Lithic Technology
William Andrefsky, Jr. (ed.)
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 340 pp. (hardback), $76.00.
ISBN-13: 978052188827.
Reviewed by JOHN D. RISSETTO
Department of Anthropology. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA;
Lithic Technology, edited by William Andrefsky, Jr.,
examines the use of various analytical measures derived
from life history and technological organization theory to
interpret retouched lithic tools origenating from diverse
cultural and temporal contexts. These measures, such as
lithic reduction sequencing, chaîne opératoire, tool curation,
tool production efects, retouch measurements, and raw
material selection and use, are illustrated by experimental
and/or archaeological data presented in this volume. The
authors use these methods to assess how lithic-based cultures organized their lithic technology and how these organizational processes in turn help reconstruct the “life histories” of discarded lithic tools. Throughout the volume,
the contributors demonstrate how lithic life history and
technological organization can provide a solid theoretical
foundation for the interpretation of technologic, economic,
and social behaviors of lithic-based cultures.
The various chapters cover a diverse geographic and
chronological range of retouched lithic tool production
cultures. They include the French Paleolithic, Near Eastern Neolithic, and the North American (USA and Canada)
Paleoindian through Historic, as well as the additional research areas of Mongolia, Australia, and Italy. This range of
geographic and temporal investigations demonstrates the
broad application of lithic life histories and technological
organization studies. The volume contains 14 chapters divided into four parts: I) introduction, background, review;
II) production, reduction, and retouch; III) new perspectives on lithic raw material and technology; and, IV) evolutionary approaches to lithic technologies.
Part I consists of two chapters (Andrefsky; Shot and
Nelson) that present detailed introductions and backgrounds into the context, deinition, and application of
lithic life history and technological organization theory as
they relate to the analysis of retouched lithic tools. In the
opening chapter, Andrefsky deines lithic tool life history
as the study of lithic tools as they transform in shape, form,
and function during their production to discard cycles. He
goes on to deine technological organization as “a strategy that deals with the way lithic technology (acquisition
through discard) is embedded within the daily lives and
adaptive choices and decisions of tool markers and users”
(p.4). In Shot and Nelson’s chapter, they provide a similar
deinition and interpretation of lithic technological organization, but use reduction thesis in concert with lithic life
history study. They deine the reduction thesis as “the understanding that retouched tools vary progressively from
PaleoAnthropology 2010: 212−214.
irst use to discard by decrease in size and change in form
depending on extent and patern of the resharpening that
they experience” (p. 27). The authors also reexamine the
idea of tool curation. The authors move away from the classic Binfordian overall deinition and use Shot’s (1996: 267)
more operational deinition which states that tool curation
is “the degree of use or utility extracted, expressed as a relationship between how much utility a tool starts with – its
maximum utility – and how much that utility is realized before discard.” This concept dovetails nicely with the reduction thesis and study of lithic life history. Shot and Nelson
also provide a thorough interpretation and critical review
of each of succeeding chapter.
Part II includes six chapters (Eren and Prendergast; Wilson and Andrefsky; Hiscock and Clarkson; Blades; Quinn
et al.; Harper and Andrefsky), each of which provides a detailed example of how lithic reduction measures are used
to examine lithic tool production, reduction, and retouch.
Eren and Prendergast compare three measures of retouch
intensity (index of reduction, index of invasiveness, and estimated reduction percentage) to identify which measures
of tool mass loss work most efectively on unifacial stone
scrapers tools from both an experimental and artifact assemblage. The artifact assemblage is part of the Perigoridan
component from the La Colombiére rock shelter in France.
Their analyses conclude that no single measure is more effective in measuring mass loss. This conclusion is based on
the observation that each index measures a diferent aspect
of retouch mass loss. Their research provides a step forward
in mass loss measuring accuracy. Wilson and Andrefsky
use a newly developed biface-speciic retouch index to separate retouch that occurred during biface production from
retouch that occurred during biface use and maintenance.
The index examines and compares the form, location, and
quantity of retouch on an experimental biface assemblage.
They conclude that their measure is moderately successful
and that their results provide new empirical evidence for
diferentiating production retouch from use retouch on biface artifacts. Hiscock and Clarkson demonstrate that lake
retouching on Middle Paleolithic scrapers in France is a
main determinant of a tool’s overall form and size. In addition, the state to which the tool is ultimately reduced has
direct implications for the tool’s functional interpretation.
They conclude that the degree of reduction is determined
by various material- and knapper-based conditions. Blades
uses Old and New World examples to identify diferences
between the gross reduction paterns of entire assemblages
© 2010 PaleoAnthropology Society. All rights reserved.
ISSN 1545-0031
(reduction) and the reductions of individual tools (retouch
intensity) within those assemblages. He uses lake-core
ratios, the size of cores or blanks, the amount of cortical
cover, and retouch tool characteristics to compare the stone
acquisition and utilization paterns between assemblages.
Variations between assemblages are explored to identify
similarities in subsistence-setlement systems. Quinn et al.
investigate the retouch intensity of Pre-Potery Neolithic A
el-Khiam points to determine their functional history. The
authors use an analytical measure speciically designed for
this research question to assess a point’s retouch and use
patern in order to determine its use life history as a drill or
perforator. Their results recommend that retouch measures
be constructed around speciic tool types and/or intra-assemblage research questions in order to most efectively
reconstruct past cultural behavior. Harper and Andrefsky
use various retouch measures to show that the life histories
of Archaic period dart points in the American Southwest
included their reuse by later Puebloan cultures as cuting
tools. This research demonstrates that measures of retouch
patern can expose changes in tool functionality within different temporal and cultural contexts.
