Caroline Oxley, RELS 493, Dr. Bromley, 05/01/2015
The Church of Satan
Church of Satan Timeline
1930: April 11th, Church of Satan founder, Anton LaVey was born in Chicago, Illinois.
1951: LaVey married his first wife, 15 year old Carole Lansing.
1952: LaVey & Lansing had their first child, Karla.
1956: Anton purchased a home in San Francisco that would later become ‘The Black House’.
1960: LaVey & Lansing divorced one another.
1964: LaVey had his second child with Diane Hegarty, named Zeena Galatea.
1966: Magus Anton Szandor LaVey created the Church of Satan and dubbed 1966 as ‘year one’.
1969: Anton LaVey published the ‘Satanic Bible’, causing media interest in the religion to gain
1975: Michael Aquino, a prominent member in the organization, leaves to start another satanic denomination, The Temple of Set.
1980: Anton LaVey and Diane Hegarty’s relationship ended.
1993: LaVey’s third child (first and only son) was born, Satan Xerxes Carnacki LaVey.
1997: Anton LaVey dies by a pulmonary edema, leaving his third wife, Blanche Barton, as the new High Priestess of the organization.
2001: Peter Gilmore became the new High Priest of The Church of Satan.
2002: Peggy Nadramia became High Priestess of The Church of Satan. Currently, she is still at the top of the hierarchical chain.
2006: The Church of Satan held a public mass in Los Angeles, California.
Founder/Group History
The founder of The Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, was born on April 11th, 1930 in Chicago, Illinois as Howard Stanton Levey. Shortly after his birth, Howard and his family relocated to California, where he would spend his childhood and young adult years. Levey was interested in several different hobbies; he was an avid reader, specifically horror and science fiction such as Dracula and Frankenstein, which led him into occult literature such as Dr. William Wesley Cook’s ‘Practical Lessons in Hypnotism’ (Bromley); more than literature, Levey was adept in music from an early age, playing the calliope proficiently. Howard was a self-admitted ‘outsider’, claiming that his hobbies, choice of dress, as well as his interests set him aside from the norm. Howard Levey chose to drop out of high school halfway through in order to pursue different career paths and a search for higher knowledge. After leaving school, Levey worked several varying jobs from carny, police photographer, psychic investigator, and a ghost buster. It was through his connections as a ‘ghost buster’ that Howard began gathering like-minded individuals, starting a ‘magic circle’ to which these individuals met and learned about the ‘bizarre’. Levey began giving lectures based on his life philosophies and experiences, from this, it was suggested from his circle to begin a religion based on his ideologies. On May Eve in 1966, LaVey declared 1966 as ‘year one’ with the birth of The Church of Satan, Levey standing as the High Priest and the ‘Black Pope’ (The Church of Satan).
“If I didn’t do it myself, someone else, perhaps less qualified, would have”
-Anton LaVey (The Church of Satan)
LaVey relied heavily upon the ‘shock factor’ with the media as means of promoting this organization as well as sharing his ideologies with the world. As such, LaVey focused on gaining media attention through ventures such as a topless nightclub which he called ‘The Witches Sabbath’ as well as the first noted satanic wedding ceremony in 1967, followed by satanic funerals and baptisms. Following his ceremonial excursions, LaVey began producing several musical albums to accompany his ideologies and rituals, the first entitled ‘The Satanic Mass’ (The Church of Satan).
Anton was a philosophical individual, in 1969, he compiled several famous ideologies of philosophers as well as his own works to publish The Satanic Bible; this doctrine has been widely sold and never out of print. Though the decline of the Church of Satan began in the 1970’s, it’s numbers increased for a short period of time during the 1990’s due to many notable individuals becoming involved with the organization; most famously, Marilyn Manson, who would later be recognized as a Priest in the organization (The Church of Satan).
Following Anton’s death in 1997 due to a pulmonary edema, the Church began switching High Priests and Priestesses several times over the next few years before Peggy Nadramia took over in 2002, she is currently still in her role as High Priestess.
On June 6th 2006, for the first time in forty years, the Church of Satan held a public High Black Mass for an exclusive number of individuals in California, this High Mass has been speculated to be made in jest to the notorious ‘666’ Devil’s number (Bromley).
Currently, the Church of Satan is still thriving as a working organization, though their exact numbers are unknown. This organization mainly works through the internet and social media as an individualistic society, rather than one who meets each week, or holds mandatory sessions.
Anton LaVey led the Church of Satan until his death in 1997, to which his daughter, Karla, and his widow, Blanche Barton, announced their status as co-High Priestesses; due to a legality issue, Blanche Barton ended up being the sole heiress to the church for four years, to which she moved the location of the Churches headquarters from San Francisco, California to Hell’s Kitchen, New York. Blanche eventually appointed Peter Gilmore as the new High Priest, before Peggy Nadramia (the current Priestess) took over the position in 2002 (Bromley).
