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R e v i e w e d
Separation performance of centrifugal cleaners
Although centrifugal cleaners are widely
used in the pulp and paper industry, there
is very little information available on their
relative performance with contaminants of
different sizes and densities.
This problem has been addressed in the
minerals industry for many years, and this
paper shows how the methods used there
can also be employed when contaminants
are present in paper-making pulp suspensions, and how estimates of performance
can, if necessary be made without extensive experimental data.
Centrifugal cleaners have been widely
used in the pulp and paper industry for
many years as a means of removing small
contaminants. Initially they were used
only for removing dense material (such as
sand and dirt particles) but since the introduction of ‘reverse cleaners’ they have
also been used for the removal of lowdensity contaminants – particularly plastic fragments.
Common applications include:
- In pulp mills to remove sand and grit.
- In bleach plants to remove ‘dirt’.
- In recycled fibre plants to remove
both heavy and light contaminants.
- In paper machine stock preparation
for final removal of contaminants.
In recent years there has also been
many papers suggesting the use of centrifugal cleaners to fractionate fibre or to
remove fillers from recycled fibre.
Comparatively little has been written
on the separation performance of hydrocyclones. There is a good deal on the
design of systems to give good rejection
of contaminants with minimal fibre loss,
and there is quite a lot of published information on empirical studies of fibre segregation, but very little on prediction of
efficiency of removal of contaminants of
various sizes.
This information can be very important
as contaminants may be present in quite
specific size ranges, and although a given
arrangement may be effective in removChairman, Covey Consulting Pty. Ltd.
1st Floor, 660 High St. Kew VIC 3102
January 2009
ing sand that is fairly coarse, it may not be
effective in removing the same sand after
it has been subjected to attrition.
The same issue is faced by the minerals industry, which also uses hydrocyclones to separate minerals of different
densities and/or sizes. In that industry the
quantification of separation can be even
more difficult as both mineral species are
likely to have fairly wide size distributions. (Note that in the case of pulp fibres,
the size range of “good” fibres can be
comparatively small.)
The minerals industry has successfully
developed calculation techniques to quantify the separation, and these techniques
can also be applied to centrifugal cleaners. The cross over of the technique from
one industry to another is made easier
because not only do ‘centrifugal cleaners’
in the paper industry and ‘hydrocyclones’
in the minerals industry work in the same
way, but they are often made by the same
manufacturers and in many cases the
designs of units supplied to the two industries are essentially the same.
Centrifugal cleaners (or hydrocyclones)
separate components of the feed by centrifugal action. A schematic of a typical
centrifugal cleaner is shown in Figure 1.
Unlike a centrifuge, this centrifugal
action is not induced by rotating the equipment, but by introducing the feed stream
at relatively high velocity, tangentially
into a cylindrical body. This creates a vortex that tends to cause high-density components to move to the wall. The lower
portion of the cyclone consists of a convergent cone (although this is not theoretically necessary). Material collected at the
wall (the high density fraction) is discharged from the bottom of the cone. The
bulk of the flow forms an inner vortex that
rises to the top of the unit and discharges
through a central pipe (the vortex finder).
Reference has been made to dense
material moving to the wall, and it is
always the case that denser components
move in this way, and that lighter components of the feed are slower to migrate to
the wall and,, being closer to the axis, are
discharged through the vortex finder. It is
important to realise that when solid components are being separated, separation is
not according to differences in density, but
to differences in settling velocity in the
cyclone. Settling velocity is a function of
particle density relative to water, particle
size and (to a lesser extent) particle shape.
In normal use, all of the components of
interest in a centrifugal cleaner are denser
than the suspending fluid (water) and all
solid components will tend to be collected from the bottom (‘rejects’) outlet. This
includes the fibre, and the overall effect is
the well-known ‘thickening effect’ whereby the consistency of solids in the rejects
stream is typically about twice that in the
feed stream.
In normal operation therefore, with all
of the solids denser than water, all particles are tending towards the wall. If an
infinitely long residence time were available, all of the solids would report to the
‘rejects’ outlet and no segregation would
occur. In a real system, what is relied on
is differences in the settling rates of different solid components.
A cross section of the cylindrical section of the hydro-cyclone is considered in
Figure 2.
