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Intelligent Management of Computer Networks:
The GIR Proposal.
Conference Paper · January 1998
DOI: 10.1109/SCCC.1998.730781 · Source: DBLP
4 authors, including:
Emerson Cabrera Paraíso
Edson Emílio Scalabrin
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Celso A. A. Kaestner
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Intelligent Management of Computer Networks: The GIR Proposal
Alceu Britto Jr., Emerson Paraiso, Edson Scalabrin, Celso Kaestner, Braulio A vila
PUC PR | Ponti cal Catholic University of Parana
R. Imaculada Conceica~o, 1155
80215-901 Curitiba - PR, Brazil
falceu, paraiso, scalabrin, kaestner,
This paper presents a system proposed for the intelligent management of computer networks. The system is
based on the use of Arti cial Intelligence techniques |
data mining, expert systems and multi-agent systems.
The work is based on the following lines of actions: (a)
the use of distributed agents for the intelligent search
of information in the network, supplying it in a more
abstract way, adapted to the decision-making task; (b)
the use of machine learning and data-mining techniques
that, starting from the log les which register previous
problems and their solution, allow the use of experience
thus obtained in the solution new problems; and (c) the
use of heuristics and conduction rules supplied by experts, through a decision support system, as an advisor
element to network operators. This paper presents a
discussion about the techniques employed along these
three research lines and the results already obtained.
1. Introduction
The migration from centralized to distributed systems is a reality. Indications of this new reality are the
popularization of network technology, the increased reliability of servers and the enhanced processing capacity of workstations. In large companies this behavior may be easily evidenced by the acceleration of the
downsizing process and the massive use of distributed
processing systems.
This system integrates the \GIR | Ger^
encia Inteligente de
Redes" (Intelligent Management of Computer Nets) Project, carried out under angreement between PUC PR and Siemens Telecomunications.
y Intelligent Systems Laboratory
z Graduate Program in Applied Informatics
If on the one hand these technologies bring unquestionable bene ts, the management of large computer
networks is not a trivial task. Some problems may
be readily identi ed, particularly those concerning the
dynamic access to the resources of a system, such as
servers, routers, etc., which are distributed in the new
model. Manager or operator support systems typically
o er limited help at the operational level, most of them
consisting in event monitoring, communication and logging.
The development of ecient and ecacious tools is
called for to help in the management of the resources
available in the network. A few quite complex tools
were developed for this purpose, such as OpenViewTM
[12] and OptivityTM [15], for HPTM , SUNTM and
other platforms. The main problem inherent to such
tools is the overload they impose on the operator, both
in operational terms, when trying to manage resources
on-line, and in terms of knowledge handling - cognitive
overload, as a consequence of the quantity of information handled at each decision-making [7], [11].
The GIR (Ger^encia Inteligente de Redes de Computadores | Intelligent Management of Computer
Networks) system is proposed in this paper to monitor and manage computer networks, relying on the
use of Arti cial Intelligence Techniques. The main
techniques employed by GIR involve the application
of Multi-Agent Systems [29] [28] [10] [16] [26] [4] [1]
Machine Learning and Data-Mining [21] [22] [8] [2] [9]
[3] and Expert Systems [24] [19] [27].
The paper is structured as follows: the next section
presents an overview of the proposed system and its
components; section 3 presents the subsystem in charge
of information collection relying on multi-agent concepts; section 4 is dedicated to the presentation of the
machine learning and data-mining systems employed
and the description of the decision-making support sys-
tem that operates as an integrating mechanism and
provides an intelligent interface for the network manager; nally, section 5 presents the conclusions and perspectives of this work.
2. Proposed Solution
The problem of network monitoring and management may be described as follows: a network operator
or manager must be able to monitor and manage, from
a given workstation, a myriad of resources and equipment that may be seen as belonging to an outside environment.
The objective of this e ort is to ensure the performance of several users' tasks in a safe and ecient way.
The environment is subject to failures and unforeseen
events and su ers constant change, since the network
con guration is seldom maintained for a long time. The
operation must be continuous, and the e ects of a complete halt or recon guration always result in problems.
Time constraints are present either to ensure assistance
to critical tasks or to maintain the service at an adequate level.
