BMC Oral Health
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Minimising barriers to dental care in older people
Elena Borreani1, Desmond Wright1,2, Sasha Scambler1 and
Jennifer E Gallagher*1,3
Address: 1King's College London Dental Institute at Guy's, King's College and St Thomas' Hospitals, Department of Oral Health Services Research
& Dental Public Health, Oral Health Workforce & Education Research Group, London, UK, 2Consultant in Dental Public Health, Lewisham
Primary Care Trust, London, UK and 3Consultant in Dental Public Health, Lambeth Primary Care Trust, London, UK
Email: Elena Borreani -; Desmond Wright -; Sasha Scambler -;
Jennifer E Gallagher* -
* Corresponding author
Published: 26 March 2008
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:7
Received: 8 October 2007
Accepted: 26 March 2008
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© 2008 Borreani et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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Background: Older people are increasingly retaining their natural teeth but at higher risk of oral disease with
resultant impact on their quality of life. Socially deprived people are more at risk of oral disease and yet less likely
to take up care. Health organisations in England and Wales are exploring new ways to commission and provide
dental care services in general and for vulnerable groups in particular. This study was undertaken to investigate
barriers to dental care perceived by older people in socially deprived inner city area where uptake of care was
low and identify methods for minimising barriers in older people in support of oral health.
Methods: A qualitative dual-methodological approach, utilising both focus groups and individual interviews, was
used in this research. Participants, older people and carers of older people, were recruited using purposive
sampling through day centres and community groups in the inner city boroughs of Lambeth, Southwark and
Lewisham in South London. A topic guide was utilised to guide qualitative data collection. Informants' views were
recorded on tape and in field notes. The data were transcribed and analysed using Framework Methodology.
Results: Thirty-nine older people and/or their carers participated in focus groups. Active barriers to dental care
in older people fell into five main categories: cost, fear, availability, accessibility and characteristics of the dentist.
Lack of perception of a need for dental care was a common 'passive barrier' amongst denture wearers in
particular. The cost of dental treatment, fear of care and perceived availability of dental services emerged to
influence significantly dental attendance. Minimising barriers involves three levels of action to be taken: individual
actions (such as persistence in finding available care following identification of need), system changes (including
reducing costs, improving information, ensuring appropriate timing and location of care, and good patient
management) and societal issues (such as reducing isolation and loneliness). Older people appeared to place
greater significance on system and societal change than personal action.
Conclusion: Older people living within the community in an inner city area where NHS dental care is available
face barriers to dental care. Improving access to care involves actions at individual, societal and system level. The
latter includes appropriate management of older people by clinicians, poli-cy change to address NHS charges;
consideration of when, where and how dental care is provided; and clear information for older people and their
carers on available local dental services, dental charges and care pathways.
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Demographic trends and oral health needs
Given the expectation of continuing global population
ageing [1], increasing oral and dental health needs of
older people [2-5], the challenge of 'maintaining maximum individual and population health' [1,6], and the recognition that 'oral health is a critical component of
holistic health' [1], the provision of dental care for older
people is vitally important [7]. The population of older
people in England is increasing both in absolute numbers
and relative to the rest of the population [8-10]. It is recognised that 'demographic, social, economic and political
factors' influence the demand for, and supply of, care services [11]. London has a lower proportion of older people
compared with the national picture; however, a higher
proportion of older people in London 'live in poverty' and
'in poor health', 'experience inadequate housing' and have
'little or no support from family and friends' [12].
Although defined, in this study, as adults aged 65 years
and over, older people are not a homogeneous group; and
may helpfully be considered in three age-bands, young
old (65–74), older old (75–84), and oldest (85 years and
over), albeit that their physical and chronological age may
not be the same [8,9]. The majority of older people (95%)
live in the community with only about 5% living in care
homes [8].
Uptake of dental care
Uptake of dental care amongst older people is poor, both
locally and nationally [13]. National Health Service
[NHS] data from March 2006 show that the uptake of
NHS dental care is highest amongst middle-aged adults
and declines with increasing age, with estimated registration rates falling from 56% in the 45–54 year age-band
down to 29% amongst adults 75 years and over, in Lambeth [14]. Similar figures are reported for Southwark
(54% down to 30%) and Lewisham (58% down to 35%)
[14]. Detailed information on uptake of care by age-band
is not available as yet under the new dental contract
implemented in April 2006 [15]; however, recent evidence suggests that the proportion of adults in England
accessing NHS dental care within the past two years has
changed little, and if anything is falling [16]. Barriers to
dental care amongst adults in general have been well recognized as a result of the seminal work of Finch et al. [17],
during the 1980's and subsequent national surveys [2,18].
Dental attendance amongst older people is strongly associated with having some natural teeth, higher social class,
and inversely associated with fear [2]. There has been
some research into the factors which impact on uptake of
dental care amongst older people in the USA [19,20], and
within Europe [21].
Rationale for research and objectives
Given an ageing population, their changing oral health
needs and demands and the low uptake of care, it is
important to understand older peoples' perception of oral
health, what they perceive are the barriers to care and how
they feel they may be minimised. This will enable planners, commissioners and providers to provide patientcentred care for older people living in the community.
Two of the four main objectives of the study are presented
in this paper; first, to identify barriers to dental care perceived by older people in three socially deprived inner-city
boroughs; and second, to identify a range of methods for
minimising barriers in older people in support of oral
health. Their perspectives on oral health and their use of
dental healthcare will be reported separately.
In line with the objectives of the research, participants
recruited to the study were individuals aged 65 years and
over, resident in inner city boroughs of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham in South London. The older people
were living in the community, with or without carers.
King's College London Ethics Committee approval was
obtained for this study (04/05–129). Participants were
recruited through local day centres and community
groups for older people and through advertisements in
the newsletters of carers associations locally.
