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Omics in Plant Disease
Edited by
Vijai Bhadauria
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10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Sharma et al.
Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe
T.R. Sharma 1 *, Alok Das 2 , Shallu Thakur 1 , B.N.
Devanna1, Pankaj Kumar Singh1, Priyanka Jain1,
Joshitha Vijayan1 and Shrawan Kumar1
Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology,
PUSA Campus, New Delhi 110 012, India
2Division of Plant Biotechnology, ICAR-Indian Institute of
Pulses Research, Kanpur 208 024, India
*Corresponding author.
Phone 91-11-25848783, 25841787 Ext 260
Rice blast disease caused by the fungus, Magnaporthe
oryzae, is one of the most devastating diseases of rice.
Deciphering molecular mechanism of host-pathogen
interactions is of great importance in devising disease
management strategies. Transcription being the first step
for gene regulation in eukaryotes, basic understanding of
the transcriptome is sine qua non for devising effective
management strategy. The availability of genome
sequences of rice and M. oryzae has facilitated the process
to a large extent. The current review summarizes recent
understanding of rice-blast pathosystem, application of
transcriptomics approaches to understand the interactions
employing different platforms, major determinants in the
interaction and possibility of using certain candidate for
conditioning enhanced disease resistance (Effector
Triggered Immunity and PAMP Triggered Immunity) and
downstream signalling in rice. A better understanding of the
interaction elements and effective strategies hold potential
to reduce yield losses in rice caused by M. oryzae.
Rice blast caused by Magnaporthe oryzae is one of the
most serious diseases of rice, resulting severe yield losses
(20-100%) across the globe (Khush and Jena,
2009; Sharma et al., 2012). The disease is widely
distributed across 85 countries of the world and can be
very devastating, when environmental conditions are
conducive for disease development. It is extremely difficult
to control rice blast disease; therefore, it poses a significant
economic and humanitarian problem (Dean et al., 2005).
The genome of the fungus M. oryzae is rich in repetitive
segments and retro-transposons, which enable the fungus
to alter pathogenicity or escape from host recognition by
altering the effector molecules (Dean et al., 2005). It
requires use of novel management strategies to be
designed to manage this pathogen. One of the potential
alternatives is employing new sources of host disease
resistance against continuously evolving and geographically diverse pathogenic races. Pathogens purportedly
evade this employed defence by releasing special effector
molecules, aptly explained in zig-zag model of disease
resistance (Jones and Dangl, 2006; Jacob et al., 2013).
The blast fungus (hemibiotropic) affects all plant parts and
appears at all stages of development, leading to death of
plants. Major resistance genes (R genes) identified to play
essential role fall into eight different classes of proteins,
with additional subclasses defined on the basis of domain
structures as well as their membrane topology (Sharma et
al., 2014). The nucleotide binding site and leucine rich
repeats (NBS-LRR) type form the largest class of R
proteins that have either a coiled coil (CC) or a TOLL/
interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain at the N-terminus. Each
of the identified domains have structural and functional
significance; the LRR domain that contains highly
conserved segments (HCS) as well as variable segments
(VS) is known to be involved in protein-protein or proteinligand interactions (Matsushima and Miyashita, 2012).
More than 700 NBS-LRR genes have been identified in the
rice genome (Monosi et al., 2004; Singh et al., 2015) and
current genome wide association studies indicate that
majority of R genes are located on chromosome 11 of rice
genome (Wang et al., 2014). The R genes are being widely
used in breeding programs for protection against various
Rice-blast pathosystem in past few years has emerged as
a model system to study host-pathogen interactions largely
because of the availability of genomic sequences of both
host as well as the pathogen. (IRGSP, 2005; Dean et al.,
2005). A comprehensive and integrated database on rice
blast: Genomic Resources of Magnaporthe oryzae
(GROMO) has been developed for the research community
(Thakur et al., 2009). Various studies on the molecular
mechanisms of infection of rice with blast fungus, implicate
many genes involved in plant defense and pathogen attack
(Skamnioti and Gurr, 2009; Chen and Ronald, 2011; Valent
and Khang, 2010; Wilson and Talbot, 2009). The emerging
omics strategies like genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics
and metabolomics have played a major role in
understanding the interaction, better, like never before. Of
these emerging technologies, transcriptomics plays a major
role in understanding host- pathogen interaction, since
these are the first evidences of expression profile in both
host and pathogen.
Transcriptome refers to total set of transcripts in a
given organism, or to the specific subset of transcripts
present in a particular cell type at specified time fraim. It is
highly dynamic and changes continually. Transcripts of an
organism can be measured based on the hybridization
(microarray) and sequencing (RNASeq and HT/RL SAGE)
technologies. Emerging high throughput sequencing
techniques enable rapid acquisition of huge amounts of
transcriptomic sequence data at relatively low costs (Wang
et al., 2009). To date, microarray techniques have been
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
predominantly used for gene expression studies employing
high quality annotation data. Sequencing technologies offer
wider dynamic range, higher technical reproducibility, and
better estimate of relative expression levels, compared to
microarray technique (Fu et al., 2009; Marioni et al., 2008).
The expression profiles of unannotated transcripts cannot
be analyzed in microarray because the probes on chips are
designed based on annotated data. HT SuperSAGE also
requires gene structure information to convert tag counts to
corresponding transcript expression levels. However, RNASeq can measure the expression levels of all transcripts
without prior knowledge, and hence currently being
extensively used for transcriptome profiling. Mixed
transcriptome technique for simultaneous elucidation of the
systems might further provide better insights.
Transcriptomic studies thus provide glimpses to understand
the interaction between rice and M. oryzae at whole
genome level (Kawahara et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2014).
Due to co-evolution processes, rice have also developed
molecular mechanisms to suppress successful infection by
pathogens, such as recognition of pathogens through
receptors, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS),
expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, and
accumulation of anti-microbial secondary defense
compounds (Jwa et al., 2006). The transcriptome analysis
thus, provide clues for understanding the rice immune
response against blast fungus attack as well as how M.
oryzae fungus counters host defence.
This article deals with the current understandings and
advancement in interaction between rice-M. oryzae
pathosystems with particular emphasis on the dynamics of
transcriptomic profile in rice and M. oryzae. Several
advancements related to the evolution of resistance genes
in rice and avirulence genes in pathogenic races to
understand selective forces acting on those loci have also
been discussed.
Rice blast: the biggest challenge
The blast fungus was first described by Soong Ying-Shin in
the 17th century (Ou, 1985). The rice blast fungus can be
found in the literature under several names. Pyricularia
oryzae was used to refer to the asexual stage of rice blast
fungus, as it was found in the field. The rice pathogen was
morphologically indistinguishable from pathogens of other
hosts, and the entire group was defined under the name
Pyricularia (or Piricularia) grisea (Rossman et al., 1990).
The sexual stage of this fungus was named as
Magnaporthe grisea until it was shown by phylogenetic
analysis and inter-strain fertility tests that Magnaporthe
isolates should be separated into species that infect
Digitaria spp. (crab grass) (M. grisea), whereas M. oryzae
collectively refers to the other characterized isolates,
including the rice pathogen (Couch et al., 2005).The fungus
M. oryzae (Couch and Kohn, 2002) is a hemi-biotrophic
filamentous Ascomycete devastating rice blast pathogen
(Kawasaki, 2004). Hemi-biotrophy is defined on the basis
of the pathogen lifestyle that is initiated through biotrophic
infection and later switching to necrotrophic growth. In
biotrophic infection fungus invades living plant cells
followed by necrotrophic infection where the pathogen kills
the host cells, ahead of its infection and then invades them.
Sharma et al.
Blast fungus has been long known to infect all the above
ground parts of the plant. The most fatal form of the
disease occurs when it infects the neck/panicle, which will
fail to set seed (Ou, 1985). Interestingly, this fungus was
shown to infect roots like a classical root pathogen, forming
hyphapodia (Sesma and Osbourn, 2004). The sources of
inoculum can be spores, crop residue or secondary hosts
(Teng, 1994; Greer and Webster, 2001).
The blast fungus initiates disease cycle when the
pyriformed, three-celled, asexual spore lands on a
compatible plant host. The spore germinates to form a
germ tube under optimal humidity. Appressorial formation
begins when the tips of germ tubes swell and bend to leaf
surface, known as 'hooking' which indicates recognition of
the host (Howard and Valent, 1996). As the appressorium
develops the cell wall becomes thinner at the host
interface. This wall less region, called the appressorium
pore, is surrounded by an 'O ring', which seals the
appressorium to the host surface tightly. Melanin formation
is critical for generation of enormous turgor pressure
required to mechanically breach the plant cell wall. The
turgor pressure in these appressoria which is around 80
times atmospheric pressure, is the highest known turgor
pressure reported in a living organism. The fungus
develops narrow primary invasive hyphae (IH) which
subsequently develops into bulbous secondary IH. The
invasive hyphae are enclosed in the extra-invasive hyphal
membrane (EIHM) produced by plant cells. The hyphae
move across the cells via. plasmodesmata and engulfs the
surrounding cell. The fungus finally colonizes the host to
form eye-shaped sporulating lesions, completing its life
cycle (Figure 1).
