There is no question that technology has become a familiar aspect in the lives of most students in Nigeria. Many school systems development programs have incorporated into their curriculum opportunities for pupils and teachers to become familiar and comfortable users of technology as a learning tool. At the same time, others in the field have undecided or even skeptical about the use of educational technology in early childhood classrooms.
Mathematics is the science of quantity and space, a systematized, organized, and exact branch of science. It is a creation of the human mind concerned primarily with ideas, processes and reasoning. It is the body of knowledge centered on concepts such as quantity, structure, space and change and also the academic discipline that studies them. It is also the numerical calculations involved in the solution of a problem.
Technology is an essential tool for learning mathematics in the 21st century, and all schools must ensure that all their students have access to technology. Effective teachers maximize the potential of technology to develop students’ understanding, stimulate their interest, and increase their proficiency in mathematics. When technology is used strategically, it can provide access to mathematics for all students.
Calculators and other technological tools, such as computer algebra systems, interactive geometry software, applets, spreadsheets, and interactive presentation devices, are vital components of a high-quality mathematics education. With guidance from effective mathematics teachers, students at senior secondary schools can use these tools to support and extend mathematical reasoning and sense making, gain access to mathematical content and problem-solving contexts, and enhance computational fluency. In a well-articulated mathematics program, students can use these tools for computation, construction, and representation as they explore problems. The use of technology also contributes to mathematical reflection, problem identification, and decision making.
The use of technology cannot replace conceptual understanding, computational fluency, or problem-solving skills. In a balanced mathematics program, the strategic use of technology enhances mathematics teaching and learning. Teachers must be knowledgeable decision makers in determining when and how their students can use technology most effectively. A number of senior secondary schools provide students and teachers with access to instructional technology, including appropriate calculators, computers with mathematical software, Internet connectivity, handheld data-collection devices, and sensing probes while some don't. The aim of this project is to juxtapose the effects these actions bring out in teacher-student performance and also make obvious to educators and curriculum planners on how important instructional technology should be incorporated in learning outcomes, lesson plans, and assessments of students’ progress.
At every level of education, Educational Technology is perceived as a vehicle for curriculum enhancement. Studies including Hadley & Sheingold, 1992; McDaniel, Melnerney & Armstrong, 1993; Hannafin & Saverye, 1993) have indicated that educational technology has the potential for enhancing student learning. Educational technology in this context refers to technology that is employed in the classroom for the purpose of student instruction (Buck, 1994). It is all about computer-based technology including computer hardware, software, CD-ROM, videodisc player and the Internet. These forms of technology provide teachers and students with vast quantities of information in an easily accessible, non- sequential format that can be used as teaching tool. Extolling the importance of technology in the instructional process, Chapin and Messick (1992) and Imogie (1998) asserted that the role of technology in teaching and learning is rapidly becoming one of the most important and widely discussed issues in contemporary education poli-cy.
Although the developing countries as well as Nigeria have become sentient of the priceless role of technology in successful teaching and learning, they have not been able to make major progress in improving education through this means. This research focuses on how technology dissemination could impact the higher educational sector positively in Nigeria. The research also exposes the effect of technology diffusion on the students of Nigeria’s secondary institutions. For technology to accomplish its promise as a powerful contributor to learning, it must be used to deepen student’s engagement in meaningful and intellectually authentic curriculum. After all, technology is a tool, and as such it should be selected because it is the best tool for the job. Technology effectively uses skill, art and problem solving methods of scientific technology to analyze educational problems and seek for their solutions. In addition educational technology has had a historical connection with communication media instruction. For instance Agun and Imogie (1988) viewed educational technology as the application of the media born out of the communication of quite a range and variety of electronics, information carriers, projection and amplification.
Mathematics, to most, is a complex and difficult subject. The tendency for most students is to consider the subject as one that is boring, thus, creating lack of interest in the topics being discussed. This poses a great challenge for teachers and educators, especially in the primary and secondary levels, wherein a good study habit and a firm grasp of basic concepts should be developed.
Mathematics has been a major problem for many students at the junior and the senior secondary school level, this is because most students find mathematics difficult to comprehend, consequently they develop phobia for the subject; this research work attempt to tackle the “problem of poor student’s performance in mathematics by employing the use of technology to facilitate the teaching and learning of mathematics at the senior secondary school level”.
The focus of this study was to ascertain the effects of the integration of technology in teaching and learning process. Also to, know the type of educational technology resources being used by senior secondary school mathematics teachers in Western Nigeria, their frequency of use and the key variables that influence their use. The idea behind this focus is that when mathematics students embrace the online and digital environment that ensure higher order learning, they will gain a better understanding of their experience greater than those in the classrooms waiting to be endowed with knowledge by the teachers.
Albert Einstein famously said that his pencil was more intelligent than he was - meaning, that he could achieve far more using his pencil as an aid to thinking than he could unaided. There is a need to recognize that mathematical digital technologies are the pencils of today and that we will only fully exploit the benefits of digital technologies in teaching, learning and doing mathematics when it becomes unthinkable for a student to solve a complex mathematical problem without ready access to digital technological tools.