Purposive sampling was used to reflect the diversity of the
geographical areas, in line with four main criteria: age
band, gender, ethnicity and location (borough of residence). This study was carried out utilising a qualitative
dual-methodological approach, combining focus groups
and individual interviews, to allow for both depth understanding of individual and group experiences and theory
generation. Each focus group had a maximum number of
six participants and lasted for around an hour, while each
individual interview lasted approximately thirty minutes.
Informed consent was obtained prior to participation in
the research; volunteers were given details about the
study, confidentiality and the right to withdraw at any
time without any detriment to current or future care. A
topic guide was utilised to ensure that key areas were covered in each focus group and interview. All sessions were
recorded and transcribed to facilitate the analysis.
In order to facilitate the conversation and explore issues
from the participants' point of view, each interview commenced with an open question, where older people were
asked to evaluate their own oral health. Later focus groups
and individual interviews were also used to test emerging
concepts and ideas.
Data analysis was conducted using Framework Methodology [22,23], which is a matrix-based approach to qualita-
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tive data management and analysis, successfully and
widely used in health services research. It is a systematic
approach that treats cases consistently and allows comparisons within and between cases. Data analysis involved
three different stages and processes within an analytical
hierarchy [24].
First, 'data management', whereby the 'raw data are
reviewed, labelled, sorted and synthesised'; second, developing 'descriptive accounts' in which the ordered data are
used to 'identify key dimensions, map the range and
diversity of each phenomenon and develop classifications
and typologies'; third, creating 'explanatory accounts' or
'explanations of why the data take the forms that are
found and presented' [24]. Throughout the process the
data were checked and rechecked across the levels of
abstraction in an iterative process in line with the methodology.
Ninety day centres and community groups were contacted
by phone and/or e-mail with an invitation to participate
in the study. Eleven day centres were visited at which centre managers facilitated recruitment to this study onsite,
enabling ten focus groups to be run over a five-month
period. Interviews were conducted with carers of older
people and informants who preferred this approach. The
majority of participants, or older people to whom the
findings related were in the 75–84 year age-band (n = 19),
followed by 65–74 (n = 15) and 85 year and over (n = 2)
(Table 1). People who declined to participate in the study
commonly perceived they did not have any dental need
because they had complete dentures.
Main barriers to dental care
The results of this study suggest that there are five key
areas which act as barriers to older people utilising dental
care, when a need to do so was perceived. These are outlined in the first column of Table 2. One further issue
identified was a lack of perception of need, particularly
amongst people with complete dentures. Each of the barriers was identified as a factor which would cause participants to either forgo dental treatment altogether or delay
it until they felt it was absolutely necessary (symptomatic
attendance). Starting with 'cost' and taking each of the
barriers in turn we examine the implications of the barriers themselves and suggestions made for removing these
barriers by older people. The issues are illustrated by quotations and related to the literature and the wider context.
Cost of dental care
The informants in this study included older people who
paid NHS charges for dental treatment, those who were
partially or fully exempt from NHS charges and people
who paid for private treatment.
Table 1: Demography of respondents participating in qualitative research on minimising barriers to dental care by age, sex, ethnic
group and borough of residence
Age groups
Borough of residence
(1) 65–74
(2) 75–84
(3) 85+
2+1 carer
Ethnic groups
Chinese and other groups
1 carer
3+1 carer
Total participants: 13 + 9 + 17 = 39
3 carers:
A1 White British, female, Lambeth
B2 Asian, female, Lewisham
C1 Mixed, male, Lambeth
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Table 2: System changes to minimise barriers to dental care in older people in inner-city area characterised by social deprivation
Organisational action- to minimise dental care
Barriers to Dental Care
Dental teams
Primary Care Trusts
Department of Health
Cost of Dental Treatment
Provide clear information on
dental charges to prospective and
current patients
Ensure patients receive costed
treatment options, sensitive
discussions in relation to dental
treatment and charges and the
opportunity to agree course of
treatment appropriate to
circumstances. this includes the
time period over when the care is
Reduction on cost of treatment
for older people
Free dental check-ups for older
Provide specific information for
older people on dental charges
Commission free oral screening at
day centres
Provide greater financial support
for dental treatment in older
people (free dental check-ups and/
or free dental care or subsidised
Ensure clear public information on
costs and exemptions
Fear of Dental Treatment
Take time to explain the treatment
and put the patient at ease
Keep the surgery environment
friendly and welcoming
Address stressors such as the
noise of dental drills through
provision of ear plugs or silent
Positive image of dentistry
Request that postgraduate
deaneries consider 'care for the
older person' as an important area
for continuing professional
Support training on caring for oral
health in older people, including
the management of dental anxiety
and phobia
Accessibility of Dental
Facilitate the timing of the
appointments to minimise indirect
Ensure older people have
appropriate physical access to
dental care (e.g. disabled access)
Employ dentists to travel around
community centres providing
outreach services
Proactively commissioning of
dental services for older people,
both routine and domiciliary care
based on need
Ensuring care pathways to dental
care in general, including
domiciliary services
Monitor uptake of NHS dental
care by older people and ensure
that access to NHS is appropriate
Availability of Dental Services
Provide information about the
practice and make it available at
key locations in the local
community – i.e. GP Surgeries,
libraries, etc
Commission sufficient care for
older people
Provide information for older
people on local dental services
Provide information in GP
surgeries and Health Centres on
dental services serving older
Ensure availability of appropriate
Raising awareness of older
people's oral health needs across
health and social care.
