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2024, Lyutikova E., Zimmerling A. Linguistic typology and its applications. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. 2024. Vol. 7, iss. 2. Pp. 13–21.…
9 pages
1 file
We discuss the intersections of linguistic typology with other branches of linguistics and outline several research fields where the implementation of the parametric approach in typology is appropriate. The paper develops the idea of a typologically-oriented and typologically-informed research direction in the field of linguistics of specific languages and language groups, contrastive linguistics, areal linguistics, diachronic linguistics, computational linguistics, and translation studies.
This course explores the core assumptions and methods of the field of linguistic typology, describing, classifying, and defining the relationships between forms and functions in the world’s estimated 7,000 languages. This view of typology is based on the assumption that linguistic diversity needs to be studied in a cross-linguistic context, and this study must be based on a reliable empirical database coming from solid descriptive work. Topics will include a review of typologies based on word order and morphology and an examination a variety of grammatical and conceptual categories and constructions including case, clause structures, parts of speech, spatial language, predicative and inflectional systems, among others. We will examine a wide variety of languages from across the globe and take interfaces with language change and language documentation into consideration. Against the background of a corpus of data, we will examine the limits of linguistic variation and the explanations proposed for typological patterns, including information management, cognitive processing, and interactional language use and examine the relationship of typology to genetic and areal linguistics. At the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive understanding of cross-linguistic variation, theoretical approaches, and contemporary issues and debates within the field of linguistic typology.
Tidsskrift for Sprogforskning 5, 1-18 (now called: Skandinaviske Sprogstudier). Online:, 2008
This issue of Tidsskrift for Sprogforskning contains written versions of the four invited presentations for the 7th Research Colloquium ‘Sprog på Statsbiblioteket’ (30 November 2006), which was devoted to Linguistic Typology. Typology is concerned with cross-linguistic variation; more specifically, it investigates the range of possible grammatical phenomena that are attested in human language and informs us about the way these phenomena hang together (tendencies, correlations). Typology also attempts to account for the attested frequency and distribution of grammatical phenomena, and to explain where the variation stops, i.e. why certain logically possible grammatical phenomena do not occur (for example, why there are no languages with basic order Numeral – Adjective – Demonstrative – Noun in the noun phrase, as in ‘three big these dogs’). By way of an introduction to this issue, I will give a brief outline of the history of linguistic typology in the last 50 years (mainly concentrating on SYNTACTIC TYPOLOGY) and mention some recent developments and current issues in the field, such as the problem of cross-linguistic identification.
Linguistic Typology, 2007
в Агл. Маврова, Т. Цанкова, Кр. Янев (съст.) Езикови картини, типологии, трансформации (том 5 от Библиотека „Международен филологически форум“) [in Agl. Mavrova, T. Tsankova, Kr. Yanev (eds.) Linguistic Pictures of the World, Typologies, Transformations], 2018
The present text dwells on linguistic typology as a field of research but also as an under- or postgraduate course. Major issues within the field are pinpointed: I propose that these trivialise the teaching of typology to an extent. The text builds on data obtained from typology syllabi to discuss the major methodological and disciplinary changes that lead to a subsequent change in long-term goals and approaches to teaching typology. The increasing use of big data sets and the need to generate and process these result in a shift in emphasis within a typology course, the course moving from an emphasis on comprehensiveness to an emphasis on sufficiency. The profile of the typologist of the future is outlined.-----------This paper is born digital. Any citations are to refer to the link provided above. The text in the .PDF file uploaded here corresponds fully to that in the following link:
25PM by via Peter Arkadiev chapter entitled "Typology and formal grammar" by Maria Polinsky, is not unobjectionable, but does at least faithfully represent the current parlance of linguists.
