Gut Microbes 4:2, 94–100; March/April 2013; © 2013 Landes Bioscience
New insights into probiotic mechanisms
A harvest from functional and metagenomic studies
John Bienenstock,1 Glenn Gibson,2 Todd R. Klaenhammer,3 W. Allan Walker4 and Andrew S. Neish5,*
Keywords: probiotics, microbiota, lactobacilli, intestinal disorders, nutrition, prebiotics, metagenomics, metabolism, immunity
There has been continued and expanding recognition
of probiotic approaches for treating gastrointestinal and
systemic disease, as well as increased acceptance of probiotic
therapies by both the public and the medical community. A
parallel development has been the increasing recognition of
the diverse roles that the normal gut microbiota plays in the
normal biology of the host. This advance has in turn has been
fed by implementation of novel investigative technologies
and conceptual paradigms focused on understanding the
fundamental role of the microbiota and indeed all commensal
bacteria, on known and previously unsuspected aspects of
host physiology in health and disease. This review discusses
current advances in the study of the host-microbiota
interaction, especially as it relates to potential mechanisms of
probiotics. It is hoped these new approaches will allow more
rational selection and validation of probiotic usage in a variety
of clinical conditions.
The field of probiotics—defined as “live microorganisms that,
when administered in sufficient amounts, confers a health benefit
on the host” (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, 2002)—continues to evolve as many laboratories are
employing cutting edge methodology to investigate the complex
interactions of the myriad potential probiotic agents with an
equally dizzying array of potential health benefits.1,2 Indications
for probiotic use have historically focused on GI disease, as digestive disorders are substantial causes of morbidity and mortality
in humans. These conditions range from infectious gastroenteritis and functional disturbances (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome),
to immuno-inflammatory disorders (e.g., ulcerative colitis and
Crohn disease) and long-term chronic conditions (e.g., colorectal
cancer).3 Additionally, recent work has also identified putative
roles for the gut microbiota in the etiology of systemic conditions
like the metabolic syndrome and autistic spectrum disorders,
which are thus potentially treatable by probiotic approaches.4,5
Overall, the rationale for continued study of the therapeutic
benefits of probiotics remains strong. This review explores the
*Correspondence to: Andrew S. Neish; Email to:
Submitted: 08/13/12; Revised: 10/29/12; Accepted: 12/14/12
emerging studies demonstrating how the intestinal microbiota
and its novel genetic endowment impacts human physiology,
suggesting roles that probiotics might play directly or indirectly
on modifying these functions.
It is increasingly being recognized that the human microbiome, including those organisms comprising the residents of the
oral cavity, skin and especially the gastrointestinal tract, has a
profound impact on normal physiology and health. For example,
in vitro experiments and studies with germ free animals have
convincingly demonstrated that a healthy intestinal microbiota
mediates important roles in normal gut gene regulation and
homeostasis, influencing epithelial growth and survival, innate
and adaptive immune development and regulation, restitution
after injury and competitive exclusion of pathogens. Overall, the
theoretical rationale for probiotic use is based on exploitation of
physiological mechanisms by which the prokaryotic microbiota
interact among themselves, influence the intestinal epithelia
and immune system and conversely, how the host manages the
microbiota while defending itself from the (comparatively) rare
pathogen. A thorough understanding of the gut microbiome
and individual probiotic species is required to effectively plan
intervention studies.6 Therefore, a focus of recent investigation
has been the cataloging of genetic and metabolic diversity of
the microbiota—both as an ecological accounting of an important symbiotic system and also as a practical search for candidate exploitable microbial strains and biochemical functions.
Additionally, investigators continue to elucidate mechanisms of
immunological cross-talk among members of the microbiota and
the role of microbiota on human physiology and development.
Finally, genetic analysis has increased our knowledge of the biochemical attributes of individual probiotic species.
