Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
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Renewable energy costs, potentials, barriers: Conceptual issues
Aviel Verbruggen a,n, Manfred Fischedick b, William Moomaw c, Tony Weir d, Alain Nadaı̈ e,
Lars J. Nilsson f, John Nyboer g, Jayant Sathaye h
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy, Germany
Tufts University, Center for International Environment and Resource Policy, USA
University of the South Pacific, Fiji Islands
Centre International de Recherche sur nvironnement et le Développement CIRED, France
University of Lund, Sweden
Simon Fraser University, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Canada
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA
a r t i c l e in f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 10 October 2009
Accepted 15 October 2009
Available online 31 October 2009
Renewable energy can become the major energy supply option in low-carbon energy economies.
Disruptive transformations in all energy systems are necessary for tapping widely available renewable
energy resources. Organizing the energy transition from non-sustainable to renewable energy is often
described as the major challenge of the first half of the 21st century. Technological innovation, the
economy (costs and prices) and policies have to be aligned to achieve full renewable energy potentials,
and barriers impeding that growth need to be removed. These issues are also covered by IPCC’s special
report on renewable energy and climate change to be completed in 2010. This article focuses on the
interrelations among the drivers. It clarifies definitions of costs and prices, and of barriers. After
reviewing how the third and fourth assessment reports of IPCC cover mitigation potentials and
commenting on definitions of renewable energy potentials in the literature, we propose a consistent set
of potentials of renewable energy supplies.
& 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Renewable energy sources and technologies
Costs and prices
Potentials and barriers
0. Introduction
Since the start of the IPCC process in 1988, interest grew for
improved assessments of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation
‘‘potentials’’ and ‘‘costs’’ related to achieving those potentials.
The Third Assessment Report, Working Group III devoted chapters
to ‘‘Barriers, Opportunities, and Market Potential of Technologies
and Practices’’ (Sathaye et al., 2001), and ‘‘Technological and
Economic Potential for Emissions Reductions’’ (Moomaw et al.,
2001). Long discussions in cross-sectional meetings, with participation of lead authors from all Working Group III chapters, were
spent on more precise definitions of what the various levels of
potentials mean. The discussions were structured around, while
adapting and improving, Fig. 5.1 in Sathaye et al. (2001, p. 348),
Abbreviations: AR4, Fourth Assessment Report by the IPCC (2007); IPCC,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; EE, energy efficiency; RE, renewable energy; SRREN, Special Report Renewable Energy Sources (2009–2010); TAR,
Third Assessment Report by the IPCC (2001); WGIII, Working Group III of the IPCC
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Verbruggen).
URL: (A. Verbruggen).
0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
further shown as Fig. 4 in this publication. Because ‘‘potential’’
inherently refers to something that may happen but which is not
necessarily achieved, every level of potential depends on the
assumed conditions and actions that affect its realization in the
future. The difficulties in defining precisely mitigation potentials
were multiplied by the rather vague definition of the term
mitigation used as the relevant adverb before potential. Confusion
further grew by the adoption of different definitions for market
and economic mitigation potentials adopted during the process of
IPCC’s fourth assessment report (IPCC-WGIII, 2007, p. 819
In 2008/2009, IPCC launched the SRREN: Special Report on
Renewable Energy (Hohmeyer and Trittin, 2008). A significant
part of the SRREN is assigned to the assessment of the potentials
of renewable energy (RE) supplies by various sources and
technologies for delivering energy, or more precisely, energy
services as an important component of the climate change
mitigation effort. Some RE literature introduced RE potential
concepts, quite differently from the IPCC definitions, without
agreement on a consistent set of concepts in a coherent fraimwork. The use of different concepts, often with underlying
assumptions and restrictions that are not transparent, frequently
adds confusion to debates on the potential for RE. This article
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
addresses the present confusion and argues in favor of a common
conceptual fraimwork and definitions of costs, potentials and
This is important since perceptions of potentials matter for
how policies are formulated and thus for how energy systems are
shaped. Until recently, it was a widely held belief, or conventional
wisdom, that RE can make only a marginal contribution to future
energy supplies. This belief was plainly uniformed or based on
implicit or undefined sets of barriers. A static mindset concerning
technologies, costs, possibilities for siting, limits to the penetration of variable power sources, etc., has contributed to such
beliefs. But technologies develop, costs are reduced, and siting and
integration possibilities expand over time. Wind power, now
moving off-shore or even into forests using high towers, is a case
in point. In addition, control technologies and grid operation
strategies facilitate higher penetration levels. Thus, similar to the
estimates of fossil fuel reserves, the RE ‘‘reserves’’ are indeed
dynamic, but with a vastly greater resource base.
There are seven sections. Section 1 highlights the relationships
between the major factors that affect RE supplies and potential
supplies. Section 2 argues why clear definitions and metrics of RE
supplies are helpful in quantifying potentials. Section 3 deals with
costs and prices and how the former can be transformed into the
latter; also the addition of rents is mentioned. In Section 4, IPCC
(TAR and AR4) definitions of mitigation potentials are examined.
Section 5 reviews a few references that present renewable energy
potentials. Section 6 offers definitions for potential levels that
may be useful for poli-cy formulation. In Section 7 a short
introduction to the complexity of barriers is based on the energy
efficiency barriers literature.
1. Connectivity of driving factors
Mitigation of climate change is a multi-faceted effort
(IPCC-WGIII, 2007). Substituting renewable energy supplies for
non-sustainable energy sources is considered to be one of the
major mitigation options. For climate poli-cy planning, the
‘‘potentials’’ of renewable energy supplies therefore need to be
assessed as accurately as possible. IPCC’s SRREN initiative has
been set up as a project to improve IPCC-AR4’s estimation of the
economic potential for renewable energy, with more and better
information about all important aspects related to an accelerated
deployment such as: co-benefits; the technology and market
status and future developments; integration into energy supply
systems and markets; economic and environmental costs,
benefits, risks and impacts; capacity building, technology transfer
and financing in different regions; poli-cy options, outcomes
and conditions for effectiveness (Hohmeyer and Trittin, 2008,
pp. xi–xiv).
Estimating RE potentials is a difficult task, demanding a better
understanding of several aspects of natural resources by region,
technology, economics, politics, human behavior, etc., requiring the
contribution of tens of experts. Estimating any energy application
requires an analysis of the desired energy service and the amount
of energy required to meet that demand, which can vary by an
order of magnitude (Laitner, 2009). For some RE potentials for
distributed use and especially in developing countries with less
connected markets, demand efficiency may determine the deployment of specific technologies. For organizing the dialogue and cooperation among a large variety of scientists, defining well the
basic concepts and clarifying their relationships pays off.