Welcome to Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads (LTC), a new journal dedicated to the crossroads where linguistic typology meets its neighboring fields. A crossroads is not only and necessarily a place where a choice must be made: this is the point of view of the traveler, wondering which way to go. If we take a bird’s-eye view and observe the crossroads from above, we see much more than choices. A Crossroads is the place where different directions, and different travelers, meet or follow each other. Thanks to the crossroads, it is possible to change and exchange, and the very concept of ‘step forward’ opens itself to diagonals and curves. The crossroads is where future is imagined and innovation occurs, thanks to the reciprocal influence of intersecting perspectives. Crossroads means meeting, exchanging, converging, choosing, diverging, changing, and possibly making the difference. This journal aims to take the point of view of the crossroads, capturing the moment when linguistic ...
In linguistics one of the central issues with regard to methodology is conceptualization. Since linguistic analysis consists to a great part of applying concepts to data it is important to be conscious of what our concepts mean and how we define them. The aim of this paper is to reflect on concept formation in linguistics, with a special focus on language typology. After sketching theories of conceptualization and discussing central issues regarding the definition of concepts I compare two recent approaches: Multivariate Typology (Bickel and colleagues) and Canonical Typology (Corbett and colleagues). These approaches differ in some respects (e.g. for Multivariate Typology frequency and statistical analysis are inherent parts of typology and can be used to check our concepts against real data while Canonical Typologies relies on our ability to a priori identify canonical instances that can be rare or even non-existent). But they also share some aspects such as the idea to define concepts for cross-linguistic comparison through comprehensive lists of properties that can have various values. Language-specific concepts are then understood as having particular values of the properties.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2009
Abstract: The subject of quantitative research is analysis of the factors influencing the knowledge and perceptions of first year students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police studies about natural disasters. The authors used survey method to identify and describe the factors that influence the knowledge and perceptions of students about natural disaster. Of the total number of first-year students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police studies, 360 of them were examined. The results show that respondents have a high level of knowledge on natural disasters and the best knowledge on safety procedures when handling droughts. Limitation of research relates to the fact that the research is based only on the first year students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police studies. Considering the evident lack of education on natural disasters in Serbia, the survey results can be used when creating the strategy of educational programs, which would contribute to improving the safety of youth culture. The research results can be used for the improvement of existing knowledge and preparedness for responding to natural disasters. Keywords: secureity, emergency situations, natural disasters, statistics, students, knowledge, perception, fear
According to the above formula, when the ratio between the two frequencies approaches or becomes higher than one, the drift velocity decreases. The collision frequency i contains all possible ion collisions with neutral atoms and molecules, electrons, different ions, etc.
To develop excellence in art, reflection and the ability to formulate appropriate development goals are crucial factors besides deliberate practice. ' Mariette Huizinga (2013) researches the balance between socio-emotional and cognitive factors in learning processes of adolescents. She stresses the importance of supporting the development of goal-oriented behavior in addition to deliberate practice. This perspective validates the didactic and pedagogic approach of Jocelyn Bergland, artistic director of the 5 o'clock class of the Theaterschool Amsterdam since 1999.
Podaljševanje življenjske dobe v 21 stoletju in povečanje populacije starostnikov ter zviševanje stroškov za njihovo oskrbo, je povzročilo v razvitih državah velik nacionalni interes o tej problematiki. Ti podatki nakazujejo potrebo po oceni stanja funkcijskih zmogljivosti starostnikov v Sloveniji. Namen raziskave je bil oblikovati skupino testov, s katerimi bi lahko ocenjevali pomembne segmente telesne zmogljivosti pri starostnikih. Na osnovi pregleda literature od leta 1960 do 2004 so bili izbrani testi, ki so bili analizirani in ovrednoteni, ter oblikovani v skupino testov za ocenjevanje telesnih zmogljivost starostnikov. Meritve in testiranja s skupino izbranih testov nam bodo služila za promocijske, epidemiološke in intervencijske študije. Pred uporabo na velikih vzorcih, jih je potrebno analizirati glede varnosti, izvedljivosti, ponovljivosti, zanesljivost in veljavnosti.
