International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education
Volume 8 | Number 1
Article 3
Land Versus Water Treadmill Running: Lactate
Ron Garner
Utah State Universituy,
Dale Wagner
Utah State Universituy
Eadric Bressel
Utah State Universituy
Dennis G. Dolny
Utah State University
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Garner, Ron; Wagner, Dale; Bressel, Eadric; and Dolny, Dennis G. (2014) "Land Versus Water Treadmill Running: Lactate Threshold,"
International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education: Vol. 8 : No. 1 , Article 3.
DOI: 10.25035/ijare.08.01.03
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Garner et al.: Land Versus Water Treadmill Running: Lactate Threshold
International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 2014, 8, 9-19
© 2014 Human Kinetics, Inc.
Land Versus Water Treadmill Running:
Lactate Threshold
Ron Garner, Dale Wagner, Eadric Bressel,
and Dennis G. Dolny
The lactate threshold (LT) is a valuable parameter for setting appropriate exercise
intensities. Whether the intensity where the LT occurs is similar in water vs. land
treadmill exercise has not been determined. The purpose of this study was to
determine LT during aquatic vs. land treadmill running. On separate days, on land
and in water (submerged at the xiphoid process), 15 participants performed on a
multistage graded exercise treadmill LT test in random order. LT was determined
using the DMax method. At LT, no statistically significant differences were identified for running speed (195.3 ± 31.5 m·min-1 land vs. 188.1 ± 22.9 m·min-1 water),
lactate concentration (2.6 ± 0.8 land vs. 2.7 ± 0.8 water mmol·L-1). At LT, there
were statistically lower (p < .004) water vs. land VO2 values (37.9 ± 5.4 land vs.
35.0 ± 5.4 water ml·kg-1·min-1), and heart rate (HR; 171 ± 14 land vs 159 ± 18
water bpm). The lower VO2 and HR in water may reflect a lower energy requirement due to a decreased body weight support in the water. This is beneficial for
those using aquatic treadmills and desiring to achieve threshold-intensity training
while lowering the joint-stress caused by land running.
Keywords: exertion, aquatic exercise
Aquatic treadmill exercise has been promoted for rehabilitation and training purposes due to decreased joint impact on the lower extremities, which is
beneficial for special populations such as the injured, elderly, arthritic, and obese
(Greene et al., 2009; Hall, Grant, Blake, Taylor, & Garbutt, 2004). There also is
an interest for healthy individuals to use the system to supplement land exercise
training while limiting joint stress. Accordingly, researchers have compared the
acute physiological response of land vs. aquatic treadmill exercise for variables
such as heart rate (HR), oxygen consumption (VO2), respiratory exchange ratio
(RER), stride frequency, and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) for both maximal
and submaximal efforts (Brubaker, Ozemek, Gonzalez, Wiley, & Collins, 2011;
Rife, Myrer, Feland, Hunter, & Fellingham, 2010; Rutledge, Silvers, Browder, &
Dolny, 2007; Silvers, Rutledge, & Dolny, 2007; Watson, Mendonca, Lehnhard,
Tu, Butterfield, Bouchard & McKeever, 2012). In addition, Greene et al. (2009)
demonstrated similar improvements in aerobic capacity and body composition
Ron Garner, Dale Wagner, Eadric Bressel, and Dennis G. Dolny are with the Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Department at Utah State University in Logan, UT.
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International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, Vol. 8, No. 1 [2014], Art. 3
Garner et al.
when traditional endurance land walking exercise training was compared with an
aquatic treadmill walking group.
In recent years the use of an aerobic interval training (AIT) or high intensity
interval training (HIIT) exercise protocols have demonstrated superior cardiorespiratory adaptations to traditional endurance exercise training in both apparently
healthy (Gibala & McGee, 2008) and heart failure patients (Wisløff et al., 2007)
while reducing overall cardiometabolic disease risk (Kessler, Sisson, & Short,
2012). These protocols require subjects to exceed not only their individual lactate
thresholds (LT) but approach at or near-maximal exercise efforts. LT represents
an exercise intensity where it is believed lactate is being produced at a rate greater
than it is being removed from the blood causing an increase in the blood lactate
concentration above baseline (Weltman et al., 1990). The ability to extend an
exercise effort is limited when exercise is performed at an intensity above LT. A
question arises if the LT differs during exercise in land vs. an aquatic treadmill.
