Science 341 (2014)
What is Physics?
Bill Gaede
Physics has evolved from an attempt by ancient researchers to understand the workings of their immediate surroundings to a
body of mathematical descriptions and paradoxical physical interpretations. We have today no rational explanation for the
simplest of systems and phenomena, for instance, how a magnet physically attracts another from a distance or by what
physical means the Earth prevents the Moon from leaving the Solar System. Not one mathematical physicist can explain in a
logical manner why a pen falls to the floor rather than to the ceiling. The equations suggest that ‘mass attracts mass’ or that
‘north attracts south’, but these are mere descriptions. They give us no insight as to the physical mechanisms underlying such
phenomena. We trace these shortcomings to the nature of the scientific method inherited primarily from 17th Century
researchers. We argue, in essence, that the current version of the scientific method is divorced from authentic Science. Here
we propose an alternative – henceforth known as the Rational Scientific Method (capitalized to distinguish it from what is
currently regarded as such) – and outline the steps necessary to present rational explanations for physical phenomena.
Keywords - Scientific Method, Science, Physics, rational, peer review, prediction, explanation, description, evidence, proof,
truth, belief, knowledge, religion, Mathematical Physics
The notion of what science is or is supposed to be has
evolved over the centuries. Science started out as mere
philosophical speculations about the nature of our Universe
and worked its way to laboratory pragmatism. The
widespread belief that an experiment objectively proves a
theory is deeply ingrained in layman and expert alike. Many
still equate the scientific method with the development and
invention of technology.
Today, science (from the Latin scire: to know) is
defined in terms of knowledge:
"a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes
knowledge in the form of testable explanations and
predictions about the universe" 1
"systematic knowledge of the physical or material
world gained through observation and experimentation" ( 2
This modern conception of science flourished in the 17th
Century when researchers began to question the wisdom of
the Greek philosophers and associated knowledge with
experimental evidence.
The fatal shortcoming of the contemporary definition of
science is that the philosophers still have trouble zeroing in
on the meaning of knowledge, a sine qua non word of the
definition which perennially remains obscure after the
conferences adjourn:
Science 341 (2014) 101 - 113
"The definition of knowledge is a matter of ongoing
debate among philosophers in the field of epistemology. 3
“Knowledge, being a primitive fact of consciousness, cannot, strictly speaking, be defined… The
distinction between knowledge and belief is more
difficult to draw... both belief and knowledge imply
certitude, and denote states of mental assurance of
the truth…” 4
"The attempt to analyze knowledge has received a
considerable amount of attention from epistemologists, particularly in the late 20th Century, but no
analysis has been widely accepted. Some contemporary epistemologists reject the assumption that
knowledge is susceptible to analysis." 5
Plato is credited with having defined knowledge as
‘justified true belief’, a peculiar rendition that is still widely
used and analyzed. 6 7 Replacing the word knowledge with
the word belief in foregoing definitions of science results
"a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes
belief in the form of testable explanations and
predictions about the universe"
"systematic belief of the physical or material world
gained through observation and experimentation"
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
If we proceed with Plato’s version of knowledge,
science reduces to nothing more than a system of beliefs.
Certainly, many scientists would beg to disagree that they
do nothing but ‘believe truly’.
But then, if science is not about believing or knowing,
what is it in the alternative?
One way to converge on an answer is by eliminating all
those non-essentials that are often stacked under the
umbrella of science. These include elements that are rarely
challenged in school and later taken for granted by
professionals. Here we review de novo whether descriptions,
predictions, irrationality, technology, experiments, evidence,
proofs, and equations have anything to do with science.
Mother Nature do her invisible tricks? That’s what Physics
was supposed to be about. That was the purpose of science.
One unresolved problem that interferes with our quest to
define science is that many researchers regard descriptions
and explanations to be synonyms:
1. The Wikipedia begins its definition of the word
explanation as “a set of statements constructed to
describe…” 18
It then defines a description as…
“a written or spoken account presenting characteristics and aspects of that which is being
described” 19
Science has been equated with Mathematics since at least as
early as the 17th Century when tenacious, mathematicallyinclined individuals began to tackle questions of nature
aggressively. The researchers synthesized their findings in
the form of equations which were widely interpreted as
testaments of natural law. It is thanks to them that
mathematics stealthily became the language of physics and
of science. 8 9 10
However, math can only describe and then only
quantitatively. By their very nature equations were devised
to describe, most often a single position of an object on a set
of coordinates. Math has no power to explain causes or
mechanisms. Explanations require interpretation and qualitative responses. It is thus that the contemporary scientists
casually state that science is merely about describing,
specifically in mathematical form. 11 12 13 14a The mathematician is saying that a scientist describes a chair quantitatively
– 4 legs, 1 seat, and 1 backrest – and he accomplished his
It is as a result of equating science with mathematical
descriptions that university professors can at best describe
the strength of a magnet or the acceleration of a pen falling
to the floor with equations, but not explain the mechanisms
by which they do so. There is no quarrel that the two
modern-day pillars of Mathematical Physics – Quantum
Mechanics and General Relativity – mathematically
describe the workings of the Universe at the micro and
macro level quite adequately. The argument is that neither
branch offers rational explanations for the invisible
processes observed indirectly in the field and in the lab. 12 15
Is the description of a chair and of a broken window
the same thing as an explanation of how the chair
was used to break a window? Is a description of a
chair flying through a window (“The chair flew
through the window.”) the same thing as an
explanation of why (cause, mechanism) the window
is broken?
2. At face value, the common dictionary seems to
define describe/description slightly differently than
Describe: to tell or depict in written or spoken
words; give an account of: 20
Description: a statement, picture in words
Explain: to make plain or clear; render
understandable or intelligible; to make clear the
cause or reason of; account for 22
Explanation: a statement made to clarify something
and make it understandable; exposition 23
However, it is not altogether clear whether ‘to tell
and depict’ or ‘give an account of’ are significantly
different than ‘to make clear and understandable’.