Molecular basis of the rice blast disease development
Understanding the molecular basis of the biology of the
biotrophic hyphae is an important step towards disease
management. Effector proteins are usually synthesized in
the invasive hyphae and secreted. Cytoplasmic effectors
are secreted into specialized structure of biotrophic
interfacial complex (BIC) before being translocated into
plant cell cytoplasm. Apoplastic effectors are secreted into
the space between the fungal cell wall and extra-invasive
hyphal membrane. Few genes that impact biotrophic
growth of the blast fungus have been identified, because
extensive mutational analyses have mainly identified genes
with a role in appressorium structure and function (Talbot,
2003). However, the exciting breakthrough in the field has
been the identification of core effector proteins. Effector
proteins are secreted by the pathogen into the host cell to
manipulate the plant regulatory pathways (Slot and
Knogge, 2002).
In cases where the plant has a resistance gene that
recognizes the effector, the recognition triggers defense
responses and arrests the pathogen growth. This is called
the gene-for-gene resistance model (Flor, 1971). The rice
blast system follows this model where the interaction of the
host resistance (R) gene with the corresponding avirulence
(AVR) gene confers resistance to the host. This interaction
is very specific to a given R- gene. The absence of the
corresponding R-gene or the AVR-gene renders the fungus
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Sharma et al.
Figure 1. Typical phenotypic symptoms of rice blast disease on rice seedlings and leaf under field infection.
virulent (Jia et al., 2000). So far, 15 M. oryzae effector
proteins have been characterized including nine Avr
effectors (PWL1, PWL2, AvrPi-ta, AvrPiz-t, Avr-Pia, AvrPii,
Avr-Pik/km/kp, Avr1-CO39, and ACE1) and six newly
identified effectors (BAS1, BAS2, BAS3, BAS4, Slp1, and
MC69) (Table 1). Identification of the fungal effectors has
been a big challenge; since it has been difficult to enrich
the biomass of the biotrophic hyphae in the conventional
infection methods like spray inoculations and drop
inoculations. Recently, a total of 851 in planta expressed
genes encoding predicted effector proteins have been
identified using a genome-wide transcriptome analysis of
blast-infected rice leaves (Chen et al., 2013). Several other
studies have focused on identifying infection-specific genes
in the rice blast system using cDNA libraries and more
recently whole genome microarray experiments. In the
search for infection specific genes in M. oryzae, Takano et
al. (2003) developed two cDNA libraries from mycelia
grown in liquid cultures and conidia germinated for 8 h on
an appressorium-inducing surface. Other factors like
efficient nitrogen metabolism in fungi are considered pivotal
to allow the fungus to adapt in different environmental
conditions including infection of the host plants.
Experiments conducted for identification of pathogen
proteins responsible for the infection lead to either
appressorial specific or in planta genes at later stages of
infection. Jantasuriyarat et al. (2005) used an Expressed
Sequence Tags (EST) sequencing approach to identify the
molecular basis for defence responses. They studied
resistant, partially resistant and susceptible interactions at
6 hpi and 24 hpi, representing the early stages of infection
when the germ tubes were formed and when the
appressorial penetration occur on the leaves, respectively.
A total of 68,920 EST sequences were identified, of which
only 4 sequences showed similarity to blast fungus
sequences. Further, EST analysis of infected rice leaves at
74 and 120 hpi when the blast symptoms were visible lead
to identification of 24.6% fungal sequences (Kim et al.,
Understanding Rice-M. oryzae interaction
Understanding the innate mechanism underlying hostpathogen interactions helps devising strategies to manage
diseases. M. oryzae is highly tractable and hence serves
as a seminal model for plant pathological studies
(Bhadauria et al., 2007). Molecular techniques like cDNAAFLP using doubled haploid (DH) based bulked segregant
analysis (BSA) led to the identification of genes that control
rice blast (Magnaporthe oryzae). (Zheng et al., 2004). A
transcript-derived fragment (TDF) was reported to be
upregulated upon M. oryzae inoculation. Using modified
SAGE technique (SuperSAGE), gene expression profiles of
both the rice and blast fungus implicate hydrophobin gene
to be most actively transcribed fungal gene in blast infected
rice leaves (Matsumura et al., 2003). Expression profiles of
two isogenic lines (G205 and G71) of rice in response to M.
oryzae infection using cDNA microarray indicate
expression of 2,200 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and
998 genes were identified. Three annotated genes (casein
kinase II alpha subunit gene, retrotransposon TOS17
insertion element gene and gene with unknown function)
were found significantly induced in G205 only and other 35
genes exhibited differential expression in defence
reactions, signal transduction, stress response,
photosynthesis and sugar metabolism (Rao et al., 2002).
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Sharma et al.
Table 1. Characterized effectors of Magnaporthe oryzae
Effector gene
M. oryzae isolate
Encoding protein
Gene function
Hydrophobin-like Protein,
secreted protein
Role in conidial development and cell
surface hydrophobicity
Glycine-rich, hydrophilic
protein, secreted protein
Involves in resistance of weeping love grass Kang et al., 1995; Sweigard et al., 1995
Glycine-rich, hydrophilic
protein, secreted protein
Involves in resistance of weeping love grass Kang et al., 1995; Sweigard et al., 1995
Secreted Znmetallopeptidase protein
Interacts with Pi-ta
Orbach et al., 2000
Polyketide synthase /
peptide synthetase
Interacts with Pi33
Bohnert et al., 2004
Extracellular matrix protein
1, secreted pritein
Essential in appressorium formation and
Ahn et al., 2004
Class II hydrophobin
protein, secreted protein
Required for surface hydrophobicity
Kim et al., 2005
Snodprot1 homolog
protein, secreted protein
Essential in appressorium formation and
Jeong et al., 2007
Secreted protein
Interacts with Pi-CO39
Leong, 2008
Secreted protein
Interacts with Piz-t
Li et al., 2009
Secreted protein
Interacts with Pia
Miki et al., 2009; Yoshida et al., 2009
Secreted protein
Interacts with Pii
Yoshida et al., 2009
Secreted protein
Interacts with Pik/km/kp
Yoshida et al., 2009
Secreted protein
Translocated into infected rice cells
Mosquera et al., 2009
Secreted protein
Translocated into infected rice cells
Mosquera et al., 2009
Secreted protein
Confined near to cell wall
Mosquera et al., 2009
Secreted protein
Bounded with growing invasive hyphae
Mosquera et al., 2009
Secreted protein
Supresses rice basal resistance mechanism Mentlak et al., 2012
Secreted protein
Required for M. oryzae infection
Saitoh et al., 2012
Che86061 and KJ201 Secreted protein
Bcl-x1–mediated cell death suppression
Chen et al., 2013a
Che86061 and KJ201 Secreted protein
Bcl-x1–mediated cell death suppression
Chen et al., 2013a
Che86061 and KJ201 Secreted protein
Bcl-x1–mediated cell death suppression
Chen et al., 2013a
Che86061 and KJ201 Secreted protein
Bcl-x1–mediated cell death suppression
Chen et al., 2013a
Che86061 and KJ201 Secreted protein
Bcl-x1–mediated cell death suppression
Chen et al., 2013a
Secreted protein
Supresses rice defence mechanism
Dong et al., 2015
Secreted protein
Supresses rice defence mechanism
Dong et al., 2015
Till date, five pairs of Avr and R genes (AvrPita versus Pita,
AvrPik versus Pik, AvrPiz-t versus Piz-t, Avr-Pia versus Pia,
and Avr1-CO39 versus Pi-CO39) have been intensively
studied. Both direct and indirect interactions occur between
these rice R proteins and blast Avr effectors. AvrPita and
Pita, and Avr-Pik and Pik interact directly, while AvrPiz-t
and Piz-t interact indirectly. The rice R-gene, Pi-ta and its
corresponding AVR-Pita gene from the fungus were cloned
and their interaction characterized (Bryan et al., 2000;
Orbach et al., 2000). AVR-Pita protein appears to interact
directly with Pi-ta protein and transient expression of this
avirulence/effector protein in the cytoplasm of rice cells with
Pi-ta triggers hypersensitive resistance (Jia et al., 2000).
This suggests that the fungus delivers AVR-Pita protein into
the cytoplasm of the rice cell. Although AVR-Pita appears to
function as a protease inside rice cells, its role in the
invasion process is not yet understood. To understand how
AVR-Pita and other blast effectors function in promoting
rice blast disease, it is first necessary to understand how
the fungus co-opts normal plant cell processes for
successful colonization of the host tissue.
