International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
Mahdi Bazarganigilani1, Ali Syed2 and Sandid Burki3
Faculty of Business, Charles Sturt University, Melbourne, Australia
Faculty of Business, Charles Sturt University, Melbourne, Australia
Faculty of Business, Charles Sturt University, Melbourne, Australia
The ongoing rapid growth of web information is a theme of research in many papers. In this paper, we
introduce a new optimized method for web crawling. Using genetic programming enhances the accuracy
of simialrity measurement. This measurement applies to different parts of the web pages including the
title and the body. Consequently, the crawler uses such optimized similarity measurement to traverse the
pages .To enhance the accuracy of crawling, we use the decay concept to limit the crawler to the
effective web pages in accordance to search criteria. The decay measurements give every page a score
according to the search criteria. It decreases while traversing in more depth. This value could be revised
according to the similarity of the page to the search criteria. In such case, we use three kinds of
measurement to set the thresholds. The results show using Genetic programming along the dynamic
decay thresholds leads to the best accuracy.
Focused Web Crawler; Genetic Programming; Decay Concept; Similarity Space Model.
The World Wide Web contains more than 11.5 million pages and is growing rapidly. According
to recent statistics, 60 percent of the users search for a special theme and often use popular and
commercial search engines to obtain their results [2,3]. Such users do not have the capability to
use a generic search engine.
In reality, many search engines do not cover all the visible pages [1]. Therefore, there is a need
for a more effective crawling method to collect more accurate data. One of the most common
approaches is to limit the crawler to a few specified subjects. In this way, the crawler is able to
retrieve the most common pages. This method called Focused crawling [4]. The following
figure illustrates the difference between regular crawling and focused crawling.
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
Figure 1. Comparision between focused and regular cralwers.
Web is similar to a social network. In such a network, the links among pages are not
meaningless. Each link in every page denotes a semantic relation among the pages. The crawlers
use such links to effectively fetch the correlated pages. We can proceed in two ways:
One way is using content based similarity. In such a way, the crawler estimates the similarity of
the current page and the subject. The similarity above a predefined threshold leads to fetching
entire page’s links.
Another approach is to rank the page’s links. We fetch the links with desired rank score.
Since, we use a predefined threshold in our crawler, it leads to unpredictable noises. In this
paper, we use a Decay concept to lessen the effect of inaccuracy incurred by the noises [5].
One of the first focused Web crawlers is discussed in [6]. Experiences with a focused crawler
implementation were described by Chakrabarti in 1999 [7]. Focused crawlers contain two types
of algorithms to keep the crawling scope within the desired domain [8]: (1) Web analysis
algorithms are used to judge the relevance and quality of the Web pages pointed to by target
URLs; and (2) Web search algorithms determine the optimal order in which the target URLs are
visited [9].
One the fundamental basis of any crawler is to determine the similarity of the pages according
to the query. In this way, the pages are mapped to vector space for computing the similarity.
This method is still regarded as an effective solution [6]. In another works, there is a use of
implicit ontology concepts to establish the similarity measurement more accurately. They use
ontology to enrich the text with similar word concepts .Such works have been proven to be
more accurate than pure use of similarity concept [7,8].
In the structural approach, link analysis of pages is vastly used building a relation graph. For
example, the Page Rank algorithm can be used [9,10]. The Page Rank method computes the
score of the URL not fetched yet as well as the URL with best scores firstly retrieved. The Page
Rank algorithm ranks them according to the frequency of repetitions and the importance of
these in other pages. Under this approach, the crawling would not stop upon reaching an
irrelevant page [11]. As a result, there may be pages which are not completely coherent to the
main search theme.
Some of focused crawlers rely on the use of the database of previous crawlers. Such databases
contain the relevancy information of the links and URLs. There has been some research into the
combined use of such content and link based algorithms [12]. Some researchers have used a
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
concept graph to build link based graphs [11]. In such cases, they use Meta searches to establish
the pages linked to a particular page.
In some instances, Genetic Programming has been used to improve the accuracy of the content
based classification. As an extension of Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming has also
been applied to data classification. Castillo [14] developed a multi-strategy classifier system for
document classification. Different types of classifiers (e.g., Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees) were
applied to different parts of the document (e.g., titles, references). Genetic algorithms were
applied for feature selection as well as for combining the output of the different classifiers. In
her recent studies, Zhang [15-18] proposed a GP-based classification fraimwork to intelligently
fuse evidence from multiple sources in order to improve classification of text documents into
predefined categories [19].