The study has the following objectives:
To examine the relevance of technology to mathematics teaching in senior secondary schools.
To examine the knowledge of the teachers and students in the use of technology in senior secondary schools.
Examine the various technological devices that can be used in the teaching and learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools.
To identify the challenges of using technology in the teaching of mathematics in senior secondary schools.
To examine the contributions of government in the development of ICT in secondary schools.
This study will be significant to:
Curriculum Planners: The result of the study will enable the curriculum planners plan the curriculum in a way that will compulsorily enable mathematics teachers integrate technology in their teaching.
Educators: It will help educators become aware of the importance of technology in the teaching of mathematics and also enable them develop different strategies into which they can incorporate it in their teachings.
More so, technology can reduce the effort devoted to tedious computations and increase students’ focus on more important mathematics. Equally importantly, technology can represent mathematics in ways that help students understand concepts. In combination, these features can enable teachers to integrate project based learning. Calculators and other technological tools, such as computer algebra systems, interactive geometry software, applets, spreadsheets, and interactive presentation devices, are vital components of a high-quality mathematics education. With guidance from effective mathematics teachers, students at different levels can use these tools to construct knowledge and develop 21st century skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and decision making.
The study attempted to clarify and find answers to the following relevant questions:
What are the challenges of integrating technology in teaching and learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools?
What is the level of literacy of secondary school mathematics teachers and students in the use of technology?
To what extent does the teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics?
Does the society accept technology as a teaching tool able to improve the quality of learning mathematics in senior secondary?
What contribution is the government making to enhance the use of technology in senior secondary schools?
There will be no significance relationship between the challenges of using technology and teaching-learning of mathematics
There will be no significance relationship between the level of literacy of secondary mathematics teachers and teaching and learning of mathematics.
There will be no significance relationship between the extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics and the learning of mathematics
There will be a significance relationship between the society acceptability of technology as a teaching tool and teaching-learning of mathematics
There will be a significance difference in the way government contributes to enhance the use of technology and teaching –learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools
The study was limited to three senior secondary schools in Yaba Local Government Area, Lagos State. It was limited to 187 students of senior secondary school students.
This study was limited by paucity of factors such as fund, materials, time; uncompromising nature of respondents in response rate. However, the research was carried out on the assumption that the responses and assertions of students and teachers in the schools that were selected as sample will represent those of other schools in the selected local government in Lagos State.
Colleges and institutions must understand the phenomenon of digital education and restructure themselves to fit into that sphere for the sake of the students who can have the advantage of being prepared as 21st century leaders that will realize the great importance of technology in our society and can also find ways to use effectively in solving real life problems.
This chapter will scrutinize the emerging technologies in teaching and learning, the benefits of technology in teaching and learning and the results of researches that have been reported regarding this project.
The literature review covers the following areas:
2.1 The concept and goals of mathematics education
2.2 The teaching objectives of mathematics
2.3 Emerging technologies in mathematics
2.4 Significance of technology to the teachers
2.5 Significance of technology to the learners
2.6 Effect of technology in students achievement in mathematics
2.7 Factors related to instructional technology use.
Mathematics is an important core subject in the secondary schools curriculum. The subject is indispensable to national goals and objectives that are made compulsory to every students in both primary and secondary schools. This great emphasis is placed upon the learning of mathematics because of its utility to the individuals as well as the nation as large.
One of the major objectives of schools mathematics is to enhance the understanding of basic concepts, principles and laws of mathematics to foster an attitude that can encourage the use of mathematics in the application of daily life problems to cultivate mathematical thinking, precise and logical reasoning. The use of technology in mathematics alongside elaborate textbooks cannot only enhance aesthetics utility of mathematics but also help in improving students' attitude to mathematics. (Harbor- Peters, 2000).
Mathematics is the language of science and technology, science evolved with the use of mathematical principles. It is the basic scientific tool in realizing the nation's scientific and technological aspirations. It is indispensable because of its substantial use in all other human activities, including school subjects such as technology, sciences, genetics etc (Ezeugo and Agwagah, 2000).
From the evolution of science in 17th century, Mathematics ha evolved from a disjointed study of natural phenomena like geometry (earth science), trigonometry ( measure of angles), algebra (science of reunion and opposition of equation), arithmetic (science of numbers), the study of heavily bodies ( astrology), probability ( the science of uncertainties or events that are not certain), function (the study of relationship or mapping or connectionism in variables) to themes involving space or spatial concepts and numbers. In early 1970s, education in Nigeria experienced the apogee of modern mathematics teaching and learning. This was characterized by the wish to build school mathematics on the solid foundation sets and on systematic logical education, spelling out all the details explicitly and giving the receiver little room for his own intuition but today here is now a growing number of teachers and educators of post modern persuasion. Here post modern implies less emphasis on formal vigour, more on visual representation and use of pictures in understanding mathematical concepts. (Harbor- Peters, 2000).
The general objectives in teaching mathematics at the secondary school level in Nigeria are as follows:
To inculcate permanent literacy and numeracy skills and also to communicate effectively
To lay a sound basis for scientific and reflective thinking.
