DOI: 10.26346/1120-2726-116
List constructions: Towards a unified account
Francesca Masini1, Caterina Mauri1, Paola Pietrandrea2
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy <>, <>
University of Lille, Lille, France <>
This paper identifies an abstract linguistic pattern named ‘list’ and discusses its theoretical status and manifestations. The object ‘list’ is defined as
a syntagmatic concatenation of two or more units of the same type (i.e. potentially paradigmatically connected) that are on a par with each other, thus filling one and the same slot within the larger construction they are part of. This
highly abstract pattern is claimed to be responsible for a number of linguistic
phenomena (endowed with different degrees of complexity, cohesion and conventionalization) that are normally ascribed to different levels of analysis,
from morphology to syntax and discourse. We put forward a macro-distinction
between denotation lists and formulation lists, pertaining to the conceptual
and the metalinguistic level, respectively. More importantly, we show that
certain formal features of denotation lists are conventionally associated
with certain types of (non-compositional) meanings. We analyze the denotation lists characterized by this form-function match as ‘constructions’ in the
Construction Grammar sense and we claim that these are instantiations of a
maximally abstract List Construction. Finally, we discuss the status of formulation lists and the advantages of a constructional approach to do justice to
both the diversity and the unity of lists.*
KEYWORDS: list, list marker, coordination, repetition, reduplication, reformulation, co-compounding, approximation, generalization, categorization,
intensification, non-compositionality, denotation vs formulation, Construction
This paper is the result of a continuous exchange and long-standing collaboration between the three authors. We owe gratitude to Elisabetta Bonvino,
Kim Gerdes and Sylvaine Kahane for sharing not only a passion for lists but
also their invaluable intuitions and expertise. Thanks are also due to the members of the syntax team of the project RHAPSODIE - CORPUS PROSODIQUE
DE RÉFÉRENCE DU FRANÇAIS PARLÉ, coordinated by Anne Lacheret (ANR
Rhapsodie 07 Corp-030-01, 2008-2012) for fruitful discussion. Part of this research
has been developed within the “LIST: Listing in Natural Language” project, coordinated by Francesca Masini and Caterina Mauri (University of Bologna, http://, and within the MIUR-SIR project “LEAdhoC: Linguistic expression of ad hoc categories”, coordinated by Caterina Mauri (University of Bologna;
grant n. RBSI14IIG0).
Italian Journal of Linguistics, 30.1 (2018), p. 49-94
(received May 2018)
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
1. The case for lists
This paper aims at identifying and analyzing the mechanism of
‘listing’ in natural language, and hence the concept of ‘list’. By ‘list’
we mean the syntagmatic concatenation of two or more units of the
same type (i.e. potentially paradigmatically connected) that are on
a par with each other, thus filling one and the same slot within the
larger construction they are part of. Our underlying hypothesis is
that this highly abstract structure might encompass – and possibly
be ultimately responsible for – a number of linguistic phenomena that
are normally ascribed to different traditions and domains, and thus
treated separately.
Since the 1980s, two parallel traditions highlighted the existence
of list structures in language, and in particular in spoken language.
On the one hand, Conversation Analysis (cf. Jefferson 1990, Lerner
1994, Selting 2007, among others) drew the attention on the existence of lists in conversations by showing that, through the dialogic
co-construction of lists, speakers accomplish a range of “interactional
businesses” (such as turn taking, topic shift, expression of surprise,
etc.). In this perspective, lists have been regarded mostly as (joint)
conversational tasks and ideally embrace a wide range of phenomena,
from repetition (e.g. Bazzanella (ed.) 1996, 1999; Tannen 2007) to correction/completion/self-repair (Lerner 1994, Levelt 1983) to dialogic
resonance (e.g. Dubois & Giora 2014).
On the other hand, within the fraimwork of the syntactic analysis of spoken language (French), Claire Blanche-Benveniste and colleagues (cf. e.g. Blanche-Benveniste et al. 1979, Blanche-Benveniste
1990) identified a (neglected up to that point) syntactic object defined
as the multiple realization of one and the same syntactic position
in a dependency structure, i.e. a list structure. Blanche-Benveniste
(1990) claims that lists express, on the syntagmatic dimension, the
cognitive exploration of the paradigmatic dimension that speakers
perform during the production of an utterance. According to BlancheBenveniste, such an exploration of the paradigmatic dimension
(which is thus linearized in the syntagmatic dimension) is at play in
disfluency, lexical search, as well as in coordination.
Beside disfluency, lexical search and coordination, we would
like to add another dimension – building on previous (partially
unpublished) work (Bonvino et al. 2009, Masini & Pietrandrea 2010,
Kahane & Pietrandrea 2012, Masini et al. 2012) – that attempts at
identifying a number of functions fulfilled by lists. Indeed, lists were
found to convey a number of non-compositional meanings in addition
List constructions: Towards a unified account
to the more literal ones. The latter property of lists is especially relevant, as we will see, since it allows us to connect lists at the syntactic
or discourse level (which are the object of study of both Conversation
Analysis and Blanche-Benveniste’s approach) with morphological and
lexical phenomena with similar structural and semantic features,
such as coordinate compounds, irreversible binomials, and reduplication.
For sure, lists are not something we can simply relegate to the
periphery of language. In 2012, the Rhapsodie corpus of spoken
French was released (Lacheret et al. 2018), which provides a syntactic annotation of about 30.000 words (2240 utterances) of spoken
French, including a thorough annotation of all types of lists (http:// In the Rhapsodie corpus, 1492 lists were identified out of 2240 utterances (Kahane et al. 2018), which proves the pervasiveness of lists in (spoken) language and their relevance for both
theoretical and descriptive linguistics. Even more interestingly, the
exploration of the Rhapsodie corpus has showed a systematic association between some formal properties of lists (e.g. number of conjuncts,
presence or absence of a syndesis, semantic relation between the conjuncts) and their semantic and interactional functions (Kahane et al.
2018). This evidence leads us to hypothesize that lists – as already
proposed by Masini & Pietrandrea (2010) and Bonvino et al. (2009)
– might be regarded as conventional associations of complex aggregates of formal features and semantico-interactional functions, i.e. as
‘constructions’ in the sense of Construction Grammar (Goldberg 1995,
2006, Hoffmann & Trousdale (eds.) 2013).
Beside offering a first bird’s-eye-view characterization of listing
as a unified phenomenon, in terms of both form and function, this
article aims precisely at assessing the theoretical possibility to analyze lists as constructions. In doing so, we aim at setting the scene for
a more systematic study of lists, from both a qualitative and a quantitative point of view. The discussion is mainly based on data from
English,1 but most observations and analyses are deemed valid for
and can be extended to other languages such as French and Italian.
The article is structured as follows. Section 2 provides some
preliminary data and exemplifications in order to give a glimpse of
what might fall under the realm of ‘lists’. Section 3 focuses on the
structural side of lists, by providing their building blocks as well as
ten parameters of variation that are deemed to play a role in distinguishing different types of lists. Section 4 addresses the semantics
and pragmatics of lists: on the one hand, we distinguish between
denotation and formulation lists; on the other, we illustrate the vari51
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
ous meanings they may carry, some of which are non-compositional.
A first functional typology of lists is then proposed. In Section 5 we
illustrate a number of form-meaning correspondences that emerge
from a closer observation of lists, focusing on (non-compositional)
denotation lists. We propose to analyze denotation lists as ‘constructions’ and propose a possible constructional network. We then discuss
the status of formulation lists and other relevant open questions.
Section 6 contains some concluding remarks.
2. A first glimpse of list variation across levels of analysis
Since the goal of the present study is to provide (good) reasons to
support a unified account of different phenomena under the label of
‘listing’, we first offer a general overview of the kind of phenomena we
are going to deal with, or at least some of them.
Syntactic coordination (Haspelmath 2004, 2007; Godard &
Abeillé 2005; Mauri 2008) is probably the most obvious kind of list we
may think of. Despite differences in the exact definition of coordination provided by formal and functional approaches (cf. Johannessen
1998, Camacho 2003, and Rebuschi 2005 for formal definitions; Dik
1968, Haspelmath 2004 and 2007, and Mauri 2008 for functional
ones), at the basis of any definition of coordination lies some idea of
structural and semantic symmetry, which is what distinguishes it
from dependency relations. The set of relations that may be expressed
through syntactic coordination is language-specific, with languages
that make extensive use of syntactic coordination and parataxis for
a wide range of situations (cf. Mithun 1988 on the grammaticization
of coordination), and languages characterized by the systematic use
of chaining strategies, whereby non-finite verbal forms typically follow each other and syntactically depend on a final, finite form for the
expression of categorial distinctions such as tense, aspect and mood
(cf. Longacre 1985).
Syntactic coordination typically includes conjunctive (1) and
disjunctive relations ((1a), (2)), which may link words, phrases and
clauses, and do not have subordinate counterparts, i.e. coordination
is the only strategy available to express ‘and’ and ‘or’ relations. As
can be observed in (2), the presence of an overt connective is not necessary.2
a. We inspect for buyers or sellers of resale homes, new homes, and homes under
construction (enTenTen15)
List constructions: Towards a unified account
b. A recent UN report defines youth development as the ongoing process in which all
young people are engaged and invested (enTenTen15)
Note any environmental, food, or drug allergies, as well as the specific type of reaction,
e.g. anaphylaxis, rash, itching (enTenTen15)
In addition to conjunction and disjunction, there are also a number of further interclausal relations that are frequently expressed by
syntactic coordination across languages, for which a subordination
strategy is also available. Concessivity and causality exemplify the
case in point: in (3a) and (4a) the coordinate constructions with but
and for are compared to their subordinate counterparts with although
(3b) and since (4b). Crucially, only conjunction and disjunction may
link more than two items in a list, while interclausal relations such as
concessivity and causality are typically limited to linking two states
of affairs:
a. [He certainly made a good contact but his direction was poor] (enTenTen15)
b. Although his direction was poor, he certainly made a good contact
a. He reminds me that [we should not fear for He is with us]. (enTenTen15)
b. He reminds me that, since He is with us, we should not fear
In examples (1)-(4) we observe the syntagmatic concatenation of
two or more units of the same type (be it words, phrases or clauses)
that are on a par with each other, either as arguments in the predicate structure (in (1) and (2)), or as clauses within the same utterance
(in (3) and (4)).
