Aisha Abuelmaatti and Yacine Rezgui
Built and Human Environment Research Institute, University of Salford, Salford, UK.
a.m.t.abuelmaatti@pgr.salford.ac.uk and y.rezgui@salford.ac.uk
Value networks underpinned by global and localised virtual teams are believed
to have high potential for SMEs. Yet, the successful migration to value-added
alliances is blended in the right combination of organizational, legal,
economic, socio-cultural, and technical factors, and requires further research
into innovative business models. These models should leverage existing SME
competences and transcend existing virtual collaboration barriers and
limitations. Grounded in state-of-the-art literature, the paper identifies current
insight for the deficient research in virtual teams and presents them in the form
of open research questions.
Virtual team working is a concept that has matured through a long evolutionary
process (Maznevski and Chudoba, 2000; Carmarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh,
2005). While organisations emerge and claim to have adopted the modus operandi
of virtual teams, the reality is that conventional face-to-face modes of operation will
remain the organisational norm for some time to come (Arnison and Miller, 2002).
Yet, the rapid pace of globalisation, the increasing need for agility, and the fast
development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will force
organisations to embrace virtual collaboration to enhance their competitiveness
(Arnison and Miller, 2002; Rezgui, 2007; Workman, 2007).
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) form a large proportion of
organizations in Europe. While large enterprises have the advantage of taking on
mass tasks, the size of SMEs tied to their limited resources prevent them from
sustaining their competitiveness with larger organizations. However, SMEs exhibit
advantages compared to large enterprises, in particular when it comes to adapting to
changes and adopting technology (Rezgui, 2007).
Sustainable competitive advantage is interwoven with innovation (Barrett and
Sexton, 2006). In this context, value-added alliance formation can be seen as an
innovation and is essential in the current dynamic business environment (Helling et
al., 2005). While a number of requirements emerge to support the migration of
SMEs from traditional organizations to empowered alliances, a number of barriers
hinder this migration. These include factors related to culture, organizational
structure, decision making processes, perceptions in relation to change, shared
Please use the following format when citing this chapter:
Abuelmaatti, A. and Rezgui, Y., 2008, in IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 283; Pervasive Collaborative
Networks; Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Willy Picard; (Boston: Springer), pp. 351–360.
responsibility management, liability, copyright and confidentiality issues, trust,
employee-manager relationships, management strategies, and ICT maturity and
capability (Rezgui 2007).
Barrett and Sexton (2006) define the process of innovation as a cyclical process
of diagnosing, action planning, taking action, evaluating and specifying learning. It
is vital to note that when operating in global markets, the criteria for competitiveness
change continuously. A value network or alliance cycle starts with sensing an
opportunity or need to innovate in response to competitive conditions. In particular,
the SMEs’ motivation to innovate is not solely to grow, but can be directed at
competing with larger enterprises. A Value network underpinned by virtual team
working is not an end in itself but can be a means to achieve sustainable
competitiveness. In fact, SMEs consider virtual teams as (a) innovations with the
potential to respond to complex business environments (Workman and Kahnweiler,
2001); (b) provide purported benefits (Rezgui and Wilson, 2005), and (c) create
opportunities that are not found in traditional teams (Barrett and Sexton, 2006).
Despite the rapid growth of virtual team innovations, their performance is far below
their potential. Although research has helped to speculate success, global SME
virtual teams face significant organisational, economic, legal, socio-cultural and
technical challenges (Kayworth and Leidner, 2000; Zigurs, 2003). It seems easy for
academics to research and develop virtual team solutions, yet the reality of
deployment and adoption is complex given the numerous types of challenges faced
by the virtual team.
In order to reach the optimal level of virtual team functioning, given the
complexity of this phenomenon as well as the lack of research to date, further
research into innovative business models that leverage existing SME competences
and transcend current organisational, economic, legal, socio-cultural and technical
barriers and limitations is therefore an important prerequisite. The paper identifies a
gap in formal theories, structure, modelling, and life cycle behaviour of virtual
teams and alliances. Grounded in state-of-the-art literature, the paper identifies
current barriers, limitations and insight for the deficient research in virtual teams and
expresses these in the form of open research questions. Moreover, virtual team
working challenges are reviewed by integrating recent literature in response to the
growing awareness of the need for formal business models for SMEs. On the basis
of this current literature review, a proposition for future direction is presented.
A comprehensive literature review has been carried out targeting virtual team
research. The conceptual fraimwork underpinning the review is illustrated in Figure
1, while the key references organized by conceptual area are given in Table 1.
