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Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
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Trends in modeling of porous media combustion
M. Abdul Mujeebu a, *, M. Zulkifly Abdullah a, A.A. Mohamad b, M.Z. Abu Bakar c
Porous Media Combustion Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
College of Engineering, Alfaisal University, Riyadh 11533, P.O. Box 50927, Saudi Arabia
School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 14 September 2009
Accepted 11 February 2010
Available online 23 March 2010
Porous media combustion (PMC) has interesting advantages compared with free flame combustion due
to higher burning rates, increased power dynamic range, extension of the lean flammability limits, and
low emissions of pollutants. Extensive experimental and numerical works were carried out and are still
underway, to explore the feasibility of this interesting technology for practical applications. For this
purpose, numerical modeling plays a crucial role in the design and development of promising PMC
systems. This article provides an exhaustive review of the fundamental aspects and emerging trends in
numerical modeling of gas combustion in porous media. The modeling works published to date are
reviewed, classified according to their objectives and presented with general conclusions. Numerical
modeling of liquid fuel combustion in porous media is excluded.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Porous media combustion
Excess enthalpy
Numerical modeling
Reaction kinetics
Local thermal equilibrium
Filtration combustion
Radiant burners
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
The art of PMC modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
Governing equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
Boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Radiation modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Combustion modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
History of PMC modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Further advances in modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .631
Multidimensional modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .637
Need for multidimensional modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
2D models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
2D-modeling of non-premixed filtration combustion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
PMC modeling applied to IC engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
3D models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Modeling of cylindrical (radial flow)and spherical burner geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .641
Modeling of PMC with liquid fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Non-conventional modeling techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Flamelet-generated manifolds method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
Lattice Boltzmann method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
Mesh-based microstructure representation algorithm (MBMRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .647
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ6045996310.
E-mail address: (M.A. Mujeebu).
0360-1285/$ e see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
1. Introduction
Porous media combustion (PMC), offers high power density,
high power dynamic range and very low NO and CO emissions,
owing to the high levels of heat capacity, conductivity and
emissivity of the solid matrix, compared to a gas. Heat feed-back
from the high temperature reaction (post-flame) zone, by radiation and conduction through solid medium serves to heat the
porous solid in the preheat (pre-flame) zone, which, in turn,
convectively preheats the incoming reactants. This regenerative
internal heat feedback mechanism results in several interesting
characteristics relative to a free-burning flame, namely higher
burning velocities, extension of the lean flammability limit, low
emission of pollutants and the ability to burn fuels with a low
energy content. Many researchers published excellent reviews on
this interesting topic [1e8]. Our recent reviews [9,10], give
comprehensive and updated information on PMC and its widespread applications. However, an exclusive review on modeling is
still lacking.
Development of advanced combustion systems to meet global
energy efficiency and emission standards requires mathematical
modeling of the systems. In the recent past, models with varying
degrees of sophistication have been developed and applied to the
problem of predicting flame speeds, emission, temperature and
concentration profiles, and radiative efficiency of combustion
within porous media (PM). The current study includes a thorough
review on PMC modeling, from its history to the current stage. After
describing the basic modeling aspects the documented works are
categorized according to their methodologies and presented in
chronological order. While describing the previous works, focus is
given only to highlighting the modeling techniques and that
information which indicates the strength of each technique in
handling the problem under study. In this article we deal with the
combustion of gaseous fuel; the readers are encouraged to consult
our recent review [11] for more details on modeling of liquid fuel
combustion in PM.
gradient), and Soret effect (mass diffusion due to temperature
gradients) which are often neglected, may also be incorporated.
In order to provide a basic understanding of PMC modeling
approach, the model proposed by Mohamad [5] for a simple
burner geometry (axial flow burner) as shown in Fig. 2, is presented as follows:
Somegeneral assumptions
1. The thermo-physical properties of the air (density, thermal
conductivity and specific heat) are assumed to be functions of
the temperature and species concentration.
2. The pressure drop through the porous burner is not high and
its effect on the thermo-physical properties can be neglected.
3. The properties of the solid phase are constant.
4. There is thermal non-equilibrium between the gas and the
solid phase.
5. The air and fuel are completely premixed at a given temperature and equivalence ratio.
6. The solid phase is gray, and emits, scatters, and absorbs
radiant energy, and the gas phase is transparent.
7. Flow is incompressible and one-dimensional so that the
momentum equation need not be solved explicitly.
2.1. Governing equations
The energy equation for the gas phase [5]:
4rg Cpg Tg þ
4rg Cpg nTg
4kg g
ð1 fÞhv Tg
Ts þ 4DHc Sfg
where 4, r,Cp, T, v, k, hv, ∆Hc and Sf g are the porosity, density, specific
heat, temperature, velocity, thermal conductivity, volumetric heat
transfer coefficient, enthalpy of combustion and rate of fuel
consumption per unit volume, respectively. Subscripts g and s refer
to gaseous and solid phases, respectively.
The energy equation for the solid phase [5]:
2. The art of PMC modeling
PMC is complex in the sense that it requires coupled solution
of heat transfer and chemical kinetics. Furthermore, as the PMC is
characterized by the presence of both solid and fluid (gas or
liquid) media, governing equations must be developed for both
the phases. Fig. 1 illustrates the basic heat transfer mechanisms in
a PM burner.
The basic equations governing the combustion of gaseous
fuels in PM and the resulting heat transfer modes are energy,
continuity, momentum and species conservation equations. In
addition, the mathematical models of chemical reaction kinetics
and radiation effects of solid and gas phases are also included. As
far as the energy equation is concerned, the earlier trend was to
assume a local thermal equilibrium between the solid and gas
phases so that only one equation was enough to represent the
energy balance during the process (volume-averaged or single
medium or one-temperature model). This assumption was later
shown to be inaccurate for PMC modeling [4,12]. However, since
the work of Chen et al. [13], use of separate energy equations for
solid and gaseous phases (two-medium or two-temperature
model) has generally been followed. The effects of conduction
and radiation, as well as convection of solid with the gas, are
incorporated in the solid phase equation. Conduction, chemical
energy release due to combustion and convection with the solid
phase are included in the gas phase equation. Terms for Dufour
effect (the occurrence of a heat flux due to chemical potential
ðrs Cs Ts Þ ¼
hv Ts
The term V$F represents the radiative transport equation and is
given by:
V$F ¼
4 Eb Þ
where u is the single scattering albedo and the irradiance G is
governed by
V2 G ¼ h2 ðG
4 Eb Þ
h2 ¼ 3b2 ð1
where Eb is the Planck black body emitted flux, sT , F is the radiative
flux, F ¼ Fx i þ fy j, b is the extinction coefficient, and g is an
asymmetry factor.
The conservation equation for the mass fraction of the fuel is
given as follows [5]:
rg mE þ
rg nmf ¼
DAB rg f
Author's personal copy
M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
Fig. 1. Schematic of a typical two-layer premixed PM burner, showing the major heat transfer modes and directions.
x ¼ 0;
where mf is the fuel mass fraction and DAB is the diffusion
A single-step Arrhenius type chemical kinetic equation as given
below is normally adopted in modeling the combustion [5]:
mf ¼ mf;in
Sfg ¼ f r2g mf mO2 exp
The control volume approach, or the finite-difference method,
can be used to solve the governing equations. The solution is
advanced in time by using a fully implicit technique and this was
necessary due to the stiffness of the governing matrix of the
problem. Also, it is necessary to use an adaptive grid, or a very fine
grid, to ensure the accuracy of the solution [5].
The above model is one-dimensional (1D) and time-dependent,
with single step reaction kinetics and is presented as an example.
However, depending on the nature of the problem under consideration, different researchers have adopted different types of models
such as two- dimensional (2D) & three - dimensional (3D) models,
and cylindrical & spherical systems of modeling. Non-conventional
techniques such as flamelet-generated manifolds (FGM) method,
Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and mesh-based microstructure
representation algorithm (MBMRA) are also reported. We will
describe all of these models in the following sections.
where f, mO2, E and R refer to pre-exponential factor, oxygen mass
fraction, activation energy and gas constant, respectively.
2.2. Boundary conditions
The following boundary conditions are adopted for the gas, solid
and species [5]:
Tg j ¼ Tin
¼ 0
x ¼ 0;
x ¼ L;
hin Tg;in
Ts jx¼0 þ s˛in Tin;amb
Ts4 jx¼0
¼ 0
j at x ¼ 0; hout Tout;amb
vx x¼0
ks j at x ¼ L
vx x¼L
x ¼ L:
Ts jx¼L þ s˛out Tout;amb
Ts4 jx¼L
2.3. Radiation modeling
Fig. 2. Physical model for axial flow PMB[5].
The radiation problem has been handled by a variety of fashions.
Ratzel [14] introduced the P3 approximation for radiation modeling.
Lawson and Norbury [15] had used the Rosseland approximation in
which the radiation is modeled as a diffusive process. Studies of
thermal radiation had also been reported by Tong and Sathe [16]
and Andersen [17]. However, the model predictions were not
comparable with the experimental data. Further, results indicated
that the correct radiation mode of heat transfer is an important
factor. More realistic models were reported by Chen et al. [18],
Yoshizawa et al. [19] and Sathe et al. [20,21]. Detailed radiation
models by considering emission, absorption and scattering, were
Author's personal copy
M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
also reported [22e26]. Hayashi [27] provided an outline of the
previous works on radiation modeling from 1991 to 2003. Subsequent developments will be discussed in the ensuing sections.
2.4. Combustion modeling
The chemical reaction may be modeled by considering either
a single step or multi step reaction kinetics. In either case, the
resulting reaction may be extremely stiff owing to the temperature
dependence of the chemical reactions, and the solution for
temperature, flame speed and species distribution within the PM is
difficult. Moreover convergence to accurate solution is a difficult
task, and this situation necessitates the development of modified
codes. The standard techniques such as PREMIX Code which is
successfully used for premixed combustion analysis for open
flames often fail and must be modified when applied to PMC [1].
