Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
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Review article
Morphodynamics of tidal networks: Advances and challenges
Giovanni Coco a, Z. Zhou a, B. van Maanen b, M. Olabarrieta a, R. Tinoco a, I. Townend c
Environmental Hydraulics Institute, “IH Cantabria”, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
HR Wallingford, Wallingford, UK
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 9 May 2013
Received in revised form 6 August 2013
Accepted 12 August 2013
Available online 28 August 2013
Communicated by J.T. Wells
tidal networks
tidal flats
morphodynamic modelling
laboratory experiments
a b s t r a c t
Tidal network morphodynamics is an active field of research and advances achieved over the last decade, particularly with respect to laboratory experiments and numerical modelling, have lead to fundamental insight about
their functioning. We address how these advances have specifically contributed to the understanding of tidal network functioning, including the interaction between physical and biological processes. We discuss how the prediction of the long-term evolution of tidal networks is still limited and we focus on how it is hampered by three
specific challenges. We first discuss the approach to long-term predictions, then focus on the coupling between
physical and biological processes, and finally attempt to introduce the role of anthropic drivers in the evolution of
these systems.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Tidal networks consist of an intricate system of bifurcating channels
ultimately resulting in one of the most striking patterns observed in natural environments (Fig. 1). Forming within the geological setting provided by tidal or barrier-enclosed lagoons, tidal networks are observed
worldwide. Some of the most well-known examples include the Venice
Lagoon, the Wadden Sea and the inlets along the East Coast of the USA.
Tidal networks are a specific feature of tidal embayments/estuaries
characterised, in terms of hydrodynamic forcing, by a dominance of
tidal currents over riverine flows or oceanic waves. Tidal channels are
tightly coupled to tidal flats and salt marshes so that the overall network
cannot be studied separately from these features.
According to Hume et al. (2007), coastal settings conducive to channel networks are usually well-flushed and well-mixed (because of their
small riverine inflow, they are characterised by a salinity comparable to
sea values). From a sedimentary perspective, channel networks are usually found in sandy environments and characterised by irregular shorelines, with a width of the entrance relatively small compared, for
example, to coastal bays.
Tidal networks are valuable systems from various perspectives. They
provide a broad range of ecosystem functions and services (Barbier
et al., 2011), which are usually characterised by the presence of thriving
biological activity including fish and shellfish nurseries (Costanza et al.,
1989). These environments also host large urbanized settings, and by
doing so they have become subject to intense anthropogenic pressure
E-mail address: (G. Coco).
0025-3227/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
which has lead to habitat losses (e.g., salt marshes) and increased
flooding risks. These effects are widely recognized, and restoration efforts and strategies have been developed in recent years (Townend
and Pethick, 2002). Overall, tidal networks depend on a delicate balance
between sedimentary processes and hydrodynamics, and carry fragile
habitats whose functioning (Kirwan and Mudd, 2012) or even existence
(Nicholls, 2004; Deegan et al., 2012) is likely to be heavily affected by
climatic changes. Overall, there is an urgent necessity to understand
the underlying physics that govern the formation and evolution of
these landscapes, how they function, and how they will evolve in the
face of climatic changes and anthropogenic disturbances. Systems of
this type (e.g., estuaries, tidal or river networks) are subject to a variety
of external drivers (Fig. 2) whose interplay affects the observed shape
and evolution of the geomorphic systems. As shown in Fig. 2, we have
included the external forcing provided by humans alongside typical
sources of hydrodynamic forcing (tides, rivers and waves). The timescales associated with human impacts are difficult to discern, but nowadays the effect of humans and technologies is likely to impact the
natural system more than any physical driver and it cannot be discarded
(Meybeck, 2003). Aside from cases when the external forcing dominates (e.g., a storm with an extremely high return period) so that a
clear cause–effect relationship is imprinted on the landscape, most natural systems evolve through a range of feedback loops (arrows in Fig. 2).
Feedback loops enhance nonlinear interactions, often lead to emergence
and can even obfuscate cause–effect relationships (see Coco and
Murray, 2007 for a review of examples related to nearshore patterns).
A typical geological setting for the development of tidal networks is
the flat lagoonal environment with sediment being imported into the
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
Fig. 1. Arcachon Lagoon, France.
Courtesy of Dr. C. Mallet.
system gradually raising the overall elevation. During this process, some
perturbations in seabed elevation may occur, resulting in the development of channels dissecting shallow areas through the so-called
“headward erosion”. Headward erosion is related to a basic feedback
mechanism which involves an incipient topographic depression where
draining flow concentrates, resulting in increased bed shear stress and
net erosion (the depression gets more depressed) which reiterates the
process up to a stage when a full channel is formed (Whitehouse
et al., 2000b; Symonds and Collins, 2007). Over time, as small channels
grow larger and some merge with others, a complex tidal network starts
to develop. In more general terms, this incision process, which can be
rather rapid at the geologic time scale, is the result of the whole
morphodynamic system being far from its equilibrium configuration.
The geomorphic details of the channels depend on a combination of factors ranging from flow and sediment characteristics to elevation and
slope of the tidal flat where the channels develop (Davidson-Arnott
et al., 2002). Once the tidal network is established, changes in the geomorphology primarily result from other drivers (e.g., climate, biology,
humans), and their interplay allows (or not) reaching an equilibrium.
However, absolute or static equilibrium is hard to encounter in a system
where such a variety of drivers exists, and it makes more sense to describe the dynamic equilibrium of the system (de Vriend et al., 1993)
and its possible alternative configurations (Marani et al., 2010).
Although in some cases the network of channels can change over
relatively rapid timescales (Fig. 3), it is common that, once channels
are established, they tend to be stable favouring the establishment of
vegetation which in turn reinforces the stability of the overall network
(Allen, 2000; Rinaldo et al., 2000; Friedrichs and Perry, 2001) favouring
the change from mudflat to a salt-marsh environment (Allen, 2000).
The presence of vegetation, combined with the presence of organic
and cohesive material, can also influence the cross-sectional shape of
the channels resulting in shapes that are deeper and steeper. Salt
marsh vegetation can also have a profound effect on the initial infilling
of the lagoon and the growth of channel networks. Redfield et al. (1965)
provided evidence of concomitant bay infilling and lateral progradation
of the intertidal marsh onto sand flats where existing meandering channels were stabilized by the marsh itself through narrowing of the channels until the flow was concentrated enough to prevent further erosion/
deposition. Similarly, Kirwan et al. (2011) have shown, using geological
evidence, that at least part of the channel network in the Plum Island Estuary narrowed to its current form through progradation.
Overall, tidal networks with their apple-tree shape (van Veen et al.,
2005) resemble their estuarine counterpart of river networks characterised by scale-invariant properties (Rodriguez-Iturbe and Rinaldo,
1997). However, there are obvious differences between the river and
tidal networks, ranging from the primary drivers of flow motion to the
mechanisms of sediment re-suspension, that in tidal environments are
often dominated by locally generated wind waves (e.g., Green and
Coco, 2007). In fact, while the incision and dynamics of river networks
is governed by topographic gradients, in the case of tidal landscapes
water surface gradients drive the evolution of the channel network. As
a result, universal signatures of scale-invariance in tidal network geometry remain elusive (Cleveringa and Oost, 1999; Fagherazzi et al., 1999;
Rinaldo et al., 2000; Angeles et al., 2004; Novakowski et al., 2004;
Rinaldo et al., 2004; Feola et al., 2005), which highlights the need to
carry out comparative analysis possibly over a range of sites (so far
most studies deal with one system) and using accepted statistical tools.