Fig. 1
Schematic of a typical centrifugal cleaner
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The first two of these factors result in
more contaminants appearing in the accepts
than would otherwise be the case (and hence
rejection of less contaminants) and the last
factor results in the rejection of more good
fibre than would otherwise occur.
denser than water
move towards wall
Fig. 2
Cross-section of a centrifugal
cleaner showing swirling flow
and separation of dense material near to the wall.
Obviously the particles to be removed
must migrate through a finite distance of
rotating fluid to the wall, approximating
the width of the inlet flow channel.(or
somewhat less it they enter the cyclone at
a point closer to the wall).
Ideally, the residence time of the
hydrocyclone can be selected so that there
is time for the fast settling particles (contaminants) to reach the wall and be discharged as rejects, while none of the
slower settling particles (good fibre) have
time to reach it.
In practice, of course, some of the
fibres enter the hydro-cyclone close to the
wall and are rejected, and some of the
contaminants enter the cyclone far from
the wall and do not have time to migrate
to it. Therefore separation is not perfect.
Further factors that also contribute to
imperfect separation are:
• Short-circuiting – some material
short-circuits from the rotating outer
region directly to the inner core and
out through the vortex finder. Little or
no separation occurs with this component.
• Turbulence – varied factors can cause
the formation of large eddies which
sweep fluid from close to the wall
back into the bulk region, and so
negates the separation already performed on this fluid.
• Fluid discharge with rejects – It is necessary to discharge some of the inlet
liquid with the rejects just to maintain
movement of the rejects and avoid
plugging of the bottom outlet. This
fluid will have a composition similar
to that of the accepts fluid, and so it
represents an inevitable loss of separation efficiency.
Appita Journal
There is a very large body of literature on
hydrocylones in general and their use as
cleaners in the pulp and paper industry.
Therefore the following review is not
intended to be exhaustive, but merely to
give examples of the type of work undertaken, with more detail on their use for the
removal of foreign bodies, which is the
main subject of this paper.
The first description of a hydrocyclone
is apparently in the 1891 patent of
Bretney, which decribed its use for
removing impurities from water (1). The
first proposal for use of the device in the
paper industry was to remove high density contaminants form stock was by
MacNaughton in 1906 (2). Actual use in
the industry started in the 1930’s, but was
not widespread until the 1950’s.
Publications on hydrocyclones and
cyclones (1) have tended to be of two
types, focussing on either the flow patterns inside the units or on their separation performance. Work on separation
performance generally falls into three categories: the removal of shives and other
‘dirt’; fibre fractionation; and the removal
of foreign material such as sand and grit.
Flow studies
Studies (3) have shown various flow
imperfections, such as short-circuiting
and circulatory eddies that can limit performance. It is also known that the velocity field in both cyclones and hydrocyclones is not stationary but displays quasiperiodic fluctuations that are generated by
the precession of the vortex core (PVC).
Zhao and Abrahamson performed a
CFD analysis of flow in conical cyclones
(4). Their model showed some previously
observed features such as short-circuiting
and reduction of velocities in the axial
direction. However, agreement with physical measurements was often only ‘reasonable’ and because the model was
axisymmetrical and steady state, it did not
incorporate effects such as PVC. It was
also restricted to inviscid flow, which
reduces its application to hydrocyclones.
Wang et al (5) used a more complex turbulence model than earlier workers and
used a model that allowed for asymmetrical flow patterns. This resulted in a more
realistic model and indicated that the flow
in the vortex in particular was not symmetrical with the physical axis of the unit.
Gong and Wang (6) took the approach
further by using a unsteady solver, which
allowed them to predict some of the
effects of PVC.
Kegge (7) modelled an axial flow
hydrocyclone (the same flow shape as an
end-entry cleaner) by CFD, and found
that even though there was no enforced
asymmetry as in a conventional side-entry
hydrocyclone, asymmetrical effects were
important and his model was limited in its
flexibility. Ko (8) also performed a CFD
analysis of an axisymmetrical hydrocyclone for pulp and paper applications, but
his analysis did not include fibres in the
liquid. Ko’s thesis includes an extensive
review of about one hundred papers relating to numerical studies in hydrocyclones
published prior to 2005.
Shive removal
Tomlinson (9) found that when considering the removal of shives and dirt from
good fibre, it is the ratio of centrifugal
force to angular velocity gradient that is
important, and that this permits the use of
larger cleaners than had previously been
considered necessary for such purposes.