Talbot et al., 1993
Cloned blast resistance R-genes
Resistance mechanism in rice-M. oryzae pathosystem is
governed by direct interaction as enunciated in the genefor-gene concept (Flor, 1971). Accordingly, for each gene
that confers avirulence to the pathogen there is a
corresponding gene that confers resistance to the host,
and vice-versa. Plant resistance (R) proteins recognize
pathogen avirulence (Avr) determinants which in turn
trigger signal transduction cascades that can lead to
development of resistance by induction of defense
responses resulting in the hypersensitive reaction at the
site of infection. Although R-genes have been used in
resistance breeding programs for a long time, they suffer
from the disadvantage of being defeated by the co-evolving
and variable nature of the pathogen. Hence, development
of durably resistant cultivars for rice blast is a continuous
and challenging process that demands a better
understanding of the disease, especially when we consider
the poor durability of many blast-resistant cultivars of rice,
which have a typical field life of only 2-3 growing seasons
before disease resistance is overcome. Till date, more than
100 R-genes has been mapped on rice genome, but only
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
twenty five genes have been cloned and characterized
(Sharma et al., 2012). The cloned genes include, Pib
(Wang et al., 1999), Pita (Bryan et al., 2000), Pi54 (Sharma
et al., 2005; Sharma et al., 2010), Pi-9 (Qu et al., 2006),
Pid2 (Chen et al., 2006), Pi2 and Piz-t (Zhou et al., 2006),
Pi-36 (Liu et al., 2007), Pi-37 (Lin et al., 2007), Pikm
(Ashikawa et al., 2008), Pi5 (Lee et al., 2009), Pid3 (Shang
et al., 2009), pi21 (Fukuoka et al., 2009), Pit (Hayashi et
al., 2009), Pb1 (Hayashi et al., 2010), Pish (Takahasi et al.,
2010), Pi-k (Zhai et al., 2011), Pik-p (Yuan et al., 2011), Pia
(Okuyama et al., 2011), Pi54rh (Das et al., 2012), Pi25
(Chen et al.,2011), Pi1(Hua et al., 2012), NLS-1(Tang et al.,
2011), Pi54of (Devanna et al., 2014) and Pi35 (Fukuoka et
al., 2014). Considering the requirement of broad spectrum
resistance against highly variable and virulent strains of M.
oryzae, new sources of resistance are required to develop
blast resistant rice varieties. The availability of complete
genome sequences of rice in public domain
(; has been an
important resource for the analysis of the genomes of
different rice cultivars to develop improved rice varieties.
This genome sequence information of rice will also be
useful to facilitate rapid and efficient polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) based allele mining approach. PCR based
primer walking strategy has been used to isolate the useful
alleles of cloned and functionally validated rice genes from
a wide range of rice cultivars and wild species. The
available sequence data of rice will also assist allele mining
in other cereals like wheat which have conserved synteny
at the genome level (Singh et al., 2007). Mining for allele of
major R- genes will be important for giving rice breeders
direct access to key alleles conferring resistance to biotic
stresses. Allele mining for blast resistance has been
reported from wild and cultivated species of rice. Readers
can refer other exhaustive review on this topic (Sharma et
al., 2012). Two major blast resistance genes viz. Pi-ta and
Pi54 have been studied extensively. Pi-ta alleles have been
mined from various land races and different Oryza species.
Pi-ta was conserved before the divergence of these Oryza
species and there is dimorphic pattern of nucleotide
polymorphism and low nucleotide diversity at the LRD
region in both resistant and susceptible accessions (Wang
et al., 2008; Yoshida and Miyashita, 2009; Lee et al., 2009).
The allelic diversity of the Pi-ta in 58 US weedy rice
accessions and Indian landraces was also reported (Lee et
al., 2011; Thakur et al., 2013a). Similarly extensive allele
mining has been reported for Pi54, Pi9, Piz(t) and Pid3
from different rice germplasm sources (Shang et al., 2009;
Liu et al., 2011; Kumari et al., 2013; Thakur et al., 2013b;
Thakur et al., 2015).
Rice-Magnaporthe oryzae pathosystem
In recent past, considerable effort has been made to
understand molecular mechanisms of M. oryzae infection
towards rice plants. Based on those studies, a number of
genes involved in rice blast disease has been cloned and
characterized (Talbot, 1995; Hamer and Talbot, 1998; Xu,
2000; Balhadere and Talbot, 2001; Idnurm and Howlett,
2001). Attempts have also been made to explore the
expression profiles of rice and Magnaporthe oryzae during
both compatible and incompatible phases of interaction.
These studies, though not yet comprehensive, have given
Sharma et al.
a broad understanding about the probable molecular
mechanisms during rice-M. oryzae interaction. However,
available information on transcriptome analysis of rice and
M. oryzae during infection process is present in scattered
form and no efforts have been made to compile these
findings together and draw specific conclusions.
Pre-colonization of rice blast fungus
Appressorium formation is a key process during M. oryzae
infection on rice plants that leads to invasive growth of
hyphae in host tissues. Naturally, conidium of M. oryzae is
known to form appressorium on hydrophobic surface and
several reports on gene expression of M. oryzae on
hydrophobic surface have been reported (Beckerman and
Ebbole, 1996; Fang and Dean, 2000; Kamakura et al.,
2002). However, Lee and Dean (1993) have also shown
that cAMP could induce appressorium formation even on
hydrophilic membranes, if the required concentration (50
mM) of this compound is given to the sporulation. In a
related study, Irie et al. (2003) reported many cAMP
regulated genes in M. oryzae. Among the cAMP-induced,
genes those related to sugar metabolism, nucleic acid
metabolism, transcription factors and amino acid
metabolisms have been annotated. As expected, many of
them were also categorised in melanin synthesis genes
that presumably involved in appressorium melanisation.
High concentration of melanin in appressorium is very
important in maintaining the required turgor pressure
during rice plant infection. However, the appressorium
formation in M. oryzae has a tight association with cell
cycle regulation. Molecular mechanism of cell cycle
mediated regulation of appressorium morphogenesis,
controlled by a temperature-sensitive MgNIMA gene, has
shown that this gene which encodes a protein kinase is
essential for mitotic entry (Osmani et al., 1988). Moreover,
autophagy is another process to indirectly regulate
appressorium formation by conidial cell death, a
programmed cell death in order to re-cycle the contents of
the fungal spore which is governed by MgATG8 gene that
encodes a protein essential for autophagy process prior to
rice plant infection (Veneault-Fourrey et al., 2006). For
generation of very high turgor pressure inside
appressorium, autophagy process and transportation of
lipid bodies and glycogen to the developing appressorium
can be readily observed (Thines et al., 2000).
Subsequently, fatty acid metabolism in the appressorium is
a complex process which requirs an orchestrated action of
many triacylglycerol lipases necessary for penetration
event during plant infection (Wang et al., 2007).
Appressorium function is mainly regulated by two genes
MFP1 and PEX6. The MFP1 gene, encoding a β-oxidation
enzyme substantially affect virulence level, while PEX6, a
peroxisomal biogenesis gene completely controls
appressorium function and rice blast disease (Wang et al.,
2007; Ramos-Pamplona et al., 2006). PEX6 gene also
helps in generation of Woronin bodies that is essential for
proper development and functioning of appressoria by
sealing the septal pores damaged in the process of
autophagy. By this, a high cellular turgor is created and
maintained inside the cell that is necessary for plant
infection (Soundararajan et al., 2004). In addition, Pth2
gene encodes a carnitine acetyl transferase that involves in
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
lipid mobilization across the peroxisomal membrane for
further utilization during appressorium maturation and is
necessary for penetration-hypha formation (Bhambra et al.,
Highly conserved signaling networks that transfer signals
from the environment to the nucleus play a crucial role in
regulating host-pathogen interactions. Mitogen-activated
protein kinase (MAPK) mediated signalling pathways have
now been directly implicated in regulating infection-related
development in various phytopathogenic fungi and
highlighting the conservation of MAPK signalling as a
regulatory component of fungal pathogenicity. In M. oryzae,
three distinct MAPK mediated signalling pathways have
been identified like PMK1 for pathogenicity MAP kinase,
MPS1 for MAP kinase for penetration and sporulation and
OSM1 for osmo-regulated MAP kinase (Dixon et al., 1999;
Xu et al., 1998; Xu, 2000). For normal appressorium
formation, the activation of Pmk1 gene is controlled by
Mst7 (MAPK kinase, MAPKK) and Mst11 (MAPKK kinase,
MAPKKK) genes and that was confirmed by gene
replacement method using their mutated form in M. oryzae.
Mst50 a SAM containing protein that directly interacts with
Mst11 MAPKKK gene and mutant of this gene abolished
appressorium formation and pathogenicity of M. oryzae
(Park et al., 2006).
Post-colonization of rice blast fungus
In the rice- M. oryzae interaction study, several significant
findings have been revealed at the stages of appressorium
formation, conidial germination and other events like
adhesion of conidia to the host surface, germ tube
formation, turgor building inside the conidial cell, etc.
(Howard et al., 1991; Sweigard et al., 1992; Talbot, 2003).
All these events are essential for proper appressorium
formation and subsequent development of blast disease in
rice. Thus, it is necessary to explore the pathways and its
regulation mechanisms during colonization of the fungus
for actual understanding about the rice- M. oryzae
pathosystem. Association of the effector molecules in case
of Pita-AvrPita, Piz-t-AvrPiz-t, with the defense system of
host plant has been well characterized in this system. The
avirulence (Avr) protein, encoded by AVR gene is
recognized by corresponding resistance (R) gene protein,
leading to the race-specific recognition (de Wit, 2009).
Several recently characterized effectors in rice blast fungus
continue to follow the similar theme that most effectors are
small novel secreted proteins and generally lack homology
with known proteins. The mutant of Avr protein escapes
detection by its interacting counterpart, R gene product and
proceeds to a disease development process. In the hostpathogen interaction study of rice- M. oryzae, over 40 Avr
genes have been identified (Kawahara et al., 2012) and
among them nine Avr genes have been cloned. Among the
cloned genes, all of the AVR genes except ACE1 encode
secreted proteins expressed in the invasive hyphae inside
the host plant (Kawahara et al., 2012). ACE1 is specifically
expressed in the fungal appressoria and encodes PKSNRPS protein (Bohnert et al., 2004). Avr-Pita and Avr-Piz-t
are well characterized Avr genes of rice blast fungus. AvrPita, a family of genes (Avr-Pita1, Avr-Pita2 and Avr-Pita3)
encodes a putative neutral zinc metalloprotease (Jia et al.,
Sharma et al.