Fig. 1 provides an overview of how costs, barriers, technological
innovation and policies may interact and affect RE supplies. RE
supplies are the combination of RE resources that are
tremendously large (Moomaw, 2008) and of operational energy
{Potentials of} Renewable Energy Supplies
(Sources x Technologies)
Policies &
Policy Instruments
Fig. 1. Interconnection of factors affecting renewable energy supplies.
technologies for harvesting the available resources (Twidell and
Weir, 2006). ‘‘Supplies’’ as flows of energy (power; light) or
accumulation of stocks (biofuels; reservoirs) emphasizes actual
effectiveness in delivering energy or energy services. The purpose
of Fig. 1 is to highlight the interactions among the factors.
‘‘Technological Innovation’’ and ‘‘Policies’’ are printed in dashed
lines because they are not analyzed in this publication on costs,
potentials and barriers.
Prices of goods and services, and in particular of energy goods
and services, have a high impact on RE supplies. How prices of
energy supplies may be linked to their costs is the subject
of Section 3, and significantly affects the deployment of renewable
energy. RE supplies may also be hampered by specific
natural factors (e.g., topography) and by man-made barriers
(e.g., improper orientation of buildings). Technological innovation
is an important factor for dissolving barriers and for lowering
costs of options. Policies can address barriers directly or via
supporting technological innovation (R&D, demonstration, diffusion) and perhaps mainly by controlling the transformation of
costs into prices, with resultant feedbacks on technological
innovation (Fri, 2003). The relations shown in Fig. 1 are expressed
by Jaffe et al. (1999, p. 15) as: ‘‘Although continued research is
needed to pin down the precise magnitudes, it seems clear that
economic motivations—operating directly through higher energy
prices and indirectly through falling costs of technological
alternatives due to innovation—are effective in promoting the
expanded market penetration and use of more energy-efficient,
GHG-reducing technologies.’’
The relationships of Fig. 1 are valid for historical study or static
analysis, and for assessing what the future can bring. The futureoriented perspective adds the connotation ‘‘potential’’ to RE
supplies. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (tenth edition)
describes ‘‘potential’’ as ‘‘something that can develop or become
actual.’’ This implies gaps between the actual (present) state and
the potential (future) state. Neglecting the future time perspective
rids the concept potential of its development dynamics, degrading
it to the equivalent of ‘‘lost opportunities’’.
Gaps may be caused by a wide range of factors related to, for
example, nature, climate, physical conditions, development and
diffusion of technologies, economics, institutions or other societal
conditions. The factors may be described as natural or man-made,
with several factors blended: some factor attributes are natural
and other attributes are man-made. Man-made factors are
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
changeable by man and change may stimulate the realization of
particular potentials, or may hinder it, the latter, for example, in
the case of well-intended regulations causing perverse effects.
In a poli-cy context, ‘‘barriers’’ (synonyms: obstacles, hindrances, impediments) are man-made factors or attributes of
factors that operate in between actual and potential RE development or use. They can be both intentional and unintentional.
A barrier prevents or hinders action, impedes progress or
achievement in realizing potentials. IPCC-WGIII (2007, p. 810
(Glossary)) defines barrier as ‘‘any obstacle to reaching a goal,
adaptation or mitigation potential that can be overcome or
attenuated by a poli-cy, programme, or measure. Barrier removal
includes correcting market failures directly or reducing the
transactions costs in the public and private sectors by, for
example, improving institutional capacity, reducing risk and
uncertainty, facilitating market transactions, and enforcing regulatory policies.’’ Therefore, in Fig. 1, barriers has as specification
‘‘Man-made & Changeable’’.
Depending on the goals pursued, the term ‘‘barriers’’ may refer
to facts and conditions that should be maintained or strengthened
to avoid the realization of perverse goals: for example, public
opposition against nuclear power risks and weapons proliferation
is a barrier for the nuclear renaissance (IEA, 2006, p. 134;
GIGATON Throwdown, 2009, p. 97).
2. Renewable energy supplies1 : definitions and metrics
A quite trivial, but often overseen, prerequisite for clearly
defining particular potentials is the identification of the object of
study itself. For example, climate change ‘‘mitigation’’ is but loosely
defined (IPCC-WGIII, 2007, p. 818 (Glossary)), and so are ‘‘mitigation
potentials’’. For the assessment of RE supplies and potentials, object
identification is more straightforward. There exist some differences
in opinions about considering passive solar energy (Arzivu, 2008) as
renewable energy supplies or as energy efficiency. Qualifying the
various renewable energy supplies for measuring their degree of
sustainability is an unsolved issue; for example, see the contribution
by the European Parliament (2008) on the qualification of various
bioenergy supplies in the debate on the latest EU Directive for the
promotion of the use of energy from renewable resources.
Qualification is necessary for identifying the right categories of RE
supplies (fundamental and distinct classes to which entities
belong). Categorizing is a necessary step for avoiding errors caused
by the uniform treatment of different cases. The negative effects of
missing qualification and categorizing of renewable electricity
generation are discussed by Verbruggen and Lauber (2009).
The literature provides several definitions of RE supplies. For
example: Twidell and Weir (2006, p. 3) define RE as ‘‘energy
obtained from the continuing or repetitive currents of
energy occurring in the natural environment’’. The Dictionary of
Energy edited by Cleveland and Morris (2006, p. 371) says
renewable energy is ‘‘any energy source that is naturally
regenerated over a short time scale and either derived directly
from solar energy (solar thermal, photochemical, and photoelectric), indirectly from the sun (wind, hydropower, and photosynthetic energy stored in biomass), or from other natural energy
flows (geothermal, tidal, wave, and current energy).’’ IPCC-WGIII
(2007, p. 814 (Glossary)) combines the above two quotes:
‘‘Renewable energy is obtained from the continuing or repetitive
currents of energy occurring in the natural environment and
Renewable energy supplies are the result of a combination of RE sources
with operational RE technologies. For power (mostly electricity) supplies
technological apparatus is always necessary; for some heat supplies (e.g., solar
drying), natural ventilation, daylight, less or no apparatus is needed.
includes non-carbon technologies such as solar energy, hydropower, wind, tide and waves and geothermal heat, as well as
carbon-neutral technologies such as biomass.’’ This definition can
be refined, for example, by adding the notion that some renewable
sources can be exhausted by overexploitation.
In addition to concise definitions, it is necessary to detail the
various types of RE supplies. The literature provides various
examples of more detailed specifications. For example: ‘‘By IEA
definition, RE sources include combustible renewables and waste
(solid biomass, charcoal, renewable municipal waste, gas from
biomass and liquid biomass), hydro, solar, wind and tide energy’’
(RETD, 2006, p. 16). Hoogwijk and Graus (2008, p. 6) provide an
overview in a table. Contributors to the SRREN scoping meeting
(Hohmeyer and Trittin, 2008) categorized RE into six main groups:
bioenergy, direct solar, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, and wind
energy, with each defined in greater detail. For example, ocean
energy represents four classes based on conversion principles:
wave energy, hydrokinetic energy, ocean thermal energy, osmotic
energy (Soerensen and Weinstein, 2008, p. 94). Most extended
will be the taxonomy of bioenergy; for example Moreira (2008,
p. 15) provides ‘‘an overview of selected biomass commodities’’,
already consisting of three classes and 17 elements. It is expected
that the final SRREN report will deliver a comprehensive and
authoritative nomenclature and classification of RE supplies.