By varying the dimensions and proportions of a cleaner he could optimise for
the removal of dirt or shives of particular
sizes. For large shives, of density similar
to that of the pulp fibres, shear effects
became very important in determining
whether they would be rejected.
Hill (10) et al measured shive removal
by centrifugal cleaners (and also by
screens) and related the cleaning efficiency to the rejects rate, but their findings
were specific to a particular pulp and cannot be used for predictive purposes.
Corson and Tait (11) presented a series
of correlations to predict the outlet consistencies and shive contents of Pinus
radiata mechanical pulps. The correlations do not consider differences in
removal efficiencies of different sizes of
shives or the efficiency of removal of
non-fibrous material.
Fibre fractionation
It was discovered in the 1960’s that
hydrocyclones could fractionate pulp to
give streams enriched in spring or summerwood (12).
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Paavilainen (13) investigated the separation of summerwood and springwood
fibres from Finnish softwood pulp in a
hydrocyclone at 0.1% consistency. She
found that there was a useful fractionation
of the pulp, with the coarser summerwood
being concentrated in the rejects and there
was also a smaller effect of concentration
by length. Wood et al (14) found that for
mechanical pulps, fractionation was dependent on specific surface area. However, for
unrefined chemical pulp of substantially
uniform length and fed at very low consistency (0.05% to minimise flocculation) Li
et al (15) found that apparent density of
individual fibres was the main factor in
controlling fractionation. They found that
the results could be described reasonably
well by a partition curve.
Kanis (16) evaluated the available data
and concluded that, when other properties
are equal, mechanical pulps were fractionated on the basis of specific surface
area, and chemical pulps on the basis of
fibre coarseness.
Wang et al (17) developed a CFD
model of a cleaner in use as a fibre fractionator working at low consistency and
compared its predictions with measurements on nylon fibres at 0.3% consistency. The model gave good prediction of
separation in by coarseness, but only
moderate prediction of separation by fibre
length. They attributed the deviations as
due to flocculation, which is not considered in their model. With wood fibres at
practical operating consistencies, flocculation will be much more significant than
in their tests.
Park et al (18) studied the separation of
beaten and unbeaten softwood kraft fibres
at 0.1% consistency. They calculated slip
velocities for typical fibres and showed
that fractionation could be largely related
to differences in slip velocities. This was
consistent with their confirmation that as
fibre coarseness increased, so did fibre
rejection. They also found that rejection
increased with fibre length but rejected
this finding as an artifice as it was contrary to CFD results and their own theoretical treatment. In fact, if extended their
analysis would have shown that increasing fibre length will result in increased
rejection, other things being equal.
Further, although the CFD analysis that
they relied on did not predict an effect
from fibre length, the experimental work
of these workers did find fibre length to
have an effect.
There is a considerable body of
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R e v i e w e d
research on the various factors that affect
fibre fractionation. Further discussion of
this is beyond the scope of the present
paper, but the literature is reviewed by
Bergstrom (19).
cles of different sizes to be removed by a
hydrocyclone is the empirical expression of
Lynch and Rao (23) (see Equation 1,
below). The value of this method has been
confirmed by a number of other workers.
Impurity removal
Lepola et al (20) investigated the removal
of 10-40µm particles of glass from
spruce and birch pulps by a centricleaner
by a radioactive activation technique.
They measured removal efficiency under
various conditions and presented plots for
the effect of size, pulp consistency and
operating pressure. However, they did not
present any fundamental analysis of the
system, or any predictive results.
Ferguson (21) performed a theoretical
mathematical analysis for the removal of
impurities. He assumed that the inner vortex behaves as a rotating body, that the
outer vortex is a free vortex and a powerlaw viscosity model (although he noted
that pulp suspensions are visco-elastic).
The model was used to predict the effect
of fibres on the flow patterns inside the
hydrocyclone and then particle separation
efficiency was calculated using this
velocity field. The results from the model
were of the same general form as is
observed in practice, but are not particularly useful for predictive purposes.
Fishhook effect. It is well established
that as impurity particle size is reduced,
the removal efficiency passes through a
minimum and then rises again – this is
commonly referred to a the ‘fish-hook’.
The effect has been studied by various
workers and reviewed by Neese et al (22).