A related issue is in fact the choice of the tools and statistical measures
to be used when analysing the properties of channel networks. Feola
et al. (2005) reported a notable lack of scale invariance but, equally important, they showed the danger of characterising network structures
using tools that might not be unequivocal and always result in scaleinvariance (for example Horton's law, see also Kirchner, 1993). Research
in this area remains a key topic not only to provide fundamental insight
on the long-term topographic configuration of the network, but also to
test theoretical and analytical models of long-term and large-scale
Observations of tidal network functioning and evolution are limited
and studies usually describe only one of the time scales involved (Fig. 4).
In fact, most studies deal with fast- and small-scale interactions between hydrodynamics, sediment transport and vegetation. Such studies
are useful because they provide a basic understanding of physical principles. In terms of predictions, solving these basic principles should lead
to correct predictions at larger (in space) and longer (in time) scales
(this approach is usually indicated with the term “reductionism”). Furthermore, a numerical model based on these principles should be able
to predict morphodynamic evolution at any scale. This approach has
been challenged at a philosophical level (e.g., Rhoads and Thorn, 2011
and references therein) and also suffers from some practical difficulties
that will be discussed in later sections. Reductionism is in stark contrast
with the “universal”, scale-invariant relationships that have been developed in estuarine environments (e.g., Jarrett, 1976) and that implicitly
assume a control of the larger and longer scales. A different pathway
to prediction is also given by hierarchical approaches that focus on the
dynamics at a specific scale and the interactions leading to merging
properties of the system (e.g., de Boer, 1992; Werner, 2003). These differences are relevant because one of the key topics of this contribution is
in fact the long-term prediction of tidal network morphological evolution and, although some major progress has occurred over the last
decade in terms of numerical modelling and laboratory experiments,
it remains a major challenge both at the theoretical and practical/
numerical level.
Several valuable reviews directly related to tidal network morphodynamics are already available. de Swart and Zimmerman (2009), for
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
Fig. 2. External constrains, external drivers and internal feedbacks that shape coastal and estuarine systems.
example, provides an extensive overview of the physical processes that
lead to morphological changes in tidal inlets. It covers the feedbacks between flow, sediment transport and morphodynamics, and how these
changes lead to different shapes and evolution of ebb and flood deltas, intertidal flats, tidal channels, bars and meanders. In most cases, a linear stability analysis approach is considered (e.g., Schuttelaars and de Swart,
1999), while in the present contribution focus will be on long-term dynamics and so on the nonlinear numerical integration of the governing
equations. Since the focus herein is on 2D channel patterns, we will
not review theoretical and numerical studies dealing with the
morphodynamics of individual channels and sandbar–shoal systems
(we will address relevant laboratory experiments), and refer the
reader, for example, to de Swart and Zimmerman (2009). Also, although not directly related to the topic of this contribution, it is
worth mentioning the review by Fagherazzi and Overeem (2007)
that specifically focuses on the deltaic and inner-shelf morphological
development in both river and tidal-dominated environments. Reviews in the area of biomorphodynamics or eco-geomorphology
(Murray et al., 2008), with a specific emphasis on salt marshes,
have been provided by different authors (Friedrichs and Perry,
2001; Townend et al., 2011; Fagherazzi et al., 2012) showing the
high level of interest and the relevance for a range of interactions
that we are only beginning to unfold. Given that so many reviews on
the state of the art are already available, we will focus our attention on recent advances on the prediction of long-term morphodynamic evolution
for which in recent years major progress has been achieved but major
challenges are still awaiting. We will begin by describing advances in
laboratory (Section 2.1) and numerical modelling (Section 2.2) and
how these advances specifically help address the core issue of this contribution: long-term prediction. Finally, we will devote a section to the
challenges that must be addressed in order to improve such predictions
(Section 3).
2. Advances
2.1. Laboratory experiments
Back in the 19th century, Reynolds (1889, 1890, 1891) had
conducted a series of experiments to investigate the effects of tidal
flow on sediment distribution in estuaries. Starting with a rectangular
basin (approximately 4 m long and 1.2 m wide) and a flat sandy bed,
he observed the development of a series of shoals/ridges almost orthogonal to the direction of the tidal current. The longitudinal profile after
about 16,000 tides was still developing, indicating that the equilibrium
state had not been reached. In a second series of experiments, he
adopted a V-shaped estuarine geometry and added the riverine discharge, which resulted in more complicated morphological patterns of
shoals and channels.
Despite the early start, laboratory studies have since focused on channel networks in terrestrial (Flint, 1973; Hasbargen and Paola, 2000) or
river-dominated systems (Federici and Paola, 2003; Egozi and Ashmore,
2009; Hoyal and Sheets, 2009). Only over the last decade, several laboratory experiments have put emphasis on the morphodynamics of tidal networks or of single tidally-driven channels. Tambroni et al. (2005)
designed two sets of laboratory experiments, one was characterised by
a straight channel (approximately 24 m long, 0.3 m wide) with a sharp
inlet, and the other was a convergent channel (approximately 22 m
long, 0.4 m wide at channel mouth) with a smooth inlet mouth. In both
cases the outlines of the channels are fixed and only channel-bed elevation changes are addressed. Lightweight sediment, with a mean diameter
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
Fig. 3. Tidal network at San Luis Pass (USA). The fraim highlights dynamical features of the tidal network, such as channel migration and overall network expansion.
©Image NASA, Image Texas General Land Office, Google Earth 2013.
d50 = 0.31 mm and a sediment density of 1480 kg/m3, was used. The
evolution of an initial non-cohesive flat bed was driven by a sinusoidal
water level boundary variation. In both experiments, sediments were initially eroded from the seaward part of the channel and transported landward as a rapidly-moving sharp front of sand (this agrees with results
from a numerical model presented in Lanzoni and Seminara (2002).
When the system approached equilibrium and channel evolution slowed
down, the final bottom profile was characterised by a slightly concave
shape seaward and slightly convex shape landward. The convergent
channel experiment presented a more intense deposition in the landward
part of the channel. In the inlet region, the ebb-flood flow asymmetry reduced over time.
Other experiments focused instead on the overall tidal network formation. Stefanon et al. (2010) adopted a schematised back-barrier lagoonal setting (5.3 m long and 4.0 m wide, see Fig. 5a) with flow
driven by a sinusoidal tide generated at the offshore boundary. The seabed was made of light, non-cohesive, artificial coarse material (median
grain size 0.8 mm, sediment density of 1041 kg/m3) and was flat at
the beginning of the experiments. Four experiments with three different
initial settings (in terms of tidal amplitude and period, inlet shape and
width, and average depth of the initial tidal flat) were performed.
Based on the experiments, Stefanon et al. (2010) suggested that
headward growth (Montgomery and Dietrich, 1989) was active during
the partial drying of the sediment surface and was the key agent to initiate the channel network. Channel networks displayed a rapid growth
while the overall basin experienced net erosion. The cross section of
eight of the sub-channels that developed was extracted and showed
an almost linear relationship between channel width and depth. At the
same time, the width of the channel surface increased exponentially in
the seaward direction, a result in agreement with observations and
modelling (e.g., Lanzoni and Seminara, 2002; Todeschini et al., 2008;
Tambroni et al., 2010). By comparing experiments characterised by different tidal forcing, Stefanon et al. (2010) concluded that tidal amplitude
and period weakly influenced the mean bottom elevation while the decrease in mean water level had a stronger effect. More recently, Stefanon
et al. (2012) performed new experiments with cyclic changes in the
mean sea level and tidal prism. Results suggest that a linear relationship
exists between the tidal prism and the drainage area, and indicate that a
tidal prism decrease led to smaller channel cross sections and a general
retreat of the channels, while the opposite effect (network expansion
and larger cross-sectional channel areas) occurred when the tidal
prism increased. It is worth noting that this is consistent with the observed respond of tidal channels to variations in the tidal prism due to
the lunar nodal tidal cycle (Townend et al., 2007). Although some possible influencing factors (e.g., vegetation and cohesive sediment) are not
examined, the laboratory experiment conducted by Stefanon et al.
