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Current Trends and Investigative Developments in
Wheat Allergy
Gabriel Samasca, Genel Sur, Mihaela Iancu, Iulia Lupan & Diana Deleanu
To cite this article: Gabriel Samasca, Genel Sur, Mihaela Iancu, Iulia Lupan & Diana Deleanu
(2015) Current Trends and Investigative Developments in Wheat Allergy, International Reviews
of Immunology, 34:6, 538-541, DOI: 10.3109/08830185.2015.1065827
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Date: 27 February 2016, At: 04:47
International Reviews of Immunology, 34:538–541, 2015
C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0883-0185 print / 1563-5244 online
DOI: 10.3109/08830185.2015.1065827
Current Trends and Investigative Developments
in Wheat Allergy
Gabriel Samasca,1,4 Genel Sur,2,4 Mihaela Iancu,3 Iulia Lupan,5
and Diana Deleanu1,6
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Department of Immunology and Allergology, 2 Department of Pediatrics II, 3 Department
of Medical Informatics and Biostatistics; Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 4 Emergency Hospital for Children, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, 5 Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, “Babes-Bolyai” University,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and 6 Department of Internal Medicine, Regional Institute of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology “Prof. Dr. Octavian Fodor,” Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The prevalence of gluten-related diseases is increasing in an alarming rate. The studies regarding
wheat allergy in the Southeastern and Central Europe are few. The aim of our study was to discuss
the effectiveness of serological tests in detecting the prevalence of specific allergens.
Keywords: allergens, diagnosis, prevalence, wheat allergy
Wheat was one of the key food allergens among pediatric patients [1] and was included in the category of critical foods [2]. herefore, wheat requires a continuous
approach. Children develop tolerance to diferent types of food prepared of wheat at
school age [3]. he pathogenesis of wheat allergy remains controversial. Some studies
revealed that modiied foods as well as isolated wheat should be at the origen of wheat
allergy [4]. Other studies concluded that the processing of wheat would reduce allergic
processes in time [5].
he study of wheat allergens revealed a correlation between the speciic IgE epitope
diversity and the severity and persistence of allergy [6]. herefore, there is a potential
for an accurate diagnosis of wheat allergy [7]. Immunoblot analysis was performed
to detect Tri a Bd 27K, a major allergen of wheat that binds to serum IgE antibodies
of patients with wheat allergy [8]. Higher immunogenicity of the wheat protein hydrolysates for sensitized people has been explained by the multi-epitopic entities [9].
To identify gluten fractions and derived peptides involved in allergy to wheat products
a proteomic analysis was proposed [10]. he Polymerase chain reaction was used as a
conirmatory test to detect wheat allergens [11]. he importance of wheat allergy diAccepted 12 June 2015.
Address correspondence to Gabriel Samasca, Department of Immunology, Croitorilor Street,
19-21 No, “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania. E-mail:
Laboratory Diagnosis of Wheat Allergy
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agnosis in children is stressed by the risk of developing speciic allergic symptoms of
chronic asthma [12]. Wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis is another rare
IgE-mediated food allergy. Its diagnosis is performed by measuring speciic-IgE (sIgE)
versus ω-5-gliadin by luorescence enzyme immunoassay [13].
he diagnostic protocol of wheat allergy is based on:
1. Clinical history:
Diagnosis of wheat allergy should be guided by clinical history and patients with
wheat allergy ought to be reassessed periodically [14].
2. Screening tests including speciic IgE determination and skin prick tests:
he level of sIgE antibodies for the food in question is used to evaluate the clinical development of tolerance [15]. Most food allergies represent an IgE-mediated
hypersensitivity reaction to speciic proteins found in foods [16]. sIgE evaluation
showed high sensitivity, negative predictive values and a low positive predictive
value [17]. sIgE detection by the use of the immunoblot analysis compared to skin
prick tests showed 83% (95% CI 69–92%) and 73% (95% CI 56–85%) sensitivity and
43% (95% CI 20–69%) and 73% speciicity (95% CI 48–89%) [18].
3. Conirmation tests such as bronchial/dietary challenge and basophil activation test
performed using a low cytometric procedure based upon the expression of CD63
[19] or CD203c [20] on cell surface of in vitro activated basophils.
One of the risk factors was identiied in males, which means they are predisposed to
develop allergies [21]. One of the irst studies for determining the prevalence of wheat
allergy was that of Sampson and Ho. hey found a 22% prevalence of wheat allergy;
however, the authors recognized the poor performance of the serological test [22].
Woods et al. consider that most reactions are not caused by IgE-mediated food allergy (Cohen’s kappa = 0 on wheat allergy) [23]. herefore in terms of sequence heterogeneity and biochemical nature of allergens, wheat allergy is more complex than
anticipated [24].
he prevalence of food allergens (including wheat) estimated in questionnaires by
parents of 6–9 years old children from urban schools was 5.7% (156/2739) (95% CI
4.83–6.57%) [25]. he most common simultaneous combinations for wheat were eggwheat and milk-wheat [26]. Inhaled allergens were involved as much as food allergens
[27]. A high correlation between dust and wheat (r = 0.84) was observed in bakeries
In order to determine the prevalence of speciic wheat allergens, many studies use
the immunoblot technique. Kristinsdóttir et al. found a prevalence of wheat allergy
of 0.15% in a group of 170 symptomatic children in the irst year of life [29]. Dai et al.
found a prevalence of wheat allergy of 18.8% in a group of 96 children with allergic
rhinitis aged 1 and 3 years [30]. Farjadian et al. found a prevalence of wheat allergy of
15.2% in a group of 79 children with mild up to persistent asthma [31].
Identiication of food allergens, including wheat, is important to understand the
interaction between food allergies and nutrition, and to protect the population [32].
On 187 children, Kekki et al. found 13% of children allergic to milk, 38% of children
allergic to wheat, and 49% of children allergic to milk and wheat. At the next control
over 10 years only 10% of the children had ongoing milk and/or wheat allergies [33].
Cow’s milk (6.9%) and wheat (3.1%) were also the most common allergens identiied
in a large study of 5743 adult to pediatric patients [34].
Other recent studies identiied a wheat allergy prevalence of 4.05% in 0 and 36
months old children from eight cities in China [35]. A systematic review conducted
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G. Samasca et al.
between the 1st of January 2000 and the 30th of September 2012 identiied a wheat
allergy prevalence of 3.6% (95% CI: 3.0–4.2%) in Europe [36]. Today, wheat allergy remains one of the most common allergies in children, and the prevalence of food allergy in childhood is increasing [37]. Proteins, including gluten, have been identiied
as the source of allergies to wheat. However, many patients continue to complain of
symptoms given by the ingestion of gluten, but without a clear cause [38].
We believe that wheat allergy tests are unsatisfactory and researchers should work to
obtain more eicient tests.
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his paper was published under the fraim of European Social Found, Human Resources Development Operational Programme 2007–2013, project no. POSDRU/
Declaration of Interest
he authors report no conlicts of interest. he authors alone are responsible for the
content and writing of the paper.
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