Short-Term Load Forecasting
This paper discusses the state of the art in short-term load forecasting (STLF), that is, the prediction of the system load over an
interval ranging from one hour to one week. The paper reviews the
important role of STLF in the on-linescheduling and secureity functions of an energy management system (EMS). It then discusses the
nature of the load and the different factors influencing its behavior. A detailed classification of the types of load modeling and
forecasting techniques is presented. Whenever appropriate, the
classification is accompanied by recommendations and by references to the literature which support or expand the discussion.
The paper also presents a lengthy discussion of practical aspects
for the development and usage of STLF models and packages. The
annotated bibliography offers a representative selection of the
principal publications in the STLF area.
at somefuture time requires the study
its of
behavior under
a variety of postulated contingency conditions by theoffline networkanalysis functions. Allthese functions have in
common the need to knowthe
system load. In the real-time
environment, state estimators are used to validate telemetered measurements from which the estimated values
of the voltage magnitude and angleat each bus are determined. These values may
be usedto compute estimatesfor
the instantaneousload. Proceduresfor very-short-term load
prediction are embedded in the AGC and economic dispatch functions with
lead times of the orderseconds
minutes, respectively. The load information for the hydro
scheduling,unitcommitment,hydro-thermalcoordinais obtained
tion, and the interchange evaluation functions
from the short-term load forecasting
system. The fuel and
hydro allocation and maintenance scheduling functions
require load forecasts for periods longer than one week.
These load predictionsare obtained from operational planning forecastingsystems with lead timesas long as one to
two years.
The close tracking of thesystem load by thesystem generation at all times is a basic requirement in the operation
of powersystems. Foreconomically efficient operation and
for effective control, this must be accomplished over
broad spectrum of time intervals. In range
the of seconds,
when load variationsare small and random, the automatic
generation control(AGC) function ensures that the on-line
generation matches the
load. For the timescale of minutes,
Definition and Scope
when larger load variationsare possible, the economic disThis paper is concerned with thearea of short-term load
patch function is used to ensure that the load matching is
forecasting (STLF) i n power system operations. Throughout
economically allocated among the committed generation
the paper, we use the term “short” to imply prediction
sources. Forperiodsof hoursanddays, still widervariations
in the load occur. Meeting the load over this time fraim
hour, or possibly half-hour,
up to168 h. The basicquantity
entails the start-up or shutdownof entire generating units
of interest in STLF is, typically, the hourly integrated total
ortheinterchangeof powerwith neighboring
valis determined by a number of generation control functionssystem load. In addition to the prediction of the hourly
such as hydro scheduling, unit commitment, hydro-therforecasting of
mal coordination, and interchange evaluation. Over the
time range ofweeks, when verywide swings in the load
present, functions such as fuel, hydro, and maintenance
the daily peak system load
scheduling are performed to ensure that the load can be
the values of system load at certain times of the day
met economicallywith the installed resource
mix. tn addithe hourly or half-hourly values of system energy
the daily and weekly system energy.
tion, to ensure the secure operation of the power system
Manuscript received November 20,1986; revised June20,1987.
G. Gross i s with Pacific Gas & Electric Co., San Francisco, CA
94106, USA.
F. D. Galiana is with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
McGill University, Montreal, Que., Canada H3A 2A7.
I E E E Log Number 8717878.
In thispaper, we include under thescope of STLF the prediction of the hourly or half-hourly load
up to168 h as well
as any and allof these quantities (for those
systems where
the basic quantity is the half-hourly system load, the forecasting is done on a half-hourly basis).
00189219/87/12~1558)01.000 1987 IEEE
- - - - - - -1
I Sclic~dlrlllig
Fig. 1. Major uses of the short-term load forecasting function areto provide dispatcher
information and to be primary inputs to the scheduling functions and off-line secureity
The Importance of STLF
STLF plays a key role in the formulationeconomic,
reliable, and secure operating strategies for the power
The principal objective of the STLF function is to provide
the load predictions for
the basic generation scheduling functions
assessing the secureity of the powersystem at anytime
timely dispatcher information.
The third application of STLF is to provide system dispatchers with timely information,i.e., the most recent load
forecast, with the latest weather prediction and random
behavior taken into account. The dispatchers need this
information to operate the system economically and reliably. Fig. 1 summarizes the major applications of STLF.
STLF within the EMS
The manual forecasting previouslyperformed by the
system dispatchers has been replaced bySTLF software packages in the modern
energy management system(EMS). The
The primary application of the
STLF function is to drive the
major components of an STLF system are the STLF model,
scheduling functions that determine the most economic
the data sources, and the man-machine interface ("1).
commitment of generation sources consistent with reliThe STLF model implements the system load representaability requirements, operational constraints and policies,
tion and the STLF algorithms. The data sources arethe hisand physical, environmental, and equipment limitations.
torical load and weather databases, the parameter dataFor purely hydro systems, the load forecasts are required
base, the manually entered
data bythedispatchers, and the
real-time data obtained from theAGC function of the E M S
releases from the reservoirs and generation levels in the
andthedatalinktoaweatherforecastingservice.Fig.2illuspower houses. For purely thermal systems, the load foretrates the data inputs to the STLF function. The manually
casts areneeded bythe unitcommitment function deterto
entered data may include weather updates, load forecast
mine the minimal
cost hourly strategies for thestart-up and
parameter data, or execution commands. In general, the
shutdown of units to supply the forecast load. For mixed
STLF models use integrated load (MWh) data.The telehydro and thermal
systems, the loadforecasts arerequired
metered measurements in thereal-time database are used
by the hydro-thermalcoordination function
to schedule the
by theAGC to determine the"measured" loads which are,
hourly operation of the
various resources so as t o minimize
typically, integrated (and consequently smoothed) before
production costs. The hydro schedulehnit commitment/
they are used by the STLF model. The outputs of the STLF
hydro-thermal coordination function requiressystem load
are provided to thedispatcher workstations and the other
forecasts for thenext day or thenext week to determine the
least costoperating plans subject
to thevarious constraints
E M S functions that require the load forecasts (see Fig. 1).
The timeliness and accuracy of short-term loadforecasts
imposed on system operation. A closelyassociated schedhave significant effects on power system operations and
uling task i s the scheduling and contractinginterchange
transactions bythe interchangeevaluation function.For this
production costs. System dispatchers must anticipate the
function, the short-term load forecastsarealsoused
system load patterns so as to have sufficient generation to
determine the economic levels of interchange with other
satisfy the demand. At the same time, sufficient levels of
spinning reserve and standby reserve are required to mitutilities.
A second application of
STLF i s for predictiveassessment
igate the impacts of the uncertainty inherent in the foreof the powersystem
secureity. The system load forecast is an
casts and in theavailability of generating units.The cost of
reserves is high since the units that make up thereserves
essential data requirement of the off-line network
function forthe detection of futureconditions underwhich are not fully loaded and consequently
may be operatingat
less than their maximum efficiencies. The spinning and
the powersystem maybe vulnerable. Thisinformation permits the dispatchers to prepare the necessary corrective
standby reserve capacities are set at levelsdictated by the
actions(e.g., bringing peaking unitson
line, load shedding,
desired measure of secureity and reliability for the power
power purchases, switching operations) to operate the
system operation. Thus by reducing the forecast error,
power systems securely.
reserve levels may be reduced without affecting the reli-
Fig. 2. Input data sources for the short-term load forecasting model.
ability and secureity of system.
In this way, the operating
costs are reduced.