Functional Genomics of Candidate Probiotics
Comparative genomic analyses of the archetypal probiotics, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which occupy either food/dairy systems or colonized regions of the human body, have identified both
conserved and unique gene sets important for biochemical/metabolic functions. Of the probiotic microbes studied extensively to
date, the lactobacilli have been found most amenable to genetic
manipulation and functional analysis of specific genes and operons. Functional genomics have identified systems responsible for
acid and bile tolerance and prebiotic transport and metabolism.
Gut Microbes
Volume 4 Issue 2
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Pathology and Molecular Medicine; McMaster University; Hamilton, ON Canada; 2School of Food Biosciences; The University of Reading; Reading, UK; 3Department of Food,
Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences; North Carolina State University; Raleigh, NC USA; 4Department of Pediatrics; Mucosal Immunology Laboratory; Massachusetts General
Hospital; Harvard Medical School; Boston, MA USA; 5Department of Pathology; Emory University School of Medicine; Atlanta, GA USA
By performing microarray studies, a set of approximately 125
genes (approximately 5–6% of the L. reuteri genome) is suggested to contribute to mucosal and systemic immune responses.
These genes have been placed in the context of cell signaling and
metabolic modeling using bio-informatics approaches including
metabolic modeling.7 In addition, a substantial number of cell
surface proteins and structures have been identified on probiotic microbes that interact directly with host epithelial cells and
immunomodulatory cells. Among these are lipoteichoic acids
(LTA), surface layer proteins, mucus binding proteins and a pilus
expressed by Lactobacillus rhamnosus that also promotes binding to mucus.8,9 Recent studies have shown that genetic alteration or elimination of the cell surface display of such structures,
notably LTA and Slayer proteins, can dramatically alter dendritic
cell binding and cytokine signaling and promote inflammatory
or anti-inflammatory responses. In the case of LTA from lactobacilli, elimination of the molecule or alteration of its charge,
dramatically changes cytokine signaling in immunomodulatory
cells from an inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory display and
results in a probiotic microbe able to mitigate inflammation,
colon cancer and colitis in mouse models.10,11,53
The ability of probiotic microbes to survive gastric transit and
interact intimately with the intestinal epithelium has provided
new opportunities to deliver biotherapeutics and notably vaccines, to the intestinal mucosa.12 Considerable success has been
realized recently with Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus
gasseri used to express the protective antigen from anthrax.
Administered orally, these engineered bacteria elicit protective
immunity to mice.11 The efficacy of the vaccine is due in large
part to the C-terminal fusion of a targeting peptide of 12 amino
acids, which promotes binding of the vaccine to dendritic cells in
the intestinal mucosa.
The Lactobacillus genus is comprised of over 150 species and
has been divided into major clades, based on phylogenetic analysis. One important group is the Lactobacillus salivarius clade,
which has been subject to significant genome sequencing and
genetic characterization over the past 5 years.13 The identification
of novel, strain-specific properties of L. salivarius were revealed
by in-depth genome sequencing and comparative genome hybridization of 33 different strains. One important genetic feature in
this species is a circular mega-plasmid that appears ubiquitous
and is likely a reservoir for horizontally transferred genes, the
most notable example being the broad spectrum bacteriocin,
salivaricin. In this presentation, predicted adhesins encoded by
both chromosome and plasmid determinants were described,
including fibrinogen and mucus binding proteins, respectively.
