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Literator, 1995
The phenomenology of T.T. Cloete This article is an exploration o f the way phenomena are treated in the poetry o f T. T. Cloete. Four important aspects o f Cloete's way o f looking are discussed, viz. the collecting eye that connects everything with everything, the eye that discovers correspondences, the deological eye that reads signs o f G od' s presence, and the reflecting eye. A critique o f reflection is developed by means o f a more detailed analysis o f "Blydskap " (Joy). These fo u r ways o f seeing indicate links between Cloete's poetry and Husserl' s Phenomenology. ' Die verskillende bundels word soos volg aangedui; Angelliera met An, Jubitaposisie met J, Allotroop met Al, Idiolek met /, Driepas met D en Met die aarde praat met Ma.
Spatial and Temporal Lexicographic Deictic Anchoring. In this contribution attention is given to deixis as it is known in the field of semantics. The transfer of deixis to lexicography is discussed and the concept of lexicographic deictic anchoring is brought to the fore. It is shown how this anchoring can be executed in different ways. Lexicographers need to decide how to employ this procedure in a specific dictionary. Different types of text segments can be used to enable deictic anchoring. These segments that include items, item symbols and item parts are briefly discussed. The main focus of this article is on spatial and temporal lexicographic deictic anchoring. Different deictic markers and anchoring procedures are discussed. In this regard it is shown that dictionaries do not only employ single items but also item complexes and that these item complexes can have a uniform or a hybrid format. It is suggested that successful deictic anchoring often demands that dictionaries shou...
Agrekon, 1991
The Act on Subdivision of Agricultural Land (Act 70 of 1970) pronibits the subdivision of agricultural land in South Africa's commercial areas into "uneconomic" units. In a new dispensation optimal, rather than minimum farm sizes should be pursued. The optimal farm size is theoretically not the same for any two farmers. The better manager will have the larger farm over the long run. The above principle was empirically tested in the Vaalharts Irrigation area by means of cross sectional regression equations with gross income as dependent variable. The result confirms the following: i) If management is ignored, constant returns to size is encountered; and ii) when managerial quality is however included in the model as independent variable, increasing returns to scale is found. This result thus supports the theory and a general conclusion is that optimal farm size is a function of management.
South African Journal of Science and Technology, 2009
Learning via problem solving in mathematics education Three forms of mathematics education at school level are distinguished: • direct expository teaching with an emphasis on procedures, with the expectation that learners will at some later stage make logical and functional sense of what they have learnt and practised (the prevalent form), • mathematically rigorous teaching in terms of fundamental mathematical concepts, as in the so-called "modern mathematics" programmes of the sixties, • teaching and learning in the context of engaging with meaningful problems and focused both on learning to become good problem solvers (teaching for problem solving) and utilising problems as vehicles for the development of mathematical knowledge and profi ciency by learners (problem-centred learning), in conjunction with substantial teacher-led social interaction and mathematical discourse in classrooms.
Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie, 2020
Daar word na plasmas as die vierde toestand van materie verwys. In die natuur manifesteer plasmas as korona-ontladings, weerlig, aurora borealis en in sterre soos die son. Plasmas kan ook opgewek word met elektriese boogontladings, radiofrekwensie-induksie, mikrogolwe, diëlektriese ontladings en lasers. Die ontstaansgeskiedenis van mensgemaakte plasmas en meegaande elektrotegnologie sedert die middel van die 17de eeu word in hierdie oorsigartikel opgesom. Die plasmatoestand word bespreek aan die hand van ’n algemene beskrywing en die fisiese eienskappe van ’n paar algemeen-gebruikte plasmagasse word ingesluit. ’n Aantal verskillende tipes plasmas en toepassings word kortliks bespreek, met die klem op termiese plasmas. Suid-Afrikaanse navorsing en ontwikkeling op die gebied van plasmategnologie, hoofsaaklik by Mintek, internasionaal bekend op die gebied van pirometallurgie, en Necsa, word bespreek. `n Kort oorsig van die Suid-Afrikaanse pirometallurgiese bedryf word ingesluit. Spesia...
Koers - Bulletin for Christian Scholarship, 1984
The o b j e c t iv e o f t h is a r t ic le is to d is c u s s the task o f the S u b je ct P h ilo s o p h y. The tas k o f th e Sub je ct P h ilo s o p h y is com p a red to th e ro le s o f the d e t e c t iv e , th e t r a n s la to r and the c r i t i c. Die va k fllo so fle Is 1n twee vroeëre a rtik e ls om skryf as daardie onderafdellng van die vakwetenskap wat die antwoorde ondersoek wat op 'w at 1s ? '-v r a e ten opsigte van die grondbegrippe van Vi vakwetenskap gegee word of gegee behoort te word. Die doel van h ie rd ie a rtikel is om die taak van die vakflloso fle van naderby te beskou. Daar word ee rste n s tussen va k fllo so fle in Vi rulmer en enger sin onderskei, en t weedens word die taak van die va k fllo so fle 1n terme van die ro lle van speurder, tolk en k ritlk u s om skryf.
Scriptura: Journal for Biblical, Theological and Contextual Hermeneutics, 1980
Literator, 1980
Die verteller in Raka dring op nog ’n manier in die innerlike van sy karakters in, naamlik deur hulle hul ruim te te laat belewe. Die ruim te word beskryf soos die karakter dit ervaar, en daarom kan ’n mens hierdie ruimtebelewing ook beskou as beperking, van die alwetendheid van die verteller. Veral twee stukke ruimtebeskrywing is belangrik in Raka. Dit is die beskrywing van Koki en Raka se swemplekke (p. 13 en p. 21 onderskeidelik).
Literator, 1989
This article explores the deconstructive technique of the reversal of oppositions by applying it to "uitgedun" (depleted, or depletion) from T.T. C loete's first collection, Angelliera. The single most im portant opposition in the poem , viz. betw een the basic and the complex or the rich (already a reversal of the usual polarity), is shown to be reversible. The absent rich and full state is necessary to confer a positive meaning on what is essential. The text, however, contradicts itself in the first stanza. T here it reaches out to a possible full and rich state in the future, which contradicts the celebration of the basic or depleted state in the rest of the poem. The basic state is celebrated as a state of presentness to the self, after a period of self-alienation to the not so basic. How ever, the different m etaphors of circulation-of blood, of m erchandise and of bodies-in the end rather suggest an absence of selfhood, a self split and alienated from itself by cheap exchange in various circulations.
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