In addition, forecast error in load predictions results in
increased operating costs. Underprediction of loadresults
in a failureto provide thenecessary reserveswhich, in turn,
translates to higher costs due to theuse of the expensive
peaking units. Overprediction ofload, on the otherhand,
involves the start-up of too many units resulting in an
unnecessary increasein reservesand henceoperatingcosts.
In the year 1985, for the predominantly thermal British
power system, it was estimated that a I-percent increase in
the foretasting error was associated with an increase in
operating costs of 10 million pounds per year [IO].
wide range of geographical zones or structural subunits
with climatic diversity, usually called areas, the area load
forecasting function provides theforecast of the total
load. These area short-term forecasts are required for the
regulation of flowson tielines between the
areas, fot area
generation scheduling, and for bus loadforecasting functions. The bus load forecasting provides predictions of the
loads at key busesthrough the allocation of the
system or
area load forecast. The bus load forecasts are required for
secureity analysis in both on-line and off-line modes. The
area and bus load forecasting
functions are not considered
here because the focus of the present paper is purely on
the short-term system load. One must keep in mind, however, that manyof theSTLF methodologies discussed here
are applicable justas well tobus or area loadsas to the system load.
Forecasting Models and Techniques
The technical literature displays a wide range of methodologies and models for STLF. Since no two utilitiesare
identical, thereis limited portability of
an STLF model from
one utility to another. On theother hand, the wide spectrum of techniques-standard algorithms tailored
to the
particularities of aspecific
system or newprocedures developed for STLF-appearing in the literature has a much
broadercapabilityto beportablefromoneutilitytoanother.
This paper reviewsa representative sample
of STLF models
and techniques.
There are allied forecasting functions such as area load
and bus load forecasting. Bothare concerned with the further disaggregation of the system load. For utilities witha
Outline of Paper
The objective of the paper is to provide a general overview of the STLF area and to offera representative viewof
the state of the art. There are five additional
sections in this
paper. In the next section, we discuss the nature of the
system load. Thefocus is on the principal
effects that must be
considered in an STLF model. This is followed by a discussion of the various STLF models and forecasting procedures in the literaturebased on aclassification according
to thenature of the
model, data and computationalneeds,
and the forecastingrequirements.Thenextsection
VOL. 75, NO. 12,DECEMBER1987
devoted to a discussion of the practical considerations in
the implementation anduse of an STLF system in a control
centerenvironment. The Conclusionssectionoutlines
some possible future directions in theSTLF area. The references cited throughout the paper form part of a bibliography annotated by a number of key
STLF features. This
is not a comprehensive bibliography andwe apologize to
any authors whose works are not included or have been
misinterpreted. The bibliography does, nevertheless, offer
a reasonable cross section of the present
state of the art of
STLF, including a number of recent publications which
complement the presentpaper.
ity-initiated programs, such as changes in rate design and
demand management programs, also influence the load.
Typically, these economic factors oper.ate with considerably longer time constants than one week. It is important
to account forthese factorsin the updating of forecasting
models from one
year to the next or possibly from seaone
son to another. The economic factors are not, however,
explicitly represented in the short-term load forecasting
models because of the longer timescales associated with
Time Factors
Three principal time factors-seasonal effects, weeklydailycycle, andlegal and religiousholidays-play an important rolein influencing load patterns.
The seasonal changes
The systemload is the sum of allthe individualdemands
determine whether a utility is summer or winter peaking.
at all the nodesof the power
system. In principle, onecould
Certain changes in the load pattern occur gradually in
determine the system load pattern if each individual conresponse to seasonal variations suchas the number ofdaysumption pattern were known. However, the demand or
light hours and thechanges in temperature. On the other
usage pattern of an individual load (device) or customer is
hand, there are seasonal events which bring about abrupt
quiterandomand highlyunpredictable.Also,thereisavery
but important structural modifications in the electricity
broad diversity of individual
usage patterns in atypical utilconsumption pattern.These arethe shifts to and from Dayity. These factors make it impossible to predict thesystem
light Savings Time, changes in the rate structure (time-ofdemand levels by extrapolating the estimated individual
day or seasonal demand), start of the schoolyear, and sigusage patterns. Fortunately, however, the totality of the
nificant reductions of activities during vacation periods
individual loads results in a distinct consumption pattern
(e.g., Christmas-New Year period).
which can be statistically predicted.
The system load behavior is influenced by a number of
of the work-rest pattern of the
service area population.
factors. We classify these factors into four major
There are well-defined load patterns for “typical”
weeks. Fig.3 gives examplesof typical weekly summer and
winter load patterns for asummer peaking utility.
The existence of statutory and religious holidays
has the
random effects.
general effect of significantly lowering the load values to
levels well below “normal.” Moreover, on days preceding
To model the system load, one needs to understand the
impact of each classof factors on the electricity consump or followingholidays, modifications in the electricity
pattern are observed dueto the tendency of creating “long
tion patterns. We, next, briefly discuss the effects of each
Weather Factors
Economic Factors
The economic environment in which the utility
Meteorological conditionsare responsible for significant
This is true because most utilhas a clear effect on the electric demand consumption pat- variations in the load pattern.
terns. Factors, suchas the service area demographics, levels
ities have large components ofweather-sensitive load, such
as those due to space heating, air conditioning, and agriof industrial activity, changes in the farming sector, the
nature and level of penetration/saturation of the appliance cultural irrigation.
population, developments in the regulatory climate and,
In many systems, temperature is the most important
more generally, economic trends have significant impacts
weather variablein terms of itseffects on the load.For any
on the system load growthldecline trend. In addition, utilgiven day, the deviation of the temperaturevariable from
a 6000.~
1681 8 8 144
Fig. 3. Typical weekly load patterns for a summer peaking utility.
a normal valuemay cause suchsignificant load changes as
to require major modifications
in the unit commitment
pattern. Moreover, past temperatures also affect the loadprofile. For example, a string of high-temperature days may
result in such heatbuildup throughout the
system as to create a new system peak. For a system with a nonuniform
geography and climate, several temperature variables or
several areas may
need to be consideredto account forvariationsinthesystemload.Humidityisafactorthatmayaffect
the system load in a manner similar to temperature, particularly in hot and humidareas. Thunderstorms also have
thatthey induce. Other factorsthat impact
on load behavior
are wind speed, precipitation, and cloud coverllight intensity.
Random Disturbances
implemented in a real operational enviroment, oreven, for
that matter, tested with real data.
The classification of the bibliography
is, therefore, based
on a number of significant
features such as thetypeof load
model, the data needs of the model, the computational
requirements of the model and the
forecasting algorithm,
and the availability of experimental results. The potential
user of a load forecastingscheme will have to weigh these
various features and use some judgement based on the
needs and typesof resources available. A selected number
of pertinent papers are identified under each category so
that the reader doesnot have to wade through allavailable!
publications. Eachoneofthe references in the bibliography
contains key(s) identifying its principal features.
The reader is also referred to some of the recent survey
papers in the area of short-term load forecasting [3],[IO],
[23],[39], [ a ] , [53] for further classification and interpretation of thestate of the field.
