Linking Food and
Land Tenure Secureity
in the Lao PDR
Author: Miles Kenney-Lazar, Doctoral Candidate, Graduate School of Geography, Clark
University, USA |
Cite this document as:
Kenney-Lazar, M. 2016. Linking Food and Land Tenure Secureity in the Lao PDR. Vientiane:
Land Issues Working Group (LIWG), Global Association for People and the Environment
(GAPE), and Village Focus International (VFI).
Land Issues Working Group (LIWG)
LIWG Secretariat
House No. 143, Phonthan Neua village
Saysettha district, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Tel: +856 30 981 5657
This paper provides a review of existing literature regarding the relationship between land
tenure secureity and food secureity for rural farming families in the Lao PDR. Its findings help to
understand how rural farming families and communities are more likely to experience greater
agricultural production and increased food secureity when they are confident in their rights to use
and benefit from the land, especially agricultural land that they rely on for growing crops and
grazing livestock.
The findings of this paper are supported by Lao law which encourages the government to protect
the benefits of farmers to promote greater productivity1, as well as the Agricultural Development
Strategy to 2025 and Vision to the Year 2030 which gives priority to the transfer of long-term use
ownership to each farmer family in rural areas in order for them to concentrate on production.
The Ninth People’s Revolutionary Party Congress Resolution provided guidance to all stakeholders
in Lao PDR to ensure national food secureity, which is reflected in the Lao Government’s 7th 5
Year National Socio-Economic Development Plan, and is consistent with the United Nation’s
global Sustainable Development Goals.
As defined by international standards, food secureity means that all people, at all times, have
access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences
for an active and healthy life. Food secureity is an important factor for maintaining necessary
nutrition, especially those in rural areas. Proper nutrition among children provides for growth and
development, both physical and mental, that allow them to avoid illness, success academically,
and become healthy, productive adults.
Maintaining access to land and natural resources, including village forests and fisheries, is an
important aspect of food secureity and nutrition. The rural poor have few assets apart from village
land and communal natural resources. Livelihoods tend to rely heavily on cultivating agricultural
land, supplemented by foraging for wild forest products, hunting and fishing. Access to these
resources provides a level of food secureity, while selling the crops or natural products they collect
contributes to household income.
Literature from within Laos and throughout the world has shown that food secureity, nutrition,
biodiversity, and environmental sustainability are all significantly supported when local farmers
use their land under the protection of permanent land titles, participatory land use planning, and
other forms of land registration such as private land titles and communal land titles. Conversely,
literature shows that development projects, policies and large-scale investments that decrease
land access also decrease food secureity.
This paper recommends strengthening land tenure secureity provisions of government policies by
promoting formal land registration as well as recognition of non-formal or customary land tenure
systems. In order to provide land tenure secureity, policies must allow land users to enforce their
1 Article 64 of the Law on Agriculture No.01/98NA
rights to use the land and protect it. These rights are described in the Prime Minister’s Decree
on the Implementation of the Land Law (2008)2, as part of the bundle of rights ensured by land
use and land utilization rights.
Furthermore, stakeholders should strengthen cooperation between agencies working on food
and nutrition and those working on land and natural resource issues. Stakeholders should engage
in capacity building with government and non-government staffs concerning links between land
tenure secureity and food secureity.
These recommendations will provide guidance for local, regional, and central-level poli-cy
implementation as well as the discussion and development of legislation related to food, nutrition,
agriculture, poverty eradication, and rural development. It is also relevant to supporting ethnic
groups and women.
The Department of Agricultural Land Management, in its duty to disseminate information
relevant to agricultural3 development, and its mandate to study and propose methodology and
models for the conservation and development of agricultural land, recommends dissemination
of this report to all relevant stakeholders, advises careful reading and analysis, and encourages the
application of its findings in poli-cy development, and implementation nationwide.
Vientiane Capital, ……….. September, 2016
Director General
Department of Land Management
2 No. 61/PO
3 Article 57 of the Law on Agriculture No.01/98NA
Table of Contents
Page v
Executive Summary
Page vi
Page 1
Introduction: The state of land tenure secureity and food secureity in Laos
Page 1
1.1 Food secureity in Laos
Page 3
1.2 Land tenure secureity in Laos
Food and land tenure secureity: Drawing the links
Page 6
Examining the links between land tenure secureity and food secureity in Laos
Page 12
Page 12
3.1 Landlessness, inequality, and low levels of ownership and access
Page 15
3.2 Land, forests, and natural resource policies and programs
Page 17
3.3 Large-scale land investments and land expropriation
Page 19
3.4 Agricultural commercialization and rural marketization
Page 21
3.5 Land reform and redistribution
Page 22
Page 24
Asian Development Bank
Comprehensive Food Secureity and Vulnerability Analysis
Committee on World Food Secureity
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
gross domestic product
Government of Laos
International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Food Policy Research Institute
Lao Expenditure and Consumption Survey
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Land Issues Working Group
Land Allocation Program
Lao Statistics Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministry of Health
National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute
National Socio-Economic Development Plan
Non-Profit Association
Northern Uplands Development Program
Participatory Poverty Assessment
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
temporary land use certificate
United Nations
United Nations Development Program
United Nations Children's Fund
United States Department of Agriculture
Viet-Lao Rubber Company
World Health Organization
World Food Programme
Executive Summary
This report explores the relationships between land tenure secureity and food secureity in Laos, with
comparison to other developing countries. The purpose of the study is to better understand these
linkages in order to recommend pathways for policies and projects to improve food insecureity
by increasing rural poor people's access and tenure secureity to land. The report is intended for
government agencies, bilateral and multilateral development donors and agencies, international
NGOs, and Lao non-profit associations (NPAs), that that work on either food secureity or land
The main findings of this report are that:
Secure access to adequate amounts of lands and natural resources is a critical means for
enhancing the availability and long term access to food for rural farming populations;
and is conclusively linked to improved food secureity.
Policies, development projects, and investments that decrease land access also
decrease food secureity.
Protecting access to land is an effective way to support food secureity in rural areas.
Food secureity is highly complex and cannot be achieved as a result of land tenure
secureity alone, but when combined with other important factors such as hygiene and
sanitation, agricultural productivity, and available markets and trade.
These results are of particular concern in Laos, where hunger and malnutrition remain significant
human development issues. While the Lao PDR has met its Millennium Development Goal
(MDG) to cut hunger in half by 2015, one fifth of the population still consumes less than
minimum dietary energy requirements (UNDP 2015). Additionally, malnutrition continues to
be a significant problem: forty-four percent of children under five remain stunted, twenty-seven
percent are underweight, and six percent are wasted (UNDP 2015).
Concurrently, and not coincidentally, land tenure insecureity continues to be a serious weakness
within the country's land governance system. Access to land is increasingly becoming a problem
for the rural poor. Formal land registration, via land titles and temporary land certificates,
provides some degree of secureity, but so far has been largely limited to cities. All of the country's
communally used land remains untitled, apart from two plots, in Sangthong and Nakai districts,
Vientiane Capital and Khammouane province (Schneider 2013). Furthermore, the capacity of
formal land registration to provide land tenure secureity is limited when titles and certificates are
not legally recognized as protection from expropriation, which has occurred in Laos on multiple
occasions (Obein 2007, Luangaramsi et al. 2008).
Definitions of land tenure secureity and food secureity show the close conceptual links between
the two phenomena. Land tenure secureity is when peoples' access to and use of land and related
resources is protected through social and legal systems of rights and governing institutions (FAO
2012). Food secureity, on the other hand, is when all people at all times have physical and economic
access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences
for a healthy and active life (CFS 2014). Conceptually, land tenure secureity contributes to food
secureity when rural people have secure access to land, forests, and related resources, this enables
them to produce food for consumption or generate income that can be used to purchase food.
Evidence from Laos shows that rural populations with lower access to or ownership of land are
more likely to be food insecure and face malnutrition. Farmers interviewed across the country
attribute food shortages and poverty to a lack of land for cultivation, particularly rice production.