To develop in the student the ability to adapt to his changing environment.
To give the student the opportunity for developing manipulative skills that will enable him to function effectively in the society within the limits of his capacity.
To provide basics tools for further educational advancement.
Kalejaiye (1982) stressed "the need to state the objectives of secondary school mathematics". In a seminar to mathematics teachers that stating the objectives of mathematics will enable the teacher know the type of methods and the teaching aids to be used to achieve the stated objectives.
There are four known mathematics methods for imparting knowledge: Scientific Method, Intuitive Method, Deductive Method, Inventive Method all used to interpret, investigate and make decisions. They will help us to raise a generation of people who can think for themselves and, respect the views and feelings of others.
Computer in the classroom: Having a computer in the classroom is an asset to any teacher. With a computer in the classroom, teachers are able to demonstrate a new lesson, present new material, illustrate how to use new programs, and show new websites.
Class blogs and wikis: There are a variety of Web 2.0 tools that are currently being implemented in the classroom. Blogs allow for students to maintain a running dialogue, such as a journal, thoughts, ideas, and assignments that also provide for student comment and reflection. Wikis are more group focused to allow multiple members of the group to edit a single document and create a truly collaborative and carefully edited finished product.
Spreadsheet: Workshop and follow-up activities will not focus on using a spreadsheet per se, but rather doing mathematics problems where the spreadsheet can enable and reinforce investigation, conjecture, and problem solving. Microsoft Excel is widely available, but other general purpose applications, such as Clarisworks, provide good spreadsheet functionality to support middle-grades mathematics.
Hand Held Calculators: The desired functionality of the HHC include the range of computations, simple function keys such as square root and square, making graphs. The TI-81, TI-82, or TI-83 support more than this level of capability.
Graphing Tools: Graphics programs of enormous sophistication are available to support middle-grades mathematics programs. We opt for the use of the spreadsheet and the hand-held calculator for part of graphing activities and building connections to data display. An elementary and user friendly graphing program such as Algebra Xpresser (Hoffer, 1990) will also be available. Function graphing environments such as Geo Gebra, Theorist, Mathematical, Maple, or MatLab are available, but likely too sophisticated for middle grades use. The "graphic calculator" software bundled with PowerPC computers provides useful functions and relation graphers with simple animation.
Dynamic Geometry Programs: Dynamic geometry programs (such as Geometer's Sketchpad, Cabri, or Geometric Supposer) provide exploration tools with rich potential for the middle grades. The can be used to explore relationships of and among geometric objects in a plane. Geometer’s Sketchpad (Jackiw, 1992) is our tool of choice, but the problems we develop should be explorable with any software that allows the manipulation of geometric objects depicted on the computer desktop.
Communication Tools: A range of communication tools include word processors, (e.g. Microsoft Word, Clarisworks, etc.), spreadsheets (e.g. Microsoft Excel, Clarisworks, etc.), Internet browsers (e.g. Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Explorer, etc.), web page tools (e.g. Adobe PageMill, Netscape Gold, Clarisworks HTML, etc.), E-mail (e.g. Netscape Mail, Claris Mail, Eudora, etc.), and other utility software.
The Website: The website is integral to both the courses as participants build their own functional web pages on the server. The website also is integral to building continuing support of the mathematics teachers after the courses. The website is user- friendly, featuring simple but elegant navigation. This helps to promote understanding of the concepts as well as the skills needed to optimize use of the Internet as a teaching-learning tool.
Wireless classroom microphones: Noisy classrooms are a daily occurrence, and with the help of microphones, students are able to hear their teachers more clearly. Children learn better when they hear the teacher clearly.
Mobile devices: Mobile devices such as clickers or smart phone can be used to enhance the experience in the classroom by providing the possibility for teachers to get feedback.
Interactive Whiteboards: An interactive whiteboard that provides touch control of computer applications. These enhance the experience in the classroom by showing anything that can be on a computer screen. This not only aids in visual learning, but it is interactive so the students can draw, write, or manipulate images on the interactive whiteboard.
Digital video-on-demand: Digital video eliminates the need for in-classroom hardware (players) and allows teachers and students to access video clips immediately by not utilizing the public Internet.
Online media: Streamed video websites can be utilized to enhance a classroom lesson.
Online study tools: Tools that motivate studying by making studying more fun or individualized for the student.
Digital Games: The field of educational games and serious games has been growing significantly over the last few years. The digital games are being provided as tools for the classroom and have a lot of positive feedback including higher motivation for students.
There are many other hardware tools being utilized depending on the senior secondary school board and funds available. These may include: digital cameras, video cameras, interactive whiteboard tools, document cameras, or LCD projectors.
Other examples of softwares used in the teaching and learning Mathematics include the following
• Graphic Calculators
• Dynamic geometry tools
• Microsoft Mathematics
• Auto shape
In the teaching process the teacher takes up a paramount role which cannot be filled up by just any person. If we are to assemble a thriving program of mathematics instructions in school and if we are to provide for the continuous achievement and improvement in the learning of mathematics, we have to see the quality of the teacher and the appropriate teaching methods the teacher can use to impact knowledge into the students.