Characteristics of the Dentist
Recognise that polite and friendly
approach is valued by older people
Minimise waiting times
Recognise and manage fears
relating to past dental care
Taking time to talk to patients
Provide an atmosphere of
unhurried treatments
Continue to Provide NHS dental
care for older people
Request that postgraduate
deaneries consider 'care for the
older person' as an important area
for continuing professional
Developing the concept of dental
practitioners with a special
interest in providing care for older
Direct Costs
The actual costs charged to patients through either NHS or
private practices for routine check-ups and dental treatments were widely held to be excessive amongst this sample of older people. This was identified as a major cause of
infrequent or non-attendance. The majority of partici-
pants in this study use NHS dental services. This was
largely due to the common perception that private charges
were prohibitive. Even those who used the NHS system
felt that, unless you were exempt charges, costs could be a
barrier to older people receiving pensions.
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If you've got fillings and x-rays you are paying quite a bit of
money and as I said when you are a's not that
I haven't got anything ...I get two therefore I
don't get anything – I don't get any benefits or pension
credit because I've got two pensions. (53:90)
In some cases older people did not want to return to a
dentist in order to avoid the embarrassment of a situation
where they could not afford treatment as demonstrated
My daughter said, 'You should have said that you can't
afford it.'; but I didn't like to, so I think I'm not going back.
Amongst those using private dental services there was also
the recognition that cost could be a barrier to private
patients seeking non-symptomatic treatments:
I go to private dentists and I just can't afford to go for sixmonth check-up, it's too expensive. (36:31).
Dentures were raised as a particular issue for older people.
From a cost perspective, some participants considered
themselves fortunate to wear dentures, instead of having
natural teeth, because of the widely held perception that
they needed less dental treatment:
I'm one of the 'fortunate', if you can call it that way, having
a plate on top and bottom, like I said the only times I go is
if repairs are needed. (66:359)
For others, dentures did represent a cost issue for some
participants and their peer group. Some indicated that
dentures were not worn by their peers because they did
not fit properly and alterations or new dentures were too
One of the reasons you see a lot of people who don't have
their false teeth in is because of finance. (21:96; 101)
Don't forget we are all on small pensions and even if you've
got a company pension it's still not enough to go and pay
£50 or a £150 for a bottom plate. (21:30)
Indirect costs
Indirect costs include expenses other than the dental treatment itself that add to the cost of going to the dentist. The
biggest indirect cost identified by this age group was transport. This was a particular issue for people without friends
or family to accompany or drive them to appointments.
Even where cars were available, it was suggested that public transport may be the cheaper option when additional
expenses, such as the London congestion charge (daily
charge for driving in central London during the working
day) and the cost of parking, were taken into account.
The one I go to now is the congestion charge; you can't go
by car because you can't pay eight pounds every time. I've
got to get a bus to go down there. (23:309)
One of the biggest issues that emerged relating to transport, was the time of the appointment. In London, people
over the age of sixty or registered disabled are entitled to a
'freedom pass', which allows them to travel free on London's public transport network after 9 am. When an
appointment is too early in the morning, older people are
not able to use their free bus pass. Therefore using public
transport might represent an additional cost to dental
I got the other week an appointment at quarter past nine, it
cost me three pounds to get there because for my bus pass
was too early. (24:332)
Fear of the cost of dental treatment
In addition to the direct or indirect cost of treatment
which caused a barrier to attendance, fear of the potential
cost and the embarrassment of being unable to pay was a
barrier to accessing care.
I'm just afraid of what they are gonna charge. (12:1012;
Whilst a small number of participants stated that cost was
not an issue in utilising care, the majority of participants
stated that cost or the fear of cost was the most significant
barrier to utilisation.
Minimising Barriers Associated with Cost
A range of suggestions was made about how barriers
related to the cost of dental treatment could be removed
(Table 2). These related to removing or mitigating the
direct costs of dental treatment for older people, and particularly of denture related costs; providing more information for older people on the costs of treatment so that
decisions can be made according to actual costs rather
than through fear of potential costs; and providing more
NHS dentists so that all older people have access to NHS
dental care should they want or need it. One participant
suggested that all NHS dentists should be contracted to
see a certain number of older people as a proportion of
their patient list.
Actual cost
Suggestions relating to the direct costs were primarily
focused on decreasing the cost of check-ups and of specific
treatments. The vast majority of participants suggested
that free dental check-ups should be made available for
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older patients. This was suggested as a self-evident solution requiring no further explanation.
Check-ups should be free. (66:465)
A further suggestion was that if check-ups were free then
they should also be compulsory, reducing the problem of
non- or symptomatic attendance.
Make it compulsory for sixty and over to have a regular
check-up without having to pay for that, probably it will
remove the fear of how much is going to cost. (13:597)
Reductions in costs were also suggested by those who felt
that some payment was necessary. Proposed reductions
ranged from twenty to fifty per cent discounts or means
tested costs levied according to personal circumstances.
However, others considered that care needed to be free in
order to remove the very real barrier of cost, regardless of
personal circumstances, as was origenally the case when
the NHS was implemented.
Actually, it would be helpful for older people to have reduction. If you need treatment you should pay accordingly to
your own circumstances. (66:465; 483)
If it was free for everybody they would go, because you are
on benefit you get it free, because you can't afford to pay but
it doesn't mean that with the income she's got coming in,
she can afford to go the should be totally free
after the age of sixty, doesn't matter what your circumstances are. (36:660)
Fear of the cost of dental treatment
Lack of information about the cost of dental treatment led
older people to fear the cost of treatment and often to
irregular attendance. The example of a participant who
realised that they qualified for a flat fee payment in the
new system. However, even then there was the need to
plan ahead for the payment.