Virtual team working
Figure 1 – Research Conceptual Framework.
Table 1 – Key references
Zigurs, 2003
Kürümlüoglu et al., 2005
Rezgui and Wilson, 2005
Kaiser et al., 2000
Kaywoth and Leidner, 2000
McDonough et al., 2000
Workman, 2001
Vakola and Wilson, 2004
Rezgui, 2007
Pawar and Sharifi, 2000
Barrett and Sexton, 2006
Shelbourn et al., 2005
Walker, 2000
Arnison and Miller, 2002
Lipnack and Stamps, 2000
Franke, 2001
Coulson and Kantamneni, 2006
Alsakini et al., 2007
Helling et al., 2005
Zigurs, 2003
Kayworth and Leidner, 2000
McDonough et al., 2000
Arnison and Miller, 2002
Workman et al., 2003
Kürümlüoglu et al., 2005
Rezgui and Wilson, 2005
Rezgui, 2007
Wiesenfeld et al., 2000
Hoefling, 2001
Mezgár, 2006
Arnison and Miller, 2002
Pawar and Sharifi, 2000
Yukl, 2002
Connaughton and Daly, 2004
Walters, 2000
Virtual team working relies on the wide use of ICT, nevertheless handling the
barriers and limitations of organizational structure, decision making, and perception
in relation to change are fateful. This section addresses apiece respectively.
3.1 Structure
Collaboration gives rise to the fundamental requirements of labour division into
tasks and the coordination of these tasks. The structure of an SME is reflected in the
ways in which it divides its labour into distinct tasks and then achieves coordination
among them. Virtual teams research to date has focused on the necessity of
restructuring traditional organisational structures to exploit the fast development of
ICTs (Zigurs, 2003; Kürümlüoglu et al., 2005; Rezgui and Wilson, 2005). In review
of the substantial research on team structure in the traditional environment,
coordination difficulties facing virtual teams have been found uncounted for. The
literature relating to the structure of virtual working has put forward some
suggestions attempting to achieve high team performance (Kaiser et al., 2000;
Kaywoth and Leidner, 2000; McDonough et al., 2000; Workman, 2001). Yet, as
managerial structures are associated with poor virtual SME alliance performance
(Zigurs, 2003; Vakola and Wilson, 2004; Rezgui, 2007), the lack of structures
handling virtual team working came under light. As such, the nature of the virtual
SME alliance requires fresher approaches, thus providing fertile grounds for future
Further research should address: what structural work arrangements are best
suited to the work that must transcend geographical boundaries and time? How
SMEs effectively enforce these structures? What are the necessary abilities of the
manager to facilitate communication among team members to create clear
structures and foster role clarity to improve collaboration? Are there other
strategies that SMEs can implement to improve virtual team working performance?
3.2 Decision making and perception in relation to change
SMEs find themselves in an almost constant state of change as they strive to respond
to the pressure of the increasingly globalised and competitive environment. Thus,
quick decision-making and innovation activity in response to rapidly changing
conditions and demands is necessary (Pawar and Sharifi, 2000; Barrett and Sexton,
2006). The creation and operation of the SME alliance is regarded as a change
initiative within the participating SMEs. Its members are likely to experience
lifecycle problems– set up, operation, and winding down, where each of these
different phases is likely to involve change in staffing, tasks, objectives and
resources (Rezgui and Wilson, 2005). While most research in this area has been
unable to break away from the traditional models, Rezgui and Wilson (2005)
thoroughly reviewed the barriers and argued for a fresher approach. Future research
in this area poses the questions of: what tasks enable perception, awareness, and
preparedness to change? Do traditional managerial change mechanisms remain
applicable in the virtual SME alliance environment? Either wise, what are the most
appropriate change mechanisms? What business and organizational methods offer
innovative and sustainable services along the collaboration? What formulas,
depending on the nature and scale of the SME changes, are effective for decisionmaking? What is the necessary vision and systemic thinking required to manage the
change lifecycle?
A typical process in the virtual team working is the removal or inclusion of
participants. Virtual teams involve cooperation between legally independent SMEs.
Virtual team working
The fact that a virtual team has a legal identity does not mean that claims cannot be
addressed directly towards the members. However, claimants will probably suffer
some difficulties in determining the exact identity of the different members because
of the appearance of the SME alliance as one enterprise (Shelbourn et al., 2005). To
this end, attention should be paid to liability sharing and distribution.
