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(PDF) A study of bank efficiency taking into account risk-preferences

A study of bank efficiency taking into account risk-preferences

1996, Journal of Banking & Finance

I use the stochastic cost frontier approach to investigate efficiency of banks operating in the Third Federal Reserve District, accounting for the quality and riskiness of bank output. In addition to the mean and mode of the conditional distribution of the one-sided error term, l calculate confidence intervals for the inefficiency measures based on the conditional distribution. The results indicate that Third District banks are operating at cost-efficient output levels and product mixes, but are not efficiently using their inputs. The second part of the article relates the inefficiency measures to several correlates. JEL classification: G2; D2 1 1 + g-rkk In kln k + rkq Ink In q + -~rqq In q In q + ~h~j Ink In ,jr d., J + ~hqj In q In yj + ~t~j In k In w i + ~tqj In q In wj (8) J J J si i=sjiand gij=gjibysymmetry, ~bi=l, Y'~gij=o, vi, J J ~dij = O, V i, Y'~tkj = 0, and ~tqj = 0 by linear homogeneity. J J J

Journalof BANKING & ELSEVIER Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 FINANCE A study of bank efficiency taking into account risk-preferences Loretta J. Mester a,b,. a Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Ten Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1574, USA i~ Finance Department, The Wharton School, University of Pennsyh,ania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Received 21 July 1995: revised 23 September 1995 Abstract I use the stochastic cost frontier approach to investigate efficiency of banks operating in the Third Federal Reserve District, accounting for the quality and riskiness of bank output. In addition to the mean and mode of the conditional distribution of the one-sided error term, l calculate confidence intervals for the inefficiency measures based on the conditional distribution. The results indicate that Third District banks are operating at cost-efficient output levels and product mixes, but are not efficiently using their inputs. The second part of the article relates the inefficiency measures to several correlates. JEL classification: G2; D2 Keywords: Banks; Efficiency; Risk 1. Introduction In r e c e n t years b a n k s h a v e h a d to o p e r a t e in an i n c r e a s i n g l y c o m p e t i t i v e e n v i r o n m e n t . T h i s t r e n d is e x p e c t e d to c o n t i n u e as interstate b a n k i n g r e s t r i c t i o n s * Correspondence address: Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Ten Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA 19106-1574, USA. Tel.: + 1-215-574-3807; fax: + 1-215-5744364, e-mail: 0378-4266/96/$15.00 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. SSDI 0 3 7 8 - 4 2 6 6 ( 9 5 ) 0 0 0 4 7 - X 1026 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 fall, the number of nonbank competitors increases, and competition from foreign banks picks up, partly in response to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but also in response to the general globalization of markets. How banks will be affected by the increased competitive pressures depends in part on how efficiently they are run. This paper uses the stochastic econometric cost frontier approach to study efficiency at banks in the Third Federal Reserve District, which comprises the eastern two-thirds of Pennsylvania, the southern half of New Jersey, and Delaware. The paper looks at scale efficiency - whether banks are operating with the efficient level of outputs; scope efficiency - whether banks are operating with the efficient mix of outputs; and X-efficiency - whether banks are using their inputs efficiently. The cost model differs from that used in previous efficiency studies in that it explicitly accounts for the quality of banks' assets and the probability of failure, which can influence banks' costs in a number of ways. (Hughes and Mester (1993) accounted for bank asset quality but did not study X-efficiency.) For example, a large proportion of nonperforming loans may signal that a bank used fewer resources than usual in the initial credit evaluation and monitoring of its loans. Unless quality and risk are controlled for, one might easily miscalculate a bank's level of inefficiency; e.g., banks scrimping on credit evaluations or producing excessively risky loans might be labeled as efficient when compared to banks spending resources to ensure their loans are of higher quality. Another difference in this study compared to previous ones is that it treats financial capital as an input into the production process. In addition to providing a cushion against losses, financial capital can be used to fund loans as a substitute for deposits or other borrowed funds. Most previous efficiency studies [except for Hughes and Mester (1993)] included neither the price of capital nor its level. Omitting the price and level of capital makes sense on theoretical grounds only if it is assumed either that financial capital is not used to fund loans, or that its price is the same across all banks (or is perfectly correlated with another input price tbr all banks) and that banks use the cost-minimizing level of financial capital, none of which seems plausible. Financial capital should be accounted for in the cost function and the level rather than the price of financial capital should be included, since there is good reason to believe that cost-minimization does not fully explain a bank's capital level - e.g., regulations set minimum capital-to-asset ratios, and bank managers may be risk-averse. Indeed, Hughes and Mester (1994) find evidence that banks exhibit nonneutrality toward risk and do not choose the cost-minimizing level of financial capital. A risk-averse bank might choose to fund its loans with a higher ratio of financial capital-to-deposits (i.e., with less debt) than a risk-neutral bank. Since financial capital is typically more expensive than deposits, this might lead one to conclude that the risk-averse bank was producing its output in an allocatively inefficient manner (i.e., using the wrong input mix), when actually it is the risk-preferences that differ. In order to control for these L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 1027 differences in risk-preferences, here, the level of financial capital is included in the cost function. J Another difference between this and previous studies is that I report confidence intervals for the bank-specific measures of inefficiency. Since these bank-specific measures are based on the conditional distribution of the one-sided part of the composed error term in the stochastic cost function, there is no good theoretical basis for considering merely the mean or mode of this distribution, as in previous studies. 