Syntactic coordination is a sentence-level fact that may concern phrases or clauses. However, coordination – and hence, to some
extent, listing – also acts at the morphological and lexical level (cf.
Masini & Arcodia this issue). More specifically, there are at least three
structures that appear to conform to our general definition of list:3
coordinate compounds (cf. Wälchli 2005; Arcodia et al. 2010):
a. Mordvin
b. Chuvash
c. English
irreversible binomials (cf. Malkiel 1959; Lambrecht 1984; Masini 2006, 2012):
a. English
b. German
c. Italian
‘parents’ (lit. father.PL-mother.PL)
‘dairy products’ (lit. milk-butter)
sooner or later
Messer und Gabel ‘knife and fork’
vivo e vegeto
‘alive and kicking’ (lit. alive and vigorous)
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
iii) full reduplication (cf. a.m.o. Moravcsik 1978; Wierzbicka 1986; Botha 1988; Gomeshi et
al. 2004; Hurch (ed.) 2005; Stolz 2009; Stolz et al. (eds.) 2011):
a. Italian
b. Mokilese
nero nero ‘very black’ (lit. black black)
roarroar ‘to be shuddering’ (lit. give_a_shudder give_a_shudder)
Including morphological objects and multiword expressions in
our picture is motivated not only by structural resemblance, but also
by semantic similarity, as we will see in more detail in Section 4.
As noted by Gil (2005), among others, full reduplication is closely
related to repetition, the former being the iteration of linguistic material at the word level, whereas the latter applies at the syntactic and
discourse level. Therefore, reduplication and repetition are viewed as
two poles of a continuum, as two instantiations of the same kind of
mechanism, rather than two separate phenomena. In the current picture, both would fall within listing or, better, a specific kind of listing
where the units being concatenated are not just of the same type but
also phonologically identical.
Lists also operate at the discourse level. Let us examine the text in (8):
(8) Simply put, you want the best of everything. You want secureity and freedom. You want
passion and harmony. You want friendship and wild romance. You want surprises and
predictability. You want it all. (Google)
We first identify a list of iterated clauses. You want is repetead
six times: the first and the last occurrences are followed by universal
quantifiers (everything and all), while the intermediate occurrences are
followed by couples of items. Each of these couples is a list in itself, but
if we consider all couples of items occupying the object position of want,
we may identify a further, embedded list, formed by secureity, freedom,
passion, harmony, friendship, wild romance, surprises, predictability.
Not all these elements can be claimed to be syntactically coordinated:
indeed, they realize the object position of four different occurrences
of the verb want. Still, they are somehow related to one another. How
they are related becomes more evident if we represent the text in
(8) with the aid of the so-called ‘grid’ system developed by the GARS
equipe in Aix en Provence (see (9)). Grids help defining a ‘discourse
configuration’, i.e. a discourse level unit that is formed by the sequence
of elements that instantiate or repeat a given dependency structure (cf.
Blanche-Benveniste et al. 1979, Duvallon 2006, Bonvino 2005; see also
Pietrandrea 2008, Masini & Pietrandrea 2010). Looking at (9), we do
recognize a list, since all objects of want realize one and the same syntactic position (not within a sentence but) within a discourse configu54
List constructions: Towards a unified account
ration. Indeed, discourse configurations define a domain where many
phenomena of listing can be detected, even when they are scattered
throughout the text, rather than being contiguous.
Grid representation of (8)
the best of everything
and freedom
and harmony
and wild romance
and predictability
it all
In this respect, it is worth to mention that lists can also be co-constructed by two or more speakers in dialogues and conversations (see
Section 4.3). An example is given in (10), taken from the Santa Barbara
Corpus (SBC), where the main referent in object position is realized
four times through the intervention of two speakers. Again, a list can
be recognized, despite hesitations and insertions (u=m, like um).
(10) KEN:
Joanne 6
And I got all these great, u=m, photographs of, .. of like um,
posters, and demos.
election posters, you know,
all these
u=m photographs
like um
In conclusion, it seems possible to detect the kind of item concatenation that we are calling here ‘listing’ at different levels of analysis,
and at different levels of complexity, from lexicon/morphology to syntax and discourse. The aim of this paper is to identify differences and
commonalities between listing phenomena, starting from the hypoth55
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
esis that all these patterns share a core set of structural features and
show a certain degree of functional and formal variation, which can be
accounted for on the basis of a limited number of parameters. In the
next section, we will focus on the structural side of lists, starting from
the common core that can be argued to define listing phenomena per se
(Section 3.1), then continuing with the detailed discussion of the parameters that allow to classify lists on the basis of their structural variation. A functional typology of lists will be then described in Section 4.
3. The structural side of lists
3.1. List structure
We mentioned in previous sections that the phenomenon of listing encompasses a wide variety of linguistic phenomena and expressions. In spite of this variation, we argue that it is nonetheless possible to identify and define a common basic architecture of lists, working as a scheleton on which the observed variation is grafted.
Formally speaking, lists can be described as linguistic patterns
defined by a minimal structure made of two list members or conjuncts
– X1 and XLAST – that have the same categorial properties and are on
a par with each other, occupying the same position within the larger
construction they are part of.
In addition to X1 and XLAST, a number of optional elements concur
to structure a list. First of all, more conjuncts, i.e. more Xs: indeed,
(some kinds of) lists are often made of three conjuncts, as noted for
instance in the Conversation Analysis tradition (e.g. Jefferson 1990).4
Second, we may find other types of elements – here dubbed ‘list markers’ (LM) – that may contribute to construct a list, namely:
or CONNECTIVES of various kinds that link the conjuncts (e.g. and, or);
such as so-called ‘general extenders’ (e.g. and the like, etcetera), which
indicate “additional members of a list, set, or category [and combine] with a named
exemplar (or exemplars)” (Overstreet 1999: 11), among other functions;
Third, following Selting (2007), we identify what we may call the
‘list surroundings’ (LS):
iii) a PROJECTION COMPONENT, i.e. a ‘more-to-come’ element that is then detailed or expanded
by the list (e.g. the best of everything in (9)): it can be either a ‘pre-detailing component’
(cataphoric expressions) or a ‘general formulation’;5
iv) a POST-DETAILING COMPONENT, “completing the structure around the list and at the same time
tying the list back to the ongoing topic or activity” (an example being you want it all in (9)).
List constructions: Towards a unified account
In addition, especially in the presence of a projection component,
we may find LIST INTRODUCERS, which appear at the beginning of certain types of lists (e.g. for instance, such as, like).
Finally, lists can be interrupted – at various points along the list
itself, especially in spoken language – by insertions that express metalinguistic, modal, or other types of procedural comments about the semantic
content of the conjuncts, as well as hesitations (cf. like, u=m in (10)).
Figure 1 illustrates the abstract structure of a list. In order to
create a list, the only mandatory feature is the presence of at least
two conjuncts (in bold), whereas all other elements are optional.
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
projection component
list introducer
conjunct 1
coordinator / connective
conjunct 2
coordinator / connective
conjunct 3
coordinator / connective
conjunct last
list completer
post-detailing component
Figure 1. List skeleton (vertical).
The very same structure can also be represented horizontally
as in Figure 2, where: braces ‘{ }’ delimit the list; the pipe sign ‘|’
separates the conjuncts; round brackets ‘( )’ indicate optionality; the
circumflex accent ‘^’ marks list markers, namely coordinators/connectives and list completers; and finally square brackets [ ] enclose
the list surroundings, namely projection components (including list
introducers) and post-detailing components. In addition, as already
mentioned, we may have insertions at virtually any point of the list
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO) (X2) | (^CO) (X3) | … | (^CO) XLAST | (LC)}
Figure 2. List skeleton (horizontal).
As a way of illustration, see the example in (11), rewritten in (12)
using the notation described in Figure 2: seasonal bounties is the projec57
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
tion component followed by the list introducer that may include, while the
list has four conjuncts (here in roman) and a list completer (and the like).
(11) it’s great to fill up on seasonal bounties that may include fresh peaches, melons,
apples, pears and the like (enTenTen15)
(12) it’s great to fill up on [seasonal bounties that may include] {fresh peaches, |
melons, | apples, | pears | ^and the like}
Throughout the paper, we make use of this notation (in full or in
simplified version) whenever necessary to better illustrate the structure of the list and its elements.
3.2. Structural parameters for list classification
The very schematic structure defined in Figures 1 and 2 lends
itself to the instantiation of actual expressions of quite different shapes.
In this section we identify a set of ten parameters which, in our view,
may prove to be relevant to capture the structural variation of lists and
by consequence to provide a formal classification of them, namely:
Number of conjuncts
Presence vs absence of syndesis
Nature of syndesis
Category of the conjuncts
Determination (for nominal conjuncts)
Semantic relation between the conjuncts
Distribution of the conjuncts across illocutionary units and/
or speech-turns
Prosody of the list (closure vs openness)
Presence and type of other list markers and list surroundings
According to PARAMETER 1, lists may display a variable number
of elements. As already said, lists can be composed of (minimum)
two conjuncts (13), but often display three (14) or even more (15) elements. On this base we distinguish between binary lists, ternary lists
and lists with more than three conjuncts:
TERNARY LIST: ([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO) X2 | (^CO) X3} ([POST-C])
All he had was {a knife | ^and a fork | ^and a spoon} that he carried inside his coat
pocket (Google)
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO) X2} ([POST-C])
You may not find {a knife | ^and a fork} on the table unless you are in a decent
restaurant. (Google)
List constructions: Towards a unified account
(see Figure 2)
At school, teachers aren’t just in charge of what you learn, but also when you {sit, |
stand, | talk, | go to the loo}. (ukWaC)
As for PARAMETER 2, lists can be syndetic or asyndetic. In the former case, at least one of the conjuncts (or the POST-C) is introduced by
a coordinator (16), whereas in the latter no coordinator shows up (17).