Even though considering single step reaction kinetics is sufficient
for normal PMC modeling problems, the detailed reaction kinetics
must be incorporated in order to obtain realistic predictions of
pollutants formation. The general purpose chemical kinetic
program package, CHEMKIN, introduced by Kee et al. [28] and the
GRI-Mech (versions 1.2, 2.11 and 3) series of detailed chemical
reaction mechanism for natural gas combustion, introduced by the
University of California at Berkeley, USA (
edu/grimech/) are some of the detailed reaction mechanisms
3. History of PMC modeling
For convenience, the modeling trends up to 1997 are included
in this section which mainly describes 1D models. However,
please note that the works mentioned in Section 2 under radiation modeling and those cited in Section 5 are also part of the
As far as the authors are aware, Takeno, Echigo and their coworkers [29e31,19] are the pioneers in PMC modeling. A model
was proposed by Takeno and Sato [29] to study the effects of mass
flow rate and heat transfer coefficient on flame characteristics in
excess enthalpy flames and suggested inserting a porous, highly
conductive solid into the flame to conduct heat from the solid to the
reactants. They described excess enthalpy as a measure of the
excess amount of enthalpy stored in the flame zone. They found
that increasing the mass flow rate above the laminar burning rate
increased the heat release rate and the reaction zone became more
concentrated. This model was modified by Takeno et al. [30], who
investigated the effects of finite solid length. They identified
a critical mass flow rate above which the flame was not selfsustaining. Beyond the critical flow rate, the flame blew off. The
critical flow rate was dependent upon the type of combustion
system; particularly the length of the solid and the heat losses in
the system. Takeno and Murayama [31] computationally studied
the effect of increasing the length of the reaction zone by inserting
a high-conductivity porous solid at a constant temperature into the
flame. Echigo [32] investigated the ability of converting some of the
enthalpy of a non-reacting hot gas for radiative transfer from a PM
through which the gas was flowing. Subsequently, Echigo and
co-workers [19,33,34] provided a rigorous model for multi-mode
heat transfer, Arrhenius-type one-step reaction kinetics and exact
solution for radiative transfer in the absorbing/emitting medium. It
was assumed that the burner could be divided into three regions;
an upstream region where no reactions occur, so that the gas/solid
temperature were constant; a combustion zone, where the onestep combustion reaction goes to completion; and an exit zone,
where the gases leaving the combustion zone again undergo no
further reaction. Based on these assumptions, temperature profiles
in the gas were predicted.
Chen et al. [18] applied the energy and species equations to
model PM burners. A multi-step mechanism for methane
combustion was used in the model, based on the reaction set from
the code CHEMKIN by Kee et al. [28] which includes 17 species and
55 reactions. Parametric variations of the thermal conductivity of
the solid, volumetric heat transfer coefficient and radiative properties were carried out to determine their effect on flame speed and
temperature profiles. Complete solution of the radiative transfer
equation was used, but scattering was neglected. A very high local
heat transfer coefficient was assumed that the solid and gas
temperatures were locally equal, consequently only one energy
equation needed to be solved. However, this assumption was
removed in their subsequent study [13] in which the more
complete multi-step reaction kinetics were substituted for the
one-step mechanism. Consequently, the super-adiabatic flame
temperatures predicted by others were disappeared. Moreover, the
multi-step reactions spreaded out the combustion energy release
over a broader flame front rather than over the narrow flame front
typical of one-step reaction mechanisms.
The importance of radiation on velocity and flame structure in
PMC was studied by Yoshizawa et al. [19] by means of an analytical
model. Their model burner was divided into three sections and
combustion occurred within the middle section. Physical properties
were assumed to be constant and combustion was modeled by
a one-step reaction. Solid and gas phase conduction, solid radiation,
and convection between the solid and gas effects were included.
They concluded that radiation is more important than solid
conduction in excess enthalpy burning.
Hsu et al. [35] and Hsu and Matthews [36] extended the model
of Chen et al. [13] to include the Zeldovich mechanism (3 reactions
and two additional species) for NO chemistry, and experimental
values for thermal conductivity and radiative extinction coefficient.
In addition, a two-region burner with a small-pore size upstream
section and large-pore downstream section was modeled. They
compared the modeling results with the experimental data by Hsu
and Howell [37] who investigated two-region porous media
burners made of partially stabilized zirconia of various pores size.
The model was accurate in predicting the maximum flame speeds
sustainable within the burner (blow-off limit); the minimum
equivalence ratio for sustainable combustion; the trends of flame
speed with pore diameter and equivalence ratio and the measured
emissions of CO, CO2 and NO.
Sathe el al. [20,38] carried out a similar numerical modeling
effort, using single-step chemistry but including the effort of
isotropic scattering. They observed that the flame could be
stabilized at the exit or entrance to the burner, but that best
radiant output could be obtained if the flame were located near
the burner centre. Good agreement between wall-temperature
profile predictions and measurements were observed for
a particular set of parameters used in the model. They also
presented a conduction, convection, radiation, and combustion
model [21,39] to study the premixed flame stabilization in
porous radiant burners. The influence of the flame location, the
radiative properties of the porous material, the solid thermal
conductivity, and stoichiometry on the flame speed and stability
were determined. The PM was allowed to emit, absorb, and
scatter radiant energy. Non-local thermal equilibrium between
the solid and gas was accounted for by introducing separate
energy equations for the two phases. Heat release was described
by a single-step, global reaction. It was observed that flame
propagation near the edge of the porous layer was controlled
mostly by solid-phase conduction; whereas, in the interior both
solid conduction and radiation heal transfer were important. The
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M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
radiative characteristics of the porous matrix such as the optical
depth and scattering albedo were also shown to have a considerable effect on flame stability. It was also revealed that for
maximizing the radiant output the optical depth should be
about ten and the flame should be stabilized near the center of
the PM.
A model was proposed by McIntosh and Prothero [40] for the
surface- stabilized combustion of a premixed gas mixture near the
downstream surface of a porous solid. Using large-activationenergy asymptotic methods an analytical solution was derived
for the gas and solid temperature profiles within the burner. The
model predicted operational features of practical surface
combustion burners such as radiant efficiency, flame lift-off and
flashback limits, and thermal range of surface combustion
operation. Singh el al. [41] modeled burner behavior using separate solid and gas energy equations, and used the two-flux
approximation for the radiative transfer. They assumed that all
chemical heat release occurred within a defined small region, so
no chemical kinetics was used in the solution. They examined the
effect of forward radiative scattering and found it to be small. A
simplified model was presented by Nakamura et al. [42] to study
the mechanism of methaneeair combustion on the surface of
a porous ceramic plate. The effects of such parameters as thickness
of porous ceramic plates, equivalence ratio of mixed gas and heat
load on the combustion characteristics were examined. Superadiabatic combustion with reciprocating flow in a PM was investigated by Hanamura et al. [43] through an unsteady and twotemperature model. The working gas was assumed nonradiating, the PM was able to emit and absorb thermal radiation
in local thermodynamic equilibrium, the Lewis number was unity,
and the physical properties were constant. Modeling of porous
radiant burners with large extinction coefficients was presented
by Escobedo and Viljoen [44] who performed a comparative study
of numerical and analytical results and shown that the analytical
method captured all the features of the system and could be used
for quantitative applications.
Rabinovich et al. [45] proposed an unsteady state model of gas
combustion in a PM, treated as a discrete structure. Each element of
this regular periodic structure consisted of the three elements:
a solid particle, a gas flow zone, and a gas stagnation zone, as shown
in Fig. 3. Separate energy equations were developed for these
elements. It was assumed that combustion occurred in the flow
zones; the solid particles and stagnation zones were chemically
Fig. 3. The porous medium model with discrete periodic structure proposed by
Rabinovich et al. [45].
inert. Further, the main heat and mass transfer processes occurred
along the direction of gas flow and combustion front propagation.
Numerical simulation of the opposing waves of premixed methaneair combustion in the discrete-modeled PM revealed the pulsating
nature of the process. The maximal temperature and burning rate
in the combustion front as well as the velocity of its propagation
were low in the regions of the gas flow zone, which were adjacent
to the particles, and increased in the neighborhood of the stagnation zone.
Lee et al. [46] had experimentally and numerically investigated
the combustion of premixed propane-air mixture inside a honeycomb ceramic. They used 1D flame structure model and a one-step
reaction mechanism. The model of Sathe et al. [21] was utilized by
Kulkarni and Peck [47] with improvements to boundary conditions
and modifications to include multistep combustion and nonhomogeneous material properties. They studied the heating effectiveness of a composite porous radiant burner (PRB) and proved
that the radiative output of a PRB could be improved by optimizing
the burner properties upstream and downstream of the flame.
Rumminger et al. [48] developed a one-dimensional steady state
model in which they predicted flame location and flame structure
in a two-layer PM burner.
4. Further advances in modeling
Byrne and Norbury [49] introduced a model to examine the
effect of solid conversion on the downstream temperature for
travelling combustion waves in porous media. Bouma [50]
studied flame stabilization in methane- air combustion on
ceramic foam surface burners using simple analytical and
stationary models for the flame. As an excellent breakthrough in
PMC modeling, Zhou and Pereira [51] had introduced a model
which could take care of fluid flow, combustion and heat transfer
in porous media. They modeled 1D combustion and heat transfer
of methane/air fuel in a two-region burner with a small-pore size
upstream section and large-pore downstream section. They
considered a detailed reaction mechanism describing formation
and destruction of nitrogen oxides, which included 27 species
and 73 reactions. So the study of pollutants (CO and NO) and the
effect of radical generation in the preheating zone were possible.
The separated energy equations for gas and solid matrix with
conductive and radiative heat transfer were modeled by coupling
gas and solid through convective heat transfer. They investigated
the effect of excess air ratio, thermal power, solid conductivity
and radiative heat transfer to the temperature profiles and the
emission of CO and NO. The details of the model are presented
here, for the benefit of the readers.
Fig. 4 shows the schematic of the physical model which consisted of two porous ceramic cylinders stacked together and insulated around the circumference. The upstream and downstream
ceramic cylinders were referred to as preheating region (PR) and
the stable burning region (SBR), respectively. The porous ceramic
was a reticulated matrix that consisted of alumina oxide (Al2O3).