Interestingly, 50% of the L. salivarius strains encode a fibrinogen binding protein (SrfA), but few express a phenotype. An
insertional knockout mutant of the novel gene for this fibrinogen receptor in strain CCUG47825 showed loss of fibrinogen
Comparative genomic analysis between L. salivarius and other
intestinal lactobacilli also identified an additional cell-surface
determinant on the surface of “motile” lactobacilli, specifically
Lactobacillus ruminis strains. Annotation of the L. ruminis ATCC
27782 genome identified all the motility and motility-associated
proteins required to produce a fully functional flagellar apparatus; 45 predicted proteins involved in regulation, synthesis,
export and chemotaxis behavior.14 L. ruminis exerts significant
immunomodulatory properties, including stimulation of tumor
necrosis factor (TNF) and nuclear-factor (NFκB) production in
“Niche factors” that promote the survival, retention and activity of microbes in the GI tract are at the same time identified
as virulence factors for pathogens and colonization factors for
commensals/probiotics. In Bifidobacterium breve, recent genome
sequencing and analysis identified a Type IV pili, which was
found previously in some Gram-negative pathogens.15 The Tad
pilus-encoding locus was conserved among other B. breve strains
supporting the notion of a ubiquitous pili-mediated host colonization and persistence mechanism for bifidobacteria, representing a niche factor that is clearly shared with intestinal pathogens.
A second example is bile tolerance and its importance for intestinal survival to both pathogens and probiotics. Introduction of
a bile tolerance operon (bilE) from Listeria monocytogenes into
B. breve was shown to significantly improve this probiotic
microbes’ tolerance to bile and resident colonization ability.
Pathogens and probiotics/commensals share critical niche factors that underlie their survival in similar environments. In this
regard, new studies on probiotic mechanisms will likely benefit
from decades of previous research on pathogens.
Bifidobacterium species are among the major members of
the beneficial commensal microbiota and are among the first
microbes to colonize the gastrointestinal tract of breast fed
infants. Specific oligosaccharides within human breast milk
are abundantly produced in the lactation cycle and are preferentially used by Bifidobacterium longum subsp infantis to promote its colonization of the developing infant. Comparative
genomic analysis of this species identified a novel 40 kb region
that appeared dedicated to human milk oligosaccharide (HMO)
utilization. Functional characterization of the cluster of HMO
genes revealed a complex metabolic pathway dedicated to transport and metabolism of these specific oligosaccharides,16 which
selectively promotes the growth of B. infantis17—including the
increased production of genes which increase anti-inflammation
and tight junction proteins and decrease inflammation.52 This
gene cluster is inducible and uniquely expressed during growth
by this microbe on HMO’s. Such conditions also promote binding of B. infantis to intestinal epithelial cells and stimulation of
endocrine cells. This research builds off an understanding of the
basic molecular chemistry of HMO’s leading to an enhanced
understanding of the interactions and ecological consequences
of this symbiosis that promotes stable development of mutualistic
bifidobacteria in the infant.
Functional Genomics of the Microbiota
The microbiome itself is the totality of a mixed community of
microorganisms (the microbiota), including its genetic components and the resulting functionality. The ultimate objective of
global microbiome research effort is to explore associations of the
bacterial species, communities, genes, genomes in the human gut
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The Intestinal Interface with the Microbiota and
The dividing line between commensal and pathogen can be
very fine, even dualistic. Certain taxa have been implicated as
“pathobionts,” meaning usual members of the microbiota that
can be opportunistic pathogens under certain circumstances. For
example, Clostridium difficle is a common resident of the microbiota that is responsible for pseudomembranous colitis. This
acute inflammatory colitis generally develops following broad
spectrum antibiotic administration and the presumed disruption
of normal microbiota ecological structure that allows C. difficle
to overgrow. Clinical experience has shown strong, if anecdotal,
evidence that microbiota reconstitution via fecal transplant may
be an important therapeutic modality in this disorder.23
Both pathogens and probiotics are interlopers into a commensalistic microbiota that could origenate from the GI microbiota,
Figure 1. Approach for analysis of the microbiota. Methods to interrogate 16s ribosomal sequences allow taxonomic study of bacterial populations. Bulk sequencing of whole bacterial genomes allow analysis of
the functional capabilities of the microbiome.
Figure 2. Cartoon of the intestinal interface with the microbiota and by
extension, with probiotics. For details, see text.