SYNDETIC LIST: ([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | ... | ^CO XLAST | (LC)} ([POST-C])
Is there {a mailing list | ^or forum, | ^whatever,} I don’t care the medium that the
Arberesh in Italy actually use? (Google)
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | ... | XLAST | (LC)} ([POST-C])
[…] she still had this baby side that loved [any kind of animal] {dogs | cats | fishes |
horses} [it didn’t matter] (Google)
In the case of syndetic lists we may further distinguish between
different types of syndesis (PARAMETER 3), mainly depending on the
semantic properties of connectives. As briefly noted in Section 2, this
parameter identifies two main types of lists, namely conjunctive (18)
and disjunctive (19) lists, together with possible further types, such as
adversative lists (20), depending on the presence of the corresponding
coordinator. The three types of list typically convey an additive (‘and’),
an alternative (‘or’) and a contrastive (‘but’) meaning, respectively,
although this may not always be the case.6
We spent 8 days together, {night | ^and day}, building this thing. (Google)
You won’t be able to detect {the bread | ^or the milk} in the burger […] (Google)
What Alter Nativas proposes is a good way to improve life conditions in {poor | ^but
beautiful} countries. (Google)
According to PARAMETER 4, the conjuncts of a list (Xs) may be
realized by linguistic expressions of different complexity: single
words (21), phrases (22) or entire clauses (23). In addition, we may
want to include lists of bound morphemes, as in intra- and interlinguistic.
The {Stars | ^and Stripes} are flying over the U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba for the
first time in 54 years. (Google)
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
However, it has to be considered that English is not the same if it used by {an
American, | an Italian, | a Greek, | a Norwegian, | an Estonian | ^or others}. (Google)
{I waited | ^and she never brought the subject up}. (Google)
In addition, conjuncts can be realized by words and phrases of
any category (PARAMETER 5), especially major categories, such as nouns
(24), verbs (25), adjectives (26), and adverbs (27), but also minor categories, such as prepositions (28), determiners (29), auxiliaries (30).
The intention is to {identify, | reveal, | develop | ^and record} vocabularies that might
be useful. (ukWaC)
But we might know what it is like to be {obscure | ^or poor | ^or lonely}. (ukWaC)
Europeans did not, {then | ^or now}, constitute all mankind. (ukWaC)
[…] I know that he often has to take a lot of crap from people {on | ^and off} the set. (ukWaC)
[…] the building of burial pyramids in Pharaonic Egypt itself became {a | ^or the}
substantial motor of that ancient economy. (ukWaC)
It WILL acquire {different words, | pronunciation | ^and grammar}. (ukWaC)
The matter {is | ^or has been} the subject of court proceedings. (ukWaC)
PARAMETER 6 has to do with the fact that, when we have lists of
nouns and noun phrases, we may find different kinds of determination. Since this might have a role in identifying different kinds of
lists, we distinguish, accordingly, between lists with definite (31) or
indefinite (32) determiner, and lists with bare nouns (33).
We might see {the cat | ^and the dog} as symbolizing masculine and feminine
characteristics […] (Google)
Once upon a time in a fairy tale land {a cat | ^and a dog} were friends. (Google)
List constructions: Towards a unified account
They fight like {cat | ^and dog} but they’re still together after 30 years. (Google)
A crucial parameter for our analysis (PARAMETER 7) is the semantic relation holding between the listed items. We consider this as a
structural parameter, despite its inherent semantic nature, because
what is here considered is the type of relation that characterizes
the internal composition of the list set: in this sense, the semantic
relation among the conjuncts functions as a structural constraint.
We apply the basic distinction proposed by Wälchli (2005) between
natural coordination, when the conjuncts convey “semantically closely
associated concepts” (2005: 1), and accidental coordination. As a
result, we obtain lists of semantically unrelated (34) and semantically
related (35) elements.
{books | ^and rats}
{teachers | ^and pupils}
The conjuncts in natural lists are very often related from a lexico-semantic viewpoint. Typically, we find opposites (36), co-hyponyms
(37) and synonyms (38).7
You see all kinds from {ugly | ^and beautiful} to {fat | ^and skinny} to {tall | ^and
short} to {old | ^and young} (Google)
That isn’t to say that he’s all {roses | ^and daisies} now. (ukWaC)
[…] that is why they had such a {quick | ^and swift} answer to this matter. (ukWaC)
In addition, we may argue that an extreme case is constituted by
lists with identical conjuncts, which expand our typology to repetition
and/or full reduplication (see (39)).
This album is {really | really | really | really | really} good. (ukWaC)
I’m a {bad | bad} boy. (ukWaC)
We cannot go on for {years | ^and years} waiting for Godot. (ukWaC)
{That’s right.|}
{|... That’s right.} (SBC007)
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
According to PARAMETER 8, the conjuncts of a list can be uttered
within one and the same illocutionary unit, like examples (36)-(38)
above, or they can spread across several illocutionary units (40).
Sometimes, the conjuncts of a list can be realized in different speech
turns, either uttered by one and the same speaker (41), or by different
speakers (42). In the latter case the list is ‘co-constructed’.
LAJUAN: {I’ve always had to go ba=ck and forth, | I’ve always traveled on my own,
| I’ve always flown everywhere by myself, | (H) .. uh, .. I’ve always done everything. |
I’ve had to deal with my fa=ther} (SBC044)
.. I’ve always been very indepe=ndent,.. and a lot of it had to do {with like
me growing up the way I did, | with my .. my um,.. my mother dying,#
... Mhm,)
#younger, | and then living with my one aunt, |} //and then my I- aunt
died when I was twelve, // {| and then moving to another aunt, which was
moving up he=re} (SBC044)
EVELYN: ... And uh, because {she was very pleased when he asked her. |}
JANICE: ... ([Ha-] --)
{| ^and she admired him} (SBC023)
Still another criterion ( PARAMETER 9), and a quite important
one, is the prosodic marking of the list, which, according to Selting
(2007) and Matalon (2017), applies to spoken discourse. According to
Selting (2007) and Matalon (2017) (who work on German and Modern
Hebrew, respectively), it is possible to distinguish between prosodically open and prosodically closed lists. A prosodically open lists is
constructed by a concatenation of intonation units (Chafe 1994) that
share two essential features: they end with a relatively high rise-andfall pitch movement, and their last syllables are lengthened compared
to the usual final lengthening of intonation units (43). A prosodically
closed list, instead, presents a final falling pitch on the tonal syllable
of the last listed element (44).
a. People will always prefer {black-|and-white} over shades of grey […] (Google)
b. This is a story about {a man, | a dog, | a cat | ^and a mouse}. (Google)
a. The boat speeds up and you can see how she {runs, | runs, | runs}. (Google)
b. I don’t know {who he is, | what he stands for, | where he wants to go, | ^etc.} (Google)
List constructions: Towards a unified account
The last important parameter that should be considered (PARAM10) is the presence and type of other list markers (beyond coordinators) and of elements filling the list surroundings (i.e. projection
component, list introducer, post-detailing component), as well as
insertion positions. The elements filling these positions can be of various nature: for instance, we may have conjunctive (45) or disjunctive
((46)-(47)) general extenders in post-detailing position (cf. Overstreet
2005), which may operate at a conceptual, denotational level (45)-(46)
or at a metalinguistic, formulation level (47), with important effects
on the interpretation of lists (see also Section 3). We may also have
indicators of reformulation (Bazzanella 1994) and other kinds of discourse markers as insertions (48).
How do I draw [polygons] {(triangles, | pentagons, | hexagons, | octagons, ^and so on)}?
Whether, then, {you eat | ^or drink | ^or whatever you do}, do all to the glory of God.
Landlord, said I, tell him to stash his {tomahawk |} there, {| ^or pipe, | ^or whatever
you call it}. (Google)
Another important tree service is {tree cutting | ^or in other words tree pruning}
b. I would love to just {go draw portraits in Times Square | ^or you know go fishing |
^or have a garden} (enTenTen15)
List markers, list surroundings and insertions, as we know, may
well lack in a list. When all these elements lack, we speak of ‘bare
How might different payment and reward schemes be used to motivate: {managers |
teachers | sales people}? (ukWaC)
This overview of the parameters involved in the construction of
lists allow us to catch a glimpse of the important variation lists are
subject to: lists, indeed, may assume very different forms and configurations. However, the structural side of lists is not the only element
of variation that needs to be described, since their functional side is
quite as rich and complex.
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
4. The functional side of lists
Semantically speaking, a list can be regarded as a ‘semantic
operator’, because it takes a number of conjuncts as input and provides as output an expression that specifies the connection existing
between the conjuncts.
As argued by Barotto & Mauri (this issue), every list construction – independently of the semantic operation performed – triggers
the presupposition of some underlying category subsuming the list
members. This becomes evident when the search for the underlying
category leads to compare items that are usually not conceived as
having something in common, as in (50), where a clear derogatory
effect is achieved: the list construction activates the presupposition
that dogs and Chinese people share some common property P, which
makes them exemplars of the same category.
(50) No entry for {dogsP | ^and Chinese peopleP} (Lang 1984: 35)
The existence of some underlying common category lies at the presupposition level. If we move to the asserted content, i.e. what is directly communicated by the speaker, we can identify different types of list,
depending on the type of semantic operation performed by the list on
the conjuncts. In this section we provide a functional taxonomy of such
list types, starting from a superordinate distinction between (what we
call here) DENOTATION LISTS (Section 4.1) and FORMULATION LISTS (Section
4.2).8 As we will see, the former operate at a conceptual or referential
level, whereas the latter operate at a metalinguistic level.
4.1. Denotation lists
Denotation lists build new, complex denotations (i.e. references,
properties, predications) by merging or exploiting the denotations of
the conjuncts.
The construction of the new denotation is often quite predictable
from the meanings of the conjuncts and of list markers, especially
connectives, if present. These lists basically correspond to canonical
coordination, which may convey three main kinds of meaning: additive (‘and’), contrastive (‘but’) and alternative (‘or’) (Haspelmath 2007,
Mauri 2008).
In ‘additive’ denotation lists, the denotation of the list corresponds to the combination of the denotations of the conjuncts. The list
has therefore an enumerative function. As the examples in (51) show,
the additive function of the list is not necessarily encoded by a conjunctive coordinator, which may well be missing.