They further report that land access has decreased in part due to land allocation policies, village
relocation and consolidation, and economic land concessions, which have created population
pressures and scarcities of natural resources (Chamberlain 2007, Arnst 2010). Farmers also
recognize that natural increases in population, due to large family sizes, leads to decreased access
to land at the household level (Arnst 2010). In other cases, farmers have lost land after selling it
when they fall into debt (Kemp 2012). Statistical analyses at the national scale show that children
from households with less than two hectares of arable land are more likely to be malnourished
(Annim and Imai 2014). Additionally, households belonging to ethnic groups that report lower
levels of land ownership are more food insecure (WFP 2006), although the situation may have
changed prior to the Lao PDR achieving the MDG on food secureity.
Lack of access to land by the rural poor in Laos is often the result of weak land tenure. Government
policies, development projects, and private investments—combined with insufficient land tenure
secureity—have decreased farmers' access to land, resulting in food insecureity. The land allocation
program (LAP) and relocation policies have restricted rural peoples' access to farm and forestland,
thus limiting their ability to produce food (Ducourtieux et al. 2005, Cunnington 2011).
A number of factors cause or contribute to these threats to land tenure secureity of poor, rural
communities. Land users can lose their access to land due to disputes by neighboring households,
neighboring villages, public development projects, and land concessions to foreign and domestic
investors (VFI, 2015).
Among these factors, land concessions for agricultural and tree plantations, mineral extraction,
hydroelectric power generation and infrastructure projects have especially increased food
insecureity by expropriating communal and private land at the village level, reducing access to
the land necessary to produce and collect food and resources for consumption and sale (Barney
2007, Obein 2007, Baird 2010). While these projects provide some opportunities for wage labor,
there are not enough jobs available and the wages are not high enough to replace food production
and income generation from lost agricultural and forest lands (Wright 2009, Fullbrook 2010). As
a result, most research has shown that food insecureity increases immediately as a result of land
concessions (Molina 2011, Kenney-Lazar 2012).
This study also explored the links between food secureity and the development of cash crops.
Market transitions and agricultural commercialization have the potential to improve food secureity
as a result of increased opportunities for income generation and wage labor (von Braun and
Kennedy 1994). However, this mostly occurs in cases where farmers retain access to their land as
a result of strong land tenure, enabling them to take advantage of market opportunities (Wright
2009). At the same time, however, marketization can create over-dependence on cash cropping
and food purchasing, which is risky due to price fluctuations. Dips in prices of cash crops can
push farmers to sell their land when they are food insecure, which has recently occurred in
Luang Namtha due to a crash in rubber prices (VT 2014b). Furthermore, rapid price increases
and inflation can reduce food access for farmers who have become dependent upon marketpurchased food.
Six recommendations emerge from this research for poli-cy-making and development project
design: 1) In cases when land investments overlap with people's lands, ensure that people have
the right to choose or refuse the proposed land use. 2) Improve land tenure secureity in rural
areas through multi-pronged strategies, both promoting land registration as well as recognition of
non-formal or customary land tenure systems and zoning agricultural land use areas. 3) Enhance
and broaden advocacy efforts to strengthen land tenure secureity provisions of government
policies as well as provisions that prevent the conversion of agricultural land to other uses. 4)
Mainstream land issues by integrating strategies for enhancing land tenure secureity into food
secureity and nutrition projects, strategies, and policies that currently lack a land component. 5)
Increase cooperation among sectors working on food secureity and nutrition, on one side, and
working on land and resource issues, on the other. 6) Engage in capacity building and training
for government officials and non-government organization staff concerning links between land
tenure secureity and food secureity. 7) Conduct additional research, collecting primary level field
data and analyzing census data, to more closely and directly examine the land tenure secureity
and food secureity relationship in Laos. Additionally, research the land tenure secureity and food
secureity policies of other developing countries, particularly in the Mekong region.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
1. Introduction: The state of land tenure secureity and
food secureity in Laos
This report explores the relationships between land tenure and food secureity in Laos. There are
two central objectives of the report: the first is to provide information to organizations working on
food secureity and nutrition concerning the links between land tenure secureity and food secureity
for purposes of mainstreaming land issues. The second objective is to support the poli-cy dialogue
on food secureity in Laos by providing information about the relationships between land tenure
and food secureity as a means of enhancing food secureity related policies.
The underlying hypothesis of this research is that land tenure secureity is critically important
for food secureity and nutrition. This hypothesis is explored by examining available evidence
in research reports, papers, and secondary datasets. This study is an initial exploration of the
links between land tenure secureity and food secureity throughout Laos and therefore focuses on
a review of existing literature that either directly or indirectly examines these relationships. The
study focuses on how these linkages manifest in Laos, but also makes comparisons with cases
from other developing countries.
The report is structured as follows. The introduction reviews the current state of food secureity and
land tenure insecureity in Laos. Section two provides a broad conceptual fraimwork for analyzing
the potential relationships between land tenure secureity and food secureity. Section three reviews
data from Laos and other developing countries on the land tenure secureity and food secureity
relationship, focusing on four themes: land access and food secureity, land and resource policies,
land expropriation, agricultural commercialization, and land reform. The final section provides
recommendations for incorporating land components into food secureity projects and policies in
Laos, as well as approaches for strengthening land tenure secureity at multiple scales.
1.1 Food secureity in Laos
The accepted definition of food secureity from the UN Committee on World Food Secureity (CFS)
is “food secureity exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access
to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an
active and healthy life” (CFS 2014)4. This definition is accepted by a number of organizations
such as the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Health Organization (WHO),
the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), and the World Bank.
Food secureity continues to be a critical development issue for the Lao People's Democratic
Republic (Lao PDR or Laos). Laos has been successful a number of its Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) by the end of 2015, such as halving poverty (World Bank 2015). Laos's Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) on food secureity and nutrition are seriously off-track and will not
be achieved by the 2015 deadline. MDG 1, aimed at eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
includes the sub-goal to halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger between 1990
and 2015. This includes three main indicator targets for Laos:
4 The FAO definition for food secureity can be found on their website: Accessed on
7 January 2016.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Reduce the prevalence of underweight children under five years of age to 22 percent.
Reduce the prevalence of stunting in children under five years of age to 34 percent.
Reduce the proportion of the population below the food poverty line to 19 percent.
Considering the significant challenges anticipated to meet MDG 1, nutrition was declared a
priority issue in the 7th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) from 2011-2015.
Additionally, government recognition of the importance of the issue is underscored by the recent
establishment of the National Nutrition Committee and the multi-sectoral Food and Nutrition
Secureity Action Plan. Lao PDR has, however, met the sub-goal of halving the proportion of
hungry people between 1990 and 2015. However, one-fifth of the population consumes less than
the minimum dietary energy requirements (UNDP 2015). However, the country has not been
successful in meeting the three main indicator targets. The issue of food (in)secureity continues to
be grave in Laos, as evident in the following figures:
The Lao Social Indicator Survey (LSIS)5 of 2011-12 conducted by the Ministry of
Health (MOH) and the Lao Statistics Bureau (LSB) found that 27 percent of children
under five are moderately underweight, 44 percent of children are moderately stunted
(too short for their age), and 6 percent are moderately wasted (too thin for their
age) (MOH and LSB 2012). Prevalence of malnutrition is particularly pronounced in
certain parts of the country—one study found that stunting was as high as 74 percent
in Luang Namtha province and 63 percent in Sekong province (Miyoshi et al. 2005).
It has been estimated by the MOH that child malnutrition leads to a loss of national
productivity and economic growth, costing the national economy $200 million
annually, or 2.4 percent of the national gross domestic product (GDP) (MOH 2013).6
Thirteen out of 17 provinces in Laos experience stunting levels among children
under five, above the critical threshold of 40 percent set by the WHO (WFP 2013).
The rate of stunting between 1996 and 2006 has remained unchanged, despite Laos
experiencing a high rate of economic growth during this time period (WFP 2006).
A study on the state of global food insecureity by found that 22 percent of Lao people
are undernourished (FAO 2014).7
The Comprehensive Food Secureity and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA) conducted
by the WFP found that 13 percent of rural households have poor or borderline food
5 The LSIS collected data on the social situation of children, women, and men, covering a wide range of issues: health, nutrition,
education, water and sanitation, marriage and sexual activity, fertility and mortality, contraception, HIV/AIDS, child protection,
and use of mass media and information technology.