2 The confidence intervals give a better indication of the degree of inefficiency at any bank in the sample. The second part of the paper attempts to identify some of the characteristics of the efficient banks in the District. While the results are not intended to imply causation, i.e., that a particular characteristic causes a bank to be efficient or inefficient, they do indicate where banks might look for clues toward increasing efficiency. Ultimately, perhaps the best way to determine what banks should do to raise efficiency is to go on-site to the banks identified as most efficient and see what they are doing differently from banks operating least efficiently. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a brief literature review of bank efficiency studies and the methods used for measuring efficiency. Section 3 presents the specification of the frontier cost function and the stochastic econometric frontier model to be estimated. The inefficiency measures, including the confidence intervals for the bank-specific measures, are derived. Section 4 discusses the scale and scope economies measures that were estimated. The model specification and data are discussed in Section 5. Section 6 presents the empirical results and Section 7 concludes. 2. Previous literature and methodologies Bank efficiency studies can be divided into those that examine scale and scope efficiency alone, and those that also examine X-efficiency. There have been a very large number of scale and scope efficiency studies - see Mester (1987), Clark (1988), Evanoff and Israilevich (1991), and Berger and Humphrey (1992) for summaries of these studies' results. There has been a smaller number of bank I See Hughes and Mester (1993) for further discussion. 2 To my knowledge,only one other paper - Jondrow et al. (1982) reports confidencebands. Note. however, that the bands reported here and in Jondrow et al. do not account for the fact that the parameters of the conditional distribution are estimated. The mean and mode of the conditional distributionare highly nonlinearfunctionsof the parameters, and while it would be possibleto linearize these functions and obtain an approximate standard error for the estimated mean and mode. it is not clear how accurate the approximationswould be. 1028 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 X-efficiency studies - see Berger and Humphrey (1992), Evanoff and Israilevich (1991), and Mester (1994) for reviews of these studies. The scale and scope studies estimate an average practice cost function, which relates bank cost to output levels and input prices. The technique implicitly assumes that there is no X-inefficiency and that the banks are using the same production technology. A two-sided error term is included in the cost function to represent measurement error or any unpredicted factors that affected a bank's costs over the period when the data were collected. Most of these studies find that there is little in the way of cost savings to be gained from banks changing their product levels or mix. Recently, some studies of larger banks have found scale economies at large asset-size levels (e.g., see Hughes and Mester, 1994). Studies concerned with X-efficiency estimate a best practice cost function, which represents the predicted cost function of banks that are X-efficient, and then measure the degree of inefficiency of banks in the sample relative to this best practice technology. Three common methodologies are data envelopment analysis (DEA), 'thick frontier' analysis, and stochastic econometric cost frontier analysis. None of these methodologies is without problems. DEA determines which bank in the sample produces a particular output combination at the given input prices at least cost. 3 This defines the 'best practice bank' for that output/input prices combination. A bank's relative efficiency is measured by the ratio of its own cost to the cost of the 'best practice' bank that faces the same input prices and produces the same output bundle. A benefit of DEA is that it does not posit a particular functional form for the best practice banks' cost function. But a serious drawback is that it does not allow for any error in the data. Banks that have been lucky or whose costs have been under-measured would be labeled as most efficient; any unfavorable influence beyond a bank's control would be attributed to inefficiency. The 'thick frontier' approach divides the banks in the sample into four quartiles based on total cost per unit of assets. 4 By assumption, the estimated cost function for banks in the least average cost quartile is considered to be the cost frontier banks in the lowest average cost quartile are assumed to be the most efficient, and the error term on this estimated function is assumed to represent only random measurement error and luck instead of differences in efficiency. The estimated cost function for banks in the highest average cost quartile represents the cost function of banks assumed to be of less than average efficiency. Again, the error on this estimated function is assumed to represent measurement error and luck rather than efficiency differences. Differences between the cost functions estimated for banks in the least average cost quartile and for banks in the highest 3 This discussion of DEA is based on Mester (1994). 4 See Berger and Humphrey (1991). L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 1029 average cost quartile are assumed to reflect differences in efficiency alone. But as Berger and Humphrey (1991) themselves point out, these assumptions about the error term do not hold exactly and are sensitive to whether banks are divided into quartiles or quantiles or another number of groups. Further, there is the potential for econometric problems, since the banks are pre-sorted using average cost, which is essentially a dependent variable. On the other hand, in addition to being uncomplicated to implement, a benefit of the thick-frontier approach is that it is more flexible regarding the statistical properties of the inefficiency measures than is the stochastic econometric frontier approach. In the stochastic econometric frontier approach, which is used in this study, a bank is labeled as inefficient if its costs are higher than the costs predicted for an efficient bank producing the same o u t p u t / i n p u t price combination a n d the difference cannot be explained by statistical noise. The cost frontier is obtained by estimating a cost function with a composite error term, the sum of a two-sided error representing random fluctuations in cost and a one-sided positive error representing inefficiency. Most studies have assumed that the two-sided error is normally distributed and the one-sided error is half-normally distributed. A drawback of this approach is that assumptions have to be maintained about the form of the frontier and error terms. But if panel data are available, some of the stochastic frontier's maintained assumptions can be weakened. 