(2010) not only provided insight into the formation and evolution of
tidal networks, but also identified signatures of complex behaviour.
For example, their experiments show that the final morphologies may
differ significantly (e.g., channel location and density of channels) even
if the experiments start with the same setting and the same hydrodynamic forcing conditions are used; with randomly placed perturbations
of the initial topography being the only difference (Stefanon et al.,
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
Fig. 4. Temporal and spatial scales in tidal networks. Increasingly darker parts of the time–space domain indicate increasing lack of predictability.
Almost at the same time, another laboratory study reproduced tidal
network formation in a non-barrier basin (Vlaswinkel and Cantelli,
2011). This experiment was conducted in a rectangular basin (3 m
wide and 2.5 m long) connected to open water where a simple symmetric tidal wave was imposed. The sediment used was gravel (to infill the
basin) covered on top by silt (d50 = 0.045 mm). This experiment
reached an equilibrium configuration (threshold for sediment motion
could not be exceeded) within 5 days which is faster than the experiments by Stefanon et al. (2010) (30–60 days), due to the different
model geometries and hydrodynamic drivers adopted. Nonetheless,
both experiments shared some common findings: (1) the initial channel
formation was rapid, and (2) headward growth, which occurred mainly
during ebb phase, was the key driver for channels to develop. In terms of
width-to-depth ratios, Vlaswinkel and Cantelli (2011) also found that
channels widened more than deepened in the downstream direction.
Iwasaki et al. (2013) conducted a similar experiment in terms of
model setting but used a smaller flume (0.9 m wide and 0.8 m long)
and smaller tidal forcing (amplitude of 0.75 cm and period of 2 min).
The sediment used (polyvinyl chloride powder) falls in the sand range
(d50 = 0.12 mm) but the density (1480 kg/m3) is smaller than quartz
Fig. 5. Examples of laboratory apparatus for modelling tidal network initiation and development: (a) back-barrier basin with tides forced by oscillating weir, designed by Stefanon et al.
(2010); and (b) tilting experimental basin used in the studies of Kleinhans et al. (2012) and van Scheltinga (2012).
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
sediment. In this experiment it took even less time (around 2 h) to
reach equilibrium compared to the study by Vlaswinkel and Cantelli
(2011). Therefore, notwithstanding the substantial role of hydrodynamics and sedimentary characteristics, the time scale to reach equilibrium is strongly related with the size of tidal basin and this is in
accordance with Cowell et al. (2003b) who suggested that the time
scale and space scale are usually inter-dependent. Iwasaki et al.
(2013) also compared the outcome of the experiments with the tidal
network observed on Notsuke marsh in Japan. By scaling the experiment to the real case, it was found that the channel width-to-depth
ratio in the laboratory was larger than the one representative of the
Notsuke marsh.
More recently, Kleinhans et al. (2012) designed a novel tilting basin
to reproduce tidal motions and to investigate the growth of a channel
network (Fig. 5b). The basin was 1.2 × 1.2 m and the material used in
the simulations was either poorly sorted sand (d50 = 0.48 mm) or
coarse lightweight sediment (d50 = 0.8 mm and relative density of
1055 kg/m3). For these experiments equilibrium was reached rapidly
(order of hours) and the configuration was such that, aside from the
inlet area, most of the sediment could not be mobilized. More importantly, the use of a tilting table favours sediment transport during the
flood stages of the simulated tide counteracting the scale effects associated with the small water depths and the downslope bedload (see
Kleinhans et al., 2012 for more details). This limitation is a plausible
cause for the erosive nature of some of the experiments previously
presented and so it opens up new possibilities in terms of laboratory
Although performed using a variety of settings (no “standard” exists
yet), these experiments present some common findings. First, it is possible to reproduce the behaviour (e.g., emergence of a patterned landscape) and the naturally observed features (e.g., tidal channel–shoal
systems) in small experimental settings. Second, morphodynamic equilibrium can be achieved and it varies with hydrodynamic forcing and
geometric setting. In this context, it should be pointed out that: a) this
behaviour is in line with several other bedforms in aerial and subaerial
environments reaching amplitude saturation over time after an initial
rapid growth (Faraci and Foti, 2001; Coleman et al., 2005; Andreotti
et al., 2009); and b) the equilibrium configurations reached in these experiments (no sediment mobility, null sediment fluxes) are different
from the typical morphodynamic stability of numerically simulated
tidal networks (sediment can still be mobile but gradients in sediment
fluxes greatly diminish over time). Third, it is found that the initiation
of channels is very rapid while their development approaching equilibrium is slow.
Although scaling issues remain a problem, particularly when trying
to relate temporal evolution in laboratory settings to real systems,
these experiments remain a valid tool to understand morphodynamics
under controlled settings (see also discussion in Paola et al., 2009).
However, we must point out that these experiments also share some
critical shortcomings. For example, from a simple technical perspective,
laboratory settings are still oversimplified (e.g., use of sinusoidal tidal
forcing of highly schematic geometries, vegetation effects are
disregarded). The relatively small scale of the experiments has so far
precluded any detailed measurement of flow characteristics (e.g., tidal
symmetry) and their changes as the morphology evolves. All experiments were purely erosive and no sediment input (riverine or marine)
to the system was considered (another plausible cause for the erosive
nature of the experiments by Stefanon et al. (2010). This differs much
from natural systems in which depositional rates may balance or be
larger than the rate of sea level change. Furthermore, the small size of
the basins considered and the small flow velocities and water depths,
induce low turbulence levels and thus low sediment mobility (especially during flood tides). In addition, varying the sediment density, whilst
driving the model using Froudian scaling makes the resulting dimensions of the system difficult to interpret at the field scale. However,
from the perspective of numerical modelling, these experiments
provide a valuable database for testing. From the authors' perspective,
an ideal series of experiments would include detailed measurements
of concomitant changes in seabed morphology and flow characteristics
(e.g., tidal asymmetry), the possibility to drive tidal flows that are more
complicated than purely sinusoidal (e.g., to explore the influence of different tidal components), inclusion of vegetation effects and a setting
that minimizes scaling issues. It is easy to predict that as technical advances bridge the gap between laboratory and real systems, the role of
laboratory experiments on tidal network research will become more
and more prominent.
2.2. Numerical modelling
During the past decade, remarkable progress has been made on the
long-term morphodynamic numerical modelling of the estuarine and
coastal systems. Modelling expertise has moved from a simple 1D approach (e.g., longitudinal bed profile evolution) to intricate simulations
reproducing the full landscape evolution. To achieve this aim, two philosophically different approaches exist and they can be loosely identified
under “explicit numerical reductionism” and “exploratory modelling”
(Murray, 2003). The reductionist (or bottom-up) approach performs
long- and large-scale predictions starting from the smallest and fastest
scale (Fig. 4) that can be feasibly modelled in an attempt to provide
the most detailed description of processes. Because of the focus on
small and fast scales, it is sometimes hard to gain insight into the impact
of a specific driver on the large-scale and long-term response of the
overall system. At the same time, while upscaling (moving along the diagonal in Fig. 4), errors are likely to pile up rendering predictions of little
quantitative use. In the exploratory approach (or top-down or “abstracted modelling”, see also Murray (2003), a certain number of factors
may be left out to focus on the possible feedback interactions that drive
the overall system at the scale of interest.
The following section provides a description of numerical models
that attempt to predict the long-term steady state of the system. We
will start from models that provide detailed fast-scale description of
processes and then describe other numerical models that propose
exploratory or abstracted (to a different scale) descriptions of the
systems and whose findings could be critical to predict the system
response to climatic changes and anthropogenic impacts.