Silvers et al. (2007) revealed no statistical difference between peak lactate concentrations in VO2peak tests run on land vs. aquatic treadmills suggesting perhaps the
LT in water treadmill exercise may not differ from land. Zobell (2009) identified a LT
value that occurred at a significantly lower VO2 in water than land treadmill running
(21.8 ± 1.6 vs. 27.0 ± 1.6 mL·kg-1·min-1, respectively). That study adjusted blood lactate concentrations for changes in plasma solid concentration and reported LT units in
mM·kg-1 H2O, making interpretation for coaches and rehabilitation specialists difficult. Therefore the LT comparison using unadjusted blood lactate concentrations
between land and water treadmill remains to be determined.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the LT while running on
a land vs. an aquatic treadmill and determine if the LT occurs at similar levels of
energy expenditure (VO2) and treadmill running speeds.
Fifteen participants (8 men, 7 women) free of musculoskeletal injury and recreationally active runners took part in the study (see Table 1). Total number of participants
was based on an effect size of 1.0 with power at 0.8 and a = .05 from previous pilot
work. Participants were volunteers recruited by word of mouth. Any participant
that had no previous water treadmill experience was given a familiarization session
before VO2peak tests. Participants filled out an informed consent before all testing.
The study protocol and informed consent for each participant was approved by the
university’s institutional review board for human research.
Metabolic data were collected and analyzed using a Parvo Medics True One
2400 Metabolic Measurement System (Sandy, UT). Water treadmill running was
performed on a HydroWorx 2000 treadmill (HydroWorx, Middletown, PA), with
water temperature maintained at 30 °C and water depth at the xiphoid process.
Land treadmill protocols were completed on an Incline Trainer treadmill (Free
Motion, Logan, UT). Heart rate was monitored using a T31 telemetric Polar heart
DOI: 10.25035/ijare.08.01.03
Descriptive Statistics of Participants, Mean (SD)
Week Run
Speed and Jet Resistance
at VO2Peak (m·min-1)
(n = 15)
42.4 (20.0)
49.5 (7.1)
218.0 + 78% (12.9 + 15%)
(n = 8)
42.7 (25.5)
53.3 (6.1)
224.5 + 85% (6.2 + 8%)
(n = 7)
41.9 (13.1)
45.2 (5.9)
210.6 + 70% (14.9 + 18%)
Garner et al.: Land Versus Water Treadmill Running: Lactate Threshold
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Table 1
International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, Vol. 8, No. 1 [2014], Art. 3
Garner et al.
rate monitor (Polar Electro Oy, Lake Success, NY). For blood analyses, a 1.8 mm
depth Haemolance soft lancet (HTL-STREFA, Inc., Marietta, GA) was used and
the Lactate Plus hand model (Nova Biomedical, Waltham, MA) was used to analyze
the blood for lactate concentration. The Lactate Plus model has a high test-retest
reliability (r = .95; SEM = 0.25 mmol·L-1; Kulandaivelan, Verma, Mukhopadhyay,
and Vignesh, 2009). The Lactate Plus was calibrated once per week (recommended
by the manufacturer) using sample solutions of a fixed mmol·L-1 concentration.
A randomized cross-over design for land vs. water treadmill running LT test was
used. Each participant performed a VO2peak test on the water treadmill, with the
dual purpose of obtaining VO2peak and as a familiarization period to water treadmill
running. Silvers et al. (2007) showed no statistical difference between VO2peak values
land vs. water, so only the water VO2peak test was performed. On two separate visits,
a random assignment to either land or water treadmill LT test was performed. Participants refrained from any strenuous physical activity 24 hr before testing with
at least 48 hr of rest between tests. For female participants, both LT tests occurred
in the same menstrual cycle phase (luteal or follicular) determined by the first day
of the last menstrual cycle (Forsyth and Reilly, 2005).
VO2peak Test
Water depth was set at the xiphoid process and participants ran for approximately 5
min while treadmill speed and jet intensity was manipulated to allow them to determine a comfortable running pace. The protocol described by Silvers et al. (2007)
was followed. Participants warmed up with a walk/jog at a comfortable pace for
4–6 min with jets set to 40%. Speed was increased by 13.4 m·min-1 every minute
thereafter until maximum treadmill speed was reached 227.8 m·min-1, or to a speed
determined by the participant that was considered somewhat hard. Jet resistance was
then increased by 10% every minute thereafter until volitional fatigue. The test was
considered maximal if participants reach two of the following three requirements:
1) a plateau in VO2, despite an increase in work rate, 2) an RER ≥ 1.10, or 3) peak
blood lactate values at least 8 mmol·L-1 (Howley, Bassett, & Welch, 1995). Peak
lactate was obtained within 30 s of completion of the test. Participants wore a HR
monitor and provided an RPE score at the end of the peak test.