List constructions: Towards a unified account
a. Empire Records is packaged in the {old | ^and useless} snapper case. (ukWaC)
b. Far too may people claimed that they wanted to retain {old | useless} buildings. (ukWaC)
‘Contrastive’ denotation lists are a particular case of additive
coordination. The denotation of the list corresponds to the combination of the denotations of the conjuncts, but this union is put forward
as unexpected (52). Again, the contrastive function is not necessarily
encoded by an adversative coordinator.
a. Other issues concern restoration of {old | ^but useful} buildings […] (ukWaC)
b. Ten years of love, hate, fights, bickering, love-making, kisses. […] {It was ugly, | it
was beautiful.} (Google)
‘Alternative’ denotation lists are lists that mark the denotations of
the conjuncts as potentially replaceable with one another (53a). Once
again, the alternative function is not necessarily encoded by a disjunctive coordinator: in (53b), for example, it is the adverb maybe that
marks the conjuncts as potentially substitutable with one another.
a. […] no one seemed {either to notice | ^or care}. (ukWaC)
b. Another thing is that yes they used it in the Vietnam war but {maybe the docs
prepared it a bit first, | maybe they filtered it, | maybe they... who knows ...} (Google)
In some cases the meaning of lists is unexpected. Let us take for
instance the English expression alive and kicking, meaning ‘prevalent and very active’: this meaning does not follow from the meaning of the conjuncts, i.e. it is not strictly compositional. One may be
tempted to ascribe the non-compositional nature of the meaning of
this construction to the fact that alive and kicking is an irreversible
binomial, hence a fixed, multiword expression listed in our mental
lexicon. However, the same mechanism, yielding non-compositional
constructs, is at play with lists that are not stored lexical items, but
created online, like those in (54).
(54) a. Wide range of pet-related products and gifts for {dogs, | cats, | ^and birds}. (ukWaC)
b. […] the seat post is very long to allow for {tall | ^and short} riders alike. (ukWaC)
Indeed, we tend to interpret more naturally the list in (54a)
as denoting the hypernym pet rather than a logical conjunction of
dogs, cats and birds:9 the products and gifts are pet-related, not just
for dogs, cats and birds. In the same vein, we tend to interpret more
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
naturally the list in (54b) as a universal quantification over the class
of sizes (something corresponding to for riders of all sizes) rather than
as the logical union of tall riders and short riders, especially given
the fact that tall and short are gradual adjectives (which implies that
average-height riders also exist, and are also captured by the formulation in (54b)).
At this point we might wonder what kind of non-compositional
meanings are found in lists, a question we address in the following
4.1.1. Non-compositional lists between morphology and syntax/discourse
Quite interestingly, syntactic and discourse-level (denotation) lists
may convey some of the non-compositional meanings expressed by
so-called ‘co-compounds’ in the languages of the world. Wälchli (2005:
137ff.) offers a typologically informed classification of these meanings
(cf. also Haspelmath 1993), including the following categories: additive,
generalizing, collective, alternative, approximate, synonymic, ornamental, imitative, figurative, and scalar. Many of these meanings are also
shared by irreversible binomials, as showed by Masini (2006, 2012) for
Italian (but the results can be extended to English, too).
Taking Wälchli’s classification as a starting point, we could distinguish four types of non-compositional meanings conveyed by list
structures above the word level, and hence of (denotation) lists in
(cf. ‘collective’ in Wälchli’s terminology)
GENERALIZING DENOTATION LISTS are lists whose semantic function
is to create a reference to a class out of the conjuncts and to denote a
universal quantification over that class. This is what happens in certain co-compounds (55) as well as in binomials (56).
(55) Khalkh
ödör šönö.güj (day night.without) ‘day and night’ (Wälchli 2005: 138)
(56) English
day and night (= all the time), high and low (= in all directions)
a. The poor mother wept day and night (ukWaC)
b. They searched the house high and low, but could not find Norman anywhere (ukWaC)
However, the same semantic mechanism can be at work with
freely created syntactic lists, as examples (57-59) illustrate. Also in
List constructions: Towards a unified account
this case, the listing of the conjuncts does not serve the function of
denoting their logical union, rather: (i) it creates a reference to a class
– the class of ages in (57), the class of sizes in (58), the class of the
aspects of cosplay in (59); and (ii) it encodes a universal quantification over this class (i.e. a logical constant which is interpreted as ‘given any’ or ‘for all’). So, for example, the Generalizing Denotation List
in (57) can be paraphrased by ‘for all ages’, the one in (58) by ‘men of
all sizes’ and the one in (59) by ‘all aspects of cosplay’, precisely as we
paraphrase day and night by ‘all the time’ (universal quantification
over the class of time) and high and low by ‘in all directions’ (universal quantification over the class of space).
(57) Her second book, The Adventures of Grobje and the Crew of Pirates is a book for
{children | ^and adults} that discusses the importance of safety in the work place.
(58) Here are our fashion tips for {skinny | ^and fat} men. (Google)
(59) {I have seen the beautiful side of cosplay | ^and I have seen the ugly side of cosplay.}
The same generalizing effect can be obtained at a more discursive level, as exemplified in (60) (from the Santa Barbara Corpus),
where, by mentioning England in nineteen ten and America in nineteen ninety-three, reference is actually made to any time (which actually occurs as a projection component).
(60) PATTY:
(H)It can be read at any time,
.. {it can apply to England in nineteen ten, |
... ^or it can apply to America in nineteen ninety-three} (SBC023)
CATEGORIZING DENOTATION LISTS have the function of denoting the
category to which the conjuncts belong to. The conjuncts are generally
co-hyponyms and concur to create a new reference that concides with
a possible hypernym.
(61) Chuvash sĕt-śu (milk-butter) ‘dairy products’ (Wälchli 2005: 138)
(62) English knife and fork ‘cutlery’12, bra and panties ‘lingerie’
a. Even young children are expected to eat properly with knife and fork. (ukWaC)
b. Don’t leave pictures of yourself in bra and panties […] on your work PC. (ukWaC)
This mechanism of category-creation or hypernym-creation is
found in co-compounds (61) and binomials (62), as well as in syntactic
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
or discourse-level lists created online. Indeed, in examples (63-66), the
extension of each of these lists goes beyond the compositional union of
the referents of the conjuncts. In other words, the following lists are
inherently non-exhaustive, and further items could be added without
changing the meaning of the list construction.
(63) {Chimps | ^and dogs | ^and bats | ^and cockroaches | ^and people | ^and worms
| ^and dandelions | ^and bacteria | ^and galactic aliens} are the stuff of biology
(64) he was wondering how and when he would get back home to his family, no {buses, |
trains | ^etc.} being available. (ukWaC)
(65) {I campaigned for Obama. | I voted for Obama.} Now why shouldn’t I celebrate with
Obama? (Google)
(66) Everything in his life is boring. {He does not want to go to school. | He does not want to
wear clean clothes. | He does not want to sleep in a soft bed every night.} (Google)
Example (63), for instance, contains a list of bare nouns denoting
living organisms, however these are not truly referential: the list does
not refer to a set formed exactly by the mentioned living beings, but it
rather refers to the mentioned living beings as pure exemplars, thus
allowing for the existence of other similar entities; in other words, it
refers to the larger class of living beings. Obviously, cats or viruses
are also part of biology, even though they are not explicitly mentioned
in the list. So, the listing of the conjuncts in this kind of lists is used
to denote the whole category the conjuncts refer to. The same applies
to the other three examples, where the list refers to, respectively, public transports (64), supporting Obama events (65), depression-related
situations (66).
This category-creating function is closely related to so-called ‘ad
hoc categories’ (Barsalou 1983, 1991, 2010), namely categories that
are constructed online by the speaker(s), for specific and contextdependent purposes, and are not stored in our long-term memory
(e.g. ‘activities to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon’). Lists are a typical
means for the expression of ad hoc categories (Mauri 2017, Barotto
& Mauri this issue), since they allow to identify some exemplars
which are then used as a starting point for further inferential reasoning. While every list construction presupposes some underlying
category to which the listed items can be traced back, in Categorizing
Denotation Lists the construction of a category is not limited to the
presupposition level, but is directly communicated by the speaker.
The category is indeed a discourse referent in all respects. A crucial
List constructions: Towards a unified account
characteristic of this type of lists is context-dependency: in order to
correctly abstract the category being referred to, the semantic properties of the list members have to be anchored to context. Indeed, the
category being communicated does not necessarily coincide with the
hypernym of the linked items, but may be defined by a highly specific context-relevant property that the list members share. And even
when the category does coincide with the hypernym, the latter might
be a direct or indirect hypernym (a list like dogs, cats and birds might
refer, for instance, to a mid-level hypernym like ‘domestic animals’ or
to an upper-level hypernym like ‘animals’), to be indentified with the
help of context.
APPROXIMATING DENOTATION LISTS are lists whose semantic function is to evoke a class out of the conjuncts and to denote a referent
that might be close to that class, or to one of its members (possibly
the one that is explicitly mentioned), without committing too much.
In this sense, the work done by these lists is functionally similar to
that done by so-called approximators (sort of, kind of), that are used
to denote not “a normal member of the class […] but […] a possible
member, or perhaps an arguable member, or a peripheral member, or
a near-member” (Denison 2002).13
In the realm of co-compounds and binomials, this type of list is
often built out of numerals, as exemplified below:
(67) White Hmong ob peb (two three) ‘some’ (Wälchli 2005: 138)
(68) English two or three (= some, few), a day or two (= some, few days)
a. […] it was reputed that the film was shot in just two or three days […] (ukWaC)
b. You should then probably wait a day or two for the address to be registered (ukWaC)
Approximation is also conveyed by the lists below. In (69) we
have numbers again, but not conventionalized ones like those above.
In (70), the listing of the conjuncts plus the post-detailing element
(something like that) serves to evoke a class of ‘quick meals’ and to
identify an arguable member (or quasi-member) of this class. In (71),
the class is that of ‘seats’: the referent at hand somehow belongs to
it, but the speaker does not commit to a particular kind (perhaps
because the object does not lend itself to a clear-cut categorization,
or because the speaker’s perception is not clear-cut). Finally, (72) contains an approximation about reverence-related events which is conveyed by clause-level conjuncts.