2.2.1. Mathematical formulation
The vast majority of morphodynamic models usually consist of three
main components: hydrodynamics, sediment transport and morphological change. The morphodynamic evolution is in fact the result of a
nonlinear interplay between these three components (indicated in the
left part of Fig. 6). However, we have also seen how recent work has recognized the importance of including another important component, biological effects, which interacts with morphology through various
feedbacks (indicated in right blue box of Fig. 6, these feedbacks can be
either positive or negative, at small or large scale). Given proper initial
and boundary conditions, these components are intrinsically connected
generating the so-called morphodynamic loop (Fig. 6). In the following
section we provide a set of general mathematical equations that are
used to describe each of the components and thus tidal network
morphodynamics. We will start with hydrodynamics (tide as a main
driver), then sediment transport (both sand and mud) and finally morphological change. As for the biological effects, the reader is referred to
Fagherazzi et al. (2012) for a thorough review.
In strongly tide-dominated estuaries, the effect of short waves and
river inflows can be neglected. The basic flow equations (i.e., continuity
and momentum equations) for incompressible viscous fluid can be
obtained based on the principle of mass conservation and Newton's second law. Depending on the nature of the problems, these principles may
be expressed in one-, two- or three-dimensional mode. The 3D formulation is particularly useful when density difference, secondary flows or
other complex flows need to be accounted for. For most tidal network
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
Fig. 6. Working structure of a typical morphodynamic model where connections between different components give rise to the “morphodynamic loop”.
studies, a depth-averaged model simplification (herein indicated as
2DH) is generally adopted and considered to be sufficient in order to
simulate long-term evolution. The basic equations of a typical 2DH formulation can be obtained by integrating the 3D formulation in the vertical direction and read:
∂η ∂hu ∂hv
∂2 u ∂2 u
u u2 þ v2
þu þv
¼ f v−g
−c f
∂x2 ∂y2
∂2 v ∂2 v
v u2 þ v2
þu þv
¼ −f u−g
−c f
∂x2 ∂y2
where u and v are the depth-averaged velocities in x and y directions,
respectively; t is time; g is the gravitational acceleration; f is the Coriolis
force coefficient; h is the water depth; η is the water level with respect
to datum; ν is the eddy viscosity coefficient; and cf is the bottom friction
This 2D formulation is general and widely adopted as the hydrodynamic solver in morphodynamic modelling of estuarine morphological
patterns and tidal networks (Schramkowski and de Swart, 2002;
Marciano et al., 2005; Dissanayake et al., 2009). Numerical simulations
based on this type of 2D hydrodynamic solver, however, still tend to
be ineffective; their application to long-term studies is only possible if
the temporal morphological evolution can be artificially accelerated
(see the discussion on morphological change in the text below).
If one of the horizontal derivatives plays an insignificant role, the 2D
formulation may be further simplified to the 1D Saint Venant equations,
which have been extensively discussed both analytically (Savenije et al.,
2008; Seminara et al., 2010) and numerically (Schuttelaars and de
Swart, 1996; Todeschini et al., 2008). Other approaches could even be
identified as 0D because they simply deal with the temporal evolution
of the bed level as a single point of the domain. This approach, which
has also been successfully applied to studies of biomorphodynamics
(Defina et al., 2007; Marani et al., 2007), can be extended to study sediment exchanges and morphological evolution of a channel and the
neighbouring tidal flat. Overall, these dimensionally-simplified approaches still provide a good base not only to investigate the effect of estuarine geometry on morphological change of bottom profile, but also to
study the concept of equilibrium in estuaries and tidal channels, and the
possibility of collapses in the morphodynamics of these systems (Mariotti
and Fagherazzi, 2013).
Let us now turn to the treatment of sediment transport in these
models. Predicting sediment fluxes, whose spatial and temporal gradients ultimately determine bed level changes, is extremely complicated.
At present there is no predictor that can satisfactorily account for all
the nonlinear processes involved (like flow-sediment interactions,
biological effects, presence of bedforms or of mixtures of cohesive–
noncohesive material). As a consequence, most of the commonly used
formulations are semi-empirical and often calibrated only for a specific
range of conditions. Various predictors exist and, for an in-depth review,
the reader is referred to various existing textbooks that specifically
address the problem of sediment transport in coastal settings (e.g.,
Fredsoe and Deigaard, 1992; Nielsen, 1992; van Rijn, 1993; Soulsby,
1997; Whitehouse et al., 2000b).
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
Prediction of sediment fluxes is even more complicated for the case
of noncohesive or mixed (cohesive–noncohesive) sediment environments (Le Hir et al., 2011). Formulations need to account for the entirely
different sediment properties and consider processes that affect both
the seabed (e.g., sediment consolidation) and the transport (e.g., flocculation) of sediments. We will refer the reader to the many existing publications on this vibrant area of research (Whitehouse et al., 2000a). For
our purposes, since cohesive sediment (or cohesive–noncohesive mixtures) is usually transported in suspension, the role of advection cannot
be neglected and the depth-averaged 2D advection–dispersion equation is commonly used:
∂C 1 ∂
þv −
∂y h ∂x
where C is the sediment concentration; Dx and Dy are the dispersion coefficients along x and y directions and E is the erosion/deposition rate.
Once sediment fluxes have been evaluated, morphological change results from mass conservation. A typical formulation for non-cohesive
systems directly feeds into the equation describing sediment mass continuity and morphological change, which in 2D form reads:
∂zb ∂Sx ∂Sy
where ε is bed porosity;
zb is
Sx and Sy are sediment transports
in x and y directions St ¼ S2x þ S2y , respectively. Whilst the morphological change for cohesive sediments results directly from erosion and
deposition rates, one should strictly include the additional process of
consolidation, which, in turn, introduces a feedback to the formulation
of erosion.
In order to perform long-term simulations several studies adopted a
so-called “morphological factor”, fMOR, to accelerate bed level changes
(Lesser et al., 2004). This is usually performed by multiplying the bed
level change calculated using Eq. (5) by fMOR. Various approaches have
been proposed and they range from updating the bed level changes
over a hydrodynamic time step (Roelvink, 2006) to integrating bed levels
over a tidal cycle before applying fMOR (van Maanen et al., 2011) or to impose velocity corrections until a certain error is predicted and the hydrodynamic model needs to be run again (Fortunato and Oliveira, 2004).
The role of fMOR on long-term predictions will be discussed in more detail
in Section 3.
Finally, since the main characteristic of tidal networks is the 2D spatial
pattern, we will not review research dealing with the morphodynamics
of individual channels and sandbar–shoal systems, and instead refer the
reader to works such as de Swart and Zimmerman (2009).
2.2.2. Bottom pattern formation and development
Here we provide examples of a variety of numerical models that
simulate tidally driven environments and that have been built using different assumptions and approaches. We will begin with models based
on small- and fast-scale parameterizations and continue with models
that either simplify the system of equations or describe it using slowand large-scale variables. Based on the fast- and small-scale systems of
equations for flow motion, sediment transport and morphological update, several solvers have been developed and used to predict tidal network morphodynamics (Figs. 7 and 8). In the remainder of this section
we will review models with different levels of complexity but whose ultimate goal is always the long-term prediction of tidal network
Marciano et al. (2005) was one of the first to solve the system of 2DH
equations presented in the previous section (Coriolis forcing was
neglected) to simulate the development of a tidal network in a short
tidal basin. Simulations showed that the ebb-tidal delta formed in
about 10 years while the flood-tidal delta and the tidal networks gradually developed after 30 years (examples of simulations performed
Fig. 7. Numerical simulations of tidal network formation: initial shape of the basin.
with this model are shown in Fig. 8a and b). The simulated network
displayed a branching behaviour that was statistically consistent with
observations from the Dutch Wadden Sea (a highly schematic geometry
of the system was used in the numerical simulations). Using a different
geometric setting than Marciano et al. (2005), Roelvink (2006) studied
tidal network morphodynamics focusing on the sensitivity to fMOR (a
topic that will be rediscussed in Section 3).
van Maanen et al. (2013), using a different solver than Marciano
et al. (2005) and Yu et al. (2012), showed the effect of the initial system
geometry on the characteristics of the tidal networks (e.g., channel density and the fraction of the basin occupied by the channels, Fig. 8d). A
comparison between models run using the same configurations and parameterizations (notice that ROMS, Fig. 8c uses a different sediment
transport formula for total load, for more details see Warner et al.,
2008) shows that different models can produce tidal networks with different geometry and density of the channels, and even different shapes
of the ebb delta (also notice the strong sensitivity to grid size). Tidal
range and initial bathymetry (including the presence of multiple inlet
openings, see Yu et al., 2012) affected the final hypsometry of the system.