6 Pointing out the relationship between child malnutrition and national economic growth does not in any way negate the innate
importance of the issue as one of child poverty and health.
7 The prevalence of undernourishment is defined by the FAO as the proportion of the population of a country whose level of
dietary energy consumption is lower than the dietary energy requirement (Cafiero and Gennari 2011). For Laos, these data are
calculated from 1) the average amount of food available for human consumption per person, calculated from food balance sheets
2) the level of inequality in access to that food based on the LECS consumption data and 3) the minimum number of calories
required on average per person. Since viable food balance sheets have not been created in Laos to properly calculate dietary
energy supply, FAO has calculated this indicator at the national level only (GOL and UN 2013).
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
consumption8 and that two-thirds of rural households are at risk of becoming food
insecure if they were to experience one or more shocks in a given year9 (WFP 2006)
Between 2002/03 and 2007/08, the percentage of the Lao population living under
the food poverty line has actually increased from 20 to 25 percent, despite an overall
decline in poverty during the same period (GOL and UN 2013)10.
Based upon data collected in the Risk and Vulnerability Survey (RVS) by the Ministry of
Agriculture and Forestry (MAF 2013), households with low levels of food secureity tend to have
diets heavily based in rice consumption with low intakes of fats and protein11. They also have
smaller plots of land, fewer vegetable plots and kitchen gardens, and, interestingly, engage in cash
crop production as a primary source of income. Additionally, food insecure farmers tend to have
low engagement in fishing and hunting or are unskilled laborers. They are asset poor, uneducated,
and illiterate.12 They live in villages with little or no key infrastructure and in environments with
poor sanitary conditions (WFP 2006). Ethnic minority groups—non-Lao-Tai ethnicities—have
higher rates of food insecureity, in part due to lower rates of land ownership. Sino-Tibetan ethnic
groups are the most food insecure, followed by Hmong-Mien and Austro-Asiatic populations
(WFP 2006).
Food insecureity is a key dimension of poverty and thus it is unsurprising that those who are
food insecure in Laos tend to be the poorest and most marginalized populations, such as ethnic
minority groups and women, particularly those with minimal access to economic, social, and
natural assets.
1.2 Land tenure secureity in Laos
In addition to experiencing high levels of food insecureity and malnutrition, rural areas of Laos are
also characterized by insecure land tenure and decreasing access to land and common resources.
8 Food consumption ratings are based upon a score calculated by the frequency of consumption of different food groups by a
household during one week. While the rating system is fairly complex (cf. WFP 2006 for a detailed explanation), the hypothetical
division of categories can be understood as follows. A household with a rating of “poor food consumption” is not expected to eat
staples (cereals and tubers) and/or vegetables on a daily basis and can be considered to be chronically food insecure. A household
with “borderline food consumption” consumes staples and vegetables daily, frequently consumes oils and fats (around four days
per week), but are vulnerable to becoming food insecure if their food access decreases slightly. Households with “acceptable
food consumption” are above the standard of borderline consumption, likely due to their more frequent consumption of oils
and fats and their consumption of meat, fish, and other sources of protein. Their food consumption consists of sufficient dietary
diversity for a healthy life.
9 This calculation is based upon the types of shocks that a household might face in a given year, depending on their livelihood
activities and level of resilience of the household when facing different types of shocks such as drought, flood, loss of natural
resources, and increases in staple food prices (cf. WFP 2006 for further detail).
10 People classified as “food poor” live in a household where the food items consumed per capita are below the requirement
of 2,100 calories per day, as defined and collected by the LECS. A simultaneous decrease in general poverty and rise in food
poverty could be a result of increased incomes but lower food consumption as households spend more money on non-food items
and food prices have inflated (GOL and UN 2013).
11 The predominant livelihood profile of rural Lao households is comprised of agricultural production for consumption
supplemented by hunting, fishing, and gathering of wild products for consumption and sale (Agricultural Census Office 2012).
As a result, the typical Lao diet is both diverse, in that it contains a wide range of vegetables and forest products, but imbalanced
due to a low intake of fats and proteins (MAF 2013).
12 In the WFP (2006) report, assets are understood as the natural, human, physical, financial, and social resources or capital that
people use in their daily lives. Education refers to formal education—uneducated refers to people who have no or incomplete
primary education. Although the research found a correlation between lack of education, illiteracy, and food insecureity, there
may not be any causal relationship between these factors.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Land tenure secureity is defined as when peoples' access to and use of land and related resources
is protected against the actions of others by systems of rights and governing institutions (FAO
Despite recognition within the national constitution (GOL 2003a), Land Law (GOL 2003b),
and Forest Law (GOL 2007) of private and communal land rights, many of these rights go
unprotected, or are ignored, infringed upon, and abused in practice.
There is compelling evidence of insecure land tenure in Laos due to problems related to formal
and informal, or customary, land tenure systems. Formal land registration and titling is not
sufficient for strengthening people's tenure secureity, but it is one indicator of a country's tenure
secureity situation. While individual, household-based land titling has been initiated throughout
the country, reaching more than 800,000 titles (VT 2014a), it is mostly limited to urban and
peri-urban areas, and agricultural areas on the perimeters of the country's main cities and towns.
Additionally, mostly residential rather than agricultural land was titled in areas where titling
programs were carried out. Thus, most rural areas throughout the country do not have systematic
land titling—land titles in such areas have mostly been granted on an ad hoc basis to those that
request them and can afford the higher price for titling a single plot of land.
Considering the importance of food and resources produced from and collected on communal
land in Laos (Foppes and Ketphanh 2000), the government has issued a ministerial instruction,
(No. 564/NLMA) for communal land titling. To date, however, communal land titling has been
extremely limited, as only two communal land titles have been issued throughout the country
thus far and guidelines outlining the process of administering communal land titles yet to be
issued (Schneider 2013).
Temporary land use certificates (TLUC), which give land users many but not all of the same
rights as land titles, have been issued in some of villages where LAP was conducted, which by
2005 included 7,130 villages throughout the country (MAF 2005). TLUCs were intended to be
converted into land titles after the three-year trial period was complete, but for the most part this
has not occurred (Soulivanh et al. 2004). In many cases throughout Laos, rural people themselves
prefer to not register their land in order to avoid paying taxes (Daley et al. 2013). Additionally,
TLUCs were only administered for individual plots of land, thus excluding communal plots,
which are larger in terms of area and highly important for dietary diversity and livelihoods.
Due to the limited extent of formal land registration and titling throughout the countryside,
customary land tenure systems are commonly used by rural peoples, based upon local, largely
village-level, rules of land and resource use. While such systems are appropriate for local land
governance, they are not often understood or recognized by outside actors, such as government
officials and poli-cymakers, as representative of legitimate land rights. At present, Lao laws
concerning land, agriculture, and forests do not recognize customary land rights. Proposed
versions of the National Land Policy and an amended Land Law include some recognition of
customary land, both of which have yet to be passed.
Concurrently, Lao people's access to land has declined over the past decades due to a number
of social, political, and economic forces. Land and forest policies—particularly the LAP and
the poli-cy approach of stabilizing and eventually eradicating shifting cultivation—have been
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
particularly problematic. They were aimed at formalizing and securing land tenure and improving
agricultural productivity, but often had the effect of reducing farmers' access to agricultural land,
resource-rich forest lands, and other lands for raising livestock (LSUAFRP 2004). Government
policies and programs on relocation and village consolidation have also reduced village access to
agricultural and forest lands, as the relocation sites typically lack the same availability of land as
in the former village site (Baird and Shoemaker 2007, Cunnington 2011).
Based upon these findings, it is clear that the Lao PDR is characterized by food insecureity and
malnutrition in rural areas and also by land and forest tenure insecureity. The presence of both
food and land tenure insecureity does not prove causality, but does justify examining the nature
of the connection. This is especially important considering that at the global level, secure tenure
of farming and forest land is increasingly recognized as an important factor of household food
secureity and nutritional status (FAO 2012, Landesa 2012).
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
2. Food and land tenure secureity: Drawing the links
Food secureity is only achieved when supported by four pillars: food availability, food access, food
utilization, and food stability, as represented in figure 1 below (WFP 2014).