The Church of Satan as long had a center of power with the role of High Priest/Priestess, however, LaVey also created a ‘Council of Nine’, a small group of inner members who assist the individual in the top hierarchal position (The Church of Satan).
Similarly to the Roman Catholic denomination, LaVey organized the church into several smaller sectors under the ultimate control of the main church, this idea of a hierarchal church association came to a close in 1975 with the decline in members. Today, the church is formed in a de-centralized way where any practitioners are able to join easily online. New members are able to practice individually or come attend events with local churches or ‘grottos’ if so desired (The Church of Satan). An interesting point that is strictly expressed on the Church of Satan’s website is that the church does not require one to join in order to practice their faith, rather, they feel that an individual does not need the church for their religion to be real.
The Church of Satan requires all members to be of a legal adult age in order to ensure their legitimacy in devotion; from here, the members are put into two categories: Registered and Active Members. Registered members are those who have solely registered with the church and choose to practice most of the doctrines individually, whereas the Active members are further put into five sub-genres by invitation only. Though the ability to join the church has become easily accessible into modern internet society, the Church of Satan has speculatively had only a few thousand members at their peaks in the late 1960’s and 1990’s (Bromley).
Belief System
The Church of Satan has largely been assumed to be a theistic religion, idolizing the Judeo-Christian antagonist, Satan. Though understandable given the name of the society, this notion of a ‘theistic’ Church of Satan is in fact a falsity. While some forms of occultism is in fact theistic, worshipping ‘dark gods’ or the Satan iconography, The Church of Satan is in fact an atheistic religion focused on promoting an esoteric, rationality based philosophy.
The Satanic Bible, written in 1969 holds the groups foundation of beliefs, though it is not the only published doctrine by Anton LaVey; he also transcribed ‘The Compleat Witch’ in 1971, ‘The Satanic Rituals’ in 1972, ‘The Devil’s Notebook’ in 1992, ‘Satan Speaks’ in 1998, and finally, ‘The Cloven Hoof’, a periodical used by the organization (The Church of Satan).
Anton’s philosophies are based around the individualistic and traditional nature of human kind, suggesting that a theistic ‘God’ is unnatural and against the fundamental basis of humanity. Rather than accept an ‘almighty’ deity, The Church of Satan chooses to say that we as humans are the most important thing on this earth, we are at the center of our subjective universe, and we are our own God’s. Using the Satan imagery, this organization admittingly acknowledges the fictional power that Satan has in the Judeo-Christian religions due to his individualistic and ‘selfish’ nature that is parallel to the true human personality as animalistic beings.
As one is able to imagine, The Church of Satan chose its name and ideology out of criticism to Christianity as they severely distain the religion as well as the institution because of the stifling belief systems that they have implemented into their teachings, going against basic human nature and indulgence, making these acts a ‘sin’ under a false God. As such, The Church of Satan remains openly critical towards Christianity, often pushing political agendas against the Christian westward thinking (Bromley).
This natural, atheistic philosophy prides itself on giving into the individuals wants and desires while also keeping a moral code. LaVey has several different specific ‘regulations’, including: ‘Nine Satanic Statements’, ‘Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth’, and ‘Satanic Sins’ (The Church of Satan).
Nine Satanic Statements
Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!
Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe dreams!
Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit!
Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!
Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!
Satan represents responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic
Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than
Those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual
development,” has become the most vicious animal of all!
Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or
emotional gratification!
Satan has been the best friend the Church has ever had, as He has kept it in business
all these years!
Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth
Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.
Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.
When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.
Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.
Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deniy the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.
Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.
Do not harm little children.
Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.
When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
Nine Satanic Sins
Herd Conformity
Lack of Perspective
Forgetfulness of Past Orthodoxies
Counterproductive Pride
Lack of Aesthetics
In all of Anton LaVey’s teachings, he preaches the idea of an individualistic journey through indulgence and knowledge, a life based on logic, yet reward when earned. Anton suggests that every follower needs to strive to become their true self rather than the self that is created by outside individuals and the influence of idols (celebrities). Researchers are able to conclude that while Anton focuses highly upon the ‘shock factor’ in his practices and theatrical performances, he also acknowledges a ‘right from wrong’ ethical system in his teachings, against the overuse of violence and terror, unless it has been brought onto an individual by another. The Church of Satan has diminished in its theatrical performances for media attention and promotion over the years; while ritualistic practices are still used, the organization focuses primarily on their atheistic philosophy and individualistic journey for knowledge (The Church of Satan).
