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Since there is a great economic and ecological threat posed by Phytophthora species, a study has been performed during the years 2009-2012, aiming at determining the presence and diversity of Phytophthora species in both natural ecosystems and amenity trees in Serbia. Sampled trees showed symptoms typical of Phytophthora infections, such as presence of collar rots or stem cankers with dark exudates, chlorosis and wilting of leaves, increased crown transparency, dieback, dying of shoots, branches or parts of the crown, root lesions, and decay and loss of fine roots.
Forest Pathology, 2015
An analysis of incidence of Phytophthora spp. in 732 European nurseries producing forest transplants, larger specimen trees, landscape plants and ornamentals, plus 2525 areas in which trees and shrubs were planted, is presented based on work conducted by 38 research groups in 23 European countries between 1972 and 2013. Forty-nine Phytophthora taxa were recorded in 670 nurseries (91.5%); within these nurseries, 1614 of 1992 nursery stands (81.0%) were infested, although most affected plants appeared healthy. In forest and landscape plantings, 56 Phytophthora taxa were recovered from 1667 of 2525 tested sites (66.0%). Affected plants frequently showed symptoms such as crown thinning, chlorosis and dieback caused by extensive fine root losses and/or collar rot. Many well-known highly damaging host-Phytophthora combinations were frequently detected but 297 and 407 new Phytophthora-host associations were also observed in nurseries and plantings, respectively. On average, 1.3 Phytophthora species/taxa per infested nursery stand and planting site were isolated. At least 47 of the 68 Phytophthora species/taxa detected in nurseries and plantings were exotic species several of which are considered well established in both nurseries and plantings in Europe. Seven known Phytophthora species/taxa were found for the first [Correction added on 6 January 2016 after first online publication: The authors name S. Green and A. V. Sanz Ros have been included along with the affiliations in the authors list.].
New Zealand journal of forestry science, 2011
Issues concerning Phytophthora diseases in woody plants and Phytophthora diversity were overlooked in the Czech Republic until 2000. The investigation of a number of important problems concerning Phytophthora diseases of woody plants was initiated in the past decade, including problems related to alder decline caused by Phytophthora alni, the identification of the spectrum of Phytophthora species affecting forest and amenity trees, and Phytophthora spp. diversity in ericaceous plants (especially rhododendron) as an infection reservoir in nurseries and ornamental greenery. Between 2006 and 2010, parasitic oomycetes were isolated from more than 20 host taxa, particularly from Rhododendron spp., Alnus spp., Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus spp., Acer spp., and Tilia cordata. In total, more than 360 isolates of pythiaceous oomycetes have been acquired and deposited in our culture collection. Sixteen Phytophthora species have been found thus far: P. alni, P. cactorum, P. camb...
The paper presents the results of the study performed with aims to determine the presence and diversity of Phytophthora species on maple trees in Serbia. Due to high aggressiveness and their multicyclic nature, presence of these pathogens is posing significant threat to forestry and biodiversity. In total, 29 samples of water, soil and tissues were taken from 10 different localities, and six different maple hosts were tested. After the isolation tests, 17 samples from five different maple hosts were positive for the presence of Phytophthora spp., and 31 isolates were obtained. After the detailed morphological and physiological classification, four distinct groups of isolates were separated. DNA was extracted from selected representative isolates and molecular identification with sequencing of ITS region was performed. Used ITS4 and ITS6 primers successfully amplified the genomic DNA of chosen isolates and morphological identification of obtained isolates was confirmed after the sequ...
Folia Forestalia Polonica, 2016
Our aim was to examine the virulence of eight Phytophthora isolates belonging to three species (Phytophthora cryptogea, Phytophthora plurivora and Phytophthora quercina) obtained from diverse European ecosystems (in Bulgaria, Poland and Germany) towards three forest tree hosts – English oak (Quercus robur L.), Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). All plants grown from seeds in a greenhouse conditions were artificially inoculated under the stem bark with Phytophthora cultures. The tested isolates turned to be more aggressive to Turkey oaks than to English oak trees. In case of European beech, the isolates of P. cryptogea and P. plurivora exposed various virulence. The potential hazard of the introduced foreign isolates for the oak and beech forests in Poland and Bulgaria is discussed. Amongst the tested isolates, P. quercina P290 from German highly infected Bulgarian Turkey oaks; therefore, its negative potential impact on Bulgarian oak forests coul...
Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A
AbstrAct According to many surveys of pathogenic organisms in forest soils, the presence of the Phytophthora genus is very common in both dominant and mixed stands of European beech. In Serbia, Phytophthora species were iso-lated from rhizosphere soil in declining, as well as apparently healthy stands. After detailed morphological and molecular identification, several Phytophthora species were confirmed. The most common pathogen of fine roots in Serbian European beech stands was Phytophthora plurivora Jung and Burgess. This species was characterized as homothallic, semipapillate, produces sporangia of various shapes, and has an optimum temperature for growth at around 25ºC.P. plurivora occurred on 58% of positive samples, followed by P. cambivora (Petri) Buisman at 17%, P. gonapodyides (Petersen) Buisman at 8%, with other unidentified species accounting for the remaining 17%. A pathogenicity test performed with P. plurivora and young beech germinants from ten Polish beech provenance...
Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Ide Bisnis, 2020
A. Lanzafame, Retroattività della lex mitior. Una riflessione sul diritto intertemporale tra principio del favor, tutela dell’affidamento, e libertà di autodeterminazione del singolo, in Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali, 8 aprile 2015, 2015
1. La retroattività della legge più favorevole tra giurisprudenza italiana e Cedu.-2. L'ambito di operatività della retroattività in mitius.-3. L'abolitio criminis nella giurisprudenza della Corte di Cassazione.-4. Sulla retroattività della (proposta e momentaneamente ritirata) causa di non punibilità in materia di reati fiscali ex art. 15 dello schema di decreto legislativo sulla certezza del diritto nei rapporti tra fisco e contribuente approvato il 24 dicembre 2014 dal Consiglio dei Ministri.-5. Conclusioni: l'attualità delle questioni di diritto intertemporale tra tutela dell'affidamento e libertà di autodeterminazione del singolo.
1. Se encuentra que el calor específico de la plata, medido a la presión atmosférica, varía con la temperatura entre 50 K y 100 K de acuerdo con la ecuación empírica: c = 0.076 T − 0.00026T 2 − 0.15 En la cual c está en cal/mol·K y T es la temperatura en Kelvin. Se tiene una muestra de 216 g de plata con masa molecular M = 108 g. Se pide: a. Calcular el número de moles (n). b. Calcular la cantidad de calor necesaria para elevar los 216 g de plata desde 50 K hasta 100 K.
Sciences du jeu, 2018
En tant que mélange entre jeu de rôle et jeu de stratégie au tour par tour, le Tactical RPG ou "jeu de rôle tactique" apparaît comme un objet hybride devant concilier la tension narrative propre au jeu de rôle et le fonctionnement purement a-diégétique des échecs. Me focalisant sur la période 1990-1995, je propose pour étudier cette hybridité un parcours analytique allant du premier Fire Emblem à la sortie de Tactics Ogre : Let Us Cling Together en octobre 1995. J’étudie ainsi la manière dont le système de jeu du T-RPG met l'espace ludique isométrique en géographie afin d'en faire le cœur d'une dynamique narrative, où l'espace et le temps interviennent de concert. Par l’entremise du cas spécifique de la bifurcation narrative, cet article entend contribuer à la réflexion en cours sur la possibilité de pratiquer une narratologie transmédiatique. / As it crosses borders between role-playing games and turn-based strategy games, Tactical RPG seems to be a hybrid object, which has to reconcile the narrative tension one can find in role playing games, and the a-diegeticness of chess. I propose studying such hybridity by focusing on the years 1990-1995, from the first Fire Emblem to October 95, i.e. the release of Tactics Ogre. As I study the way T-RPG turns the isometric squares of the ludic space into a true geographic world, I bring out the fact this geographical turn plays the main role in the spatial and temporal dynamics of the narrative. By considering the specific case of forking paths in narration, this paper wished to points towards the possibility of a transmediatic narratology.
Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia, 2006
Cadernos do ILP, 2023
Book of short papers of the ASA Bologna Conference - Supplement to Volume 35/3, 2024
Geomorphology, 2010
Adelino Felisberto , 2024
Jurnal ekonomi dan bisnis Airlangga, 2023, 2004
Automatica, 2005
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2015
Nonlinear Analysis-theory Methods & Applications, 2002
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy , 2025
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009
Minerals Engineering, 2011
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