5 The handful of X-inefficiency studies that used either the thick frontier or stochastic econometric methodologies generally used data from the 1970s and 1980s, and found X-inefficiency on the order of 20 to 30 percent in banking, meaning the average bank could produce a cost savings of about 20 to 30 percent if it eliminated X-inefficiency. Since D E A attributes statistical noise to inefficiency, D E A studies have found X-inefficiencies on the order of 20 to 50 percent. These results indicate there is substantial room for improvement at U.S. banks and that elimination of X-inefficiency could produce larger cost savings than if banks change the scale or scope of their operations. 3. Stochastic econometric cost frontier model and inefficiency measures The stochastic econometric frontier model posits that a b a n k ' s observed cost will deviate from the cost frontier because of random noise, e i, and possible inefficiency, u i. That is, for N firms in the sample, In C i = In C ( Y i , w i , q i , k i ; B ) + u i + v i, i = 1 ..... N, (1) 5 See Schmidt and Sickles (1984). Unfortunately, since it is important that the banks in the sample be operating with the same production technology, and since branching restrictions have only recently been eliminated in Pennsylvania - branching throughout the state became totally unrestricted only on March 4, 1990 - panel data techniques were not available here. 1030 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 where C i is observed cost of bank i, Yi is the vector of output levels for bank i, w i is the vector of input prices for bank i, qi is a variable characterizing the quality of bank i ' s output, k i is the level of financial capital at bank i, B is a vector of is the predicted log cost function of a cost-miniparameters, In C ( y i , w i , q i , k i ; B ) mizing bank operating at ( y i , w i , q i , k ) , v i is a two-sided error term representing the statistical noise, and u i is a one-sided error term representing inefficiency. The vi are assumed to be independently and identically distributed, and the ui are assumed to be distributed independently of the v r Here, it is assumed that the v i are normally distributed with mean 0 and variance ~L2 and the u i are half-normally distributed, i.e., the u i are the absolute values of a variable that is normally distributed with mean 0 and variance ~ . (Other distributions have been used see Stevenson (1980) and Greene (1990), for example. In Section 6 below I discuss the robustness of my results to other distributional assumptions.) With these distributional assumptions, the log-likelihood function of the model is lnL= 2 In 'rr -Nln(r 20"2i ~+ i=1 in • [ \ O" ] ] (2) where N is the number o f firms, IEi = u i + v i, ~r2 = ~r,2+ cry, h = ~u/~r,~, and • ( - ) is the standard normal cumulative distribution function. The model can be estimated using maximum likelihood techniques. Once the model is estimated, inefficiency measures are calculated using the residuals. First, the average level of inefficiency can be measured as average(u), which is estimated as average(Q/), where ~ is the estimated residual for firm i, since u is independent of v and E ( v ) = 0. The mean inefficiency is given by E ( u ) , which for the half-normal case is (2/'rr)l/2~ru. This is estimated as ( 2 / 7 r ) 1 / 2 ~ . , where 8 . is the estimate of (r u. Since the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimates is known, one can calculate an approximate standard error of ( 2 / w ) 1 / 2 ~ u . Bank-level measures of inefficiency are usually given by the mean and mode of the conditional distribution of ug given ~i- For the n o r m a l - h a l f - n o r m a l stochastic model, the conditional distribution of u~ given ei is a normal distribution, N(IX, ,~,2), truncated at zero, where Ix, -~-iO'u2//O "2 and ~ _= O.uO. v 2 2//O. 26. This implies that the density function for u i given ei is , f(uilEi) = "u"v --(uil i) ~u~v ( EiX ) 1-~ --- , (UilEi)>O. (3) O" 6 This can be seen by adapting for the cost function the equation for the production function derived in Jondrow et al. (1982). See Greene (1993, p. 683) or Johnson et al. (1994, p. 156) for the density function of a truncated-normal variable. L.J. Mester/ Journal of Banking & Finance20 (1996) 1025-1045 1031 The mean and the mode of this conditional distribution are ] O"u and M(uilei)= --2-2-ei if e i > 0 /~0 (4) if e i < 0. E(usle) is an unbiased but inconsistent estimator of u s, since regardless of the number of observations, N, the variance of the estimator remains nonzero (see Greene, 1991, p. 18). To get estimates, /~(ule) and m(usles), of these measures, we evaluate (4) at the estimates of ( r and ( r . To derive standard errors for these estimates, one would need to account for the variability of the estimates of ~r~ and ~L: and this is typically not done. However, one can calculate confidence intervals for (u~ le ) . Integrating (3) over (uile~) yields the distribution function for ( u i l e ) : (ui[%) > (5) O, where p~, = ~io',~/~ 2 and ~ , = Using (5), the (ui]~ i) that solves F(uil %) = c~ is : (6) Thus, the 90 percent confidence interval for (ui] %) is [(ui]ei)oos,(uil%).95] and the 95 percent confidence interval for (uile i) is [(uilei)oozs,(uil%)og75]. See Mester (1995b) for interpretation of these intervals. 4. Scale and within-sample scope economies The scale economies measure used here is aC SCL ==~ aC aC E ~ Yj + - - k + ak -~q q j~:j C alnC alnC + - - + j alnyj alnk OlnC - - ~lnq (7) 1032 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 SCL < 1 implies multiproduct economies of scale; SCL > 1 implies multiproduct diseconomies of scale; and SCL = 1 implies constant returns to scale. 