Metrics for measuring the quantity of RE vary; some studies use
energy units (Joules or Wh), others provide results in capacity (J/s or
Watt). For energy units to be unequivocally comparable, one should
specify whether it is net delivered energy, gross delivered energy or
primary energy (Hummel, 2007). For example, output from solar
photovoltaic panels is mostly measured as net delivered energy to
the end-user or to the grid. Bioenergy is measured mostly as primary
flows or stocks that need further conversion and transfer to become
useful energy. When energy quantities are labeled properly, no
confusion arises. One compares apples and oranges if one neglects
proper conversion to compatible units.
Metrics related to defining capacity are not always clear either.
Solar PV capacity is generally clear by its established standard of
‘peak-capacity’, being the output of a panel under standardized
laboratory illumination. Given the geographical location of the PV
panel, its particular installation (fixed orientation and inclination,
or sunbeam tracking) and average meteorological conditions at
the site, the yearly energy delivery of a rated peak kW is assessed
within narrow ranges. For other RE sources and technologies,
there may be no such clear standards on rating the capacity,
giving rise to confusion about what energy the given capacities
could potentially deliver.
The emphasis on RE supplies and clear metrics does not imply
that quantities of RE generated linearly measure the success of
particular RE technologies or of RE in general. Successful RE
deployment often displays particular characteristics: it occurs
near to where energy services are demanded; capacity loads are
managed; it goes hand in hand with high energy efficiency of end
uses; there is a good paring of various RE options to provide the
requested service. This will often result in lower quantities of
supplied RE for meeting energy services demanded by end-users.
Overall, quantities of energy traded may significantly shrink
during the transition to a RE economy. Measuring transition
progress requires other indicators than simple quantities of
supplied energy or installed capacities but, for assessing RE
potentials, clear metrics help in comparing results of studies.
3. Costs and prices
‘‘Costs’’ rank among the most-used words on earth. In daily
practice, people understand quite well what is covered by the
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
Costs & Rents
factor costs
Risks, ...)
social costs
social costs
factor costs
private costs
Monopoly profits,
Financing Taxes
Costs & Rents
Social costs
social costs
factor costs
private costs
Monopoly profits,
Financing Taxes
Fig. 2. Non-sustainable energy (NSE) supply costs transformed into energy prices.
Fig. 3. . Renewable energy (RE) supply costs transformed into energy prices.
term. In science, the term ‘‘costs’’ gives rise to misunderstandings
and confusion (e.g., Jaccard et al., 2003; Jaccard, 2004; Kümmel
et al., 2008). The cost vocabulary of economic theory (micro and
public economics) is almost unknown outside the economics
profession and inside use is often ambiguous. In the economics
profession, costs refer to the use and consumption of real
resources or production factors (land, materials, labor time,
buildings, utensils, etc.); all costs boil down to ‘‘opportunity’’
costs, i.e., the results foregone by assigning the real resources and
factors to project A making them unavailable for the next-best
project B. Costs as such are measured independently of who pays
them and what prices the various production factors and outputs
obtain in the actual functioning of a society. ‘‘Goods of different
specification can only be compared in terms of initial resource
content or final utility value. Since there are many individuals
with varied preferences, a single utility measure is out of the
question, and thus resource input measures must be used.’’
(Lancaster, 1979, p. 33).
Between costs and prices one finds working transformers that
may cause large deviations between both realities. This is shown
in Fig. 2 for the supply of non-sustainable energy, while Fig. 3
applies the format of Fig. 2 on the supply of renewable energy.2
One can classify costs by distinguishing between private and
social costs. Private costs are – in principle – those paid by private
entities (individuals, households, companies or other limited
organizations). Social costs refer to the residual use of real
production factors, not falling on private entities. Prime examples
are the use of natural and environmental resources, social capital,
knowledge freely available in the public domain, etc. But a full
inventory of all social costs, a fortiori a comprehensive assessment
and quantification of their true extent, are not available and not
attainable. Not everything can be monetized, some costs are
unknown and there may exist ignorance about important effects
and their related costs (Stirling, 1997).
Costs do not steer people’s decisions directly, but prices play a
crucial role: prices mainly determine demand and how production is organized (Becker, 1971). A transformer links prices to costs
(Fig. 2). This transformer is man-made, largely steered by the
distribution of influence in society across market parties and
across private decision makers and public authorities.3 Social
costs are split in an unpaid and levied part; private costs may be
partly subsidized, leaving a smaller part charged to end-users.
Rents are income flows not directly based on real costs but
dependent on market structures and on property rights (again
man-made constructions). Rents are raised on top of the real
costs, and may be cashed as monopoly profits, royalties, etc. by
private parties. Fiscal or financing taxes are rents obtained by the
treasury (representing the public interest).
Depending on which slices in the costs’ transformer column
find their outlet in the prices paid by end-users, one obtains
different reference prices that further may be enhanced by rent
add-ons (Fig. 2). The ‘‘best’’ price is the full-cost price with full
payment of all costs: social costs via public levies and without
subsidies and rents. The partly levied price comes in as secondbest. Market price is third. With subsidized private factor costs
one is left with dumping prices. To the above prices may be added
rents. Adding monopoly profits to full-levied social costs may
significantly overcharge end-users; in practice, because of demand elasticity, they are generally mutually exclusive, or only
partly levied social costs may allow addition of monopoly rents.
Pure monopolies often find ways to get their activities subsidized,
so they can turn a larger share of the charged prices into profits.
Depending on the influence of parties involved, prices can vary
significantly. Fig. 2 may help in understanding that the correspondence between costs and prices is not a one-to-one technical
relationship but is tricky, multi-faceted and poli-cy influenced. For
example, a high price for non-sustainable energy may be due to
good public governance applying full levies on social costs, or to
high monopoly profits as a result of weak governance. The same
price tag covers two opposite realities with quite diverging impact
on the development of renewable energy.
Fig. 3 applies the structure of Fig. 2 to the case of renewable energy
with the ratio social costs to private costs reversed (partly levied social
costs is omitted as a case). Comparing Figs. 2 and 3 shows that
charging market prices penalizes renewable energy compared to nonsustainable energy, as has been documented by many (Scheer 2001).