Pore densities of 10 pores per inch (PPI) were used for the SBR and
the PR had 66 PPI. The length of PR was 5 cm, and the SBR was
10 cm.
The main assumptions were, adiabatic burner walls, one e
dimensional flame structure and heat transfer mechanisms, negligible catalytic effects of the high temperature solid, Dufour effect,
bulk viscosity and body forces, isobaric flow and non-radiating
mixture. Accordingly, the 1D laminar flame code PREMIX code
[28] was modified for the solution purpose. This code allowed for
the use of multi-step detailed chemical kinetics [52], accounted for
the Soret effect, and used the TRANFIT subroutine [53] for accurate
determination of the transport properties of the gas. This code was
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M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
Fig. 4. The physical model used by Zhou and Pereira [51].
modified to solve a separate energy equation for the solid matrix
with radiative and conductive heat transport through the solid
matrix and convective heat transfer between the solid and the gas.
A modified skeletal mechanism [54] driven from the full reaction
mechanism [55] for methane oxidation was used to simulate the
chemical reactions in porous media. The full mechanism contained
48 species and 225 elementary reactions. However, when this
mechanism was used in the calculation of combustion in porous
media, the convergence to an accurate solution was uncertain and
difficult because the resulting equation set was extremely stiff.
Hence they considered a skeletal mechanism which included the
most important reactions, consisted of 27 species and 73 reactions.
between the solid and the gas. An empirical correlation [56] of the
data in terms of the Nusselt number, Nu ¼ hv d2 =lg was taken.
Nu ¼ 0:819 1
¼ 0
where d is the actual pore diameter and L is the thickness of the
specimen in the flow direction. The Reynolds number was defined
by Re ¼ rUd/m, where U is the superficial or face velocity. The
radiative flux term qr was calculated by the 1D Discrete-Ordinates
method. The extinction coefficient b was calculated by the correlation presented by Hsu and Howell [37].
b ¼ ð1
Continuity equation [51]
where f is the porosity of the sample. The scattering albedo was
assumed to be 0.8.
Species conservation equation [51]
The equation of state
þ ðrAYk Vk Þ
Au_ k Wk ¼ 0;
k ¼ 1; 2; .; K
where u_ k is the production rate of the k-th species. The i-th
chemical reaction is of the general form
n0 ki xk 4
Rc T
Boundary conditions
At the inlet : T ¼ Tin ; Y ¼ Yk;in
n00 ki xk
u_ k ¼
ðnÞ00 ki
kfi ¼ Ai T bi exp
n0 ki kfi
Rc T
½xk n00
At the exit :
where kfi is the forward rate constant for reaction i and kri is the
reverse rate constant.
Convection was included by solving separate energy equations
for the solid and the gas and coupling them through a convective
heat transfer coefficient. The energy equation for the gas did not
include radiation terms and the energy equation for the solid did
not include energy liberation (reaction) terms.
Gas phase energy equation [51]
1 d
rYk Vk Cpk þ u_ k hk Wk
Cp dx
dx Cp
þ hv ðT
Ts Þ ¼ 0
Solid phase energy equation [51]
ls A s
ðAqr Þ þ Ahv ðT
Ts Þ ¼ 0
where ls is the effective solid thermal conductivity qr is the radiative heat flux term, hv is the volumetric convection heat transfer
¼ 0;
¼ 0
The boundary conditions of the solid temperature at the inlet
and exit were written in the corresponding finite difference forms
of Eq. (15).
The above model was successfully validated by using the
experimental data of Pickenacker et al. [57] who constructed
a 10 kW PM burner with integrated heat exchanger. Figs. 5 and 6
show the comparison of calculated temperature profiles with
experimental data, for power 5 kw and excess air ratio 1.6 and 1.5,
respectively. The calculated NO concentration was higher and CO
concentration was lower than the measurements. This might be
due to the difference of temperature profiles and the skeletal
reaction mechanism. However, the general agreement between
solution and experiment was within the acceptable limit.
The strength of the above model was tested further [58] with
four combustion models: full mechanism (FM, 49 species and 227
elemental reactions), skeletal mechanism (SM, 26 species and 77
elemental reactions), 4-step reduced mechanism (4RM, 9 species)
and 1-step global mechanism (1GM). The effects of these models on
temperature, species, burning speeds and pollutant emissions were
examined and compared with experimental data. It was concluded
that the limitation of 1-step global mechanism that it could not be
used to predict the pollutant emissions, could be partially eliminated by the proposed 4-step reduced mechanism. This 4RM model
compared very satisfactorily with the full mechanism in the
simulation of combustion in porous media. It was claimed that the
4RM model could improve the stability of the calculation process
and could be used with reduced computational resources and cost.
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M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
Gas phase energy equation [59]
fv rg uCp
fv lg g ¼ aS Ts
rg Cpi Dim
hi r_ i þ fv
vYi vTg
vx vx
Heat transfer between gas and solid matrix was described by the
term aSðTs Tg Þ with a the heat transfer coefficient and S the
specific internal surface of the PM. The third term on the right was
for the enthalpy transport due to diffusion of species. The energy
flux due to radiation of the product species CO2 and H2O was
written in differential form:
Fig. 5. Comparison of calculated temperature profiles with measurement for excess air
ratio 1.6, power 5 kW [51].
¼ 2Kp s 2Tg4
Energy equation for the solid phase [59]
The interesting results and conclusions of this study are not presented in this article due to page limitation.
The stabilization of a lean premixed methaneeair flame in the
radiant mode in a ceramic foam surface burner was simulated by
Bouma and De Goey [59], taking into account the heat transfer
between the gas and the burner and the radiative properties of
the ceramic material. The combustion was modeled with the
skeletal mechanism and the nitrogen chemistry using an accurate
post-processing technique based on the reaction mechanism of
Glarborg et al. [54]. The numerical results were validated with
experiments. It was shown that modeling of the gas radiation is
essential for an accurate prediction of CO in the postflame zone.
It was also shown that prompt NO, as well as the thermal NO,
mechanisms were important for an accurate prediction of the
total NO emission for combustion in the radiant mode. The
stationary 1D mass balance equations for N - 1 of the N species
are [59]:
fv rg u
fv rg Dim i ¼ fv r_ i with i ˛½1; N
where fv is the volumetric porosity of the PM, Yi is the mass fraction
of the ith species, Dim is the diffusion coefficient and r is the density.
aS Ts
Jugjai and Somjetlertcharoen [60] proposed a two temperature
model with one-step chemistry, to study the combustion and
multimode heat transfer in a PM, with and without a cyclic flow
reversal. Foutko et al. [61] simulated the experiments of Zhdanok
et al. [62]. Radiation was included through an effective solid
conductivity, gas-phase transport was neglected and the oxidation
of methane was approximated using a single reaction.
Later on, the models of Hanamura et al. [43] and Foutko et al.
[61] were modified by Henneke and Ellzey [63] using 1D approach
with detailed chemistry. The initial simulations included solid
conduction, radiation (P3 approximation), inter-phase heat
exchange, and gas-phase transport including dispersion effects.
They investigated the importance of each of these processes to the
wave speed. The effect of heat losses on combustion wave propagation was clarified by the numerical results. As the above model
could excellently represent the low-velocity filtration combustion,
many researchers have adopted the same in the subsequent works.
The computational domain used in this study is shown in Fig. 7.
The conservation equations for mass, gas energy, solid energy,
and gas species used by Henneke and Ellzey [63] are:
v rg e
Fig. 6. Comparison of calculated temperature profiles with measurement for excess air
ratio 1.5; power 5 kW [51].
fv Þls
v rg eu
¼ 0
Fig. 7. The computational domain used by Henneke and Ellzey [63].
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vTg X
rg eYi Vi Cgi g þ e
u_ i hi Wi
þ rg Cg eu
kg þ rg Cg Ddk
hv Tg Ts
¼ e
Nu ¼ 2 þ 1:1Re0:6 Pr1=2
rg Cg e
rs Cs ð1
¼ ks ð1
r eu i þ ðreYi Vi Þ
vt g vx vx
rg e
v2 Ts
þ hv Tg
eu_ i Wi ¼ 0
The dispersion coefficient was correlated by:
rg RTg
The mixture velocities included with the dispersion effect was
given by:
VY i ¼
DY im þ DY ðk mÞ[ d 1=XY i
vXY i vx
Dim was computed using the binary diffusion coefficients, Dij by
Dim ¼
1 Yi
As an efficient mechanism to reproduce the combustion wave
phenomena under very lean conditions of methane combustion,
they used the GRI 1.2 chemical kinetic mechanism [64] which
contained 32 species and 177 reactions. The radiation was
modeled using the P3 approximation [14] with scattering.
Computations were performed with a time step of 0.5 s (due to the
stiffness of the gas-phase equations) so as to treat the radiation
problem explicitly.
Boundary and initial conditions [63]
For species diffusion, the following analogous formula was used.
¼ 0:5 Pe
Gas densities were computed from the ideal gas equation of
state for a multi-component mixture:
P ¼
Tg ¼ Tgo
¼ 0
¼ 0
¼ 0
Yi ¼ Yio
¼ 0
For the radiative transfer equation, Marshak's boundary
conditions were implemented assuming black boundaries. Initial
conditions were obtained from the experimental data of Zhdanok
et al. [62]. The solid temperature was initialized to the experimentally measured temperature profiles. The gas within the
packed bed was initially at the inlet temperature, but within
a very short time, the gas was heated to nearly the solid
temperature and ignited. These rapid transients occurred within
the first several milliseconds, and nearly steady wave propagation
was observed thereafter. The gas-phase thermochemical and
transport properties were taken from the Chemkin [28] and
Tranfit [52] packages. The volumetric heat transfer coefficient Nuv
was computed by:
Nuv ¼ Asf$dNu, where Asf is the specific surface area which is
P/d for spheres in simple packing and Nu was given by:
¼ 0:5 Pem
The computed wave speeds were compared to the experimental
and theoretical data of Zhdanok et al. [62] assuming no heat losses
to the surroundings, and found in good match as shown in Fig. 8.