7 This measure considers the effect on cost of a proportional variation in the levels of all outputs, financial capital, and quality. Since bank default risk is indictated by the level of financial capital relative to bank size and quality is indicated by the level of nonperforming loans relative to bank size, this scale economies measure considers the effect of a scaled variation in size, holding the individual and aggregate capital-asset ratios (i.e., k/yj and k~ Y'~yj), and quality ratios (i.e., q/yj J and q~ Y'~yj) constant (see Hughes and Mester, 1993). J Scope economies exist between outputs when the cost of producing them together in a single firm is less than the cost of producing them in different firms. Here I estimate within-sample scope economies, which avoids having to extrapolate outside of the sample. In the case of three outputs (which will be used below), within-sample global scope economies at y is defined as WSCOPE(y) =- [C(y, 2 Y'l', yT, y 7) + C( y~', y z - 2 yT, y.~) + C( y'~, yT, y 3 - 2 y ~ ) - C( y,, y2, Y3)l / C(yl,Y2,Y3), where yjm is the minimum value of yj in the sample. 8 This measures the percentage increase in cost of dividing up the outputs into relatively specialized banks, but none more specialized than the most specialized bank in the sample. 9 5. The model specification and data It remains to choose a functional form for the cost frontier In C(Yi,wi,qi,ki;B). Here I used the translog specification 1 In C = a0 + ~-,ailn Yi + Y'.bjlnwj + - ~ s i j l n i j yiln yj ~ j 1 + ~ Y'~_,gij In w i In wj + ~_,Y]dij In Yi In wj +fk In k +fq In q t j i j 7 Note that this measure is the reciprocal of the measure used in Hughes and Mester (1993). 8 One subtracts two times Y7 from yj so that the sum of the output levels across the three relatively specialized firms equals y, the point at which scope economies are being evaluated. For n outputs, one would subtract (n - 1) times y j . 9 See Mester (1991, 1992) for more discussion. One difficulty in interpreting the scope economies measures is that they are evaluated at a fixed level of financial capital, k, and quality, q. Hence, risk and quality are not held constant across the specialized banks. See Hughes and Mester (1994). L.J. Mester/ Journal o[ Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 1033 1 1 + g-rkk In k l n k + rkq I n k In q + -~rqq In q In q + ~h~j I n k In ,jr d., J + ~ h q j In q In yj + ~t~j In k In w i + ~tqj In q In wj J J (8) J where: si i = s j i a n d g i j = g j i b y s y m m e t r y , ~bi=l, J ~ d i j = O, V i, J Y'~gij=o, vi, J Y'~tkj = 0, and ~tqj = 0 by linear h o m o g e n e i t y . J J C is total cost, yi quantity o f output i, wj price of input j, k financial capital, q quality measure. I used 1 9 9 1 - 9 2 data f r o m the C o n s o l i d a t e d Reports o f Condition and I n c o m e that banks must file each quarter. T h e sample of 214 banks included all the banks in the Third Federal R e s e r v e District e x c e p t for the special purpose banks in D e l a w a r e (legislated under the Financial C e n t e r D e v e l o p m e n t Act and the C o n s u m e r Credit B a n k Act), de n o v o banks (i.e., banks less than five years old as of D e c e m b e r 1992, w h i c h h a v e start-up costs that m o r e mature banks do not have), banks that were i n v o l v e d in a m e r g e r in 1992, and three very large banks (which very likely use different production techniques than the other banks). 10, Ll ( N o n e of the banks in the sample had c h a n g e d holding c o m p a n y status, charter type, or Federal R e s e r v e S y s t e m m e m b e r s h i p status o v e r 1 9 9 1 - 9 2 . ) The m e d i a n asset size o f banks included was $144 million, and the average asset size was $325 million. There continues to be s o m e debate about what constitutes the outputs and inputs o f a financial institution. I used the intermediation approach here, which v i e w s the institution as using labor, physical capital, and deposits to produce ~0 Since efficiency is measured relative to the cost frontier, it is important that all banks in the sample have access to the same frontier; hence, they should be using the same technology. (Whether one technology is better than another is a separate issue.) One advantage to restricting the sample to the Third District rather than using a U.S. sample is that banks in the Third District are likely to have more in common with each other, thus making it more likely they are using the same production technology. See Section 6 for further discussion. It should be remembered that the results presented below apply only to the 1992 period. Since branching restrictions have only recently been eliminated in Pennsylvania branching throughout the state became totally unrestricted only on March 4, 1990 - more years of data were not included in the study. ~ If the banks in the District are ordered by asset size, the sizes grow relatively smoothly from about $13 million to about $3.8 billion; then there is a jump to $7.8 billion, then to $9.3 billion, and then to $16 billion. Since there is empirical evidence that very large banks use a different production technology than other banks (e.g., findings of scale economies differ for smaller and large banks), and large banks also produce different outputs from small banks (e.g., they have more off-balance-sheet business), these three largest banks were not included in the sample. Also, a few banks were excluded because of misreported data. 1034 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 earning assets (see Sealey and Lindley, 1977); this is the approach most commonly used in the conventional cost function literature. 12 Three outputs were included: y~ = real estate loans, Y2 = commercial and industrial loans, lease financing receivables, agricultural loans, loans to depository institutions, acceptances of other banks, loans to foreign governments, obligations of states and political subdivisions, and other loans, and Y3 = loans to individuals. Each of these was measured by the average dollar volume that the bank held in 1992 (i.e., the average of volumes in December 1991 and December 1992.) These three outputs account for nearly all of a b a n k ' s non-securities earning assets. The average volume of each of these three outputs at banks in the sample was about $120 million, $52 million, and $31 million, respectively. Thus, about 60 percent of the average b a n k ' s loan portfolio is in real estate, about 25 percent is business loans, and the rest is loans to individuals. The inputs (whose prices are used to estimate the cost frontier) included labor, physical capital, and borrowed money (including deposits, federal funds, and other borrowed money) used to fund the outputs. The wage rate, wj, was proxied by [salaries and benefits expenses in 1 9 9 2 / n u m b e r of full-time equivalent employees at year end 1992]. The unit price of physical capital, w 2, was constructed as the [premises and fixed assets (net of rental income) expenses