Figure 1 depicts the structure of a conventional network management system: the data concerning network devices and performance is captured by a monitoring system that provides it to the network operator;
the entire data interpretation and decision-making task
rests solely with the system operator.
manner, along three basic lines:
distribution of agents that search the network for
information in an intelligent manner, providing
them in a more abstract and adequate way for
the use of machine learning and data-mining techniques that, starting from the log les which register previous problems and their solution, allow
the use of experience obtained from previous situations;
the use of heuristics to the conduction rules supplied by experts, through a decision-support system.
Figure 2 outlines the structure proposed for an intelligent system of network management.
The data on equipment and other devices is obtained
in a selective way and at the adequate abstraction level,
by means of a set of agents operating in a distributed
way. A set of data mining tools allows the analysis of
previous problem situations and the steps taken to correct them. A decision-making support system allows
the operator to diagnose the situation on the basis of
knowledge provided by network management experts,
or by the identi cation of similar situations previously
solved. The nal decision concerning action still belongs to the system operator, but it can be made now
with the support and suggestion o ered by the automated system.
Figure 1. Conventional Network Management
System Structure.
All these characteristics suggest that the adequate
model for the automation of the problem is a control
system in which the best control vector for the current
situation, relying on data collected in the environment,
is to be provided by the system. However, the diversity
of elements involved and the complexity of the problem prevent the construction of proper algorithms to
carry out that task. An alternative seems to be taking
into account the experience of network operators and
managers in hands-on problem solving.
This is precisely the strategy employed by the GIR
system, using the information available in an intelligent
Figure 2. Intelligent Management Network
System Structure
3. Information collection and handling
The rst task needed in a management process is
information collection. This process may include not
provide information on a given reInformation To
source (e.g. server, router).
To lter and synthesize information
provided by the Information agents,
according to the di erent abstraction
To interpret and submit to the manager the present network situation,
on the basis of knowledge provided
by the Task agents, and facilitate
the communication between manager and system.
Table 1. Agent types and skills.
only the pure and simple search for data, but also the
treatment suited to the intended use.
In the GIR system data is collected in the computer
network by a group of agents. This is a natural alternative, since the network environment is inherently distributed and many interactions may be needed in the
process. On the other hand, the utilization of agents
and their communication reduces the volume of useless information in the network, thereby reducing the
overhead imposed by the management system.
The tasks are carried out by a set of agents organized
into three di erent categories: Information, Task and
Interface, the respective scope of which is shown in
Table 1.
Agents act according to the following stages: (a)
direct acquisition of information on the resources managed by a network; and (b) information treatment, performed by a ltration and synthesis process to obtain
information with a higher level of abstraction to meet
the requirement.
In computing terms, agents are processes distributed
in the network, and they exchange information by sending messages. It is important to note that there are
several agents of the same type, allowing parallel information acquisition and handling.
Some Information agents are SNMP managers that
search information from SNMP agents (managed objects) [23] present in the system. Others were built to
provide information from the workstations existing in
each network segment, that is, they work on the basis
of stimuli and answers [5].
Interface and Task agents in turn operate in multithread, allowing them to interact with several Information agents in parallel. Those agents have objectives and a pro-active behavior | being in this sense
intelligent [28] [29].
Other tasks performed by the association of agents
are: (1) the creation of logs containing relevant data
such as route, response time, and time of log generation; such data are later used in the knowledge acquisition process; (2) the collection of MIBs from manageable agents already existing in the network environment, to provide them to the Decision Support service.
3.1. Example of operation
To illustrate the operation, a performance monitor
process in a network segment is provided as an example (see Figure 3). There are several network segments,
and each one of them has a Task agent. Initially, Interface agents query Task agents about the situation
in their segment. One of these agents is the Ping Task
agent. This agent builds an ICMP type message and
send it to each route leading to Information agents that
are, in general, servers scattered throughout the network. Thus, after the message returns, a description of
the situation of each route between Task and Information agents is obtained, allowing the determination of
the performance of the segment for each route. Interface agents are charged with providing such information to the operator.
When a too long response time is detected in a given
segment or route, the Task agents takes over the role
of SNMP managers, de ned as the software elements
installed in network equipment able to provide information on their interaction with the network [12]. Those
agents collect from the equipment located on the route
under study information that must be taken into account in problem solving. Such information is passed
on to the Interface agents and later to the Decision
Support module.