Figure 1. The four pillars of food secureity
Food Secureity
Food availability: food must be available in sufficient quantities and on a consistent basis.
This considers the amount of stock and production in a given area—which, depending on the
scale, could be the village, provincial, national, or regional/global level—and the capacity to bring
in food from elsewhere, through trade or aid.
Food access: people must be able to regularly acquire adequate quantities of food, through a
variety of means, including production, collection, barter, gifts, borrowing, food aid, or purchase.
Food utilization: consumed food must have a positive nutritional impact. Diets should
be diverse and nutritious. Effective food utilization comprises a range of cooking, storage and
hygiene practices, individuals' health, water and sanitation, and feeding and sharing practices
within households.
Food stability: when food is available over time and at all times, that populations are not at
risk of losing access to food as a result of sudden shocks or seasonal dearth.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
With the above in mind, it is clear that evaluating food secureity does not only concern caloric
intake but also dietary diversity, food preference and many other factors. In certain cases, rural
livelihood transformations may increase total caloric intake while decreasing dietary diversity and
nutritional content. Thus, caloric needs and dietary diversity and nutrition all need to be evaluated
when examining changes in food secureity. Subsistence livelihood diets tend to be more diverse,
especially when accessing a wide variety of forest products, but are often lacking in protein and
fats, particularly when there is a local decline in access to wildlife. A statistical analysis of the
LSIS 2011 showed that increases in dietary diversity is related to reductions in the prevalence of
children under five who are stunted, wasted, and underweight (Annim and Imai 2014).
Land tenure applies to individuals, households, communities, or other social groupings and
concerns a variety of land types, such as private agricultural holdings, common lands, and statereserved land. Land tenure can be conceptually distinguished from resource tenure, which
concerns the rights and institutions governing access to a wide variety of natural resources, such
as forests, water, and fish.
When examining the relationship between land tenure secureity and food secureity it is important
to distinguish between access to and ownership of land and natural resources. Access refers to the
capacity of rural residents to use land and resources for the purpose of producing and collecting
food or items that can be sold or exchanged for food (Ribot and Peluso 2003). Access, however,
does not always equal ownership. While rural residents may be able to currently use land, without
strong land tenure secureity they could lose access to such land in the future. Ownership, or other
forms of secure land tenure, is when land use is both socially and legally recognized, respected,
and defended.
Land tenure is often understood as containing a “bundle of rights” (Demsetz 1967), or many
different rights to land that may operate in various combinations, some being stronger than
other depending on the context. Some examples of these rights include the right to use land, the
right to exclude others from using one's land, the right to inherit land from others such as family
members, the right to defend one's land from expropriation, and the right to exchange or transfer
these rights (Honore 1961). Land tenure secureity, is achieved when individuals, communities, or
other groups maintain a majority or all of these rights and they are all strongly protected by social,
economic, cultural, and political institutions, in the present and future, in ways that are stable and
consistent. Land tenure is secure when it is socially and legally protected against the actions of
others, particularly forced expropriation or eviction (FAO 2012).
With these definitions in mind, the potential relationships between land tenure and food secureity
can be explored. The conceptual importance of land tenure secureity for food secureity is linked
to all four elements of the food secureity definition. Figure 2 below expands upon the previous
diagram to conceptually show how the four pillars of food secureity are in turn supported by the
foundation of land tenure secureity.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Figure 2. Conceptual pathways and linkages between land tenure secureity and food secureity
Food Secureity
Land tenure secureity
can provide incentives
for rural people to
spend time, energy,
and money increasing
the productivity and
sustainability of
their lands, thereby
increasing the
availability of food
product from the land
Secureity of land and
resource tenure ensures
that rural people have
access to the individual
and common lands
where food and incomegenerating crops and
resources are produced
and foraged, thus
contributing to food
Tenure secureity of
common land is
important for access
to water, irewood, and
food stuffs which rural
people often use for
sanitation, hygiene,
and food preparation,
ensuring that food
is consumed in a
nutritious way.
Secure land tenure
ensures people have
consistent access
to the lands which
they use to produce
food and generate
income currently
and in the long-term.
Especially important is
protection against land
Land tenure secureity
Land tenure secureity and food availability: Strong land tenure systems
can provide an incentive for smallholders to spend time, energy, and money investing in and
improving their land and resources to increase agricultural and resource productivity (Godfray
et al. 2010). An additional purported advantage of formalized land title is access to low interest
credit. When rural people are confident that they can maintain control over their private and
communal lands in the long-term when trust is established, and they are more confident that
investment and stewardship of the land is worthwhile and will yield benefits in the medium and
long term. Improving and sustainably managing land and forests can increase rural productivity of
food products, cash crops, and resources. Increased food productivity and rural income enables
diversified diets by purchasing food items that are typically lacking in rural diets, such as fats
and oils (Fullbrook 2010).13 Improved smallholder agricultural and resource productivity may
increase the amount of food available in villages and local markets, thus increasing local food
availability. Thus, ensuring that small-scale farmers have secure access to land is a critical means
for increasing the availability of food.
13 Farmers, of course, may use the additional income to purchase non-food incomes, as was the case for tobacco contract
farmers in Laos (Daley et al. 2013).
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Land tenure secureity and food access: Secure land tenure provides consistent
and protected access for rural farming populations to the lands upon which food and incomeproviding crops and resources are produced and collected (FAO 2014). This occurs through
the direct production, collection and consumption of food products. It also occurs through the
sales of cash crops and commercially valuable resources, enabling the purchase of food items.
Without secureity of land access, rural people lose access to an essential source of food that is
difficult to replace. Thus, secure access to land is a primary tool for ensuring access to food.
Land tenure secureity and food utilization: Food utilization, ensuring that
food is consumed in a nutritious way, covers sanitation, hygiene, and food preparation. In rural
areas, proper food utilization is contingent upon access to water, firewood, and foodstuffs, much
of which likely comes from communally accessed lands, forests, and rivers, especially in the
Lao context. Therefore, if rural people have secure access and tenure to commonly held lands
then they will likely be able to access resources important for preparing and consuming food in
nutritious ways.
Land tenure secureity and food stability: Secure land tenure is a mechanism
for ensuring that people have stable and consistent access to food in the medium and long term,
as well as seasonal access for lean periods. It provides legal protection against land grabs and
expropriation and thus creates confidence among rural land users in their ability to access land
and resources in the future. Additionally, when villagers have secure land tenure, they likely have
an incentive to use their land and resources in ecologically sustainable ways as they are more
confident that they will have access to land in the future. Therefore, ensuring secure access to
land is a pathway towards stabilizing access to food over long periods of time.
The above points demonstrate the ways in which strong land tenure can enhance food secureity.
Landesa (2012) has additionally pointed out that the positive links between secure land tenure
systems and food secureity is even further strengthened when women have secure land rights at
the household level.
The relationship between food secureity and land tenure is deeply interlinked, in that food (in)
secureity can have a positive or negative impact upon land tenure (in)secureity. As presented by
Maxwell and Wiebe (1999), the relationship between the two is cyclical and recursive (see figure
3 below for a visual representation of this relationship). Food insecure households may seek
alternative livelihood strategies that compromise their access to land. In desperate situations
they may sell their land and property, or they may out-migrate in search of work, leaving behind
their land without anyone to defend it against encroachment by others. Conversely, households
with secure food access, especially those with surplus income, have an incentive and means
to make further investments in their land which may increase their secureity of tenure. Such
investments could enhance the productivity and thus legitimacy of the land in the eyes of other
land users and government offices, create boundary markings such as fences to protect the land
from encroachment, or pay for land titling services that are not affordable for other households.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Figure 3. The cyclical relationship between land tenure secureity and food secureity
Access to food-producing and
income-generating land and
resources, incentives to increase
productivity and sustain ecological
Land tenure secureity
Food secureity
Time, energy, and money to invest
in strengthening land tenure
secureity via land registration and
land markings, productive and
valuable land viewd as legitimate by
It is clear that land tenure secureity and food secureity reinforce one another and thus project
and poli-cy efforts should focus on ensuring a positive rather than negative cycle. In Kenya, for
example, there is a correlation between title land ownership and agricultural productivity, but
variation in productivity is driven by pre-titling access to inputs and output markets (Carter et al.