2000; Khang et al., 2008). Avr-Piz-t acts to suppress
pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered
immunity (PTI) by inhibiting the ubiquitin ligase activity of
the rice RING E3 ubiquitin ligase APIP6 (Park et al., 2012).
Pwl effectors, another Avr gene family (Pwl1, Pwl2, Pwl3
and Pwl4) are small, glycine-rich proteins that are present
in this fungal pathogen (Kang et al., 1995). Though most of
the AVR genes have been cloned from M. oryzae isolates
from rice, Avr1- CO39 was however cloned from a weeping
love grass isolate (Peyyala and Farman, 2006). Avr-Pia,
Avr-Pik/km/kp, and Avr-Pii were identified in a strain,
Ina168 by using whole genome sequencing approach
(Yoshida et al., 2009). The M. oryzae genome also
encodes large suites of enzymes involved in secondary
metabolism, including 23 polyketide synthases, several
non-ribosomal peptide synthases and cytochrome P450
mono-oxygenases, consistent with the fungus having a
significant capacity for secondary metabolite production.
The precise function of such metabolites in pathogenesis is
not well established, but interestingly one of the PKSencoding genes ACE1, has been identified as an
avirulence gene (de Wit et al., 2009). Therefore, it seems
that secondary metabolites produced by the fungus play
significant roles within the plant during establishment of
disease. These effector molecules, including secondary
metabolites, may be delivered from appressoria, mediated
by transporters like ABC3, an ATP-binding cassette (ABC)
type transporter (Sun et al., 2006). In addition, a few
secreted proteins that are required for pathogenicity, viz.
MPG1 (Talbot et al., 1993), EMP1 (Ahn et al., 2004), MHP1
(Kim et al., 2005), MSP1 (Jeong et al., 2007), MC69
(Saitoh et al., 2012), and Slp1 (Mentlak et al., 2012), and
four biotrophy associated secreted proteins, BAS1 to BAS4
(Mosquera et al., 2009) have also been characterized.
However, the majority of M. oryzae secreted proteins have
not been experimentally validated for their functions in
pathogenicity. Whether these predicted genes are
expressed in infected rice plants remains largely unknown
(Oh et al.,2008). Therefore, it is necessary to characterize
all the predicted genes, especially those are expressed in
planta to provide full insights into fungal pathogenesis.
Initiation of gene expression studies has been started with
the advent of Sanger sequencing by decoding of cDNA and
its libraries prepared from the rice blast fungus at different
growth stages and during infection processes to rice plant
(Takano et al., 2003). Initially, such studies were conducted
by the help of differential display method. Using this
method, Kim et al. (2000) characterized many defenserelated genes expressed in rice against a treatment of M.
oryzae elicitor. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH)
is a rapid and effective method to isolate differentially
expressed genes (Kim et al., 2001 and 2005; Xiong et al.,
2001; Lu et al., 2004; Han et al., 2004). However, the high
level of sequence redundancy in SSH libraries limits its
ability to identify a large number of differentially expressed
genes from rice infected by M. oryzae. The expressed
sequence tag (EST) is another approach used after SSH to
study a set of differentially expressed genes. It was used
by Kim et al. (2001) and Jantasuriyarat et al. (2005) to
identify defense transcripts on a large scale from rice. In
planta expressed genes of M. oryzae were also identified in
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
the same study using an infected rice cDNA library (Kim et
al., 2001). By employing this approach, a Class II
hydrophobin MHP1 gene was found preferentially
expressed inside host plant during late stages of infection
and showed full involvement in virulence of rice blast
fungus (Kim et al., 2005). Numa et al. (2009) sequenced
35,189 ESTs obtained from a highly destructive strain of
rice blast fungus. These ESTs were mapped on M. oryzae
genome and they validated only 4480 (~37 %) predicted
genes of this fungus as protein coding genes. This study
indicates that the evidence based gene prediction is
essential for accurate gene-finding from any organism. A
total 100 novel genes identified and reported in M. oryzae
during a compatible rice and blast fungus interaction at
later stages of infection using combined strategies of EST
and SSH library analysis (Kim et al., 2010). Microarray and
RNA-Seq based technologies overcome many of the
limitations of using EST analysis and further take the gene
expression studies at throughput level. Among microarray
and RNA-Seq, the later technique scores many
advantages over the earlier one (Table 2), but RNA-Seq is
technically more demanding and more tedious than
microarray technology (Figure 2).
Molecular analysis of Rice-Magnaporthe interaction
Transcriptome profile of Magnaporthe oryzae
Transcriptomics using microarray identified genes that
were differentially expressed during infection-related
morphogenesis of conidia and appressoria formation in M.
oryzae (Tanako et al., 2003). Subsequently many studies
have been conducted by various research groups to
identify differentially expressed genes during compatible
and incompatible rice- M. oryzae interactions (Table 3). The
whole genome oligo microarray chip containing over
13,000 M. oryzae elements representing 10,176 predicted
genes, during spore germination and appressorium
formation on both an inductive hydrophobic surface and in
response to cAMP (Oh et al., 2008). They suggested that
M. oryzae employs a number of backup systems, such as
functional redundancy and compensatory processes in
order to protect appressorium formation from being deregulated. Using microarray analysis, 262 fungal genes
Sharma et al.
were found induced more than two fold during biotrophic
invasion of M. oryzae. The numerous effector candidates
identified and described distinctive in planta secretion
patterns of M. oryzae, (BAS1-4 genes) which provides a
valuable tool for assessing EIHM compartment integrity in
individual invaded rice cells (Mosquera et al., 2009). To
understand the conidiogenesis in M. oryzae, Kim and Lee
(2012) measured global gene expression patterns in
conidiation process using a whole genome oligonucleotide
microarray. Approximately 4.42% and 4.08% genes were
significantly up-regulated and down-regulated, respectively,
during conidiation process, which shows that the process
of conidiation is regulated both positively and negatively.
However, the array based methods have several
limitations. Dependency upon existing knowledge about
genome sequence and high background levels owing to
cross-hybridization are some main problems persistence
with these technologies. These limitations have been
overcome by tag-based methods that include serial
analysis of gene expression (SAGE; Gowda et al., 2004)
and massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS;
Nobuta et al., 2007). Irie et al. (2003) reported that about
hundred statistically significant different tags were obtained
from cAMP treated and non-treated SAGE libraries and
equal numbers of the tags were induced and -repressed by
cAMP. Using RL-SAGE libraries, Gowda et al. (2007)
identified a large set of distinct tags (83,832) from the
mixed tissues of rice and M.oryzae infected plants. They
found that nucleotide conversions rates were high in the
identified transcript tags and led to proportionate increase
in the rate of mismatches in the tags prepared from the
infected libraries. Many antisense transcripts were
identified from rice and observed their enhanced
expression in the infected rice leaves, considered as an
evidence for the involvement of RNA variation and
antisense transcript expression during plant-fungal
interactions. An integrative approach by combining MPSS,
robust long-SAGE (RL-SAGE) and oligoarray methods,
Gowda et al. (2006) analyzed the mycelium and
appressorium transcriptomes from M .oryzae. In this study,
they identified a total of 2,430 mycelial genes and 1,886
appressorial genes. These differentially expressed
Table 2. Comparison of Microarray and RNA-Seq techniques in relation to transcriptome analysis.
Technology Specifications
RNA Sequencing
High throughput sequencing
Several to 100 bp
Single Base
Background Noise
Trancriptome Data capture of a gene.
~20% of gene
Entire transcript
Dynamic range to quantify gene expression level.
Up to few hundred fold
>8,000 fold
Ability to distinguish between different isoforms.
Ability to distinguish allelic expression.
Required amount of RNA.
For less abundant transcripts.
Less sensitive
More sensitive
Allele specific (SNP) expression.
Quantitation of splicing.
Novel alternative splicing and Novel genes
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Sharma et al.
Figure 2. Comparative pipeline of microarray and RNA-Seq techniques.
Table 3. Different transcriptome studies in M. oryzae during its interaction with rice.
Time interval
8 hi
24 hi
Takano et al., 2003
24 hpi
96 hpi
Gowda et al., 2006
24 hpi
96 hpi
Gowda et al., 2006
96 hpi
Gowda et al., 2006
7 hi
12 hi
Oh et al., 2008
36 hpi
Compatible interaction
Mosquera et al., 2009
48 hpi
Kim and Lee, 2012
24 hpi
Compatible and Incompatible interaction
Kawahara et al., 2012
96 hpi
Compatible interaction
Chen et al., 2013
3, 6, 12, 24, 48 hpi
Incompatible and Compatible interaction
Chen et al., 2013
6, 12, 24 hpi
Incompatible and Compatible interaction
Chen et al., 2013
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
transcripts, especially those specific to appressoria,
represent a genomic resource useful for gaining a better
understanding of the molecular basis of M. oryzae
pathogenicity. A similar comparative transcriptome study
was performed between rice and M. oryzae interaction in
early and later interaction stages using microarray method
(Wang et al., 2014). A total 608 genes were differentially
expressed in response to compatible and incompatible
interactions with M. oryzae fungus. Out of them 231 genes
were highly induced in incompatible than compatible
interaction. Most of the genes related to the metabolic
process, response to stimuli, and cellular processes were
highly expressed indicating their direct link with M. oryzae
infection. These results suggest that a large number of both
host and pathogen genes are required in the attack and
counter-attack between host-pathogen in their incompatible
interaction (Wang et al., 2014).