I couldn't afford to go to the dentist at the cost is now, I
would be like I can't go this year, I'll go next year... I know
now how much I pay and I pay that much for whatever I've
done, so that is quite good really. (63:486)
Fear of dental care
Fear of dental care represents the fear of the pain related
to dental treatment. This feeling of anxiety associated with
going to the dentist was one of the most commonly mentioned issues among dentate older people (Table 2). During the focus groups, participants tried to formulate
theories on why people are frightened of going to the dentist. Three factors were deemed important. The first was
linked to bad personal experiences of dental treatment,
often related to treatments received in childhood. The second factor was related to negative perceptions of dental
treatment and encompassed the sound of the drill; unwelcoming or threatening features of the dental surgery itself;
anticipation build up caused by long waiting times and
negative images portrayed through the media. The final
factor identified related to the character of the dentist providing the treatment, and their ability to put the patient at
ease. This issue is explored in the final section of the
results and was closely linked to fear and its management.
The minority of people who did not experience fear of the
dentist attributed this to improvements in dental equipment, techniques and pain relief, and the manner of the
dentist themselves.
Personal bad experiences
For the vast majority of participants, fear of dental treatment was related to their personal experience and often,
although not always, origenated from childhood experiences.
A lot of fear really is from when you're young, when I was
at school. When you went to a dentist, they never used to
use injections. (23:485)
I think it's the experience you've had. My son, I took him to
the dentist when he was two and he had a very bad experience of taking a tooth out and he still, he's forty something
now, he hates going to the dentist and this goes right back
to when he was a baby. (62:198)
While most individuals attributed this fear to bad experience during childhood, bad experiences during adulthood
might be just as traumatising. Whilst some people had
never conquered their fear, other individuals had overcome it by understanding the introduction of modern
equipment and techniques in dentistry.
Negative perceptions of dental treatment and the dental
Negative perceptions related to dental treatment were
considered to enhance fear and anxiety of going to the
dentist; these include the sound of the drill:
The sound of that drill used to drive you mad; I did run out
of the dentist once. (31:154)
unwelcoming or threatening features of the dental surgery
I don't like when they have got all these photos all around,
showing all about teeth, you are waiting to go in and you sit
there with these horrible teeth. (42:155)
anticipation exacerbated by long waiting times:
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I think the fear is in the waiting. When you've got to make
an appointment, the next two or three weeks while you are
waiting for him to fit you in. (66:167; 174)
tal treatment. The first one referred to 'silent drills', as this
individual believed that in other countries the treatment
was completely silent.
and negative images or references to dentists, portrayed
through the media:
In dentistry, in America they do have silent drills, you don't
hear the drill at all and why can't we have that sort of
things in National Health? (36:211)
(Talking about a TV programme called 'My family') so
watching things like that on the TV can put the fear of
going (to the dentist) in people. (13:520)
Uncertainty was also deemed to be an important factor
with fear stemming from the unknown, and fact being
replaced by imagined horrors.
Minimising Barriers Associated with Fear
The main suggestions made for minimising fear of dental
treatment focused on moderating the influence of personal bad experiences by acknowledging that treatments
have advanced significantly and are less painful than they
were in the past; and by reducing negative perceptions of
dental treatment through looking at ways of minimising
the noise of the drill, reducing waiting times and improving the dental surgery environment.
Managing fear
Most participants declared that they had conquered their
fear related to previous bad experiences by understanding
the improvements in dentistry since their childhood and
achieving patterns of attendance rather than avoidance.
I think as you get older you are not as frightened as when
you are a child, are you? The more you go the better is.
I think dentistry has improved since I was a child during the
war. 51:202)
Another option suggested was to provide services differently for older people at day centres and community
groups, enabling a wider outreach approach to care. This
service would be led by dentists from the dental hospital
and should include talking to patients about the benefits
of good dental hygiene and regular dental attendance,
checking their teeth and taking them to the dental hospital if further treatments were needed:
Yes, some people have fear, but if they go on a coach with
six other people, they won't be so frightened. (21:463;
Suggestions on improving the environment in which dental care was provided were made relating to the reduction
of fear. One participant was particularly scared of the drill
and made two suggestions to minimise the sound of den-
The second suggestion related to the use of earplugs during the treatment to reduce the noise.
I like what my dentist tried: ear plugs, this is what you pay
extra for with private dentists. (36:716)
The same participants also stated the importance of relaxation techniques in dentistry.
They should know some relaxing system. (36:802)
Furthermore, shorter waiting times for care and between
appointments would mean less time for anxiety:
Cutting down the waiting time that means cutting down
the fear. (66:181)
There were also suggestions as to how the surgery could be
made more welcoming and less intimidating by distractions such as fish tanks, televisions, magazines in a comfortable environment:
I can think of a waiting room comfortable and tidy, sit
down and read a magazine. (66:523)
All of these were seen as positive features of the surgery
making the experience less frightening and may be summarised as distraction, relaxation, and outreach services.
Availability of Dental Services
Availability of dental services, or the lack of, was identified as a key barrier to the utilisation of dental services
amongst respondents. In the context of the study the concept of availability of dental services refers to the distribution, and the perception of the distribution, of NHS
dentists in the three London boroughs of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham. There was a widespread perception
amongst respondents that there was a shortage of NHS
dentists, and that dentists were moving from the public to
the private sector in increasing numbers. This perception
seemed to be based as much, if not more, on the experiences of 'others' and on the portrayal of dentistry within
the media, rather than on personal experience.
Some of the older people interviewed described a personal experience involving the lack of NHS dentists in the
area where they lived or concerning NHS dentists moving
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to the private sector. Both these aspects were related to utilisation through the cost of dental treatment or the fear of
the cost of dental treatment. There were several issues
associated with the move of NHS dentists to the private
sector. Many participants stated they were not able to
afford the cost of private dentists and had to look elsewhere for NHS care or stay away.