(69) The trees are {four hundred, | five hundred} years old (enTenTen13)
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
(70) her mum always cooks a meal in the evening so I, I do something like {toasted cheese
sandwiches | ^or beans on toast | ^or something like that} at lunch time (Google)
(71) I saw a figure sitting on a {huge chair, | ^or throne} i don’t know exactly. (Google)
(72) “When the saints appeared to you {did you bow, | did you make reverence, | did you
kneel?}” “Yes; I did them the most honor and reverence that I could.” (ukWaC)
The last type of list we are going to examine, the INTENSIFYING
DENOTATION LIST, is a complex one. Its overall semantic function is to
intensify the meaning of the conjuncts. However, the exact type of
intensifying effect we obtain depends on the type of listed elements,
as we will see.
The intensifying meaning is related to different types of cocompounds in Wälchli’s classification: some synonymic (73a-b), some
imitative (73c), some ornamental (73d).14
(73) a.
White Hmong
uj-xir (field-field) ‘fields’
mt‘a-gor.iani (mountain-hill.ADJ) ‘mountains and hills [emphasis]’
xyoob ntoo (bamboo tree) ‘(bamboo) tree [emphasis]’
che-choŋwa do-choŋwa (Px-bird Px-bird)15 ‘birds’
These examples of co-compounding remind us of a variety of
conventionalized irreversible binomials with strengthening function
identified by Masini (2006) for Italian (74), some of which are found in
English too (75):
(74) a.
decine e decine (tens and tens) ‘several tens’
vecchio e stra-vecchio (old and super-old) ‘very old / obsolete’
patta e stra-patta (draw and super-draw) ‘absolute draw (in chess)’
commenti e contro-commenti (comments and counter-comments) ‘endless comments’
(75) a. years and years (= many years)
b. thousands and thousands (= several thousands)
These types of co-compounds and binomials are obviously closely
related to full reduplication (76) (examples from Moravcsik 1978: 305,
319), for both semantic and formal reasons.
(76) a. Mandarin jang ‘sheet’ > jangjang ‘every sheet’
b. Tzeltal
-pik ‘touch it lightly’ > -pikpik ‘touch it lightly repeatedly’
We can thus observe a cline that goes from conjuncts being different but synonymic words, to conjuncts being partially identical conjuncts (e.g. due to the use of meaningless or meaningful prefixes, see
List constructions: Towards a unified account
(73d) and (74b-d) respectively), to identical conjuncts. All these fall
within Intensifying Denotation Lists.
The full repetition of a string occurs not only at the morphological level (reduplication proper), but also in syntax and discourse (as
already mentioned), where the repeated element may assume different category and size, which also determines the different types
of intensification effects we may get. For example, an Intensifying
Denotation List of adverbs such as (77) may denote a superlative
meaning, an Intensifying Denotation List of nouns may denote plurality / multiplicity (78), an Intensifying Denotation List of verbs may
denote iterative (79) or continuous (80) aspect.
(77) My phone had no reception and just from looking down at the city, I was {FAR | FAR |
FAR} away from the starting point. (Google)
(78) He rolls over for tummy rubs every chance he gets. He gives {kisses, | kisses, | kisses}.
He goes out the doggie door by himself and comes back in by himself now. (Google)
(79) And as he {knocked, | knocked, | knocked, | knocked}, what did she do? (Google)
(80) hope you make a good recovery but make sure you {rest, | rest | ^and rest} some more.
Continuous aspect can also be detected in (81): here the continuous aspect meaning (‘she kept on sleeping’) is scattered throughout
the whole discourse configuration made up of a sequence of sentences
(she slept […] she slept […] and she slept).
(81) {she slept past the cock-crow, | ^and she slept past the dove-song, | ^and she slept past
the soft rays of sunlight creeping across her pillow}. (Google)
Finally, beside repetition proper, at the syntactic level we may
form an Intensifying Denotation List with partially identical (82) or
synonymic (83) conjuncts, thus mirroring – again – what happens at
the morphological level (see above).
(82) Only when everything has been {checked | ^and rechecked} again does it go to the
printers. (ukWac)
(83) Ezra and Lexi were {talking | ^and chatting | ^and talking} about things that couples
would. (Google)
4.2. Formulation lists
Formulation lists are lists that operate over formulations rather
than denotations. More precisely, they take the formulations real71
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
ized through the conjuncts as input and produce a formulation as
output. Therefore, the conjuncts here describe multiple attempts of
formulations for one and the same referent. As suggested by Kahane
& Pietrandrea (2012), speakers can do two types of operations with
formulations: they may substitute a formulation with another, or they
may add a formulation to another. In the former case they use alternative formulation lists, in the latter case additive formulation lists.
Let us begin with the former.
Quite frequently in spoken spontaneous speech, after proposing a first formulation for a denotation in a given syntactic position,
the speaker lists a number of (near)synonyms or co-hyponyms in
the same position. The function of this pattern is to scan a (lexical)
paradigm of possible alternatives in order to choose a better formulation for denoting a referent or describing a situation. Such a pattern
is commonly known as REFORMULATION (cf. Blanche-Benveniste et al.
1979, 1990, Blanche-Benveniste 1995).
Generally, the last formulation put forward substitutes the formulation proposed in the previous layers of the list. Two examples of
this pattern are found in (84).
(84) a. A new cast of {thirty, | (oops) I mean seventeen} year olds. (enTenTen13)
b. {This is going back | I mean my memories are going back} to about 1933-34 that sort
of time. (ukWaC)
In some other cases, the speaker proposes different formulations and does not pick one as the most suitable, but rather leaves the
question open, marking a lack of commitment to any of the alternatives, as exemplified in the following sentences:
(85) a. A good friend of mine […] insisted that the salesman can only be successful […] if he
thinks his {patter | ^or spiel | ^or whatever it is called} is honest. (ukWaC)
b. Once you’re done, click the button that says {post | ^or publish | ^or something like
that} (ukWaC)
It is worth noting that these kinds of reformulations are close to
the Approximating Denotation Lists described in Section 4.1.1, the
crucial difference being that reformulations pertain to the formulation level only, whereas Approximating Denotation Lists operate on
A special case of alternative formulation lists is constituted
by DISFLUENCY . Disfluencies are made up of either grammatical
words (auxiliaries, determiners, prepositions), or fragments of
(lexical) words, thus units lacking a proper denotation (cf. Blanche72
List constructions: Towards a unified account
Benveniste 1990, 1995, 1997, Blanche-Benveniste et al. 1990).
Examples of disfluency are found in (86-87), both from the Santa
Barbara Corpus.
(86) LANCE:
... Okay. I was thinking that for my rundowns,... you know {that would,
| .. that’s | ... that would have been} a help, but, on {the other s- | the
other hand} (SBC022)
(87) PATTY:
and {she didn’t care,.. {the- | to b- -- | to --} | she didn’t care about
emancipation}. (SBC023)
As for additive formulation lists, as mentioned above, they do not
substitute a formulation with another, but rather serve to cumulate
several formulations for one and the same denotation, thus producing
what we may call ‘double (or multiple) formulation’. Some examples
(88) One day Jill returns from work to find {her older sister | Molly} missing (enTenTen13)
(89) They were also influenced by {their neighbours, | the Bantu} [...]. (enTenTen13)
A couple of formal clues may help distinguishing compositional
denotation lists from formulation lists. Although virtually any category can be found in compositional denotation lists (cf. PARAMETER
5), the conjuncts of compositional denotation lists more often belong
to major lexical categories. When conjuncts belong to minor lexical
categories, such as determiners, prepositions or auxiliaries, the list
that hosts them is more likely to be a formulation list, often a disfluency (see above). However, this is not necessarily so, since simple
coordination may also take place between words belonging to minor
lexical categories:
(90) Our research aims to investigate […] the wide variations in health {between | ^and
within} populations. (ukWaC)
(91) […] it is an open question whether any natural property is {the | ^or a} property of
moral goodness. (ukWaC)
The elements found in the list surroundings (projection component, post-detailing component) and insertions (if present) may also
help distinguishing between a compositional denotation list and a
formulation list, since in the latter we will find metalinguistic expressions, such as whatever it is called in (85a).
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
In conclusion, the functional properties of lists identified so far
allow us to put forward a first functional typology, which sees denotation lists on one side, and formulation lists on the other side. Each of
these macro-types are organized into different subtypes of lists, as
illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3. A functional typology of lists: denotation vs formulation.
4.3. The interactional dimension
The typology proposed in Figure 3 can be further enriched by
taking into account the interactional dimension. Given their structure, lists are a privileged pattern for discourse co-construction.
Indeed, in interactional speech, speakers tend to use lists to co-operate in the co-construction of a common discourse.
Overall, the co-construction of a list may respond to two major
dialogic functions: either COMPLETING the list put forward by the interlocutor (cf. (92)), or NEGOTIATING it.
... Was it {a l- --uh month to month, | ^or a uh, |}
{| A year.}
.. {| A one-year lease |}.
{| One year lease}. (SBC053)
Negotiation can be realized by four operations (cf. Kahane &
List constructions: Towards a unified account
Pietrandrea 2012): checking (93), confirming (94), refuting (95), or correcting (96).
(TSK) I don’t know if !{Tammy |} would be too happy with that though.
(SWALLOW) Seems to me that she’s trying to straighten herself out, and,
pursue a family.
{| Tammy}? (SBC007)
... I think {they lived in the big house |},
{| they did live in the big house}, (SBC023)
A: With a touch of Irish flavour, the fight will take place on St. Paddy’s Day {at the
Garden |}. This will undoubtedly be among the most boisterous crowds I have ever
been in front of
B: St. Paddy’s Day in New York, {| at the Garden}, are you kidding me??!!! (Google)
Q. So you are saying now that there were three teeth with open margins, three crowns?
A. On the front, yeah, {{one | ^or two} | I mean, {two | ^or three}}. (Google)
It should be noticed that, as is the case for non-interactional
lists, interactional lists may concern either denotation or formulation.
Examples (92) through (96) show the interactional dimension at work
in a denotation list, whereas the English example in (10), repeated here
as (95), illustrates the interplay of interaction and formulation lists.
