International Journal of ClinicalMonitoring and Computing 9: 17%182,1992.
9 1992KluwerAcademic Publishers. Printedin the Netherlands.
A portable target controlled propofol infusion system
Gavin NC Kenny & Martin White
University Department of Anaesthesia, Royal Infirmary, 8-16 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow G31 2ER, UK
Accepted 7May 1992
Key words: computer, control, model, pharmacokinetic, propofol, target
A portable target controlled infusion system for propofol has been developed based on a Psion hand-held
microcomputer and the Ohmeda 9000 syringe pump. The system uses a pharmacokinetic model which
describes the distribution and elimination of propofol to achieve and maintain any selected target blood
concentration. Target blood concentrations of 1/zg/ml, 3/xg/ml and 5/xg/ml were selected in laboratory trials
and the cumulative volumes delivered by the Psion system each minute were compared with the theoretical
output calculated by the pharmacokinetic model. The results Obtained showed that the computer system
delivered volumes which were always within 2% of the theoretical values. This system offers a convenient
and simple method of maintaining anaesthesia using propofol.
Propofol has a favourable pharmacokinetic profile
for use as a total intravenous anaesthetic [1] but the
use of intravenous agents to maintain anaesthesia
requires a different technique compared with standard volatile anaesthetics delivered via calibrated
vaporisers. Several regimes have been suggested
for suitable propofol infusions to maintain anaesthesia [2-4] but these cannot alter accurately the
propofol concentration with changing surgical and
anaesthetic requirements. The wide range of blood
propofol concentrations necessary to produce satisfactory levels of anaesthesia have been reported
by Glass and his colleagues [5] who used a computer-based target controlled infusion system. This
technique would appear to offer the simplest method of achieving satisfactory levels of anaesthesia
when propofol is used as the maintenance agent.
We have described previously a target controlled
infusion system for propofol [6] which enabled the
anaesthetist to aiter the depth of anaesthesia in as
simple a manner as that used for volatile agents.
The pharmacokinetic parameters which determine
the distribution and elimination of propofol [1]
were modified [7] and incorporated into a computerised delivery system. The device was capable at
all times of calculating the distribution of the drug
between the three compartments of a mathematical pharmacokinetic model and allowed the target
concentration to be manipulated in any direction at
any point in time.
This apparatus allowed the anaesthetist to
achieve and maintain the required target blood
concentration of propofol appropriate to any patient and surgical stimulation. It was based on an
Atari 1040ST microcomputer connected to an
Imed 929 computer controlled infusion pump via
an RS-232 interface. However, the principal disadvantages of this propofol infusion system were:
(a) the bulk of the trolley required for the computer
(b) electrical power had to be supplied continually
to prevent loss of data
(c) the Imed 929 pump had the limitation that it
could only deliver infusion rates in steps of 1 ml
h -~ and volumes to the nearest 1 ml.
In spite of these problems, the system performed
satisfactorily in routine clinical practice and greatly
simplified the use of propofol to induce and maintain anaesthesia. A further development is reported using a hand-held microcomputer interfaced to
the Ohmeda syringe pump to produce a portable
target controlled infusion system for propofol.
The new propofol infusion system is based on the
Psion Organiser which is a hand-held microcomputer with an RS-232 interface. The model used is the
POS 200 which has a simplified numerical keyboard with no alphabetical keys and is therefore
easier to use than the standard version of the Psion
Organiser which has a full alphanumeric keyboard.
However, a standard Psion Organiser will also
function satisfactorily.
The Ohmeda 9000 syringe pump uses a range of
standard syringes and has selectable 'bolus' infusion rates of 1200, 600 and 300 ml h -1. It can deliver
infusion rates in steps of 0.1 ml h -1 and volumes to
the nearest 0.1ml. The Psion is connected to the
pump via the interface backbar which was produced specially by Ohmeda. This incorporates a
rechargable battery source which supplies continuous power for the RS-232 interface in the backbar, electrical supply for the Psion Organiser when
mains power is supplied and, in addition, a convenient mounting point for the computer. A standard
Ohmeda 9000 backbar fitted with the RS-232 interface can also be used in place of the special
backbar. The standard backbar must be supplied
with a constant + 12 volts and this is achieved in
our system by modifying the Psion communications
link to divert power from the mains adaptor.