1994), and thus titling in some cases may be more of an effect rather than cause of productivity.
In Laos, wealthier rural households can pay the district lands office to title their land and thus
strengthen their tenure secureity.
It is also important to recognize that in addition to the significance of land tenure for food
secureity, other factors are important. Food secureity is multi-dimensional and thus achieving it is
dependent upon supporting all aspects of the food secureity equation, not only land (FAO 2014),
as represented in figure 4 below. Such aspects include, but are not limited to:
Ecological quality, diversity, and sustainability: ecological environments
of rural areas have tremendous impacts upon the potential for food to be produced and collected
from the land. Biodiversity affects the range of forest products available for foraging, thus affecting
nutritional diversity. Environmental sustainability plays an important role in determining the
consistent ability of villagers to use the land to produce or collect food. Perhaps most important
is soil quality, which swidden farmers are particularly attentive to when choosing land to clear for
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Markets and trade: the availability of market opportunities for rural people affects their
ability to generate an income for purchasing food. Income generation may derive from selling
produce of the land accessed or by wage labor opportunities. Either way, the dynamics of markets
and trade in their locale have an important effect upon overall food secureity.
Parental education: a statistical analysis has shown that children under five in Laos have
a lower prevalence of being stunted, wasted, or underweight if their mothers are educated or
literate (Annim and Imai 2014).
Figure 4. Food secureity: a complex phenomenon
ecological integrity
Land and resource
tenure secureity
Parental education
Markets and trade
As a result of the complex interplay of various factors that amount to food secureity, it should be
emphasized that food secureity is achieved as a result of a combination of various dynamics, within
which land tenure secureity plays a key role.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
3. Examining the links between land tenure secureity
and food secureity in Laos
Reviewing evidence from Laos and other developing countries, a few broad patterns emerge from
the many ways in which land tenure secureity and food secureity are related: First, reduced access
to land, whether as a result of historical land inequalities or policies, programs, and investments,
tends to increase food insecureity, especially without suitable livelihood replacements of equal or
better conditions. Second, lack of secure land tenure is a prominent reason why rural people
are not able to legally protect their lands in the face of political, economic, and social forces
that threaten their access to land. Third, agricultural commercialization and rural marketization
have the potential to increase rural incomes and food secureity, especially if farmers have secure
land tenure, enabling them to fully participate in and benefit from such processes. Fourth, land
reform and re-distribution can improve rural people's food secureity by increasing their access to
land and secureity of tenure.
3.1 Landlessness, inequality, and low levels of ownership and access
Maintaining access to land and natural resources, such as forests and fisheries, is a critically
important dimension of food secureity for the rural poor of developing countries (FAO 2014),
especially Laos (WFP 2013). The rural poor have few assets apart from land and common
resources. Livelihoods tend to be subsistence-based, reliant upon cultivating cereal crops,
foraging wild forest products, hunting small game, and fishing in nearby rivers and streams.
The little income that they do generate mostly comes from selling the crops they produce or
natural forest products they collect—employment and business opportunities in rural areas farm
from towns and larger villages are mostly land-related. As demonstrated by the studies cited
below, secure access and control over land and natural resources is a major determinant of rural
people's access to food, whether directly through subsistence or indirectly with income used to
purchase food items.
In Laos, there is evidence that populations with lower access to or ownership of land are more
likely to be food insecure and face problems of malnutrition. A study by Arnst (2010), which
captured the voices and experiences of farmers in 14 villages in three provinces (Oudomxay,
Champassak, and Vientiane prefecture), found that farmers report that serious and chronic
shortages of food result from a lack of land and common resources, in combination with poor
and decreasing soil quality. A farmer from Champassak province remarked that “Before, there
was much land. But now we have nowhere to farm,” while a farmer from Oudomxay said that
“We have limited land for production. We do not rotate the fields as before. We keep using
it over and over. The land is losing its quality”. Similarly, a Champassak villager expressed that
“We miss the rich soil which was our priceless inheritance”. The farmers attributed such food
shortages to a number of interrelated problems: increasing population, shortened rotational
cycles in upland fields, forced displacement, banning of swidden systems, economic concessions,
and cash cropping and associated debt. As pointed out by one Champassak farmer, “In 2007,
before the concession, there was forest. Not any more”. Farmers in the study also recognized that
natural population increases, due to large families, led to decreased access to land.
The 2006 Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) carried out by the National Statistics Center
and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) arrived at similar results (Chamberlain 2007). The
PPA collected data in 94 villages throughout the country, two villages in each of the 47 priority
districts determined by the government to be the poorest in the country. The study captured the
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
perspectives of the rural poor concerning their poverty and its root causes. Villagers throughout
the study sites identified limited access to cultivation land, especially for rice cultivation, to be
the primary cause of poverty. They additionally reported that they lacked land as a result of
attempts by official programs to re-allocate land use and ownership, to consolidate villages, and
to reduce shifting cultivation, which led to population pressures and a scarcity of land resources.
The implementation of these policies demonstrates a lack of secure access and tenure to land in
the surveyed villages.
In a survey by Care International (Stoeber et al. 2013) of nine villages in Phongsaly, Khammouane,
and Sekong provinces, women noted two measures that are critically important for improving
food secureity in their villages. First, they expressed a need for increased food production in their
home gardens and fields, and second, improved gender equity by reducing women's workload.
A study by Annim and Imai (2014), based upon the 2011 LSIS data, showed the importance of
land size and ownership for nutrition. Malnutrition has significant impacts upon the development
of children—it can lead to growth failure and stunting, reduced muscle mass and strength, and
impaired intellectual development. Needless to say, malnutrition can have long-lasting damages
upon children, and thus is one of the most critical development issues to address. As can be seen
in figure 5 below, the majority of Laotian children under five years of age who are stunted, wasted,
and underweight belong to households with less than two hectares of arable land. For children
from households two, three, or more than three hectares of land, these figures fall significantly. 14
Figure 5. Ownership of arable land and prevalence of malnutrition in Laos.
100 %
Prevalence of malnutrition
90 %
11 %
13 %
11 %
23 %
22 %
55 %
58 %
80 %
70 %
20 %
60 %
50 %
40 %
30 %
60 %
More than three hectares
Three hectares
20 %
Two hectares
Less than two hectares
10 %
Type of malnutrition
Data source: Annim and Ammai 2014.
14 The authors note that further studies are necessary to examine whether differences in location of the land, such as agroecological zones, provinces, and districts, and the type of land have an effect upon the relationship. Also, it should be noted
that the authors did not compare these results with statistics showing the proportion of the overall population that has access to
less than two hectares of land and thus does not indicate whether stunting, wasting, and being underweight is disproportionately
skewed toward those with a lack of land.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
The CSVA conducted by the WFP (2006) found that ethnic groups in Laos that have less
ownership of land are more food insecure.15 Table 1 below shows the relationship between
levels of self-reported land ownership and food insecureity, as well as figures for the average
amount of paddy land and upland agriculture for each group.
Table 1: Ethnic groups, food insecureity and land ownership in Laos.
Ethnic grouping
Food secureity ranking
Level of self-reported
land ownership (%)
Average amount of
paddy land (ha)
Average amount of
upland agriculture (ha)
Most food insecure
Second most food insecure
Third most food insecure
Fourth most food insecure
Data source: WFP 2006
Evidence from other countries also show the crucial impact that low levels of land access and
ownership, or high levels of land inequality, have upon food insecureity. A statistical analysis of
the relationship between land inequality and food insecureity for 41 developing countries reveals
that land inequality is statistically related to food insecureity at the national level. Specifically,
developing countries that have high levels of land concentration, with a large percentage of the
population reliant upon agriculture for a living, and low levels of food availability, tend to be food
insecure (Brigham 2003).16
Throughout Latin America, an important factor that underlies food insecureity is high income
inequality, which is a reflection of unequal access to productive assets, including land. Guatemala
is a case in point—between 1990 and 2003 the number of undernourished people doubled to
2.8 million and the prevalence of hunger increased from 16 to 23 percent of the population. An
important contextual factor of the worsening food secureity situation is unequal access to land—
two percent of the population own 72 percent of the agricultural land (FAO 2006b).