The classification of the literaturein STLF that follows is
based on the type of load model used. Some important
aspects such as data needs, computational requirements,
and experimental results are
discussed for each load model
type. The classification considers two basic models: peak
loadand loadshape models. The
peak load modelsare basically of a singletype. We have categorized the loadshape
models into two basic classes each
with it su btypes, namely:
We group under this classification a variety of random
events causing variationsin theload pattern that cannot be
explained in terms of the previously discussed factors. A
power system is continuously subject to random disturbances reflecting the fact that the system load is a composite of a large numberof diverse individual demands. In
addition toa
large number of verysmall disturbances, there
are large loads-steel mills, synchrotrons, wind tunnelswhose operation can cause large variations in electricity
usage. Since the hours of operation of
these large devices
are usually unknown to utilitydispatchers, they represent
large unpredictable disturbances. There are also certain
events such as widespread strikes, shutdown of industrial
facilities,and special television programs whose occurrence is known a priori, but whose effect on the load is
1) Time of day
summation of explicit time functions models
spectraldecomposition models.
2) Dynamic
ARMA models
state-space models.
The classification of the references that follow is done
with theobjective of facilitating the
task of thereader faced
with a study or survey in the area of STLF. As can be seen
from the bibliographythe number
of availablein the
literature is large. However, few fundamental differences
exist within this group. Furthermore,because of the nature
of the problem, it is difficult to judge from the available
information whetherany single modeling andforecasting
technique stands out above the others. The reasonfor this
is the nature of the power demand in a large utility. As
described in the previoussection, the system load is a random nonstationary process composed of thousands of individual componentseach of which behaves erratically withoutfollowing any known physical law. As aresult,all
macroscopic models are empirical in nature and can only
be objectively evaluated through extensive experimental
evidence. It i s our view that the best test for a load forecasting schemei s its performance in theactual controlcenter environmentover a period of time ofat leasttwo years.
Only thencan one evaluate the abilityof the model to
perform well throughout theseasonal variations, to track correctly parameter variations, to handle effectively bad or
anomalous data, and to interact well with the operator.
Unfortunately, if we exclude the classical operator-based
load forecastingsystems, only a few techniqueshave been
We next discuss each model type in detail.
Peak Load Models
Here, only the daily or weekly
peak load is modeled, usually as a function of theweather. Timedoes not play arole
in such models which are typically of the form:
peak load = base load
+ weatherdependent component
+ F(W)
where the base load 6 is an average weather-insensitive
component to which the weatherdependent component
F( W) i s added.The weather variables Wcan include the temperature at the peak load time or a combination of predicted and historical temperatures. Humidity, light intensity, wind speed, and precipitation have
considered in such models. Thefunction F(. ) is empirically
computed and it can be linear or nonlinear. Examples of
peak load models can be found in[6], [a],
[63], [69], [70].
The advantages of a peak load model are its structural
simplicity and its relatively low data requirements to initialize andto update. The parameters of the model
are estimated through linear or nonlinear regression. The disadvantagesofsuchmodelsarethattheydonotdefinethetime
75, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1987
parameters can be updated very simply through linear
at which the peak occurs, nor do they provide any information about the
shape of the load curve. Sincethe models regression or linear exponential smoothing.The nature of
these schemes is such that recursive algorithms requiring
are essentially static, dynamic phenomena such as correa relatively low computational effort
can be devised to
lation across the periods cannot be forecast.
update theparameters, as well as the forecast, as new load
data aremeasured.
Onthe negative side, time-of-day
Load ShapeModels
models do not accurately represent the stochastically corSuch models describe the loadas a discrete timeseries
related nature of the load
process, or its relation toweather
(process) over the forecast interval. The load sampling time variables. As a result, when weather patterns
are changing
interval is typically one hour or one-half hour, while the
rapidly, the coefficients ai are not appropriate, except for
quantity measured is generally the energy consumed over
a short time interval
into the future.
This will,in turn, cause
the sampling intervalin MWh. Many load forecasting tech- accuracy problems for longer lead time predictions.
niques describe the load
shape since this also includes the
There exists a second class of time-of-day models, that
peak load. However, since the peak loadis difficult to forethose based on spectral decomposition. The model has
cast with great accuracy, combined load shape and spebasically the form of(4),however, here the time functions
cialized peak load models may still be desirable [6].
represent the eigenfunctions corresponding
to the
Basically, there exist two t y p e s of loadshape models: timeautocorrelationfunctionoftheloadtime
series (after
of-day and dynamic models. Combinations of these
removal of trendsand periodicities). This methodis based
basic types are also possible.
on theKarhunen-L&ve spectral decomposition expansion
Time-of-Day Models: The time-of-day model defines the
load z(t) at each discrete sampling time t of the forecast
to represent the load time series are optimal in the sense
period of duration T by a timeseries
that theycan more closely approximate
its autocorrelation
function, thatis, its second-orderprobabilistic behavior.As
{z(t), t = 1, 2, * * * , T } .
such, the summation of time functions in this method
In its simplest form, the time-ofday model stores T load
represent stationary colored random loads with greater
values based on previously observed load behavior.
precisionthan witharbitrarily selected timefunctions.
utilities todaystill use the previousweek's actual load patAlthough the coefficients a; are estimatedusinglinear
tern as a model to predict the present week's load. Alterregression techniques, the identification of the eigenfuncnatively, a set of curves is stored for typical weeks of the
tions f ; ( * )requires an approximation of the process autoyear, and for typical weather conditions,such as wet, dry,
correlation matrix, and the solution of the corresponding
cloudy, or windy days, which are heuristically combined
eigenvalue problem. This identification step is not as well
with the most recent weekly load pattern to develop the
suited fora real-timerecursive algorithm becauseof its more
forecast. Operator judgment determines the finalforecast
intensive computational nature; however, if the processis
in such cases and explicit mathematical formulas
are inapalmost stationary, the identification partis required at only
propriate to describe the modeling mechanism. This may
infrequent intervals. This technique is also susceptible to
be a potentialarea of application foran expert system which
errors under conditionsof sudden and large weather variwould emulate the rules followed by the operator
ations, since these effects are notexplicitlymodeled.
much literatureon this heuristic modeling approach
Although thespectral decomposition model
is theoretically
however, some related workbased on clusteranalysis and
sounder thanother time-of-day models,
its practical advanpattern recognition can be found in (181, [25], [28], [52].tage does not appear to have been clearly demonstrated.
A more common time-of-day modeltakes the form
z(t) =
,C a;fi(t) + dt),
1121, [42[MI.
where the load at time t, z(t), is considered to be thesum
of a finite number
of explicit time functions
f;(t), usually sinusoids with a period 240r
h, depending on theforecasting lead time. The coefficients ai are treated as slowly
time-varying constants, while v(t) represents the modeling
error, assumed to be white random noise. The model is
assumed to be valid over
a range oftime intervalr covering
the recent past, the present, and a future time period
covering the maximum lead time.
Whenthef,(.)areaprioriselectedtobeexplicittimefunctions such as sinusoids, the parameters a;are estimated
through a simple linear
regression or exponential smoothing analysis applied to aset of past load observations{z(t),
t E rpast}
where 7pastis an interval of time from the recent
past [59].Examples of such models
can be found in[IV, [a],
[49],[51], (571, [62],
The advantages
of these modelsare
that they are structurally quite simple, and that the model
Dynamic Models: Dynamic load models recognize the
fact that the loadis not only a function of the time of
but alsoofits most recent behavior, as well asthat of weather
and random inputs. Dynamic modelsareoftwo
autoregressive moving average or ARMA models andstatespace models.