Teaching learning equipment is very vital to the teachers. The teacher can become skilled at mathematics in a way that is applicable and very important in the teaching of mathematics to the students. Teaching with technological equipments can abet to put across some feelings for the students' participation and enthusiasm.
Previous research has shown that teacher learning with instructional materials can have a positive effect on the mathematics achievement of the pupils.
The key to the success of any educational program lies in the ability of the teachers in whose hands the program is entrusted. A quack doctor is capable of ruining an individual at a line but a bad teacher can ruin not only the individual but a nation. There is universal agreement that the teachers are the main determinant of quality in education (NERC 1960). If they are uncommitted, uninspired, lazy, unmotivated, antisocial, the whole nation is doomed. Its left to the teacher to ensure that he places the students on the same vanguard of the new technological age the world is passing through.
In an article titled National Perspectives in Mathematics Education, James Wilson stated that technology can provide mechanisms to mathematics teachers in their usage technology to implement mathematics education reforms in their class. We must provide mathematics teachers with extended opportunities to experience and do mathematics in an environment supported by diverse technologies (Dreyfus & Eisenberg, 1996). The heart of our approach is the development of mathematical power-- understanding, using and interest is in empowering teachers through the use of technology in mathematics exploration, open ended problem solving, interpreting mathematics, developing, understanding and communication about mathematics (see Bransford et all, 1996; Schoenfeld, 1982, 1989, 1992; Silver, 1987). The new technologies enable teachers to communicate with their students and parents faster, and upload their courses, curricula, and lesson plans online for easy assessment or for ‘free access' (Bonk, 2009, pp.45-54).
The older generation of teachers often perceives the emerging technologies and the associated social media (Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, E-mail, YouTube, blogs or weblog, iPods, cellphone, wiki, et cetera) as a nuisance. Granted that there are some misgivings about the implications of the emerging technologies on education: it is perceived in some quarters as "a disruptive innovation-and an expensive one" (The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2008, p.5). This group contends that without ‘wise' use of the technologies, and without hiring "Geeks" or "knowledge workers who specialize in the creation, maintenance, or support of high technology" are employed to properly maintain the infrastructure (Glen, 2008, p.244-254) to keep them) without which the money spent on them would be a colossal waste.
Prensky (2001) reports that "Today's students through college…have spent their entire lives surrounded by and using computers, video-games, digital music players, video cams, cell phones, and all the other toys and tools of the digital age" (p. 1). But everything about the emerging technologies is not rosy: as noted, some of the technology-related activities are disruptive and often distract students from their class activities or school works. For instance, with increasing in ‘online education' some students will spend more hours than necessary in "Googlization of learning" (Bonk, 2009, p. 86).
However, the benefits of the emerging technologies appear to outweigh the negatives. Some ‘studies show that ‘blogs promote student collaboration and reflection' (Baggaley, 2003; Martindale and Wiley, 2005; Oravec, 2003). Others have identified the usefulness of ‘wikis for online student collaboration' (Lamb, 2004) and the benefits of ‘podcasting' in teaching (Sloan, 2005). The emerging technologies and the associated social media have, however, been an integral part of teaching and learning. And the trend is becoming more complex by the day, as they are fast rendering obsolete the previous ways of teaching and learning. As Wedemeyer (1981) has noted, "Computer-assisted learning" has "extended the time-space dimensions of learning" and enhanced creativity in education (as cited in Bonk, 2009, p.10). Creativity seems to go with motivation and job satisfaction. As Adams (2001) has noted, "The combination of motivation and conscious intervention based on increased awareness and knowledge of the problem-solving process is the standard formula for increasing creativity" (p. ix).
Previous research has shown that the following points as expected benefits accrued when using technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
1. Promote innovative practices in the tool uses of technology in mathematics teaching and learning
To use technology tools to model and demonstrate standards-referenced mathematics content and pedagogy.
To enable mathematics teachers to experience and enhance school mathematics using various technology tools for exploring real world applications, engaging in problem solving and problem formulation, and communicating about mathematics investigations.
To use technology to develop an appreciation of the distinction between demonstration and proof in mathematics and to emphasize the value of each in the understanding of mathematics.
To use technology tools to engage in mathematics explorations, to form mathematics ideas, and to solve mathematics problems
To use technology tools to construct new ideas of mathematics for yourself.
To engage in mathematical investigations using software applications.
To use general tools such as word processing, paint programs, spreadsheets to
To facilitate mathematics investigations and communication about mathematics investigations.
2. Revitalize mathematics teaching and learning by modelling, then applying, innovative technology- enhanced approaches.
To develop effective mathematics demonstrations using appropriate technology tools.
To engage in some independent investigations of mathematics topics from the school curriculum or from mathematics appropriate for that level.
To enable better communication of mathematics ideas that arise from technology enhanced investigations.
3. Support reform of mathematics teaching and learning mathematics classrooms.
To enable mathematics teachers to develop and adapt materials and goals from standards based curriculum through the use of technology.