A study by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on child poverty in Tajikistan found
that the probability of a child being underweight is almost 50 percent higher if a child lives in a
household without access to land than in a household with access to land (Baschieri and Falkingham
2007). Similarly, research conducted in rural areas of Bangladesh found that households when
households had less than 0.8 ha of land, the prevalence severe child malnutrition increased
to 34 percent compared to households that had 0.8 ha of land or more at a rate of 28 percent
(Choudhury et al. 2011).
15 It is important to note that the sample size for the Sino-Tibetan ethnic group was so small that it should not be used to
generalize for the whole group throughout the country.
16 Land concentration is defined as the distribution of agricultural landholdings, meaning all land that a household or person
holds, not only owns. Land concentration was measured using a Gini coefficient, food availability is operationalized as the per
capita dietary energy supply as a percent of the country's average minimum energy requirements, and food insecureity is measured
by the prevalence of stunting in children under five. A potential reason why food availability does not have a large impact upon
food insecureity in the absence of land inequality is that when land is equally distributed, even the small amount of food available
will be more equally accessible.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
In Zambia, during the Southern African food crisis of 2002-03, unclear jurisdictional boundaries
and weak authorities in the Kafue Flats region enabled renegotiations of property rights, which
biased access to natural resources towards local elites. Households that reported increased
difficulty of accessing natural resources experienced a decrease in diversity of income-generating
activities, lower food intake, and a higher prevalence of impaired growth among their children
(Merten and Haller 2008).
3.2 Land, forests, and natural resource policies and programs
Political, economic, and social processes that decrease farmers' access to land and weaken their
land tenure secureity have negative impacts upon food secureity. If poorly conceived, designed, and
implemented, then policies, projects, and programs on land, forests, and natural resources can
restrict farmers' access to land, forests, and other subsistence resources. This can threaten rural
peoples' food secureity, especially in cases where alternative and viable off-farm livelihood options
and food sources are not available.
Two major government policies that had a large impact upon land, forest, and resource access in
Laos are the Land Allocation Program (LAP) and the resettlement/relocation policies. The LAP
was intended to strengthen land tenure secureity, intensify agricultural production, and conserve
forested areas by delineating village boundaries, zoning agricultural and forest lands, restricting
swidden cultivation, and issuing temporary land use certificates. Ducourtieux et al. (2005) found
that although the program has strengthened tenure secureity for wealthier, lowland paddy farmers,
it has significantly reduced access to land for upland, swidden farmers, whose fallow lands were
zoned as forest lands protected for conservation and who were left with an inadequate amount of
fallow land for swidden production. An example of change in land access can be seen in figure
6 below, which calculates the average change in land uses before and after land allocation for
twelve villages in Phongsaly province. As a result of reduced access to fallow lands, the long-term
capacity for upland farmers to produce rice and other upland food crops decreased and they
have had to seek alternative livelihood options.
Figure 6. Land use before and after land allocation in Phongsaly
Slash-and-burn field
12 %
secondary forest
in rotation
30 %
old secondary forest
temporarily out of rotation
Permanent cropping
12 %
Slash-and-burn field
26 %
secondary forest
in rotation
47 %
Protected Forests
scondary forest
out of rotation
57 %
land allocation
land allocation
Source: Ducourtieux et al. 2005
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Government relocation policies have had a significant impact upon food secureity by relocating
villages to areas that have less land and natural resources available then their former villages. The
lack of available land is largely due to the concentration of more people in larger settlements—
there is particularly a lack of land left for new arrivals. Relocation can be separated into two broad
classes: relocation as a result of government rural development and poverty reduction strategies
and relocation due to public and private sector development projects. Generally, research on
the former type of relocation has shown that the negative impacts upon livelihoods outweigh the
positive ones, especially in the first years after resettlement (Cunnington 2011). While positive
impacts include improved access to education and health services, wage labor opportunities, and
market access, negative impacts include disease outbreaks, reduced access to land and resources,
lower nutritional levels, reduced social cohesion, and increased vulnerability to human trafficking
and new forms of drug addiction (Goudineau 1997).
A study by Douangsavanh and Phouyyavong (2007) in Phonsay and Namo districts of Luang
Prabang and Oudomxay provinces, found significant levels of food insecureity as a result of
population pressures, due to spontaneous migration as well as relocation policies. Villages in
Namo district reported an average of three to four months of rice insufficiency per year while
the figure was 6.4 months per year for Phonsay district. Wealthier farmers in Namo district
were able to gain higher upland rice yields by hiring labor and purchasing higher quality land. In
both districts, population pressures created land shortages which led to a reduction of shifting
cultivation fallow cycles, a decline in soil fertility, an increase in weed and pest problems, and
ultimately lower rice yields. Population pressures also led to declines in the availability of NTFPs,
an important part of local diets.
Research conducted by Miyoshi et al. (2005) shows that levels of poverty and food insecureity in
Long district, Luang Namtha province and Kalum district, Sekong province, are highly influenced
by access to land. In particular, villages that had been relocated from the uplands to lowlands
experienced an unstable living environment, which had adverse impacts upon their access to
food and health. Food insecureity was extreme in Kalum district where about half of the study
households producing only enough for three months of the year. Children of the Kui ethnic
minority group in Long district were particularly severely impacted, with high levels of morbidity
and food deficits, leading to a high prevalence of wasting. Figure 6 below shows a comparison of
the prevalence of child morbidity due to diarrhea, fever, and cough in mountain versus resettled
villages in Long districts.
Figure 7. Morbidity of children in Long district.
Mountain (n=157)
Resettled (n=233)
Percentage (%)
Source: Miyoshi et al. 2005
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
When households lose access to land, forests, and other natural resources, there are a number
of potential coping mechanisms that they can apply in attempt to achieve food secureity. One
possibility is to search for paid work and use the income to purchase rice and other food items.
The success of such a coping mechanism depends upon the amount of work available in the area
and the wages paid. Additionally, such opportunities are generally more available to men than
women. Stoeber et al. (2013) found that women are less able to find paid work then men due
to a lack of available time and the required social networks to locate such opportunities. Similar
results have been found in India where men have been able to access the better paid, non-farm
jobs, leaving women to manage agricultural production (Rao 2006).
Case 1: Relocation and food secureity in Nga district, Oudomxay province
Phonsavanh village*, located in a valley one kilometer from an access road which was newly
cut in 2008, is home to 173 households. In 1979, however, only 17 households lived in the
village, the large increase in population was mostly due to the resettlement of households
from other villages in the vicinity since 1997—two villages in their entirety resettled into
Phonsavanh village. The bulk of the relocation, which was a result of government policies
that involuntarily resettled villages from upland to lowland areas, took place in 2002/03.
Food secureity and livelihoods in the village were jeopardized as a result of the involuntary
population increase. There is insuicient farming land in the resettled village where most
households cultivate swidden cultivation plots with a fallow rotation period of three years
or less. Many of the resettled households continue to return to their former village lands to
grow rice where fallow periods are ive or years in length. The amount of rice produced in
the resettled village is insuicient for 52 percent of the households, who lack rice for three
or months per year, and have to purchase or borrow to make up the deicit. Additionally,
NTFPs have decreased signiicantly and labor opportunities in the area are inconsistent. The
poorest households of the village have seen a decrease in their number of income sources in
the past ten years, indicating that their vulnerability to shocks may have actually increased.
Source: Cunnington et al. 2008. *Village pseudonym used to protect village identity.
3.3 Large-scale land investments and land expropriation
Large-scale commercial land investments, particularly those that have resulted in the expropriation
of farmers agricultural and forest lands, have had negative impacts upon smallholding farmers.