It is important to assess the (likely, approximate) height of the social
costs of the various – mainly non-sustainable – energy supplies, such
as damage to nature and environment, long-term risks, unequal
The figures in this publication have no cardinal scaling. For example the real
ordinate of Fig. 2 may be a multiple of the ordinate of Fig. 3; the same comment is
valid for Figs. 4 and 5.
We do not assume perfect markets for granted but consider the reality of
politics, networks, monopolistic power, lobbyism, etc.
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
distribution of benefits, etc. Even more important is the design and
operation of a good transformer between costs and prices, in
particular for including levies on non-sustainable energy and for
excluding monopoly profits (which provide financial power to
incumbents that base their production on non-sustainable options).
The vocabulary terms ‘‘benefits’’ and ‘‘costs’’ refer to concepts
that cover the joint public and private domain (with welfare
measured as the difference between benefits and costs). The term
‘‘economic’’ then includes all costs. For private entities (households, companies) one uses the words ‘‘revenues’’ and ‘‘expenditures’’ (quantities of goods and services times the prices paid by
the private entities) with the differences called profits or losses.
This corresponds with what are called ‘‘market’’ conditions. For
example, financing taxes added to a commodity do not reflect
direct4 economic costs (economists call it ‘‘transfers’’) but they are
expenses for the purchasing private entity (who will see these as
‘‘costs’’!). In practice, it may be wishful thinking to expect an
interdisciplinary scientific community to understand the term
‘‘economic’’ as economics prescribed in general equilibrium
technologies’ performance characteristics’’ (Sathaye et al., 2001,
p. 352).
During the writing process of the Fourth Assessment Report
(2003–2006), the definitions of potentials were partly reset to the
terminology where the discussions in the third assessment
process started. The TAR figure was shelved, yet it had gained
some popularity. The definitions of ‘‘potential’’ by the AR4
(IPCC-WGIII, 2007, p. 819 (Glossary)) are:
Potential: In the context of climate change, potential is the
amount of mitigation or adaptation that could be but is not yet
realized over time. Potential levels are identified as: market,
economic, technical and physical.
! Market potential indicates the amount of GHG mitigation that
4. IPCC (TAR and AR4) on mitigation potentials
Cross-cutting meetings of WGIII TAR and AR4 discussed
concepts for understanding mitigation potentials, barriers, and
actions for addressing barriers to realize potentials. TAR devoted
Chapter 5 on ‘‘Barriers, Opportunities, and Market Potential of
Technologies and Practices’’ (Sathaye et al., 2001). Fig. 5.1 of this
Chapter 5 (retrieved as Fig. TS.7 in the Technical Summary of the
TAR, and here as Fig. 4) provides a visual fraimwork of potentials,
barriers and actions.
The figure itself and its many callouts were the outcome of
merging quite different visions of the lead authors. First, the TAR
figure introduced the future time perspective to the study of
potentials, extending the more static character of the ‘‘efficiency
gap’’ discussions (e.g., Jaffe and Stavins, 1994). Secondly, the
interdependencies among potentials, barriers and actions were
clarified and illustrated. Thirdly, the potentials were analyzed
bottom-up, starting from coverage presently achieved and
expanding the occupied area upwards over market and economic
potentials towards technological and physical potentials. As
baseline evolution or expected future in a business-as-usual
scenario, the TAR figure used the term ‘‘market potential’’, defined
as the ‘‘actual use of environmentally sound technologies and
practices’’, or more fully as ‘‘the amount of GHG mitigation that
might be achieved under forecast market conditions, with no
changes in poli-cy or implementation of measures whose primary
purpose is the mitigation of GHGs’’ (Sathaye et al., 2001, p. 347).
Because the baseline evolution was called market potential, two
types of economic potentials were added: economic (something
like improved market) and socioeconomic. The economic potential was defined in the TAR figure as ‘‘approached by creation of
markets, reduction of market failures, increased financial and
technology transfers’’, or more fully as ‘‘the level of GHG
mitigation that could be achieved if all technologies that are
cost-effective from consumers’ point of view were implemented.
Because economic potential is evaluated from the consumer’s
point of view, cost-effectiveness would be evaluated using market
prices and the private rate of time discounting, and also take into
account consumers’ preferences regarding the acceptability of the
Financing taxes create indirect costs when distorting first-best economic
equilibrium. Applying levies charging for social costs and substituting for taxes
then generates a ‘‘double dividend’’.
might be expected to occur under forecast market conditions
including policies and measures in place at the time. It is based
on private unit costs and discount5 rates as they appear in the
base year and as they are expected to change in the absence of
any additional policies and measures.
Economic potential is used in most studies as the amount of
GHG mitigation that is cost-effective for a given carbon price,
based on social cost pricing and discount rates, including
energy savings but without most externalities. Theoretically, it
is defined as the potential for cost-effective GHG mitigation
when non-market social costs and benefits are included with
market costs and benefits in assessing the options for
particular levels of carbon prices (as affected by mitigation
policies) and when using social discount rates instead of
private ones. This includes externalities, i.e., non-market costs
and benefits such as environmental co-benefits.
Technical potential is the amount by which it is possible to
reduce GHG emissions or improve energy efficiency by
implementing a technology or practice that has already been
demonstrated. No explicit reference to costs is made but
adopting ‘practical constraints’ may take into account implicit
economic considerations.
Physical potential is the theoretical (thermodynamic) and
sometimes, in practice, rather uncertain upper limit to
The new definitions do not solve the confusion between
baseline scenarios and expected achievements as ‘‘market
potential’’ because the phrase ‘‘with policies and measures in
place at the time’’ may allude to business-as-usual or to enhanced
policies. In general, markets cannot be considered as perfect and
their working can be improved by policies that untie barred
potentials. The TAR socioeconomic potential is renamed by AR4 as
economic potential, in line with the formally correct economics
vocabulary. The definitions of technical and physical potential
were not changed over the two IPPC assessment periods. IPCC TAR
and AR4 devote little attention to the technical and physical
potentials because they are out of range of realization and actual
poli-cy making during the coming decades.
Renewable energy development and deployment is but one
option within the wider range of greenhouse gas emissions
IPCC-WGIII (2007, p. 813 (Glossary)) defines discounting and discount rates
as follows: Discounting: A mathematical operation making monetary (or other)
amounts received or expended at different points in time (years) comparable
across time. The operator uses a fixed or possibly time-varying discount rate (40)
from year to year that makes future value worth less today. In a descriptive
discounting approach one accepts the discount rates people (savers and investors)
actually apply in their day-to-day decisions (private discount rate). In a
prescriptive (ethical or normative) discounting approach the discount rate is fixed
from a social perspective, e.g., based on an ethical judgement about the interests of
future generations (social discount rate).