Lactate Threshold Tests
For both land and water LT test, a slightly altered protocol as that described by
Zobell (2009) and McGehee et al. (2005) for the water and land LT tests, respectively were followed. Each LT test was a discontinuous protocol with stages lasting
three minutes (Bentley, Newell, & Bishop, 2007; Weltman et al., 1990). The test
was progressive in nature, and a brief period for blood sampling (20–30 s) at the
end of each stage was the only interruption to the protocol. Blood samples were
drawn via earlobe puncture.
Participants completed a three minute warm-up to ensure good blood flow
and to become acquainted with the testing procedure. Before each LT test, earlobe
was washed thoroughly with warm water and soap as well as rubbing alcohol to
DOI: 10.25035/ijare.08.01.03
Garner et al.: Land Versus Water Treadmill Running: Lactate Threshold
Land Versus Water Lactate Threshold
remove any lactate on the skin. During blood sampling the first bead of blood was
wiped away with gauze and the second bead was used to determine blood lactate.
The same investigator with prior lactate sampling experience performed all blood
analyses. A HR monitor was worn and at the end of each stage an RPE value was
provided by the participant using the Borg 6–20 scale (Borg, 1982).
Each land LT test began at 1% grade and at a speed that represented ~40% of
VO2peak. The speed increased by 13.4 m·min-1 per stage until an RER of 1.0 was
reached or participants could no longer sustain a 3-min stage at an increased work rate.
Each water LT test began at ~40% jet capacity in the water and a speed that
represented ~40% of VO2peak. Participants were submerged to the xiphoid process. The speed increased by 13.4 m·min-1 per stage. For participants who did not
exceed suspected LT by the maximum water treadmill speed of 227.8 m·min-1, jet
resistance was then increased 10% each stage. Nine participants required the use
of water jets, with only three of those requiring more than three stages with jets.
During all trials subjects kept their arms submerged to simulate their arm carriage
during running on land
LT was determined using the DMax method where the first and last data
point of the lactate curve was connected with a straight line. The lactate measure
that represented the furthest perpendicular distance to this line is considered to
be the LT value (Cheng et al., 1992; McGehee et al., 2005). Data were plotted
as lactate concentration vs. VO2. A custom written Matlab code (MathWorks,
Natick, MA) determined the (x,y) point that was the farthest distance from
the slope between the first and last coordinates of the lactate vs. VO2 plot.
Once the farthest point was obtained, all data (HR, lactate concentration, VO2,
speed, RPE, and RER) from that stage was used as the LT point. For each participant, the following information was determined for land and water LT tests:
1) running speed at which LT occurred, 2) percentage of VO2peak at which LT
occurred, and 3) absolute blood lactate concentration at which LT occurred.
Statistical Analysis
Paired t tests were used to compare VO2, running speed, blood lactate concentration,
RPE, RER, and HR at LT in water and on land with a = .05.
The LT point occurred at statistically significantly lower VO2 and HR in the water
compared with land (p = .004 and p < .001, respectively). There were no significant
differences for speed, blood lactate concentration, RPE, or RER at the LT. Table
2 illustrates all group means and t test results between land and water. Figure 1
shows a comparison of land versus water group LT values for VO2 and blood lactate.
The LT point occurred at the same blood lactate concentration, perceived effort,
running speed, and RER despite a lower HR and VO2 response in water compared
with land. These data indicate that a comparable lactate response can be elicited
at the same running speeds and perceived effort on land vs. water.
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Garner et al.
Table 2 Value of Measures at LT in Land Vs. Water Tests, Mean (SD)
p Value
Speed (m·min-1)
195.3 (31.5)
188.1 (22.9)
VO2 (mL·kg-1·min-1)
37.9 (5.4)
35.0 (5.4)
Lactate Concentration (mmol·L-1)
2.6 (0.8)
2.7 (0.8)
RPE (Borg Units)
14.0 (1.6)
14.1 (2.4)
Heart Rate (beats·min-1)
171 (14)
159 (18)
≤ 0.001
0.94 (0.03)
0.93 (0.03)
In support of the current study, Zobell (2009) identified an LT value that occurred
at a significantly lower VO2 in water than land treadmill running (21.8 ± 1.6 vs.