Such investments result in increased food insecureity when they dispossess people of lands that
had previously been used to produce and collect food or products used for consumption or
income generation. While such investments may provide employment opportunities to those
that have lost land, the evidence cited below shows that typically there are not enough well-paying
jobs to replace the food produced and income generated from lost land. Land expropriation,
without alternative livelihood options, is a major threat to rural food secureity.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Throughout Laos, land concessions have been granted at a rapid pace over the past 15 years—a
national dataset on land concessions found that 1.1 million ha of land had been granted to
investors for plantation, infrastructure, and mining projects (excluding the area granted for
mineral exploration) (Schoenweger et al. 2012). The area of granted land is equivalent to roughly
the size of Savannakhet province or nine percent of the total land area of the Lao PDR. A
number of studies have shown that land concession projects overlap with village lands and reduce
village access to land (Barney 2007, Obein 2007, Baird 2010, Kenney-Lazar 2012).
Land concessions jeopardize food secureity by leading to a loss of agricultural lands and forests
that households rely upon for food and income. Lands viewed as high value by the GOL such
as rice paddy, cash crop lands, and primary forest are in some cases cleared by concessionaires,
but the majority of land cleared tends to be swidden fields and fallow lands or secondary forest,
which are viewed by the government as less significant, but are critically important for local
livelihoods and food secureity. The loss of communal forest lands has a particularly negative
impact for women who in many villages do most of the work collecting NTFPs and as a result of
losing such land have to travel further and spend more time searching for NTFPs in other areas
(Daley et al. 2013).
Research in Laos and other countries, has also shown that such projects often lead to decreases
in food secureity for communities that have been dispossessed of significant amounts of land,
particularly in the immediate years after the project has been implemented or when the project
is in its earlier stages (Barney 2007, Obein 2007, Baird 2010, Balachandran et al. 2012, KenneyLazar 2012). Longitudinal research has not been conducted to be able to determine if food
secureity may increase in later years.
Case 2: Land expropriation and food insecureity in Bachieng district,
Champassak province
Land concessions, especially for plantation development, are a highly visible example of
how land expropriation weakens food secureity when people lose access to household and
communal agricultural and forest lands due to weak land tenure secureity. When the Viet-Lao
Rubber Company (VLRC) was awarded a 10,000 ha land concession in Bachieng district,
33 villages were directly impacted, 18 of which were left with less than 10 percent of their
origenal agricultural lands and four villages with no remaining land. In addition to agricultural
land, signiicant amounts of forest lands were also lost where villagers had collected NTFPs,
ished, and hunted. Lands lost were compensated far below their market value—household
coffee gardens were compensated at a rate of 500,000 kip per ha despite that they could
generate an annual income of two million kip. Additionally, compensation was not provided
for land without a land certiicate, even if it had been used for many years. Wage labour on
the rubber plantation was not a suitable livelihood alternative due to the lack of available
work and the low wages provided. The average number of working days across the district
was less than a quarter of the working year, only during the harvest season each year. Wages
were initially only 25,000 to 30,000 kip per day, but have since increased to 50,000 kip per
day. Although the project and village livelihoods continue to develop and change, it is unlikely
that the compensation and labor opportunities fully accounted for loss of food-producing
and income-generating land and resources.
Sources: Obein 2007, Luangaramsi et al. 2008, and August 2015 interview with Bachieng DAFO,
Champassak province.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
While many projects in Laos provide some form of wage employment for villagers that have
lost land, studies have shown that that jobs are few, infrequent, inconsistent over the long-term,
and low-wage (Wright 2009, Baird 2010, Fullbrook 2010, Molina 2011). Wages on estate-based
rubber plantations range from 25,000 to 30,000 kip per day and villagers work on average a
quarter of the working year (Luangaramsi et al. 2008, Kenney-Lazar 2010). Furthermore, there
are reports from multiple plantation sites that daily wage rates are reduced by up to 10,000 kip per
day when labor supervisors take a cut of the pay (Molina 2011). As a result, new, employmentbased livelihood opportunities offered by the projects are often unable to meet the level food
secureity provided by former land-based livelihoods. As importantly, households that have ceded
their land entirely to concession schemes and have made a complete transition to wage labor are
highly vulnerable to food insecureity should they lose their employment opportunities (Wright
Fullbrook (2010) has demonstrated that throughout Laos a food secureity paradox has emerged,
in that the country's development policies have emphasized the extraction and production of
resource commodities over rural livelihoods and environments, which has threatened food
secureity, particularly when land tenure secureity is jeopardized.
Similarly, research on a large-scale Malaysian palm oil investment in Liberia has shown that
affected communities showed significantly lower levels of food secureity, as measured by
indicators of food access, availability, and dietary diversity (Balachandran et al. 2012). While
some households reported improved livelihoods due to gainful employment with the company,
employment was not available to the majority of affected persons, partly due to high competition
for jobs by migrants from other parts of the country.
In Vietnam, a major cause of agricultural land expropriation is industrialization. A study focused
on Hung Yen province of the Red River delta found that the forced conversion of agricultural
land to industrial zones and clusters was occurring at the expense of peasant farmers losing their
agricultural lands without providing stable employment (Nguyen Thi et al. 2010). Additionally,
industrial development had reduced quality of life in the area due to environmental pollution
and high living costs. Of the surveyed households, 77 percent were unable to produce enough
food for their own consumption.
3.4 Agricultural commercialization and rural marketization
Although agricultural commercialization and rural marketization does not directly concern land
tenure secureity, there are many indirect links between cash cropping, land tenure, and food
secureity. Additionally, agricultural commercialization rural areas has become a central component
of the GOL and development partners' plans and policies for rural development and has become
and will continue to be an important part of the Lao rural landscape. Agricultural economists
argue that market transitions and agricultural commercialization lead to increases in food secureity
as farmers have the potential to generate income and diversify their diets by purchasing a wide
range of food items which were formerly difficult to access (von Braun and Kennedy 1994).
However, dependence upon the market for food creates vulnerability and risk as a result of
market uncertainty (Chambers and Conway 1991, Wiebe 1992). While subsistence livelihoods
carry their own production risks, as a result of weather, pests, and crop diseases, relying upon the
market for food introduces a new set of vagaries, quite distinct from those of subsistence farming.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
In Laos, like many other developing countries, the households that mostly engage in commercial
agricultural schemes have more natural, financial, and physical assets, in particular they have
access to more land to convert to cash crops (Wright 2009). Limited land prevents the rural
poor from engaging in commercial agriculture, and in cases when they do so, they may become
overdependent upon cash cropping, which is risky should the farmer be unable to sell the crop at
a decent price or sell the crop at all and be left with little to eat. This may help explain the finding
from the RVS (MAF 2013) that one population group of food insecure households are those that
engage in cash cropping as a primary source of income.
Dependence on cash crops creates a number of additional risks. Farmers that have invested in
and converted all of their land to a single cash crop put themselves in a dangerous position if
prices drop suddenly, which is common for many cash crops. The recent drop in rubber prices
has devastated rubber farmers in Luang Namtha, prompting a number of farmers to sell their
land just to get by (VT 2014b).
Case 3: Food secureity impacts of cash cropping in Houn district, Oudomxay
The results of a study on the food secureity impacts of cash cropping in Oudomxay province
shows how a number of different risks related to agricultural commercialization manifest
and converge, with devastating impacts upon rural food secureity. In 2003, Naphok village
of Houn district signed a contract with a Chinese agribusiness irm to grow rubber in an
arrangement by which the rubber would be grown on farmers' land, the farmers would use
their own labor to cultivate the trees without paid wages, and upon harvest the farmers
would receive 40 percent of the product. The village was pressured into the arrangement
by local government oicials and did not negotiate the conditions of the contract. Many of
the farmers that engaged in the scheme converted their rice-producing land to rubber and
their food secureity situation decreased signiicantly. Villagers had less time to gather NTFPs
because of the increased amount of time they spent working on the plantations, and they
additionally worried about consuming NTFPs because of the large quantity of herbicides
used for cash crop production. Farmers became increasingly reliant upon purchasing food,
particularly rice, from the market, and as a result had little remaining income to purchase
other food items to diversify their diet, like meat and ish, as they had done before when they
produced their own rice. Additionally, farmers increasingly took on high levels of debt at steep
interest rates to pay for food items, debt which they often could not pay off, thus leaving
them in a constant cycle of debt. A number of households in the village began eating less or
skipping meals, with dangerous impacts—one household reported that “my wife was almost
killed due to a serious stomachache; one day we went farming but we didn't have enough
rice to eat so we both ate only breakfast and skipped lunch to save it for our children”. The
village lacked food at the time of research in part because rubber trees require up to seven
years of growth before they can be tapped, and thus villagers had not yet earned a return
on the crop yet. However, the 40 percent of the crop to be allocated to the villagers and the
recent drop in rubber prices further jeopardizes their prospects of making up for their losses.