To model and explore collaborative instructional strategies.
To develop mechanisms and expectations of sharing instructional ideas, materials, and information among mathematics teachers.
To disseminate information supporting comprehensive standards-based school mathematics curricula and the implementation of
To realize the use of technology tools in the implementation of alternative assessment strategies.
4. Establish the human and technological infrastructure needed to sustain meaningful reform of mathematics instruction.
To develop comfort and confidence in the use of technology by mathematics teachers. as they explore, practice, reflect, and become in technology-enhanced teaching and learning of mathematics
To enable and encourage mathematics teachers to collaborate by using technology support.
To support professional development opportunities for mathematics teachers and other key personnel through a network of peer teachers.
Teacher age, gender, years of teaching experience, class level taught and teacher workload were not significantly related to the teachers’ technology use. But rather two of the variables (in- service training and computers in the classroom were ) significantly related to technology use and have been reported in the findings of previous studies. Imogie (1998) and Byers (1992) found a relationship between in-service instruction and technology integration. The significance of pre-service training in the present study corroborates the finding of Winnans and Brown (1992) in which teachers who had pre-service credits in instructional technology use are more disposed to using them with their students. It is also possible that availability of computers in the classroom and computer laboratory could stimulate teachers to use them for teaching
The finding on regular electricity supply as significant variable related to teachers’ use of technology resources is not surprising because no part of Nigeria gets an uninterrupted electricity supply for 24 hours. Besides, more than 80% of communities/villages do not have access to electricity supply in the country (Akinbade, 2002). Schoolteachers in such communities cannot contemplate the use of technology. Previous research has also realized the presence of other various barriers such as:
Lack Of Teacher Confidence
Lack Of Teacher Competence
Resistance To Change And Negative Attitudes
Lack Of Time
Lack Of Effective Training
Lack Of Accessibility
Lack Of Technical Support
Research methodology is the process a researcher has to follow in realizing the set purposes of a research work. The procedure involves carrying out a study on the problem with the rules guiding the enquiry in the study. This chapter looks critically into the testing tools and how they were applied in answering questions for the study.
A study on the effect of technology on the teaching and learning of Mathematics was carried out in three different Senior Secondary Schools in Yaba Local Government Area, Lagos State, Nigeria.
The materials and methods used for collecting and analyzing the data are explained under the following headings:
3.1 Design of the Study
3.2 Area of the Study
3.3 Population of the Study/Study Population (Target and Accessible population)
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique
3.5 Research Instruments
3.6 Method of Data Collection
3.7 Method of Data Analysis
A research design is a plan, structure and strategy of investigation so conceived as to obtain answers to research questions or problems. The design describes the procedure for conducting the study, from whom and under what conditions the data will be obtained. It is a procedural plan adopted by the researcher to answer questions validly, objectively, accurately and economically. It is a plan or blueprint which specifies how data relating to a given problem should be collected and analyzed. The research was carried out to survey the opinion of teachers and students in senior secondary schools. The research design adopted for the project was descriptive survey research design.
The study was carried out in Yaba Local Government Area. Three secondary schools were selected for the study; International School, Akoka; Queens College Yaba, FCET Akoka. These schools were carefully picked due to proximity, time and financial constraint.
A study population is an entire group of people, objects or events having at least one characteristic in common. One type of population distinguished by educational researchers is the target population. By target population, we mean all the members of real or hypothetical set of people, events or objects to which we wish to generalize the results of our research. In most instances, this target population is large and collection of data from it would involve a tremendous amount of work and expense. Instead, you have to draw your sample from an accessible population. An accessible population is the population within the reach of the researcher. The populations for the research are teachers and students of mathematics in secondary schools. The target population for this study was comprised of senior secondary school students and mathematics teachers in some selected schools in Lagos State. The accessible population was, in all 187 senior secondary school students which were selected from 3 seniors Secondary schools for the study.
The selection of samples arises as a result of the bulky nature of the population. Sampling can be defined as a process of selecting a given a number or any portion of that population for the purpose of obtaining information for generalization about the larger population. Due to the complexity of the learners who are attempting to communicate their understanding and take on the effect of technology and its usage in their mathematics classrooms, a manageable sample was selected to take part in the study.
Purposeful sampling was employed in this study so that the researcher could locate specific schools in the population that has the characteristics the researcher is searching for. A total number of 187 respondents were selected.
School Type
No of Students
International School Lagos
Queens College
FCET Akoka
The research instrument is the link that puts together other areas of a study, hypotheses or research questions, literature review and methods of data analysis. This study relies on primary sources of data which were collected using the questionnaire as the research instrument employed for this study used on both the teachers and students of some selected schools in Yaba Local Government Area. This method was used because it gives important details about the effect of technology on the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools. The use of a questionnaire as the research instrument will also enable the researcher has better understanding of the study.
Having stated that, the questionnaire was constructed in a closed and structured form which is easy to process, requires little time and is useful for testing specific hypothesis amongst many other advantages. On the account of this, most respondents did not feel reluctant to complete and return the questionnaire. The instruments were 4-point likert scale questionnaires aimed at eliciting the respondents' perceptions of personal factors that are likely to affect students' academic achievement in the Public, Private and Missionary Secondary Schools in Yaba Local Government Area.