in 1 9 9 2 / a v e r a g e value of premises and fixed assets in 1992]. The borrowed money price, w 3, was constructed as (interest expense on deposits, net of service charges + interest expense of fed funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase + interest on demand notes issued to the U.S. Treasury and on other borrowed money + interest on subordinated notes and debentures in 1992)/average dollar volume of these types of funds in 1992. Total costs, C, were labor, premises, and fixed assets expense, and (interest expense on deposits, net of service charges + interest expense of fed funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase + interest on demand notes issued to the U.S. Treasury and on other borrowed money + interest on subordinated notes and debentures in 1 9 9 2 ) × (real estate loans, commercial and industrial loans, lease financing receivables, agricultural loans, loans to depository institutions, acceptances of other banks, loans to foreign governments, obligations of states and 12 Different approaches to measuring output have generally led to similar conclusions concerning the cost structures of financial firms. For example, Mester (1992) found that including transactions deposits as an output did not change any of the conclusions concerning production economies for large banks. Moreover, Hughes and Mester (1993) developed a test to determine whether deposits are outputs or inputs. A variable cost (VC) function in which insured and uninsured deposits are entered in levels is estimated. If the derivative of VC with respect to insured deposits is positive, then insured deposits are an output; if the derivative is negative, then insured deposits are an input. The same test can be applied for uninsured deposits. For their sample, Hughes and Mester (1993) found that both types of deposits were inputs. L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 1035 political subdivisions, other loans, and loans to i n d i v i d u a l s / t o t a l earning assets). ~ T o account for the quality o f the banks' outputs and bank risk (and so to avoid labeling as efficient banks that are not m o n i t o r i n g their loans), quality was proxied by q = average v o l u m e o f n o n p e r f o r m i n g loans in 1992, and financial capital was m e a s u r e d as k = a v e r a g e v o l u m e o f equity capital in 1992; both were included as arguments in the cost function. 14 (The variables' mean, m i n i m u m and m a x i m u m values are reported in M e s t e r (1995a).) M a x i m u m likelihood estimates were obtained using T S P version 4.2B. 6. Empirical results This study restricts the sample to Third District banks rather than using a U.S. sample (see footnote 10 above). O n e advantage for using banks f r o m a similar g e o g r a p h i c / e c o n o m i c region is that they are m o r e likely to be using the same production technology, w h i c h is a maintained assumption o f the model. An alternative is to estimate a single cost frontier for the nation and then c o m p u t e average X - i n e f f i c i e n c y and scale and scope e c o n o m i e s measures for each Federal R e s e r v e District based on this single national cost structure. T o d e t e r m i n e which approach to use, I tested w h e t h e r banks in the U.S. should be pooled and a single cost frontier estimated for all U.S. banks or whether separate cost frontiers should be estimated for each Federal R e s e r v e District. ~5 A likelihood ratio test strongly rejects p o o l i n g at well under the 0.005 level o f significance. Thus, the data support estimating separate cost frontiers for each District. ~6 I also used likelihood ratio tests to d e t e r m i n e whether the data supported a less-flexible production t e c h n o l o g y than that implied by the translog cost function. T h r e e hypotheses were tested: unitary elasticity of substitution b e t w e e n inputs; C o b b - D o u g l a s technology; and global constant returns to scale. Each of these three hypotheses was rejected at the 0.005 level of significance. Thus, the efficiency estimates reported b e l o w are based on the unrestricted translog model. (The p a r a m e t e r estimates are reported in M e s t e r (1995a).) 13 As in Hunter et al. (1990), Mester (1992), and Hughes and Mester (1993), the interest expense was weighted by total output/total earning assets to reflect the interest expense that can be allocated to the bank's loan output. ~4 Nonperforming loans are loans that are 30 or more days past due but still accruing interest plus loans that are not accruing interest. While the macroeconomy can affect nonperforming loans, its effect is felt equally across banks. It is the differences in nonperforming loans across banks that capture differences in quality across banks. In addition to its relation to risk, financial capital is also included because capital can serve as a funding source for loans. ~5 1 disaggregated the sample into Federal Reserve Districts rather than states because for some states there was an insufficient number of observations to estimate the cost frontier. 16 See Mester (1995b) for further details and for a discussion of the results for the other Districts. 1036 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 6.1. Scale economies and within-sample scope economies Table 1 reports the scale economies and within-sample scope economies measures evaluated at the mean output, input price levels, quality, and financial capital levels over the entire sample or for the size quartiles given. The measures are based on the estimated cost frontier and so indicate whether a bank that was minimizing the cost of producing a particular output bundle could lower costs proportionately by choosing another level of output or by changing its output mix. The estimated average cost frontier for Third District banks seems to be quite flat. The efficient bank producing the average level of each output and facing the average input prices is producing with constant returns to scale - the point estimate of SCL is 0.9525 with standard error 0.02019, and so is insignificantly different from one. Thus, a 1 percent increase in the level of all outputs, holding risk and the quality of the output constant, would lead to about a 1 percent increase in costs. Also note that the point estimates of SCL for the average efficient bank in each of the four asset size quartiles in the sample are insignificantly different from one. (Although the point estimates suggest decreasing average costs, a flat average cost curve cannot be ruled out statistically.) Therefore, there do not seem to be many cost efficiency gains to be made from Third District banks' changing their sizes, and these results are much like those obtained in studies using U.S. samples. There is no evidence of either scope economies or diseconomies at the average efficient bank in the Third District, nor at banks in different size categories, since the within-sample scope economies measures reported in Table 1 are statistically insignificant from zero. Thus, there do not appear to be many cost efficiency gains to be made by a bank's changing its loan mix (which for the typical bank in the sample is weighted toward real estate loans). While the scope measures suggest there is no cost justification for joint production, there could be revenue (i.e., demand-side) benefits, which would not be captured in the scope measures. (Note also that the scope measures hold the risk and capital values at their mean levels in the sample and are not adjusted for banks producing more specialized output bundles.) 