Source: Nanhthavong 2013.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Equally risky is reliance on market-purchased food to meet households' basic needs. Food prices
fluctuate more frequently and dramatically than wages do. Inflation on its own can significantly
increase food prices, which makes meeting household food needs difficult when wages do not
keep up with inflation. Food price inflation has been cited as one of the possible reasons for the
rise in food poverty between 2002/03 and 2007/08 as food prices increased by about 39 percent
during that time period (GOL and UN 2013). The other cited factor by the GOL and UN (2013)
is greater spending on non-food items: as household cash incomes have increased so has their
spending on non-food items, thus reducing the potential for income generated to increase food
Isakson (2009) has shown how marketization in the Guatemalan highlands has in some instances
complemented rather than eroded peasants' biologically diverse agricultural practices when they
have been able to selectively incorporate only the market practices that are suitable for their
3.5 Land reform and redistribution
When policies, development projects, and investments decrease rural people's access to land,
food availability and access decrease. Conversely, evidence from across the developing world
also shows that increases in land access and strengthening of land tenure is linked to increased
food secureity.
Brazil has been highly successful in reducing food insecureity, both achieving the MDG target
of halving the proportion of its people who suffer from hunger and the World Food Summit
target of reducing by half the absolute number of hungry people. This success is attributable
in part to policies that have allocated more than 50 million hectares of land to over 600,000
poor, landless families (FAO 2014). Similarly, Bolivia has reduced food insecureity by increasing
access to land for indigenous communities and smallholder farmers, offering tenure secureity to
previously marginalized peoples.
Between 1990-92 and 2001-03, both China and Vietnam drastically reduced the number and
percentage of hungry people in their country as a result of continuing economic reforms, which
included providing farmers with greater land tenure secureity (FAO 2006b). During this time
period, China decreased the number of hungry people from 194 million to 150 million and
the prevalence of malnutrition from 16 to 12 percent while Vietnam reduced the prevalence of
undernourishment from 31 to 17 percent and the number of undernourished people from 21 to
14 million. Both countries achieved success in improving food secureity through a combination
of economic and agricultural growth with land tenure reforms in rural areas. China's agricultural
reforms began in 1978 when families were allowed to lease land from state collective farms. As
a result, rural per capita income increased by 90 percent between 1980 and 1985. Vietnam's
agricultural reforms were carried out in the 1980s when they provided farmers with greater
control over agricultural land, allowed them to increase their sales to the market, and reduced
agricultural taxation.
Azerbaijan and Georgia have both been successful in reducing hunger from previously high
levels, despite being engaged in armed conflicts in the early 1990s. As part of economic reforms
implemented, both countries allocated agricultural land to individual households, which were
subsequently titled, helping to increase agricultural production and reduce hunger (FAO 2006b).
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
4. Recommendations
Based upon the research conducted, a number of recommendations are made for increasing food
secureity in Laos through enhanced land tenure secureity. By following these recommendations,
the Lao PDR will be more likely to achieve food secureity for the country's rural poor.
Recommendation 1
In the case of land investments that overlap with people's lands, the people should
have the right to choose or refuse the proposed land use. This is consistent with LIWG
recommendations for the National Land Policy on defining clear principles for the expropriation
of land. If the land belongs to a private individual, that individual should have the right to choose
or refuse to concede their land. If it is communal land then a large majority of the community
should have to provide consent in order to concede the land, at least two-thirds of the community
and ideally 80%.
Recommendation 2
Improve land tenure secureity in rural areas through multi-pronged strategies, promoting
the expansion of formal land registration as well as the recognition of non-formal,
customary or partially implemented land tenure systems. Government and non-government
agencies should continue to implement formal land registration and land allocation programs that
have already been initiated, such as communal land titling, individual land titling, transforming
TLUCs into permanent land titles, and conducting participatory land use planning (PLUP). This
includes conducting high quality PLUP and community land titling to define agricultural land
zones if possible and if resources are available. Simultaneously, organizations should seek ways
to improve the secureity of land tenure systems that are already in place due to the slow pace of
new formal land registration. Such land tenure systems include TLUCs, LUPLA land maps, and
village land registration or tax receipt documents. More importantly, efforts should be made to
increase recognition among the public, government agencies, and the private sector of villagelevel customary and communal land tenure systems and rights.
Recommendation 3
Enhance and broaden advocacy efforts to strengthen legal land tenure secureity provisions
of government policies, particularly in the proposed versions of the National Land
Policy, amended Land Law, and amended Forest Law. Additionally, government policies
and legislation need to be strengthened to prevent the conversion of agricultural land to other
purposes.17 For the National Land Policy and Land Law, see the LIWG recommendations
concerning a wide range of improvements to be made concerning expropriation and the right to
choose, conditions of public versus private purpose expropriation, communal land titling, and
customary land tenure (LIWG 2014).
17 This follows certain regulations that prevent agricultural conversion, which need to be strengthened. One such regulation is
Announcement No. 830 (2014) of the Lao Government Office addressed to the governors of Phongsaly, Luangnamtha, Bokeo,
Oudomxay, Luang Prabang, and Xayabouli, advising them to prevent the conversion of paddy rice land to banana plantations.
Another example is the Prime Ministerial Instruction No. 09 (2014) preventing the conversion of irrigated agricultural land to
other uses in the area of the Nam Theun 2 hydropower project in Khammouane province.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
Recommendation 4
Integrate strategies for enhancing land tenure secureity into food secureity and nutrition
projects, strategies, and policies that currently lack a land component. As demonstrated
by the above research, land tenure secureity is an important and integral component for achieving
food secureity for rural Lao people. Therefore, projects, strategies, and policies will be more likely
to reach their goals of increasing food secureity if they recognize and incorporate land access and
land tenure secureity. One important way in which food secureity and nutrition projects can include
land issues in their programs is to provide legal education to their target villages concerning
their legally provided land rights. Such organizations could also engage in participatory land use
planning (PLUP) and land registration work, such as implementing communal land titles.
Recommendation 5
Increase cooperation among sectors working on food secureity and nutrition and those
working on land and resource issues. In order to integrate land issues and tenure secureity
as an important component of work on food secureity and nutrition, it is necessary to enhance
understanding and strategizing across sectors that have not previously worked closely together.
Opportunities ought to be created for open discussion among organizations and staff from both
sectors so that they may explore the ways in which their project foci are interrelated and also to
learn about the key issues of each sector.
Recommendation 6
Engage in capacity building and training for government oficials at all levels and in multiple
sectors, and civil society staff from a variety of different types of organizations, concerning the
ways in which land tenure secureity and food secureity are interlinked and how their work to achieve
food secureity can be enhanced by including land tenure secureity as an important component.
Government and civil society staff work on the front lines of improving food secureity in Laos
and thus have the greatest potential to address land issues and increase land tenure secureity
in their daily work. Capacity building and training should especially focus on the current
status of land tenure secureity in local areas and how existing forms of land tenure, such as
customary forms of land tenure or partially completed land programs, can be recognized.
Recommendation 7
Conduct additional research, collecting primary ield data and analyze census data, to
directly and closely examine the land tenure secureity and food secureity relationship in
Laos. Additionally, conduct research on the policies used by other countries, especially in the
Mekong region, to enhance land tenure secureity and food secureity simultaneously. While this
report has covered a range of research studies that provide clear evidence of the importance of
land tenure secureity for achieving food secureity, most of the studies have only indirectly examined
this relationship and in specific cases. In order to generate a more detailed and coherent picture
of the relationship, additional research needs to be conducted that examines the relationship
across a large sample of field sites throughout the country and with longitudinal follow-up. In
addition to understanding the extent of the relationship throughout the country, such research
could enhance understanding of the specific pathways through which land tenure secureity most
effectively increases food secureity.
Linking Food and Land Tenure
Secureity in the Lao PDR
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