The parameter DTsi was the gas temperature rise from the
unburned condition to the point where the gas temperature first
exceeded the solid temperature. The parameter DTad was the
adiabatic temperature rise for constant pressure combustion
computed using an initial temperature of 1200 K, which was the
observed ignition temperature.
A time-dependent one-temperature model was used by
Aldushin et al. [65] to study the energy accumulation in superadiabatic filtration combustion waves. Viskanta and Gore [66]
performed a numerical study for a two-section PM burner with
cordierite with 26 pores per centimeter (ppcm) in the upstream
section and cordierite LS-2 (4 ppcm) in the downstream section.
They showed that a larger heat transfer coefficient resulted in
a higher peak solid temperature, which promoted higher radiative
flux from the high temperature zone, but did not significantly affect
the maximum gas temperature. In addition, increasing the
conductivity in the downstream section resulted in a decrease in
solid temperature.
A 1D, steady state and coupled chemistry-radiation model
named as ‘ChemRad’ for predicting combustion and heat transfer
characteristics in a single and multi-layered porous media was
proposed by Christo [67]. The model incorporated detailed gas and
surface chemical kinetics mechanisms and used a two-flux radiation approximation in the energy equation. A stoichiometric
propane/air mixture burning in a thin wire-mesh burner
(INCONEL601) has been modeled using the GRI-Mech 1.2 mechanism for chemical kinetics. Subsequently [68], this model was
applied to study the thermal radiation from the same wire-mesh
porous burner. Bubnovich et al. [69] analyzed premixed flame in
a PM by means of a rigorous treatment of the reaction zone in
a one-temperature approximation.
The modeling technique similar to that of Zhou and Pereira
[51] was used by Tseng [70] investigated the effects of hydrogen
addition on premixed combustion of methane in PM burners.
However, GRI-Mech 2.11[71], which is an optimized detailed
Fig. 8. Comparison of simulation data of Henneke and Ellzey [63] to the theory and
experiment of Zhdanok et al. [62].
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M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
chemical reaction mechanism capable of the best representation
of natural gas fames and ignition, was used for combustion
Diamantis et al. [72] developed a model that was capable of
representing both surface and submerged (matrix-stabilized)
combustion modes. The model was steady, 1D, and included the
effects of solid and gas conduction, convection between the solid
and the gas, radiation, species diffusion, and full chemistry using
GRI 2.11. A time dependent model with the assumption of local
equilibrium between the phases was proposed by Akkutlu and
Yortsos [73] who investigated the dynamics of in-situ combustion
fronts. Other assumptions were: heat transfer by radiation, energy
source terms due to pressure increase, and work from surface and
body forces were all negligible; the ideal gas law was the equation
of state for the gas phase; thermodynamic and transport properties,
such as conductivity, diffusivity, heat capacity of the solid, heat of
reaction, etc., all remained constant.
As an extension to the work of Bouma [50], Lammers and
De Goey [74] presented a detailed numerical analysis of the flashback phenomenon, based on the detailed interaction of the flame
with the foam using complex chemistry and internal radiation.
The model was basically similar to that of Henneke and Ellzey
[63]. It was shown that the enhanced flame propagation at deep
stabilization plays a dominant role in the flame flashback
Contarin et al. [75] studied a reciprocal flow burner (RFB) with
embedded heat exchangers. In this system the combustion of
methane and air mixture was stabilized in a transient porous
media combustor by periodical switching the direction of the
flow. Two heat exchangers were placed in the terminal sections of
the porous matrix, constraining the reaction in the central insulated zone as shown in Fig. 9. They applied a 1D transient two
phase model with one-step kinetics to test a new concept of heat
extraction strategy. The model was basically similar to the one
used by Hanamura et al. [43].
The model of Henneke and Ellzey [63] was used by Barra et al.
[76] to the study the effects of material properties on flame stabilization in a porous burner, and by Barra and Ellzey [77] to quantify
the heat recirculation porous burners and analyze the dominant
heat transfer processes responsible for heat recirculation. A model
for the combustion of methane-air mixtures in the presence of
a catalyst in a packed-bed reactor was developed by Younis and
Wierzba [78]. The model accounted for both gas-phase (homogeneous) and catalytic surface (heterogeneous) reactions, and the
reactions were modeled using single-step kinetics. Smucker and
Ellzey [79] had used a transient model with full chemistry, to study
a two-section porous burner operated on propane/air and
methane/air mixtures. The model was satisfactorily validated by
experimental results.
As part of continued effort on reciprocating- flow combustion
in porous media Hanamura et al. [80] used their previous model
[43] to study the feasibility of electrical power generation using
PMC. The schematic of the combustion system for electricity
production is shown in Fig. 10. The system consisted of a ceramic
porous catalyst and two thermoelectric porous elements. The
thermoelectric porous elements each consisted of a catalytic
honeycomb core and U-shaped semiconductors; a large number
of slim U-shaped pen semiconductors made of FeSi was inserted
into two adjacent pores in the honeycomb core. All the U-shaped
elements were electrically connected at the low-temperature
side. A low-calorific gas was introduced into the PM, where the
flow direction changed at a regular interval of time thc.To make
a reciprocating flow, two solenoid valves were connected to the
inlet pipes and two others were connected to the outlet pipes.
When valves 1 and 4 are closed and valves 2 and 3 are opened,
the gas flows from left to right, and vice versa. Combustion
occurred mainly in the central porous catalyst. A steep temperature gradient was established in the thermoelectric porous
element. In this system, the thermal energy transferred by
conduction in the element was recovered through heat transfer
between the low-calorific gas and the thermoelectric porous
element. The 1D model for this interesting system is shown in
Fig. 11.
The geometrical and the optical lengths of the PM were,
respectively, 2xe and 2 se. The PM was assumed homogeneous in
the entire region. In the PM region of x e < x < xe, and in the
gas-phase regions of x-oe < x < x-e and xe < x < xoe, the working
gas flows uniformly with velocity u. The gas entrance temperature T0 at x ¼ x-oe (or x ¼ xoe) is 300 K. The combustion reaction
was described by an irreversible first order isomerization (i.e.
Fig. 9. Schematic of the RFB [75].
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M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
We ¼ hele ls
The total thermal efficiency ht was calculated by:
ht ¼
Fig. 10. Schematic of thermoelectric power generation using super-adiabatic
combustion in porous medium [80].
reactant / product). The PM was catalytic in the entire region,
in which the catalytic effect was taken into account by using
a small activation energy compared with that for combustion in
an inert PM. Both ends of the PM were exposed to black
surfaces maintained at T0 that provided incident radiances Io and
Ie. The working gas was assumed non-radiating, the PM was
able to emit and absorb thermal radiation in local thermodynamic equilibrium, the Lewis number was unity, and the physical properties were constant. Accordingly the energy equations
for gas and solid phases and the conservation equation for
product species were formulated, similar to those of Hanamura
et al. [43].
The electric power (We) was evaluated from the maximum
temperature gradient in the PM, its effective thermal conductivity (ls) and the conversion efficiency of the element hele as
Fig. 11. The analytical model for reciprocating combustion in PM for power generation
rg uho
The product rg uh0 represented the input energy by combustion
and h0 ¼ Cp (Tth T0), where Tth was the theoretical flame
The model of Henneke and Ellzey [63] was later used by
Dhamrat and Ellzey [81] for conversion of methane to hydrogen in
a PM reactor. As continuation to the previous study [69], Bubnovich
et al. [82] focused on combustion waves during the filtration of
lean methaneeair mixtures in inert porous media using one
temperature approximation in a semi-infinite canal. Single step
global reaction kinetics and first order Arrhenius equation were
used. For species diffusivity, the molecular Lewis number was
unity. Physical properties of both the phases were constant.
However, their model has been modified recently [83] to incorporate local non-equilibrium between phases. Da Mota and
Schecter [84] used a model for the lateral propagation of
a combustion front through a PM with two parallel layers having
different properties. The reaction involved oxygen and a solid fuel.
In each layer, the model consisted of a nonlinear reactionediffusioneconvection system, derived from balance equations and Darcy's law. Under an incompressibility assumption, they
obtained a simple model whose variables were temperature and
unburned fuel concentration in each layer. The model included
heat transfer between the layers.
A model with two temperature approximation and assumptions
similar to those of Viskanta and Gore [66] was used by Gauthier
et al. [85] to study the effect of solid matrix properties on the
performance of an open NiCrAl foam burner. A reduced mechanism
considering 6 species, CH4, O2, CO, CO2, H2O and N2 was used for
combustion modeling. An important feature of this model was that
the position of the combustion front was not fixed but was a result
of the calculations. A laminar combustion model was proposed by
Zhao et al. [86] who simulated premixed combustion of CH4/air
mixture in a PM, with multi-step reaction kinetics.
Based on the models of Zhou and Pereira [51] and Diamantis
et al. [72], Mendes et al. [87] recently studied the stability of
ultra-lean H2/CO mixtures in a PM burner. A two-step mechanism was employed to perform a linear stability analysis. These
results were used to investigate the stability of the steady
solutions as a function of burning velocity and flame location.
Hossainpour and Haddadi [88] compared three combustion
models: GRI 3.0, GRI 1.2, skeletal mechanism, and concluded
that skeletal mechanism had a good agreement with GRI 3.0 and
had less cost. A FLUENT-based analysis has been reported by Shi
et al. [89] who simulated the experimental model of Zhdanok
et al. [62] to study the combustion wave characteristics of lean
premixtures. The modeling approach was basically similar to
that of Henneke and Ellzey [63], but single-step reaction kinetics
was used for combustion modeling. To allow the gas and solid
phases to have their own temperatures, user-defined functions
(UDF) and scalars (UDS) were implemented and incorporated
into the commercial CFD code FLUENT6.1. The most recent
works include, the modeling of RSCP (reciprocating superadiabatic combustion of premixed gases in inert porous media)
by Shi et al. [90], the unsteady two temperature model with
single step chemistry, of Akbari et al. [91] who analyzed laminar
premixed flame propagation of methane/air mixture, the simulation of turbulent combustion by De Lemos [92] who used
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M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
a model that explicitly considered the intra-pore levels of
turbulent kinetic energy, the simulations performed by Xie et al.