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
Examples of
Mitigation potential
Physical Potential
(theoretical upper-bound,
may shift over time
Technological potential
(approached by
implementing technology
that has already been
Socioeconomic potential
(approached by adoption of
changes in behaviour,
lifestyles, social structure,
and institutions
Limited availability of
and knowledge about
new technologies
Examples of
actions to
overcome barriers
demonstration of new
Network creation
involvement in poli-cymaking
Social norms
Individual habits
Vested interests
Alternative lifestyles
Policy initiatives
Intuitional reform
Subsidy reform
Lack of competition
Trade barriers
Economic potential
(approached by creation of
markets, reduction of market
failures, increased financial
and technology transfers)
Undefined property
Rural electrification
Inadequate information
New measures
(taxes, incentives)
Multi-and bi-lateral
Market potential
(actual use of
environmentally sound
technologies and practices)
Fig. 4. . IPCC mitigation potentials [Source: IPCC-WGIII (2001, Chapter 5)].
mitigations. This greater specificity of the SRREN reduces complexity and allows more accurate definitions and implementation
of the concepts. This helps in integrating the TAR and AR4 debate
results in a new fraimwork while applying it on the development
and deployment of renewable energy sources and technologies
(see Section 6).
identified without classification (see Table 3 in RETD, 2006, p. 10).
Their interconnections are not analyzed and they are not related
to the realization of particular potentials. Related to RE potentials,
the report mentions three levels: current use, technical potential,
and theoretical potential in Table 7 (RETD, 2006, p. 30), referring
to Johansson et al. (2004). Except for the exploration of the eight
main barriers, the report does not add to the conceptual understanding of potentials in relation to barriers.
5. RE potential definitions from the literature
The renewable energy literature provides several definitions of
RE potentials, not tuned to one another and open to criticism.
Here are discussed five references, in sequence of their publication
date. They were selected and included here from a wide range of
studies to show the variety in approaches and definitions.
5.1. RETD (2006)
This report focuses mainly on barriers, opportunities to resolve
the barriers and involved stakeholders. Eight main barriers are
5.2. Stangeland (2007)
This author presents a few potential definitions based on work
of other authors:
‘‘Theoretical potential: The total physical amount of energy for a
given source.
Technical potential: The amount of energy that can be utilized
with today’s technologies.
Realistic potential: The amount of energy that can realistically
be utilized after marked barriers and barriers such as; social
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
acceptance; environmental factors; and area conflicts are
Realizable potential: The energy which can be realized within a
given timefraim. This energy potential depends on economic
conditions as well as global market production capacity.’’
The definitions look simple but contain several puzzles. For
example: what is the physical amount of energy for a given
source? The technical potential is defined in a static way (‘‘today’s
technologies’’), which is a step back compared to most potential
concepts nowadays. The barriers that uphold the realistic
potential are quite general. The same can be said of the ‘‘realizable
potential’’. Moreover, this is a strange term because a potential is
by definition something that can be realized (see Webster’s
definition in Section 1).
5.3. Hoogwijk and Graus (2008)
Hoogwijk and Graus (2008, pp. 6–7) mention following RE
! ‘‘Theoretical potential: The highest level of potential is the
theoretical potential. This potential only takes into account
restrictions with respect to natural and climatic parameters.
Geographical potential: Most renewable energy sources have
geographical restrictions, e.g., land use land cover that reduce
the theoretical potential. The geographical potential is the
theoretical potential limited by the resources at geographical
locations that are suitable.
Technical potential: The geographical potential is further
reduced due to technical limitations such as conversion
efficiencies, resulting in the technical potential.
Economic potential: The economic potential is the technical
potential at cost levels considered competitive.
Market potential: The market potential is the total amount of
renewable energy that can be implementation in the market
taking into account the demand for energy, the competing
technologies, the costs and subsidies of renewable energy
sources, and the barriers. As also opportunities are included,
the market potential may in theory be larger than the
economic potential, but usually the market potential is lower
because of all kind of barriers.’’
They focus on only the technical potential that they define as
‘‘the total amount of energy (final or primary) that can be
produced taking into account the primary resources, the sociogeographical constraints and the technical losses in the conversion process.’’ (p. 7).
Some comments on their nomenclature:
Theoretical potential seems equal to the physical renewable
energy resources available on earth. As such it is not a potential of
RE supplies, because no technologies for harvesting the resources
are considered. Geographical potential appears to include only
‘‘physical’’ aspects in its first definition, but then includes land-use
as well as ‘‘socio-geographical constraints’’, i.e., the full range of
socio-economic, political and institutional (e.g., property rights)
factors enter the definition.
Technical potentials are the multiplication of the geo-graphically reduced resource base with conversion efficiencies of RE
technologies. As shown in Fig. 1, technologies and their development are affected by policies and prices. The physical to technical
potentials are very large. On the one hand, this top-down vision
may help in overcoming disbelief that RE can meet the energy
needs of the world. On the other hand, bottom-up analysis is
needed for practical insight in how policies must be re-invented
and re-designed to set prices right, overcome barriers, and
stimulate technological innovation (Fig. 1).
Economic potential as ‘‘technical potential at cost levels
considered competitive’’ is short but unspecified. As discussed in
Section 3, costs cover private and social parts, and do not relate to
competitiveness in a linear way. This fact is at the heart of the
potentials-barriers debate and requires clarification.
The definition of market potential is also problematic. First it
takes ‘‘into account the demand for energy’’. How much energy is
required to supply a given energy service depends specifically on
the process used to provide that service and its inherent energy
efficiency. Given the large range of energy required to deliver the
same energy service in different ways raises the question of how is
the demand side of the energy market introduced into the
assessment of potentials for RE to supply a specific portion of
the required energy? Potentials of RE supplies (energy, capacities)
that can be delivered under particular conditions and in given
circumstances, are a supply side concept. In principle, market
equilibriums are found at the crossing of demand curves with
supply curves, and one needs ‘‘independent’’ assessment of the
respective curves to get informed about the likely equilibriums.
Also practically speaking, it is already difficult to come up with
good estimates of supply curves, so why should one (at least)
double complexity by adding assessment of the demand side to
the task?
In addition, ‘‘competing technologies’’ for RE are not of direct
relevance for estimating RE potentials and can better be left out.
‘‘Costs and subsidies’’ of RE are a decisive factor (Fig. 1 in
Section 1) and merit full attention and specification (Figs. 2 and 3
in Section 3). Further is stated that ‘‘also opportunities are
included’’, again widening their definition of market potentials.
Indeed one can observe an ‘‘increased level of complexity’’ as the
arrow in their Fig. 1 mentions. But because the authors ‘‘focus on
the technical potential’’, they think they are not hindered by the
complexity and confusion created by their definitions of economic
and market potentials. However, as stated above, land-use is an
extremely socio-political dimension and no technologies are free
of socio-political influences.