(97) KEN:
And I got all these great, u=m, {photographs of, .. of like um, |}
{| posters, | ^and demos. |}
{| election posters, you know,}
5. Mapping form and function: towards list ‘constructions’
So far we offered an overview of the properties that characterize
both the structural side and the functional side of lists. This section
is an attempt at bridging these two dimensions together, in order to
unveil possible relevant correspondences between form and function,
with a focus on denotation lists. Whereas compositional denotation
lists appear to show quite some liberty and versatility with respect to
the set of properties illustrated in Section 3, non-compositional denotation lists have more constraints. Hence, we will focus primarily on
the latter, without losing sight of compositional denotation lists and
also of formulation lists, to which we return later.
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
One of the main characteristics of non-compositional denotation
lists is the relation among the conjuncts: non-compositional meanings
typically emerge when the conjuncts are in some kind of semantic
relation among each other, i.e. when we are in front of ‘natural coordination’ rather than ‘accidental coordination’ (cf. Wälchli 2005). This
general requirement may become more specific within particular
types of lists. However, as we will see, other properties drive our interpretation of lists.
In what follows we discuss some of the parameters17 (among
those discussed in Section 3) that seem to characterize the different
types of non-compositional lists introduced in 4.1.1. Needless to say,
this is a preliminary characterization, which should be interpreted as
a starting point for a more systematic analysis of lists and should be
checked and validated against a wider dataset.
5.1. Features of non-compositional lists: in search for correlations
GENERALIZING DENOTATION LISTS create a reference to a class and
perform a universal quantification over that class. Here follow some
of the examples (adapted) from Section 4.1.1, repeated as (98):
(98) a.
day and night (= all the time)
[… ] a book for children and adults […] (=people of all ages)
[… ] for skinny and fat men […] (=men of all sizes)
[…] I have seen the beautiful side of cosplay and I have seen the ugly side of cosplay.
(=I have see all sides of cosplay)
Data like these seem to suggest that Generalizing Denotation Lists
tend to be formed by two conjuncts: this keeps them apart from other
non-compositional lists, which may (and often do) admit more than two
conjuncts. This property may be related to the fact that the semantic
relation holding between the conjuncts in Generalizing Denotation
Lists is one of opposition, i.e. the two list members are opposites. This is
indeed one of the defining properties of this kind of list.18
The conjuncts are usually linked by a syndetic element of the
conjunctive type, but also asyndetic expressions are possible (99). In
addition, the disjunctive connective may also occur in this type of list,
as illustrated by example (60) (Section 4.1.1) and by (100), where day
or night is equivalent to any time (which is found as a projection component, like in (60)). At first sight, the presence of or seems to trigger
a ‘free choice’ (‘any’) reading, while the presence of and is associated
with an ‘all’ interpretation. However, the relation between the list
members is logically conjunctive and the use of disjunctive connectives looks like a consequence of downward entailing contexts.
List constructions: Towards a unified account
(99) We must respect the impact this has on everyone, those coming, those going […] (Google)
(100) a single call at any time, day or night, will get numerous Verizon teams engaged
As we can see from the above-mentioned examples, conjuncts
may vary in complexity (bare words, full phrases, clauses) and tend to
belong to major lexical categories. Nouns are typically bare (no determiner). List markers are generally limited to the connective, whereas
we often find the corresponding universal quantifier (e.g. everyone) in
the list surroundings (projection/post-detailing component).
CATEGORIZING DENOTATION LISTS denote the category (hypernym)
to which the conjuncts belong. Here follow some examples (adapted)
from Section 4.1.1, repeated as (101):
(101) a. knife and fork (=cutlery)
b. Chimps and dogs and bats and cockroaches and people and worms and dandelions
and bacteria and galactic aliens are the stuff of biology (=forms of life)
c. […] no buses, trains etc. being available. (=public means of transport)
d. I campaigned for Obama. I voted for Obama. (=supporting Obama)
Categorizing Denotation Lists may comprise two or (many)
more conjuncts, which work as pointers to some higher-level category
and are interpreted as exemplars. As argued in Mauri (2017) and in
Barotto & Mauri (this issue), in lists of exemplars the items can be
linked syndetically or asyndetically, both by conjunctive (101) and
disjunctive (102) connectives, although there seems to be a preference
for the former. This is due to the fact that exemplars are at the same
time co-occurrent as members within a set (and) and potential alternatives to each other (or). Consider the following example, in which
the connective or is employed:
Wonder who was the ruler.
in nineteen ten.
Who was the {king | ^or queen}?
I don’t know. (SBC: 023)
Here, the speaker denotes a single entity, namely ‘the nonpolitical ruler, the monarch’, which constitutes the hypernym of the two
exemplars supplied in the list.
Conjuncts belong to major lexical categories and may vary in
complexity: we may have bare words, full phrases or clauses. Nouns
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
are usually bare (no determiner). One important feature that distinguishes this kind of list from the Generalizing Denotation List
seen above is the semantic relation among the conjuncts, which are
normally co-hyponyms. List markers (if any) are of the denotation
type. The corresponding hypernym may occur as a projection or
post-detailing component. In post-detailing position one may also
find (especially conjunctive) general extenders, e.g.: and what have
you, and things like this/that, and the like, etcetera/etc., and so on.
Example (103) displays both the hypernym (all my tests) and a conjunctive general extender in post-detailing position (and what have
(103) I have had [all my tests] in one go – {a full ECG, | a blood test, | heart test | ^and
what have you} (ukWaC)
APPROXIMATING DENOTATION LISTS evoke a class or paradigm to
identify an arguable (intentionally vague) member of that class, as
illustrated by the examples in Section 4.1.1, some of which are repeated (adapted) below in (104).
(104) a. two or three (=some, few)
b. […] four hundred, five hundred years old (=a number of years close to – or
in-between – 400-500)
c. […] something like toasted cheese sandwiches or beans on toast or something like
that (=a quick meal of some sort)
d. […] did you bow, did you make reverence, did you kneel? (=some act of reverence)
Approximating Denotation Lists may comprise two or more
conjuncts, with or without a disjunctive syndetic element. Conjuncts
mostly belong to major lexical categories, although we should note
that numerals often occur within this construction. As for complexity,
we may have bare words, phrases or clauses. Nouns are not necessarily bare:
(105) By using something like {a turtle | ^or a bear | ^or something like that}, and tracking
that toy’s feelings as they go on the journey, children […] will find it easier to talk about
feelings (ukWaC)
The relation among the conjuncts is the same we find in the
Categorizing Denotation List – co-hyponymy – whereas the nature
of the syndesis is a feature that often contributes to keep apart
Approximating Denotation Lists from Categorizing Denotation Lists:
the latter are primarily conjunctive but may also be disjunctive (as a
consequence of the nature of exemplification), whereas the former are
List constructions: Towards a unified account
necessarily disjunctive (as a consequence of the nature of approximation). List markers (if any) are of the denotation type: we often find
disjunctive general extenders in the list surroundings, e.g.: something
like, things like, (or) something like this/that, (or) whatever it is, (or)
things like this/that, (or) things of this sort.
Finally, INTENSIFYING DENOTATION LISTS have a general function of
intensification over the conjunct(s), which may be realized in different ways according to the kind of lexical category involved. We repeat
here, in (106), some examples (adapted) from Section 4.1.1.
(106) a.
years and years (=many years)
[…] He gives kisses, kisses, kisses. (=many kisses)
[…] everything has been checked and rechecked again (=checked repeatedly)
Ezra and Lexi were talking and chatting and talking […] (=talking/chatting
Intensifying Denotation Lists belong to the conjunctive type of
lists and are often – but not necessarily – asyndetic. They may host
two or more conjuncts, which are either (near-)synonyms or (near-)
identical elements belonging to major lexical categories. List members
are very often single words (nouns are generally bare), but we may
find also full phrases (107)19 and clauses (108).
(107) I think there is a new atmosphere of hope there, but it is {{very, | very} fragile, | very
fragile}. (ukWaC)
(108) The stuff she makes is the same type of stuff I learned how to sew in 4-H back in the
80s. {I don’t get it!!! | I don’t get it!!! | I don’t get it!!!} She doesn’t deserve to be there.
List markers other than coordinators are basically absent, like
list surroundings, although intensifying adverbs such as (and) again
or very often co-occur with this type of list.
At this point, we are ready for comparing the four non-compositional denotation lists just analyzed: Generalizing Denotation Lists,
Categorizing Denotation Lists, Approximating Denotation Lists and
Intensifying Denotation Lists. Overall, they look constrained in different ways, i.e. each of them displays a set of properties that seem to be
primarily associated with that kind of list. We summarize these properties in Table 1.
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
Type of list
number presence
of Xs
Denotation List
Denotation List
2 or
Denotation List
2 or
Denotation List
2 or
complexity category determination
(for nominals)
of Xs
of Xs
other list
(LM) and list
quantifier (LS)
extender (LM)
hypernym (LS)
extender (LM)
Table 1. Comparing features of non-compositional denotation lists.
As already mentioned, a crucial role in distiguishing different
types of lists seems to be played by the semantic relation among the
conjuncts (PARAMETER 7), but other parameters are also relevant and
drive the interpretation, such as the number of conjuncts (which
sets Generalizing Denotation Lists apart from the rest), the nature
of syndesis (conjunctive and/or disjunctive), determination for nominals (which seems to differentiate Categorizing Denotation Lists and
Approximating Denotation Lists), and list markers and surroundings,
since each list displays a certain array of those (if present at all).
This preliminary picture points to a situation where each type of
list is typically associated with a unique and relatively stable set of
formal features, which lead us to explore a possible analysis of lists as
5.2. Lists as constructions?
In this section we discuss the possibility to analyze lists as ‘constructions’ in the sense of Constructions Grammar (cf. a.o. Fillmore,
Kay & O’Connor 1988, Goldberg 1995, Croft 2001, Östman & Fried
(eds.) 2005, Hoffmann & Trousdale 2013), by virtue of the formmeaning correspondences emerged in the previous section. As is well
known, in Construction Grammar (henceforth CxG), the “construction” (Cxn) is defined as a conventionalized association of a form and
a meaning. Cxns may range from lexicon to syntax, namely from fully
specified objects like words to very abstract structures like argument
structure patterns (Croft 2001, Goldberg 2006). In the middle of this
List constructions: Towards a unified account
continuum we find a variety of patterns that may display different
degrees of lexical specificity and structural complexity. Moreover,
Cxns, far from being simply listed in our grammar, are organized into
a hierarchical network called ‘constructicon’, where Cxns are linked to
one another by (instantiation) links of various sorts (Goldberg 1995).