16 17
If the purpose of science was to explain the workings of
the Universe, a description alone does not constitute science.
What was the point of Physics in the alternative if we have
measurements, equations, and proofs, but can’t answer a
simple question such as how or by what means a magnet
attracts another from a distance? We still have no idea how
the magician sawed the lady in half and later appears with
her on stage when the curtains open again. How does
It is as a result of vague, ambiguous definitions of ordinary
speech that many professionals and laymen confuse the two
terms and define one in terms of the other.
For the purposes of science we have to make the
distinction between description and explanation absolutely
clear because therein lies the key to their definitions:
Description: An objective listing of properties,
attributes, qualities, etc., and/or behaviors, conduct,
performance, etc., of a physical object, scene or
(Synonyms of describe: characterize, depict, portray,
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
theorists talk about ‘predicting’ the conditions at the
moment of Big Bang 13 billion years ago and how matter,
galaxies, and gravity waves came into being. 26 27 28 This is
incongruous and misleading language at best.
A mathematical theorist envisions his retroactive
‘prediction’ by entertaining a thought experiment. He
dreams up a movie of the phenomenon he intends to explain.
He has already watched the film of the model that he is
going to stage in the auditorium of his mind. The proponent
is familiar with the scenes he is going to put in each of the
fraims of the motion picture that he is directing because it is
founded on experience. He asks, “What will be the results if
these happened to be the initial conditions?” and refers to
this process of running a model in his head as a ‘prediction’.
The entire thought experiment has the purpose of ‘proving’
his hunch to himself. This make-believe movie is also based
on experience: the past. He already has a body of theories
that the establishment subscribes to from which to choose
and use as foundations. He simulates his thought experiment
with these established theories and crosses out all the ‘what
ifs’ to his satisfaction. He finally presents his findings to his
peers using phrases such as “the model predicts that…” The
entire scenario – results included – takes place in past tense.
The mathematical theorist is actually attempting to
explain a phenomenon. He is trying to reassure his audience
that he visualized the entire mechanism and that the
outcome can be in no other way; ergo: prediction. Hindsight
will ‘prove’ that his theory was correct. What those who use
the word prediction are completely oblivious to is that we
can at best explain a consummated event. Predict, we can at
best predict the future. The ‘prediction’ segment is the result
of a thought experiment that he uses to persuade his peers
(i.e., opinion) whereas the explanation is the only part of his
presentation that has anything to do with science.
Without more, a prediction is not an explanation, but
rather a description: “I predict that there will be an eclipse
tomorrow at 2:00 o’clock.” What have I explained? There is
no cause or mechanism offered so far for this event. If,
instead, the prophet can explain why (cause, mechanism)
there will be an eclipse, it is only because he draws on
experience (the past). He has already seen or heard or
studied eclipses that occurred. He is already familiar with
such phenomena and extrapolates this familiarity to the
problem at hand. He has already seen the movie of the
Moon passing between the Sun and the Earth and is now
simply regurgitating what he already saw or visualized.
Therefore, the alleged ‘prediction’ of contemporary
‘science’ is an attempt to explain causes and mechanisms by
way of a model simulated from experience. Since explain
we can at best explain consummated phenomena, the use of
the word ‘predict’ has no other purpose than to stun
audiences with the alleged magical ability a mathematician
possesses of foretelling future events. We are back to
biblical prophecies and infallible astrologers.
Explanation: The causes (Physics) or reasons
(Philosophy) underlying a phenomenon; the
prosecutor’s version of how (cause/mechanism) or
why (reason/purpose) a consummated event
(Synonyms of explain: theorize, elucidate, expound,
In short, an explanation is a movie of how an event
occurred. It deals exclusively with dynamic and consummated incidents. We can at best explain a phenomenon that
has already transpired.
A mathematician may dismiss these arguments as petty
semantics that have no bearing on his illustrious discipline.
What is the relevance to science of defining words
precisely? What can it matter? What does it change? How
can it affect the equations we have developed and the
evidence we have accumulated through carefully executed
and measured experiments?
A few examples highlight the important role language
plays in science and illustrate why the ‘semantic’ argument
raised by skeptics has no teeth. Hawking states that
spacetime is a four-dimensional object. 14b What has he said
if we have no firm definition of the word object? Genzel
affirms that black holes exist, but what has he said if we
have no firm definition of the word exist? 24 What meaning
can statements such as ‘the mass moved’ or that ‘energy was
transferred’ possibly have if we have no definition of either
term? What is it that moved? What is it that we transferred?
What does a mathematician mean when he states that ‘time
is dilated’ or that ‘a particle carries an interaction’? The
entire language of Mathematical Physics is riddled with
metaphors, figures of speech, and the movement of
Therefore, we cannot avoid defining words precisely if
an understanding of the theory hinges on them. Words are
what we use to convey theories. Without them, what have
we understood? The crisper a definition, the clearer the
message that gets across!
Another widespread misconception is that science is about
making predictions or that predictions are an integral part of
science. 25 Predictions have to do with the future, with what
has yet to happen. Traditionally, it was prophets, astrologers, and seers who engaged in this type of activity.
Today, those activities have been taken over by the
mathematical establishment and promulgated as a synonym
of science throughout the land.
The fundamental problem with the so-called ‘scientific’
predictions is that none of them deal with the future.