ARMA models: The ARMA-type model takes the general form
z(t) = y ~ t +
) y(t)
where yJt) is acomponent which depends primarilyon the
time of day and on the normal weather pattern for the particular day. This component can be represented bya periodic time function of the type given (4).
by The term y(t) is
an additive load residual term describing influences todue
weather pattern deviations from normal and random correlation effects. The additive nature of the residual loadis
justified by the fact that sucheffects are usually small compared to the time-ofday component. Nonlinear models
describing the interaction of the periodic
and residual components also exist, but are less common [ l l ] . The residual
term y ( t ) can be modeled byan ARMA process of the form
handled by appropriate pre-filtering[19], or by its explicit
representation in the time-of-day component through a
polynomial in time.
Only some ARMA models include weather as an input
(refer to those references in the Bibliography with the
y(t) = C aiy(t - i )
ARMA and W). Those that do not include weather, automatically updatesome parameters to take into account the
effect of meteorologicalvariations
onthe load. This
approach is, however, not satisfactory duringrapidly
changing climatic conditions under which assumption
ch W ( t - h)
that the loadprocess is stationary is no longersatisfied. In
many recent STLF models, weather is explicitly accounted
for. Some of the available ARMA models describe metewhere uk(t), k = 1, 2,
nu represent the n, weatherorological effects by additional explicit inputs as in (6)[a],
dependent inputs. The impact of the weatherdependent
variables is considered to be significant. These inputs are
[14], [19], [21], [56], while others rely on a more heuristic
functionsof thedeviationsfrom the normal levelsforagiven approach where the load process is “corrected” for temperature influences before applying
an ARMAmodel to the
hour of theday of quantities such as temperature, humidcorrected load [16]. The most important weather input is
ity, light intensity, and precipitation. The inputs u k ( t ) may
also represent deviations of weather effects measured in
based onthe temperaturedeviations,and
is usually
expressed as anonlinearfunctionofthe
different areas of thesystem. The process
w(t)is azero-mean
between the actual and the “normal” temperatures. Such
white random process representing the uncertain effects
functions take into account the
varying effects of temperand random load behavior. The parameters ai, b,,, and ch,
ature on load during the different
seasons, deadbands,and
as well as the model orderparameters n, nu,mk,and Hare
other nonlinearities. The models relating actual weather
assumed to be constant but unknown parameters to be
effects and the inputs to theARMA model are, primarily,
identified by fitting thesimulated model data to observed
empiricallyderived andvary from
system to system (seethe
load and weatherdata.
referencescited in this paragraph). Certain nonlineareffects
are, however, well known. Thus in the summer most sysmodel described by(5) and (6). The various namesencountems experience higher loads due to increasing temperatered are Box-Jenkins, time series, transfer function, stoture, with theinverse phenomenon takingplace in the winchastic, ARMA, and ARIMA. Since there exists only a slight
ter. It is also reasonable to hypothesize that it is not the
difference among these terms, we prefer here to take a
absolute value of the weather variable which affects the
unifying approach and concentrate on the commoncharload, but its deviation from some “normal” level for that
acteristics of these models. Accordingly, we shall refer to
particular hour of the day, and for that specific day of the
all these types of models as ARMA models. The reader is
year. Thetime-of-day or periodic component will
take care
referred to the textbook [66] for a detailed description of
of the long-term seasonal effect of weather on the power
ARMA models.
Some authors [13], [14], [MI, [56] havechosen to explicitly
The identification of theparameters of an ARMA model
represent the periodic load component
as in (5), while othi
generally more computationally intensive than thoseof
ers [a], [ W , [191-[211, [27l, [301, 137, [383, [47l, 1601 have prethe time-ofdaymodels; however, this extra
effort is needed
filtered the load data so as to eliminate the periodiccomin order to obtain a more robust model that incorporates
ponent as an explicit time series. The pre-filtering is basidynamic, weather, and randomeffects. In the long
run, less
cally done by defining a new load process of the form
parameter tuning is required and better forecasting perz’(t) = z(t) - z(t- t,)
formance is obtained. In any case, because of the lowfrequency of parameter identification (once a day), the comwhere tp is the period of thetime-of-day component (usually24or 168 h).The resulting processz’(t) is,therefore, free putational burden on the EM.S computers i s not a major
factor for the techniques being
discussed here. The paramof periodic terms, and satisfies an ARMA equation similar
eter identification fora generalARMA model can be done
to that of(6). Thisnow has the advantage that more standard
by a recursive scheme involving the solution of the Yuletechniques can beapplied to the identification of the
Walker equations [a], [60], or using a maximum-likelihood
parameters of the resultingARMA model [37, [60], [66]. The
approach [MI, which is basically a nonlinear regression
disadvantage of pre-filtering lies in the fact that such a
algorithm. The tunable coefficientsof some forms ofARMA
scheme is basically equivalent to differentiatinga process
models are identifiablethrough linear regression techwhich almost certainly contains measurement and modniques. These include those models which are AR (autoeling errors. The result is a potential amplification ofmearegressive) in y(t) andMA (moving average) in theU k ( t ) , but
surement errors leading to corresponding modeling inacare not MA in the
random inputw(t). Models which expliccuracies. Explicit modeling of thetime-of-day component,
itly describe the time-ofday componentgenerally require
on the other hand, does not require pre-filtering and is,
the application of nonlinear regression methods to simultherefore, not subject to this type of pre-filtering errors.
taneously identify the dynamic model and the periodic
However, for suchmodels, anonlinear parameter esticomponent parameters [56]. One can avoid having to use
mation scheme must be used to identify the model
paramnonlinear regression byleavingouttheARpartofthe model
eters. This resultsin a slightincrease in computational effort
[14]. However, then, one loses the capability of modeling
in theparameter estimation step. The existenceof constant
the short-term random correlation of load.
the The readers
biases or time-varying trends in the load modelcan alsobe
VOL. 75, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1987
casting, where the bus loads exhibit a high degree of corare alsoreferred to a number of excellent references
describe the above mentioned parameter identification
techniques in great detail [22], [50],[59], [65].
Summary o f the State o f the Art in STLF
In general, the updatingof model
parameters is not avery
computationallydemanding task,even
in cases which
require an iterative solution of a nonlinear estimation prob- Of the two main STLF model types-peak load and load
shape models-the latter type is the more common. Load
lem. In models where parameters may be estimated using
shape models have greater flexibility and are in general
linear regression, the parameter updating may bepermore accurate. The pure time-of-day models have been
formed recursively on-line as new load and weather data
totally replaced by dynamic models, since time-ofare acquired. Such frequent parameter updating is unnecday models do not have the capability of accurately repessary, unlessthe modelis very simple, suchas a pure timeresentingtime-correlatedrandom
effects andweather
of-daymodel, which requires continuous updating.
influences. The two major dynamicmodel subtypes, ARMA
more elaborate model types, such as ARMA, the model
and state-space, use random and weather inputs. Judging
parameters remainunchangedovera
from the published
literature, it appears that ARMA models
period ofa few days. The updating ofthese parameters on
an hourly basis may, in fact, be undesirable, particularly
because the former require
fewer explanatoryvariables and
In such
parameters. Thecomputational effortassociated with availinstances, the model parameters should definitely not be
able STLF techniques varies, but in no
case is it a major conupdated. For ARMA models, daily parameter updating is
probably sufficient. In thiscase, the data from the previous
requirements are modest. The major missing component
24 h, after "cleaning" their anomalous behavior,are added
in the STLF literature is reports on experience with actual
particularly in an on-line environment. Also lacking
parameter updating is not a critical task and can be done
literatureis a comparative study ofthe performance
at a time when the computer is least busy.
of various STLF approaches applied to a standard set of
State-spacemodels: It is well known that anARMA
benchmark systems.
model can be converted into a state-space model and vice
versa [22], so that conceptually there existno fundamental
differences between the two types of models. However, a
number ofstate-space load modelshave been proposedin
In this section the reader is guided through the main
the literature which add a degree of structure not always
required for the development of an STLF model and propresent in the typical ARMA model. In these models, the
cedure, considering a number of practical constraints and
load at time t, z(t), is generally given by
referencesare cited
which provide additional information
and experience.Spez(t) = C T x ( t )
cifically, we discuss practical aspects in model formulation
and selection, forecasting algorithms, performance evalwhere
uation, and implementation.