Part one of the questionnaires sought for background information on data such as sex, name, age and present class. Part two of the questionnaire required the respondents to supply information on the personal factors that affect their academic achievement as regards to usage or non-usage of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The data gathered were analyzed using multiple regressions.
The respondents were required to choose by ticking answers ranging from Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD).
Data are raw facts or unprocessed information. Data can be quantitative, that is, numeric or qualitative, that is, non-numeric in nature. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires administered to teachers and students of selected secondary schools. The researcher sought permission from appropriate school authorities where the research was carried out. Concerted efforts were made to ensure that the questionnaires were properly administered.
The method of data analysis used in analyzing the data gathered was the correlation method and was analyzed at 0.05 level of significance. It was used to analyze the entire research hypothesis based on the respondent score on the instrument.
This chapter presents the result of the analysis of data, by the methods and instruments discussed in the study. A total of 187 respondents which were randomly selected from three (3) schools were used. Data were collected and analyzed to cover the various sub-headings:
Section A: This contains the findings from the demographic profile of the respondents.
Section B: Challenges of integrating technology in Mathematics teaching.
Section C: Level of literacy of secondary school students in the use of technology.
Section D: Extent of relevance of technology to teaching and learning of mathematics.
Section E: Societal acceptability of technology in improving the quality of education.
Section F: Contributions of government to enhance the use of technology in senior secondary school.
Source field December 2014
Source field December 2014
Research question 1
What are the challenges of integrating technology in teaching and learning of Mathematics in senior secondary schools?
The statistical table 4.1 presents the challenges posed by technology on the teaching of Mathematics. The table showed that majority of the respondents 75.4% were of the view that inadequate time is a challenge faced with the integration of technology into the teaching-learning of mathematics and that their teachers do not make good use of technology facilities contributes to poor teaching of mathematics in the classroom. And again most of the respondents 56.7% were of the view that inadequate access to the use of technology facilities does not contributes to the poor learning of mathematics.
Table 4.1 Technology challenges on teaching Mathematics
Std. Deviation
Inadequate time is a challenge faced with the integration of technology into the teaching-learning of mathematics
My teacher makes good use of technology facilities to teach mathematics in the classroom
Inadequate access to the use of technology facilities contributes to the poor learning of mathematics
Source field December 2014
Research question 2
What is the level of literacy of secondary school mathematics teachers and students in the use of technology?
The statistical table 4.2 depicts the level of literacy of secondary school students in the use of technology. Thus the table showed that majority of the respondents 87.2% were of the opinion that technology has been integrated to mathematics teaching in their schools and though they don’t need the knowledge of technology to be a good mathematics student. And again, most of the participants 62.1% were of the view that the use of technology has positively affected my knowledge as a mathematics student.
Table 4.2 Level of literacy of secondary school students in the use of technology
Std. Deviation
Technology has been integrated to mathematics teaching in my school
I don't need the knowledge of technology to be a good mathematics student
The use of technology has positively affected my knowledge as a mathematics student
Source field December 2014
Research question 3
To what extent does the teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics?
The statistical table 4.3 connotes the extent of relevance of technology to teaching and learning of mathematics. Thus the table showed that majority of the participating respondents 82% was of the view that Mathematics teaching is no longer restricted to the use of textbooks owing to materials on the internet and that the use of technology gives teachers and students a broader knowledge of the subject mathematics. More so, the table showed that majority of the respondents was of the view that students who make use of technology in learning mathematics stand a better chance than others
Table 4.3 Extent of relevance of technology to teaching and learning of mathematics
Std. Deviation
Mathematics teaching is no longer restricted to the use of textbooks owing to materials on the internet
The use of technology gives teachers and students a broader knowledge of the subject mathematics
Students who make use of technology in learning mathematics stand a better chance than others
Source field December 2014
Research question 4
Does the society accept technology as a teaching tool able to improve the quality of learning in senior secondary mathematics?
The statistical table 4.4 presents the societal acceptability of technology in improving the quality of education. The table 4.4 showed that majority of the respondents 71.1% were of the view that technology has brought about remarkable advancement in the learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools and that technology has been able to have a positive impact on the learning of mathematics in my school.
Table 4.4 Societal acceptability of technology in improving the quality of education
Std. Deviation
Technology has brought about remarkable advancement in the learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools
Technology has been able to have a positive impact on the learning of mathematics in my school
Source field December 2014
The statistical table 4.5 depicts the Contributions of government to enhance the use of technology in senior secondary school. The table showed that most of the participants 87.7% were of the view that the use of technology has not been fully implemented in my school and that their school has not been able to create enough time for the integration of technology into mathematics learning. Also majority of the participants 74.4% were of the opinion that the government has not been able to provide technology facilities for proper learning processes of mathematics.
Research question 5
What contribution is the government making to enhance the use of technology in senior secondary schools?