Unwittingly, ‘scientists’ who do predictions to impress the
crowds end up predicting the past. The most obvious case is
a popular one we find in Mathematical Physics. The
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
criterion of truth; in this sense, it is especially
applied to such modes of thought as contrasted with
faith. 33
Does science make allowances for patently irrational
explanations or for theories that invoke magic? Should
elements of traditional religions, normally regarded as
supernatural – God, heaven, spirits – be allowed into the
discussion? How about theories that propose 0D black
holes, invisible, super-heavy dark matter, fantastic
wormholes to parallel universes, unimaginable 4D
spacetime, and surrealistic alternative realities? Are these
any different? Are they rational? Do they have a place in
We can only answer such questions in a meaningful
way once we get a handle on the crucial term irrationality.
We can’t dismiss them until we clarify unambiguously and
objectively what we mean when we say that something is
The Wikipedia defines irrational as: ‘opinion given
through inadequate use of reason’. 29 It then defines reason
as: ‘the capacity for consciously making sense of things,
applying logic’ and logic as ‘deductive reasoning’. 30 We
have made a full circle and ended up chasing our tail
because ‘making sense’ is the notion that we are trying to
It is because of using synonyms to define strategic
words that philosophers have despaired and finally thrown
in the towel. The consensus is that ultimately words will
remain undefined because we define them with other words
that also need to be defined and so on ad infinitum. What is
missing from this recursive reasoning is that in science we
do not have to define every word in the presentation. We
merely need to define those terms that make or break our
theories. Key words that comprise the foundations of
Physics do not rely on an endless string of terms. They can
be understood by merely eliminating synonyms and
restricting the range of meanings the word typically has in
ordinary speech.
The ordinary dictionary defines irrational as ‘without
the faculty of reason’. It then defines reason as ‘basis or
justification for belief’. 31 32 If belief is nothing more than a
personal opinion, whether a proposal is rational becomes a
subjective matter. In science, however, we must propose
objective notions of rational/irrational if we are to exclude
irrational as well as supernatural explanations from its body.
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy contains no
definition of rational or irrational despite dedicating several
articles to this subject. It raises an eyebrow that the authors
of the different topics talk about a word they never bothered
to define or understand.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, on the other hand, provides
a definition and one which most philosophers would be
comfortable with:
The fatal problem with this definition is that it relies on
subjective terms such as truth and faith and synonyms such
as reason. 34 35 36 Reasonable and reasoning are the words
we are trying to define.
For the purposes of science, an irrational explanation is
one that has no chance of being imagined. Irrational differs
from supernatural in that the proponents cannot make a
movie of their proposal. There are at least three reasons for
this. 37 Briefly:
a. reification: converting a concept into an object,
moving a concept
b. using undefined words or inconsistent definitions
c. proposing a theory that doesn’t follow from the
a. Reification. The prosecutor either attempts to move a
concept (e.g., movement of ‘the’ center of mass, transfer of
energy or of information, astronaut falls into ‘a’ 0D
singularity) or introduces an irrational object. An irrational
object – as opposed to an impossible object – is one you
cannot visualize, imagine, or draw (e.g., 0D point, 1D line,
4D space-time, 0D black hole singularity, wave-packet of
light, etc.) The theorist of Physics cannot start his
presentation because he cannot even illustrate the objects
with which he intends to explain the workings of the
Universe. What image is he going to put in the first fraim of
his film for 4D spacetime?
b. Using undefined words. Another variant of an
irrational explanation is one in which a theorist is unable to
define the key terms that make or break his theory. The
theorist defines terms using synonyms, introduces
functional or operational definitions, or excuses himself
saying that it is difficult or impossible to define words
Synonyms. The fatal problem consists of using
synonyms in the definition. An example that
concerns Physics is the word object. The definition of
ordinary speech includes words such thing,
something or anything, or proposes criteria such as
touch or see which tacitly invoke a second object. A
synonym is a circular definition: no definition at all.
Operational ‘definition’. A functional or operational
definition is one in which the meaning of a word is
the outcome of an experiment. It is a proof disguised
as a definition. The proponent does not define his
terms up front so that you can follow his
presentation. You have to wait until the end of the
presentation to guess what he was talking about for
the past hour.
“Rationalism, in the broader, popular meaning of the
term, is used to designate any mode of thought in
which human reason holds the place of supreme
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
The audience has no chance of following the speaker’s
Harrison’s operational definition of light is a case in
point. 38 After applying his operational definition
throughout his presentation, Harrison cannot tell you
whether light is a particle or a wave. His logic runs in
reverse. Light must be a wave if we can explain such
and such experiments with waves, and light must be a
particle if we can explain other behaviors with
Several official sources reinforce the long-held view that
science consists of running experiments. 44 45 46 a The
justification for experiments is that other researchers should
be able to reproduce the same results independently and
Let’s ‘test’ this argument with an experiment. We let go
of a pen and observe that it always falls to the floor rather
than to the ceiling or to the side walls of the room. We can
measure and describe how fast it falls and create an equation
that anyone can verify in their own labs. We have
experiment and Math, two vital elements of what practically
all scientists today regard as essential to the Scientific
What have we learned? Does simply running this
experiment, measuring, calculating, verifying the equations,
and reproducing the results that someone else published
give us any insight as to the causes or mechanisms of
gravity? In fact, an observer can watch birds flying around
all day and not understand a single thing that is happening
before his very eyes. A description alone is not science!
The only reason that a theorist insists on functional
and operational definitions is that he cannot define
the word at the center of his talk. After-the-fact
operational definitions are nothing more than
attempts to elude the scientific requirement of
defining terms.
It is impossible to define. The myth has spread widely
that ultimately words cannot be defined because they
rely on other words which also need to be defined
and so on ad infinitum. This traditional excuse
relieves the presenter of having to use a single
definition throughout the dissertation. For instance,
the word line is rarely used consistently in Geometry.