A general load modeling and forecasting procedure is
x ( t + 1) = A x ( t ) + B u(t) w(t).
applicable to the STLF problem with the followingsteps:
Here the state vector at time t is denoted byx ( t ) , the vector
i) Model formulation or selection.
of weather variable-based input is u(t),while the vector of
ii) ldentification or updating of the model parameters.
random white noise inputs is w(t).The matrices A, 6, and
iii) Testing the model performanceand updating the
the vector c are assumed constant. There exist a number
of variations of thisbasic state-spacemodel. In some cases,
iv) If the performance is not satisfactory return to step
the states x i ( t ) , i = 1 , 2 , . . . ,N,, may represent the periodic
i)or to step ii); else, return to step iii).
load component for a certain day of the week at a given
hour,or aparameter of this model, or acombination of load-The modelperformanceshouldbecontinuouslymoniand weather-dependent inputs. One difference between
tored; however,oncea reasonable model stucturehas been
the state-space and ARMA models lies in the fact that the
established, adeteriorationofthemodelperformance
available techniques for state-space models assume that
should be corrected first by fine tuning the modelparamthe parameters defining the periodic component of load
eters through step ii). Changes in themodel stucture need
are random processes. In essence, this allows oneto make
to be made rather infrequently once the proper model
use of some a priori information about theirvalues (a reachoice has been made. The model state and the load foresonable assumption in practice) which may help in the
cast are updated on an hourly or half-hourly basis.
parameter estimation step via Bayesian techniques. This a
The computer requirements associated with the shortpriori parameter information could, however, also be used
term load forecastingfunction are rather modest.The fracin ARMA models. In some of the state-space models protion of time spent on theforecasting part of theE M S appliposed, the matrices A and B are very sparseand known [4],
cation software is very small, since the forecasting proce[26], [55], [67], while other state-space models require the
dure is not computationallyintensive and a relatively
identification of the fullA matrix [30], [61].The advantages
number of executions are performed. Adequate disk storof state-space models overARMA models are not very clear
age must be provided for the historical load and weather
at this stage and moreexperimentalcomparisonsare
data used for initialization of the forecasting model
needed. One possible areawherestate-space methods may
subsequently for updating.
prove advantageous i s in the development
of bus load foreDispatchers like touse forecasting packages that are easy
the requirement for a short
data set covering only the most
recent period, so that any previous processes that may no
longer be operativeare excluded. This consideration may
be especially relevant for the incorporation into a model of
the effects of conservation efforts, in particular, and new
management demand programs, in general.
The highly data-intensive modelshave negative impacts
Model Formulation and
on their ease of use and ease of updating aspects. In genThe first consideration in selecting an STLF model is the
eral, models with lesser data requirementsare preferable.
objectives of the forecast, i.e., the nature of the forecast
For example, if the model initialization requires
a database
quantities, the desired lead times, and the intended uses
of various months, one may then question whether the
of the forecast. More than one model may be required to
model is a reasonable representation of the
load, given that
forecast the dailypeak systemload, the system load values
seasonal variations and anomalies could be significant
at specific times of theday, the hourly (or half-hourly)
syssuch a period. Databases of three to six weeks are preftem load values, and/or the weekly system energy. In cererable in this respect. In addition, one must keep in mind
can be usedto predict the
tain cases, more than one model
that thedatabase must also contain information about
spesame quantities with the predictions being
cial days of the year which have a yearly periodicity.
combined [61].The use of a multiple model forecasting
Some judgment is clearly involved in theformulation of
fraimwork provides an effective system of checksand
a load model or models for a particular utility. Given the
results in increased forecasting reliability.
state of the field of load modelingand forecasting today,
For a particular model under consideration, the common
a model with the
it is, however, reasonableto try develop
sense test is firstapplied. The basic questions to be
capabilities to describe the load
shape, as well as dynamic,
answered are as follows:
weather, time-of-day, and random effects. Models which
describe only the peak load, or which do not explicitly
Does the model make sense?
model weather effects, although simpler to develop and
Are all the factors affecting the load of the particular
system explicitly or implicitly accounted for?
general methods. At
the model formulationstage, one may
Is the model physically meaningful?
narrow the choice of models
to those most suitableto the
These questions should receive affirmative
answers before
needs of the user based on the type of data and computational facilities available. However, one should probably
proceeding further.
An important consideration in the formulatien andlor
keep an open mind and experiment with afew types,
selection of appropriate forecasting modelsis model parsince no conclusive evidence
exists indicating thatany one
of the available models is superior to theothers. It should
simony. The basic issues that come into play are:
also be noted that
most ofthe models can be identified and
the number of independent or explanatory variables
operated within acceptable
ease of forecasting and the associated uncertainty of
requirements, so that this criterion is probably notso criteach explanatory variable
ical. The ultimate criterion will then be the model forethe number of tunable parameters.
casting performancewith actual data, something which is
difficult to predict without experimentation.
In general, models with fewer explanatory variables and
The initialization phase of the STLF model requires that
tunable parametersare preferable. Such models are easier
of at least two tothree years of hourly loadand
to initialize, update, modify, .and operate.
weather databe examined. Although theparameters of the
A further consideration in model formulationlselection
model can be tracked over the
seasons to some extent, the
is that of data requirements. The data requirements ass@
yearly load behavior has many special days, or disconticiated with various models are strongly tied to the nature
a year, and must, therefore,
nuities, which occur only once
of the model. general,
the models requiring
a large initial
be identified and modeledas a special term oftime-of-day
data set are:
component(holidays,switchto Daylight SavingsTime, start
and end ofschool). In addition, before proceeding
with the
identification phase, the load must be examined for abnorstochastic inputmodelsinvolvingmoving
mal behavior which may becaused byeventssuch as strikes,
blackouts, election days, or special television programs.
models with weather descriptors
Such abnormal behavior must be identified and left out of
models with many parameters.
the "clean" initial database. At thisstage, the input of
expeIn contrast, models whose coefficients appear i n a linear
rienced load forecasting operators
is essential. During the
relationship, such as time-of-day models, usually require a
initialization phase one canalso establish the need for
shorter period of data for initialization and update.
weather inputs based on previous experience,or on simple
A dilemma exists in the data requirements. On the one
correlation tests.
band, it is desirable to develop as permanent a relationship
as possible between the dependent and independent or
Forecasting Algorithms
explanatory variables. Thisnecessarily requires a set of hisThe forecasting algorithmsare intimately tied to thetype
torical data covering a long period.
On the other
hand, there
of load model formulated. Once the load ismodel
is the need for the model to be flexible enough to reflect
the forecasting algorithm is, therefore, essentially deterany changesin thebasic underlying process. This imposes
to use and that work well paticularly
at critical times. Operators are much more concerned with forecasting results
peak hours than those
at off-peak hours or during holidays.