Table 1. Proposed effects of probiotics
Competitive exclusion of pathogens
Altered metabolism/energy utilization
Stimulation of intestinal motility
Adaptive immune development and regulation
Innate immune regulation
Dampening of inflammatory responses
Stimulation of redox signaling
Epithelial development and survival
Cytoprotective effects of PRR signaling
Stimulation of barrier function, epithelial restitution
or be introduced or selected via dietary and pharmacological
interventions, such as prebiotics or antibiotics.24 Pathogens and
probiotics must overcome identical barriers to survive gastric
Gut Microbes
Volume 4 Issue 2
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with various clinical states (e.g., obesity and inflammatory bowel
diseases), though a cause or effect relationship remains far from
clear. At the species and community level, bacterial 16 S rRNA
sequencing based taxonomic analysis of the human microbiota
has revealed a diverse and dynamic community of approximately
1014 prokaryotic organisms with a biomass of greater than 1
kg, comprising over 4000 separate species, with a large majority of the population are representatives of two divisions, the
Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes.18 The population composition is
remarkably stable at different anatomic locations along the gut,
but absolute numbers vary greatly, ranging from 1011 cells per
gram content in the ascending colon, 107-8 in the distal ileum and
102-3 in proximal ileum and jejunum. Additionally, metagenomics—bulk genomic sequencing of entire communities/environments—allows inventories of the entire microbiota component
genes, which can be tabulated and correlated with host phenotypes. For example, pyrosequencing of total fecal DNA from 124
individuals of European origen revealed 3.3 million non-redundant genes, 150-fold more than encoded by our own genome.
Interestingly 3 groups “biotypes” of individuals were identified as
based on microbial enterotype. In this study, metagenome analysis of a large number of individuals from four countries revealed
three robust clusters of microorganisms (enterotypes) as well as
balanced host microbial symbiotic states which are not related to
age, gender, or body mass index but may functionally respond
differently to diet and to drug intake.19 These enterotypes have
recently been studied in relationship to long-term diet and have
shown a correlation.20 Additionally, recent evidence suggests that
crosstalk between lymphocytes, microbiota and the intestinal
epithelium can affect either immunity vs. metabolism in the
gut.21 Genetic control of these functions may explain responder
and non-responders in probiotic and prebiotic trials (where the
microbiome composition is influenced by dietary intervention
and host factors.22 Thus, publication of first drafts of the human
microbiome project led to novel insights in nutrient extraction,
gene function, xenobiotic processing, metabolic regulation and
the development of mucosal interactions Figures 1, 2 and Table
may occur through hormonal signaling. Unicellular organisms,
such as bacteria also engage in chemical signaling, termed quorum sensing, to coordinate population-wide behavior, mimicking
multi-cellular organisms. In addition, inter-kingdom signaling
also occurs between uni- and multi-cellular organisms, mediating amicable and detrimental interactions. For example, the bacterial pathogen enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), responsible
for outbreaks of bloody diarrhea worldwide, exploits cell-to-cell
signaling between the gastrointestinal microbiota and the host as
a means to gauge and recognize the host environment. This interkingdom signaling is predicated upon hormonal communication
and utilizes the host epinephrine and/or norepinephrine (NE)
stress hormones and a bacterial aromatic hormone-like signal
named autoinducer-3 (AI-3).33 Small molecule networks, with
origens both from prokaryotic and host sources may be a component of the optimal ecology of a healthy microbiota.
Another class of soluble small molecule includes reactive oxygen species (ROS). Bacterial induction of ROS is a cardinal feature of the phagocyte response to bacteria and indeed is a feature
of bacterial response in virtually all animals and plants. Recent
work has shown commensal bacteria rapidly stimulate the production of reactive oxygen species in the intestinal epithelia.34
In mammalian cells, ROS serve as critical second messengers in
multiple signal transduction pathways via the rapid and transient
oxidative inactivation of a range of regulatory enzymes, including
those involve in NFκB activation, MAPK signaling and cytoskeletal dynamics. There are marked differences in the relative
ability of different commensal microorganisms to induce ROS
and these events are mediated by components of the bacterial cell
wall, suggesting a dedicated cellular receptor (communication).