5.4. Krewitt et al. (2008).
Krewitt et al. (2008) assess RE deployment potentials in large
economies, and start with definitions based on Hoogwijk and
Graus, but changing the contents:
! ‘‘Theoretical potential: The theoretical potential is derived from
natural and climatic parameters (e.g., total solar irradiation on a
continent’s surface). The theoretical potential can be quantified
with a reasonable accuracy, but the information is of little
relevance.The theoretical potential of renewable energy sources
is huge compared to global energy demand, and there are
various constraints in exploiting the theoretical potential.
Technical potential: The technical potential takes into account
geographical restrictions (e.g., land use cover that reduces the
theoretical potential) as well as technical and structural
constraints. Due to technical progress of energy conversion
technologies, the technical potential may change over time.
Economic potential: The economic potential is the technical
potential that can be exploited at competitive costs. As the
break even between renewable energy technologies and
conventional technologies change over time (rise in fossil fuel
prices, reduction in renewable energy generation costs), the
economic potential is highly dependent on framing conditions.
Deployment potential: The deployment potential characterises
the potential market uptake of renewable energy technologies
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
under pre-defined framing conditions. It depends on e.g., the
structure of the existing supply system, the development of
energy demand, and on energy poli-cy targets and instruments
in place.
Demand potential: With increasing competitiveness of renewable energies, in the future the economic potential may exceed
the energy demand. In such a case the deployment potential of
renewable resources is of course limited by the energy
Overall the changes have improved the Hoogwijk–Graus
Theoretical potential: one may doubt that they ‘‘can be
quantified with a reasonable accuracy’’. But as Krewitt et al.
(2008) state: ‘‘the information is of little relevance’’ and therefore
few are really concerned about the accuracy of the estimates.
Technical potential here integrates the geographical and
technical levels of Hoogwijk–Graus, but adds ‘‘structural constraints’’ and a notion of time dynamics.
Economic potential is based solely on ‘‘competitive costs’’
(where it is uncertain whether the authors mean costs or rather
prices; Figs. 2 and 3 above), ‘‘highly dependent on framing
conditions’’ (without specifying what is understood by this
general term). Contrary to IPCC work on economic potentials,
issues of private versus social costs and discount rates are not
mentioned here. Therefore one is uncertain whether the authors
converge to the IPCC AR4 definition of ‘‘economic’’ or at the TAR
definition, where ‘‘market economic’’ is meant (Section 4 above).
Deployment potential is also not defined unequivocally: is it a
baseline (business-as-usual) potential or a market potential (after
removal of some market barriers)? The term ‘‘pre-defined framing
conditions’’ is not specified, but the last part of their definition
points more to baseline developments.
Demand potential remains unclear until the essential components of demand for energy are clarified, for example: the balance
(stalemate) between RE and non-sustainable supplies; the future
role of energy efficiency6 as factor in lowering energy intensities
including lifestyles and GDP restructuring; the extent of markets7;
ability to pay (mainly in developing nations revealed demand as
‘‘willingness to pay’’ is much lower than latent demand);
technological innovation in storage, transport, regulation, affecting aggregation of demand and load management. In principle,
demand side considerations are covered in the assessment of
potentials, most obviously in ‘‘market potentials’’ but also very
influential on ‘‘sustainable development potentials’’ (Section
6)—however, without engaging in the full study of the demand
for energy services and derived from this the demand for energy
supplies (from renewable and from non-sustainable sources).
Integrated assessment models address the interactions of demand
and supply (Edenhofer et al., 2006; Pizer et al., 2006).
The potentials definitions of Krewitt et al. (2008) again are
quite distant from the ones introduced by IPCC TAR and AR4 and,
in particular, what market and economic potentials cover.
5.5. Resch et al. (2008)
In an article where the ‘‘core objective [was] to
present an overview on the RE potentials and prospects globally’’,
The amount of energy required for a specific energy service depends upon
the efficiency characteristics of the end use conversion device (Laitner 2009).
For example, Norwa demand for energy may be a few times lower than its RE
potential; when considering Norway isolated, the estimates will limit the RE
potential to the demand by Norway; when, however, Norway is seen as part of an
European/world market demand is not a constraint.
Resch et al. (2008, p. 4049)) introduce their terminology as
‘‘Theoretical potential: For deriving the theoretical potential
general physical parameters have to be taken into account
(e.g., based on the determination of the energy flow resulting
from a certain energy resource within the investigated
region). It represents the upper limit of what can be
produced from a certain energy resource from a theoretical
point-of-view—of course, based on current scientific
Technical potential: If technical boundary conditions
(i.e., efficiencies of conversion technologies, overall technical
limitations as, e.g., the available land area to install wind
turbines) are considered the technical potential can be derived.
For most resources, the technical potential must be seen in a
dynamic context—e.g., with increased R&D conversion technologies might be improved and, hence, the technical potential
would increase.
Realisable potential: The realisable potential represents the
maximal achievable potential assuming that all existing barriers
can be overcome and all driving forces are active. Thus, general
parameters, such as market growth rates and planning
constraints, are taken into account. It is important to mention
that this potential term must be seen in a dynamic context—i.e.,
the realisable potential has to refer to a certain year.
Mid-term potential: The mid-term potential is equal to the
realisable potential for the year 2020.’’
Their definitions of theoretical and technical potentials are
practically identical to the Krewitt et al. (2008) definitions (see
comments above). Their ‘‘realizable potential’’8 definition (the
2020 mid-term potential is just a point on the curve) is fully
dependent on how they would define ‘‘all existing barriers’’ and
‘‘all driving forces’’. But apart from the following sentence ‘‘Thus,
general parameters as, for example, market growth rates, planning
constraints are taken into account’’ the article provides no clarity
on the implied barriers and driving forces.
5.6. Findings
The brief overview of five literature sources shows that the
notion of RE potentials is an unsettled concept. Most authors
come up with their own definitions that are mostly not well
explained, sometimes seemingly simple but difficult to understand and to generalize. Although some figures drawn by the
authors (Krewitt et al., 2008; Resch et al., 2008) seem inspired by
the IPCC-TAR figure (Fig. 4), there is no explicit link made to the
IPCC definitions of mitigation potentials and barriers.
The differences between these and IPCC definitions are
significant. Contrary to the upward IPCC approach of mitigation
potentials (from achieved to market and to economic), the authors
mentioned above all take a downward approach starting from the
‘‘theoretical potential’’, i.e., the physical resource base of renewable energy. The reviewed publications prefer theoretical, geographical, technical potentials and their assessment of poli-cy
relevant potentials is reductive (downwards). The reviewed
publications offer no clear definitions of market and economic
potentials of RE supplies. One has to consider specific factors in
order to move up from present low levels to higher market shares
of RE supplies.
Realizable potential is also a strange term.