6.2. Inefficiency Table 2 reports estimates of the inefficiency measures discussed in Section 3. Summary measures of inefficiency include an estimate of the mean of u i (2/'tr)]/2d u (with its approximate standard error), and estimates of the average value of the bank-specific measures, E(uile i) and M(uil~i), across the sample. (Note that the average value of E(uile i) equals average(u).) The table also indicates the minimum and maximum values of E(uiJei), and the 90 percent and 95 percent confidence intervals for the most efficient and least efficient banks in the sample. Since the correlation between E(u~lei) and l~(Uilf.i) is extremely high L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 1037 © .~.~ ==~ ~= "N m ~- o ,.0 - •"~ ~ c~. -u ~ ~,-- ~ ~ III ~ .~ r,*h = 7~ "~._~ ~~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~~. & &~ ¢'~ Q 0 g s~ u =d "u -, [-. ~ m ~ .'.,-, ~ ,.~ .~ ~-~' u= q~ .= .,.~ ~ ~ ~,= 1038 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 Table 2 X-inefficiency measures All banks (214 banks) Mean u i = (2/~)l/2~ru (approx std. err.) Average E(ui]~ i) Min /~(/~i]Ei) Max E(ui[~-i) Average /~(UiIE i) 90 percent confidence interval for (L/iIIEI) of most efficient bank 95 percent confidence interval for (uile i) of most efficient bank 90 percent confidence interval for (ui]e i) of least efficient bank 95 percent confidence interval for (uil~_i) of least efficient bank 0.07903 a (0.04800) 0.07893 0.02941 0.2297 0.04681 Pennsylvania (182 banks) New Jersey (26 banks) Delaware (6 banks) 0.07737 0.02941 0.1915 0.04489 0.09343 0.03713 0.2297 0.06500 0.06323 0.03692 0.08582 0.02630 [0.001736, 0.08190] [0.0008592, 0.09719] [0.1130,0.3466] [0.09090, 0.3690] a Significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level, two-tailed test. (at 0.9855), one can focus on one of the inefficiency measures without any loss. Table 2 also shows the average of the bank-specific X-inefficiency estimates, E(ui[e i) and i~l(ui[ei), and the minimum and maximum of ff,(ui[e i) for each of the three states in the Third District. As shown in Table 2, average X-inefficiency at banks in the Third District is on the order of 6 to 9 percent. Thus, if the average bank were to use its inputs as efficiently as possible, it could reduce its production cost by roughly 6 to 9 percent. The average annual cost of output production at banks in the sample was about $12 million, so a 6 percent reduction in cost could potentially add about $720000 to bank profits, which, given the average b a n k ' s size of $325 million in assets, constitutes a potential increase of 0.2 percent in before-tax return on assets, or about 0.15 percent in after-tax ROA. This is not a trivial amount, as the average bank in the District had an after-tax R O A of I percent in 1992. In competitive markets not all of this gain would be retained by the bank - the savings would be passed on to customers in the form of lower loan rates and higher deposit rates. Of course, not all banks are the 'average' bank. Fig. 1 gives the frequency distribution of the X-inefficiency estimates, /~(uilei), for the sample. While the distribution is weighted in the 6 to 9 percent range, some banks are quite efficient but others show a good deal of inefficiency. According to the point estimates of E(lgi[Ei) , the most efficient bank in the sample (with / ~ ( u i l e i ) = 0.02941) has L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996 ~ 1025-1045 1039 Z 0-0.03 0.03-0.06 0.06-0.09 0.09-0.12 0.12-0.15 0.15-0.18 0.18-0.21 0.21-0.24 Inefficiency Range Fig. I. Third District inefficiencydistribution(214 bank~in the sample). i~ = --0.2465, which implies ~ . = - 0 . 1 1 9 3 and ~r, = 0.07114. ~7 Thus, for this observation, the 90 percent confidence interval for (u i[e i) is [0.001736,0.08190] and the 95 percent confidence interval is [0.0008592,0.09719]. These confidence intervals show that the most efficient bank in the sample could still be operating with a moderately large level of inefficiency. The most inefficient bank in the sample (with ff~(ui]~ i) = 0.22974) has ~ = 0.4742, which implies I~, = 0.2296 and, again, or, = 0.07114. Thus, for this observation, the 90 percent confidence interval for (uil~ i) is [0.1130,0.3466] and the 95 percent confidence interval is [0.09090,0.3690]. These confidence intervals are quite wide; nevertheless, they do suggest a difference between inefficiency at the least and most inefficient banks. When compared with results of other studies using U.S. samples that found average X-inefficiency on the order of 20 to 30 percent, Third District banks seem to be outperforming U.S. banks on average. It is difficult to determine whether this is a statistically significant difference, however. It might just reflect that this study is based on more recent data, or it might be because banks in the U.S. samples are more diverse, making efficiency measurement more difficult. It is interesting to note that when the model is estimated based on a U.S. sample, the estimate of the mean of u~ = (2/'rr)~/2~, is 0.1608 (with standard error 0.0055), which is larger iv Note that E(HilIEi)does not equal zero for the most efficient bank in the sample, since no efficient bank is expected to lie precisely on the estimated cost frontier. 1040 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 than the estimate for the Third District, but only slightly lower than that found in previous studies, and when the average of the estimates of the bank-specific inefficiency measures, E(uile~), is calculated for each Federal Reserve District, the Third District has the lowest average. 