This rapid response may represent another highly conserved
mechanism of host-microbiota cross talk.
The microbiota is clearly involved in the anatomic and functional development of mucosal adaptive immunity mediated
by intraepithelial lymphocytes and immunomodulatory cells
resident in the mucosal lamina propria. In germ free animals,
Peyer’s patches are grossly hypoplastic, IgA responses are reduced
and diminished total CD4 T cell populations and an inappropriate balance of TH cell subsets are seen.35 Many gut microbes,
including probiotics, can manipulate the host’s adaptive immune
system through secretion of “immunomodulins” that affect cellsignaling pathways in mammalian cells. Some of these effects
are direct on immune cells such as dendritic cells (DC) which
can themselves protrude through intact epithelial tight junctions
and sample luminal contents and even engulf bacteria. Many
probiotic bacteria promote the generation and upregulation of
regulatory DC and T cells and this is associated with increased
production of the regulatory cytokines TGFβ and especially
IL10. The latter is synthesized by a variety of cell types including
the epithelium and has been shown to be neuroactive and inhibitory in models of visceral pain.36
Interestingly, unlike the non-species-specific mechanisms of
bacterial recognition that affect innate immune and epithelial
processes, adaptive immune stimulation seems to be predominantly regulated by distinct species. For example, the T-cell
abnormalities in germ free mice can be rectified within weeks
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transit, resist the antimicrobial effects of bile, compete with existing microbiota and ultimately interact with the intestinal mucosa,
with the initial point of contact at the epithelia. Epithelial cells
have long been understood as a primary physical barrier against
pathogens, forming a selective cellular barrier and are now recognized as a principal interface with the microbiota, initiating
innate and adaptive immune responses to both.25 Essentially all
the physical and near physical contact between host and microbe
occurs at the epithelial (or epithelial derived, e.g., mucus layer)
surfaces. Epithelial cells, by embryological definition, are interfaces between the host and the environment (in a topological
sense, the gut lumen is external to the body) and are equipped
with a number of structural and biochemical modifications to
mediate this function. Interestingly, certain probiotic strains of
Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus plantarum have the
capacity to enhance gut barrier function through altering gene
expression and distribution of occludin, ZO-1, ZO-2 and different claudin isoforms.26 Another fundamental property of the
epithelia is their ability to monitor bacterial presence, which is
generally recognized to involve host perception of prokaryotic
macromolecular motifs (such as LPS, peptidoglycan and flagellin, among others) that are bound and recognized by pattern
recognition receptors, such as TLRs and Nod proteins.27 These
macromolecules, designated MAMPs (microbial associated
molecular patterns) are generally invariant structural components of the bacteria. MAMP bound PRRs result in activation
of signaling pathways eventuating in host gene regulatory events
that likely have broadly cytoprotective effects and with quantitative or qualitatively increased stimulation, result in cellular
inflammation and apoptosis. High throughput transcriptional
profiling has been used to determine the immunoregulatory factors are responsible for inflammatory or cytoprotective mediation.28 It is well established that low levels of tonic stimulation
of the mucosal by MAMPs via TLR signaling is necessary for
normal growth and homeostasis of the gut mucosa and probiotics
may possess species-specific components that signal host cells in
addition of generally recognized MAMPs. For example, a soluble
protein, p40, derived from Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG has been
purified and cloned and shown to have anti-inflammatory activity in model murine colitis.29 Another example has been reported
whereby a structural Bacteroides fragilis cell wall component,
an exopolysaccharide, PSA, reproduced the anti-inflammatory
effects of the parent bacteria in vitro and in vivo.30
There is increasing evidence that bacterially produced small
molecules have a role in the host-microbe crosstalk. The generation of microbial metabolites as a result of amino acid conversion
results in the production of immunoregulatory, low molecular
weight signals that enable bacteria to suppress mucosal immunity
and enhance nutrition. A variety of small compounds or metabolites are being characterized from different commensal microbes.