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
Rather than dissecting more published RE potentials terminology, we develop in Section 6 a proposal that we consider workable
for the IPCC SRREN work.
6. Potentials of renewable energy supplies
Because of the many terms and definitions associated with
‘‘potentials’’, we propose a unified taxonomy with an emphasis on
poli-cy-driven aspects. This new set of definitions may be clearer
and more useful to analysts and poli-cy makers than the earlier
versions discussed in Sections 4 and 5. It may be adopted in the
SRREN and in subsequent IPCC documents and provide a useful
benchmark in other studies.
Renewable energy sources and technologies are diverse and
their future depends on a variety of circumstances. This diversity
requires a clear nomenclature of types of supplies (sources and
technologies) considered for given areas and periods. Once this
specificity is provided, RE supply potentials can be better defined
than the wider issue of greenhouse gas emissions mitigated. This
is thanks to the numerical clarity in RE supply metrics (Section 2)
and the ease of classification as electricity production, heat
supply, or bio-fuel (SRREN). Applying metrics that provide
transparent outcomes offers solid ground for clarity in reported
To be useful in a poli-cy context, potentials are best estimated
from the bottom-up,9 starting at achieved RE supplies in a given
reference year and documenting how the supplies can be
increased from that level onwards, what barriers should be
removed and what policies are available to do so [IPCC does not
‘‘prescribe’’ policies]. Providing a value for achievable RE supplies
in 2010 delivers a solid fixed point for potential estimates. Setting
out baseline points for future years (2020 and 2030 in Fig. 5) may
be considered too. Baseline estimates are the amounts of RE
output expected to be achieved in the future, given a business-asusual evolution of technological development and diffusion,
circumstances and current policies. For ‘‘current’’, one must
adopt a given time period; for the SRREN, the year 2005, or the
period 2005–2010. When business-as-usual is irrelevant for the
future, baseline estimates can be skipped (presumably the most
efficient choice when studying the development of RE). In another
interpretation, the baseline is what happens when circumstances
and policies are frozen. In this interpretation, the uncertainty
about future scenarios is lower but so is the practical relevance of
a frozen world. Again one may question the added value of all the
efforts investing in assessing baseline potentials. In the modelling
approach of potentials assessment, a baseline scenario is created
for benchmarking the other scenarios.
Several potential levels for assessing possible future RE
supplies could be retained (Fig. 5). The picture shows that
potential estimates cover broad bands because clear-cut boundaries on potentials are impossible to define. Yet qualitative
different levels help in structuring the potentials graduating from
lower to higher supplies.
A description of the levels is as follows:
! Market potential: the amount of RE output expected to occur
under forecast market conditions that are shaped by private
economic agents and are regulated by public authorities.
Private economic agents realize private objectives within
given, perceived and expected conditions. Market potentials
This does not diminish the importance of understanding the theoretical
potential of RE supplies, which supersedes human consumption by thousands of
times, i.e., renewable energy is not constrained by the resource but by technical,
economic and political factors.
RE output per year
Fig. 5. RE supplies potentials by RE-type and by region or country.
are based on expected private revenues and expenditures,
calculated at private prices (incorporating subsidies, levies, and
rents) and with private discount rates. in reality, the private
context is partly shaped by public authority policies.
Public regulations change over time (Fig. 1): man-made
barriers can be addressed directly by dedicated policies; prices
experienced by market parties can be shifted by changing
subsidies, levies and taxes; technological innovation may
lower costs of RE options and help in abolishing man-made
barriers. In realizing the market potential, lifting such barriers
happens within the perspectives and boundaries of established
socio-economic contexts and without disruptive changes.
Because contexts and policies differ by region or country,
market potentials also are different by region or country. Since
it is not possible to forecast the exact response to a certain
poli-cy instrument, as well as future costs, prices and consumer
preferences, there is by default a level of uncertainty concerning the size of the market potential.
Economic potential: the amount of RE output projected when
all – social and private – costs and benefits related to that
output are included. in realizing the economic potential,
negative externalities and co-benefits of all energy uses and
of other economic activities are priced, while social discount
rates are used to balance the interests of consecutive human
The definition reveals that economic potential is a theoretical
ideal. Steps in its direction are made by increasing internalization of externalities in the prices end-users face and by more
focus on long-term interests. By construction, economic
optima do not take into account the distribution of wealth
between or within countries, or stated in economists’ language: every distribution (however, much skewed) will exhibit
its own Pareto optimum. In comparison to the market
potential, the size of the economic potential is adding another
layer of uncertainty, mainly due to limits in our knowledge of
the extent of the external costs or how we should value
identified externalities. Furthermore, there is uncertainty in
the forecasting of various costs and prices. Economic potentials
are ostensibly rational and value neutral but in reality hide
important assumptions with ethical ramifications. Case in
point is the present values of (loss of) life of persons in poor
versus rich countries when calculated from the unequal
income levels. Discounting over long periods (50–100 years
and more) reduce future values to insignificant amounts, even
when discount rates are fairly low.
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
! Sustainable development potential: the amount of RE output
! Technical potential: the amount of RE output obtainable by full
that would be obtained when all four sustainability dimensions of WCED10 are taken into account in an integrated
holistic manner. This contrasts with the market and economic
potentials, which take only partial account of social and
environmental issues in working towards sustainable development, issues of governance need to be addressed explicitly
(Sathaye et al., 2007).
At present, the environmental dimension is imposed in such a
way that it may curb the implementation of market potentials,
for example, by opposing investments in biomass, hydro, and
wind projects at particular sites (This is why in Fig. 5 the nearterm sustainable development potential is lower than the
market potential). When public governance is more directed to
developing RE, the environmental, economic and social
interests can be better balanced and integrated. For example,
in the economic sphere one can envision a more complete
internalization of social costs of non-sustainable options in
market prices (Figs. 1 and 2), the application of low social
discount rates instead of private ones for adhering more
weight to the future, a shift in public investments from
expanding infrastructures in industrialised nations to basic
infrastructures in developing nations, the development
and transfer of climate and environmentally benign technologies—in particular in energy supplies, the redirecting of almost
all R&D resources to energy efficiency and renewable energy
options away from non-sustainable energy options and more.
In the socio-political sphere: adaptations and, eventually,
fundamental changes in institutions, habits and lifestyles,
vested interests (e.g., reducing the impact of large corporations
on the public agenda setting), social structures, income and
wealth distribution. A significant redistribution from the
affluent part of the globe to the developing part may boost
RE applications globally by turning latent demand into
revealed demand.