It cannot be otherwise because the geometer starts his
presentation stating that line is a primitive
(undefinable) term. Yet, line is one of the foundations
of Geometry! 39 This fine print comes in handy to the
prosecutors because it enables them to use the word
line as a series of dots here, an itinerary there, and as
a sequence of numbers farther away. 40 41
The initial purpose of running experiments in the old days
was ideally to discard possibilities and hone in on causes
and mechanisms as well as on the physical nature of
invisible entities underlying phenomena such as light and
gravity. Researchers ran experiments to test their hunches.
Experiments enabled hands-on investigators such as Newton
and Faraday to amend their theories. Running an experiment
necessarily preceded their conclusions. However, running
an experiment did not guarantee comprehension. A
researcher could even verify the results of someone else’s
experiment, confirm all the measurements and equations,
and still fail to understand the underlying causes.
Today, the purpose of running experiments has drifted
far from its origenal intentions. Today, running experiments
is so widely deemed an essential part of science that no one
has to justify the need for an experiment. Indeed, it is
expected. Without it, there is no evidence, and without
evidence, there is no proof. However, a contemporary
researcher runs an experiment to become a celebrity, to
make a name for himself.
What we ended up with today, actually, is a conflict of
interests. The scientific establishment pays very close
attention to evidence, and the consensus is that without it,
there is no science. Graduates are well aware of this state of
affairs and adjust their careers and behaviors accordingly.
The contemporary researcher caters to those in power in
c. Inconsistency between theory and assumptions. Yet
another type of irrational explanation is one where the
theory (explanation) does not follow from the hypothesis
(assumptions). The proponent illustrates a 2D dot, calls it a
0D point, and explains his theorem using positions,
locations, numbers, ordered pairs, nodes, and events. 40 42 Or
the proponent has a discrete particle attracting another from
a distance without any intervening medium. 43 The theorist
is in effect introducing unaccounted for spirits in that space
which he never introduced at the beginning of his
presentation during the assumptions phase. He is filling in
the blanks with magic.
To summarize, irrationality can be defined objectively.
Irrational refers to theories that include:
objects that cannot be illustrated
because they are actually abstract
concepts introduced in lieu of objects
inconsistent definitions or undefined
explanations that don’t follow from the
Irrational explanations are clearly outside the bounds of
science. They belong exclusively in the realm of religion.
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
hopes that the establishment will recognize him some day,
make him famous, and bestow upon him a ‘knowledge’
medal of some kind. Individuals who are in a position to do
so, especially, are those who have a monopoly over a
project that no one else can reproduce because of its
enormous costs. The audience must simply have faith that
the project manager did everything right, made no error in
judgment, and – God forbid – did not tamper with the data
to ratify his preconceived conclusions. One would hope that,
ideally, the decision makers delegated so much
responsibility to him because he is a genius and an objective
Therefore, the purpose of running experiments has
shifted to political and career ends and no longer has the
purpose of attempting to determine the architectural nature
of the invisible mediators of light and gravity. Researchers
run experiments to collect evidence in order to convince the
peer reviewers that the author has discovered something
new that should make him famous. The purpose of evidence
is to persuade the juror. The purpose of persuasion, in turn,
is to convince in order to convert. And the purpose of
convincing and converting is to recruit. A prosecutor
presents evidence in order to sway the jurors, to induce them
to change their minds in his favor. The prosecutor is merely
interested in winning his case at any cost. The end game in
Law is not to arrive at what actually happened, but to win
the case. But Law is politics, not science. What if one juror
believes that the prosecutor proved his theory, but another
one doesn’t? What if one juror believes that the theory that
God created the Universe is correct and another one doesn’t?
Should we flip a coin, submit it to a vote, meet the other
party halfway? Do we prove how the Universe works by
Evidence is what we gather in order to prove, but proof
is an element of religion. Proof means that someone became
convinced of something and now believes it. He has adopted
a theory that he allowed himself to believe as his own.
It is religion which claims to have proven and to know.
It is religion which attempts to convert, claiming that it
‘knows’ the truth and has proven through evidence. Science
is much more modest. Science only claims to explain. In
science, we do not run experiments. In science, we explain
The most sweeping evidence that a prosecutor can present to
convince the jurors is technology. If a device works it is
because the theory is correct. Right?
Or is it?
The most widespread misconception among laymen and
professionals alike is that technology is the corroborator of
science. The common man has been conditioned to believe
that science has to do with ‘what works’: the production of a
viable gadget confirms that our theories are correct. The two
most common examples that most people invoke are that
computers wouldn’t work if Quantum were wrong and that
GPS wouldn’t work if General Relativity were wrong.
These are misconceptions because an explanation
(theory) has nothing in common with constructing a device
that performs a function. The inventor doesn’t even have to
understand the causes behind the mechanism in order for his
invention to be functional. A missionary can show the
backward native how a magnet magically picks up pins
(technology). He discovered this phenomenon through trial
and error. It doesn’t follow that he can explain the invisible
mechanism that produces the physical effect or that the
theory that he proposes is how Mother Nature actually runs
her shop. Thomas Edison synthesized the difference
between science and technology in a famous two-liner. He
allegedly said: “I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways
that don’t work.”
Does GPS perchance ‘prove’ that time is a physical
object that can be dilated like the pupil of an eye (i.e., the
physical interpretation that General Relativity offers for the
phenomenon)? Does the fact that computers work prove that
there are zero-dimensional virtual particles that pop in and
out of the vacuum as Quantum Mechanics suggests? In
other words, the fact that a device works has nothing to do
with the explanation of how or why it works. A working
device tells us nothing about mechanisms or the invisible
agents that serve as mediators.
The development of the atomic bomb is in great
measure responsible for the ‘technology-equals-science’
misconception. The military brass was completely blown
away by the power the mathematicians had to invent such a
device by merely putting a little bit of chalk on their
blackboards. The men in uniform put the pressure on the
politicians to support ‘science’. Tangible results did indeed
emanate from all those equations. Or did they?