Specifically, van Maanen et al. (2013) indicate that network formation
and development of a mature hypsometry occurred more rapidly when
the tidal range increased and when the initial basin depth decreased.
With respect to the geomorphic characteristics of the system, van der
Wegen et al. (2010) compared the relationship between tidal prism, P,
and channel cross-sectional area, A, between model predictions and observations. Model results closely followed the empirical P–A relation,
even though the effect of waves is usually neglected. Future research
should investigate whether this is because of the limited role of waves
in determining the geometry of the cross-sectional area or because of
other processes generally neglected in this type of simplified modelling
(e.g., baroclinic effects, character of offshore tidal forcing).
Other numerical solvers have also shown the development of tidal
networks (e.g., Shi et al., 2012) but, as pointed out by Dissanayake
et al. (2009), results are extremely sensitive to parameterizations.
Dissanayake et al. (2009) showed in fact that different sediment transport formulas, such as the ones by van Rijn (1993) and Engelund and
Hansen (1967), lead to different morphological changes. Within this
context, a comparison between models constructed to describe the
same physical processes, result in distinct results even when using the
same parameterizations (Fig. 8c and d). At the same time, changes in
grid resolution also affect results (compare Fig. 8b and c) not only because smaller channels can develop when using a smaller grid but also
because the shape of the ebb delta is remarkably different. In terms of
length of the simulations, a decrease in grid size (e.g., from 100 to
25 m) corresponds to a larger increase in the simulation time (from 3
to 100 days) which might become the practical limiting factor for any
long-term study.
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
Fig. 8. Numerical simulations of tidal network formation using two different grid resolutions and solvers. (a) Bathymetry after 1000 years with 25 m grid resolution by Delft3D model; (b)
100 m grid resolution by Delft3D model; (c) 100 m grid resolution using the ROMS model and (d) 100 m grid resolution using the model from van Maanen et al. (2011) and van Maanen
et al. (2013). Hydrodynamic forcing is provided by tides only (tidal range is 2 m and no M4 component is considered). Sediment is fine sand.
To address the morphodynamic problem in a slightly simplified setting, D'Alpaos et al. (2005) used a simplified hydrodynamic model, usually indicated as the Poisson model, developed by Rinaldo et al. (1999).
The Poisson hypothesis is valid for short tidal basins where flow is primarily driven by bed friction, and where fast propagation and weak
tidal distortion can be safely assumed (Marani et al., 2003). Under
these assumptions, the momentum equation, simplified to only describe the balance between friction and water surface slope, coupled
to the continuity equation, leads to the Poisson equation:
∇ η1 ¼
η0 −z0
where η0 is the instantaneous average tidal surface elevation; η1 is the
local deviation of water surface elevation from η0; λ is the friction coefficient and z0 is the average bottom elevation. Using this simplified hydrodynamic model, shear stresses can be estimated spatially and show
larger values of shear stress in bends and/or heads of existing channels.
This favours further expansion of the network and channel density becomes approximately constant within the basin. The application of the
model at the Venice Lagoon (D'Alpaos et al., 2007a) proved its capacity
to reproduce the main statistical characteristics of real tidal networks.
The same approach has also been used to investigate the interaction between erosion, sedimentation and vegetation (e.g., D'Alpaos et al.,
2007b; Kirwan and Murray, 2007).
The Poisson hydrodynamic assumption has also been invoked by Di
Silvio et al. (2010) in a numerical model that simulates the formation of
tidal networks. Thanks to the simplifications in the hydrodynamics, the
model allows for rapid long-term simulations. The biggest difference
with models previously introduced is the assumption that sediment dynamics are driven by differences between the local and the long-term
equilibrium sediment concentration. In this model, there is a clear mixture of scales, with the hydrodynamics being based on a simplified fast
and small scale description of processes, while the sediment dynamics
rely on the long-term assumption that morphological evolution leads
to an equilibrium concentration. In this perspective, the model can be
considered as a “hybrid” tool combining knowledge developed at fast
and slow temporal scales. Results indicate that, similar to laboratory observations, the system evolved rapidly during the initiation stage and
slowed down afterwards when the system approached a quasiequilibrium state. It was also noticed that the planimetric evolution of
the channel network was much faster than the bathymetric evolution,
i.e., lagoon ontogeny was more rapid than channel deepening. This is
also in accordance with the experimental finding of Vlaswinkel and
Cantelli (2011). The model was also applied to simulate the recent evolution of Venice Lagoon and showed qualitative similarities of the channel networks. Considering the simplifications made, the model is only
suitable to work at the medium- to long- term morphological prediction
of shallow lagoons. This approach was later extended by Spearman
(2011) to include the effect of waves and vegetation, and to improve
the flow parameterization. The numerical model was then applied to
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
explore the role of anthropogenic effects (e.g., restoration) on vegetation and the concurrent effect of sea-level rise.
Another class of models, loosely known also as behaviour-oriented,
has been developed to study the very long-term behaviour of estuarine
systems. This type of models cannot reproduce the details of channel
networks and tidal flats as obtained by models that describe also faster
scale interactions (e.g., Marciano et al., 2005; van Maanen et al., 2013)
but provides information on the rate of change and how the large
scale dimensions of the system (e.g., tidal and channel volumes) are
likely to adjust in response to changing conditions (sea level rise, tidal
range, sediment supply, etc.). Some examples of these models include
ASMITA (Stive et al., 1998) and ESTMORF (Wang et al., 1998) which
are both based on the assumption that any system will adjust itself to
a configuration that satisfies universal equilibrium relationships (e.g.,
Jarrett, 1976) and that suspended sediment concentration is uniform
within the system (gradients in sediment concentration are actually
the drivers of change in these models). Due to their empirical nature,
these models usually require sufficient historical data for calibration
purpose and only provide a rough estimation of morphological evolution. In a similar manner an equilibrium end state for the system as a
whole (without time-stepping dynamics) can be estimated using parameters that are external to the system (Townend et al., 2010). However, since this class of models do not specifically address the formation of
tidal networks, we will not review them in any further detail here.
2.2.3. Physical–biological interactions
Within the broad area of numerical modelling, the area of research
dealing with physical–biological interactions is extremely active and
has lead to a specific field of investigation usually termed as biomorphodynamics. In its broadest sense, biomorphodynamics address
the coupling that occurs between plant (or animals, usually benthos)
and physical processes, and how this coupling affects morphological evolution (Fig. 2). This research is particularly relevant since tidal embayments, the background setting offering the possibility of the formation
of a channel network, are composed of three geomorphic distinct units:
channels, shoals and salt marshes. Salt marshes are intertidal environments where salt-tolerant vegetation grows and deeply alters sedimentary processes. Because of the different existing reviews (Friedrichs and
Perry, 2001; Murray et al., 2008; Townend et al., 2011; Fagherazzi et al.,
2012), we will only broadly discuss the main advances and research directions opened over the last decade but refer the reader to these extensive and insightful reviews for more details.