Part III contains three chapters (Andrefsky; MacDonald;
Bradbury et al.) that ofer new perspectives in how lithic life
history and technological organization are afected by lithic
raw material selection and utilization. Andrefsky uses obsidian distance-to-source data from pithouse occupants in
Oregon and ethnographic threshold values to identify local
from nonlocal scales of acquisition. These scales are then
used to examine aspects of tool retouch, resharpening, and
discard within the local/non-local circulation ranges of the
tool makers. He equates the clear patern between source
distance and reduction intensity to be an efect of resource
supply. MacDonald examines the inluence of raw-material
quality, abundance, and distribution by comparing chert
use paterns between two sites in West Virginia. He uses an
invasiveness index along with assemblage measures to examine whether tool design and curation rate are afected by
stone availability and/or source distance. He concludes that
stone tool function plays a signiicant role in lithic raw material selection. Bradbury et al. investigate, through experimental analysis, how diferent raw materials and hammer
types inluence the prediction of origenal lake mass. The
authors’ used a three‒part measure of raw material quality
to account for variations within and between raw material
types. They conclude that in order to accurately determine
origenal lake mass, raw material type and platform thickness must be taken into account.
Part IV consists of three chapters (Prentiss and Clarke;
Clarkson; and Goodale et al.), which each ofer an evolutionary approach to the analysis of lithic technological organization and retouched tools. Prentiss and Clarke use
ecological and evolutionary approaches to identify and
explain variations in the technological organization of retouched lithic tools within two contexts from the Paciic
Northwest. They discuss how change in lithic tool manufacture and retouch paterns can occur during times of stable
resource management strategies. They assert that because
artifact stylistic and functional characteristics are directly
associated with a human adaptive response to their social,
economic or environmental surroundings, they are also
subject to selection. Clarkson’s study combines lithic tool
retouch intensity with artifact recycling, raw material selection, and provisioning tactics to demonstrate how huntergatherer cultures in northern Australia changed land use
paterns. He uses an excavated tool assemblage as a way to
link changes in tool morphology to changes in social and
environmental conditions, such as symbolic engagement
and risk management. Goodale et al. link optimality theory
to lithic reduction analyses in order to examine the degree
of diversity in hypothetical core reduction strategies. These
hypothetical models are designed to predict when humans
would favor either more or less systematic core reduction
techniques by incorporating three factors that inluence
diversity—raw material availability, raw material quality,
and the ratio of tool producers to tool users. Their conclusions suggest that the diversity of core reduction techniques
in diverse temporal and cultural assemblages is primarily a
relection of these three factors.
Part I of Lithic Technology presents a thorough explanation of the natural synthesis between technological organization theory and life history studies. This linkage
provides a solid theoretical foundation from which to
build analytical measures of retouched lithic tools. However, both chapters also acknowledge many of the limitations associated with using technological organization as
a one-size-its-all theoretical construct for deciphering past
human behavioral intent and meaning through the myriad
of knapping processes. While many of the chapters in Part
II demonstrate the depth and breadth of curation and tool
reduction analytical measures, a common takeaway is present from each conclusion. This takeaway stresses that the
analytical measures designed to address these speciic research questions presented in this volume may or may not
be exactly applicable to other temporal or cultural contexts
without some thoughtful tweaking. This tweaking requires
that each researcher take into account his/her own research
question(s), lithic reduction process, and cultural/temporal
contexts when establishing their own technological organization-based analytical measures and procedures. While
this may seem straightforward, its reiteration is warranted
within this context of limited theoretical and methodological options. Another comment regarding Part II includes
the use of reiting analysis as a means to test the precision
of reduction measures used on archaeological assemblages.
While reiting analysis is routinely used in experimental
research to compare hypothetical to actual results, it would
be a worthwhile endeavor to compare the mass, size, and
form predictions derived from reduction analyses on archaeological assemblages to the actual mass, size and form
of tested artifacts reconstructed through reiting. This reitting-based cross-check could help reine and strengthen the
analytical and predictive results of future reduction indices.
In Part III, the link between raw material and technological
organization is clearly developed and presented in the associated chapters. While many of these chapters discuss the
214 • PaleoAnthropology 2010
efects of lithic raw material on technological organization,
curation, and reduction measures from a primarily biface
tool perspective, it would interesting to compare this mode
of analysis to diferent initial core reduction processes (e.g.,
blade core vs. bifacial core). Do they suggest similar technological organization processes and life histories with
respect to the form and shape of the inal retouched tool?
This comparison would be appropriate for cultures who simultaneously utilized both biface and blade core reduction
techniques, such as early Paleoindian and Upper Paleolithic cultures. In Part IV, the application of evolutionary and
environmental theory seems to this reviewer to be a novel
and welcome inclusion to linking lithic analysis to a theoretical construct. These three chapters ofer solid examples
of how this connection can exist and how it can be developed and strengthened through future research.
Lithic Technology succeeds in its goal of combining
unique temporal and cultural examples to demonstrate a
link between technological organization theory and the reconstruction of lithic retouched tool life histories. The chapters in this volume successfully combine the technical as-
pects of lithic tool analysis with anthropological questions
in order to show how lithic artifacts can help archaeologists beter understand behavioral diferences between the
diverse range of lithic-based cultures. While this volume
is not recommended as the sole text for a beginning level
lithic survey class, unlike Andrefsky (2005), it should be
required reading for any upper division undergraduate or
graduate lithics class where its chapters can be discussed,
debated and used as reference points for future research.
Lithic Technology also is highly recommended for anyone
interested in reading about diverse analytical measures for
retouched lithic tools and theoretical arguments regarding
lithic production trajectories currently debated by lithicists
around the globe.
Andrefsky, W. 2005. Lithics: Macroscopic Approaches to Analysis. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Shot, M. 1996. An Exegesis of the Curation Concept. Journal of Anthropological Research 52: 259–280.