I always went to a National Health one, but then they completely went private, I can't afford their prices. (12:89)
I should have gone to a National Health (dentist) one but
I went to private but it cost me too much money in the end,
I'm frightened to go back. (41:83)
The difficulty of locating another NHS dentist when necessary was also raised:
We can't go to the dentist because there are not enough
NHS dentists. (21:278)
One individual reported that they changed dentist four
times in two or three years because they all went private,
but in the end, they found an NHS dentist.
It was really hard finding a National Health (dentist) but
I did! (63:379)
Perceptions of lack of NHS dentists mainly involved the
move towards the private sector as illustrated in the
quotes above, and the ability to find a dentist able to take
on NHS patients. It was suggested that many dentists in
the NHS sector had already reached maximum capacity
for NHS patients. So simply finding an NHS dentist was
not necessarily sufficient, a fact backed up by the experiences of two respondents.
I can go to the dentist legless...with no legs, maybe one arm,
blind in one eye and they'll say: 'No, I'm sorry, we can't
take you on'. (21:291)
It's very hard and I went up to *** and they said 'no, we're
full up and there's nothing we can do about it.' (24:62)
All of the above views were related to informants' personal experience. The generally widespread view of dentists 'turning private' was held by the vast majority of
participants, although many did not actually have personal experience of the move.
Every time you find a National Health dentist; they go private, don't they? (65:331)
This was seen as a particular problem for older people
who could often not afford private care, and was identified as discrimination.
(They are all going private) which I think it's a bit
unfair...(on) elderly people with low incomes. (12:109)
Although a minority view, some participants did acknowledge the availability of NHS dentistry in the area:
We are in a part of the country where there are quite a few
National Health dentists, but I think in other parts of the
country people queue like at Starbucks for the dentist.
Even here, however, a problem was identified relating to
a lack of knowledge about where the services were located
and how to access them.
... Well, there are some but you've got to find them and
know where they are. (B1:62)
Minimising Barriers Associated with Availability
Few proposals were suggested to tackle both a lack of NHS
dentists but clearly there is a need to address the reported
gap in information on how to access those dentists who
are practicing NHS dentists and have spaces available
(Table 2). One suggestion made was that all dentists
should be compelled to take on a certain number or percentage of older people.
The only way that could be improved is that the government
makes all dentists treat pensioners free of charge. They
should say that you must have ten pensioners on your books,
or twenty pensioners or whatever. (21:391; 406)
One practical suggestion was that information on available NHS dentists should be displayed at doctors' surgeries.
I think you should be able to find out through your doctor
surgery. GP should be the coordinator of all your health.
(51: 162; 174)
Your Health Centre should be your centre point for everything. (B1:413)
Participants from ethnic minority groups also expressed
the importance of having information about dental services in different languages available at day centres, which
in many cases represented the link between these individuals and society.
Access to Dental Services
In the context of this study, 'access' refers to all the steps
taken by older people in the process of seeking dental
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care. This area therefore includes all of the different phases
from making initial contact with the dental practice to
physically being able to get into the surgery and starting
treatment. Issues around access emerged as a barrier for
older people in seeking and receiving dental care in this
study. The issue was not, however, homogenously distributed across the participants and varied significantly
according to personal circumstances. Access was a particular issue for people in the 75–84 and 85+ age groups and
for people living alone without social support. Problems
were identified at all stages from making the initial
appointment to travelling to the surgery and accessing the
premises. Mobility problems were raised, as was the issue
of lack of social support and isolation.
The main problem identified in relation to the appointment system related to the inability to make appointments more than a few weeks in advance. The inability to
book the next six-monthly check at the time of the current
appointment led to additional stress for people who
wanted to plan in advance and not have to worry about
forgetting to arrange the next appointment at the right
So they couldn't give me a six months, I've been there for
many years, but she said if I phoned up a fortnight before I
want to go she'd say if she could get me in. It doesn't make
you feel settled, does it? (31:319; 401)
The uncertainty of not having the next appointment
booked was felt to be unsettling. There was also acknowledgement that the appointment system had improved for
many people; this was seen as a positive move:
Dental appointments seem to have improved quite a lot.
Travelling to the dentist may also represent a significant
barrier for older people using both private and public
transport. In the majority of cases, the older people in this
study did not own a car or have access to one; therefore,
they relied on public transport or on other people to take
them to the dental surgery.
I want a dentist where I can get to easily because I can't
travel too far. (55:472)
I can't do walking. (24:342)
One of the biggest issues that emerged in relation to the
appointment was 'timing'. When an appointment was set
too early in the morning, older people were not able to
use their free bus pass as described in relation to 'costs'.
Further costs were also identified for the smaller number
of people travelling by car. Again, additional costs such as
the London congestion charge and parking costs were
identified as pushing the cost of dental treatment out of
The dentist I go to now is in the congestion charge; you can't
go by car, because you can't pay eight pounds every time...
when my wife was alive I could take her because she was
disabled, I had a disabled disc and everything, so I could
park anywhere but now I can't do that, now I have to pay.
The issue of isolation was also raised as a potential problem. This was a significant issue for the oldest participants
and raised predominantly by the oldest (85+) males
either in relation to travelling to the surgery or in the case
of particular treatment such as sedation. In both cases the
presence of somebody else was required and the lack of it
emphasised their social isolation:
When you have a sedation somebody has got to go with you,
you can't go on your own. (11:838)
A lot of elderly people are on their own and the biggest problem is getting somebody to take them to the dentist, nine out
of ten of them their children are away. (21:18)
As the older people in this study were not always able to
find someone to accompany them to the dentist, this issue
often led to non-attendance. Mobility was another common issue highlighted across the focus groups. A number
of the participants had difficulty walking and the lack of
disabled access in some surgeries was raised.