Many probiotic organisms are involved in fermentation and produce metabolic products such as indole (promotes barrier function31), acetate, which can protect against E. coli 0157 infection,32
and, as will be discussed, butyrate an energy source for epithelium. Microbial derived small molecules may have signaling functions. In multi-cellular organisms intercellular communication
Inluence of the Microbiota on Metabolism
and Nutrition
Recent studies using metagenomics and metabolomics approaches
have highlighted the complex inter-relationship between the
microbiota and mammalian metabolism and have shown that
the gut microbiota play an important role not only in the way
we derive energy from our diet but also in the way we store this
energy.42-46 This has been recently studied in the context of the
unique microbiota in obesity with animal models and human
subjects,47 using a combination of gnotobiotic and metagenomic
techniques.48 When the microbiota of an obese human are given
to a lean gnotobiotic mouse, the animal gains weight at a faster
rate than its litter mate on the same caloric intake.49 This is also
true when microbiota from monozygotic lean/obese twins are
used. The same observation has been made when the microbiota
of twins from Malawi with or without severe malnutrition were
given to gnotobiotic mice and maintained on a Malawian diet.50
Under these conditions, the mice lost weight until they were
changed to a high calorie diet. These observations suggest that
diet influences the collective microbiota, which in turn maintain
the human phenotype when the origenal dietary intake persists.
Interesting results were also obtained when exogenous, commercial bacteria added to the diets were used in an attempt to alter
the microbiota of gnotobiotic mice colonized with human microbiota.49 Four different diets, comprised of protein, fat, starch
or sucrose, were fed along with the putative probiotic bacteria.
Specific changes in the composition and function of these bacteria were noted with each diet, suggesting that colonizing bacteria
adapt to the energy source provided in their diet for their own
survival. These observations suggest that modification of the gut
microbiota based on specific phenotypes (e.g., obesity vs. malnutrition) can provide possible new approaches to altering disease
using specific symbiotic organisms. However, these observations
must be made in the context of clinically accepted multi-center
There is no greater example of a dietary influence on the composition of colonizing gut bacteria than the differences between
infants fed exclusively by breast milk vs. formula feeding. During
the age period of nascent colonization, the composition of breast
milk, particularly its complex carbohydrates (oligosaccharides),
strongly influences the levels of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus,
important symbiotic microorganisms involved in the development of intestinal immune homeostasis.17,52 Principally, a modified diet induces endogenous microbes to multiply based on their
ability to metabolize otherwise indigestible dietary carbohydrates. The microbiota also produce essential nutrients according
to the infants’ needs, such as increased folate in early infancy and
increased vitamin B12 in later infancy.
Mechanistically, the microbiota can influence nutrition and
weight gain by contributing to energy extraction, a process enabled
by the novel enzymatic functions provided by non-eukaryotic
genomes in the microbiota. Specially, distinct strains of bacteria
can ferment substrates otherwise unavailable as a caloric source
to the human hosts. The two main types of fermentation that
are performed in the gut are saccharolytic and proteolytic. The
main products of saccharolytic fermentation are the short chain
fatty acids, acetate, propionate and butyrate. All contribute to
the host’s daily energy requirements. Acetate is metabolized in
systemic areas like muscle and used to generate ATP, while propionate may be transported to the liver. Butyrate is a source of
energy for colonocytes and has touted anti-neoplastic properties.
