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Extensive research has shown that material-neutral building regulations are preferable and, for over a decade, function-based regulations have been common in many European countries, and this have contributed to an increase in the construction of multi-storey timber buildings. As one example, in the Scandinavia the development since mid-1990th of multi-storey timber buildings can be described as a success story, but there is also many other countries that have a positive development in timber construction. There is a great market potential for the use of wood in all types of buildings employing a combination of digital design and CNC (computer numerical control) processing. The construction engineers know how to make use of the digital tools; they have geometric imagination capabilities and construction know-how while the architects have ambitious ideas for building extraordinary projects. Digital design and production using CAE (computer-aided engineering), CAD (computer-aided desi...
In the past few years, the tall-building industry has become increasingly interested in the use of timber as a major structural element in skyscrapers. This has resulted in a now-worldwide wave of research, built projects, and ever more daring speculative proposals using "mass timber"-engineered wood products that are just as robust as their concrete and steel counterparts. There is a great market potential for the use of wood in all types of buildings employing a combination of digital design and CNC processing. Digital design and production using CAE, CAD and CAM have allowed timber construction to forge ahead into new dimensions of design. Innovative connections, modern woodbased materials and cutting-edge CNC milling offer entirely new possibilities and shape wood into almost any conceivable form.
Leif Gustavsson, 2015
Fab10 Barcelona, 2014
Authored with Antonio J. Lara Bocanegra and Ismael Domínguez de la Blanca. After a relative decline during Modernism, the use of large-scale timber structures is becoming a growing trend at the beginning of the 21st Century. Different vectors converge to make this happen. The most relevant of these vectors being the increasing technification and diversification of wood products as construction materials, such as micro-laminated and cross-laminated panels, the contemporary demands around sustainability, and the development of digital tools to design, simulate and fabricate innovative and efficient architectural structures that take advantage of timber properties. The present paper analyses the complex panorama of recent works approaching them from the point of view of resistant structure and form generation.
Climate change and demographical increase in developing countries are inducing us to reconsider the way we build the buildings. Concrete and steel have already reshaped our cities for 2 centuries but problems related to the non-sustainable aspects of steel and concrete are now appearing in their productive system, characteristics, creation process and energy demands. It is necessary to find new solutions, especially regarding high-rise buildings which will be one of the main typologies of construction in a more and more urban future scenario. The only structural material that can tackle the future demand of building is wood as Mass Timber Products. There are already several successful examples of how this material could answer architectural challenges. As architects, we have the power to choose how the building is built and realized. On our profession stands a great chance to increase the realization of sustainable buildings. Since the beginning of mankind, wood structure was one of the most common types and this trend was decreased only in the last 2 centuries thanks to the rise of steel and concrete structures. The 21st century can be instead the century of the renaissance of wood an the motifs are really a lot. Sustainable, renewable, zero impact and other qualities certified that it must be considered as possible solution. The context of the competition Wien Heiligendstadt Wohnen und Arbeiten is a pretext to show how an international competition can adopt Mass Timber as technological solution compared with a concrete solution. Showing the plus points and demerits of wood as a structural material is the main aim of this Master Thesis. Additionally, this Master Thesis aims to demonstrate the feasibility of an on field context rather than a theoretical solution, while also displaying the current status of wood technology.
Architectural design is confronted with a renewal of formal vocabulary regarding the advancements in computational techniques. Recent advancements in digital representation and geometric description of architectural form are raising more and more questions concerning materialization. Construction and assembling constraints are parts of the data needed to rationalize a geometric model. This paper offers a report on part of a research project aimed at elaborating a tool capable of transforming geometric descriptions of non-standard forms to constructive geometry. KEYWORDS: digital fabrication, materialization, parametric modeling, timber construction, digital design tool. Design and Construction Architectural design is confronted with a renewal of formal vocabulary regarding the advancements of digital design tools. However, the capacity of representing and modeling more and more complex geometries (curves, surfaces, etc.) has been the principal driving objective of the development of...
This paper discusses a project where we, together with a group of 15 graduate students, designed, produced, and built small timber structure (a Camera Obscura) in Trondheim, Norway. The project was part of a full semester course at the Faculty of Architecture of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The main purpose of the course was to explore the possibilities of prefabrication in timber construction based on file-to-factory processes (digital fabrication). Moreover, we wished to give the students the experience of building a permanent structure in 1:1.
200 copies III PREFACE WoodEMA, i.a. is an international association for economics and management in wood processing and furniture manufacturing establihsed in the year 2007, with members from 13 countries on 3 continents at the moment. Since one of the main goals of the association is to promote science and results of scientific and professional work of its members, Association decided to start issuing scientific books each year. Each scientific book will be dedicated to a different topic and it will be related to a different field of expertize of the Association and its members.
Design - ALGORITHMIC AND PARAMETRIC 1 - Volume 1 - eCAADe 37 / SIGraDi 23, 2019
This paper is a take on contemporary works in wood designed with parametric softwares and seen from an academic and professional point of view. The knowledge about digital wood developed through Digital Fabrication Laboratories has proved to be effective but with certain limitations when used for real constructions. In fact, translating the freedom of building temporary architectures-which is usually one of the``learn by doing'' activities of design studio or workshops-into wood architecture that respect all the constraints of real construction is a challenge. This paper shows several experiences where innovative ideas developed through research have been applied to temporary pavilions and real constructions in Japan, Italy and France.
Products derived from trees have been used by mankind for thousands of years, where timber has a long tradition as an ecological construction material. There is currently an increasing trend in multi-storey timber buildings, because of the projected growth in the demand for housing in urban areas between now and 2050, along with the urgent need for a more sustainable and productive construction industry. The construction of these buildings is now possible thanks to the new advances in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) and the new technological developments around timber construction. Its industrialization requirements imply a paradigm shift for the construction industry, which requires, among other aspects, the early and collaborative integration of stakeholders in its design and construction process. According to this, the objective of this review article is to determine the main advances and limitations related to the design and construction of multi-storey timber ...
ArchAlp, 2023
ArchAlp è pubblicata semestralmente e inviata in abbonamento postale. Abbonamento cartaceo annuale (2 numeri): € 50,00, spese di spedizione per l'Italia incluse. Il prezzo del singolo fascicolo è di € 28,00. Non sono incluse nel prezzo le spese di spedizione per il singolo fascicolo per l'estero (€ 10,00). Per abbonamenti istituzionali si prega di scrivere a È possibile pagare la tariffa con bonifico bancario intestato a Bologna University Press, IBAN: IT 90P03069 02478 074000053281 oppure con carta di credito. Variazioni di indirizzo devono essere comunicate tempestivamente allegando l'etichetta con il precedente indirizzo. L'invio dei fascicoli non pervenuti avviene a condizione che la richiesta giunga entro 3 mesi dalla data della pubblicazione.
Lenguaje audio visual, Dirección de fotografía en la producción cinematográfica, 2024
Les espaces fortifiés à l'âge du Fer en Europe. Actes du 43e colloque international de l’AFEAF (Le Puy-en-Velay, 30 mai-1er juin 2019), 2021
Journal of Latin American Geography, 2020
Practical Ethics, 2020
Experimental and Applied Acarology, 2019
Abstract Proceedings International Scholars Conference
Journal of Biblical Literature, 2000
Gender and Language, 2021
Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 2019
2012 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2012
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 2016
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2013
Giornale di Tecniche Nefrologiche & Dialitiche, 2010
مجلة جامعة الأمير عبد القادر للعلوم الإسلامية
Journal of Composites Science, 2022
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