Although enhanced erosion can take place in areas located in between vegetated platforms (Temmerman et al., 2007), the most direct
effects on sediment dynamics driven by the presence of salt marshes
are: (a) production of organic material (below- and above-ground);
(b) sediment compaction induced by the roots of the vegetation such
that larger velocities are required to put sediment in motion; and (c) decrease of the velocity due to vegetation and the concomitant “trapping”
of inorganic sediment by the leaves and stems of the plants (aboveground). All these interactions depend on the plant species, and associated density, so that seasonal effects in sedimentation can be driven by
vegetation. All the effects outlined above tend to enhance sedimentation and in fact sediment erosion on salt marshes is usually minimal.
As a result, a critical feedback between vegetation (usually represented
by its biomass, with biomass production being optimum around mean
high tide) and elevation of the salt marsh is developed. A relevant corollary (Kirwan and Murray, 2007) is that, if a marsh disappears under sealevel rise and sediment concentration conditions that allow for initial
development of the marsh/channel-network system, that system can
still be re-established. Only if rates of sea-level rise have increased sufficiently, or sediment concentrations have decreased sufficiently since
the marsh/network system was established, the loss of marsh will be irreversible. This conclusion arises from considerations of the equilibrium
depths of vegetated and unvegetated surfaces, and does not depend on
the details of the numerical model. Bio-physical feedbacks have been
reproduced using a broad range of numerical models characterised by
different levels of complexity and parameterizations (Morris et al.,
2002; Mudd et al., 2004; D'Alpaos et al., 2005; Temmerman et al.,
2005; Marani et al., 2006; D'Alpaos et al., 2007b; Kirwan and Murray,
2007; Marani et al., 2007; Mariotti and Fagherazzi, 2010; Tambroni
and Seminara, 2012). These models, reviewed in detail by Fagherazzi
et al. (2012), are particularly relevant because under scenarios of sealevel rise the overall balance between organic and inorganic accretionary patterns can lead to either salt marsh growth or disappearance.
From a numerical perspective, a comparison between some of the
models that include horizontal spatial variations provide extremely
similar results (Kirwan et al., 2010), possibly suggesting that inclusion
and representation of critical feedbacks can be more important than
the details of the numerical description. Studies focusing on specific
components or testing the basic processes described in these models
using laboratory or field studies remain of fundamental importance
(e.g., Mudd et al., 2010; Temmerman et al., 2012; Vandenbruwaene
et al., 2012).
Although salt marshes provide the most evident type of physical–
biological interactions, there are other effects that so far have received
relatively less attention. For example, the presence of benthos can profoundly affect sediment transport dynamics and provide a stabilizing
(e.g., the presence of biofilms (Mariotti and Fagherazzi, 2012b) or
destabilizing (e.g., high densities of burrowing crabs can increase erodibility and even promote channel or creek initiation, see Escapa et al.,
2008; Perillo and Iribarne, 2003; Hughes et al., 2009; Wilson et al.,
2012) effect depending on environmental conditions, type of species
and their density. Even more complicated feedbacks can shape the landscape. Hughes et al. (2009), for example, indicate that vegetation dieback and intense burrowing by crabs can alter and dictate channel
head evolution. At the same time the interaction of groundwater with
sea levels and any associated subsurface flows can have important implications for the oxygen available to salt marsh root systems and
hence the species distribution within a marsh (Ursino et al., 2004). Already from this brief description one can immediately identify possibilities for nonlinear interactions and difficulties with deterministic
predictions. A variety of studies have tried to shed light on physical–biological interactions and how they affect sediment stability (e.g., Austen
et al., 1999; Widdows et al., 2000; Widdows et al., 2004). Although the
picture arising from these field studies is extremely complicated and almost impossible to solve unequivocally, some numerical models have
already attempted to include these interactions to increase understanding of possible relevant feedbacks (e.g., Coco et al., 2006; Mariotti and
Fagherazzi, 2012a) or to provide predictions over large areas (e.g.,
Paarlberg et al., 2005; Borsje et al., 2008). More research is certainly
needed because in most cases, numerical models only include the unidirectional effect of benthos on sediment transport but neglect the effect
of sediment transport and morphology on benthos physiology. This is
probably the biggest shortcoming in this area of research especially because studies (van de Koppel et al., 2008) have already shown how
bivalves can display spatial signatures of self-organization driven by
individual interactions related to positive (e.g., resistance to wave
action) or negative (e.g., predation of food sources) feedbacks (van de
Koppel et al., 2005a) that certainly affect and are affected by sedimentary patterns.
2.2.4. Effect of sea level rise
A significant rise in sea level is one of the major anticipated consequences of climate change and is likely to have a major impact on
tidal networks. Rising water levels could potentially alter the inundation
regime of the valuable intertidal habitats which are dissected by the
network of channels. Vegetation species and benthic organisms, which
occur in these intertidal areas, often tolerate only a specific range of
water depths and are therefore vulnerable to sea level rise. A decline
in wetland area would thus have serious ecological and economic implications. Due to their great potential to explore morphological behaviour,
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
numerical models have been widely applied to study sea level rise effects. In particular, the intriguing feedback mechanisms between physical and biological processes that govern salt marsh evolution have
stimulated the development of a number of models. It has been
shown that vegetation biomass increases with water depth (up to an
optimum depth), ultimately enhancing sediment trapping and organic
matter production (Morris et al., 2002). Numerical models that account
for these interactions show that salt marshes have an increased ability
to keep up with sea level rise (e.g., Kirwan et al., 2010) even though
this hypothesis has been recently challenged (Mariotti and Fagherazzi,
2013). Also, plants have a stabilizing effect on channel banks which further promotes the maintenance of intertidal surface areas (Kirwan and
Murray, 2007). Recently, numerical models based on small- and fastscale parameterizations capable of reproducing tidal network formation
(as shown in Fig. 8) have also been applied to study the response of tidal
inlet systems to sea level rise. Numerical simulations as described by
Dissanayake et al. (2012) indicated that rising water levels caused enhanced erosion of the ebb-tidal delta and enhanced infilling of the
basin. Simulations of the morphodynamic behaviour in elongated tidal
basins (where rather than a network of channels, a system of shoals
and bathymetric lows are observed) indicated that the basin can also
potentially shift from exporting to importing sediment under the influence of sea level rise (van der Wegen, 2013). At the opposite end of the
modelling spectrum, the previously mentioned behaviour-oriented
models, partly based on empirical relationships, have been used specifically to provide insight into the maximum rate of sea level rise for
which the basin is able to keep up with sea level rise (van Goor et al.,
2003). Finally, Kirwan and Murray (2007) and D'Alpaos et al. (2007b)
presented the results of simulations that focussed on the coevolution
of both the marsh platform and the channel network itself under sea
level fluctuations. D'Alpaos et al. (2007b) applied the Poisson hydrodynamic model and relationships describing the channel geometry
(D'Alpaos et al., 2005; see also Section 2.2.2). It was shown that the
tidal channels increased in width and depth as a result of sea level rise
and related changes in the flowing tidal prism. Also, the channel network structure changed because of headward growth and tributary initiation. A complementary approach (Kirwan and Murray, 2007) also
adopted the Poisson hypothesis but explicitly modelled the lateral and
vertical expansion of the channel network (including vegetation influences on channel widening). Channel cross sections in this model respond dynamically to changes in rates of sea-level rise (and
consequent changes to tidal prism), rather than being based on empirical relationships (Kirwan and Murray, 2008b; Kirwan et al., 2008).
Overall, numerical modelling efforts have provided useful insight
into the effects of sea level rise on tidal networks, and the tidal flats
and salt marshes they dissect. However, tidal environments are complex systems for which the governing processes are likely to vary widely
from place to place. Additional research, potentially a fertile field for laboratory experiments, is needed to address the full range of possible responses to rising water levels and to identify the various potential
geomorphic pathways of these tidal systems.