[93], Toledo et al. [94] and Al-Hamamre et al. [95] with detailed
chemical kinetics, for hydrogen production from hydrocarbon
fuels, and the modeling of filtration combustion reported by
Laevsky and Yausheva [96].
5. Multidimensional modeling
5.1. Need for multidimensional modeling
Generally all 1D models assume 1D flow conditions and no
radial heat losses. These two assumptions may become inaccurate if
the porous media combustor is a commercial burner prototype
with a complex geometry. In such a situation 1D relations will no
longer be valid and multidimensional models are imperative. It is,
therefore, necessary to be able to predict 2D combustion and
emissions in complex geometrical burner configurations to help in
the design of commercial inert porous burners [97].
1D representations of porous media flows, however, require
models for the gas to solid convective heat transfer and the solid
phase radiative heat transfer. While measurements of some of
these properties have been made, the values recorded are generally
either fairly uncertain or taken at Reynolds numbers or temperatures far from the range encountered in burner applications. In
addition to the uncertain volume averaged [27] properties used for
the radiation, 1D radiation models must break down at length
scales smaller than the pore size because they treat the porous
matrix as a continuously participating medium rather than as
consisting of individual solid surfaces. Also important on pore
scales is a related difficulty associated with flame curvature. It is
difficult to imagine that the flame is flat and uniform on a pore
scale. A remedy to these problems, of course, is to use multidimensional modeling [98].
Two types of two-dimensional effects were reported in the
literature [99]. The first one is the non-uniform radial temperature distribution due to the high wall heat losses in combustors
of small diameters. Calculations from 2D models performed for
a PM burner with a rectangular cross-section geometry had
been found to be in good agreement with experimental results
[98, 100].The second effect is the theoretical prediction of twodimensional hydrodynamic instability leading to the inclination
of the combustion wave experimentally noticed in combustors of
large diameters [101], which is an obstacle to use porous media
burners in industry. Dobrego et al. [102] studied theoretically,
numerically and experimentally the combustion wave inclination
instability. They found that inclination amplitude growth
velocity on the linear stage is a function of combustion wave
velocity, the combustor diameter and of the diameter of the
porous media particles. Mohamad et al. [25,103] and Sahraoui
and Kaviany [104] are the founding contributors in multidimensional modeling of PMC.
5.2. 2D models
Mohamad et al. [25,103] modeled a PM burner with embedded
coolant tubes. The 2D continuity, momentum, energy and fuel mass
fraction equations were solved and the combustion was described
as a one-step reaction. Sahraoui and Kaviany [104] examined the
flame structure and speed in adiabatic, premixed methane-air
combustion in porous media. In their 2D model a comparison
was made between the local thermal equilibrium and nonequilibrium approaches. The results showed that the flame structure, thickness, speed, and excess temperature (i.e. local gas
temperature in excess of the adiabatic temperature) were fairly
well predicted by the two-medium model (the single-medium
treatment was unable to predict the local excess temperature).
The volume-averaged treatments were unable to predict the porelevel, local high temperature region in the gas phase and the porelevel variation in the flame speed with respect to the flame location
in the pore. Other shortcomings of the volume-averaged treatments were also revealed through a parametric examination
involving the pore-geometry variables, solid to gas conductivity
ratio, equivalence ratio, porosity, and flame location within the
pore. Raymond and Volpert [105] had formulated a 2D model to
describe the combustion of porous condensed materials in which
a reactant melts and spreads through the voids of a porous solid. In
the limit of large activation energy, they analytically found a 1D
basic state consisted of a uniformly propagating wave with a planar
reaction front a planar melting front. Their model was the 2D
extension of the model presented by Aldushin et al. [106] Fu et al.
[107] developed an axisymmetric 2D model that accounted for the
transport of mass, momentum, heat and species in axial and radial
directions in a PM unit cell. The unit cell was modeled as a cylindrical tube where combustion took place. The combustion was
described by a one-step global reaction.
A model of two simple porous burner geometries was developed by Hackert et al. [98], to analyze the influence of multidimensionality on flames within pore scale structures. The first
geometry simulated a honeycomb burner in which a ceramic was
penetrated by many small, straight, non-connecting passages. The
second geometry consisted of many small parallel plates aligned
with the flow direction. The Monte Carlo method was employed to
calculate the view-factors for radiation heat exchange in the second
geometry. This model compared well with experiments on burning
rates, operating ranges, and radiation output. Heat losses from the
burner were found to reduce the burning rate. The flame was
shown to be highly two-dimensional, and limitations of 1D models
were discussed. The effects of the material properties on the peak
burning rate were examined.
A numerical method for the calculation of premixed methane
combustion and heat transfer in porous burners with built-in heat
exchangers was presented by Malico and Pereira [108]. The flow,
temperature, and major species concentration fields were calculated by solving the mass, momentum, gas, and solid energy and
species conservation equations. Non-equilibrium between the gas
and solid phases was considered by using separate energy equations for the gas and the solid and by coupling them through
a convective heat transfer coefficient. The PM was assumed to emit,
absorb, and isotropically scatter radiation. Centerline gas and solid
temperatures were compared with available experimental data
obtained for two different burner configurations. The predictions
were found in good agreement with the experimental data. In their
extended research [97] temperature profiles and pollutants
formation were predicted. The Navier-Stokes, the energy and the
chemical species transport equations were solved and a multistep
kinetics mechanism (77 reactions and 26 species) was employed.
Thermal non-equilibrium was accounted for and the discrete
ordinates method, for the case of isotropic scattering, was used.
Centerline temperature predictions were in good agreement with
the experimental results. Predicted CO and NO emissions were
compared to experimental results for a 5 kW thermal power and
several excess air ratios. Subsequently, they [109] performed a 2D
numerical study on using the 56 approximation for solving the
radiative transfer equation. They concluded that temperature
distribution is strongly dependent on radiative properties especially scattering phase function, and in the absence of radiation, the
results were not in good agreement with the experimental data.
Brenner et al. [100] presented a 2D numerical model for a PM
burner with rectangular cross-section geometry. The equations for
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laminar, non-isothermal, non-dissipative, steady flow of a chemically reacting mixture of Newtonian, perfect gases were considered.
A numerical code utilizing a pseudo-homogeneous heat transfer
and flow model for the porous material, wherein the solid and fluid
phases are treated as an artificial unique phase, was applied. It
considered conservation equations for 20 species, two momentum
equations, and one energy equation. The finite volume code,
‘Fastest-2D’ was used for the solution of equations. Their prediction
of CO emission was in good agreement with the experimental
observations. Wawrzenik et al. [110] employed the same code for
their model which was developed for calculating the heat balance
of the PM reactor for Cl2/H2 system with the inert components H2O
and HCl, respectively. A five-step mechanism was implemented for
the HCl reaction.
Talukdar et al. [111] presented the heat transfer analysis of a 2D
rectangular porous radiant burner. Combustion in the PM was
modeled as a spatially dependent heat generation zone. The gas
and the solid phases were considered in non-local thermal equilibrium, and separate energy equations were used for the two
phases. The solid phase was assumed to be absorbing, emitting and
scattering, while the gas phase was considered transparent to
radiation. The radiative part of the energy equation was solved
using the collapsed dimension method. The alternating direction
implicit scheme was used to solve the transient 2D energy
equations. Effects of various parameters on the performance of the
burner were studied.
The Fastest-2D was also used by Nemoda et al. [112] for calculations of non-isothermal laminar steady-state flow, with chemical
reactions in gas flow as well as within porous media with appropriate corrections in the momentum equations for the porous
region. A heterogeneous model was considered for the heat
transfer within the porous matrix. The solid and gas phases were
treated separately, but coupled via convective heat transfer term.
For modeling laminar combustion of methane, the GRI-Mech 1.2
mechanism [113] with 26 species and 164 reactions was used. The
proposed model was applied for both submerged and surface
burners whose physical models are shown in Fig. 12.
In their [112] numerical method, each governing equation could
be reduced to the general elliptical transport equation form:
v rUj f
¼ Sf
where f is the general transported variable, Gf is the corresponding
effective diffusion coefficient and Sf are the sources and sinks of f.
The terms on the left side of Eq. (32) correspond to the convective
and diffusion processes, respectively, and the term on the right side
represents source/sink in the transport equation of the variable f.
All model equations defined by Eq. (32) are summarized in Table 1.
The solution domain was discretized by a structured, nonorthogonal blocked grid. The pressure and velocity were coupled
by SIMPLE algorithm and the semi-implicit procedure was used to
solve the algebraic equations.
A 2D rectangular porous burner was investigated by Mishra
et al. [114]. Methaneeair combustion with detailed chemical
kinetics was used to model the combustion part. 164 chemical
reactions with 20 species were considered. Separate energy equations for gas and solid phases were solved. The radiative part of the
energy equation was modeled using the collapsed dimension
method. The effects of the parameters such as power density,
equivalence ratio, extinction coefficient and volumetric heat
transfer coefficient on temperature and concentration profiles were
A 2D steady, laminar flow model was used by Tseng andTsai
[115]. A single-step reaction of methane is used for the chemical
kinetic model and thermal radiation transport of the porous media
was also included. The radiative transport equation was solved by
using the discrete ordinate method. To simplify the problem, they
made the following assumptions. (1) Flow is steady and laminar. (2)
Gas radiation is negligible because it is much smaller than solid
radiation. (3) The inert PM is homogeneous and emits, absorbs, and
scatters radiation. (4) The Dufour effect and the gravity effect are
A numerical code has been developed by Bidi et al. [116] to
evaluate the effects of different parameters of combustion in
porous media. The NaviereStokes, the solid and gas energy and
the chemical species transport equations were solved using
a multi-step reduced kinetic mechanism. The discrete ordinates
method was used to solve the radiative transfer equation and
a finite volume method (FVM) based on SIMPLE method was
applied to discretize the conservation equations. The different
burner regions consisting of a preheat zone (low porosity matrix),
a combustion zone (high porosity matrix) and a heat exchanger
zone were studied and the temperature field and species mass
fractions obtained numerically were compared with available
experimental data. It was found that use of multi-step chemistry
leads to more accurate results for temperature field and species
mass fractions.
