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University of the East, 2019
Grab is one of the Transport Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) in the Philippines. GrabCar is one of services that Grab provides. GrabCar driving is one of the transportation services in the Philippines. The study focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of a full-time GrabCar driver. The researchers narrowed down the focus of the study by creating statements of the problem. What are the benefits that a GrabCar driver considered when choosing GrabCar driving as his full-time job, the advantages and disadvantages on his work and the struggles that he experiences in his work. The respondent is a professional, male, and currently full-time GrabCar driver for one year that lives in Taguig City for 30 years. The researchers gathered data within four days. In- depth interview and observation was made with the respondent in his house. Based on the findings, a GrabCar driver considered GrabCar driving as his full-time job for it provides higher income, incentives and no supervision. The advantages are identified by the respondent which are cashless transaction, weather condition, traffic and flexibility of time. While, the disadvantages are the traffic and working alone. Moreover, the struggles that the respondent particularized are the physical pain and the rider's behavior. Keywords: TNVS, Grab, GrabCar, Riders, Full-time, Driving
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2014
Jurnal Manajemen
The role of truck drivers in sustainable transportation and logistics in a sustainable supply chain network is particularly noteworthy. The driver work system is very different from the employees in the company. Therefore, this research was conducted to analyze the effect of work passion, strength against frustration, quality of survival, and team spirit on the morale of truck drivers in their delivery activities. This study used a quantitative approach with 173 truck drivers participating as respondents. Testing using SEM analysis with the SmartPLS 3.0 application. The results showed that work passion, strength against frustration, quality of endurance, and group spirit each had a unidirectional relationship with morale, meaning that the higher the passion for work, the strength against frustration, the quality of survival, and the group spirit of truck drivers, the higher the morale will increase. Based on the coefficient value, it can be seen that the quality of survival is a pre...
Revista General De Derecho Penal Issn 1698 1189, 2006
P&Ka feOtnlnq O(isn 'Of is tnOte (OlleC OT tiormalon,% egstnale to 4o 4erae I nour 0" les. oo*seIncl•iCn• the••ime lVi r1 ,Cnq instructToni. oarchting ewitinq data SOWcw ¶. gaui•nnq andra~ntianmnq tC eata needed.a M4 COmgeting and reewq ic conlecilo• of information send commentsf re.r rlnq tJos buren emstimate or "aw othe iO ¢ Of thli codfecthon of information. nCti.mng I..qgesucens for reducinq [nos oidden. to Wah-ccond~i .ieada4(tes liervices. Diectoraft for linfrmtioniid Ovperatift and Arports. I.?5 Isf)remo L"V's ,.9hqwv. Suite 1204. ArlhlnqOo. VA 22202-4302. and to thle office Of Manaqenmem' and Sudqet. PaCierwora ReOUCTIOn Project (0704-0Is$). W liiiinTdn, DC 20503.
Biographical Synopsis of Interviewee: Eduardo Saldaña was born in México City, Guanajuanto México on October 13, 1920. Both his parents lived until the age of a 105 and died in México. Eduardo's parents worked in agriculture. He had three brothers and one sister who lived past the age of 90. He became a bracero in 1943. Eduardo is married and has one son and one daughter. Summary of Interview: Eduardo was born in a town (rancho) called Ojos de Agua, located within the Greater México City urban area, in 1920. From the age of five, Eduardo worked with him father, brothers and uncles sowing and plowing in México. When he was 16, he moved to México City. In 1943 after hearing about the Bracero Program in a national ad, Eduardo took a chance to make more money and have a better opportunity through the program. Eduardo and one of his brothers came to the United States via train and were provided food during their travel, courtesy of their new employer. Everything was in order during the trip to the United States and for Eduardo everything was good and in order here in the United States as well. During the reception part of the process, their clothes were taken away and replaced with new clothes and the new braceros were able to wash up in showers provided for them; showers that according to Eduardo were very elegant. He earned $0.50 cents per hour, for a nine hour day, in cash. Eduardo and his brother were provided with a place to sleep as well as meals and if they were out and about with the employer and it came time to eat, the employer would pay for the meals. In addition, they were provided with medical insurance as per their contract with their employer. Eduardo and his brother worked for one employer who treated them very well. The employer, according to Eduardo, treated them like family, provided well for them, ate meals with them and greatly respected the wishes of the workers. Eduardo is very thankful for this employer and feels that due to the generosity of his employer, Eduardo was able to be more successful. Eduardo sent money to his parents as often as he could, while at the same time saving money as well. Since he was hired to work for a certain salary, Eduardo did not earn more than what he was contracted for. However, he states that he was never cheated out of the correct amount of earnings and 10% was deducted from their earnings and deposited in the National Bank in México. Eduardo and his brother were always together and were able to come and go as they pleased.