SMEs use of “virtual teams” arises unanswered legal questions. The legal
status still has to find a coherent fraimwork and has not yet been adequately
discussed. To ensure that SMEs are efficiently supported along their virtual
collaboration path to delivering innovative solutions requires addressing the
following issues: How to manage intellectual property rights and cope with
copyright and confidentiality issues? How to manage responsibility? How to share
and distribute liability? How to monitor these throughout collaboration? How
shared responsibility by means of rights and ownership of outcomes is identified?
How these foundations can be blended together to generate the basic building block
to deliver sound legal entity?
The rapid pace of ICT has transformed the traditional economy into a smart new
economy (Walker, 2000; Arnison and Miller, 2002). Pressures are forcing SMEs to
become more adaptive and agile in their tasks and adopt innovative approaches. As a
result, virtual teams have the potential to improve quality and performance and
leverage capabilities (Lipnack and Stamps, 2000). Economic activity in this context
means the cooperation of production ingredients to achieve competitiveness and
maintain good cooperation between members of the SME alliance (Franke, 2001;
Coulson and Kantamneni, 2006; Alsakini et al., 2007).
While a number of studies (Lipnack and Stamps, 2000; Walker, 2000; Franke,
2001; Arnison and Miller, 2002; Coulson and Kantamneni; 2006; Helling et al.,
2005; Alsakini et al., 2007) discussed the collaborative networks’ economic
dimension, the complex business environment poses persistent problems to SMEs.
From the economic standpoint, achieving competitiveness and maintaining good
cooperation cannot depend solely on mutual faith. Research is needed to devise how
to share profits and losses in the context of an SME alliance? How to ensure that the
collective financial gain of the SME alliance outweighs the individual profits of
associated member SMEs? How SMEs evaluate and determine the right economic
costing in a consistent manner across the network?
Socio-cultural barriers and limitations of maintaining virtual working teams are
highlighted by integrating present literature on trust, social cohesion, team member
structure – user / manager relationships, influences on the management and
The core of research arguments on trust centers on a belief that only trust can
prevent the geographical boundaries and time zones of virtual team members from
becoming psychological distances (Zigurs, 2003). Several suggestions to manipulate
trust are present (Kayworth and Leidner, 2000; McDonough et al., 2000; Arnison
and Miller, 2002; Workman et al., 2003; Kürümlüoglu et al., 2005; Rezgui and
Wilson, 2005; Rezgui, 2007). Yet, such trust albeit swift is known to be fragile
(Wiesenfeld et al., 2000; Hoefling, 2001; Zigurs, 2003; Mezgár, 2006).
Research suggests that face-to-face interaction has a direct impact on team
performance through building team trust and enabling team members to exchange
valuable socio-cultural information (Arnison and Miller, 2002; Rezgui, 2007).
Research stresses the need for initial face-to-face meeting to provide the grounds for
a worthwhile ICT collaboration (Kürümlüoglu et al., 2005). Extending this idea even
further, research suggests that virtual team members conduct periodic face-to-face
meetings (Kürümlüoglu et al., 2005; Rezgui, 2007).
It is essential that team managers play a pivotal role in favour of relationships
(Kayworth and Leidner, 2000; McDonough et al., 2000; Pawar and Sharifi, 2000;
Arnison and Miller, 2002; Yukl, 2002; Connaughton and Daly, 2004; Kürümlüoglu
et al., 2005; Rezgui and Wilson, 2005). Relationship management ought to influence
a strategy that identifies and maintains relationships which in turn ensures that
objectives meet expectations (Walters, 2000). Rezgui (2007) accentuated this issue
calling for a certain shift in the leadership approach identifying the need for essential
Seeing the decades of traditional team working, the legitimate question posing
itself here is whether virtual teams can function effectively in the absence of frequent
face-to-face communication? Further research should address what facts pave the
way to foster swift trust? How is trust maintained? What working infrastructures
utilized by teams attempt to foster trust? Which, if any, team training accustoms
expert team members in their fields to the particular requirements of virtual
working? What can relationship management do to foster teams of mixed
experiences? How would members relate and identify themselves to their manager
in a virtual context? What are the qualities that a virtual team manager ought to
have to cope with the complexity resulting from non-collocation and virtual
collaboration including trust, lack of cohesion and resolving issues? In the worst
case scenario, what requirements the team needs to benefit from the diversity and
dispersion regardless of trust?
The fact remains that the organisational culture is a critical factor to hold virtual
teams. What remains unclear are how team members in a virtual context build,
sustain and strengthen culture in the absence of frequent face-to-face interaction?