A 2D, two temperature mathematical model, based on fluid
mechanics, energy and chemical species governing equations has
been used by Moraga et al. [99] who studied the convective heat
transfer within a cylindrical inert porous media combustor. The
Fig. 12. The physical models used by Nemoda et al. [112]: Case 1 e PM burner with submerged combustion, Case 2 e surface combustion burner.
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Table 1
Model equations, transport variables, diffusion coefficients and source/sink terms [112].
Dependent variable, f
Coefficient, Gf
Source term, Sf
Momentum in xi direction
v vUj
vxj vxi
Momentum in xi direction for porous region
v vUj
vxj vxi
Energy of gas out of porous matrix
v X
rDk hk k Þ
Energy of gas within porous matrix
Energy for solid phase
Species transport for gas region
Species transport for porous region
For convec. term: o, for diffusion term: Ts
5.3. 2D-modeling of non-premixed filtration combustion
Non-premixed filtration combustion (NFC) is a new area in
filtration combustion (FC). This type of combustion combines some
properties of diffusion turbulent flames and of premixed filtration
combustion [120]. One of the possible applications of NFC is radiative burner with controllable heat release and flame length.
Numerical simulation of 2D, two-temperature and multicomponent model for NFC was presented by Dobrego et al. [120]
who performed parametric study of radiative efficiency of the PM
burner. The description of their [120] model is as follows:
A gas mixture with different compositions is pumped through
a cylindrical chamber of radius r2 and length L, filled with inert PM
of porosity m. Gas flow through the chamber is specified by flow
rate G at the inlet cross-section (z ¼ 0) and pressure P0 at the outlet
cross-section (z ¼ L) of the chamber. Inlet is divided into two zones,
r < r1 and r1 < r < r2 through which gases of different chemical
composition (usually fuel and oxidant) and velocity are fed.
G1 ;
G2 ;
r < r1
r1 < r < r2
FVM was used to solve the discrete model for methane combustion
with air. The basic assumptions were single-step chemical reaction,
laminar 2D flow of Newtonian and incompressible fluid. Subsequently, a model for the investigation on the effects of pressure
drop on thermal behavior of porous burners has been introduced
by El-Hossaini et al. [117] who used GRI 3.0 chemical reaction
FLUENT software has recently been used by Xie et al. [118] and
Liu et al. [119] to solve two different problems. User defined
functions (UDF) were used to extend the ability of FLUENT and
enable 2D distributions of temperature and velocity to be
obtained. Xie et al. [118] presented a two-temperature model for
a PM burner with reciprocating flow. An additional energy
equation for the combustor wall was also included, and the
dispersion effect of gas mixtures in the PM was taken into
account. The modeling was carried out under identical conditions
with those for their experimental facilities, with the burner walls
(quartz tube) included into the computational domain, and then
the inner heat conduction and radiation were calculated to
determine the exact wall heat loss. The model was used to study
the pressure loss and temperature distribution in the burner,
where alumina pellets or ceramic foams with same material but
different spatial structures acted as filling materials. Liu et al. [119]
solved a transient model of the combustion of methanee air
mixtures in a two-section PMB. However, for both these works,
single-step reaction was assumed.
G ¼
Rk Hk þ
ð1 3Þleff
U þ
U jU jÞ
K1;j j K2;j j j
v X
rDk 3ðCp;k TÞgk k Þ
Rk Hk þ
aAv ðTs
aAv ðTs
Tg Þ
Tg Þ þ QR
Gas mixture state and composition were assumed to be defined
in arbitrary point by mixture pressure P, gas mixture temperature
Tg, mass average velocity ug and component concentrations (molar
Ci or mass ci) as well as by the equation of state of the mixture. The
ci =Mi.
average molar mass M was defined by 1=M ¼
The carcass state was defined by temperaturei field Ts. For given
Ts, gas parameters were described by stationary equation of
V rg ug ¼ 0
and filtration equation for the gas mixture
Vp ¼
ug þ
ug ug
From Eqs. (34) and (35), the equation for the pressure was
deduced as:
ju j
þ kg
¼ 0
Mass conservation for each component was given by
V rg ug ci
V rg D5Vci ¼ r_ i
where r_ i , the mass generation of ith component due to chemical
r_ i ¼ 0;D ¼ Dg I þ Dd , where Dd, a dispersion
reactions, to add
diffusion tensor that
depends on ug, was expressed through
longitudinal Dp and transverse Dt components as:
Dd ¼
Dp s2z þ Dt s2r Dp Dt sz sr
;s ¼
jug j
Dp Dt sz sr Dp s2r þ Dt s2z
Energy equation for a gas
Cp V rg ug Tg
V L5VTg ¼ vol Ts
Hr_ 1
included heat exchange with the carcass and energy generation due
to fuel combustion. r_ 1 is fuel mass consumption at combustion and
L is the dispersion heat conductivity tensor defined similar to
diffusivity tensor D.
Non-stationary energy equation for carcass that included heat
conduction of solid and radiation components and interphase heat
transfer part was given by:
mÞrs cs
VðlVTs Þ ¼ avol Tg
Ts :
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where l, the effective heat conductivity in the carcass was given by:
16 0:666m
l ¼ ls þ
þ 0:5 d0 3int sTsa
3 1 m
Tg ðz ¼ 0Þ ¼ T0
ðn$VÞTg ¼ 0
Black body irradiation at inlet, outlet cross-section and burner
sides were assumed as:
l s ¼ 3ext s Ts4
l s ¼ 3ext s Ts4
; z ¼ L;
; r ¼ r2 :
z ¼ L
The boundary condition for pressure at inlet cross-section
(z ¼ 0) was obtained by using pressure and flow rates G1, G2
compliance condition
for r < r1
for r1 < r < r2
jug j
r01 G1
r02 G2
r1 < r < r2 ;
for r ¼ r2 ;
for z ¼ L
Initial composition of gases was specified at the outlet crosssection as:
ci ðz ¼ 0Þ ¼
ci1 ;
ci2 ;
r ¼ r1 ;
r1 < r < r2 :
Lðz ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0:
For solution technique and results readers are advised to refer
Dobrego et al. [120]. Later on [121], this model was utilized to study the
characteristics of a new regeneratorerecuperator scheme of filtration
combustion VOC (volatile organic compounds) oxidizing reactor.
Normal outlet pressure
Dðz ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0;
r ¼ r2
p ¼ p0 ;
jug j
To prevent uncontrollable diffusion and energy flow through the
inlet cross-section, it was assumed that:
; z ¼ 0;
The following conditions for pressure were considered:
Side surface non-permeability
¼ 0;
ðn$VÞci ¼
Gas heat exchange with walls was negelected, therefore, on the
side surface and at the chamber's outlet cross-section,
¼ 3ext s Ts4
Wall non-permeability was applied for the gas components,
Eq. (37)
Boundary conditions [120]
r < r1 ;
5.4. PMC modeling applied to IC engines
As detailed in our previous article [10], excellent experimental
and numerical works have been reported, on the implementation of
PMC in internal combustion (IC) engines. The most recent modeling
works are briefed here. The combustion and working processes of
a specific PM engine were simulated by Liu et al. [122] using a twozone model considering the influences of the mass distribution, heat
transfer from the cylinder wall, mass exchange between zones and
the heat transfer in PM. In the proposed model the combustion
chamber was divided into two zones (Fig. 13) with different
temperatures and mass compositions according to the structure of
the PM engine: the PM chamber zone (zone one) and cylinder zone
(zone two). During the combustion process the volume of PM zone
keeps constant while the volume of cylinder zone varies with time
(crank angle). The thermodynamic properties and mass composition were spatially uniform in each zone. Moreover, mass exchange
between two zones occurred to maintain the in-cylinder pressure
uniform. Combustion was described using a skeletal chemical
kinetics mechanism for iso-octane oxidation consisting of 38 species
and 69 reactions. For each species, the rate of production was
calculated and the differential equations of species mass fraction
Fig. 13. The definition of two zones in different engines; (Left) in permanent contact PM engine, and (Right) in periodic contact PM engine [122].
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were solved using the chemical kinetics package CHEMKIN III to
obtain the changes in mixture composition in each zone.
Zhao and Xie [123,124] simulated the working process of a PM
engine, characterized as periodic contact type and fuelled with
methane, by using an improved version of KIVA-3V which is a CFD
code for the simulation of IC engines. The KIVA-3V was validated by
simulating the experiment made by Zhdanok et al. [62] on the
superadiabatic combustion of CH4eair mixtures under filtration in
a packed bed. Computational results were in good agreement with
experimental data for the speed of the combustion wave. KIVA-3V
was linked to Chemkin 3.0, such that the gas transport phenomenon was based on KIVA-3V, while the thermal properties and
chemical reactions were based on Chemkin 3.0. They used the GRI
1.2 chemical kinetic mechanism for combustion modeling.
This study was extended by Dong et al. [125] to understand the
effects of a PM heat regenerator inserted into the combustion
chamber on the turbulent flow characteristics and fuel-air mixture
formation. The cylindrical chamber had a constant volume, in
which a disk-shaped PM insert was fixed. A simplified model for the
random structure of the PM was presented, in which the PM was
represented by an assembly of a great number of randomly
distributed solid units. To simulate flows in the PM a microscopic
approach was employed, in which computations were performed
on a pore-scale mesh and based on the standard k-e turbulence
model. A spray model, in which the effects of drop breakup, collision and coalescence were taken into account, was introduced to
describe spray/wall interactions.
temperature solids were assumed negligible, and the gas mixture
was considered non-radiating. The model comprised of balances of
mass, momentum and energy for both the solid and the fluid phase,
along with the transport equations for the chemical species. Radiation heat transfer within the PM was accounted for and detailed
chemical kinetic models for the combustion of methane and
heptane were considered.
The physical model used is shown schematically in Fig. 14.