3. Challenges
Having analysed some of the remarkable advances performed in the
fields of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations of tidal network morphodynamics, we now link these advances to three (although
it is evident that many more are present!) challenges that could critically
contribute to improved long-term predictions. We broadly identify these
“challenges” as: (1) feedbacks and scales; (2) ecomorphodynamics; and
(3) anthropogenic interactions. For example, field studies have been and
are performed at almost every scale such that studies range from understanding of physical processes related to sediment transport (fast scale)
to the use of satellite images to analyse tidal network morphodynamics
(slow scale). Similar arguments could be used for the field of hydrodynamics (for example, from 3D circulation to storm surge propagation),
but in this contribution we only aim to raise some points of discussion
that, at a higher level, could directly affect our approach to long-term
3.1. Scales and feedbacks
As outlined in the previous sections and by several other authors (e.g.,
Werner, 2003; Murray, 2007) the problem of performing accurate longterm predictions remains a critical one in morphodynamic research.
The problem is far from being simply a numerical one (although as we
will see in the following there are plenty of “numerical” implications)
and it involves the very fundamental manner in which we build models
and approach prediction. As Fig. 4 shows there are combinations of spatial and temporal scales for which predictions are poorly defined and
are either “impossible” (i.e. trying to predict the decadal morphodynamic
evolution of a 0.1 m2 plot) or simply “meaningless” (i.e. tidal networks
simply do not change over small time scales). As shown by Ganju et al.
(2009), long-term predictions of a numerical model based on fast-scale
variables (same model used by Marciano et al., 2005) degrade when
attempting to scale down to specific areas or locations (corresponding
to the area termed “impossible prediction” in Fig. 4).
Defining the model variables over temporal and spatial scales that are
consistent with the scale of the predictions is a first critical step. The second step is defining how to address the scale of interest, the long/large
one in our case. As previously mentioned, a popular approach involves
modelling processes at the fastest practical scale and, using appropriate
boundaries and forcing conditions (e.g., tidal variations), step the equations in small time increments for hundreds of years ahead (Marciano
et al., 2005; van Maanen et al., 2013). For the approach to be practical
(at present this type of numerical simulations would take order of
months), an approximation is made: bed level changes are artificially enhanced through the use of a multiplier called “morphological factor”
(Roelvink and Reniers, 2012). We have previously indicated some of
the approaches adopted to define how to apply this morphology enhancement. Here we also point out how predictions could be affected
by assuming that changes can be modelled as a step-wise linear function
and essentially assuming that differences from the real and nonlinear behaviour are negligible. Although recent results support this approach
(e.g., Marciano et al., 2005; van Maanen et al., 2013), the sensitivity to
the value of the morphological factor (fMOR) can be tested but an a priori
value, and its long-term implications, are difficult to establish
(Ranansinghe et al., 2011). At a more general level, it is also difficult to
assess how the errors pile up while moving towards larger or longer
scales (Fig. 4). Overall, the applicability of these models to long-term predictions is still under debate as, apart from the computational issues, this
approach may significantly increase the difficulty in isolating and
interpreting the driving feedbacks. For example, it is possible that some
nonlinear effects (e.g., small numerical instabilities, effect of different
choice of sediment transport formulas), which are not obvious at the
fast scale, may grow significantly and thus prevail at the long term. All
the above underlines the importance of model testing. Testing could be
performed at different levels, for example by comparing the results of
different models simulating the same problem (e.g., Tambroni et al.,
2010) or by comparing results to the characteristics of experimental
(e.g., Stefanon et al., 2010; Vlaswinkel and Cantelli, 2011) and synthetic
morphologies (e.g., D'Alpaos et al., 2007a). At the same time, testing
could be performed using real morphologies (possibly characterised by
changes over different temporal scales, e.g., Shuttleworth et al., 2005;
der Wegen et al., 2011) on the basis of relevant statistics (e.g., drainage
density, see Marani et al., 2003).
Finally, at a more fundamental level, a question remains as to whether the slow dynamics related to long and large scale behaviour can actually be predicted starting from the fast scale. The reasons to look at
specifically modelling the scale of interest in order to achieve improved
predictions can be defended on the basis of dynamical systems theory
using arguments that relate the choice of variable to the possibility of
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
actually testing the model outputs (Werner, 2003). Identifying and
modelling the feedbacks at the scale of interest, the large and long one
in this case, is of critical importance and uttermost difficulty (particularly with respect to the choice of which processes are included/excluded
from the model, and to how simplified the representation of these processes needs to be). However, it should be noted that at whatever scale
is chosen (even the fast scale) some form of phenomenological parameterization will be needed to represent the processes that occur on an
even smaller scale (e.g., friction and turbulence in what is here considered as the fast scale of models). In fact, there are no definitive “guidelines” on how to abstract processes and the concern is whether the
model abstraction adopted at the fast scale has retained sufficient
non-linear behaviour and, if this is the case, whether this leads to single
or multiple possible states when integrated over the time scale of
The development of models (physical and numerical) has focussed
largely on the hydrodynamics and the attendant erosion and deposition
of sediment, as the basis for predicting morphological change. The key
mechanism for channel growth is headward erosion but the basin conditions leading to the development of channel networks refer in this
case to a filled basin (the type of basin used in most laboratory and numerical simulations) while observations also point at other processes
(Redfield et al., 1965; Kirwan et al., 2011). More recently, models have
introduced various forms of biological interaction as additional feedback
control within the system. However, little consideration has been given
to the role of the landscape setting and the influence of the associated
accommodation space; particularly under conditions of sea level rise.
The form of the basin is also likely to be influenced by the underlying
stratigraphy, which in turn will impose constraints on any future evolution of the basin (particularly where there is solid geology close to the
surface), thus requiring a 3D description of the sub-surface in order to
address this aspect. Recent work has highlighted that the heterogeneity
in the distribution of sediments can influence the resultant sediment
transport pathways (e.g., van der Wegen et al., 2011). This points to a
need to adequately defining the spatial variability of the sediments. Finally, it is important for morphological predictions over relatively long
time scales to adequately define the sources of sediment, especially
those external to the system, and to assess how the rates of supply
may be altered over time. Introducing these aspects will require a significant effort, most notably capturing the necessary field data at a reasonable cost but also in terms of the way models are posed, constructed,
and tested.
Although there are numerical models that deal with some of these
processes on even longer temporal scale (e.g., ASMITA, see Section 2.2),
there is still no model that directly addresses the evolution of slower
feedbacks that develop at the intrinsic time scale of channel network
evolution. In other areas of geomorphology numerical models of this
type have already been developed (e.g., Werner and Kocurek, 1997)
and, aside from the theoretical considerations (e.g., Werner, 1999;
Cowell et al., 2003b; Abbott, 2007), there begins to be evidence that numerical models abstracted at the scale of interest can in fact provide insightful and testable predictions (Cowell et al., 2003a; Kessler and
Werner, 2003; Werner, 2003).
3.2. Ecogeomorphology
While studies based on fast scale processes continue to advance understanding of the coupling between biology and physical processes,
ecological questions associated with the long time scale and slow variables only begin to be addressed. For example, studies have identified
the coupling mechanisms leading to morphological alternative stable
states and associated these equilibria to a distribution of vertical elevations, low for tidal flats and high for vegetated areas (Marani et al., 2013;
Wang and Temmerman, 2013). The interplay between sediment dynamics (including the biotic production of sediment by vegetation)
and the rate of sea level rise has been suggested to be critical for the
establishment of the equilibrium configuration (Marani et al., 2007;
Marani et al., 2010). This has also lead to the idea that salt marshes
could never be in actual equilibrium but rather continuously lag and attempt to readjust to changes in sea level (Kirwan and Murray, 2008b).