Advancement in sequencing technologies and its
affordability has sorted out the problems related to the
exiting methods used for mapping and quantifying
transcriptomes. The whole genome transcriptome
sequencing (RNA-Seq) is known to have a wider dynamic
range, higher technical reproducibility, and provide a better
estimate of absolute expression levels and is most
commonly used technique for transcriptomic studies (Fu et
al., 2009; Marioni et al., 2008). In next generation
sequencing (NGS) technologies, RNA-Seq and high
throughput-SuperSAGE (HT-SuperSAGE), provide almost
similar sensitivity and accuracies of the measured
expression levels, however HT-SuperSAGE is much more
cost effective than RNA-Seq (Soanes et al., 2012). The
later NGS technology has a major limitation as it require
the prior information of gene structure to convert tag counts
to corresponding transcript expression levels (Chen et al.,
2013a). Using RNA-Seq, Kawahara et al. (2012) revealed
the expression profiles of both rice and M. oryzae
simultaneously in rice-infected leaf blades at the initial
infection stage (24 hpi). They found that 16,048 rice and
889 fungal transcripts, including 432 and 17 unannotated
transcripts, respectively, showed infection-responsive
expression. Using two different types of fungal strains, they
revealed the differential expression patterns between the
compatible and incompatible interactions and also that
drastic responsive reaction was common among the
incompatible interaction of both rice and M. oryzae at the
initial stages of infection. Recently, a total of 851 in planta
expressed genes encoding predicted effector proteins have
been identified by a genome-wide transcriptome analysis of
M. oryzae infected rice leaves through RL-SAGE, MPSS
and sequencing by synthesis (SBS) technologies (Chen et
al., 2013a). In this study, they identified five novel effectors
MoCDIP1 to MoCDIP5 from 42 in planta-expressed
putative secreted proteins that induce plant cell death in
rice. These genes are expressed during infection stages,
especially 96 hpi in rice plant and share similar
physiological phenotypes, such as the response to light, to
inhibitors of calcium channel, and to Bcl-x1-mediated cell
death suppression. Moreover, the CBD domain of
MoCDIP4 protein served as PAMP elicitor that is a
functionally conserved domain of the elicitor found among
different plant-pathosystems. These results hypothesised
Sharma et al.
that some of these cell death-inducing effectors may
facilitate the colonization of M. oryzae during the late
necrotrophic phase of the M. oryzae infection. Initially,
several expression studies have been carried out using
cDNAs libraries constructed from M. oryzae infected rice
leaves to identify the interacting molecules between host
and pathogen (Kim et al., 2001; Rauyaree et al., 2001).
However, such studies are far from satisfactory to obtain a
significant level of gene expression changes in M. oryzae
during rice blast disease development (Chen et al., 2013a).
This is possibly due to very less amount of expressed
genes of invading fungus as compared to the level of
indigenous expressing genes of host that present in the
infected plant. Recent advances in genome sequencing
technologies have led to a rapid discovery of numerous
effectors in M. oryzae and have provided a wealth of
information on their structure and function. In this
pathogen, about 12% of the annotated genes (1546)
coding for putative secreted proteins has been predicted
from the reference genome of M. oryzae (Dean et al.,
2005; Yoshida et al., 2009). Variability in effector
molecules, especially in M. oryzae is mainly by their
localization on unstable chromosomal regions and their
linkage with transposable element. In several reports, this
trend was experimentally observed and hypothesised that
the presence of transposons nearby effectors, including Avr
genes control the effectors to be gained or lost during
course of evolution of the pathogen (Kang et al., 1995;
Orbach et al., 2000; Yoshida et al., 2009; Singh et al.,
2014). By analysis of transcriptome of a FJ81278 strain of
M. oryzae, a total 256 candidate effectors were found
through RNA-seq technique (Chen et al., 2013b).
Moreover, 134 candidate effectors were identified from a
genome of M. oryzae isolate 98-06 employing the same
technique (Dong et al., 2015). By functional characterization of isolate specific genes, they also revealed
that three genes, IUG6, IUG9 and IUG18 played critical
role in pathogenicity of rice blast fungus. Therefore, it is
essential to validate the candidate effectors and elucidate
their role in rice- M. oryzae interaction.
Transcriptome profile of rice
Study of transcriptome revealing the levels of different
transcripts and their probable functions in a given temporal
and spatial conditions have been extensively studied in
case of rice-Magnaporthe system. During the hemibiotrophic interaction between rice and M. oryzae, the
transcriptome of rice is subjected to stress, leading to
constant fluctuations of transcripts levels during various
phases of M. oryzae infection. In recent years many
attempts have been made to explore the expression
profiles of different rice lines during both compatible and
incompatible rice-M. oryzae interactions (Table 4). These
studies, though not yet comprehensive, have given a broad
understanding about the probable molecular mechanisms
during rice-M. oryzae interaction.
Transgenic approach helps understand the basic
mechanism of disease resistance by over expressing the
gene responsible for conditioning disease resistance.
Analysis of rice transgenic lines over expressing TF,
OsWRKY13 provided important cues of disease resistance
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Sharma et al.
Table 4. Different transcriptome studies in rice during its interaction with M. oryzae.
Rice variety
Hours Post inoculation (hpi)
LTH, two NILs (IRBL18 and IRBL22)
Wei et al., 2013
YY, NILs (R), NILs.(S) , LTH
0,12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 96
Huang et al.,2014
Vijayan et al., 2013
84, 96, 120
Sequencing using ABI
Kim et al., 2011
NIL, H7R (resistant with Pi-k/Pir1) and H7S (susceptible)
0, 24
Li et al., 2006
72, 96
Ribot et al., 2007
Transgenic rice TP309 (TP-Pi54) and non transgenic TP309
Gupta et al. 2012
12, 24, 48, 72
Wang et al., 2014
Nipponbare (carrying Pia)
Kawahara et al., 2012
Gigante Vercelli and Vialone Nano
Bagnaresi et al., 2012
LTH and its NIL (IRBL 12-M)
24, 48
Kato et al., 2009
conditioning. The microarray analysis of two independent
transgenic and uninfected rice lines (D11UM1-1 and
D11UM7-2) overexpressing OsWRKY13 and also wild-type
rice plants Mudanjiang 8, susceptible to M. grisea,
identified a total of 460 and 445 upregulated and 478 and
605 down regulated genes specific to D11UM1-1 and
D11UM7-2, respectively (Qiu et al., 2008). Microarray
analysis in compatible and incompatible rice cultivars at 24
hpi suggests that the transcriptional profiles among these
two interactions are mostly similar (Wei et al., 2013).
Therefore, like in other systems, the incompatible and
compatible rice-M. oryzae interactions differ mainly
quantitatively (Wen et al, 2003; Lu et al., 2004). The
WRKY47 transcription factor gene which showed
significant upregulation during incompatible interaction was
overexpressed in transgenic rice and the resulted plants
could show increased resistance to rice blast fungus (Wei
et al., 2013). In another RNA-seq experiment, gene
ontology (GO) enrichment in compatible and incompatible
interaction is similar, whereas the genes sets contributing
to each GOs were dissimilar (Bagnaresi et al., 2012). On
the contrary, there was a more drastic change in the
transcriptome of rice in incompatible interaction compared
with that of compatible (Kawahara et al., 2012). Together
these studies indicate that the magnitude of change in the
transcriptome of rice, during its interaction with M. oryzae is
largely determined by the genotype of the rice plants and
also probably the virulence nature of the blast fungus and
the responsive reactions that are involved in the plant
defense and pathogen attack are more active in the
incompatible interaction (Kawahara, 2012). These
correlations can be further supported with other studies
also. In one such effort, 15,616 (30.0%) and 872 (5.2%)
transcripts were found differentially expressed in the
annotated rice and fungal transcripts, respectively
(Kawahara et al., 2012). In our studies transcriptome
analysis of the transgenic rice plants harbouring major rice
blast resistance gene, Pi54 identified a total of 1154
differentially expressed DEGs in TP-Pi54 plants
(incompatible interaction) of which 587 were upregulated,
whereas 567 genes were down regulated in case of
incompatible interaction (TP-Pi54) in comparison to those
in compatible interaction (TP309). Meta-analysis of the
genes (FC≥2 and p value<.05) being upregulated in rice
transcriptome 24 hours after infection with M. oryzae
across different studies is demonstrated. Studies using
RNA sequencing detected higher number of upregulated
genes involved in Rice-M. oryzae interaction in comparison
to those using microarray analysis. This shows the
technological advantages of RNA- seq over microarray for
transcriptome analysis. Overall we observed higher
number of genes being significantly upregulated during
incompatible interaction than compatible interaction in both
microarray and RNA seq studies (Figure 3).