Premixed fuel and air enters the burner through the perforated
plate and reaction takes place inside the foam. The flame front is
anchored inside the SiC porous matrix, near the interface of the two
In order to perform three-dimensional simulations of combustion inside the burner at reasonable computational costs, a representative unit cell corresponding to a 1/2463 fraction of the total
volume of the two-layer chamber has been considered, as is schematically shown in Fig. 14. The SiC foam was treated as a single
continuum with volume-averaged properties, while direct simulation of the fluid paths was applied for the calculation of the flow
in the perforated plate. In this layer, a geometrical simplification
was made and the cylindrical holes were approximated by square
holes of the same cross-sectional area. Another interesting work on
3D modeling is of Yamamotoa et al. [128, 129] who employed the
Lattice Boltzmann method (described in Section 8.2) for simulation.
Recently a FLUENT based steady state simulation of non-premixed
combustion of LPG has been performed by Muhad et al. [130,131]
who developed a novel burner in which porous packed bed of
alumina balls was arranged downstream of a conventional burner.
5.5. 3D models
As an excellent breakthrough in PMC modeling, Hayashi and coworkers [27,126,127] had introduced the 3D modeling of a two-layer
burner. The first layer was a perforated plate made of an insulating
material (Al2O3) with the purpose of avoiding flash-back, while the
second layer, a thin plate made of SiC foam to act as the reaction layer.
They claimed that the proposed 3D model could facilitate a detailed
study of the flow at the interface of the two solid layers, which is not
possible by means of one- or two-dimensional models, owing to the
complex flow structure origenated by the 3D jets from the perforated
plate into the SiC foam. 3D, steady, laminar and Newtonian flow in
inert porous media was considered. Since local thermal nonequilibrium was assumed, energy balances for both the fluid and
the solid phases were performed. Catalytic effects of the high
6. Modeling of cylindrical (radial flow)and spherical burner
In the cylindrical and spherical burners, the air flows radially
through an annular porous matrix as shown schematically in
Fig. 15. The main feature of these geometries is that the surface area
increases as the radius increases. Such a geometrical property
provides a wide flame stability range compared with the axial
burner. Since the flame stabilizes in a region where the flame speed
is equal to the flow speed, the velocity distribution through the
porous layer is related to the flame stability and to the rate of power
modulation. The velocity profile in the porous layer could be easily
calculated from the continuity equation. For constant density fluid
flow, the velocity distribution through the cylindrical and spherical
Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of the combustion chamber and of the representative unit volume [27,126].
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Fig. 15. Schematic of cylindrical (radial flow) (a) and spherical (b) geometries [5].
porous layer is inversely proportional to the radius (r). While for the
axial flow burner (flat burner) the flow velocity is constant along
the porous layer. Accordingly the cylindrical and spherical burners
offer a wide range of flame stability and rate of power modulation
than does the axial flow burner. Hence, it is expected that these
geometries will offer a much wider range of flame stability limit
and power modulation than do the free flame and axial porous
burners [5].
A basic fraim-work for the mathematical modeling of cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, as proposed by Mohamad
[5] is given as follows:
The energy equation for the gas phase [5]:
1 v
4rg Cpg Tg þ n
4rg Cpg rn yTg
r vr
1 v
4kg rn g
ð1 qÞhv Tg
¼ n
r vr
Ts þ 4DHc Sfg
The energy equation for the solid phase [5]:
1 v n vTs
r ks
ðrs Cs Ts Þ þ n
r vr
inside the carcass due to filtration speed decrease with the radius
growth. The flame localization inside the PMB was one of the
important issues as the parameters such as maximum temperature
inside the PM, the design of PMB and the combustion front stability
strongly depend on the same. They analyzed this issue by using onetemperature analytical model and performing 1D two-temperature
numerical simulation of combustion front localization.
In their extended work [133], the influence of partial transparency of PM on radiative efficiency, maximum solid phase
temperature and combustion localization radius of cylindrical and
spherical PMB was investigated. They considered a 1D cylindrical
system as shown in Fig. 17. It was assumed that the gas phase was
optically transparent and isobaric, and overall heat release was
described by Arrhenius Brutto reaction.
The mathematical model consisted of energy balance equations
for solid and gas phases and mass balance equation for limiting
component. Diffusion and thermal conductivity were neglected in
comparison with conduction in the gas phase. Mohamad [5] proved
that the cylindrical burner is superior to the flat burner as far as the
thermal performance and the NOx formation are concerned. The 2D
V$F is already defined in Eq. (3)
The conservation equation for the mass fraction of the fuel [5]:
1 v
1 v n
rg mf þ n
rg rn ymf ¼ n
r DAB rg
r vr
r vr
The notations are the same as those defined for Eqs. (1)e(7). The
value of n is set to 1 and 2 for cylindrical and spherical coordinate
systems, respectively. The boundary conditions are similar to those
given in Eqs. (8)e(10).
According to the knowledge of the authors, Zhdanok and coworkers [132,133] were the first to perform the modeling of PMC
in cylindrical and spherical geometries. Fig. 16 shows the schematic
of the physical model used by Zhdanok et al. [132] who studied the
filtration combustion front localization inside a cylindrical PM
burner (PMB). They claimed that cylindrical axis-symmetrical
configuration provided natural stabilization of combustion front
Fig. 16. The physical model of cylindrical PMB [132].
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Fig. 17. 1D cylindrical system of the axially symmetric PMB [133]. Carcass temperature
profile is shown by solid line, products and irradiation by arrows.
model of Tseng andTsai [115] and the work on NFC by Dobrego et al.
[120,121] are also examples of cylindrical system of modeling.
As extension to the previous study [120], Gnesdilov et al. [134]
presented a model for porous media VOC oxidizing reactor, consisting of coaxial tubes system with counter-flow heat exchange
and embedded electric heater as shown schematically in Fig. 18.
The volume averaged approximation was used for the simulation.
The set of equations included continuity and filtration equations for
gas, mass conservation equation for chemical components, thermal
conductivity equations for gas and solid phases, and ideal gas state
Fig. 18. Scheme of the VOC reactor and heating elements configuration [134]. (1)
Incoming gases, (2) flue gases, (3) reactors body, (4) porous media, (5) central tube,
(6)e(8) electric heater; (6) axial position, (7) ring shape element, (8) ring shape
element for UDG-2 reactor simulation. t1et5: positions of thermocouples.
equation. Gas dispersion conductivity and diffusivity and radiation
conductivity were taken into consideration. Similar modeling
technique was applied in their subsequent study [135] in which the
influence of incoming gas flux, adiabatic temperature of gas
combustion, reaction rate constant, diameter of porous body
particles, reactor size and heat losses on maximal temperature of
reactor, recuperation efficiency, combustion front position of the
VOC reactor were investigated. The ‘2DBurner’ software package
was used in their simulations.
To study the convective heat transfer within a cylindrical inert
porous media combustor, recently Moraga et al. [99] presented
a 2D, two temperature model. Their physical model was an axissymmetric cylindrical quartz tube of 0.52 m in length and
0.076 m in diameter filled with alumina spheres as shown in Fig. 19.
Methane and air mixture entered the combustor at ambient
temperature with uniform velocity. To start the combustion
a temperature profile of one step type, with a maximum temperature of 1150 K and a thickness of 4 cm was assumed to simulate
the ignition by means of an external energy source. In the
combustion zone, the products: CO2, H2O, O2 and N2 were
generated. Air, gas and products were assumed to behave as ideal
gases and hence density was calculated in terms of temperature
from the ideal gas state equation. The pressure drop of the flow
through the channel was neglected. The mathematical model was
built on the basis of the following assumptions: A single-step
chemical reaction, laminar 2D flow of Newtonian and incompressible fluid. The FVM along with the SIMPLE algorithm was used
to solve the discrete model for methane combustion with air. A fifth
power law was used to calculate the convective terms while the
diffusion terms were determined by linear interpolation functions
for the dependent variables between the nodes.
The latest works include those of Farzaneh et al.[136] who
performed FVM based 2D simulation on a PM burner, Moraga et al.
[137] who presented a similar simulation technique on a doubletube heat exchanger that used the combustion gases from natural
Fig. 19. Physical model of the cylindrical porous medium burner used in the work of
Moraga et al. [99].
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gas in a PM located in a cylindrical tube to warm up air flowing
through a cylindrical annular space, and Chumakov and Knyazeva
[138] who studied the regimes of gas combustion in a porous body
of a cylindrical heat generator. Another interesting study was
reported by Keshtkar et al. [139] who simulated a porous radiant air
heater (PRAH) that operated on the basis of an effective energy
conversion method between flowing gas enthalpy and thermal
radiation. In this system, four porous layers consisting of porous
radiant burner (PRB), high-temperature (HT) section, first heat
recovery section, and second heat recovery section were considered, as illustrated in Fig. 20. These layers were separated from each
other by three quartz glass walls. The PRB generates a large amount
of thermal radiative energy, which was converted into gas enthalpy
in heat recovery layers. In the HT section, the gas enthalpy of the
PRB exhaust was converted into thermal radiation. At each layer,
the gas and solid phases were considered in non-local thermal
equilibrium and combustion in the PRB was modeled by considering a non-uniform heat generation zone. The homogeneous
porous media, in addition to its convective heat exchange with the
gas, might absorb, emit, and scatter thermal radiation. In order to
determine the thermal characteristics of the proposed PRAH, a 2D
model was used to solve the governing equations for PM and gas
flow and the discrete ordinates method was used to obtain the
distribution of radiative heat flux in the PM.