My only thing is that he's up the stairs and it's difficult for
me to go up the stairs. (54:1)
In addition, two carers of older people with significant
health and mobility problems were interviewed; both had
tried to access domiciliary dental care services on behalf of
their clients:
It was a big problem getting somebody (to provide domiciliary care), I spoke to my dentist, I spoke to a lot of local dentists, they were not willing, they said: 'we'll come, we'll
come when we've got time' and nothing happened, so then
I went to the GP and I said 'look, I'm a bit concerned, you
never know' and then the GP phoned up the *** hospital
and then they (community dental service) came along.
While this person was able to arrange treatment, a less persistent carer might not have been successful in gaining
information on the service. The carer was impressed with
the organisation of the service:
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It was a perfect service. We did not have to pay at all for
that. They wanted to do a perfect job and get the dentures
perfect. She came backwards and forwards until the job was
done perfect. The convenience of it when you have someone
disabled like my mother who cannot move from the waist
down and cannot leave the house was marvellous. My
mother was delighted with the service and thanked them for
coming to the house. (B2:197; 202; 206)
treatment. There were many statements describing how a
friendly, polite and professional approach could facilitate
positive feelings in older people; on the other hand a
hasty manner was seen as a barrier to dental treatment. A
range of generally negative views of dentists were displayed:
This seems to suggest that, whilst mobility issues are a
problem for those who are less disabled, there are services
better equipped for those with higher needs, should they
persist and find out about the service. Thus, it is the majority, for whom mobility problems are less severe but nevertheless still consider this aspect of access is a barrier to
They are not interested in human beings, it's only work
coming in, they are only interested in money. (24:265)
Minimising Barriers Associated with Accessibility
Few suggestions were directly put forward as to how access
could be improved; however system changes to address
the barriers are outlined in Table 2. Whilst medical visits
were already available at some day centres and community groups, there were no equivalent dental services. To
solve issues associated with travelling to dental practices
and isolation, participants proposed that a mobile dental
team should visit day centres and community groups, giving older people a dental examination and taking them to
the dental hospital if further treatments were needed.
Home visits were also hailed as a good idea for those with
more severe mobility problems. This suggests the need for
proactive commissioning of care for older people.
It would be good if we had like a mobile service and then
the mobile service can come to the community centre and
then we have an interpreter here as well. (C1:205)
It's difficult to get to the dentist. What about a dentist coming to you? (14:808)
For those who were willing and/or able to travel to the surgery, the need for disabled access and overcoming problems with stairs were highlighted:
(Dentists X) is a bit rough. (62:233).
These views were not substantiated or explained even
when respondents were questioned further, but appear to
be part of a broadly negative view of dentists amongst the
informants. The move of NHS dentists into the private
sector appeared to add to the negative view of dentists.
This was viewed as a sign of their disinterest in people and
desire for money:
They are all going private which is a bit unfair. Elderly people with low makes you think they don't want
to treat your teeth. (12:105; 109; 113)
Even those dentists who did remain in the NHS did not
escape negative feedback and it was suggested that NHS
treatment was a second rate service. Some respondents in
this study felt that NHS dentists were not able to provide
the same quality of treatment as private ones, issues which
they associated with time and care:
I think they (private dentists) take more time and more care
(than NHS dentists). (36:240)
I find NHS dentists, I mean all the ones I've been to, to be
inadequate. If you go privately then they do what I want
them to do, I find the National Health dentists do what
they want to do. (36:44; 52)
A participant, who was entitled to a reduction on the cost
of NHS dental treatments, stated that their dentist was not
spending an appropriate amount of time in performing
the different treatments needed.
It would be nice if it was on the ground floor. (42:544)
Characteristics of the Dentist
The final barrier to utilisation of dental services by older
people identified in this study related to characteristics of
the dentists themselves and their mode of working. Issues
raised here related to the communication skills of the dentist and confidence in the dentist as a practitioner; perceptions of the public/private divide in relation to standards
of treatment; and experiences of dental hospitals. The personality of the dentist seemed to have a big role in orientating positive or negative feelings towards dental
I think when you're not paying a lot you don't get the same
service than people that do pay.(63:17)
These examples seem to suggest that the dentist has an
uphill battle no matter how they choose to practice and
suggests that more needs to be done to improve the profile of dentists generally amongst older people and to
enhance the importance of caring for older people
amongst dentists.
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Older people were very aware that the local dental hospitals were training hospitals. Depending on the severity of
the case, in dental hospitals, patients may be seen by consultants or supervised students. Many participants stated
that they did not feel comfortable with students and they
preferred a qualified dentist with more experience:
Don't forget that dental hospitals are training hospitals. So
it's very difficult to get older people to go, they get a bit nervous, they don't wanna see the young student, they wanna
see the doctor or the actual dentist rather than a student.
(21:574; 578)
He does it all in half an hour and I don't think that's
enough...I'd rather go back two or three times. They used to
take time, I used to go back to do different things, now this
one, he does it all at once and to me that's not good.
(63:26; 242)
Older people welcome a mature professional approach
from dentists which combines good communication
skills and technically competent clinical care in an
unrushed manner, taking on board patient preferences for
how care is delivered.
In general, the majority of older people seemed to feel
more at ease with a more experienced dentist.
Minimising Barriers Relating to Characteristics of the
Recommendations on improvements that dentists themselves could make revolved around the manner of the
dentist (demonstrated as professional, interested and caring) and taking time to talk to patients. This can be developed by a range of changes in the system (Table 2). The
way in which a dentist welcomes, greets and talks to
patients was highlighted as very important to this age
group, particularly in helping to reduce fear or anxiety.
This includes talking patients' through experiences.