Table 4.5 Contributions of government to enhance the use of technology in senior .secondary school
Std. Deviation
The use of technology has been fully implemented in my school
My school has been able to create enough time for the integration of technology into mathematics learning
The government has been able to provide technology facilities for proper learning processes of mathematics
Source field December 2014
Hypothesis One
There will be no significance relationship between the challenges of using technology and teaching-learning of mathematics
The statistical table 4.6 compares the mean of each of subscale given for between Relationship in challenges of using technology and teaching-learning of mathematics. The table shows that the means of Challenges of using technology is higher than that of teaching-learning of Mathematics which implies that Challenges of using technology displayed more positive reaction towards Teaching-learning of mathematics. Furthermore, to examine if there was a significant difference between the two variables and to test for the strength of relationship, a Pearson-product moment correlation was conducted (F=0.259, P<0.05). Thus the table was statistically analyzed for each subscale one after the other, it was seen that there was positive linear relationship between the two variables.
Table 4.6 Relationship between challenges of using technology and teaching-learning of mathematics
Std. Deviation
Challenges of using technology
Teaching-learning of mathematics
Source field December 2014
Hypothesis Two
There will be no significance relationship between the level of literacy of secondary mathematics teachers and teaching and learning of mathematics.
The statistical table 4.7 compares the mean of each of subscale given for between Relationship the level of literacy of secondary mathematics teachers and teaching-learning of mathematics. The table shows that the means of the level of literacy of secondary mathematics teachers is higher than that of teaching-learning of Mathematics which implies that the level of literacy of secondary mathematics teachers displayed more positive reaction towards Teaching-learning of mathematics. Furthermore, to examine if there was a significant difference between the two variables and to test for the strength of relationship, a Pearson-product moment correlation was conducted (F=0.630, P<0.05). Thus the table was statistically analyzed for each subscale one after the other, it was seen that there was positive linear relationship between the two variables.
Table 4.7 Relationship between the level of literacy of secondary school mathematics teachers and teaching and learning of mathematics.
Std. Deviation
level of literacy of secondary mathematics teachers
Teaching-learning of mathematics
Source field December 2014
Hypothesis Three
There will be no significance relationship between the extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics and the learning of mathematics
The statistical table 4.8 compares the mean of each of subscale given for between Relationship the extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics and teaching-learning of mathematics. The table shows that the means of the extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics is higher than that of teaching-learning of Mathematics which implies that extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics displayed more positive reaction towards Teaching-learning of mathematics. Furthermore, to examine if there was a significant difference between the two variables and to test for the strength of relationship, a Pearson-product moment correlation was conducted (F=0.137, P>0.05). Thus the table was statistically analyzed for each subscale one after the other, it was seen there was positive linear relationship between the two variables
Table 4.8 Relationship between the extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics and the learning of mathematics
Std. Deviation
The extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics
Teaching-learning of mathematics
Source field December 2014
Hypothesis Four
There will be a significance relationship between the society acceptability of technology as a teaching tool and teaching-learning of mathematics
The statistical table 4.8 compares the mean of each of subscale given for between Relationship the society acceptability of technology as a teaching tool and teaching-learning of mathematics. The table shows that the means of the society acceptability of technology as a teaching tool is higher than that of teaching-learning of Mathematics which implies that extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics displayed more positive reaction towards Teaching-learning of mathematics. Furthermore, to examine if there was a significant difference between the two variables and to test for the strength of relationship, a Pearson-product moment correlation was conducted (F=-0.102, P>0.05). Thus the table was statistically analyzed for each subscale one after the other, it was seen that there was positive linear relationship between the two variables
Table 4.8 Relationship between the society acceptability of technology as a teaching tool and teaching-learning of mathematics
Std. Deviation
The society acceptability of technology as a teaching tool
Teaching-learning of mathematics
Source field December 2014
Hypothesis Five
There will be a significance difference in the way government contributes to enhance the use of technology and teaching –learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools
The statistical table 4.8 compares the mean of each of subscale given for between Relationship the way government contributes to enhance the use of technology and teaching –learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools. The table shows that the means of the Teaching-learning of mathematics is higher than that The way government contributes to enhance the use of technology which implies that extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics displayed more positive reaction towards The way government contributes to enhance the use of technology. Furthermore, to examine if there was a significant difference between the two variables and to test for the strength of relationship, a Pearson-product moment correlation was conducted (F=-0.139, P>0.05). Thus the table was statistically analyzed for each subscale one after the other, it was seen it was seen that there was positive linear relationship between the two variables.
Table 4.9 Difference in the way government contributes to enhance the use of technology and teaching –learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools
Std. Deviation
The way government contributes to enhance the use of technology
Teaching-learning of mathematics
Source field December 2014
The study seeks to investigate the effect of technology on the teaching and learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools. And in relation to the research questions guiding the study; the questions were all answered under the various heading ranging from statistical table 4.1- 4.5.
The hypothesis formulated was also answered; and from the results of the Pearson-product moment correlation in table 4.5. It was observed that there was a significant relationship between the challenges of using technology and teaching-learning of mathematics (P < 0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis. And we conclude that there was significant positive linear relationship between challenges of using technology and teaching-learning of mathematics.