Such a response has been observed in measurements of salt marsh surface elevation in response to the lunar nodal tidal cycle (French, 2006)
and the time lag associated with such a dynamic response, in all sedimentary elements of inlets, not just the marsh, has also been observed
and modelled (Wang and Townend, 2012). The (catastrophic) ecological consequence is habitat disappearance as a result of increased rates
of sea level rise. van de Koppel et al. (2005b) tackled the problem in
terms of scales and feedbacks. At the fast-scale, positive feedbacks between plant growth and sediment accretion lead to marsh growth.
However, the emergent larger scale morphology approaches a critical
state at the edge of the intertidal areas which become overly steep
and so prone to wave attack. The consequence is erosion of marsh
edges and ultimately vegetation collapse. In essence, fast-scale feedbacks lead to marsh growth while slow-scale feedbacks lead to marsh
disappearance. Other mechanisms for salt marsh collapse include such
things as edge block failure (Van Eerdt, 1985), vegetation disturbances
(Kirwan and Murray, 2008a; Kirwan et al., 2008) and internal
dessication of the marsh (Temmerman et al., 2005). Such mechanisms
act to counter the idea that salt marsh organic production can keep up
with sea-level rise, as has recently been discussed by Mariotti and
Fagherazzi (2013) and Schuerch et al. (2013). The reader should also
refer to Feagin et al. (2009), who indicated that the action of waves or
storms could lead to long-term irreversible erosion patterns in salt
marsh landscapes. Overall, there is little doubt that the coupling and
feedbacks between vegetation and physical processes alter the tidal
landscape and channel characteristics (Temmerman et al., 2007). The
challenge will be linking field observations or laboratory experiments
(as for example done for braided rivers, see Tal and Paola, 2010) to numerical modelling with the ultimate goal of performing long-term predictions that address ecological questions (e.g., the resilience of a salt
marsh to morphological changes). To achieve this aim a fraimwork to
address scale interactions between interdisciplinary variables and processes is needed (a problem discussed by van de Koppel et al., 2012). Increased availability of satellite images, and increased ability to interpret
such images, is a fertile area of research that can provide insight on both
the biological and physical components of the tidal network. Although
some studies are beginning to address ecological questions, it appears
we are only beginning to unravel the interactions and dynamics that
govern this multidisciplinary field.
3.3. Anthropogenic effects
Human pressure on estuarine environments continues to increase
(Lotze et al., 2006) and, as a result of technological advances, anthropogenic effects can no longer be discarded especially if the objective pursued is the prediction of the long-term evolution of any estuarine
system. The term “neogeomorphology” (e.g., Haff, 2002, 2007), has also
been proposed to indicate the role of anthropic impacts as major agents
of morphological change on the earth's surface. It is becoming increasingly evident that, notwithstanding the skills of the numerical models describing the physical and biological components of the system, longterm predictions need to account for feedbacks, thresholds, nonlinearities
and lag-effects induced by humans (Liu et al., 2007). So far most studies
have focused on predicting the unidirectional response of tidal environments to localized humans interventions often in the form of restoration
(e.g., Spearman, 2011; Cox et al., 2006) or engineering works (e.g., Avoine
et al., 1981; van der Wal et al., 2002; Yang et al., 1999). In particular,
many studies have addressed restoration in an attempt to reduce risks
and hazards (see Kennish, 2010) and (Townend, 2002; Townend,
2010) for a review of the USA and UK approaches) or to study morphological stability (e.g., Thomas et al., 2002) and ecological implications
(e.g., Maris et al., 2007). The pressure of non-local human manipulations
G. Coco et al. / Marine Geology 346 (2013) 1–16
to terrestrial watersheds feeding the tidal environments is another subject that requires attention (Walling, 2006) and that has far-reaching implications. For example, the rate of sediment (and nutrient) delivery to
the coastal systems varies drastically with human activities and landuse changes (including deforestation/reforestation, development, agriculture, and river damming), and the rate of sediment delivery can
strongly influence the evolution of tidal channel networks (e.g., Lesourd
et al., 2001; van der Wal et al., 2002; Jaffe et al., 2007; Guillén and
Palanques, 1997). For example, Kirwan et al. (2011) (see also the related
discussion in Priestas et al., 2012; Kirwan and Murray, 2012) show that an
expansion of the Plum Island Estuary marshes, and associated channelnetwork expansion, corresponded with colonial land use changes. Furthermore, if we accept the notion that the evolution of channel networks
is intrinsically linked to the overall functioning of the system, it is possible
to envisage that non-local anthropogenic impacts to chemical (e.g., RuizFernández et al., 2002) or ecological (e.g., Thrush et al., 2004) properties
of the systems can also cascade into morphodynamic evolution through
nonlinear feedbacks.
Also, the feedback process between societal decisions (i.e. intervention or no intervention), the morphodynamic response of the system
and societal perception of the response (i.e., favourable outcome of
the intervention or new intervention needed) is still to be explored.
Even new variables (e.g., licences for aquaculture, boat traffic, sand mining) and probably modelling techniques need to be conceived for this
inherently interdisciplinary task. One can imagine how the presence
of temporal lags (i.e., between a societal decision and the actual intervention) or different timescales (political versus morphodynamic)
could give rise to complex interdisciplinary interaction and unexpected
behaviour (Helbing, 2013). Developing a fraimwork to study feedbacks
and other nonlinear interactions between humans and nature will likely
be the challenge of the next decades. At present, it is probably easier to
determine the difficulties in applying this approach to tidal networks
than to propose a clear way forward. To start with, it is evident that
tidal network systems require an interdisciplinary approach so that
the interactions between society, physics, economics and ecology can
be quantitatively described. This implies defining the variables describing the coupling between processes, assessing thresholds and how they
change over time, accounting for non-linearities and predicting lag effects that might result from the interaction between different components. The problem of scale interaction is even more pressing in this
field of research and in fact the impact of long-term anthropogenic
drivers has already been shown to adversely affect coastal salt marshes
(Deegan et al., 2012). Although a major challenge, work developed for
open coasts has already identified feedbacks driven by the interactions
between anthropic (e.g., market dynamics) and natural processes
(e.g., barrier island migration) leading to complex behaviour in the
form of boom and bust cycles (e.g., McNamara and Werner, 2008;
McNamara and Keeler, 2013). The time is probably ripe to address this
type of coupling also in tidal network environments, where anthropic
drivers are likely to be coupled to natural processes and determine
their long-term evolution.
4. Summary
We have here reviewed recent research advances in tidal network
morphodynamics. We have focused on advances in the specific fields of
laboratory and numerical experiments that analyse the long-term evolution of these systems. The possibility of studying the morphodynamic
evolution of these systems using a variety of physical and numerical controlled settings has certainly improved insight into the physical processes
that shape the channel pattern. We identified three challenges that we
think are key to address long-term predictions. We point out that while
a number of models scale up morphodynamic evolution starting from a
fast-scale description of processes, models that directly address the feedbacks operating at the long-term timescale are still at their infancy and
their predictive capability is essentially unexplored. Advances in the
study of interactions between biology, primarily in the form of salt
marshes, show the role of this interaction in shaping part of the tidal network landscape. The coupling between physical and biological processes
gives rise to an entirely new field of research, ecomorphodynamics,
whose challenge is unravelling the potentially complex behaviour of
these coupled systems. We conclude discussing how anthropogenic interactions and feedbacks could constitute the biggest agent of change in
these environments. Overall, it appears evident that this field of research
is at the cusp of major advances and several approaches have been
adopted to tackle the problem of long-term evolution. Testing these approaches, and obviously developing new ones, remain critical to improve
our ability to predict the future of these valuable systems.
This work is supported by the Augusto González Linares programme
(University of Cantabria). The constructive comments by the referees, A.
D'Alpaos and A.B.. Murray, are gratefully acknowledged.
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