27.0 ± 1.6 mL·kg-1·min-1, respectively). The LT point in Zobell’s study was determined using least squares regression method which creates intersecting lines before
and after rising lactate values. While our methods to determine LT were different,
the DMax and least squares regression methods remove arbitrary selection of an LT
point that may occur by visual analysis. However, Zobell also controlled for plasma
protein values before determination of LT (expressed as mmol·kg H20-1) while the
current study used lactate concentration in the plasma (mmol·L-1)
Zobell also proposed that increased muscle activation in the water may help
explain how blood lactate is increased in the water vs. land at a lower VO2. Opposing the buoyant force in water is the drag force. Previous studies have revealed
increased muscle activity of the tibialis anterior muscle as well as hip extensor
muscles (in particular, the biceps femoris) but lower gastrocnemius in water running compared with land running (Silvers, Bressel, Killgore, Dickin, & Dolny, in
press; Kaneda et al., 2007). The added fluid resistance against the legs compared
with land may increase the metabolic response of those tissues (i.e., greater blood
lactate production) yet still requiring a lower total body VO2 in water due to the
buoyant force supporting a significant portion of body weight (Harrison, Hillman
& Bulstrode, 1992).
Previously (Bressel, Dolny, & Gibbons, 2011) demonstrated surface EMG
activity of muscles rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique, lower abdominals,
multifidus, and erector spinae were significantly lower performing trunk/pelvic
stabilizing exercises in xiphoid-depth water versus land. Perhaps the lower trunk
muscle activity overrides the greater leg muscle activity contributing to the lower
VO2 in water versus land. We acknowledge combining the results of two separate
studies from our laboratory is speculative and the postural muscle responses during
running in water vs. land await confirmation.
Our participants were asked to maintain a running form that was consistent
between land and water treadmills. With water depth at the xiphoid process, this
required submerging the arms in the water to allow normal arm swing while no
“swimming motion” was allowed by cupping the hands through the water for
propulsion. With indications for increased muscle activity of the lower extremities
DOI: 10.25035/ijare.08.01.03
Garner et al.: Land Versus Water Treadmill Running: Lactate Threshold
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Figure 1 – Blood lactate vs. VO2 across treadmill speeds during LT tests on land and in water. The first data point for each
series begins at 107.2 m·min-1 and increase 13.4 m·min-1 per stage. *Indicates water LT curve added 10% jets each stage after
227.8 m·min-1.
International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, Vol. 8, No. 1 [2014], Art. 3
Garner et al.
in water, upper extremity movement through water may also cause an increase in
muscle activity and lactate production compared with land. This concept requires
future investigations.
In support of the current study, Rutledge et al. (2007) and Watson et al.
(2012) have demonstrated linear increases in VO2 with increasing aquatic and
land treadmill running speeds. In addition, Watson et al. (2012) quantified lactate
values while participants performed graded exercise tests in the aquatic treadmill.
At 120.6, 160.8, and 201 m·min-1 and water jets at 1/3 of maximum capacity, the
VO2 response in Watson’s group was 25.86 ± 4.33, 34.20 ± 4.37, and 41.28 ± 3.78
mL·kg-1·min-1, respectively. Lactate values were 3.12 ± 1.31, 4.56 ± 1.26, and 6.46
± 1.95 mmol·L-1, respectively. The current investigation had VO2 and lactate data
at 120.6, 160.8, and 201 m·min-1 and 40% of maximum jet capacity of 22.6 ± 1.8,
30.4 ± 3.3, and 36.5 ± 3.6 mL·kg-1·min-1, and 1.4 ± 0.5, 2.2 ± 0.8, and 3.5 ± 1.6
mmol·L-1, respectively. A key difference between the two groups may have been
the focus of training. Although each group reported above average VO2peak values,
the current study contained recreational runners who may be more economical with
running compared with trained ice hockey players and help explain differences
of blood lactate response to similar exercise intensities. In addition, Watson et al.
evaluated male NCAA Division I hockey players while the present studied used
male and female recreational runners, a difference in subject selection that may
partially explain the disparity of results.
During the 1/3 water jet capacity trial Watson et al. (2012) also reported an onset
of blood lactic acid accumulation (OBLA) of 3.51 ± 1.53 mM, however, OBLA
occurred at a corresponding %VO2peak of only 38%. This is quite low relative to
previous research determining where OBLA or LT occurs. During trials using zero,
2/3 and full (100%) jet capacity OBLA occurred at 54.3, 66.1 and 76% of VO2peak.