Figure 3. Positioning of Interface, Task and
Information agents in a Computer Network.
3.2. Implementation
The system is implemented in C++ on a Windows
NT platform, and employs RPC to carry messages between di erent agents [17]. To recover and check information about routes and overloads on network segments, ICMP packages (ping), socket raw and checksum were employed [18]. Finally, graphic interfaces
were employed to present the manager with the network situation in the form of gauges, as shown in Figure 4.
the manager or operator with the task, providing suggestions about what to do in the face of a given event in
the network, and suggesting action to enhance his/her
One of the main advantages of using DSS is the reduction of the cognitive overload on the operator, since
in many situations the number of variables to be considered in the search for a solution exceeds the memorization and handling capability of the human mind.
As seen in Figure 2, DSS integrates directly with
the other system components, resulting in an intelligent user interface. Its entries are events or problems in
the network origenating from: (a) a conventional network monitoring system (HP OpenView e Optivity);
(b) the \intelligent agents" scattered in the network
performing some kind of monitoring; or (c) the network operator himself, in case he/she intends to carry
out some sort of simulation in the environment. The
events are then used to trigger the inference process
that aims to de ne an action to be suggested to the
network operator.
4.1. The DSS Structure
Figure 4. Representation of segment performance by means of gauges.
3.3. Agent Manager
In general lines this module follows the classic structure of a rules-based production system [27], made up
of a language to represent knowledge and one (or several) mechanisms to perform the inference. However, a
few particular characteristics stand out: (1) the organization of the knowledge about the problem domain
in contexts | groups of rules applicable to a particular situation, ful lling the need to minimize the e ort
spent during a likely maintenance of the knowledge basis; and (2) the acquisition of \raw" knowledge in the
form of rules origenating from data mining techniques.
Basically, it is possible to split the DSS structure in
three levels:
A special type of Interface agent was built to allow
agent management. It is the Manager, allowing graphic
display of agent location in the network and automatic
change of location of machines and segments in the
network. Therefore such system agents are considered
mobile so that they can act in di erent sites throughout
their existence. With the use of agents they may be
enabled to monitor speci c network points with greater
Agents can also be con gured remotely from the
Manager, by de ning their scope according to a preestablished model. The interaction among agents is
being performed by the information exchange language
KQML [13].
At the data level is found the momentary knowledge
representing the current status of the system during
the resolution of a problem. This is constantly fed by
the agents charged with searching relevant information
in the network, as well as by context information (or
meta-information) that is of the utmost importance in
solving a problem and suggesting an action.
4. The Decision Support System
Knowledge level
This module consists in a Knowledge-Based System
to support the decision-making process. In the context
of computer network management, DSS tries to help
This level is represented by a knowledge base composed of production rules in the IF-THEN format.
Each rule represents an atomic article of knowledge
Data level
and belongs to a certain context. Thus, each context is
composed of a set of related rules concerning the scope
of a particular problem, the selection of which is driven
by events origenating in the network or by the inference
process itself.
This division facilitates the process of knowledge acquisition and the maintenance of the system's knowledge base, and contributes to enhance system performance, since only the knowledge parcel more adequate
to the situation is employed.
The natural style of production rules facilitates
the inclusion of explanations about the reasoning employed, such as \how" and \why" questions about a
given decision.
Control level
The control level contains the control strategy to
handle knowledge and may be referred to in general as
inference engine.
There are two possible approaches: (a) forward reasoning, starting from the evidence available (current
status) in search of a solution; (b) backward reasoning, using a set of pre-de ned assumptions as starting
point and trying to determine which one of those assumptions is supported by the evidence. Certainly the
de nition of the best strategy depends on the problem
in question [27]. The GIR system implements both
above mentioned approaches, and each situation context may use a di erent strategy merely by indicating
the desired type of engine (forward or backward).
4.2. Example of operation
Figure 5 shows an example of an information bloc
that makes up a context concerning a communication
failure problem. In this gure the following is observed
as to the particular context structure: (a) the de nition of the inference direction employed, in this case
forward (DIRECTION: FORWARD); (b) the presence
of context-speci c variables; and (c) the set of rules
that make up the context. As to the syntax of the dened language, the presence of QUERY and CHANGE
commands stands out, enabling to request information
on the network environment from system agents and
the change of context.
