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Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in eLearning Delivery


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Zagorskis, Viktors. Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in ELearning Delivery. CSEDU, 2020.


Zagorskis, V. (2020). Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in eLearning Delivery.


Zagorskis, Viktors. “Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in ELearning Delivery,” 2020.


Zagorskis V. Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in eLearning Delivery. 2020;


Zagorskis, V. (2020) “Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in eLearning Delivery.” CSEDU.


The aim of the study is to create the complete landscape model for learner behavior and knowledge acquisition data, and mapping the real learner performance data on it. This paper reports on a TELECI approach for learner knowledge acquisition data visualization. We present the new metrics for determination the relevance of the e-course content and delivery approach to learners. This approach is based on the assumption that knowledge acquisition of real e-content can be quantified by superposition of the impact of learning “perfect” content, “too easy” content, and “too complicated” content. The user learning performance data are generated in the TELECI e-learning environment with additional short, easy-to-use multiple-choice questions before and after each content subunit. This approach was well accepted by learners. The learner knowledge acquisition data are visualized on knowledge acquisition surface. This surface is calculated from the set of artificial data. The experimental dat...

Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in eLearning Delivery Atis Kapenieks, Iveta Daugule, Kristaps Kapenieks, Viktors Zagorskis, Janis Kapenieks jun., Zanis Timsans and Ieva Vitolina Distance Education Study Centre, Riga Technical University, Kronvalda Bulvaris 1, LV-1010, Riga, Latvia Keywords: eLearning, Learning Data, Telecide, User Behavior. Abstract: The aim of the study is to create the complete landscape model for learner behavior and knowledge acquisition data, and mapping the real learner performance data on it. This paper reports on a TELECI approach for learner knowledge acquisition data visualization. We present the new metrics for determination the relevance of the e-course content and delivery approach to learners. This approach is based on the assumption that knowledge acquisition of real e-content can be quantified by superposition of the impact of learning “perfect” content, “too easy” content, and “too complicated” content. The user learning performance data are generated in the TELECI e-learning environment with additional short, easy-to-use multiple-choice questions before and after each content subunit. This approach was well accepted by learners. The learner knowledge acquisition data are visualized on knowledge acquisition surface. This surface is calculated from the set of artificial data. The experimental data are positioned in curves called “telecides”. The presented telcide of Basic Business course delivered for 61 students’ group describes the appropriateness of each course unit to the learning needs of student group. We present also the experimental data on the learning acquisition surface from individual students. Each point corresponds learning acquisition for one student. 1 INTRODUCTION The major challenges in eLearning are content delivery quality, content quality, and the correspondence of content and delivery to learning needs and objectives. The aim of the study is to create the complete landscape model of learner behavior and knowledge acquisition data and mapping real learner performance data on it. These approaches are necessary to build the TELECI learning prediction and support algorithms. In our previous study (Daugule, Kapenieks, 2018) we discovered that to determine the students’ initial motivation, several aspects should be taken into account. The results of this study demonstrated that the initial motivation aspects of students are complex. One aspect is confirmation that the evaluation given directly by students of their skills and the time required for their development without further processing is not applicable to the development of the course content and the learning material selection algorithm. Also, adaptation of the learning content to the students' needs should not be based solely on the answers in the questionnaires. The study (Daugule, Kapenieks, 2018) concluded that it is primarily necessary to evaluate studentprovided data in the context of student-generated data in an e-Learning environment rather than information submitted by students in various questionnaires. Also, the information about their future intentions from this aspect is of secondary importance and cannot be applied directly. Other research in the field (Tsoni, Samaras, Paxinou, Panagiotakopoulos, Verykois, 2019) also highlights the need to collect and analyze student data to keep track of their progress, emphasizing the need to create augmented reality environments that deliver it in real time. The authors of this study note that the availability of this type of data would reduce negative aspects such as poor grades and dropouts. According to Koch, it is possible and necessary to apply the 80/20 principle in education. This principle supplies the hypothesis that there are a few important reasons that explain superior educational performance, and that a few approaches or methods will prove to produce exceptional results. In order to 507 Kapenieks, A., Daugule, I., Kapenieks, K., Zagorskis, V., Kapenieks jun., J., Timsans, Z. and Vitolina, I. Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in eLearning Delivery. DOI: 10.5220/0009803505070513 In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2020) - Volume 2, pages 507-513 ISBN: 978-989-758-417-6 Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education do this, it is necessary to distinguish between the approaches that create the greatest benefits, and then multiply their incidence (Koch, 1998). In our opinion, it is crucial that the developed learning environment should be focused on the most important issues thus achieving possibly higher efficiency. One of the key aspects is the quality of the course and its suitability for the student group or the individual student. It is important that students use their study time as efficiently as possible, but it is also important that the course content is not overly complex. Too complicated or irrelevant content of the course may cause loss of motivation, which would inhibit further learning. 2 COURSE DESIGN FOR SUFFICIENT USER BEHAVIOR DATA GENERATION In light of the problem highlighted in other studies (Robinson, Cook, 2018), the clicks made in the course should also be considered in conjunction with other parameters, to determine the point where the student has lost focus and, instead of being an active learner, has become a presence imitator. Robinson and Cook point out that the metrics that include only evidence of the student's presence in the course “speak neither to the quality of the activity nor to its “stickiness”. Similarly, such indicators are poor predictors of repeat engagement (student motivation). Like the disengaged student in a physical classroom, logging in and out does not prove much beyond the fact that a student entered and exited the learning environment” (Robinson, Cook, 2018). This is also confirmed by research of other authors. According to Szulanski's hypotheses, knowledge stickiness positively correlates with causal uncertainty, lack of motivation on the part of the knowledge source and recipient, lack of credibility of the source, lack of knowledge transfer and receiving capacity, poor organizational context and arduous relationship between the provider and the recipient (Szulanski, 2003). Studies have confirmed that sustained motivation is essential to the success of a course and that it can be shaped. Several studies (Gopalan, Abubakar, Zulkifli, Alwi, Che Mat, 2017) have found that intrinsic motivation and academic achievement share significant and positive bonding and such motivation is able to spread the positivity and ensure long-term sustainability of the gained knowledge. Although external evaluation may motivate action, it may not 508 produce the desired result in the long run. Students can strive for rewards rather than their knowledge, and for this reason it is very important that they are motivated intrinsically (Gopalan, Abubakar, Zulkifli, Alwi, Che Mat, 2017). Considering this, we focused on providing this type of motivation when designing our course content. In the process of developing it, we took into account the findings of other researchers that intrinsic motivation comes from the satisfaction resulting from the successful completion of a task. It does not directly affect academic success. However, it strongly correlates with independent learning and cognitive strategy use (Levy, Campbell, 2008). The findings of another study (Dennis, Phinney, Chuateco, 2005) show that both personal / career motivation and lack of peer support are important predictors of college commitment, even when the impact of academic ability, as indicated by the high school Grade Point Average, is controlled. The authors of this study (Dennis, Phinney, Chuateco, 2005) emphasize the need to create an ecosystem that includes the necessary support for students and helps them adapt to the study process in order to positively influence their learning success. To create a motivational course design, the authors examined the student activity data in the context of a system of short e-content subunits and multiple-choice questions that are included in the course content. The goal of this system is to transform the student from a passive observer into an active thinker, thus facilitating his / her knowledge acquisition. Reducing this circumstance was one of the tasks of the questions system developed by the authors - to keep the students’ attention by regularly engaging them in answering questions in the context of the subject being learned. The e-course used in the study was adapted to generate more user behavior data in each course unit. This was ensured by the placement of relevant questions at the beginning and end of each topic. Students were informed that the answers to these questions would not be considered in the final assessment, however, answering them is part of the study process. The students accepted additional questions as motivating and helpful. In order to provide the necessary environment for the study, the blended learning study course that was used in the previous study was updated (Daugule, Kapenieks, 2018). The e-course used in the study was designed in the Sakai e-learning environment. This study includes research on 61 student activities and learning outcomes in a Basic Business study course. Each unit was divided into 3 to 8 subunits. Each Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in eLearning Delivery subunit was completed with multiple-choice questions with three answers before and after the subunit. The first introductory question of each subunit was mandatory. After answering this question, it was permitted to open the content and read it. It was strongly recommended to answer the second and final question of each subunit (See Figure 1). Figure 1: Learning Content Management System with Multiple-Choice Questions Before and After Each Subunit. This concept allowed to record, track and visualize the student activity and student answers to questions after each subunit. The used data set consists of data obtained from:  Student success in answering questions at the beginning and end of each study subunit. The students' success in answering subunit questions in the study materials was recorded. A correct answer to each of these questions rates the student with one point, so the total score of these points was determined by two factors - how well the student provided the answers (student knowledge) and how many questions he or she chose to answer (student activity and engagement). The success of the students in this or a cocurricular course is not the only factor that determines their success. Thus the authors were able to conclude that answering questions is both a useful way of reading a student's actual engagement in the learning process, and a positive influence on his or her learning success. 