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La misión española del IPOA-Universidad de Murcia desarrolló diversas campañas arqueológicas en los yacimientos de Tell Qara Quzaq y Tell Jamis desde 1991. En torno a estos yacimientos se pudieron estudiar numerosos yacimientos de época romana y bizantina. Dentro de este proyecto se realizó una aproximación al sistema de abastecimiento de agua de la antigua ciudad de Hierapolis, la actual Manbij.
Las aguas primigenias: el Próximo Oriente Antiguo como fuente de civilización, 2007
We are related the literary sources with the archaeological remains documented by the IPOA-University of Murcia in the surveys in the current Manbiŷ (Syria) and their surroundings. This city hides the remains of the ancient sanctuary of Atargatis of Hierapolis that is known us by the sources thanks to the work attributed to Lucian of Samosata, De Dea Syria. A historical recovery of the importance of the mentioned sanctuary is sought. Likewise, we think about the importance that the water possessed in the Syrian goddess's cult.
El libro ofrece una visión de conjunto de las mezquitas andalusíes no sólo a través del análisis formal de los edificios conservados o arqueológicamente documentados sino también mediante el estudio del contexto sociopolítico, cultural y religioso en que se construyeron. Teniendo en cuenta la relevancia de las mezquitas dentro de la sociedad andalusí, éstas constituyen un documento histórico esencial para el conocimiento de al-Andalus y de nuestro Medievo. Por esta razón, el estudio presta especial atención a los promotores de las construcciones, a las razones y las condiciones económicas de las fundaciones así como a los diferentes usos y funciones añadidos de los lugares de oración, aspectos todos ellos que revelan el papel central de las mezquitas en la vida de las ciudades y del ámbito rural. En el catálogo final se recogen los edificios de mayor relevancia y los restos que aportan una información más completa sobre la arquitectura religiosa de al-Andalus, exceptuando las estructuras todavía dudosa o escasamente documentadas. Esta sección cuenta con un aparato gráfico aportado por Antonio Almagro Gorbea. El análisis de las formas, tipologías y ubicaciones permite proponer una clasificación de las mezquitas andalusíes hoy conocidas.
479 Juan Ramón Muñiz Álvarez (Coord.) AD ORIENTEM. Del final del Paleolítico en el norte de España a las primeras civilizaciones del Oriente Próximo. Universidad de Oviedo · Ménsula Ediciones, 2012. Págs. 479-499
RIPARIA , 2017
This work focuses on the study of the canal that in the past linked the Nile with the Red Sea. Control over the Nile through an artificial canal allowed the Egyptians to use water as means to increase mobility, which permitted a higher transit of goods and people between the river delta and the Gulf of Suez. In addition to being used to irrigate the territory crossing Wadi Tumilat, and as a defense against the enemies from the East, the Egyptian canal that started at the Pelusiac arm was used mainly to import sumptuary goods from the East and to export grain and other products to the East. Also, fluvial transit through the canal reduced travel time and increased the amount of goods being transported. Key words: Canal of the Pharaohs, Wadi Tumilat, mega structure, sumptuary trade, East
Estudio de la creación, conservación y final destrucción del acueducto musulmán de Sevilla, inaugurado en el año 1171 y del que solo se conservan unos pocos tramos superpuestos en época almohade a la muralla almoravid.
Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals
Offa's Dyke Journal Volume 5, 2023
This article examines various linear earthworks in Cornwall that may date to the early medieval period. The dating evidence for the earthworks is discussed. While incontrovertible evidence for when they were built is lacking, the article asks how they might fit into the early medieval period if that is when most or all of them were built. The article postulates that they may have provided refuges against raiding, probably from the kingdom of Wessex in the eighth and ninth century, so allowing the Cornish to preserve their distinctive identity and language until the modern era (Padel 2017).
İnsan&İnsan, 2019
Teknoloji ile kaçınılmaz bir ilişki içinde olan toplumdaki her birey günlük aktivitelerinin büyük bir bölümünde bilinçli veya bilinçsiz bir şekilde yapay zekânın kullanımı ve gelişimi içinde rol almaktadır. Sürücüsüz araç tasarımı, finansal analiz, bireysel eğitim uygulamaları, pazarlama analizleri, müzik ilişkilendirme uygulamaları gibi birçok faaliyet alanlarında yer alan yapay zekâ, gün geçtikçe farklı uygulama alanlarına da sirayet etmektedir. Bunun doğal bir sonucu olarak da yapay zekânın sanatla olan etkileşimleri çeşitli güncel örnekler halinde karşımıza çıkmaktadır. İnsanın düşünce sisteminin rasyonel yöntemlerle sembolize edildiği, matematiksel zeminlerde geliştirilen yapay zekânın ve varlığını tanımlanması oldukça güç olan yaratıcılık kavramı üzerine temel alan sanatın ne ölçüde birliktelikler sağlayabildiği merak konusudur. Yapay Zekâ ile elde edilen bulgular ve araştırma sonuçları ise insanın var oluşuna dair temel sorgulamaları peşi sıra körüklemektedir. Bu makalede yapay zekânın gelişimi ve kabul görülmekte olan çeşitli bilimsel tanımlar ele alınmaktadır. Ayrıca yaratıcılığın yapay zekâ ile olan ilişkisi bilişim teknolojisinin gelişimi incelenerek sorgulanmakta ve güncel sanat çalışmalarındaki etkileri incelenmektedir.
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Studies in American Naturalism, 2013
Faces da Leitura e Da Escrita - teoria e prática v.3, 2020
Pergamon Press eBooks, 1989
Festschrift: Truth in the Waters of Wisdom: Relevance of Old and New Fountains of Knowledge for our Time. Essays in Honour of Rev. Anthony Alaba Akinwale, OP, 2022
Σύλλογος προς Διάδοσιν Ωφελίμων Βιβλίων, 2021
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2016
Blucher Design Proceedings, 2018
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2024
SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal
รายงานการวิจัยในชั้นเรียน การพัฒนาความสามารถในการแก้ปัญหาฟิสิกส์และการเรียนรู้ค าศัพท์ วิทยาศาสตร์ภาษาอังกฤษ เรื่อง ไฟฟ้าฟ้าสถิต ของนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 5 โรงเรียนสตูลวิทยา ที่ได้รับการจัดการเรียนรู้ แบบสืบเสาะหาความรู้ 7E ร่วมกับกระบวนการคิดเชิงเมตาคอกนิชัน
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2010
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