18 In any case, as with U.S. banks in general, it appears that many Third District banks have room for improvement. To check the robustness of the Third District inefficiency results, I investigated two alternatives to the half-normal distribution for u, the inefficiency component of the error term. The first alternative was the truncated-normal model, which assumes that u i is the absolute value of a variable that is normally distributed with mean p~ and variance ~ru2. The empirical results indicated that the value of p~ that maximized the likelihood function was zero; hence the model yielded the same results as the half-normal model. The second alternative was the exponential model, which assumes that u~ is distributed exponentially, with parameter 0 > 0 (so that E ( u ) = 1 / 0 ) . This model yielded results quite similar to the half-normal model. For the exponential model, the estimate of E ( u ) was 0.067114 with standard error 0.020437; the average, minimum, and m a x i m u m values of E(ui[c ~) were 0.067105, 0.022001, and 0.33240, respectively. Hence, the efficiency results appear to be robust to different distributional assumptions on u. 6.3. Correlates with inefficiency It remains to discuss the characteristics of inefficient banks in the Third District. I calculated simple correlations between the bank-specific inefficiency measure, ffT(uilci), and characteristics of the banks and I also regressed the /~(uile/) on the characteristics to determine how the efficient and inefficient banks in the sample differed. ~9 (Of course, a relationship need not imply causality. That is, I am not saying these characteristics cause inefficiency, only that they seem to be more prevalent in inefficient banks. 20) Since the values of ff.(ui[c i) range between 0 and 1, as in Mester (1993), I used J8 Although recall that this pooled national sample model is rejected by the data. 19The method of Saxonhouse (1976) for treating heteroscedasticity that can arise when estimated parameters are used as dependent variables was not applicable here, since the model I estimated is nonlinear. Note that E(/,/i]Ei) is very highly correlated with l~(uilEi) , and also with the endpointsof the 90 percent and 95 percent confidence intervals for (ui[ei); thus, any of these alternative X-inefficiencymeasures would produce results similar to the ones reported below. 20 Another reason to interpret the results as providing information on correlation only instead of causality is that there may be some endogeneity,since the characteristics are for the same period as the inefficiencymeasures. Causality may run from inefficiencyto the characteristics instead of the other way around. For example, inefficientfirms may choose to invest in real estate rather than investingin real estate leading to inefficiency. L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 1041 the logistic functional form rather than a linear regression model. The general form of this regression equation is /~(u,[ei) = exp(X~y) 1 + exp(X~y) +~i (9) where X i is a vector of independent variables for the ith firm, 'y is the parameter vector, and ~i is a normally distributed error term. I used nonlinear OLS to estimate Eq. (9). 21 The 15 independent variables included are: 22 CONST = constant term, Y E A R = year the bank opened, C H A R -- 1 if the bank is state-chartered and 0 if it is federally chartered, H O L D = 1 if the bank is a member of a holding company and 0 otherwise, FR = 1 if the bank is a member of the Federal Reserve System and 0 otherwise, B R A N C H = number of bank offices (at the end of 1992), NJ = 1 if the b a n k ' s headquarters is located in New Jersey and 0 otherwise, DEL = 1 if the b a n k ' s headquarters is located in Delaware and 0 otherwise, T O T A = total assets (measured in billions of dollars), T Q C A = total qualifying capital (i.e., capital that is included in Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital)/total assets, R O A = net i n c o m e / t o t a l assets, UDEP = uninsured d e p o s i t s / t o t a l deposits, L C L D T L = construction and land development l o a n s / t o t a l loans, RETL = real estate l o a n s / t o t a l loans, and INTL = loans to i n d i v i d u a l s / t o t a l loans. Y E A R is included to see if the b a n k ' s age is related to its degree of inefficiency; CHAR, HOLD, FR, and B R A N C H are included to account lor organizational and regulatory structure; NJ and D E L are included to see if inefficiency differs by bank location within the District; T O T A controls for the overall size of the bank; T Q C A measures capital adequacy (moral hazard theory suggests that T Q C A should be inversely related to inefficiency); R O A is a measure of performance (higher efficiency is expected to be correlated with better performance); UDEP measures reliance on noncore deposits (uninsured depositors might impose market discipline on bank managers, but banks that are relying on these deposits rather than core deposits might be in bad shape); and LCLDTL, RETL, and INTL account for portfolio mix. As shown in Table 3, the simple correlation, which does not hold constant the other characteristics, and the regression results, which do hold constant other characteristics of the bank, indicate that inefficient banks in the District tend to be younger than more efficient banks. This might be evidence that banking involves 'learning by doing,' or it might indicate that more efficient banks are more likely to survive. (Recall that the de novo banks were not included in the sample, so the 21 Using ~l(uil~- i) a s the dependent variable and estimating a nonlinear Tobit model leads to similar results as the ones reported below. 22 All are measured as of year-end 1992. 