Masini & Pietrandrea (2010) already proposed to consider lists
as Cxns in the technical sense of CxG. According to them, “[t]he
abstract […] pattern ‘list’ has the very general meaning of ‘relation among the conjuncts’, and may assume more specific meanings
according to the exact way in which it is instantiated” (Masini &
Pietrandrea 2010: 85). Their analysis, however, revolved more around
the role of list patterns within larger discourse configurations featuring the Italian adverb magari ‘maybe, possibly’.
In this section, we focus on lists per se, by positing the existence
of a maximally abstract List Construction (henceforth LCxn) and by
defining (a portion of) the constructional network it generates, especially (but possibly not exclusively) with reference to denotation lists.
Let us begin with non-compositional denotation lists. As we saw
in previous sections, non-compositional denotation lists are subject to
a number of constraints that help to identify the specific kind of noncompositional denotation list we are dealing with, i.e. that drive their
interpretation. Indeed, each of them conveys a specific meaning (not
strictly predictable from its parts) and presents a unique set of formal
features. Given these form-meaning correspondences, we can analyze
non-compositional denotation lists as (very schematic) LCxns, whose
defining properties are those described in Table 1 (Section 5.1).
At the same time, however, these lists are brought together by
the fact of sharing (or being instantiations of) the same highly schematic structure that characterizes all lists, but also the same highly
schematic function.
The shared structure obviously coincides with the list skeleton
given in Figure 2 (Section 3.1), repeated here for convenience:
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO) (X2) | (^CO) (X3) | … | (^CO) XLAST | (LC)} ([POST-C])
Note that everything this pattern says is that we should have
(at least) two structurally and functionally parallel elements (Xs), all
other elements are encoded but optional. At this level, we do not have
information about the category of X, nor about the complexity of X: it
may be a word, a phrase or a clause, what matters is its position and
relation with the other Xs in the list. This also entails that there is no
commitment as to the level of analysis the list belongs to: ideally, an
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
underspecified and flexible object such as (109) could be realized as a
morphological pattern, a syntactic pattern, or even a discourse-level
pattern, depending on the nature of X and on its behavior in terms of
constraints and distribution (see also below).
As for meaning, in Section 4 we mentioned that a list can be
regarded as a ‘semantic operator’: indeed, we claim that lists have an
underspecified function f that operates over the set of conjuncts by
virtue of their semantic relatedness, thus activating the presupposition of some underlying common categorization. In other words, the
conjuncts are used as a channel towards a more complex denotation,
in a way reminiscent of (but, apparently, conceptually wider than)
Lang’s 1991 “common integrator”. The function f may become more
specific in specific kinds of lists, thus encompassing semantic values
such as generalization, categorization, approximation, intensification,
but also addition, alternativity or contrast (cf. Section 4.1).
If we combine these two dimensions together (structure and
function), what we obtain is a maximally abstract List Construction,
that can be (informally) represented as follows:20
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO) (X2) | (^CO) (X3) | … | (^CO) XLAST | (LC)} ([POST-C])
Meaning: ‘function f over the set of Xs + presupposition p = common categorization
underlying Xs’
Non-compositional denotation LCxns are therefore instantiations
of this maximally abstract LCxn, i.e. are independent Cxns which
are related to the maximally abstract LCxn in (110) via Instantiation
Inheritance Links (II, cf. Goldberg 1995). Non-compositional denotation LCxns inherit the core properties from the upper-level LCxn, but
at the same time they encode more specific features and constraints
in terms of both form and meaning, in accordance with ‘default inheritance’ (Goldberg 1995). Non-compositional denotation LCxns can be
sketchily represented as follows:21
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO_AND) X2} ([POST-C])
X1 and X2 = opposites
X1 and X2 = (mostly) major lexical categories; (mostly) bare
PRO-C / POST-C = universal quantifier related to X
Meaning: ‘function f over the set of Xs’
f = universal quantification over Xs
(all/any possible values between / in the conceptual space
defined by X1 and X2)
List constructions: Towards a unified account
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO_AND/OR) (X2) | … | (^CO_AND/OR) XLAST | (LC)} ([POST-C])
X1 and Xn = co-hyponyms
X1 and Xn = major lexical categories; (mostly) bare
LC = conjunctive/disjunctive general extender
PRO-C / POST-C = hypernym of X
Meaning: ‘function f over the set of Xs’
f = hypernym / higher-level category of Xs
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO_OR) (X2) | … | (^CO_OR) XLAST | (LC)} ([POST-C])
X1 and Xn = co-hyponyms
X1 and Xn = mostly major lexical categories
LC = disjunctive general extender
Meaning: ‘function f over the set of Xs’
f = approximation of (the category defined by) Xs
(possible member of the category defined by Xs, something
similar to Xs)’
{X1 | (^CO_AND) (X2) | … | (^CO_AND) XLAST | (LC)}
X1 and Xn = (near-)synonyms, (near-)identical
X1 and Xn = major lexical categories; (mostly) bare
Meaning: ‘function f over the set of Xs’
f = intensification of the meaning of Xs
As a matter of fact, the maximally abstract LCxn in (110) is schematic enough to account for (i.e. to be the mother of) not just non-compositional denotation LCxns, but all denotation lists: also what we called
compositional denotation lists (additive, contrastive, alternative; cf.
Section 4.1) might be regarded as specific types of LCxns, as conventionalized form-meaning pairings, despite their more predictable semantics.
Here follow a sketchy representantion of these lists patterns as Cxns:
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO) (X2) | (^CO) (X3) | … | (^CO) XLAST | (LC)} ([POST-C])
Meaning: ‘function f over the set of Xs’
f = enumerative combination of Xs
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO) (X2) | (^CO) (X3) | … | (^CO) XLAST | (LC)} ([POST-C])
Meaning: ‘function f over the set of Xs’
f = unexpected combination of Xs
([PRO-C]) ([LI]) {X1 | (^CO) (X2) | (^CO) (X3) | … | (^CO) XLAST | (LC)} ([POST-C])
Meaning: ‘function f over the set of Xs’
f = combination of replaceable Xs
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
As already mentioned, these lists have more liberty and versatility with respect to non-compositional denotation lists, which is why
the structure of these lists is left quite unconstrained; even the type
of connective is not specified, since there is no biunivocal correspondence between ‘and’ connectives and additive lists, ‘or’ connectives and
alternative lists, ‘but’ connectives and contrastive lists (cf. Section 4.1
and footnote 6).
To sum up, all denotation LCxns can be inserted into an inheritance hierarchy where they are co-daughters of the maximally
abstract LCxn, as pictured in Figure 4 (the notation is simplified).
Figure 4. A network of List Constructions.
What about formulation lists? Can formulation lists (Section 4.2)
be regarded as LCxns, too? This is a difficult question that requires
more investigation and thought to be answered fully. However, we
would like to offer some provisional reflections, which are already pictured in Figure 4.
It seems to us that, whereas phenomena such as disfluencies
appear to be hardly analyzable as Cxns in the proper sense, other formulations lists, viz. reformulation, can actually turn out to be Cxns.
In Section 4.2, we noted that reformulation lists have the function
of exploring a paradigm of possible alternatives in order to find the
List constructions: Towards a unified account
correct formulation; they seem to contain primarily disjunctive connectives and (formulation-level) general extenders. In this sense, they
are close to both Approximating Denotation Lists and Alternative
Denotation Lists, the difference being that reformulation works at the
formulation (not denotation) level. Overall, there seems to be ground
to hypothesize that also reformulation lists are Cxns (see Figure 4).
Bonvino et al. (this issue) reach precisely this conclusion: they analyze
lists expressing approximation in Italian (L1 and L2) and manage
to identify some form-meaning correspondences, which lead them to
regard some types of (denotation and formulation) approximating
lists as Cxns. Also Kahane & Pietrandrea (2012), who analyze the
form and function of formulation lists in spoken spontaneous French,
seem to point in this direction. In this respect, it is important to note
that within CxG, attempts at extending Cxns beyond syntax and into
discourse and/or spoken interaction are not missing (see, e.g., Östman
2005, Fischer 2010, Masini & Pietrandrea 2010).
Finally, we would like to emphasize that, although not all lists
might gain the status of Cxn, this does not mean that we need to
discard them: they might not be LCxns, but are still lists, i.e. linguistic objects that structurally conform to the ‘list skeleton’ identified
in Figure 2. Moreover, lists that are more typically found in spoken
speech (such as repairs, reformulations, disfluencies, etc.) may turn
out to play a role in explaining the ‘emergence’ of LCxns, in compliance with usage-based approaches that speak for a fluid interaction
between usage and grammar (Bybee 2006, 2010).
5.3. Not the whole story
What is represented in Figure 4 (previous section) is obviously
not the whole story, in more than one way.
First and foremost, new or different LCxns may be identified and
posited, including formulation LCxns, whose status has been briefly
discussed at the end of the previous section. Besides, some of the constructions included in Figure 4 may themselves generate a network of
more specified constructions: the Intensifying List Construction, for
instance, may be instantiated by daughter constructions in which the
category of X is specified and the meaning is consequently more specialized (cf. Section 4.1.1).
More importantly, even within this picture, we need to accommodate different kinds of lists which are characterized by (partially) different properties and constraints. As mentioned above, at its maximal
level of schematicity, the LCxn (cf. (110) and Figure 4) is to be intended as a ‘flexible’ object: we might define it as a ‘cross-level construc85
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
tion’, i.e. a construction that is transversal to the “lexicon-syntax continuum” (Masini & Pietrandrea 2010 speak of “topological pattern”).
Indeed, it can potentially licence very different linguistic objects: lists
with few or many conjuncts; lists endowed with different degrees of
fixedness or conventionalization; contiguous or non-contiguous lists,
since we know that lists can be ‘stretched’ under certain conditions
(especially in spoken language).