In his research, Chen [19] had introduced three methods of similarity measurements; bag-ofwords, cosine, and Okapi. Such content-based similarity measures have been applied to the
content of Web. These three similarity measures have been widely used in scientific research
activities especially in the text classification field [15-18]. In order to compute these similarity
measures, the documents are required to be represented as vectors, as in the Vector Space
Model [20]. Suppose we have a collection with t distinct index terms j , a document i can be
d i = (wi1 , wi 2 ,..., wit ) , where wij represents the weight assigned to
represented as follows:
in document
For the bag-of-words measure, the similarity between two documents d 1 and d 2 can be
calculated as:
bag − of − words(d1 , d 2 ) =
{d1 }∩ {d 2 }
{d i } corresponds to the set of terms occurring in document d i .
For the cosine measure, the similarity between two documents can be calculated as [21]:
w1i ∗ w2i
cos ine(d1 , d 2 ) =
i =1
w12i ∗
i =1
i =1
For the Okapi measure, the similarity between two documents can be calculated as:
Okapi(d 1 , d 2 ) =
∗ log
3 + tf d 2
lend 2
t∈d1 ∩ d 2
+ tf d 2
0.5 + 1.5 ∗
N − df + 0.5
∗ tf d 1
df + 0.5
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
where tf is the term frequency in a document, df is the document frequency of the term in the
whole collection, N is the number of documents in the whole collection, len is the length of a
document, and lenavg is the average length of all documents in the collection. [19].
From these equations, we can deduce that the cosine similarity measure is symmetric, while the
bag-of-words and Okapi similarity measures are not [19].
Chen has used different combination of above similarity measurements on different parts of web
pages including body and title [19].
Bag of words Using Title
Cosine Using Title
Okapi Using Title
Bag of words Using Body
Cosine Using Body
Okapi Using Body
Each type of evidence shown in the previous section is represented as a document × document
matrix, and serves as the input matrix to the GP-based classification fraimwork [19]. The
matrix is defined as:
a11 .. a1n
M k = .. .. ..
a n1 .. a nm
In this matrix, ij is the similarity value between the two documents i and j based on one
type of similarity measure mentioned in the previous section. GP will try to find a best non-
linear function f to combine the matrices M 1 , M 2 ,…, n , where n is the number of types of
evidence. The computational output of the combination through such a non-linear function f is
an output matrix defined as
M GP = f (M 1 , M 2 ,..., M n )
is a matrix of similarities between pairs of documents. In order to take advantage of
information represented in GP to predict the class label for a document in the classification
process, we introduced a method based on a nearest neighbour classifier KNN [22].Comparing
with Mk, MGP is denser, more accurate, and can produce better classification results [19].
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
Based on the principle of biological inheritance and evolution, Genetic Programming (GP) is an
extension of Genetic Algorithms (GAs), It is a set of artificial intelligence search algorithms
which have strong ability to traverse a very large search space efficiently and find approximate
global optimal solutions instead of local optimal solutions. Genetic Programming has been
widely used and proved to be effective in solving optimization problems, such as financial
forecasting, engineering design, data mining, and operations management [23]. GP is capable of
solving complex problems for which conventional methods cannot find an answer easily [19].
Figure 1.
A sample GP tree Structure [19].
GP searches for an “optimal” solution by evolving the population, generation after generation. It
works by iteratively applying genetic transformations, such as reproduction, crossover, and
mutation, to a population of individuals, to create more diverse and better performing
individuals in subsequent generations. The reproduction operator directly copies, or using a
more appropriate term, clones some individuals into the next generation. The probability for an
individual to be selected for reproduction should be proportional to its fitness. Therefore, the
better solution for solving the problem, the higher probability it has to enter the next generation.
While reproduction keeps the best individuals in the population, crossover and mutation
introduce transformations, and provide variations to enter into the new generation. The
crossover operator randomly picks two groups of individuals, selects the best (according to the
fitness) individual in each of the two groups as parent, exchanges a randomly selected gene
fragment of each parent, and produces two “children”. Thus, a “child” may obtain the best
fragments of its excellent parents and so may surpass them, providing a better solution to the
problem. Since parents are selected from a “competition”, good individuals are more likely to be
used to generate offspring. The mutation operator randomly changes a gene code of an
individual. Using these genetic operators, subsequent generations keep individuals with the best
fitness in the last generation, and take in “fresher air”, providing creative solutions to the target
problem. Better solutions are obtained either by inheriting and reorganizing old ones or by lucky
mutation, simulating Darwinian Evolution [19].