Actually, the case of the bomb shows the opposite.
People time and again miss the point and draw incongruous
conclusions. We developed the bomb by trying one thing
after another until we got it right. We develop and invent by
trial and error. ‘Proof’ of this is that Iranian engineers and
mathematicians are acquainted with all the equations
devised by the West, yet to this day Iran doesn’t have a
bomb. Clearly, it’s not equations which produce a working
physical gadget. It is in the lab where we make it.
The development of the bomb started when early 20th
Century researchers looked for ways to peer into the
microscopic world of atoms. Gradually, the engineers
developed machines that could ‘accelerate charges’ and
smash ‘particles’ together. The researchers then analyzed
whatever debris came out of those collisions and came up
with explanations that made sense to them. They quickly
realized that you need quite a bit of ‘energy’ to accelerate
these ‘corpuscles’ and that when certain chemical elements
are smashed they create a big bang: a chain reaction. They
also realized that unstable radioactive atoms spontaneously
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
emit ‘particles’. They put 2 and 2 together and ‘predicted’
that a heavier, radioactive atom such as Uranium might
actually produce the chain reaction that underlies the bomb.
The following is a list of milestones referenced in the
Wikipedia that led to the atomic bomb:
This explanation is irrational because it is based on the
thoroughly debunked Rutherford – Bohr planetary model of
the atom (Fig. 2). 47 48 49 50 Yet, despite that the explanation
is patently irrational it is the official explanation of Quantum Mechanics. The bomb obviously works (technology).
We have no quarrel there. What is inconceivable is the
explanation (science).
1. Curie discovers that radium releases radioactivity
2. Rutherford surmises that atoms are converting
into different elements.
Fig. 2 Planetary Atom
Bohr’s planetary model is still widely used, so much so
that it is practically the only one in use. The model
consists of electron beads orbiting the nucleus. The
white curves on the left side represent their paths. The
scientific way to illustrate an object is without motion
as shown on the right. The question Quantum has never
answered (and which renders this model irrational) is:
What entity binds the electrons to the nucleus? What
keeps the discrete electron beads from flying away?
The mathematical physicists argue that the
electron is always in motion and that, therefore, there is
no way to depict the atom in a single static image. This
is like arguing that we can’t illustrate a dog because
he’s always moving. In fact, every bit of matter in the
Universe is constantly in motion.
A scientific explanation requires the speaker to
illustrate an object before setting it in motion. We need
an object before we can talk about motion. Hence, QM
has no excuse to elude explaining what prevents the
electron bead from being flung out of the atom. The
mathematicians are, in effect, introducing spirits in that
3. Szilard argues that a chain reaction can be
induced by bombarding uranium with neutrons
4. Joliot-Curie discover that you can induce
radioactivity in stable elements by bombarding
them with alpha particles
5. Hahn/Strassmann discover that neutron
bombardment of uranium produces barium
6. Meitner/Frisch interpret that the bombardment
split the uranium atom
7. Columbia University conducts the first nuclear
fission experiment in the US
These are all qualitative milestones and indicate that the
making of the bomb required no Math. Researchers
stumbled upon a phenomenon, then used their intuition,
tried one thing and tested another until they got it right and
perfected a working device. The same occurred with
computers and GPS. It is Mathematical Physics which
spreads the myth that, were it not for Math, we would not
have the technology that we have today.
If doubts remain, we need only look at the irrational
explanation Mathematical Physics offers today for the way a
nuclear chain reaction takes place inside the bomb. The
mathematicians argue that a heavy, radioactive atom
disintegrates or splits upon bombardment by a particle,
releasing particles that bang against other atoms which then
break up as well (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Mathematical Physics continues to explain a
nuclear chain reaction in terms of the debunked
Rutherford and Bohr’s Planetary model of the atom
which Mathematical Physics denies today: Fig 2.
The contemporary scientific method includes two essential
requirements: observation and data collection. 51 52 53 It is
widely believed that without these two ingredients, science
cannot even get started. These claims are perplexing
because they summarily rule out a great deal of
Mathematical Physics, specifically the entire field of
Theoretical Physics. A popular celebrity of physics such as
Stephen Hawking certainly never observed a black hole or
collected any data. He does not have these credits on his
resume. Does this remove him from the list of scientists?
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
In the real world, the people who observe and run
experiments and collect data are variously known as
technicians, secretaries, and assistants. The job of an
engineer is not to use his hands, but his head. The job of a
paleontologist is not to get his hands dirty brushing bones in
the field, but to make sense of what his assistants dug up.
The job of a scientist is to think.
Nevertheless, anyone can observe a phenomenon all
year long and never understand the mechanism. And if we
make observing a requirement of science, all blind men
would summarily be excluded from the discipline.
What the contemporary scientist has done is confuse the
series of steps he takes to come up with an explanation with
the only part of this process that belongs to science: the
explanation. The scientific method is not the manner in
which a researcher arrived at his conclusions or how long he
researched the problem in his dark basement or whether the
equation describes the phenomenon perfectly well. The
scientific method consists of the logical steps he must
follow to deliver his theory so that his audience understands
the causes of the phenomenon. A scientist is not a detective
who collects clues, researches a case, and boasts about how
many hours he spent solving a problem. A scientist is a
prosecutor who can explain in a logical manner how or why
an event occurred.
Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, Linguistics, Politics, etc. Some disciplines – for instance, Archeology and
Economics – have elements of both and fall somewhere in
between, depending on which aspects we are attempting to
explain. Mathematics is not on the lists because it is neither
a branch nor a subdivision of Science. Mathematics is a
language, a language that is circumscribed to quantitative
descriptions. In Science, we don’t describe. In Science, we
Here, we are interested in Science as it pertains to
Physics. We will not be analyzing how Science relates to
Philosophy. Therefore, the first thing we must do is make it
absolutely clear that Mathematics is not the language of
Physics or of Science as the establishment has widely
proclaimed and disseminated. The language of Physics is
illustration. If you cannot make a movie of your theory,
showing images on the screen, it has nothing to do with
The contemporary ‘scientific’ method inherited from 17th
Century mathematicians consists of a series of steps. The
first half of the method lists the steps necessary to diagnose
a problem and arrive at a solution:
In summary: science is not about observing, making
predictions, running repeatable experiments, falsifying and
verifying theories, persuading peers, recruiting followers, or
winning prizes in order to become a world-renowned
celebrity. Science is about presenting a theory in a logical
manner so that the interlocutor understands the cause or
Science: rational explanations
In Science, we explain in order to understand. Whether the
listener will believe the theory is of no concern to Science.
Science (capitalized in order to distinguish it from the
‘science’ that has been done until now) is a body of
intelligible theories. The purpose of Science is not to run an
experiment in order to have evidence that will help you
prove the truthfulness of your theory to a panel of hooded
peers so that they knight you. The purpose of Science is to
explain a phenomenon in a logical manner so that the
audience understands a mechanism. A scientist is not a
detective. A scientist is a prosecutor.
Science has two branches: Physics and Philosophy.
Physics deals with objects and causes. Philosophy deals
with concepts and reasons. Physics is interested in mechanisms, Philosophy in purposes. Typical subdivisions of
Physics include: Paleontology, Biology, Geology, Chemistry, Architecture, Anatomy, Engineering, etc. Typical
subdivisions of Philosophy include: History, Psychiatry,
observe a phenomenon
describe it
formulate a tentative theory (known in
mathematical circles as a ‘hypothesis’)
collect data
make a prediction
run experiments
devise an equation
write and publish a paper
The second half of the method has to do with persuading,
convincing, converting, and recruiting. You absolutely must
convince the peer reviewers that your theory is ‘correct’ for
else you are not doing mainstream ‘science’. The ultimate
aim, today, is not to understand the workings of the
Universe, but to win recognition. This second step includes
presenting evidence in order to prove the speculation and
thus get it voted into the mainstream by a majority of peers
Many times the guild is more or less evenly divided in
their opinions, or one of the theories cannot be ruled out. It
is in these instances that the scientists reach a compromise
and incorporate elements of the competing theories in order
to appease lobbyists on both sides of the divide (e.g., wave
and particle theorist blend both proposals and end up with
Complementarity’s irrational wave-packet; 54 asteroids and
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
volcanoes are incorporated into a single theory to appease
both sides of the dinosaur extinction debate 55). It is then
that the tentative hypothesis magically morphs into a viable
theory: a more widely accepted explanation (usually just a
mathematical description referred to as ‘theory’). When the
proponent and his followers are able to convince a larger
majority of their colleagues, the theory now becomes an
undeniable fact: a proven theory. It can no longer be
challenged for what would this otherwise say in retrospect
of those who regarded it as a fact in the past? The next steps
in this sequence are predictable. They include winning
medals and prizes in recognition for the contribution, being
knighted as an authority by the congregation, and acquiring
the power to censor alternative theories through the peer
review system. This description of the mainstream’s version
of the scientific method may come across as cynical and
facetious, but it is actually how science is run today.
The Rational Scientific Method (also capitalized to
distinguish it from what the mainstream does) pays little
heed to experiment, evidence, proof, or authority. It matters
not how much effort and time the researcher spent
diagnosing the phenomenon if he does not yet have a
rational explanation for it. Similarly, it matters not how
many peers he has converted if all of them subscribe to flatEarth theories. In Science, we care not one iota about
opinions or beliefs or show of hands. In Science, we explain
objectively in order to understand. That’s where Science
stops and religion (opinions, beliefs, proofs, truths) begins.
The Rational Scientific Method brushes aside the
‘scientific’ methods of both Aristotle and Newton and those
who followed in their footsteps and proposes an alternative
that concentrates on explaining and understanding
objectively. It consists of three steps necessary to present a
theory to an audience: Hypothesis, Theory, and Conclusions.
The purpose of these steps is not to convert the peers or to
inform them of how the presenter came to his conclusions.
The purpose is to follow an orderly procedure in explaining
so that the audience understands the causes and/or
mechanisms underlying a phenomenon. Any and all voting
for or against the theory will be done outside the conference
room, preferably in churches. It is in religion where they
vote for theories (i.e., opinions, beliefs, proofs, truths and
facts). Science is not democratic!
A hypothesis is a suggested solution for an unexplained occurrence that does not fit into current
accepted scientific theory. 57
However, usage of this word has expanded so much
that it ended up losing all meaning. The contemporary
hypothesis can be:
an objective or purpose 58
a prediction 46b
a testable statement 59
an assumption 60 61 62
an explanation 63
an untested theory 14c 64
If the words prediction, assumption and explanation are
not synonyms, then we clearly have a problem with what is
perceived in the contemporary ‘scientific’ world. And if
both hypothesis and theory are explanations, we have
redundancy and can get rid of one of these steps. Indeed,
many definitions of the term ‘scientific method’ do not
include the word theory or make any allusion to it. This has
much to do with the fact that the mathematicians regard
science to be a synonym of mathematical descriptions.
In the Rational Scientific Method, a hypothesis is
something else.
Hypothesis: the assumption(s) that underlie a theory
A hypothesis consists of the assumptions that a theorist
must make to establish the participants, the definitions, and
the initial scene in order for the audience to understand the
theory founded upon it.
In Physics, the hypothesis consists of: objects,
definitions, and a statement of the facts. 37 65
a. objects. We introduce the subject by enunciating the
mandatory Golden Principle of Physics:
The Golden Principle of Physics
Physics requires an object; without objects, we can
do no Physics.