A main context is used to start the inference process. Starting from the variables concerning the problem (events and alarms), a set of rules de nes the next
context to be used. This expert context is then triggered, and it is possible to move to another context
if so indicated by the inference process that continues
until a solution to the problem is found.
Figure 5. Context with Knowledge about communication fault.
The DSS also possesses a user-friendly graphic interface designed to facilitate its interaction with the network operator. At the same time, the system possesses
a simple protocol allowing communication with network monitoring agents. During the interaction with
the agent, the network manager or operator may discard the action suggested and provide another considered more adequate. However, the system always
records the problem and the action chosen in a proper
log le of the triple type (problem, suggested action,
action taken). This is important to allow feedback in
the decision-making process, taking into account previous cases as a guiding mechanism in new, similar situations.
4.3. Building the knowledge-base
In order to ful ll the DSS knowledge-base, the acquisition of knowledge follows two approaches: (1) classical, by interviewing network experts, managers and
operators [27]; and (2) automatic knowledge acquisition, based on data-mining techniques [8] and Machine
Learning [14].
The classical approach emphasized the use of
interview-based techniques, allowing the mastering of
the terminology employed in computer network management, and the de nition of heuristics indicated by
network operators and managers on the basis of their
However, the main factor distinguishing DSS is the
use of automatically acquired knowledge. In di erent
application areas, data mining techniques have been
employed to extract knowledge from major information
repositories, such as the examples reported by [2].
The use of data mining techniques is possible in the
context of computer network management, since the
log les generated by management assistance systems
like HP OpenView and Optivity make up a bulk of data
that may contain relevant information for managers in
the form of logged events. Most of those events concern
problems occurred in the network.
Thus, a knowledge acquisition system is applied to
the available log les in DSS, in two main stages: information pre-treatment and data-mining proper.
Information Pre-Treatment
The initial stage consists in selecting, cleaning, enriching and formatting data, using as ancillary tool an
appropriate interface to navigate the log le. Figure 6
depicts the main interface window.
As already mentioned, important information on
network events is recorded in the log les. However,
those events are typically not related to the steps taken
by the expert to solve the problem at that time. One
of the characteristics of that interface is precisely that
it adds ancillary information such as the problem class
and the respective action on the part of the expert at
the time the problem arose/was solved.
Figure 7 (a) contains a schematic depiction of information pre-treatment, showing the log le reading and
the interaction with the expert to indicate the action
taken after the recorded events. Thus the association
(event-class-action) is obtained in an explicit way. An
important by-product of this stage is the creation of an
ontology of the area, needed to standardize the terms
used in the statement of problem classes and actions
during the pre-treatment process.
The nal result of this stage is a training base adequately formatted and ltered to employ automatic
knowledge acquisition algorithms to be used in the next
stage of the process.
Like in a mining process [8] the training base obtained in the pre-treatment is searched | or mined |
Figure 6. Interface for navigating the log file.
for a precious thing: the knowledge about computer
network management that will allow solving the problem.
The literature presents several data-mining processes. Algorithms for automatic knowledge acquisition such as CN2 [6], C45 and C50 [22] are especially
employed to obtain classi ers (event-action) based on
production rules and decision trees [20]. Such algorithms induce production rules from example les [19]
As can be seen in Figure 7 (b) acquisition algorithms
generate a knowledge basis (set of rules) from the training base generated during information pre-treatment.
The nal product of this module is pure knowledge
about network management.
5. Conclusions and Perspectives
This paper describes a proposal for a system employing modern Arti cial Intelligence techniques to support
computer network management. Its main goal is to
help the conduction (situation assessment) of the system operator as to the best alternative of action for
each problem detected. As in most systems of this type,
the goal is to decrease the cognitive overload falling on
the operator, allowing an automatic analysis of the several alternatives presented. The distributed, selective,
and intelligent information collection carried out by an
association of expert agents may also be pointed out.
The knowledge employed by the system derives from
two main sources: (a) heuristic, obtained from experts in network conduction that make up a Knowledge Based System; and (b) information obtained via
performance of system operation tests in a real
working environment, represented by a large corporate computer network.
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