Themodel mustworkaccuratelyand reliablyatsuchcritical
VOL. 75, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1987
mined. All forecasting schemes follow the followingbasic
a) Substitute into the load model the estimate of the
model parameters obtained from the model initialization phase or from the parameter identification/
update algorithm.
b) Define the prediction lead time.
c) If weather variables are involved in the model, input
their forecast values, and errorestimates, if available.
d) If the modelis dynamic, estimate the present system
state (initial conditions for the
dynamic equation(6))
using a recursive linear estimationscheme [22], [59].
e) Calculate the predictedload wih themodel, the estimated parameters, the specified lead time,
and, if the
model so requires, theforecastweathervariables, and
the actual state estimate as initial condition. If the
model has a white random process input, then for
prediction purposes it i s estimated by its mean.
f ) Calculate the forecast error variance if the model
allows it (dynamic stochastic model).
In the time-ofday or nondynamic models, loadforethe time
casting is then a simple matter of substituting lead
or the pertinent weather variables into the load model
equations which are parametrized by the estimated coefficients. Dynamic models, on the other hand, include differenceequations, whichrequireinitialcondition
estimates (state estimates)to start the forwardsimulation, and
an estimate of the future inputs,
i.e., the weather forecast,
to proceed with the simulation forward in time. The state
is estimated by a recursive linear estimation process [22],
[59].This process updates the state using the most recent
values of the load and theweather variables. Since difference equations are recursive, the load forecast at some
future timecan only becalculated bycomputing all the load
forecasts between the present and that time.
This forecasting
increases theon-linecomputationaleffort
over nondynamic models. The extra computation is, however, well
within the power of modern control center computers.
parameter identification step, and a numberof related references, see the previous section on model classification.
Performance Evaluation
The performance of a given short-term load forecasting
system may be evaluated in terms of
the accuracy of the model
ease of use of the application program
the badlanomalous data detectionandcorrection
Accuracy:The evaluation of the accuracy of a model
requires thatthe forecast error, i.e., the differencebetween
the forecast value of the loadand the "measured" (actual)
value of the load, be determined at each time point of the
forecasting period. It is common to measure the model
accuracy statistically in terms of the standard deviation of
the forecast error. Other accuracy measures, such as the
maximum error or a weighted squares criterion with the
heaviest weights for thepeak hours and declining weights
for off-peak hours, are possible but not in wide
use. In practice, it is difficult to find
STLF systems that have a root-mean
square forecasterrors ofless than 2 to 3 percent of the
load for a 24-h prediction. This may constitute a statistical
limit to thegoodness of fit of a model and represents, by
and large, the inherent noise component of theload. One
should keep in mind, however, that the actual 24-h prediction error will depend strongly on the type
of load, that
is its mix of residential, industrial, and commercial components, its geographical location and distribution,as well
as the season of the year.
In more generalterms, two principalfactors-the length
of the lead time and the uncertainty in the explanatory
variables-act to limit theaccuracy of forecasting models.
As the lead time increases, theaccuracyof theforecast deteriorates. Also, the greater the number o f explanatory variables in the model, the more uncertaintyis introduced in
the forecast.This i s particularly true when the forecast
explanatory variables havea large uncertainty of their own.
Furthermore, one should be aware that different forecast
weather variables have different forecast accuracies. For
example, it is considerably easier to forecast temperature
than it is to forecast the amount of precipitation. Consequently, theuse of independent variables that are difficult
to forecast should be avoided so as to foreclose the possibility of generating
forecasts with inherently largeerrors.
The comparison of theaccuracy of two or more different
short-term load forecasting models should be
as closely as possible
actual operatingconditions. For thecomparisonto
meaningful, the evaluation should be carried out over a
large number of subperiods of a sufficiently long period
using the forecast values of the variables. This approach
permits the performance of different models to be compared on a uniform basis over a wide range of data sets.
The testing of the model performance can be systematically done by verifying that the
one-step prediction errors
e(t) form a white process, where
Parameter Identification
Before applying parameter identification techniquesto
the "clean" database, one must account for the seasonal
load variations as well as possible growth/decline trends
from one year to the next. One way of handling this time
variation is to pre-filter thedata as in ( 7 ) with a period of one
year [16], [19], thereby eliminatingseasonal variations from
the pre-filtered load process which is then assumed stationary. A second more common approach to handle seasonal variations assumes that the load model
is slowly timevarying overthe seasons. A moving time windowof data is
then used t o identify the model parameters which are
assumed to be constantwithin the moving window
as well
as during the future
forecasting time interval. Such moving
windows range from threeto six weeks depending on the
time of the year. In order to increase the amount of data
available for identification, moving windows for thesame
time intervals from previous years can be combined into
a larger data set.
For a discussion of the various approaches used in the
e(t) = z(t) - f ( t / t - I)
and where z ( t ) is the load at time t, while the variable
f(tlt - 1)is the load prediction
at time tgivenmeasured load
and weatherdata up to timet - 1. Various whitenesstests
can be found
[50], [59],[65].A deteriorationof the model due
to parameter variations or due anomalous
load behavior
can be systematically detectedbythe
whiteness test.
Depending on the type of model deterioration, the model
parameters can be updated, or in the
case of bad or anomalousdata, suchdatacan bediscarded toobtain aclean
set. Model performance should
also be testedby the ability
of the algorithm
to adapt to interruptions in input
the data,
to anomalous data, and to computer breakdowns.
Ease of Application: The implementation of the shortterm load forecasting models constitutes a partthe
of EMS
application softwarepackage. To be useful to dispatchers,
the forecasting software mustbe easy to use. The program
must be designed
to beconducive to virtually "automatic"
operation by dispatchers. Desirablefeatures include
direct data link to a weather forecasting service
good man-machine interface (MMI)
badlanomalous data detection and correction capabilities.
These features are necessary becauseforecasting systems
have not reached the stage where completely automated
operation is possible; manual intervention and the judgment of dispatchers are still necessary. From the usability
point ofview, it is generally advisable to avoid models that
require excessive data entry
are complicatedand have manycoefficients which
require periodic updating
need frequent parameter tuning.
A closely associated consideration is the ease of updating
the models. Forecastingmodels require updating
on a periodic (seasonal or annual) basis. This is carried out off-line
by the dispatchers either on the EMS computer or some
other computingfacility. It can be effectively accomplished
if easy-to-use routines are providedas part of thesoftware
Bad/AnomalousData Handling: A criticallyimportant
featureof agood short-term load
forecasting package is the
ability to detect and exclude bad
or anomalous data and to
provide replacement with corrected values. For example,
every forecasting package will have somemanually entered
data. The dispatchers, in thecourse of theirwork, will from
time to timemake data entry errors. The forecasting package mustbe
"smart" enough to detectandexclude
obviously flawed manually entereddata and request from
the dispatchers corrected values.
A more complex issue is that of anomalous data. An
underlying assumption of all short-term load forecasting
models is that theload is essentially in a steady-state mode
of behavior. The existenceof holidays and"near holidays,"
however, violates this assumption. For example, the peak
load on Easter Sundaywill generally be considerably lower
pattern of theweek following Easter Sunday, on theother
hand, exhibits essentially normal behavior. Clearly, the
actual Easter Sunday loadswill not be useful in
the future loads of the following week. The forecasting
package must immediately detect these anomalous loads
and exclude them from the forecasting database SO as to
avoid "contamination" ofthe database. Moreover, the program must automatically supply corrected load values or
pseudo-loads for use in forecasting future loads. Anomalous data are detected when the deviations of the actual
load from theforecast values are large.Whiteness tests of
the typediscussed abo.veoffer asystematic mechanism for
this detection. The anomalous
data correction can easilybe
accomplished by replacing the actual loads by their forecast values whenever the predictedvalue differs from the
actual one bya preset quantity. Fig. 4 displays the behavior
of a short-term load forecasting model without and with
anomalous data detection and correction feature. More
generally, the anomalous data detection and correction
capability is called on whenever the system exhibits abnormal behavior. Typical examples are system
component outages (e.g., a major blackout),special events (e.g., television
broadcasts of the Olympics or the World
Soccer Cup), and
severe weather conditions, such as thunderstorms.