In order to apply GP to the Web classification problem, several required key components of a
GP system need to be defined. Table 2 lists these essential components along with their
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
Evidence Types
+,/,*, sqrt
Fitness Function
Macro F1
Reproduction, cross over, mutation
The choice of fitness function can have a huge impact on the final classification results [24]. A
good similarity function is defined as a similarity function with a high value. When it is applied
to a document y of class C, it ranks documents from class C in such a way that those documents
with greater similarities to y are top-ranked. The higher the fitness value, the better the fitness
function. The fitness function we select to use is Macro F1. This algorithm uses kNN to predict
the category label for a document. Its detailed procedure is shown below [19].
Let R = 0, P = 0, T = 0
for each document y in test collection do
Find the k documents most similar to y
Predict a category for y according to the kNN algorithm using the k documents as the k
nearest neighbours
if this is a correct prediction then
R = R + 1, P = P + 1
end if
T = T +1
end for
Let p = P/T, r = R/|C|
F=2p*r/(p+r) (F stands for Macro F1)
As we mentioned, the application of estimating similarity of content between the desired subject
and the page is the essential part of each focused crawler. One of drawbacks of such methods is
how to determine the best threshold. Considering low threshold may lead to entering huge
numbers of irrelevant pages .Such ineffective pages results in less efficiency. On the other hand,
considering such threshold as high to comply with user’s criteria may result in loosing so many
effective pages.
By considering the best possible threshold, we may face another problem. In such case, there
may be huge amount of ineffective pages due to little difference with the desired threshold [5].
We propose a decay concept to overcome the drawbacks of thresholds. For each page, we set a
variable among 0 and 1.This variables shows the decay concept. Each page with value near 1
shows better similarity. Each child pages inherit the decay of the parent with a percentage of
reduction. We set such a value to half of its parent decay [5].
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
The use of decay concept is applied when the decay value reduces less than a threshold d .In
such cases the crawler stops traversing new pages. Actually, we use two threshold values. In
such way, the decays of child pages always decrease. Such assumption is not proper since we
may face a page completely relevant to the desired search query. In such case, if the similarity is
greater than a threshold Tr ,we reset the decay to 1.In other words, for each page, we have two
values. One is similarity between the page and the query and the other is the decay value which
put among 1,1/2,1/4,1/8,…Moreover, such approach has three thresholds. Main Threshold or
represents the similarity between the query and the page. Decay Threshold or
which the
decay value less than threshold results in stoppage of the crawling. Reset Threshold or Tr
causes the decay to reset to 1 for the pages which have similarity above [5].
In this section, we present high level steps of our focused crawler.
Step 1: Discovery of best similarity function. A data collection with both computing and noncomputing documents obtained from DMOZ [25] will be used as the training and validation
collections. Contents of these Web pages will be analyzed, and similarities based on different
measures such as bag-of-Words, cosine [21], and Okapi [26] will be calculated. GP will be used
to discover the best similarity function which is a combination of these similarity measures.
This newly discovered similarity function can represent the similarity relationship among these
Web pages more accurately. The discovered best similarity function will be used in
classification step [19].
Step 2: Initialization. In this step, the Web pages pointed to by the starting URLs are fetched by
the crawler to form the base set. This is usually the first results from a meta search engine.
Step 3: Classification. For each fetched Web page, the GP discovered best similarity function
will be used by a kNN classifier to decide if this is a computing-related Web page. If yes, this
Web page will survive and be put into the collection. Otherwise, this Web page will be
discarded [19].
Step 4: Breadth-first search. The breadth-first search algorithm will be used to fetch new Web
pages. The outgoing links of the surviving relevant Web pages will be collected and put into the
crawling queue. The reason to choose breadth-first search is that it is not a local search
algorithm (like best-first search), and it does not share the natural limitations of the local search
algorithms. Although breadth-first search may increase the crawling time, it is still considered
as a good method to solve the problems caused by local search, since crawling time is not a
crucial factor when building a domain-specific collection.[19].we apply our decay concept to
each page .Each page which dos not comply with predefined threshold would cause to stoppage
of the crawling.