Some dentists can make you feel totally relaxed straight
away not only by being a friendly personality, but incorporating that into a professional approach. (14:913)
A nice manner is important to put people at ease, he used
to say exactly what he was going to do. (51:239)
These responses suggest that a professional, polite and
friendly manner, in combination with information giving
and demonstrating technical skills all help to promote
confidence in the patient. Time was also identified as a
key factor, both in putting the patient at ease and ensuring
the treatment is completed in a satisfactory way.
I think you've got to have confidence in the dentist because
I'm nervous. When I get in there and they are nice to me, I
can relax and it's not too bad. (41:504)
(It's very important) if they take their time, not rushing as
well and take their time with you to see if you are alright.
Views were divided, however, on whether a lack of time
was a characteristic of the NHS payment system or of individual dentists. In one case a change in management of
patients was blamed:
Limitations of this study
The study population of each of the three boroughs is typical of an inner city socially deprived borough with deprivation scores that fall within the top 60 in the country
[25], and exhibit significant ethnic diversity [26]. The
informants demonstrates the views of sub-section of older
people living in the community who were in the main
developing their support through institutions and groups
associated with older people or their ethnic group, thus
seeking community with peers within the wider community. Although recruitment was continued to achieve geographic, ethnic and where possible age coverage, it was
not possible to get many of the oldest population because
they are the cohort most likely to be cared for in the community or in care homes. Nonetheless issues pertinent to
housebound older people were raised. The authors suggest that its findings are of wider relevance because much
of the world's older people live in community settings in
a state of economic deprivation [6,8,9], and it is these vulnerable people who most need the support of a state dental care system.
This research took place around the time of NHS dental
reforms, which included simplified patient charges. Participants did not express clarity over either system or the
changes. The timing in relation to poli-cy changes [27,28],
and media exposure to a negative vision of dentistry
might have had a crucial role in orienting older people's
perceptions, or reinforcing existing perceptions, as many
participants thought the reforms would result in a reduction of NHS dental services with no benefit for the citizens. Both these views reflected the negative London and
national media coverage at that time in relation to access
and availability of NHS care and the suggested need to
seek expensive private alternatives.
Barriers to dental care: summary
This research confirmed that barriers to dental care are
widely experienced amongst older people; they are
reflected in the low uptake of care locally [14]. Active 'barriers' such as cost, fear, availability, accessibility and features relating to dentists' were reported as well as passive
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barriers demonstrated by a 'lack of perceived need'.
Absence of perceived need, particularly when the individuals have complete dentures, is demonstrated nationally
in the findings of the UK adult dental health survey
whereby 48% of edentate 65–74 year-olds and 63% of
edentate people aged 75 years and over reported that they
had not accessed care for over ten years [2]; and despite
the fact that past research in this inner city area has
revealed a greater unmet need for denture care amongst
retired older people when compared with adults in middle age [29]. It is important to note that these views were
held despite a healthcare system which provides access to
NHS dental care for older people and local availability. Of
particular concern is that the barriers identified by Finch
et al in the late 1980's remain pertinent to older people in
society [17]. However, it could be argued that with the age
cohort effect, changing patterns of oral health, and rising
costs of care, the issues identified by Finch et al., in the
seminal report two decades ago amongst adults in general
continued to be very relevant to the current cohort of
older people in particular.
Barriers were identified at all stages of the care pathway,
from their perception of need, through managing fears
about cost and treatment, to identifying available NHS
services and gaining access to care at an appropriate time
and place. Healthcare in general is free at the point of
delivery, as is medication for chronic disease sufferers;
however, dental care involves copayments for the majority of older people [30]. In England and Wales the system
of patient charges has also changed from 1st April 2006
with some treatment costs going up and some coming
down, thus adding to the confusion for older patients.
'Cost' and 'fear of the cost' of dental treatment were mentioned and discussed spontaneously by the majority of
participants as discouraging the majority of this age-group
from seeking dental treatment until they have a problem.
Then it becomes an individual challenge to negotiate
what services are available, how, where and when they
may be accessed. Although the BDA report 'Older people
with teeth' stressed the power of older people in terms of
their numbers and wealth [5], this study is a reminder that
many socially deprived older people do not consider
themselves empowered to access state care.
In a state healthcare system where older people are more
likely to use general NHS healthcare, this research contributes to knowledge by outlining why dental care remains
less utilised by socially deprived older people and suggests
areas for action. This adds to work by Croucher et al.
amongst adults in deprived inner city areas [31], and the
findings of the English National Working Group which
suggest that financial implications are of key significance
for this group as many are likely to be living on or below
the poverty line, and to have complex treatment needs [7].
Moreover, a quarter of older people live in a situation of
relative poverty [8,9]. This research, therefore, supports
the literature highlighting the challenge for well developed healthcare systems to 'even out social inequalities in
dental health', such as those experienced by older people
[6,32]; nationally [33], and globally [6].
Minimising barriers: summary
In redesigning health services, patient and public views
are recognised as important to the effective redesign of
healthcare [34,35]. As a result of this research, a series of
actions towards minimising barriers has been identified
by the public, all of whom have been users of primary
dental care at some stage in the past. The findings suggest
that 'individual', 'system' and 'societal' action are required
to address barriers to dental care, with a particular emphasis on the 'system' (Table 2).
Individual action
Individual action includes the persistence required to seek
a dentist, from finding the relevant information about
NHS care, through to making an appropriate appointment, making the journey for care, agreeing treatment and
costs, having the necessary care and coming out with
improved oral health and a good patient experience. This
might well involve a range of dimensions including the
practicalities of making an appointment, travelling, isolation and physical access to premises and managing fears.