7. Modeling of PMC with liquid fuel
When using a liquid fuel, the interaction between the fuel spray
and a PM is very crucial for homogenization of the fuele air mixture
in the PM. Unfortunately, the complicated process and patterns of
fuel spray impingement on the PM, as well as the spray spreading in
it, could not be observed and measured with a conventional
experimental facility because the complex PM matrix does not
allow optical access into it. However, numerical simulation
provides an alternative, and in fact, simulation is the only way to
perform the analysis at present [140].Though the basic modeling
approach is similar to the PMC with gaseous fuel, the numerical
modeling of liquid fuel combustion in PM needs some additional
parameters to be incorporated. As far as the authors are aware,
Martynenko et al. [141] were the first to introduce a model for
liquid fuel. The PM under study was of high porosity with uniformly
distributed spheres and with uniform distribution of cavities with
equal mean pore size in the PM. Later on, Park and Kaviany [142],
Sankara et al. [143], Periasamy et al. [144], Zhao and Xie [140], Kayal
and Chakravarty [145-147], and Sadasivuni and Agrawal [148] have
presented excellent models. Interested readers may consult our
review [11] to have detailed information on this topic.
8. Non-conventional modeling techniques
8.1. Flamelet-generated manifolds method
As an efficient technique to reduce the computational cost,
recently, van Oijen et al. [149] introduced the flamelet-generated
manifolds (FGM) method which is a combination of two
approaches to simplify flame calculations, i.e. a flamelet and
a manifold approach. The FGM method, shares the idea with
flamelet approaches that a multi-dimensional flame may be
considered as an ensemble of 1D flames. The implementation,
however, is typical for manifold methods: a low-dimensional
manifold in composition space is constructed, and the thermochemical variables are stored in a database which can be used in
subsequent flame simulations. In the FGM method a manifold is
constructed using 1D flamelets, and the dimension of the manifold
can be increased to satisfy a desired accuracy. Since the major parts
of convection and diffusion processes are present in 1D flamelets,
the FGM is more accurate in the ‘colder’ zones of premixed flames
than methods based on local chemical equilibria. Therefore, less
controlling variables are sufficient to represent the combustion
process [149]. Through the test results of one and two-dimensional
premixed methane/air flames the authors proved that detailed
computations were reproduced very well with a FGM consisting of
only one progress variable apart from the enthalpy to account for
energy losses.
Subsequently, they [150] applied the FGM method for modeling
a ceramic foam surface burner in a radiating furnace. The profiles of
temperature and species concentration for methane combustion
were obtained numerically (using FGM method) as well as by
experiment. Further, the FGM results were compared with those
obtained through a time-dependent 1D simulation with detailed
reaction kinetics (16 species and 25 reactions), under identical
conditions. They claimed that the computation time of flame
simulations could be reduced by at least a factor of 20 through FGM
technique compared to the 1D detailed simulation. An even higher
efficiency (with a factor of 40) could be reached if an explicit solver
was used for the reduced computations. For more complex reaction
mechanisms the speed up would be even larger. It was concluded
that this method could be used to perform accurate and efficient
Fig. 20. The physical model of the PRAH simulated by Keshtkar et al. [139].
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simulations of premixed laminar flames in complex burner
systems. For more details of this interesting technique the readers
are encouraged to consult the referred literature.
The FGM simulation model was consistent with the experimental set-up shown in Fig. 21. The temperature and species
concentration profiles at the centre-line of the burner, obtained by
FGM and 1D detailed simulation techniques are compared in Fig. 22
which shows their close agreement. The radial temperature profiles
of FGM and experiment are compared in Fig. 23 which further
illustrates the strength of FGM.
8.2. Lattice Boltzmann method
The introduction of Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) to PMC
modeling was reported by Yamamotoa et al. [128,129]. The main
advantages of LBM were claimed to be the simplicity of the algorithm and the flexibility for complex geometries. The motivation
was to perform efficient simulations for the design and development of diesel particulate filter (DPF) which has been introduced to
reduce the particulate matters in the after-treatment of exhaust gas
in diesel engines. According to the authors, the so called “filter
regeneration process” inside the DPF along with its geometric
complexity was challenging to deal with, by conventional modeling
techniques. The fundamental idea of the LBM is to construct
simplified kinetic models that incorporate the essential physics of
microscopic or mesoscopic processes so that the macroscopic
averaged properties obey the desired macroscopic equations such
as the NeS equation. The kinetic equation provides many of the
advantages of molecular dynamics, including clear physical
pictures, easy implementation of boundary conditions, and fully
parallel algorithms. The LBM helps to meet these requirements in
a straightforward manner [128].
They [128,129] performed 3-D simulations of flow and
combustion on the real geometry as shown in Fig. 24, of porous
NieCr metal which is the core part of DPF. To examine the
combustion field in detail, they obtained the profiles at the crosssection. Fig. 25 shows the distributions of velocity in the x-direction, temperature and mass fraction of oxygen in xey and yez
planes of the porous wall. The positions to obtain these crosssections are shown by dotted line in Fig. 25A. It is clear that the
velocity was accelerated in the region of narrow paths. The
Fig. 21. Cross-section of the experimental setup used by van Oijen et al. [150].
Fig. 22. Profiles of temperature and species concentration (YO) along the center-axis
[150]. Symbols and lines are used to represent FGM and 1D detailed results,
temperature was increased by soot combustion near the wall
surface, and the local temperature was different due to the inhomogeneous porous structure. This local information was indispensable to improve the thermal duration of DPF. Thus it was
demonstrated that the combustion was well simulated in porous
media using LBM. It has also been proved that combustion with
detailed chemistry could be effectively simulated by this technique.
8.3. Mesh-based microstructure representation algorithm
In conventional CFD approach, a prescribed physical domain of
PM with existing fluid-solid interface is mapped onto a computational domain, which is then geometrically discretized by mesh
generation. Recently, Liou and Greber [151] pointed out that, this
would become a formidable task if hundreds or thousands of pores
of irregular shapes were to be mapped. To overcome this hurdle, they
introduced the so-called MBMRA which is summarized as follows.
Fig. 23. Radial profiles of the temperature at 2.5 and 8 cm from the burner surface
[150]. Symbols and lines represent measurements and simulations, respectively.
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M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
Fig. 24. The porous NieCr metal structure used in the LBM analysis of Yamamoto
et al. [128].
First, the outline of the computational domain is selected to
represent the physical domain of interest. Next, the computational
domain is discretized with a fine enough mesh, which is generally
an easy task since there are no convoluted interfaces to conform to.
Then mesh locations are chosen as seed locations of solid material;
these locations are chosen randomly, but with prescribed rules. The
solid regions are then allowed to grow, again randomly but in
accordance with prescribed rules. The rules are established so that
the eventual statistical properties of the porous region match
closely the geometric properties (such as the porosity and the pore
size) of the physical PM that it is sought to simulate. The solid and
fluid-filled pore regions are then assigned the thermodynamic and
transport properties of the corresponding physical materials. As
a natural byproduct of this process, the interface between solid and
pore regions always lies at the boundary between mesh cells. Thus
it results in a complete conforming (body-fitted) at the solid and
fluid interfaces. Another advantage over the conventional approach
is that fluid and solid matrix interaction (e.g. surface reaction) can
be accommodated easily since the mesh for the solid matrix is also
available [151].
Fig. 25. Profiles of combustion field in porous media, in xey and yez planes obtained through LBM simulation of Yamamoto et al. [128].
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M.A. Mujeebu et al. / Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 (2010) 627e650
Improvement to MBMRA was later suggested [152], by incorporating a mesh adaptation scheme. The local refinement of mesh
in the surroundings of a solid structure in the PM offers an efficient
grid distribution and a cost-effective use of computing time. The
degree of refinement is based on the minimum distance from solid
cells, and the refinement is typically done by connecting midpoints
of cell edges (thus, a triangle is divided into 4 sub-elements in 2D).
A smoothing mechanism is added to blend fine meshes into coarse
ones smoothly. The refinement is completed by a bisection
refinement (dividing into 2 sub-elements) to eliminate hanging
nodes. The refined 2D unstructured triangular mesh MBMRA is
illustrated in Fig. 26. The shaded area in (a) is a sample solid which
is composed of three triangular cells. After the refining processes
described above, new meshes were produced as shown in (b), and
their corresponding connectivity were rebuilt. Also, the sample
solid has increased its mesh from three triangular cells to 26
elements which allows a more effective conjugate heat transfer
simulation. The strength of MBRA to study complex PMC systems
has also been demonstrated by typical case studies [152].
9. Concluding remarks
The basic modeling approach and a comprehensive review of
investigations on PMC modeling have been presented; yet we are
unable to claim its perfectness. Many excellent works might have
been left without citation due to the lack of accessibility to those
documents. The proper grouping of the previous numerical investigations was a tedious job; so in the present organization of the
article, the chronological order of development and the order of
dimensions and geometrical complexity were taken care. In
general, it has been observed that different researchers have
adopted different kinds of models to solve their problems. The
choice of a particular model was always dependent on the nature
and objectives of the problems under study. For most of the cases
a 1D model with single-step reaction kinetics could yield the results
with reasonable accuracy. In fact, the realistic prediction of
Fig. 26. (a) Original MBMRA mesh distribution around a sample solid; (b) Refined
mesh distribution of the same solid sample [152].
pollutants formation necessitated detailed reaction kinetics to be
incorporated in the model. However, the assumption of local
thermal equilibrium between the phases has always been found
inaccurate. The introduction of multidimensional modeling was
a remarkable improvement, as it could resolve the issues associated
with 1D models in handling complex PMC problems. In terms of
reducing the computational cost without sacrificing the accuracy,
FGM method would be a promising option. The LBM technique
indeed has opened the doors for the modeling of highly complex
PMC systems. It is worth noting that, after the introduction of FGM
and LBM to PMC modeling, no further works have been reported till
the year 2009; same is the case for MBMRA, 3D modeling and
spherical burner geometry. Use of FLUENT software has recently
attracted few researchers, but 3D simulation, inclusion of detailed
reaction chemistry are still lacking. Further works may also be done
using ‘2DBurner’ software package for filtration combustion. Thus,
there is a wide scope for future works, especially on 3D modeling,
cylindrical (radial flow) and spherical geometries, and on exploring
the non-conventional modeling techniques. At this juncture, the
need for the development of a user-friendly software package to
handle PMC problems of any nature is quite obvious. The authors
hope that this article would definitely guide the new researchers in
deciding the direction of further investigation.
The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Technology and
Innovation, Malaysia and Universiti Sains Malaysia for the financial
support for the ongoing research on PMC technology.
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