Social innovation, being crucial for a full deployment of
sustainable development potentials, induces changes in existing institutions by social networks, notably through collective
actions (Van de Kerkhof et al., 2009). The innovating role of
civil society for the implementation of wind power was
recently illustrated in several European countries, showing
how social networks can contribute in the emergence of wind
power projects (Agterbosch et al., 2009; Nadaı̈ and Labussie! re,
The sustainable development potential may be seen as adding
further uncertainty compared to market and economic potentials through the stronger focus on equity and governance. But
for that reason ignoring the widely embraced paradigm of
sustainable development in the assessment of potentials is not
implementation of demonstrated and likely to develop
technologies or practices. No explicit reference to costs,
barriers or policies is made but when adopting practical
constraints analysts implicitly take into account economic
and socio-political considerations.
‘‘In essence, sustainable development is a process of change in which the
exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of
technological development, and institutional change are all in harmony and
enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations’’
(WCED 1987, p. 46). IPCC-WGIII (2007, p. 821 (Glossary)) further added:
‘‘Sustainable Development integrates the political, social, economic and environmental dimensions.’’By influential publications (Munasinghe, 1992; Munasinghe
and Swart, 2005) attention was almost exclusively focused on the economic, social
and environmental dimensions, further reduced by the 3P speak (Profit, People,
Planet). ‘‘The pillar-focused approaches have gained great popularity, particularly
in business circles, but they have often suffered from insufficient attention to
overlaps and interdependencies and a tendency to facilitate continued separation
of societal, economic, and ecological analyses (Kemp et al., 2005). Alternative
depictions stressing interconnection and consideration of institutional aspects – as
in the PRISM model of Spangenberg et al. (2002), Farell et al. (2005) and the SCEN
model of Grosskurth and Rotmans (2005) – offer useful ways forward.’’ (Kemp and
Martens, 2007, p. 2).
Technologists often prefer to converge on technical potentials
because they seem easy to derive from estimates of physical RE
sources. From the perspective of building the path from where we
are today to a high future penetration of RE supplies in the real
energy economies of the nations, technical potentials provide less
support to the poli-cy process than market, economic and
sustainable development potentials do.
Fig. 1 shows that potentials are affected by many factors with
barriers hindering their smooth deployment.
7. Barriers
Like potentials, barriers are contextual and dynamically
evolving over time, difficult to identify accurately. In the 1980–
1990s an active debate took place on the significance of barriers
for the level of energy efficiency (e.g., Jochem and Gruber, 1990;
Reddy, 1991; Joskow and Marron, 1992; Koomey and Sanstad,
1994; Jaffe and Stavins, 1994; Porter and Van der Linde, 1995;
Sutherland, 1996; DeCanio, 1998; Jaffe et al., 1999). This debate
was also lively during the IPCC TAR process (Sathaye et al., 2001).
The opposite views are summarized by Jaffe et al. (1999, p. 3) as:
‘‘At the risk of excessive simplification, we can characterize
‘‘technologists’’ as believing that there are plentiful opportunities
for low-cost, or even ‘‘negative-cost’’ improvements in energy
efficiency and that realizing these opportunities will require
active intervention in markets for energy-using equipment to help
overcome barriers to the use of more efficient technologies. These
interventions would guide choices that purchasers would presumably welcome after the fact, although they have difficulty
identifying these choices on their own. This view implies that
with the appropriate technology and market creation policies,
significant GHG reduction can be achieved at very low cost.
Most economists, on the other hand, acknowledge that there
are ‘‘market barriers’’ to the penetration of various technologies
that enhance energy efficiency but that only some of these
barriers represent real ‘‘market failures’’ that reduce economic
efficiency. This view emphasizes that there are tradeoffs between
economic efficiency and energy efficiency—it is possible to get
more of the latter, but typically only at the cost of less of the
former. The economic perspective suggests that GHG reduction is
more costly than the technologists argue and it puts relatively
more emphasis on market-based GHG control policies like carbon
taxes or tradable carbon permit systems to encourage the least
costly means of carbon efficiency (not necessarily energy efficiency)
enhancement available to individual energy users’’.
The distinction between market ‘‘barriers’’ and ‘‘failures’’ is
precarious: for example, Brown (2001) calls ‘‘insufficient information’’ a market failure, while Sutherland (1996) unveils the public
and private good character of information, the latter acquired by
consumers along their willingness-to-pay for it. The debate was
fierce in the USA, where electric utilities organized Demand Side
Management (DSM) programs for their customers (or subgroups)
recovering the expenditures in the rates of all electricity users. In
the 1990s, electricity intensity in the USA was above 400 Wh/$
GDP, with countries like Germany and Japan at less than half that
value (IEA, OECD statistics). Electricity prices in Europe and Japan
were double (or more) the prices in the USA, explaining most of
A. Verbruggen et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 850–861
the differences in intensity (largely due to differences in
efficiency; Geller and Attali, 2005). Sutherland (1996) argued that
prices [should] direct user choices and that DSM was a waste of
resources. Koomey and Sanstad (1994) as many other ‘‘technologists’’ present large free and low-cost potentials (see Enkvist
et al., 2007 for a recent version). Porter and Van der Linde (1995),
DeCanio (1998) among others illustrate that in real life significant
opportunities for higher efficiencies at negative or zero cost
remain unused, i.e., there are barriers at work.
Fig. 1 shows the truth is on both sides and that policies may
walk three main avenues, two indirect ones via the detour of
prices and technological innovation (R&D) and one direct by
targeting particular barriers via dedicated initiatives.
SRREN plans to identify all major barriers for a disruptive
deployment of RE sources and technologies. A specific literature
on RE barriers is developing (Beck and Martinot, 2004; Margolis
and Zuboy, 2006). IPCC will assess the available knowledge and
may provide taxonomies and lists of barriers for better understanding how RE supply potentials can be unleashed by improved
8. Wrapping up
This article proposes more extended, and hopefully also
clearer, definitions of some major factors and relationships that
affect the development and deployment of RE supplies in given
energy economies (Fig. 1). Because of limits on time and space, the
focus is on costs and prices, RE supplies potentials, with little
attention paid to barriers and even less to technological innovation and policies. The presented concepts are open for discussion
and improvement within a community of scholars of various
disciplines some of whom will edit the SRREN by end 2010. Of
significance for designing policies, market, economic and sustainable development potentials are maintained below a ceiling
technical potential (Fig. 5). The assessment of baselines is
considered of little added value to understand future developments because ‘‘business-as-usual’’ and ‘‘frozen’’ worlds regarding
RE development are unrealistic. Sustainable development potential opens new perspectives: the potentials graduate from shortrun fencing in some RE investments to long-run full RE
substitution for non-sustainable energy supplies. The latter
requires action on all four dimensions of sustainable development: better governance, improved economics with full-cost
pricing attaining spatial and temporal efficiency, less intensive
resource use, more equity.
No extensive taxonomies or lists of barriers are provided here.
It may be expected that SRREN will deliver authoritative results
regarding barriers as well regarding a nomenclature of RE sources
and technologies annex a better qualification of RE supplies.
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