This paper explores the safety consequences of increasing truck driver pay. The test case the authors examine involves a large over-the-road truckload firm that on February 25, 1997, raised wages an average of 39.1%. An analysis that controls for demographic and operational factors, including prior driving experience and experience acquired on the job, suggests that for drivers employed during the lower pay regime and retained in the higher pay regime, crash incidence fell. A higher pay rate also led to lower separation probability, but this indirect effect only translated into fewer crashes by increasing the retention of older, more experienced drivers. These findings suggest that human capital characteristics are important predictors of driver safety, but that motivational and incentive factors also are influential. *Daniel A. Rodríguez is Assistant Professor of City
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2020
The study was aimed at identifying the factors contributing to truck driver's involvement in an injury accident in Kano, Nigeria using Logistic regression. 248 truck drivers were interviewed using a questionnaire and relevant information on their involvement in injury accident was collected. The result of the survey shows that 52.8% of the drivers were involved in an injury accident at least once in their professional carrier and 80% of the drivers were below the age of 40years. Results from the regression analysis found the Average distance traveled/week (p=0.0057), average driving hours/day (p=0.0232), sleeping on the wheel (p=0.0004), and presence of co-driver (p=0.0003) to be statistically significant in contributing to driver's involvement in an injury accident. Average distance traveled/week, sleeping on wheel and presence of co-driver were found to positively affect involvement in injury accident with OR values of 1.80, 3.61 and 3.94 respectively. The model was found to be good in classifying truck drivers' involvement in injury accident with a reasonable level of accuracy (70%). Increased safety awareness among drivers by conducting seminars and organizing training sessions regularly will help reduce the involvement of truck drivers in accidents. Bu çalışma, lojistik regresyon kullanarak Kano, Nijerya'da kamyon sürücülerinin karıştıkları yaralanmalı kazaların oluşumuna katkıda bulunan faktörleri tanımlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, 248 kamyon şoförü ile anket yapılmış ve yaralanmalı kazalara katkıları ile ilgili bilgiler toplanmıştır. Anketin sonucndau, sürücülerin %52.8'inin profesyonel kariyerlerinde en az bir kez yaralanmalı kaza geçirdiklari ve sürücülerin %80'inin 40 yaşın altında olduğu görülmüştür. Regresyon analizinden elde edilen sonuçlara göre; ortalama gidilen mesafe/hafta (p=0.0057), ortalama sürüş süresi/günü (p=0.0232), direksiyonda uyumak (p=0.0004) ve yardımcı sürücünün olması (p=0.0003) faktörlerinin sürücünün yaralanmalı trafik kazasına karışmasına istatistiksel olarak anlamlı katkılarda bulunduğu anlaşılmıştır. Gidilen ortalama mesafe / hafta, direksiyonda uyumak ve yardımcı sürücünün olması'nın OR değerleri sırasıyla 1.80, 3.61 ve 3.94 değerlerine sahiptir ve yaralanma kazaları artırıcı yönde etkilediği saptanmıştır. Bu model; kamyon sürücülerinin yaralanmalı trafik kazalarına karışmalarını incelemede başarılı bulunmuş olup, modelin kabul edilebilir bir güven seviyesinde çalıştığı görülmüştür (%70). Sürücüler arasında seminerler ve düzenli eğitimler tertip edilerek trafik güvenliği bilincinin arttırılması, kamyon sürücülerinin yaralanmalı trafik kazalarına karışmalarını azaltmaya yardımcı olacaktır.
Un genocidio largamente anunciado A Long-Anticipated Genocide "Debemos expulsar a los árabes y tomar sus lugares. (...) Y si tenemos que usar la fuerza (…) tenemos la fuerza a nuestra disposición." David Ben-Gurion en una carta a su hijo, 5/10/1937. Resumen Una mirada desde América Latina a los seis meses de guerra de Israel contra Gaza buscando las raíces históricas del proyecto sionista de conquista de la tierra y asentamiento colonial que nunca se detuvo durante siete décadas, pues el genocidio suele ser inseparable del colonialismo, como el racismo. La comunidad internacional podría haber evitado esta brutal y sangrienta escalada, y décadas de sufrimiento palestino, poniendo algún tipo de freno o sancionando los constantes crímenes de guerra y contra la humanidad israelíes. Escuchar la palabra palestina es un desafío para la
Kültür ve İletişim, 2019
ve iletişim. kültür ve iletişim. kültür ve iletişim. kültür ve iletişim. Tüm hakları saklıdır. Yayıncı izni olmadan, kısmen de olsa fotokopi, film vb. elektronik ve mekanik yöntemlerle çoŞaltılamaz.
Ciencia y filosofía en Leonardo Polo, 2022
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 2008
Annales de didactique et de sciences cognitives, numéro thématique 2, 2024
Dos décadas de reflexión sobre migración y asilo en Euskadi, 2024
Populist Foreign Policy: Regional Perspectives of Populism in the International Scene, 2023
Physical Review D, 2023
Mires and Peat, 2016
… (ICoAC), 2011 Third …, 2011
Frontiers in pain research, 2023
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011
International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 2018
Applied Soft Computing, 2011
Bulletin Of The Geological Society Of Malaysia, 2020
Journal of Social Service Research, 2015
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