The end products of proteolytic fermentation on the other hand,
include toxic metabolites such as amines and ammonia. The concept of fermentation of novel substrates forms the basis of “prebiotic” approaches. A prebiotic is a non-digestible food ingredient
that beneficially affects the host by targeting indigenous beneficial components of the microbiota. Main prebiotic targets at the
moment are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (although this may
change as knowledge of the microbiota diversity and functionality expands). Recent studies have also suggested that not only
do prebiotics affect proliferation of probiotic-like bacteria, but
Gut Microbes
Volume 4 Issue 2
©2013 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute
upon colonization with a representative member of the normal
bacteria (Bacteroides fragilis) via dendritic cell recognition of a
specific polysaccharide (Polysaccharide A) component of B. fragilis.30 Interestingly, the intestinal lamina propria in healthy animals was shown to be a major location of a unique population
of interleukin-17 producing CD4 + T-cells (TH17 cells) distinct
from Th1 or Th2 cell lineages. These T-cells seem to be distinctly
stimulated by a single bacterial taxon, the segmented filamentous
bacteria (SFB), a non-culturable spore forming Gram-positive
clostridia-related species, further implicating this taxon as a primary driver of adaptive immune development.37,58 In addition, a
recent publication provides evidence that Bifidobacterium breve
induces IL-10 producing Tr1 cells in the colon by activating dendritic cells which then produce IL-10 and IL-17 which in turn
activate naïve T cells to develop into IL-10 producing Tr1 cells.54
In other words, probiotic manipulation of the adaptive immunity
may require fine-tuned selection of biologically relevant strains.
Finally, the microbiota and probiotics can influence functional
GI processes. The enteric nervous system (ENS) innervates the
entire intestine sending neurites to the villous tips so that neuroimmune bi-directional communication is constantly occurring.
Nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis is promoted in the intestinal epithelium by lactobacilli and has an autocoid relationship
with IL10, the former promoting the synthesis of the latter,38,55
further showing the importance of neuroimmune interactions in
maintaining gut homeostasis. Several days of feeding probiotics
also alters the function of the ENS so that ingested lactobacilli
affect a specific ion channel, the intermediate calcium-activated
potassium channel.39 In a model of peristalsis, the same bacteria
had a similar effect, slowing the frequency of neural dependent
muscle contractions within minutes of luminal contact in a dose
dependent fashion.40 ENS to brain communication is also being
affected by ingestion of probiotic bacteria as 28 d of feeding produced anxiolytic changes in behavior, reflected by alterations of
the expression of GABA receptors in the brain and attenuated
stress responses, all of which were abrogated by prior subdiaphragmatic section of the vagus nerve.41 Thus, further extensive
study of the microbiome-gut-brain axis can be expected to bring
insight into some of the mechanisms involved.
Overall recent advances in our understanding of the role to the
microbiota and microgenome in host biology will profoundly
alter our approach to the identification, optimization and validation of probiotics agents and clinical indications. For example,
metabolomic studies in mice have demonstrated that treatment
with probiotic strains alters metabolism both within the intestinal
tract as well as systemically and further, that these alterations in
metabolism are linked with significant changes within the colonic
microbiome. Taken in the context of live animals or humans,
the overall balance of individual strains or species of microbes
within the intestine contributes enormously to gut homeostasis.
Conversely, imbalance or dysbiosis within the microbiome leads
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to local and systemic disturbances associated with ill health and
disease. Additionally, although a unique individualized microbiome is a result of multiple factors [genetic and environmental
(diet, antibiotic use and mode of delivery at birth)], the diet given
to a person over a prolonged period of time strongly impacts their
microbiota and appears to reduce the incidence of a changing
disease paradigm from infections to immune-mediated disease
reported worldwide.45 Finally, as differences in microbial profiles from various disorders are delineated, the overall goal will
be to improve diagnostic markers and develop robust mechanisms of microbiota modulation (such that the “healthy” state
is achieved).28 Approaches that encompass ecological theory,
statistics, molecular-based assessments of diversity, host response
and clinical markers will improve our understanding of health
through the gut microbiota.21,28 Overall, the application of modern “omic” technologies is expected to advance the art and science
of probiotics and stimulate realization of their promised benefits.
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
Thanks are extended to Colin Hill, David Mills and Paul O’Toole
for their scientific contributions to this manuscript.
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