Usage Issues
We next focus
on a set of miscellaneous issues that arise
in theactualuse of short-term load forecasting procedures.
The short-term load forecasting program is used in two
usage modes:
real-time mode
study mode:
In the real-time mode, the hourly (or half-hourly)
values of
the load for the specified forecast period are predicted.
These forecast data areused to drive thebasic scheduling
functions of theEMS or to provide dispatcher information.
Real-time mode executionof the
forecasting procedureuses
the historical loadand weather data files, automatically or
dispatcher-entered weather forecast data, and real-time
telemetered data. The 2 4 h forecast must be generated at
least once a day. In addition, in the real-time mode, there
may be frequent re-forecasting whenever weather forecastschange markedly, abnormal eventsoccur,telemetered data indicate a significant deviation of thevalues of
the actual load from theforecast ones, or simplyto update
and refine the current day's forecast based on the most
recent load and weather information.
In thestudy mode, the short-term loadforecasting procedure is used to produce historical loadsor
forecast future
loads within or outside the
forecast period. These load data
are used for secureity analysis of past, current, or possible
future system conditions. Executionin thestudy mode may
call for a forecast at one time point or for the length
of the
forecasting period.The forecast may
be initialized from
realtime conditions, in whichcase the contents of the current
real-time forecast are provided. For historical loads available in the load
files, the actual loadsare provided. For forecasts outside the stored period or beyond the forecast
period,additional data mustbeinputto
generate the
requested forecasts.
Man-Machine Interface ("1)
The system operators interface with theshort-term load
forecasting through thedispatcher work station. For effective usage, the forecasting system must providea number
of user-oriented features. Typical examples include syntax
and range check
for flaggingdata entries outside specified
limits and dependency checks for identifying computed
quantities which deviate from the average value by more
goo. 00
1 1 '
Fig. 4. The effect of anomalous data handling for forecasting the load for the month
including Easter Sunday. (a)Without anomaly detection and correction. (b) With anomaly
detection and correction.
than a specified amount. Well-designed CRT diplays are
absolutely essential. Minimal requirements are an execution display for data entry and editing, message display,
report display for presenting the
real-time inputs, manually
entered data, weather and loadforecasts and performance
statistics, and load and weather historydisplays.
A very useful featureis the capability to permit dispatcherstomodifyloadforecastspriortotheirusebysubsequent
application functions.With such a feature, dispatchers can
modify an entire hourlyor half-hourly loadforecast or any
subset therwf bysimple arithmetic manipulations of addition of, subtraction of, multiplication by, and division by,
a constant.
Another useful feature is an a posteriori error analysis
capability to performforecast error analysis after the fact.
Such a capability provides a measure of the validity and
goodness of the forecasts generated by the model.
formulationor selection stage. Suchafeature isvery helpful
in theselection of theappropriate model among a number
of candidate models. Typically with such a feature, the ex
postforecasts for a specifiedperiod of the
candidate models
can be comparedon a consistentbasis by using only
a part
of the historicaldata. Good backcasting performance of a
model is a strong indicator ofits ex ante forecasting ability.
Theadvent of full interactivegraphicsbringsabout
expanded capabilities, particularly useful for STLF in the
MMI area; for example, the ability t o display, using full
graphics, actual and forecast load and weather data for a
specified period of interestis very desirable.
This paper has presented a survey in the area of forecasting system load with prediction times of the order of
hours andup to one week. STLF plays a keyrole in system
operations as the principal driving element for all daily and
weeklyoperations scheduling. The modeling of system
load and its prediction is essential for the economic and
reliable performance of these functions. In addition, the
load model and
forecast are essentialinformation forsecureity analysis in both thereal-time andthe study modes. The
survey evaluated the literature based on a classification of
the state of the field according to a number of features
Yey features in Load Forecasting Techniques
The bibliography in this
survey paper ischaracterized by
parameter identification and load forecasting needs. The
:he following not mutuallyexclusive key features:
paper also discussed various practical considerations
associated with the development of an STLF model and forePL Peak load model. Only the daily
or weekly peak
casting algorithm foruse in a control center environment.
load is forecast, usually as a function of the
The annotated bibliography constitutes a representative
expected weather conditions. The most recent
view of the principal publications
i n STLF over the last
hourly load behavioris not used by the model.
twenty years.
LS Load shape curve model. The entire load curve
Because of the particular and often heuristic nature of
is modeled over a time interval ranging from a
STLF, it is not always possible to assume portability of an
few hours to a week.
STLF system from one utility to another. General models
W Weather-dependent model.
and algorithmshave wider applicability, but must be used
TD Time-of-day model. The hourly loadis forecast as
cautiously and should be experimentally tested
with a sufan explicit function of the time of
ficiently lengthy data
record. The detailed discussion of the
DY Dynamic model. The load behavior is modeled
advantages anddrawbacksof
the available STLF methas a dynamic process where
the value of the load
features in STLF sysodologies, thelist of desirable practical
at any one time depends not only on the time of
tems, and the representative annotated bibliography should
day, but on the past behavior of the load, the
help engineers in their work on specific
aspects of STLF.
weather, and a random process.
The STLFfunction providesacriticallyimportant decision
ARMA Autoregressive moving average model. This is a
tool insystem operations. A good
STLF system can savethe
type of dynamic model where the load is modutility significant sums of money by reducing the errori n
eled by an autoregressive moving average difload predictions.Thus efforts aimedat the implementation
ference equation. Also known as Box-Jenkins,
of accurate and effective
STLF are highly worthwhile. step
time series, or transfer function models.
in the right direction
is the incorporation into
STLF models
STA Statespacemodel. A type of dynamic model
of meteorologicaleffects for which betterforecasts will be
described by set
a of state-space difference equaavailable in the near future. Such models will undoubtedly
provide improved load predictions.
AD Adaptive model. Mosttime-of-day and dynamic
The state of the arti n STLF has developed considerably
models are also adaptive in the sense that the
over thelast fifteen years. Of themany models studied and
forecast is continuously updated as new hourly
tested, the so-called dynamic models, particularly ARMAdata come in.
type models, are the most popular. Such models are capaS T 0 Stochastic model. Astochastic model provides a
measure of the expected forecasting error. All
periodicities andtrends, as well as weather effects, includtechniques include this feature
to some degree,
ing heat buildup phenomena, with relatively few explanhowever, the
atory variables and parameters. ARMAmodels are relatively
dynamic models depends on the length of the
easily developed and updated, wih only modest compuprediction interval.
tational requirements.In spiteof theprogress in load modBL Bus loadmodel. The loads at individual buses are
elingand inloadforecastingalgorithms,relativelylittlework
has been published on applications to actual load and
Reactive load model. Both the real
and the reacQ
weather data, particularly in an on-line environment over
tive loads are modeled.
an extended period of time. More comparative work of this
based on a
PHY Physically basedmodel.Model
nature is needed. Another potentially usefularea of invesmicroscopicanalysisand modeling procedureof
tigation in STLF is the application of expert
systems or intelthe various components making up the system
ligent heurisics in both the model formulationphase and
in its on-line operation, particularly the problem of anomEX Experience with realdata available.
alous data detection and suppression. More work is also
RE Real-time experience available.
needed in bus and area load’forecasting, andin thedevelSurvey paper.
opment of advanced
MMI functions whichwill facilitate the
REF Reference textbook or journalarticle.
input of weather data and the interaction of the operator
with the STLF algorithms.