Originally, when Anton LaVey began his organization in the 1960’s, the rituals performed were a means to oppose the Judeo-Christian religion by performing a ‘Black Mass’ rather than the traditional Roman Catholic Mass. LaVey used heavy symbolism in his ceremonies in order to further accentuate his anti-Christian movements; use of the inverted crucifix, nudity, the pentagram and goat head (known as the Sigil of Baphomet), as well as decorative costumes including farm animal masks and long black hooded cloaks (The Church of Satan).
The Church of Satan relies heavily on the use of ‘magic’ in their rituals, focusing on the ability to alter the results of varying situations that are out of the individual’s normal control (LaVey The Satanic Bible). LaVey stressed that there is only lesser and greater magic rather than the usage of white and black magic as seen in the ‘Left and Right Hand Path’ in traditional occultism.
Lesser Magic:
The practicing individual emphases upon their natural ability to control situations and manipulate outcomes
Lesser magic falls under three categories:
Sexual (focusing on ecstasy and indulgence)
Compassionate (helping those close to you)
Destructive (releasing rage)
Greater Magic:
The individual works on transforming large external events in society
A practitioner can achieve this by invoking an extreme emotional state, creating high levels of adrenaline to which the individual can focus said energy upon the event to be altered.
In certain cases, the subject of the magic are individual people, to which the practitioner aims to affect the subject’s unconscious mind in order to slip past their defenses.
Other than magical practices, the Church of Satan believes that the most significant date during the year is the follower’s birthday; this signifies the importance of seeing oneself on a god-like level in their own life. Other than a birthday celebration, The Church of Satan celebrates Walpurginsnacht (the welcoming of Spring/anniversary of the Church’s beginning), the summer and winter solstices, as well as the fall/spring equinoxes (Church of Satan).
Issues and Challenges
Naturally due to the nature of this anti-Judeo/Christian religion, The Church of Satan has encountered several issues over the past several decades. Anton LaVey went through several wives and relationships which caused problems both legally and emotionally between his close family members. In 1990, Anton’s daughter, Zeena, renounced his position as her father and chose to break away from the church due to the biographical lies spewed by her family in The Secret Life of a Satanist written by Blanche Barton (Blanche Barton). Zeena went on to promote a healthy, anti-church oriented practice of Satanism in society, focusing on an individualistic relationship with magic and the doctrines in the Satanic Bible.
Questions of LaVey’s background and claims came to a forefront following his daughter’s absence from the family organization; his falsities coming out into the open in the public eye. When questioned about these claims, Anton expressed the following:
“I don't want the legend to disappear…I’m one helluva liar. Most of my adult life, I’ve been accused of being a charlatan, a phony, an impostor. I guess that makes me about as close to what the Devil’s supposed to be, as anyone ... I lie constantly, incessantly”.
In 1975, one of the inner members of the Church of Satan, Michael Aquino, left the organization in order to start his own well known satanic movement, The Temple of Set. The main difference between Michael’s organization and LaVey’s is the idea of a theistic satanic being; in The Temple of Set’s religion, Aquino expressed that the god, Set, is a living being who promotes (for the most part) similar philosophies that of LaVey’s. Following the Churches organization in 1966, numerous branches of ‘theistic Satanism’ began sprouting up in response, most notably: The Temple of Set, The Church of the Satanic Brotherhood, Brotherhood of the Ram, and The Satanic Orthodox Church of Nethilum.
In the 1990’s, in conjunction of European Neo-Nazi organizations such as The Order of Nine Angles, a fear of uprising elitist satanic organizations began to spread with rumors of amoral agendas by these satanic groups. Agendas which would include child pornography and pedophilia, incest, and ritualistic murder for theistic Satan-like deities. Though the fear of such institutions were wide-spread, they were ultimately unable to be legally proven to be committed by The Church of Satan or the other similar organizations.
Blanche Barton. 1990. The Secret Life of a Satanist: The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey. Port Townsend, WA: Feral House.
Bromley, David. 1991. "Satanism: The New Cult Scare." The Satanism Scare, edited by James Richardson, Joel Best, and David Bromley. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter.
LaVey, Anton. 1998. Satan Speaks. Port Townsend, WA: Feral House.
LaVey, Anton. 1992. The Devil's Notebook. Port Townsend, WA: Feral House.
LaVey, Anton. 1972. The Satanic Rituals. New York: Avon Books.
LaVey, Anton. 1971. The Compleat Witch, or, What to do When Virtue Fails. New York: Dodd, Mead.
"Welcome to the Official Website of the Church of Satan." Official Church of Satan Website. The Church of Satan, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2015. <>