1042 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 Table 3 Inefficiency correlates - logistic regression parameter estimates and simple correlation coefficients with "~(u i le i) Independent variable Logistic regression parameter estimates "Vl(standard error) Simple correlation coefficients (significance level) CONST YEAR CHAR HOLD FR BRANCH NJ DEL TOTA TQCA ROA UDEP LCLDTL RETL INTL - 5.949 a (1.879) 0.001906 a (0.0009562) - 0.2772 a (0.1356) - 0.05755 (0.07668) - 0.2356 b (0.1350) 0.008608 (0.008898) 0.09284 (0.9043) - 0.2597 (0.2153) - 0.1885 (0.2080) -3.884 a (1.506) 2.355 (4.255) -0.01954 (0.4345) 2.767 a (1.295) 0.4445 (0.3341) 0.8207 b (0.4859) 0.1396 ~ (0.0413) - 0.04491 (0.5135) 0.03108 (0.6512) 0.00045 (0.9947) 0.03891 (0.5714) 0.1711 a (0.0122) - 0.08458 (0.2178) 0.01334 (0.8462) -0.2301 a (0.0007) - 0.1174 b (0.0867) 0.00079 (0.9909) 0.1293 b (0.0591) 0.04623 (0.5011) --0.02385 (0.7287) Value of the likelihood function = 451.94. a Significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level, two-tailed test. b Significantly different from zero at the 10 percent level, two-tailed test. r e s u l t p r o b a b l y d o e s not m e r e l y reflect y o u n g e r b a n k s ' h i g h e r start-up costs, for e x a m p l e , the costs o f e s t a b l i s h i n g c u s t o m e r r e l a t i o n s h i p s . ) E v e n t h o u g h the p o i n t e s t i m a t e s in T a b l e 3 s h o w d i f f e r e n c e s in i n e f f i c i e n c y a m o n g b a n k s in the t h r e e states, o n c e o t h e r b a n k c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s are c o n t r o l l e d for, 23 t h e r e is n o statistically s i g n i f i c a n t d i f f e r e n c e in i n e f f i c i e n c y a c r o s s the states. S i m i l a r l y , t h e r e is n o e v i d e n c e that l a r g e r b a n k s are m o r e or less X - e f f i c i e n t t h a n s m a l l e r b a n k s , s i n c e the c o e f f i c i e n t o n T O T A is i n s i g n i f i c a n t l y d i f f e r e n t f r o m zero. T h i s result, c o u p l e d w i t h the r e s u l t s o n scale e c o n o m i e s , s u g g e s t s that b a n k s o f all sizes in the D i s t r i c t c a n b e e q u a l l y c o m p e t i t i v e w h e n it c o m e s to cost efficiency. A l s o , t h e r e is n o e v i d e n c e that g r e a t e r r e l i a n c e o n u n i n s u r e d d e p o s i t s is c o r r e l a t e d w i t h g r e a t e r i n e f f i c i e n c y , s i n c e the c o e f f i c i e n t o n U D E P is insignific a n t l y d i f f e r e n t f r o m zero. T h i s r e s u l t differs f r o m M e s t e r (1993), w h o f o u n d that r e l i a n c e o n u n i n s u r e d d e p o s i t s at b o t h s t o c k a n d m u t u a l S & L s was c o r r e l a t e d w i t h greater inefficiency. T h e r e are a f e w o t h e r statistically s i g n i f i c a n t r e l a t i o n s h i p s . F o r e x a m p l e , 23 The simple correlation coefficient indicates that being located in New Jersey is significantly related to being inefficient, but this is because the New Jersey banks in the sample tend to have lower capital than Pennsylvania and Delaware banks in the sample. Once capital is controlled for (as in the regression), being located in New Jersey is not significantly related to inefficiency. L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996 ~ 1025-1045 1043 inefficient banks tend to have a higher percentage of their loans in construction and land development and in loans to individuals, since the coefficients on L C L D T L and INTL are significantly positive (at the 5 percent and 10 percent levels of significance, respectively). National banks appear to be less efficient than state banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System but seem to have the same level of efficiency as state nonmember banks. 24 That is, the coefficients on FR and C H A R T are significantly less than zero (at the 10 percent and 5 percent levels of significance, respectively), but they are not significantly different from one another. (The difference in the coefficients is - 0 . 0 4 1 5 7 with standard error 0.06827.) A m o n g the statistically significant relationships, one of the more interesting is the negative relationship between inefficiency and the c a p i t a l - a s s e t ratio - the coefficient on T Q C A is significantly negative, as is the simple correlation coefficient between T Q C A and E(ui]~i). This result should not be interpreted as saying that if a bank increases its c a p i t a l - a s s e t ratio then its efficiency will increase. But it may be an indication that higher capital ratios may prevent moral hazard. As is often cited in discussions of the thrift crisis, as an institution's capital level decreases it has an increasing incentive to take on excessive risk, since it keeps any upside gain and loses only the amount of capital it has invested in the bank if the risk does not pay off. Similarly, the managers of banks with lower capital levels might have more of an incentive to engage in perk-taking, and they face less shareholder scrutiny than banks with higher capital ratios. The c a p i t a l - a s s e t ratio might also be significantly related to inefficiency because inefficient banks have lower profits, which might lead to lower capital-asset ratios in the future. 2s Mester (1993) also found that for both stock and mutual S & Ls, higher c a p i t a l - a s set ratios were correlated with greater efficiency. 7. Conclusions This paper uses the stochastic econometric cost frontier approach to investigate efficiency of banks operating in the Third Federal Reserve District using 1991-92 data. I modify the cost frontier so that both bank default risk and output quality can be held constant when comparing the efficiency of the banks, l present estimates of scale economies and within-sample scope economies for banks 2-~Note, all nationally chartered banks are Fed member banks, bul their primary regulator is the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, not the Fed. 25 But this is probably not the entire reason, since the relationship between capital-assets and inefficiency holds even when return-on-assets is held constant - that is. the coefficient on TQCA is significant in the regression, which includes ROA as an independent variable and while return-on-assets and capital-assets are significantly correlated, they are not collinear - their correlation coefficient is 0.4538. 1044 L.J. Mester / Journal of Banking & Finance 20 (1996) 1025-1045 operating on the cost frontier, and estimates of the average X-inefficiency in the sample and bank-specific measures of X-inefficiency. In addition, I present the 90 percent and 95 percent confidence intervals for the most and least X-efficient banks in the sample. The second part of the paper relates the bank-specific inefficiency measures to several correlates. The study indicates that banks in the Third District appear to be operating at cost-efficient output sizes and product mixes, but there appears to be a significant level of X-inefficiency at the banks. In terms of coping with the increased competitive pressures, inefficient banks in the Third District have more to fear from banks that are efficient producers than from banks that are producing a particular output volume or product mix. There is less to be gained in terms of cost savings from changing output size or mix than from using inputs more cost effectively. Case studies that focus on the more efficient banks in the District might shed light on how greater efficiency can be achieved. 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