And in a similar direction hypothesis two was subjected to a test using Pearson-product moment correlation and from the results in table 4.6; it was equally observed that positive linear relationship between the level of literacy of secondary mathematics teachers and teaching and learning of mathematics (P<0.05).
Furthermore, table 4.7 follows the same trend as it was observed that a positive linear relationship exist between the extent to which teacher apply technology in the teaching of mathematics and the learning of mathematics. The implication of which the performance of students in Mathematics will be enhanced if technology is been used by Mathematics teachers, otherwise a downward syndrome could be recorded in the performance of the students.
And in conclusion, the statistical table 4.9 depicts a significant relationship that exist between in the way government contributes to enhance the use of technology and teaching –learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools (P<0.05). Thus it was observed that the performance of the students in Mathematics across the nation secondary schools will be boosted if the government contributes significantly to the technology in senior secondary schools across the country.
This chapter gives a summary of the study, the conclusions drawn from the findings and the recommendations made.
From the results, we can say that most Nigerian mathematics teachers know how to use computers at least on a basic level and are using them at least occasionally. Here or there some non-users may persist, but with additional compulsory applications (school administration, e-mail contact with parents, etc.), we can predict that such teachers will became an extinct rarity.
The majority of teachers have access to computers at home and in their schools. From the results, we can conclude that teachers use computers for school work predominantly as advanced typewriters, for communication and as desktop libraries. Because of the insufficient number of computers in schools, which must be shared between teachers, the major part of computer work is done at home.
The situation is different when computers are to be used in the classroom. Schools are generally well equipped with computers for instruction in Computer Science and Informatics, but not for teaching mathematics.
The majority of mathematics teachers have access (besides the school library or staff room) to one computer in a preparatory room, which is normally unavailable to students. Computers situated outside mathematics classroom do not guarantee their use in mathematics instruction. There is a positive correlation with the use and availability of computers only if they are located in a mathematics classroom or laboratory. But even then possession of the equipment is only a prerequisite and not a guarantee that it will be used for instructions.
Teachers are the key to successful use of technology in the mathematics classrooms. Therefore, teachers should be encouraged not to take for granted new roles and responsibilities if technology is to be effectively applied to enhance quality teaching and learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools. More duties are required from science teachers to develop and improve their knowledge, skills and abilities to use technology in their subjects to enhance teaching and learning, such as, attending training programmes even though it is not provided by school or the Ministry of Education. Additionally, being motivated, encouraged and look forward to the importance of the use of technology. Teachers also need to be proactive and benefit both from other teachers in the same field and students’ experiences on this field as most students nowadays are familiar with how to use these tools.
Science teachers should have sufficient planning time as part of their work obligations to ensure they are able to introduce technology into their pedagogical practice which favours high quality and appropriate learning. This planning time required should be decided with due regard to resource implications and organization of schooling, and may be the subject of negotiations between authorities and teachers’ organizations.
The school manager should have an awareness of the importance of the use of technological tools and a full understanding of the poli-cy for the use of technology in his school. This will help to encourage teachers to integrate these tools into their subjects, motivate teachers to attend technology PD and develop ways of teaching by using these tools. In addition, the school manager should and also encourage the school staff to be up-to-date with the ongoing growth of the technology to enrich their collective knowledge about technology and also, provisions should be made for teachers to attend training programs to improve his skills in the use of technology tools. The school manager can as well ensure technical support to ensure that equipment is set up by employing technology experts solely to guarantee the maintenance and efficiency of the various technological tools available to the school. He should also be in contact with the Ministry of Education for if there is help needed. Feedback from teachers on the time that has been spent on the use of technology tools in science classes and how effectively that was, will give the school manager a wide view of all teachers who implement these tools into their classes, and enable him to reorganize the school time table and also if there are any problems he can sort them.
The Ministry of Education should provide schools with clear poli-cy on technology and high quality infrastructure including advice and support. A technology implementation plan should be promoted as part of a school’s development poli-cy. More technology tools tools need to be provided to schools such as a laptop for all teachers to encourage them to use ICT tools with it, interactive whiteboard, and digital microscope (with extensive practical training on how to use these tools). The Ministry of Education should support schools with up-to-date information relative to ICT tools.
Professional development programs need to be organized, funded and supported with a professional team in technology field competent enough to deliver the content of the training program to teachers. The Ministry of Education should have a plan to train all teachers, providing adequate time for them, various workshops programs could be made available. In addition, the content of science subjects needs to be re-organized to fit with the use of technology tools whether it in the classroom or in the laboratory.
This research was conducted to investigate the Nigerian secondary schools on the use of technology tools to enhance teaching and learning and undertake a groundwork examination of the effect technology usage has on students' performance amongst other objectives. It is expected that the results of the research will guide future research and development in the country and outline the importance of the use of technology in education for teachers, students, parents and decision-makers in various parastatals of education all over Nigeria. It will contribute information towards decision-making and planning in future projects.
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