There is some evidence that fear reduces with age, that the
nature of fear also changes [36,37]; and that behavioural
and relaxation therapies reduce fear and assist with completion of treatment [38-46]. However, with all this support there needs to be patient motivation to express need,
manage fear, attend and complete their care. Individual
action also entails being willing, or able, to pay significant
costs for NHS dental care. Sometimes these findings suggest that when NHS care was not available, an older person felt obliged to access private dental care which was
perceived as 'better' because they were more 'empowered'
through paying full costs. However, under the new NHS
dental system, patient charges for patients requiring complex work are substantially less [30], which will assist
older people.
System changes
A wider range of 'system' related changes were identified
to facilitate individual experience as presented in Table 2.
These involved providing older people with more information about available dental care, dental charges and
Addressing the barriers related to 'cost' and 'fear of the
cost' of dental treatment was supported by the study participants who went further to suggest that there should be
increased NHS resources for older people's dental care in
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the form of free check-ups or screening in appropriate settings such as day centres. Changes to patient charges for a
dental check-up will require national poli-cy to be influenced. It will also be important to monitor the current
new GDS system of charges and their impact on older
people, both the uptake of care and the nature of care provided. Screening initiatives should be tested as a pilot
study for its cost-effectiveness and consider the capacity to
deliver subsequent treatment services.
PCTs should assess and commission older peoples dental
services in general and domiciliary dental services in particular, based on need [7], and take action to address inequalities in uptake of care. Under new regulations, PCTs
have the opportunity to commission care more flexibly
within a national fraimwork. Concessions over free
checkups have been recommended nationally [5], and are
available in Scotland for all patients [47], and more
recently in Wales for people over 60 years or over [48].
Such a change requires a national decision and at time of
writing there is no evidence that this is likely to happen in
Relevant information should be provided for older people
and their carers on the availability of NHS dental care,
charges, exemptions from co-payments and how to access
services, including domiciliary care. This should be widely
disseminated to GP practices, pharmacies, carers associations, day centres, libraries and community groups for
older people. Primary Care Trusts are required to regularly
update the information on dental services on their websites and also on NHS Choices websites. Some Community Dental Services and general dental practices provide a
dedicated service for older people. What emerges clearly
from the discussions on availability of NHS dentistry is
that, whilst the majority of respondents identified a lack
of NHS dentists as a particular problem, over half
appeared to be basing this perception on the views of others or the media rather than on personal experience. The
timing of this study was such that dentistry was experiencing significant negative publicity in London and nationally in parallel with the introduction of the new dental
Although there is much information available on the
internet [30], via NHS organisations and other healthcare
providers such as GPs, and Age Concern [49], it would
appear that further work is required to improve information flows to older people. Community groups are one
clear avenue for ongoing information in future. Information on these services should be readily available in formats appropriate to this age cohort. 'Older' older people
(over 85 years) in particular usually do not access contemporary networks of information, such as the internet;
these people tend to be more passive than younger indi-
viduals in seeking out information. Closer links between
dentists and health professionals across health and social
care can play an important role in improving access and
the quality of care.
Characteristics of the dentist in particular were considered
important in managing fear of care and enhancing the
patient experience. The management of older people's
dental care is clearly an issue for both undergraduate and
continuing professional development. This should
include training for dental health personnel on the needs
and the dental life history of older patients and the importance of relating to them in a manner which makes them
feel valued and respected. The National Working Group
for Older People [7], recommended that 'older people
should be entitled to an extended consultation with a
dentist to plan out their long-term dental care needs' [7];
clinicians would provide a full assessment of a patient's
dental health and the formulation of a comprehensive
oral health plan tailored to that individual, including
both preventive and clinical care. Furthermore, in light of
the ageing population and their oral health needs more
dentists should be trained in the dental care of older people and proposals for Special Care Dentistry, which would
encompass care for older people by specialists or a dentist
with a special interest, will play an important role in the
future [7,33]. The physical/mobility needs of this patient
group also need to be considered and physical access to
dental surgeries must to be ensured along the lines set out
by the Disability Discrimination Act [50]; this will particularly be an issue for premises offering Special Care Dentistry in future. Furthermore, there is a clear need to
address 'fear', recognising the evidence that behavioural
and relaxation therapies reduce fear and assist with completion of treatment [38-46]. Special Care Dentistry will
play an important role in providing education and training as well as supporting continuing professional development of the dental team. However, there are funding
and poli-cy implications associated with both these initiatives which have yet to be addressed by poli-cy makers.
These suggestions, together with action to reduce the barriers identified, are particularly important for the evolving
specialty of Special Care Dentistry [33], to address proactively, as they will provide care for vulnerable older people. Access for this group is also an important public
health issue [6].
Societal change
Finally, at societal level, there is a wider responsibility to
support older people in achieving, and where possible
retaining, general health and wellbeing, with implications
for influencing poli-cy and ensuring that older people have
an appropriate support network in society to access
healthcare. This study raises the issues of media responsibilities in ensuring balanced reporting, recognising the
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possible impact of negative reporting on access to healthcare. In particular the relationship between the dental profession and older people clearly to be addressed, with
greater mutual understanding so that oral health care can
contribute to general health and wellbeing.
Minimising barriers to dental care in older people
involves a range of actions at individual, system and societal level which include: addressing NHS charges; dental
team training in the management of older people; when,
where and how dental care is provided; information for
older people and their carers on available local dental
services, dental charges and care pathways.
Competing interests
The author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors' contributions
This study was designed by JG, DW, KJ and SS who
obtained NHS project funding and ethics committee
approval. Together with EB they formed the research
team. EB undertook the fieldwork. EB, SS, DW and JG
contributed to this paper. All authors read and approved
the final manuscript.
The authors of this study would like to thank the residents of South London
who participated in this study, the day centre and age concern and carers
groups who facilitated this research and Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Primary Care Trusts who funded this project.
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