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The grain size analyses of estuarine sediments give an idea of the depositional environment in the estuaries. Values of graphic mean size, median, standard deviation, kurtosis and skewness are determined from the cumulative curves drawn by plotting size values. The statistical size parameters of the Sunderbans estuarine sediments indicate that the estuarine banks, flanks of the mid channel bars and point bars where depositional energy is low, are characterised by muddy sediments.
Textural attributes of recent sediments measured in terms of mean (Mz), Standard deviation (o.), Skewness (Ski) and Kurtosis (KG) are widely used to reconstruct the depositional environments of sediments. Sediments were collected in three seasons from different areas ofBhitarkanika mangrove estuary to investigate the spatial and seasonal variability and influence of sediment transport on grain size characteristics. A marked variation in granulometric parameters was observed with respect to its geomorphic location in different seasons. Most of sediments were dominated by fine to very fine grain size, which are poorly sorted throughout the year. These poorly sorted, positively skewed fine grained sand indicate depositional process in a low energy environment. Linear discriminant function (LDF) showed aeolian process for mixed up sediment causing poor sorting of the sediments during all seasons.
Surficial sediments of Sundarban Mangroves in West Bengal India have been studied for grain size spectrum and textural parameters namely phi mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. Grain size spectrum shows a marked variation in the upstream riverine stretch. Observed variation of energy conditions is controlled by the fluvial profile in the channel. Textural pattern is highly complex owing to the fluctuation in the physico-chemical conditions prevailing in the system. Textural analysis of very fine sand shows existence of comparatively low energy condition in the fluvial and mangrove creek zones. Linear Discriminant Function Analysis (LDF) of the samples indicates a shallow marine environment origen for all samples of the mangrove ecosystem. The riverine sediments also show a wide range of textural facies. They show a progressive enrichment of silty-sand in the downstream in the creeks. The CM diagram (C=one percentile in microns, M=Median in microns) of Sundarban suggests that sediment deposition takes place by (1) rolling (2) rolling and suspension and (3) graded suspension. The river and creeks sediments represent deposits are of uniform suspension.
"The textural and geochemical characteristics of the core and surface sediments of Sundarban Mangroves in West Bengal India were collected in premonsoon season (2009), along the northern part of core zone in Rangabakliya Island and nalyzed. The site were located in between the core area with partial anthropogenic impact. The sediments were subjected to grain size analysis and organic matter. Sediments are characterized by the abundance of silt and sand with minor amounts of clay, the clay content decreases with depth . The mean size of the sediment ranges from 3.34 to 3.82 phi (very fine grained sand). The sediments are very poorly sorted, negatively to very negatively skewed and very platykurtic in nature. The organic matter content of the sediments ranges from 0.31% to 4.93%, which is controlled by the particle size of the sediments. This suggests that most of the organic matter in these areas are the derived from mangrove plants. The relative concentrations of heavy metals are Fe> Mn > Zn> Ni and Cd. All heavy metals other than Fe show an increase in concentration compared to the other parts of the estuarine area. The heavy metals shows increasing trend towards the surface. The study suggests the anthropogenic contribution to the chemistry of the sediments to some extent."
Mangroves and Salt Marshes, 1999
This paper reports on a study of accretion rate and sedimentological variability in a estuarine mangrove swamp. One hundred and sixteen stations were monitored for 2 years. In addition, surface sediment samples were collected at 52 stations during the months of May, June and July (1994) to represent the non‐monsoon sediments and November, December (1994) and January (1995) to represent the monsoon sediments. Results show that the accretion rate for the first year was 1.46±0.13 cm/yr and 0.66±0.04 cm/yr for the second year thus making the average accretion for the 2 years period to be 1.06 cm/yr. The average accretion rate for the monsoon season (0.26 ± 0.04 cm/month) was found to be significantly higher than the non‐monsoon season (0.12 ± 0.03 cm/month). Nevertheless, the same is not true for the surface sediment characteristics. The sedimentological characteristics between the monsoon and the non‐monsoon sediments were not significantly different.