Therefore, it appears in the aquatic treadmill environment where OBLA or even LT
occurs may depend upon the water jet percentage selected. Perhaps with added jet
resistance directed toward the trunk of the body, differences in cardiac return may
occur. To fully appreciate the effect of jet resistance on lactate response as well
as cardiac output, a future investigation would be required. Previous research has
demonstrated similar peak VO2 and lactate values between land and water (Greene
et al. 2011; Silvers et al., 2007; Schaal, Collins, & Ashley, 2012). Therefore compared with land treadmill, water exercise does not appear to restrict blood lactate
production providing the exercise workload is comparable.
In comparing the submaximal VO2 and HR response at the same running speed
for aquatic vs. land treadmill running, previous researchers have reported lower
VO2 and HR in water vs. land (Greene et al. 2011), lower on land vs. water (Rife
et al., 2010) and no difference on land vs. water (Brubaker et al., 2011; Rutledge
et al., 2007). Differences in VO2 or HR at equivalent running speeds on land vs.
water have been explained by the buoyancy of the body in the water compared with
land (Brubaker et al., 2011; Rife et al., 2010). At the xiphoid process the buoyant
force unloads the body by approximately 72% of on-land weight-bearing (Harrison,
Hillman, & Bulstrode, 1992). In the current study, our group means support lower
VO2 and HR in water vs. land at the LT point.
The results of the current study also reflect what has been reported for deep
water running. In their review Frangolias and Rhodes (1996) concluded that during
submaximal intensities of deep water vs. land treadmill running, at the same
DOI: 10.25035/ijare.08.01.03
Garner et al.: Land Versus Water Treadmill Running: Lactate Threshold
Land Versus Water Lactate Threshold
relative VO2 despite a lower HR water exercise resulted in a greater blood lactate
concentration, RER, and RPE.
The methods used in previous studies to determine LT each have benefits and
limitations (Faude et al., 2009). Visual identification of the LT can be difficult and
involve using third party decisions if two investigators disagree as to the “inflection point” of the blood lactate. In the current study, using a fixed blood lactate
concentration seemed inappropriate as there are no established guidelines as to a
“normal” lactate response to running in the water. Using the DMax method limited
discrepancies inherent with visual identification of LT.
Using the DMax method, LT values were produced at intensities ranging from
67.3–82.4% of VO2peak on land, and 60.0–80.2% of VO2peak in the water are very
representative of the relative intensities whereby LT typically occurs (Gladden,
1989; Weltman et al., 1990). A recent article showed no statistical difference
between using the DMax method compared with a valid visual identification of LT
(McGehee et al., 2005).
The importance of determining LT is supported by a large body of evidence
to predict aerobic endurance capacity (Faude, Kindermann, & Meyer, 2009).
As such, researchers have employed great efforts to predict LT via field tests to
determine the correct training intensity for endurance athletes (McGehee, Tanner,
& Houmard, 2005). An early study of LT revealed a strong relationship (r ≥ .91)
between treadmill velocity at the onset of plasma lactate accumulation and running performance at distances ranging from 3.2 km to 42 km (Farrell, Wilmore,
Coyle, Billing, and Costill, 1979). A faster sustainable work rate before a lactate
accumulation or threshold results in increased performance.
In addition, with the recent use of an aerobic interval training (AIT) or high
intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise protocols demonstrating superior cardiorespiratory adaptations to traditional endurance exercise training in both apparently
healthy (Gibala & McGee, 2008) and heart failure patients (Wisløff et al., 2007),
while demonstrating reduction in cardiometabolic risk in several clinical populations
(Kessler, Sisson, & Short, 2012). The interest in high-intensity exercise training
may expand into aquatic treadmill exercise. This study provides insight for those
using aquatic treadmills and desiring to achieve threshold-intensity training while
lowering the joint-stress caused by land running.
Limitations of the study include an unknown amount of time required for
familiarization to the aquatic treadmill setting. Despite the brief accommodation period in this study the LT results suggest subjects might adjust quite
rapidly to this unique exercise environment. However, future research should
investigate metabolic cost changes, if any, to repeated exposure with the aquatic
In summary, individuals who want to achieve intensity for training at the LT in
aquatic treadmill running, the RPE could provide useful information. Our participants reported a similar perceived effort in water as land at the LT point. This may
allow subjects to select an exercise intensity in a water treadmill that mimics the
intensity on a land treadmill at LT while decreasing joint stress related to training
on land. As there was no statistical difference of speed at LT, this would serve as
a starting point for exercise at the LT in water compared with land for training at
the LT and adjust speed according to the RPE of the individual.
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Garner et al.
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