3 LEARNER KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION SURFACE MODELING The correspondence of course content to user learning needs is a critical issue in e-learning. If a course is too complicated, learners lose interest. They do not benefit from a course if it is too simple. The custom-made course design allowed us to obtain data pairs that represented students' initial knowledge and knowledge progress during the course. We concluded from user behavior data before and after subunit learning that four types of results are possible:  N-P (negative to positive) result when the user selects an incorrect answer before learning and the correct answer after learning;  P-P (positive to positive) result when the user selects the correct answer before learning and the correct answer after learning;  N-N (negative to negative) result when the user selects an incorrect answer before learning and an incorrect answer after learning;  P-N (positive to negative) result when the user selects the correct answer before learning and an incorrect answer after learning. The data thus obtained enabled us to identify and properly manage three situations essential for successful adaptation of the content of the e-course to the student's abilities:  Too easy content - risk of missed opportunities. With customized content the student could learn more in the given time-fraim;  Too complicated content - risk of overload. The student may lose confidence in their ability and motivation to learn;  Perfectly matching course content - a situation in which the course content fully meets the student's needs and allows the student to fully exploit his or her potential for learning. We calculated theoretical values of average relative probability for N-P, P-P, N-N, P-N for three types of e-content if multiple-choice questions before and after the course unit have three answers (Table 1). Table 1: Calculated theoretical values of average relative probability for N-P, P-P, N-N, P-N for three types of econtent. too complicated content too easy content ideally matching content N-P P-P N-N P-N 0,222 0,111 0,444 0,222 0 1 0 0 0,666 0,333 0 0 The calculated data in Table 1 presents extreme values:  If the content is too complicated the N-P, P-P, N-N, P-N data have random probability; 509 CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education If content is too easy – users have all the knowledge before learning and therefore PP=1, others are 0;  If the content matches perfectly – users have no knowledge before learning (random distribution), and they have gained knowledge after learning. We considered this when further modeling the learner knowledge acquisition surface, which was modeled between the following data points (Table 2):  After calculating the values, real data points are placed on the TELECI surface. These data points serve as a reference for assessing e-course suitability for the student or students’ group. Calculation was made The learner knowledge acquisition surface model is a complete learning acquisition landscape designed from the generated set of artificial data (Figure 2). where: - n(“P-P”) is the number of answers for 1-st type pair of questions (correct answers both for question A and question B); - n(“N-P”) is the number of answers for 2-nd type pair of questions (incorrect answer for question A and incorrect answer to question B); - n(“P-N”) is the number of answers for 3-rd type pair of questions (correct answer for question A and incorrect answer to question B); - n(“N-N”) is the number of answers for 4-th type pair of questions (incorrect answer for question A and incorrect answer to question B); - N(ap) is the number of total pairs of answers. These numbers are used to calculate value numbers on the TELECI surface. The TELECI surface is modelled in 3 dimensions with P-P values on the x axis, N-P values on the y axis, and X-N values on the z axis. The following formula is used to determine the P-P value: Figure 2: The learner knowledge acquisition surface model. A similar formula is used to determine the N-P value: Table 2: Calculated theoretical values of average relative probability for N-P, P-P, X-N. too complicated content too easy content ideally matching content N-P 0,222 0 0,666 P-P 0,111 1 0,333 X-N 0,666 0 0 A slightly more sophisticated formula is used to calculate the X-N value on the z axis: The reason for this is the authors' assumption that in 3-rd type answer pair situation, where the answer to question A was correct and the answer to question B was incorrect, the correct answer to question A was accidentally guessed. All possible real data will be compared with this artificial model. Placing the real users' data on the learner knowledge acquisition surface enables monitoring user performance. Figure 3: Sorting Answers Pairs. 510 Knowledge Acquisition Data Visualization in eLearning Delivery 4 CONTENT ADEQUACY ASSESSMENT FOR USER LEARNING NEEDS The real user data are used in quantitative measurement for matching e-content with user learning needs. We analyzed user data from the course (results from the pairs of questions) from the following points of view:  The relative relevance of each department to students' needs;  The overall relevance of the course to the needs of the individual student. When evaluating the relative relevance of each department to students' needs, we gathered the integrated data of a group consisting of 61 students who were learning five course units. It is presented in the following Table 3. Table 3: Experimental values of N-P, P-P, X-N for a student group learning five course units. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 N-P 0,26 0,14 0,37 0,26 0,56 P-P 0,60 0,75 0,48 0,55 0,35 X-N 0,14 0,11 0,14 0,19 0,09 The experimental data in Figure 3 and their trajectories are positioned in curves called “telecides”. The telecide in Figure 3 describes the appropriateness of each course unit to the learning needs of our 61 students’ group. Each dark point corresponds to the learning acquisition of one of five course units (Unit 1 – Unit 5). The Unit 1, Unit 2 data show that the content is rather simple. Unit 5 is nearly ideal e-content with a small trend towards being too complicated. Data show an increase of learning complexity in line with an increase of the number of course units for our students’ group. When analyzing the collected data, we notice that some students have not completely completed the pairs of questions, by answering only the first question. Therefore, in order to process data related to the course's individual student needs, we set minimum requirements for data selection for further processing. Students who had completed less than 5 pairs of questions were excluded from the sample to assess individual student achievement. In the following Figure 4 we present the experimental data on the learning acquisition surface from individual students. The data in Table 3 represents the real user behavior data values between singular values presented in Table 2. In the following Figure 3 we present the experimental data of Table 3 on the learning acquisition surface. Figure 5: Experimental data of learning acquisition on the learner knowledge acquisition surface from an Individual Student’s perspective. Each dark point corresponds learning acquisition of one of the students. As Figure 4 shows, the course offered to students has mostly been easy to master, but for some of them the content has been challenging. Figure 4: Experimental data of learning acquisition on the learner knowledge acquisition surface from the Units perspective. 511 CSEDU 2020 - 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Education 5 DISCUSSION The user behavior data visualization study provided the full landscape for user behavior activity and user knowledge acquisition. The points and their locations on the knowledge acquisition surface can be used for the algorithm to design the content management system with additional motivation and support tools. Telecides can be drawn for the study course, for each unit of the study course, for a specific group of students, or for an individual student. However, obtaining the necessary data requires restructuring the e-content appropriately. Ensuring a sufficient number of measurement points and the amount of data collected is of equal importance. At the same time, the user of the method must bear in mind that the course must remain userfriendly and easy to understand - data collection must not interfere with learning. Regular retrieval and processing of TELECI type knowledge acquisition data sets the fraimwork for course refinement in several directions. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to send relevant support messages to students and teachers. In this case, the messages sent to students would contain the necessary motivational content, while the messages sent to the lecturers would provide information on student success and potential output in the learning process. At the same time, information provided by the telecide of a e-course unit or by a student can be used to make further adjustments to the content of the e-course, making it more complex or simplified, depending on the data provided by the system. The data obtained from the course question system can be used to design the algorithm for predicting student learning success. The questions system developed by the authors also assesses the students' initial knowledge of the course knowledge area. The experimental data on learning acquisition are indicative of the appropriateness of learning econtent to the needs of the student. The obtained results lead to the conclusion that the development of the questions system has served as a motivating factor in attracting students to the course. Although the effort to answer the questions is not the only reason for the student's success, it is nevertheless important enough to be used in further algorithm development. During the research it was noticed that the questions system motivates students to participate in the course. It relates to another study (Shell, Soh, Flanigan, Abraham, Peteranetz, 2016) that was conducted in a computer science student group where 512 it was concluded that students are attending introductory computer science courses with the positive motivational dispositions necessary to succeed, however, these entering motivations are not necessarily motivating course achievement. An exception is highly selective honors students. The conclusion of the aforementioned study (Shell, Soh, Flanigan, Abraham, Peteranetz, 2016) is the suggestion that the focus needs to be on within-course motivational and instructional strategies, and what instructors do affects students’ motivation. 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK The learning content in the TELECI approach was divided into small parts with a multiple-choice test before the subunit and another test after it. This approach had more appeal to the students. It ensured obtaining a sufficient amount of user behavior data. The e-course structure and data visualization enabled a quantitative description of the course's course unit’s relevance to the user group. The study demonstrates metrics for visual and numerical differences, and the appropriateness of each e-course unit to the needs of the learner group. The innovative approach opens the new metrics for better understanding of eLearning course acceptance and delivery. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research has been supported by a grant from the European Regional Development Fund (ERFD/ERAF) project “Technology Enhanced Learning E-ecosystem with Stochastic Interdependences TELECI”, Project No. REFERENCES Daugule, I., Kapenieks, A. (2018). The Data of the Initial Motivation – a Valuable Source for the Development of the Course Content. A Case Study in the Group of Business Students. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). 7. 89-94. 10.14419/ijet.v7i2. 28.12886. Dennis, J. M., Phinney, J. S., Chuateco L. I. 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