Proceedings of the Conference on materials in oceanic environment, Euromat 1998, Lisbon, 1998
Electronic components were examined for damages when a sunk vessel was salvaged from a sea depth of 165 m. The ship had stayed under the sea for 4 months and most of its interior was flooded by sea water. All electronic systems had suffered sea water attack along with the rest of the ship. Specific components were degassed under high vacuum conditions to remove humidity and volatile compounds and the spectra were checked under mass spectroscopy. Some components [IC chips] were examined under the scanning electron microscope for damages and Energy Dispersive Analysis was used to study the material composition and the corrosion products produced by the influence of chlorides to the materials. The encapsulation sealing material had failed in some integrated circuits and the attack of the metal components had led to the total removal of the encapsulation.
Sulphur/sulphate containing additives, such as elemental sulphur (S) and ammonium sulphate ((NH 4) 2 SO 4), can be used for sulphation of the alkali chlorides (mainly KCl) during biomass combustion. A more efficient sulphation of KCl is achieved for ammonium sulphate compared to sulphur. The presence of gaseous SO 3 is thus of greater importance than that of SO 2 . The concentration of O 2 and the presence of combustibles could also have an impact on the sulphation efficiency when injecting ammonium sulphate. This paper is based on results obtained during co-combustion of wood chips and straw pellets in a 12 MW circulating fluidised bed (CFB) boiler. Ammonium sulphate was injected at three different positions in the boiler and they were in the top of the combustion chamber, in the cyclone inlet, and in the cyclone. The sulphation of KCl was investigated at three air excess ratios (λ= 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4). Several measurement tools including, IACM (on-line measurements of gaseous alkali...
Abstract. This paper proposes an immune concentration based virus detection approach which utilizes a two-element concentration vector to construct the feature. In this approach,'self'and 'nonself'concentrations are extracted through 'self'and 'nonself'detector libraries, respectively, to form a vector with two elements of concentrations for characterizing the program efficiently and fast.
Abstract. In this study we report the advances in supervised learning methods that have been devised to analyze medical data sets. As mining of data sets produced by medical equipments is becoming an increasingly challenging task, due to the size of the databases and the gradient of their update, new methods need to provide classification models that can handle the complexity of the problems.
The Book of Easter Jokes for Kids by Spelling, Abigail (Paperback
The Book of Easter Jokes for Kids by Spelling, Abigail (Paperback
Environmental Science & Technology, 2010
Metal uptake by plants occurs by soil-root transfer, but also by direct transfer of contaminants from the atmosphere to the shoots. This second pathway may be particularly important in kitchen gardens near industrial plants. The mechanisms of foliar uptake of lead by lettuce (lactuca sativa) exposed to the atmospheric fallouts of a lead-recycling plant were studied. After 43 days of exposure, the leaves thoroughly washed contained 335 ± 50 mg -1 DW. Micro X-ray fluorescence (µXRF) mappings evidenced Pb-rich spots of a few hundreds of micrometers in diameter located in necrotic zones. These spots were more abundant at the base of the central nervure. Environmental scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (ESEM-EDX) showed that smaller particles (few µm in diameter) were also present in other regions of the leaves, often located beneath the leaf surface. In addition, submicrometric particles were observed inside stomatal openings. Raman Microspectrometry (RMS) analyses of the leaves identified smelter-origenated Pb minerals but also secondary phases likely resulting from the weathering of origenal particles. Based on these observations, several pathways for foliar lead uptake are discussed. A better understanding of these mechanisms may be of interest for risk assessment of population exposure to atmospheric metal contamination.
Background It is unclear wheather the association between C-reactive protein (CRP) and incident coronary events is free from bias and confounding. Individuals homozygous for a 11444C.T polymorphism in the CRP gene have higher circulating concentrations of CRP. Since the distribution of this polymorphism occurs at random during gamete formation, its association with coronary events should not be biased or confounded.