The control program has been written in the
Organiser Programming Language and starts automatically when the Psion is switched on. The patient's body weight, age and the initial target blood
concentration of propofol are entered into the
Psion. The target concentration is achieved by an
infusion of propofol at a rate of 1200 ml per hour.
The program calculates the predicted blood concentration achieved during this rapid infusion approximately every second and once this concentration is within 1% of the selected target, it is kept at
this value by infusing propofol at the rate required
to compensate for elimination of the drug and redistribution to the peripheral compartments.
Simple controls are used to either stop the infusion or change the target propofol concentration.
An increased depth of anaesthesia is achieved by
entering a higher target concentration. The system
then delivers an infusion rate of 1200 ml/hr until the
selected target concentration has been reached.
When a lower target is entered, the infusion pump
is stopped until the new concentration has been
achieved by the processes of elimination and redistribution. The selected target concentration is then
maintained automatically.
The accuracy of the Psion controlled infusion
system was assessed by comparing the cumulative
volume delivered by the pump with the theoretical
cumulative volume calculated by the pharmacokinetic model used in the Atari system. Target blood
propofol concentrations of 1/xg/ml, 3 txg/ml and
5 ~g/ml were set on the Psion controlled infusion
system. The pump was fitted with a 50 ml syringe
containing water and the outflow delivered by the
system was collected and weighed continuously on
a digital balance (Sartorius model 1265; accuracy
and reproducibility 1 mg). It was found that when
slow infusion rates were transmitted frequently to
the pump, delivery of the fluid was considerably
less than anticipated. This was caused by the requirement for the pump motor to have advanced by
a certain amount before receiving the next command to set the pump infusion rate. The fault was
corrected by transmitting the required infusion rate
to the pump only if it was different from the rate set
Three runs at each of the selected blood concentrations were performed the results are shown in
Fig. 1. The volumes delivered by the computer
controlled system compare favourably with those
calculated by the model and were always within 2%
of the theoretical values.
DOSE (ug)
TIME (rain)
Fig. 1. Cummulative output of the Psion-Ohmeda infusion system (circles) compared with the theoretical dose predicted by the
pharmacokinetic model (crosses) to achieve three different target blood concentrations of propofol.
The Atari based system which had been developed
previously had the capability of rapidly manipulating the target blood concentration of propofol in
accordance with the varying anaesthetic and surgical requirements. It was used in a similar manner to
that in which a vaporiser was employed to achieve
and maintain a given anaesthetic level but was bulky and required continuous mains power. The
Psion based system was found to have the problem
of frequent transmission of infusion rates to the
pump preventing correct delivery. The fault was
corrected and the new system functioned satisfactorily thereafter when fitted with a 50 ml syringe.
This emphasises the importance of testing any development which uses new software or hardware
against a system which has been demonstrated previously to function correctly.
The new propofol infusion system has the major
advantage over the previous Atari system of much
reduced size and complete portability. It can there-
fore be used to transport a patient while the depth
of anaesthesia or sedation [7] is controlled at the
required level. The lack of graphical display is a
disadvantage since the relationship of alterations in
infusion rates and blood propofol concentrations
with time cannot be understook as easily. However, the benefits of cost and size more than compensate for this.
Over eighty Psion controlled propofol infusion
systems are now in use in eleven countries. Those
anaesthetists who have access to the system have
commented on its ease of use and the simplicity of
maintenance of the required depth of anaesthesia
with propofol. It has been reported to have provided good control in difficult anaesthetic situations
such as in the presence of a pneumothorax [8] and
bronchopleural fistula [9]. A similar infusion system has been developed for the delivery of atfentanil and, together with the propofol system, enables
total intravenous anaesthesia to be achieved with
relative simplicity and ease of control.
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Address for offprints:
G.N.C. Kenny,
University Department of Anaesthesia,
Royal Infirmary,
8-16 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow G31 2ER, UK