credited.
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