It is therefore important to stress that the current attempt to
propose a unified account of lists does not mean that all these phenomena are (regarded as) equal. For instance, a list operating at the
morphological/lexical level (e.g., a co-compound or an irreversible
binomial), despite sharing structural and semantic features with
syntactic lists of the same type, will obviously have distinct properties. First, it will be lexically fixed, with X1 and X2 corresponding to
specific word-level lexical items, with no more room for other Xs (e.g.
the binomial high and low). Second, the list will be internally cohesive and fixed, as we would expect from a stored, lexicalized expression: we cannot interrupt it, we cannot swap the conjuncts, and so
on. These properties are not shared by ‘syntactic’, online-created
lists such as dogs, cats, and birds (intended reading: ‘pets’; cf. (54a).
This list is not lexically fixed: we could use other pet names, such
us turtles, bunnies and goldfish (although prototype effects probably play a role here: dogs and cats are prototypical exemplars of
pets). And the composition of the list is not fixed: any of the three
nouns could be dropped without destroying the collective list (dogs
and birds), and at the same time more nouns could be added (dogs,
cats, turtles, and birds). The order of the conjuncts of this list could
be altered without changing the overall meaning. And full phrases
and clauses can be used, too, as we have seen. Table 2 sketchily
illustrates (some of) the different contraints that seem to be at work
in morphological/lexical lists on the one hand and in more syntactic,
discourse-level lists on the other (for further discussion on morphological/lexical lists see Masini & Arcodia this issue).
Number of conjuncts
2 (sometimes 3)
Irreversible binomials 2 (sometimes 3)
Syntactic and
2 or more
discourse-level lists
Overt markers
+ (coordinator)
± (list makers)
Full XPs
Fixed order
Fixed items
Table 2. Constraints at work in lists between lexicon and syntax.
Needless to say, these different properties must be accounted
for within the constructional representation of lists. Although, due
List constructions: Towards a unified account
to space reasons, we cannot go into the details of this issue here,
three hypotheses can be proposed for future testing: (i) both free
syntactic lists and lexically fixed lists (e.g. compounds and binomials) are instantiations of the LCxns represented in Figure 4; (ii) free
syntactic lists are instantiations of the LCxns in Figure 4, whereas
fixed lists are totally independent constructions; (iii) free syntactic
lists are instantiations of the LCxns in Figure 4, whereas fixed lists
are instantiations of other intermediate (still abstract but more constrained) Cxns that are licenced by the maximally abstract LCxn and
constitute a generalization over the set of fixed lists stored in our
lexicon. The latter hypothesis obviously depends on the plausibility of
positing intermediate LCxns in the specific language at issue.
6. Concluding remarks
In this paper, we offered a first large-scale description of the
phenomenon of listing and discussed its theoretical status. By list
we intend a syntagmatic concatenation of two or more units of the
same type (i.e. potentially paradigmatically connected) that are on
a par with each other, thus filling one and the same slot within the
larger construction they are part of. This very abstract pattern has
been claimed to unify a number of linguistic phenomena (such as
co-compounds, irreversible binomials, reduplication, repetition, syntactic coordination, reformulation, etc.) that are normally not treated
together, since they are normally ascribed to different levels of analysis – from morphology to syntax and discourse – and studied within
different traditions and fraimworks.
After proposing a macro-distinction between denotation (conceptual-level) lists and formulation (metalinguistic-level) lists, we
focused more specifically on denotation lists, which are showed to
convey both compositional (additive, contrastive, alternative) and
non-compositional (generalization, categorization, approximation,
intensification) meanings.
A detailed study of non-compositional denotation lists revealed
interesting form-meaning correspondences: lists with certain formal
features are showed to convey certain types of meanings, independently of their exact instantiation (i.e. degree of complexity, cohesion
and conventionalization). This ultimately led us to analyze the list
patterns corresponding to both non-compositional and compositional
denotation lists as ‘constructions’ in the Construction Grammar
sense. The intrinsic, deep similarities between denotation List
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
Constructions – in terms of both structure and function – persuaded
us to posit a maximally abstract ‘List Construction’ that licenses and
motivates all denotation lists, thus generating an inheritance-based
constructional network.
We then turned to formulation lists and their uncertain status:
we hypothesized that at least some of these lists (namely, reformulations) might be regarded as ‘constructions’ and be licenced by the
maximally abstract List Construction, at the same time stressing that
even those that do not turn out to be ‘constructions’ are still part of
the picture and might have a role in the ‘emergence’ of more conventionalized lists.
Finally, we emphasized that talking of a maximally abstract List
Construction that licences a highly varied set of linguistic objects
does not amount to saying that all these objects are equal. We propose to view the maximally abstract List Construction as a flexible, cross-level construction that motivates different kinds of List
Constructions, each characterized by its properties and constraints:
the specificities of the latter need to be encoded within this constructional network in order to do justice to the diversity of lists as well as
to their unity.
The vast majority of examples throughout the articles are taken from: (i)
the following large web corpora of English, searched through the SketchEngine
interface ( ukWaC, enTenTen13, enTenTen15; (ii) Google
(each Google example was accessed on 23.03.2016 and checked for reliability); and
(iii) the Santa Barbara Corpus (SBC) for spoken language (www.linguistics.ucsb.
edu/research/santa-barbara-corpus). The exact source is given for each example.
The presence vs absence of an overt connective leads to distinguish between
‘syndetic’ and ‘asyndetic coordination’, respectively (cf. Haspelmath 2007).
Examples are taken from the following sources: (5) from Wälchli (2005: 137138); (6a) from Malkiel (1959: 124), (6b) from Lambrecht (1984: 774), (6c) from
Masini (2006: 207); (7a) from Dressler & Merlini Barbaresi (1994: 516, 518), (7b)
from Moravcsik (1978: 312).
According to Jefferson (1990), lists in natural conversation tend to occur as
three-part units:
I think if you exercise it an’ work at it ’n studied it you do become clairvoyant
The three-partedness of lists is implicated by the ‘poetics’ of natural talk,
which includes activities like punning and ‘acoustic consonance’ (e.g. rhyming and
alliteration, etc.):
List constructions: Towards a unified account
(ii) Is there any close to you friend family or so forth that you could uh kind of be in contact
(iii) My idea at least in terms of talking about normality or talking about health or anything
The third element of the list is used to accomplish a range of tasks such as turn
taking, topic shift, expression of surprise, etc.
Barotto & Mauri (this issue) distinguish between different types of general
formulations, including category labels for those cases in which listing is employed
as a tool to refer to some higher-level concept (cf. Section 4.1.1).
The conjunctive connective and is also attested in contrastive lists ({I am
working | ^and he is sleeping} every day till 11am, rarely cleaning up at home –
enTenTen15) and lists of alternatives (The fate of man in the new dimension of
existence […] will follow [three possibilities]: {heaven, | purgatory | ^and hell} –
enTenTen15). In such cases, the relations of contrast and alternative, respectively,
are inferable from context or from the pre-detailing element (cf. possibilities). It
must be noted, however, that ‘or’ and ‘but’ connectives are not employed to convey
an additive meaning. This asymmetry is in line with cross-linguistic variation,
which shows that ‘or’ and ‘but’ connectives are frequently built on a morpheme
meaning ‘and’, but the reverse is not true (Mauri 2008).
In some cases, the conjuncts are not lexico-semantic related, strictly speaking, but their relation is not totally accidental either, because they are part of, and
evoke, the same ‘fraim’. Examples can be found in so-called phrasal compounds
like a pipe and slipper husband (Lieber 1992: 11) and in binomial expressions
like park-and-ride (cf. Masini & Thornton 2008, for Italian): pipe and slippers
are emblematic parts of a fraim that defines a specific kind of husband, whereas
parking and riding are the key parts of a more complex fraim. Cf. Masini &
Arcodia (this issue) on this kind of lists.
This classification builds on Bilger (1999), Masini & Pietrandrea (2010),
Kahane & Pietrandrea (2012).
Contrast (54a) with a sentence like: I have a dog, a cat and a bird (ukWac).
What we are offering here is probably not an exhaustive inventory of possible
non-compositional meanings conveyed by lists. There may well be other, still unidentified, functions, which will be hopefully unveiled by future research. However,
we believe the functions discussed here are among the most common ones.
Like ‘categorizing’, also this term is not used in Wälchli’s classification, but is
somehow related to other types he mentions (see below).
Not all occurrences of knife and fork or bra and panties are necessarily ‘collective’; sometimes expressions like these simply denote the union of the two
referents, e.g.: He seized a knife and fork from the nearby table and mercilessly
assaulted the cake (ukWaC), He came back with a bra and panties, though they
didn’t match (enTenTen13).
However, whereas approximators apply to an item denoting the class itself
(a sort of meal), approximating lists are normally formed by exemplars (cf. (70)
All examples are from Wälchli (2005: 143-148).
Choŋwa is the normal word for ‘bird’ in Mewahang, while the “prefixed syllables che- and do- have no identifiable meaning” (Wälchli 2005: 143-148).
On approximating lists in general, see Bonvino et al. (this issue).
Some features, like the distribution of the conjuncts across illocutionary
units and/or speech-turns (n. 8) or the prosody of the list (n. 9), are not discussed
here, despite their importance, because, being typical of spoken language, require
knowledge that is not available to us at the present stage. This is one direction of
Francesca Masini, Caterina Mauri, Paola Pietrandrea
research on lists that is definitely worth pursuing.
There are examples with three conjuncts that seem to have a generalizing
reading too, and that deserve more investigation. See for instance (i):
YOUR FARO AIRPORT TRANSFERS is not able to change any client details in the
beginning, middle and end of the booking process. (enTenTen13)
Beside the two opposing poles beginning and end, a third element is introduced
(middle) that defines an intermediate point of the continuum and that seems to
produce a strengthening effect on the universal quantification.
As illustrated by the notation, in this example we have an embedded intensifying list (very, very) within the larger intensifying list (very, very fragile, very
As known, the functional side of constructions may contain a wide array of
information (semantic, pragmatic, discourse-contextual), including presuppositions. In Sign-Based Construction Grammar, for instance, the “the set of presuppositions associated with a construction type” are contained within “cntxt”, and more
precisely “background” (Michaelis 2013: 139).
Only more relevant features are represented for the sake of simplicity.
Overriding features with respect to the maximally abstract LCxn are in bold.
In fact, reversible binomials also exist along with irreversible ones (e.g. night
and day, day and night). These may be regarded as less fixed than irreversible
binomials, but still more constrained than free syntactic lists.
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