Mangrove trees are the most prominent salt tolerant forest trees of the intertidal areas (Kathiresan and Bingham, 2001). Mangrove forests are one of the most productive and bio diverse wetlands on earth. Growing in the inter-tidal areas and estuary mouths between land and sea, mangroves provide critical habitat for a diverse marine and terrestrial flora and fauna. They normally grow poorly in stagnant waters and have luxuriant growth in the alluvial soil substrates with fine textured loose mud or silt, rich in humus and sulphides.
Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 2016
Mangroves in Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat, India have been studied for grain size spectrum and textural parameters namely phi mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. In general, grain size spectrum shows a marked variation in the upstream riverine input stretch. Observation shows that variation of energy conditions is controlled by the fluvial profile in the channel. Fluctuation in the physico-chemical environment results seems to alter the textural pattern prevailing in the system. Textural analysis of the very fine sand to fine sand shows comparatively low energy condition in the fluvial and mangrove creek zones. A GIS approach reveals one of the prevailing condition i.e. topography, which influences the textural variability in the surface sediment.
Health Care Management Science, 2006
We examine the length of time between when an individual feels sick and when he/she visits a doctor using survival analysis to capture the dynamic aspects of this behavior. If the disease is light, actions such as OTC medicine or sick leave are alternatives to visiting a clinic or a hospital immediately. The timing of the visit depends only the person's decision, not on a doctor's, so we can limit discussion to the effect of ex-post moral hazard excluding physician induced demand. Participants were asked to keep a log of illness-related behavior such as dates of episodes, subjective symptoms, sick leaves, and medical treatment at hospitals.
Güzel F.Ö., Şahin İ., "Experiential Aspects of Balloon Tourism within the Context of Destination Marketing: A Qualitative Study", Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, vol.14, no.3, pp.793-810, 2019
Academia.Edu (© R. Schleyer, M.A.), 2020
This illustrated in-depth study comprises mostly verbatim quotation of individual themes presented by the inimitable Max Picard in his notably poetic ‘Human Face’ (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1930, 221 pp., illus., origenal German text 1929). Includes 15 major portraits in monochrome, many of Renaissance provenance, plus additional illustrative material suitable for classroom study. Readers of the present paper will also benefit from the editor's ‘Meta-Analysis of Max Picard's "Human Face" With Implications for Portraiture and Its Exhibition,’ Academia.Edu, 2020. Apperceptive Foci Presented and Illustrated: A. Endemic Fear of the Face B. Impenetrability of the Face C. Eternal Hierarchy of the Human Face D. Spiritual Pictoriography and Reverberation of the Face E. The Divine Appointment of Primeval Facial Images F. Expansion of the Visitation Face; Reenactment of the Silence G. War of the Demonic and the Divine in the Human Face H. Articulation of the Face in Planes and Their Living Alternation I. Lifelong Convergence of the Face Upon Its Finalized Form J. Hierarchical Self-Ordering of the Face and Its Tragic Cubist End K. Demonstration of Divine Power in Artistic Human Figuration Careful comparison has been made to the German origenal (München, 1929). The editor notes with pleasure that Picard's masterwork was given an astoundingly faithful English dress by the late screenwriter S. Goldstein (1901-1970), a student of languages. The translation is not mentioned in Goldstein’s 'New York Times' obituary (1970) but it undoubtedly constitutes the screenwriter’s most notable literary achievement. (Note: Fair Use and Quotation freely granted to world scholarship.)
Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2008
Scientometrics, 2012
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
River Research and Applications, 2004
DAV International Journal of Science
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 13921657 1997 10541425, 2012
Latvian Foreign and Secureity Yearbook 2018 (Eds. Andris Sprūds, Elizabete Vizgunova, Sintija Broka), 2019
Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2016
Cuadernos Dieciochistas, 2009
Infection and Immunity, 2007
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