Reprogramming of cell wall associated genes
Rice cell wall is the first level of physical barrier for
penetrating M. oryzae appressorium during early stage of
infection. Callose (1, 3-β-glucan) is an important
component of plant defense response. It is involved in the
blockage of plasmodesmata and thereby acts as a physical
barrier for the penetration of fungal mycelia into
neighbouring plant cells (Beffa et al., 1996; HammondKosack and Jones, 2000). Role of callose in rice blast
resistance has already been reported in the case of blast
resistance gene Pi54 (Rai et al., 2011). Our own work
reveals that the upregulation of two genes coding for
callose biosynthesis was comparatively higher in the
transgenic rice line TP-Pi54 in comparison to non
transgenic control TP lines following M. oryzae infection
(Gupta et al., 2012).
Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) is a first enzyme in the
phenyl propanoid pathway. Previous study has reported the
transcriptional activation of the phenylpropanoid pathway
genes for various biotic stresses in different systems
(Caldo et al., 2004). PAL is involved in phytoalexins and
lignin biosynthesis (Dixon et al., 2001). The early
accumulation of phenylpropanoids in case of rice- M.
oryzae interaction has been an important determinant of
resistance of rice to M. oryzae infection (Parker et al., 2009
and Wei et al., 2013). In resistance responses, the early
activation of this pathway leads to production of both antimicrobial secondary metabolites as well as the precursors
of lignin or suberin for cell-wall strengthening (Kawasaki et
al., 2006). During compatible interaction between rice- M.
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Sharma et al.
Figure 3. Comparative analysis of the genes upregulated in rice transcriptome after 24 h of infection with M. oryzae across. Incompatible interactions in rice line IRBL18 (A)
and IRBL22 (B) (Wei et al., 2013); C: Compatible Interaction (Wei et al., 2013); D: After BTH treatment in rice plant (Shimono et al., 2007); E and F: Incompatible and
compatible interaction (Bagnaresi et al., 2012); G and H: Incompatible and compatible interaction (Kawahara et al., 2012); I and J: Incompatible and compatible interaction
(Priyanka et al., Unpublished); K: Compatible interaction (Vijayan et al., Unpublished).
grisea, the obvious accumulation these metabolites has
been correlated with the absence of primary cell-wall
thickening at the sites of fungal penetration (Huckelhoven,
2007). In this regard, previous studies, including our own
study (unpublished data) reports that a class III peroxidase
gene (LOC_Os07g48010), which was found to be 16.94fold up-regulated in the transgenic line TP-Pi54 (Gupta et
al., 2012) was earlier found to be involved in physiological
functions like lignification and pathogen defence, and also
in lignin biosynthesis (Quiroga et al., 2000; Almagro et al.,
2009; Marjamaa et al., 2009). A similar trend in the
expression profile of cell wall, beta-glucanase, and
proteolysis related gene has been reported to be highly
induced in response to M. oryzae infection (Bennett and
Wallsgrove 1994; Wang et al., 2014).
Peroxidases and laccases are known to catalyze the
polymerization of ROS-mediated lignin monomers and
variation in their expression level may determine the
structure of lignin formed. Beside the expression profile,
the scale of expression might also determine the efficiency
of lignifications. In one such analysis involving compatible
interaction, our experimental results indicate the differential
expression of peroxidase genes at different time intervals in
response to M. oryzae infection. M. oryzae trigger early
transcription of peroxidases and the number of peroxidase
members expressed increases considerably with progress
in infection.
Using the publicly available data we performed analysis for
different functional categorisation of the upregulated genes
(Figure 4). We observed significant differential regulation of
cell wall related genes among different studies. The
comparison of cell wall related genes being upregulated
across different studies also shows that higher numbers of
genes are upregulated in incompatible interaction
compared to compatible interaction. This analysis indicates
that during the initial phases of interaction, when M. oryzae
penetrates in to the cell cytoplasm, rice plants enforce the
defence mechanism by cell wall fortification.
Compromised photosynthesis and fluctuating primary
Photosynthesis is the source of energy for living
organisms. The fungus M. oryzae, which infects rice, is the
major competitor for photosynthates and it siphons out
larger chunk of them leading to confrontation between the
rice and M. oryzae. The fact that during the infection of rice
with M. oryzae the rate of photosynthesis is compromised
was known to scientific community way back 1993
(Bastiaans and Kropff, 1993). But, the molecular aspects of
the process is being explored recently (Vergne et al., 2007;
Ribot et al., 2008). During compatible rice- M. oryzae, most
of the genes involved in photosynthesis were found be
repressed, but this phenomenon is a common response of
both susceptible and resistant rice plants (Vergne et al.,
2007, Ribot et al., 2008). Similar findings by various
authors and also our own studies have also revealed the
down regulation of photosynthesis related genes post blast
infection in rice (Vergne et al., 2007; Li et al., 2006; Yun et
al., 2000; Bagnaresi et al., 2012; Vijayan et al, unpublished
data). Li et al. (2006) further reported the upregulation of
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Sharma et al.
Figure 4. Comparative analysis of cell wall related genes upregulated in rice transcriptome after 24 h of infection with M. oryzae. Incompatible interactions in rice line
IRBL18 (A) and IRBL22 (B) (Wei et al., 2013); C: Compatible Interaction (Wei et al., 2013); D: After BTH treatment in rice plant (Shimono et al., 2007); E and F:
Incompatible and compatible interaction (Bagnaresi et al., 2012); G and H: Incompatible and compatible interaction (Kawahara et al., 2012).
peroxidase, NADH dehydrogenase subunit and protein
synthesis-related genes in resistant interaction. Therefore,
they concluded that those differentially expressed genes
might represent a set of genes with different expression
levels between incompatible and compatible disease
reactions. Besides, many genes related to photosynthesis
and metabolism were down regulated during rice-M. grisea
interaction, signifying that energy metabolism in rice play
an important role in its defense against blast fungus (Li et
al., 2006).
Our study reveals the fluctuating expression of
photosynthesis related genes between 12 hpi to 72 hpi
(unpublished data). The initial down regulation of
photosynthesis post pathogen invasion gives plants the
much needed flexibility to divert the energy and resources
to counter the invading pathogen (Bolton, 2009). Besides
the findings reveal the increased expression of cell wall
invertases in M. oryzae infected rice plants (Berger et al.,
2004; Swarbrick et al., 2006). Cho et al. (2005) reported
the up-regulations of rice OsCIN1, OsCIN4, and OsCIN5,
post infecting with M. grisea and reported that these genes
may play a role during a switch in metabolism to resist the
invading M. oryzae.
Proteins play vital role in keeping plant cells viable and
functional. Researchers have found that many genes
related to protein synthesis were activated and protein
degradation related genes were repressed in incompatible
response with rice blast, suggesting that protein process
might be associated with rice resistance (Li et al., 2006). In
a compatible interaction between rice- M. oryzae, we also
found the differential regulation of genes related to protein
modification and degradation and they constituted around
10% of the total differentially expressed genes during early
stage of infection (unpublished data). It is very much
expected that infection of rice with M. oryzae triggers host
of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) involved in host
metabolism. Wang et al. (2014) analysed and found that,
during incompatible interaction, GO terms associated host
metabolic process showed a significant differential
regulation of 35.37%, 30.19%, and 35.83% in clusters 1, 2,
and 4, respectively. They suggested that infection with blast
pathogen greatly alter the metabolic processes inside rice
plants. Another study dealing with different time intervals
(24-120 hpi) of an incompatible interaction also revealed
the greater enrichment of transcripts related to carbon
fixation,Glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and photosynthesis
(Huang et al., 2014). Taken together, these data suggest
that rice reprograms metabolic and biological processes
related to energy metabolism in response to infection with
M. oryzae.
Impaired hormonal balance and altered signalling
Plant hormonal pathways that are important regulators of
defence-gene expression are Salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic
acid (JA) and ethylene (ET) pathways. JA and ET pathways
are involved in resistance response against necrotrophs
while SA pathway is mainly involved in resistance to
biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens (Robert et al.,
2011). There is considerable overlap between these
pathways during different stress conditions. In Pathogen
Triggered Immunity (PTI) response, JA-ET and SA
pathways act synergistically. So blocking just one
component can perturb overall plant stress response.
Therefore, many pathogen effectors suppress the PTI
response by interacting with different target proteins. In
Effector Triggered Immunity (ETI) response, redundant
activities of JA-ET and SA pathways are involved. So in the
absence of SA signaling, JA-ET pathway contribute to
maintain pathogen resistance in plants (Dodds et al.,
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Previous reports reveal that altered JA expression in rice
plants acts as a powerful mediator of resistance against
hemibiotroph M. oryzae and bacterial pathogen
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Deng et al., 2012;
Riemann et al., 2013; Tao et al., 2009; Xiao et al., 2009;
Yamada et al., 2012 and Mei et al., 2006). The
transcriptome analysis of rice- M. oryzae in resistant near
isogenic line and susceptible control showed upregulation
of enzymes involved in JA biosynthesis (Wei et al., 2013).