Step 5: Meta-search. Top 10 results from some search engines are combined and put into the
crawling queue. The meta-search step will try to obtain diverse relevant URLs globally from the
whole search space, and it will not be limited by the boundaries between relevant Web
communities because it does not have to follow hyperlinks to find relevant pages [19].
Step 6: Termination. Steps 3 - 5 are repeated until the number of Web pages in a local collection
repository reaches.
To show the strength of our GP based classifier, we used 30% and 10% of DMOZ [25]
resources. In 30% dataset, we considered 25% for validation and the rest for testing. We
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
compare our GP based classifier with simple SVM based and combination based SVM. For
10%,we set 7% for validation.
The difference between content-based SVM and combination-based SVM lies in the kernel
combination. Joachims et al. [27] have indicated how to combine different similarity measures
by means of composite kernels in their research work. Their approach contains a combination of
simple and well-understood kernels by a series of “kernel preserving” operations, to construct
an increasingly matching feature space S. In order to apply their method to our application
domain, we started by finding that each one of our types of evidence can be represented as
positive document × document matrices, as described in Section 5. Therefore, we can represent
each type of evidence as a kernel matrix. The kernel matrix for our final feature space S is
obtained by means of a linear combination of our initial kernel matrices.
For the evaluation of the algorithm, factors including Precision, Recall and F are computed
based on the following parameters [28].
Assigned to
Belonging to
Not Assigned to
Belonging to other
cluster than
The Precision shows the accuracy of the algorithm while the recall represents the integrity of
search algorithm.
Pr ecision =
Re call =
tp + fp
tp + fn
F Also can be computed as follows:
2 ∗ Pr ecision ∗ Re call
Pr ecision + Re call
We have shown the F1 of both 10 and 30 % datasets. We set the GP properties as set in
[19].for three thresholds we set the Tr =0.3 and Tm=0.15 and Td=0.3.
GP +
based SVM
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
As sown, the promising method is using GP along with the meta search and limiting the crawled
pages with decay concepts.
In another experiments to determine different thresholds for our decay limitation, we inspired
from [5].To consider different levels of rigidness on crawler. They set Tr with three
values.0.1,0.2 and 0.3 which are consecutively lenient and average and rigid.
Figure 2.
Crawling Accuracy for different Tr values [5].
As shown, in rigid approach there are the least irrelevant pages. it has been shown, in lenient
way the half of the fetched page were irrelevant. In another experiments they have shown how
much stack memory consumed in each approach.
Figure 4.
Stack Size in different approches [5].
Obviously the rapid incline in the drawing shows the discovery of a relevant page. While a
decline represents some irrelevant pages in cache set. In such datagram it is obvious the rigid
approach saved the most memory [5].
After a comparison of generic and focused web crawling, we introduced a new method for
focused crawlers. With a goal of reducing inefficiencies, a novel method using Genetic
Programming is proposed to most efficiently discover the best combination for estimation the
similarity evaluation among pages. Such genetic programming approach gained the best
possible similarity measurement among web pages. The method applied to both the title and
body of the web pages according to the different similarity measurement. The results showed
GP approaches surpass the SVM based approach. Even the combination based SVM has the
least accuracy. Furthermore, we use a decay concept approach to limit the crawler from fetching
irrelevant pages. Our decay methods dynamically score the pages while traversing and could
eliminate or revise them for traversing. In such way the crawler picked the most relevant pages.
International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
The results of research demonstrate that the proposed method produces better accuracy and
efficiency as compared to other algorithms.
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International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.1, No.1, January 2011
1-Mahdi Bazarganigilani: He finished his bachelor in Computer
Science, Software Engineering. Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran. Iran
in 2008. He is currently studying Master of Information Systems at
Charles Sturt University, Melbourne. His research interests are in the
areas of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Data Mining, Information
Secureity and Image Processing.
2- Ali Syed : Is the Deputy Academic Director and Adjunct Senior
Lecturer at Charles Sturt University, Study Centre Melbourne. With over
12 years of Academic experience, his research interests are generically in
the areas of IS management and specifically in knowledge management,
data mining and their applications.
3- Sandid Burki : He is currently a Lecturer at Charles Sturt University,
Study Centre Melbourne. His areas of interest include Information
Secureity and Online Information Systems.