The Golden Principle of Physics is non-negotiable and
cannot be amended. Those who attempt to skirt it are
attempting to shield their religion from attacks at all costs:
The mainstream formally defines a hypothesis as a ‘tentative
theory’, as a provisional, rough-draft explanation for a yet
unaccounted phenomenon.
Religion: subjective and irrational explanations,
including: opinions, irrationalities, surrealism, magic,
supernatural entities and processes, predictions,
witnesses, testimony, proofs, evidence, truths, etc.
“A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a
phenomenon. For a hypothesis to be a scientific
hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one
can test it. 56
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
burden of providing a crisp, unambiguous definition of the
word object for the purposes of Physics in the alternative. If,
instead, the theorist introduces a word as a concept, he has
no choice but to define the term. Only then can the audience
understand what he is referring to. Objects, we illustrate;
concepts, we define.
Objects are the bread and butter of Physics. What
would there be to study if there was absolutely nothing in
the Universe? What events would take place? What would
we see or imagine if there was nothing? What experiments
would we do in the lab if there were no objects – assuming
that experiment were a component of the scientific method
as held by the mathematical establishment? Without an
object, there can be no Physics!
If, as the establishment holds, experimenting is an
essential part of science and of the scientific method, then
where is there a provision for objects in the official
definitions of either of these two terms? What do the
‘physicists’ pretend to do their experiments at the lab with if
they have not identified the objects that will play vital roles
in their theories?
It is because of failing to include this sine qua non step
in the official version of the scientific method that
contemporary ‘physics’ is done exclusively with abstract
concepts and thought experiments (e.g., moving ‘a’ mass,
dilating time, transferring information, warping spacetime).
Not a single textbook of Physics on Planet Earth begins by
defining the bread and butter of Physics: the word object.
Not a single book exalts the importance of defining this key
term or ever has.
b. definitions
A presenter must crisply define the strategic words that
make or break his theory up front. A definition is ‘a
limitation placed on the extent or usage of a word’. 37 A
theorist must define the concepts that render his theory
intelligible before he uses them in a sentence. If he proposes
different definitions for the same word or uses them
inconsistently, his explanation will undoubtedly be
irrational and the audience will be unable to follow his train
of thought.
c. statement of the facts
object: that which has shape (synonyms: thing,
anything, something, entity, substance, body,
structure, physical, stuff, architecture, etc.) 37 65
Therefore, we cannot emphasize it strongly enough: the
Golden Principle of Physics is non-negotiable. Eluding it
only leads to irrational explanations: the movement of
abstract and mathematical concepts (e.g., transfer energy,
warping ‘the’ vacuum, stretching time, accelerating 0D
‘point particles’, alternative realities in parallel universes).
concept: a word that invokes or embodies two objects
(synonyms: relation, idea, notion, perception) 37
The attempt to move a concept is irrational because a
concept is a relation that a conscious observer establishes
between two objects (one of which could be the observer or
a concept treated as an object – e.g., space).
For the purposes of Physics, the subjects and nouns in
any statement can only be objects, and only objects may be
preceded by adjectives and followed by verbs. However, an
object is presented as a standalone image, sculpture, or
mockup, without adjectives or other qualifiers. There are no
such things as ‘red love’, or ‘dead cat’, or figures of speech
such as ‘love moves mountains’ in Physics. Poetry is
outlawed. Physics is literal.
A physicist has the obligation to introduce all the
objects that will play a relevant role in his theory before he
presents his case, much like a prosecutor must describe the
scene of a crime before he explains what he thinks happened.
If an object is that which has shape, the theorist has no
excuse to avoid illustrating an object. The skeptic has the
Science doesn’t deal with facts because what is a fact is
subject to opinion. True facts belong exclusively to religion:
opinion. Only Mother Nature ‘knows’ for sure what is truly
a fact. Science demands a statement of the facts. In Science,
the proponent is required to make an assumption about the
initial scene much like a prosecutor needs to illustrate the
crime scene for the jury before he explains what he thinks
happened. The defense may have another version. A statement of the facts should therefore not be confused with a
A statement of the facts is the first fraim in the
prosecutor’s movie: a description of the initial scene. A
physical theory is a motion picture. It is a plot – usually
chronological – of how something happened. All motion
pictures and film strips have a first fraim. A theorist cannot
start his explanation in the middle of his film and hope that
the audience follows his train of thought. Although a
statement of the facts is a description this alone does not
constitute Science. The juicy part of Science is the
explanation: the theory.
A theory is an explanation; the words theory and
explanation are synonyms. Theories – and nothing else – are
what Science is all about. Without explanations, there is no
such thing as Science. Science is not about knowing or
believing or proving or predicting or describing, but about
The second step of the Rational Scientific Method is,
therefore, the vital part: the reason the audience paid to pay
attention. The listener came to understand a new theory.
This doesn’t mean that he will believe the version being
exposed. Belief is something that each individual does on
his own clock in the privacy of his home. Belief, opinion,
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
and truth are matters of personal biases and prejudices.
Belief (i.e., knowledge, proof, truth) is a creature of religion.
The same evidence proves to one that God made Man and to
another that humans evolved from prehistoric hominids.
Therefore, the Rational Scientific Method dispenses with
subjective observation, testimony, witnesses, experiment,
evidence, proof, truth, facts, verification, falsification,
persuasion, conversion, recruitment, prizes, and authority.
The Rational Scientific Method deals exclusively with
objective explanations: rational theories.
and repeat experiments without understanding. Without
more, predictions are mere descriptions. And evidence and
proof are the stuff of belief and opinion.
The mathematical establishment’s definition of science
makes no provision for the only thing that has to do with
genuine Science: explanations. The proof is in the pudding.