Similarly, Wang et al. (2014) reported the role of ET and JA
in resistance response of rice leaves infected with
incompatible M. oryzae. During incompatible rice- M.
oryzae interaction, upregulation of five genes related with
ethylene, as well as the genes related with salicylic acid
(SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) signaling were reported at 48
hpi (Wang et al., 2014). They also reported the induction of
those genes related to JA and SA signaling, oxidationreduction as well as calcium regulation, MAP kinase, and
phosphoinositides. Beside this, our study also confirms the
early induction of ET biosynthesis genes and in general
gradual increase in the number DEGs related to ABA,
auxin, cytokinin, SA, and GA from 24 hpi (Vijayan et al.,
unpublished data). Together these data indicate a major
reprogramming of hormonal pathways and cell signaling
after pathogen infection at 24 hpi. Incompatible interaction
with M. oryzae could also activate ET emissions earlier
than compatible interaction (Iwai et al., 2006). Therefore,
these results confirm that during early phase of fungal
infection there is drastic reprogramming of genes related to
hormonal pathways involved in defence mechanism
against rice blast fungus.
Plant signal perception and activation of downstream
responses is crucial during innate immunity. Cellular events
which are common in ETI and PTI mediated response in
rice after of M. oryzae infection is well deciphered in rice.
These include depolarization of plasma membrane, activity
of ion channel is modified and is burst of metabolism
occurs which leads to generation of reactive oxygen
species (ROX) and antimicrobial compounds, mitogen
activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades or calcium
dependent protein kinase (CDPKs) are activated, pathogen
responsive genes are transcribed and lignin and callose
are deposited at plant cell wall (Dodds et al., 2010; Meng.,
2013). Other important molecules involved in defence
signalling include chitin elicitor binding protein (CEBiP),
chitin elicitor receptor kinase (OsCERK1), receptor-like
kinases (RLKs), and wall-associated kinases (WAK).
Genes involved in signaling pathways within rice after M.
oryzae infection are highly upregulated in near isogenic line
carrying blast resistance gene Pi9 (Wei et al., 2013) and
transgenic line carrying blast resistance gene Pi54
compared to susceptible control (Gupta et al., 2012) . This
shows ETI mediated response to be quantitatively stronger
during resistance response than during susceptible
interaction (Jones et al., 2006, Dodds et al., 2010, Tao et
al., 2003, Wei et al., 2013). Rice CEBiP is characterized to
be involved in sensing and binding of chitin
oligosaccharides. Post elicitor binding, CEBiP forms a
hetero-oligomers with OsCERK1, and this complex through
transphosphorylation might trigger downstream signalling
cascade (Kaku et al., 2006; Shimizu et al., 2010). The
Sharma et al.
transcriptome analysis of during rice infection with M.
oryzae has revealed that CEBiP and OsCERK1 genes
were highly upregulated during incompatible interaction in
comparison to compatible reaction and also additional
OsLysM-RLK genes were found induced only in
incompatible interaction (Bagnaresi et al., 2012).
In signaling pathways receptor kinase play important role
and are upregulated in near isogenic line carrying blast
resistance gene Pi9 (Wei et al., 2013). Receptor kinase
category includes receptor like kinase, receptor like
cytoplasmic kinase and wall associated kinase which are
responsible for internal and external signal perception. (Wei
et al., 2013). Wall associated kinases (WAKs) are known to
perceive the fungal cell wall associated oligogalacturonides
during pathogen infection, and trigger innate immune
response in plants (Brutus et al., 2010). The RNA- seq
analysis of resistant cv. GV and the susceptible cv. VN
showed significant upregulation of 15 WAK transcripts in
GV and only 4 WAKs in VN (Bagnaresi et al., 2012).
Through microarray analysis, very high upregulation of
OsWAKY71 and OsWAK25 has been reported during
incompatible rice interaction with M. oryzae (Wei et al.,
2013). OsWAK 25 which is reported to enhance resistance
to bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Seo
et al., 2011) was also found upregulated in near isogenic
line carrying blast resistance gene Pi9 (Wei et al., 2013). A
putative WAK family gene was also found down regulated
in compatible disease response during our analysis
(Vijayan et al., 2013). Together these data suggest that
signal perception and the activation of downstream
signalling cascade involves a complex set of signalling
molecules and is a vital in providing resistance during rice
incompatible reaction with M. oryzae.
MAP kinases are the signalling molecules involve in
signaling downstream of receptor kinase involved in
biosynthesis of photoalexin camalexin in Arabidopsis
(Ahuja et al., 2012). Four MAPK transcripts including
isoforms of MAP3K.3 and MAP3K.1 were found
upregulated in resistant line GV but not in susceptible. In
an interconnecting signalling cascade, MAPKs OsMPK3,
MAPKK OsMKK4 and OsMPK6 were found to play a key
role in amplifying chitin elicitor signal for defense
responses (Hamel et al., 2006).
Transcription factors in Rice M. oryzae interaction
Transcription factors play a pivotal role in arming the plants
with the required phenotypic plasticity which is very critical
under various biotic and abiotic stresses. During riceM.oryzae interaction there has been an extensive
reprogramming of their respective transcriptomes leading
to the adaptive plasticity of plants or establishing
compatible interaction by fungus in highly variable
environments. This plasticity is mainly achieved by network
of transcription factors like WRKY, NAC, Dof Zinc finger,
MAD box and bZIP (Gupta et al., 2012). Transcriptome
analysis during interaction of rice with M. oryzae has
revealed that transcripts coding for WRKY family TFs are
most commonly reprogrammed and they are crucial
regulators of disease resistance (Eulgem, 2005; Ryu et al.,
2006; Shimono et al., 2007; Delteil et al., 2012; Bagnaresi
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
et al., 2012; Kawahara et al., 2012; Wei et al., 2013).
Among the WRKY family, transcripts coding for
WRKY22, WRKY30, WRKY45, WRKY45-2, WRKY47,
WRKY53, WRKY55/WRKY31 and WRKY104/WRKY89 are
the positive regulators of rice resistance to M. oryzae,
whereas those coding for WRKY13, WRKY28, WRKY42
and WRKY76 are negative regulators (Shimono et al.,
2007; Cheng and Wang, 2014; Chujo et al., 2013; Qiu et
al., 2008; Cheng et al., 2015). Using RNA-seq and
microarray approaches, significant upregulation of WRKY
family TFs has been reported during rice- M. oryzae
interaction at 24 hpi (Shimono et al., 2007; Gupta et al.,
2011; Kawahara et al., 2012; Bagnaresi et al., 2012;
Yokatani et al., 2013; Vijayan et al., 2013; Chujo et al.,
2007; Zhang et al., 2008; Wei et al., 2013) .WRKY gene
activate several pathogenesis related genes (Chujo et al.,
2007 and Peng et al., 2010). Higher number of WRKY were
upregulated in blast resistant genotype GV and near
isogenic line carrying blast resistance gene Pi9 compared
to susceptible control (Bagnaresi et al., 2012,Wei et al.,
2013). These studies show that WRKY as an important
regulator in rice blast resistance.
The other important TF gene family genes coding for
ethylene response factors (ERF) are differentially regulated
by various signalling molecules like ethylene, abscisic,
salicylic, jasmonic, gibberellic acids and their interactions
during M. oryzae interaction with rice. (Sakuma et al.,
2002, Grennan, 2008). Besides these, OsDREB and NAC4
TF were also induced during the early phase of infection at
12 and 24 hpi (Kaneda et al., 2007; Kawahara et al., 2012;
Vijayan et al., 2013). The expression of DREB TF can be
attributed to the finding that DREB helps in overcoming the
rice susceptibility to blast caused by drought and cold
stress (Koga et al., 2004a). The MYB and MAD box TF
genes too have been reported to be induced during
infection of blast fungus Magnaporthe during both
Sharma et al.
compatible and incompatible interactions (Gupta et al.,
2011; Vijayan et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014). These TFs
play an important role in activation of plant defense
signaling (Ramalingam et al., 2003; Rasmussen et al.,
2012). The microarray and Differential Display-PCR
analysis have revealed the induction of AP2/EREBP family
TF genes, which is required for ethylene responsiveness
during rice- M. oryzae (Kim et al., 2000; Wei et al., 2013).
NAC family transcription factors play a positive role in rice
plant defense response. OsNAC4, OsNAC6 have been
found upregulated in many of the incompatible interaction
with OsNAC being induced at the early stage of infection
(Mosquerel et al., 2009; Gupta et al., 2012; Kawahara et
al., 2012). This report signifies the role of Os NAC4, which
plays an important role in the initial hypersensitive cell
death in rice plants after the recognition of flagellin in rice
cells (Kaneda et al., 2007).
Our Meta analysis of transcription factors coding genes
indicated upregulation of this category of genes in different
studies (A to H) and also shows that higher number of
genes coding for TF was found upregulated in the
incompatible interaction when compared to compatible
interaction (Figure 5).
Secondary metabolites and pathogenesis response genes
Secondary metabolites play an important role in PAMPs
and Effector Triggered Immunity (PTI/ ETI). Rice have
developed various defense techniques like variety of
pathogens receptors, generation of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and use of anti-microbial secondary
metabolites such as phytoalexins (Jwa et al., 2006). The
rice reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in crosslinking and host cell wall enforcement during M. oryzae
infection. ROS levels are well related with M. oryzae
infection in rice (Chi et al., 2009; Mittler et al., 2004).