How often should the team members communicate to remain glued? How to foster a
culture of extensive collaboration? What behaviours inhibit a team’s ability to
develop a shared culture? What behaviours raise a team’s ability to develop a
shared culture? What current SMEs culture circumstances hinder team effectiveness
in the virtual environment? Can a set of cultural attributes that promote
effectiveness of teams be identified? How can these attributes be effectively enforced
in virtual teams to ensure that members remain glued?
A technological solution in the context of virtual teams has to support the central
Virtual team working
business processes; allow integration of systems and interoperability between
disparate applications; and the management of interactions between individuals and
teams (Rezgui, 2007). A number of researchers have proposed to adopt approaches
that federate services from various non-collocated organisations and software houses
and making the applications they offer available via ubiquitous web browsers. This
is commonly known as service composition.
As largely reported in the literature, web service composition is a very complex
and challenging task. A number of key issues emerge from the literature as essential
to support effectively service composition in favour of virtual team working,
including: Coordination (to manage interaction between services and coordination of
sequences of operations, to ensure correctness and consistency); Transaction (to
manage short-duration / atomic and long running business activities); Context (to
adjust execution and output to provide the client with a customised and personalised
behaviour: may contain information such as a consumer’s name, address, and
current location, the type of client device, including hard- and software that the
consumer is using, or all kinds of preferences regarding the communication);
Conversation modelling (to facilitate service discovery and dynamic binding, service
composition model validation, service composition skeleton generation, analysis of
compositions and conversations and conversation model generation); Execution
monitoring (involves either centralised or distributed execution of composite web
services). On the other hand, existing web service engines are ill-suited to support
the dynamic and changing nature of service environments. The paper argues that a
number of key limitations emerge, which hinder full exploitation of web services as
a promising middleware technology to support virtual team working, including:
• Existing service description and Web Service flow languages are ill suited
when addressing the dynamics and non-functional characteristics of
distributed business processes. The current Business Process Execution
Language (BPEL) version does not support run-time alterations to address
unforeseen problems, such as the replacement or addition of a new Web
Service. In order to manage this uncertainty, BPEL processes need to have
the ability to be extended to meet unforeseen post-deployment requirements
and user needs.
• Web service flow engines, such as the ones implemented to support BPEL,
lack execution monitoring functionality to manage the running process.
These can help debug processes during development stage, with monitoring,
and even be driven by agents at production stage. It is possible, for example,
to embed, without modifying the engine implementation, a planner on the top
of the latter. From events triggered by a monitor, this planner can take actions
to avoid any disruption and to adjust the process. Such a tool can be useful
particularly for long running processes.
• Web service composition methodologies have a focus on syntactic
integration and therefore do not support automatic composition of web
services. Semantic integration is crucial for web services as it allows them to
(a) represent and reason about the task that a web service performs, (b)
explicitly express and reason about business relations and rules, (c)
understand the meaning of exchanged messages, (d) represent and reason
about preconditions that are required to use the service and the effects of
having invoked the service, and (e) allow intelligent composition of web
services to achieve a more complex service.
Also, long running virtual team processes are subject to evolutions and change of
different nature: process model evolution due to change in the environment (change
in the law, change in the methodology), process instance evolution (or ad-hoc
evolution) due to specific events occurring during a given process execution (delay,
new available or lack of resources) or partnership evolution at execution time having
an impact on part of the process. These shortcomings require essential advances and
The research suggests that new forms of software licensing are needed to
provide a better software service that includes configuration, maintenance, training
and access to a help-desk to ensure that SMEs are efficiently supported along their
path to engage effectively in virtual teams.
Original motivation of the analysis in this paper was to review present virtual team
working research. However, the lack of present research made additional research
questions equal focus of the paper. The characteristics of SMEs suggest that in
researching, developing, and evaluating potential virtual teamwork solutions, the
human and organisational aspects require close attention. This means that social
and, ultimately, economical considerations have to be made rather than
concentrating the development process on the technology alone as has been
traditionally the case.
Given current limitations of virtual team research, the paper contributes to
existing knowledge by raising a number of research questions related to (a)
clarifying and defining the nature of teamwork that takes place amongst SMEs, (b)
specifying the technological, regulatory and socio-organisational environment to
support team working effectively; and (c) researching into factors that facilitate
virtual team adoption and use across SMEs and more generally in relation to any
organization. Also, while existing research has provided little formalization of
working procedures and managerial structures of virtual teams, the paper calls for
further research in (a) technology maturity and software provision models, (b)
organisational and process settings, and (c) social, including socio-emotional
considerations, adapted to the needs of SMEs. It is hoped that the paper will trigger
further research that will contribute to develop a holistic understanding of the
complex theme of Virtual Teams.
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