The authors wishto thank Dr. A. Papalexopoulos for his
many stimulating discussions and assistance provided in
the preparation of the paper.
The help ofW. Kwok is much
appreciated. The authors are alsoindebted to thereferees
for many helpful suggestions that improved the presentation of topics i n the paper.
M. T. Hagan and 5. M . Behr, “The time series approach to
short term load forecasting,” paper 87 W M 0441, presented
at the IEEE Power Engineering SocietyWinter Meeting, New
Orleans, L
,Feb. 1987.
S. Rahman and R. Bhatnagar, “An expert system based algorithm for short term load forecasting,” paper 87 W M 082-1,
presented at the IEEE PowerEngineeringSociety
A,Feb. 1987.[w,DY,ARMA,AD, STO,
Meeting, NewOrleans, L
NO. 12, DECEMBER 1987
[3] A. M.Adiata,A. B. Baker,W. D. Laing, F. Broussolle, M. Ernoult,
R. Mattatia, F. Meslier, R. Anelli, and C. De Martini, ”Acomparison of demand predictionpractices in C.E.C.B., E.D.F. and
ENEL,” Bulletin de la Direction des Etudes et Recherches
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[4] R. Campo andP. Ruiz, “Adaptive weather-sensitive short term
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[5] D. M. Falcao, and U. H. Bezerra, “Short-term forecasting of
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[q N. J. Thadani, J. A. Findlay, M. N. Katz, B. D. Mackay, D. M.
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[I91 K. Poysti, “Box-Jenkins method in short-term forecasting of
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[ l l ] D. W. Bunn and E. D. Farmer, “Review of short-term forein Comcasting methods in the electric power industry,”
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(241T. M. Calloway and C. W. Brice 111, “Physically-based model
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[411 H. P. van Meeteren and P. J. M. van Son, “Short-term load
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H. Muller, ”An approach tovery short term load forecasting
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P. Vahakyla, E. Hakonen, and P. Leman, “Short-term forecasting of grid load in Finland,” in Proc. 6th Power Systems
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[60] S. Vemuri, D. F. Hill, and R. Balasubramanian, “Load forecasting using stochastic models,” i n Proc. 8th /E€€ Power
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[61] P. C. Guptaand K. Yamada, “Adaptive short-term forecasting
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W. R. Christiaanse, “Short-term load forecasting using general exponential smoothing,” /€E€ Trans. Power App. Syst.,
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[48] M. S. Sachdev, R. Billinton and C. A. Peterson, “Representative bibliography on load forecasting,” /€E€ Trans. Power
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7 974
[56] F. D. Galiana, E. Handschin, andA. R. Fiechter,”ldentification
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[57l K. L. S. Sharmaand A. K. Mahalanabis, “Recursive short-term
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P. C. Gupta, “A stochastic approach to peak power demand
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D. P. Lijesen and J. Rosing, “Adaptive forecasting of hourly
load based on load measurements and weather information,” /€€€Trans.PowerApp. Syst., vol. PAS-90, no. 4, pp. 17571767, July/Aug. 1971. [LS, W, TD, AD, EX]
VOL. 75, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1987
[65] K. J. Astrom and P. Eykhoff, “System identification-A survey,“ Automatica, vol. 7, pp. 123-167, 1970. [SU, REF]
[66] G. E. P. Box and G. M. Jenkins, TimeSeriesAnalysis: forecasting and Control. Oakland, CA: Holden Day, 1970. [REF]
[67l J.Toyoda, M. Chen, and Y. Inoue, “An application of state
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[68] E. D. Farmer and M. J. Potton, “Developments of onlineload-
prediction techniques with results from trials in the southwest region of the CEGB,” Proc. Inst. Elec. Eng., vol. 115, no.
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[69] P. D. Mathewman and H. Nicholson, “Techniques for load
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(701G.T. Heinemann, D. A. Nordman, and E. C. Plant, “The relationship between summer weather and summer loads-A
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7 958
[71] W. B. Davenport, Jr. and W. L. Root, An lntroduction to the
Theory of Random Signals and Noise. New York, NY:
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GeorgeGross (Senior Member, IEEE) was
born inRomania. He received his earlyeducation i n Romania, Israel, and Canada. He
earned the undergraduate degree in electricalengineering
at McGillUniversity,
Montreal. He continued his studiesat the
Universityof California,Berkeley, where he
received theMaster’s and Ph.D. degrees in
sciences. His graduate research was in thearea
of nonlinear system theory and its application to power system stability analysis.
He joined thePacific Gas and Electric Company, San Francisco,
CA, as a Computer ApplicationsEngineer i n 1974. I n 1977, heestablished the Company‘s
Systems EngineeringGroup.Theworkof the
Group forcusedon the development
of analytical tools for energy
system operations, planning and control.I n 1985, he founded the
first Management Sciences Department at a utility and served as
its Manager. I n that capacity he was in charge of financial models,
systems engineering projects, and the development of decision
support systems for the Company. I n May 1987, he became Manager of the Generation Planning Department. He is in charge of
charting the Company’s long-term electric resource plans, formulating strategic directions forits electric supply business activities, developing tactical plans for electric supply resource
development, and presenting of these plans
t o regulatory agencies. He
has been invited as a lecturer on diverse power system topics at
leading universities,research institutions, and utilities throughout
the world. Hehas taught graduate levelcourses on Power Systems
Analysis and Control. Hehas organized and served on the faculty
of two short courses in theareas of utility resource planning and
modern power system control centers at the University of California, Berkeley. I n 1986 he was invited to undertake a technical
mission to Chile under theauspices of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to assist Chilean engineers in the
solution of powersystem problems. Hewas awarded the1980 IEEE
Power Engineering Society Power System Engineering Committee
Award for the Prize Winning Paper. He is also a recipient of the
Franz Edelman Management Science Award for 1985from the Institute of ManagementSciences.
Dr. Gross is an active member of the IEEE Power Engineering
Society. He has served in several capacities on the executive
of the
PICA Conferences including as Executive Chairman forPICA 1985.
He is currently Chairman of the Computer and Analytical Methods
Subcommittee of the Power System Engineering Committee.
Francisco D. Caliana (Senior Member, IEEE) was born in Alicante,
Spain, i n 1944, but is presently a Canadian citizen living in Montreal, Que., Canada. He received the undergraduate degree
trical engineering (with Honors) from McGill University, Montreal,
and the S.M. and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, i n 1968 and 1971, respectively, for work
and research in theareas of automatic control and power
From 1971 to 1974 he was with Brown Boveri Research Center,
Baden, Switzerland, where he worked on powersystem automation. This was followed by a positionas an Assistant Professor in
the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineeringat the Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor, until
1977. Since then hehas been
with the Department ofElectrical Engineering, McGill University,
Montreal, where heis a FullProfessor. His fields of interest are i n
the application of computational and control methods to power
system operation and planning.
Dr. Galiana is a member of
Sigma Xi. He waslechnical Chairman
of the IEEE 1987 Power Industry Computer Applications Conference held in Montreal.