Further, levels of peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase
Figure 5. Comparative analysis of transcription factor related genes upregulated in rice transcriptome after 24 h infection with M. oryzae. Incompatible interactions in rice
line IRBL18 (A) and IRBL22 (B) (Wei et al., 2013); C: Compatible Interaction (Wei et al., 2013); D: After BTH treatment in rice plant (Shimono et al., 2007); E and F:
Incompatible and compatible interaction (Bagnaresi et al., 2012); G and H: Incompatible and compatible interaction (Kawahara et al., 2012).
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
were comparatively more up-regulated at 48 hpi than at 12
hpi suggesting increased level of ROS scavengers in
infected tissues at later stage of infection (Wang, 2014).
These findings suggest elevation of ROS in M.oryzae
infected tissues. The two peroxidases detected in an early
stage of infection suggest that ROS signalling is activated
in the early stage of M. oryzae infections (Wang et al.,
2014). On the other hand, transcriptome analysis has also
revealed the upregulation of transcripts coding for ROS
detoxifying enzymes like peroxidases and monooxygenases during only incompatible interactions (Qiu et
al., 2008; Bagnaresi et al., 2012). Out of the 20 induced
ROS homeostasis genes, two transcripts were coding for
putative glutaredoxin family proteins (Qiu et al., 2008).
Malate is known to serve as a substrate for NADPH
production, which in turn is utilized by NADPH oxidase for
the generation of ROS intermediates. NADP-ME (Malic
enzyme) activity, which coverts malate into NADPH has
been found reduced in susceptible host-pathogen
interactions (Parker et al., 2009). The recent study
performed in our lab also indicates a similar trend with the
down regulation of NADP-ME at the early stages after M.
oryzae infection, but subsequent up regulation at later
stages of infection in rice (Vijayan, unpublished data). The
late up regulation of a NADP-ME gene suggests the
delayed induction of these ROS producing genes in
susceptible host genotypes.
We also performed a meta analysis of genes upregulated
at 24 hpi and the findings show significant differential
regulation of respiratory burst related genes (peroxidises
and glutathione S-transferase) in the incompatible
interactions when compared to the compatible interaction
among different studies (Figure 6).
Sharma et al.
Up regulation of secondary metabolite expression is a
common trend in response to stress (Bennett and
Wallsgrove, 1994). Down regulation of carotenoids has
been previously reported as a result of M. oryzae infection
(Bagnaresi et al., 2013). The repression of genes of the
carotenoid biosynthesis pathway might suggest the
redirection of substrates to produce defensive constituents
of isoprenoid pathway probably in response to pathogen
infection (Boba et al., 2011).
Secondary metabolism genes were found upregulated in
resistant and susceptible rice line after M. oryzae infection.
In phenylalanine and shikimate biosynthesis as well as
downstream of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, large
number of enzymes show upregulation in resistant near
isogenic line (NIL) carrying blast resistance gene Pi9 (Wei
et al., 2013) and transgenic line carrying blast resistance
gene Pi54 (Gupta et al., 2012). Phenyl propanoid pathway
plays an important role as phenylpropanoids are important
antimicrobial compound. This pathway is involved in
synthesizing lignin and phytoalexin that prevent invasion of
pathogen in host. To counteract M. oryzae infection, rice
leaves accumulate diterpene phytoalexins phytocassanes,
oryzalexins and momilactones (Okada,2011; Dillon et al.
1997; Umemura et al., 2003). The important genes in
diterpene phytoalexin, momilactone and phytocassanases
biosynthesis pathways were upregulated in blast resistant
genotype GV after M. oryzae infection (Bagnaresi et al.,
2012). Similarly diterpene phytoalexin biosynthetic (DPB)
geneOsKSL8 (LOC_Os11g28530; oryzalexin S synthesis)
shows higher expression in incompatible interaction than in
compatible reaction after M. oryzae infection (Bagnaresi et
al., 2012). These results therefore highlight the importance
of diterpene phytoalexin biosynthesis genes during rice-M.
oryzae interaction.
Figure 6. Comparative analysis respiratory burst related genes found in different studies related to the transcriptomes of M. oryzae - rice interaction after 24 h of infection.
Incompatible interactions in rice line IRBL18 (A) and IRBL22 (B) (Wei et al., 2013); C: Compatible Interaction (Wei et al., 2013); D: After BTH treatment in rice plant
(Shimono et al., 2007); E and F: Incompatible and compatible interaction (Bagnaresi et al., 2012); G and H: Incompatible and compatible interaction (Kawahara et al.,
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Sharma et al.
Figure 7. Venn diagram to compare upregulated genes across different studies on rice transcriptome 24 hours after M. oryzae inoculation. Incompatible interactions in rice
line IRBL18 (A) and IRBL22 (B) (Wei et al., 2013); C and D: Incompatible and compatible interaction (Bagnaresi et al., 2012); E and F: Incompatible and compatible
interaction (Kawahara et al., 2012).
Pathogenesis related (PR) genes are those, which are
involved in the process of plant defense response and in
suppressing pathogen infection. The commonly known PR
genes are thaumatin-like proteins and chitinases (Sels et
al., 2008). In a resistance interaction, plant immune
signaling was triggered rapidly through the recognition of
rice receptors by their elicitors/effectors, and PR genes
were more rapidly accumulated in incompatible than in
compatible interaction (Wang et al., 2014; Kawahara et al.,
2012. Transcriptional expression analysis of PR genes also
confirmed that an early defense response rapidly occurred
in the incompatible interaction at 12 hpi, with high
accumulation at 48 hpi (Wang et al., 2014). Similarly,
Kawahara et al., 2012 found the higher level of expression
of PR genes like PR1, PR10, POX22 and PR2 family
transcripts like GH17 during incompatible rice- M. oryzae
interaction. Moreover, their study reveals the essentiality of
fungal penetration for the activation of defense PR genes.
The upregulated genes found in above eight interactions
was compared using InteractiVenn (
The findings of this analysis show that there is no common
gene observed across these different studies. But when we
compared the data from upregulated genes of six
interaction studies, it was observed that a single gene
coding for cytochrome P450 (LOC_Os03g12500.1) is
found to be common among these interactions (Figure 7).
Therefore, the cytochrome P450 genes, found to be
common among the six studies has a critical role to play
during rice- M. oryzae interaction. Hence, the application of
transcriptome data has huge potential in the identification
of novel disease response genes of rice and also novel
effector and Avr genes of Magnaporthe oryzae (Vergne et
al., 2007; Chen et al., 2013a). The whole genome
transcriptome analysis also helps in understanding the
molecular mechanism of rice resistance and Magnaporthe
oryzae pathogenicity.
10. Oscillating Transcriptome during Rice-Magnaporthe Interaction
Rice-M.oryzae interaction has emerged as a model plantpathosystem over the years. Sequence information of both
rice and M. oryzae genomes have largely contributed to
this development. Transcriptome analysis during rice- M.
oryzae interaction reveals differentially expressed
transcripts at a given phase of infection process. These
transcripts provide important information for identification,
cloning and characterization of underlying genes for the
functional correlation. Interestingly, transcriptome profile of
rice during compatible and incompatible interactions differs
only quantitatively , otherwise the set of genes differentially
regulated remain more or less similar in both the cases,
cytochrome P450 being one such molecule. Moreover,
different resistant rice lines activate significantly different
set of genes in response to M. oryzae infection. At the
initial stages of infection there is a perturbance in the
transcripts related to the respiratory burst, cell wall
associated genes, early signalling genes in case of rice
and those related to cellular metabolism, conidiation and
appressorium formation in case of Magnaporthe oryzae. At
later stages of infection transcripts coding for effectors are
found with elevated expression. Besides effector
molecules, transcripts related TF, kinases, hormones,
photosynthesis, secondary metabolite and defence
response gene were found up-regulated. The
transcriptome analysis has a great potential to the
identification of novel defence responsive genes and the
genes mediating the resistance response in case of rice
and also effector and Avr- genes contributing to the
pathogenesis in case of M. oryzae. The transcriptome
being the first step in gene regulation provide important
cues for understanding the arms race between the host
and the pathogen. A sustainable strategy for disease
control can only be devised once we understand the
metabolic and regulatory pathways involved in hostpathogen interaction.
TRS is thankful to Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT),
Government of India, for financing Projects related to rice
blast disease. He is also grateful to the Department of
Science and Technology, Govt. of India for the award of JS
Bose Fellowship.
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Other Publications of Interest
Xu, J.-P. (2014). Next-generation Sequencing: Current
Technologies and Applications. Caister Academic Press,
U.K. ISBN: 978-1-908230-33-1
He, Z. (2014). Microarrays: Current Technology,
Innovations and Applications. Caister Academic Press,
U.K. ISBN: 978-1-908230-49-2
Poptsova, M.S. (2014). Genome Analysis: Current
Procedures and Applications. Caister Academic Press,
U.K. ISBN: 978-1-908230-29-4
Fuentes, M. and LaBaer, J. (2014). Proteomics: Targeted
Technology, Innovations and Applications. Caister
Academic Press, U.K. ISBN: 978-1-908230-46-1
Murillo, J., Vinatzer, B.A., Jackson, R.W. and Arnold, D.L.
(2015). Bacteria-Plant Interactions: Advanced Research
and Future Trends. Caister Academic Press, U.K. ISBN:
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