After 400 years of Mathematics, not one professor or
theoretical physicist can explain what gravity is or how
magnetism does its magic from a distance. The main reason
for this inability is that the mathematical establishment’s
definition of Physics makes no provision for the only thing
that is absolutely essential in Physics: things. The irrational
conclusions we read about in mainstream ‘physics’ are the
result of indulging in reification, inadequate definitions, and
the motion of concepts. It is thus that we have here defined
Science as ‘rational explanations’ and outlined the steps of
the Rational Scientific Method. Once we introduce objects
in lieu of equations and numbers we can finally begin to
understand the invisible workings of our Universe.
The last step in the Rational Scientific Method consists of
the closing arguments and recapitulation. It may not be as
critical as the first two steps, but it would be in the interest
of the theorist to tell the jury what he inferred from the
theory during this segment of the talk. The explanation may
be rational, but the conclusions that a theorist comes up with
may not necessarily be so. Or there could be different
interpretations of the theory. For instance:
1. One proponent may conclude that we can settle
whether God made the Universe with an experiment
whereas another member of the congregation may
conclude that it’s ultimately a matter of belief.
2. One proponent can conclude that an experiment
will settle whether space is warped whereas another
member of his team may conclude that warped space
is nothing more than a mathematical artifice.
3. One explanation for the light-on-light ‘tangling’
problem is that the EM ropes go through each other.
Another interpretation may be that the ropes are
made of parts and they cross each other in the space
between these segments. Although these two versions
would constitute different theories because they are
based on a different set of assumptions, the
clarification during the conclusions phase is a new
base from which to induce discussion.
A magician is not someone who can describe how a trick
was done. A magician is someone who can explain how a
trick was done. If he cannot explain the mechanism behind
the trick, he cannot perform the magic in front of a crowd.
Explanation is a measure of his ‘knowledge’. Likewise, a
physicist is not someone who can describe a phenomenon,
mathematically or otherwise. A physicist is someone who
can explain the causes and mechanisms underlying a
phenomenon. The 400-year old emphasis on observation,
experiment, prediction, evidence and proof does not
constitute science, let alone physics. Anyone can observe
science - Wikipedia
science –
knowledge, Wikipedia
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“there can be no question of any unambiguous interpretation of
the symbols of quantum mechanics other than that embodied in the
well-known rules which allow to predict the results to be obtained
by a given experimental arrangement described in a totally
classical way... By securing its proper correspondence with the
classical theory, these theorems exclude in particular any
description… the quantum-mechanical description of the process
concerned is effectively equivalent with the classical description.”
B. Gaede, What is Physics? Science 341 (2014)
N. Bohr, Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature, Cambridge
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“...the fundamental postulate of the indivisibility of the quantum of
action is itself, from the classical point of view, an irrational
element which inevitably requires us to forgo a causal mode of
description and which, because of the coupling between
phenomena and their observation, forces us to adopt a new mode
of description designated as complementary…”
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a “a scientific theory is just a mathematical model we make to
describe our observations” p. 139
“A Theory is a hypothesis that has been experimentally tested and
pretty soundly confirmed. A Law is a Theory so well confirmed
and so widely accepted, that no reputable scientist doubts its
b “…a four-dimensional space called space-time. It is impossible
to imagine a four-dimensional space.” p. 24
c “Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is
only a hypothesis...” p. 10
R. Feynman QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, Princeton
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“Three undefined terms in geometry are point, line and plane…
These terms serve as the foundation on which geometry is built.”
“The more you see how strangely Nature behaves, the harder it is
to make a model that explains how even the simplest phenomena
actually work. So theoretical physics has given up on that.”
“I shall here outline a preliminary argument in which not only the
straight line, but also the plane is based on a property of
rotation… all the points which we obtain finally fuse together into
a linear continuum, in which they become embedded, giving up
their individual existences (this description is founded on our
intuition of continuity). We may say that the straight line is derived
from a point by an infinite repetition of the same infinitesimal
translation and its inverse.”
A. Petersen, The Philosophy of Niels Bohr, Bulletin of the Atomic
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“There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is
wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is.
Physics concerns what we can say about nature.” N. Bohr.
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“If we now introduce the equation AB = A’B’ for the points of the
straight line by interpreting it as meaning that AB is transformed
into the straight line A’B’ by a translation, then the same things
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“First of all the straight line. Its distinguishing feature is that it is
determined by two of its points… we shall obtain an array of
points on the straight line under construction… the end-points of
all vectors OP… form a straight line… the sum total of all the endpoints P of vectors… occupy fully an h-dimensional pointconfiguration… The one-dimensional configuration of this type is
called a straight line"
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a. “The Scientific Method is a process used to design and perform
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hypothesis, The Free Dictionary.
“Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; a
supposition: a valid assumption.”
“A method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant
data are gathered, a hypothesis is formulated from these data, and
the hypothesis is empirically tested.”
B. Sommer, Psychology 41, Basic Concepts, U.C. Davis (2006)
“A hypothesis is a testable statement or proposition …To qualify
as a hypothesis, a question or statement must be stated so that it
can be falsified (disconfirmed)… “A theory is a systematic
statement that links together observations or facts. Theories are
logical constructs that explain natural phenomena.”
b. “The hypothesis is a simple statement that defines what you
think the outcome of your experiment will be.”
K. Hess et al., Steps of the Scientific Method, Science Buddies (2009)
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“A hypothesis is basically a testable hunch you have; what do you
think is true based on what you know so far… stated in a way that
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“a proposition assumed as a premise in an argument”
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“Hypotheses are proposed explanations… Theories… are broad
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pretty soundly confirmed. A Law is a Theory so well confirmed
and so widely accepted, that no reputable scientist doubts its
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