This effect typically applies to particles
smaller than 5 mm. For particles this
small, the separation efficiency is low,
and the boost due to the fish hook effect
does not change this dramatically in most
cases. The effect is important in fine
grinding of minerals, but is not thought to
be of importance in pulp and paper applications. Therefore it will not be considered further here.
Partition curve. The most widely used
method for predicting the fraction of parti-
As discussed above, the major factor in
separation is the settling rates of each of
the particles of interest. For the purposes of
this paper, fibres of eucalyptus and pinus
radiata, and contaminants of sand and
black coal will be considered. Sand is
selected as a common dense contaminant
(density about 2600 kg/m3) and black coal
as a less dense particle (density about 1350
kg/m3, just slightly higher than that of cellulose fibres at about 1100-1200 kg/m3).
To calculate the settling velocities it is
necessary to know the centrifugal acceleration in the hydrocyclones. This can be
calculated on a theoretical basis, but
results are not always reliable because of
the effect of friction in slowing the liquid
flow. According to Gulichsen (29) centrifugal forces may theoretically be about
800 g (i.e. about 800 times the acceleration due to gravity) but are usually somewhat less in practice. For the present purposes a centrifugal acceleration of 500g
has been used. Performing calculations at
a variety of centrifugal accelerations (and
under normal gravity) shows that
although the absolute settling velocity
changes markedly, the ratio of settling
velocities of the various species does not
change very much. Therefore, the effect
of the spinning action is not to increase
separation so much as to accelerate the
process by which it occurs.
Particles of coal and sand both have
dimensions that are of similar magnitude
in all directions (isotropic). Therefore, the
simple methods for calculating terminal
settling velocities that are used for spherical particles can be used (and the results
presented below are for ‘equivalent spherical particles’).
Using the method in Coulson and
Richardson (30) for terminal settling velocities gives the values presented in Table 1.
Table 1
Terminal settling velocities of various size contaminants under typical centrifugal cleaner
conditions (500g, water at 60°C).
Particle size mm
Terminal settling velocity coal
Terminal settling velocity quartz
Ratio of Term. settling velocities coal/quartz
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Table 2
Terminal settling velocities of wood fibres at various fibre densities (same conditions as
Table 1).
Fibre density
Equivalent diameter
Shape factor
Terminal settling velocity
Equivalent diameter
Shape factor
Terminal settling velocity
Table 3
Settling velocities of wood fibres of density 1150 kg/m3 and sizes of particles that settle at
the same rate.
Settling vel m/s
Coal µm
Sand µm
Pulp fibres are obviously far from
isotropic and it is inappropriate to calculate their terminal settling velocities using
the method used for contaminants.
There are a number of methods that
have been presented for predicting the
drag or terminal settling velocity for nonspherical particles (31-33). For the present purposes, the method presented in
Coulson and Richardson (30), which is
based on the work of Heywood (32) and
of Heiss (33) has been used.
The method is based on characterising
particles as they lie in their most stable
position and using a characteristic diameter equal to that of a circle having the
same area as the projected area of the particle. As shown in Fig 4 of Heywood’s
paper (32), this permits simple modifications to the equations for spherical particles to permit representation of nonspherical particles. The results of Heiss
(33) in particular covered isotropic, disc
and rod shaped particles.
An alternative, more recent approach is
that of Haider and Levenspiel (31). This
method was based on data for isotropic and
disc shaped particles only, and therefore
should be used with extreme caution for
rod-shaped particles. (Unfortunately their
results do not appear to agree with those of
other published methods even for spherical
particles, so this approach has been
neglected for the purposes of this paper).
Appita Journal
Although the density of cellulose is
well known, the density of individual
fibres is less definite. This depends on the
size of the lumen (a large lumen will
reduce the fibre density) and also the
degree of fibrillation (a high degree will
reduce the effective fibre density).
Therefore, in the calculated values in
Table 2, settling velocities are presented
for typical pine and eucalyptus fibres at
densities of 1100-1200 kg/m3.
Clearly, separation will only occur
when there is a difference in settling
velocities. We have calculated the size of
particles of coal and of sand that will have
the same terminal settling velocities as
wood fibres of density 1150 kg/m3.
(Table 3)
The results in Table 3 show that particles
of sand smaller than about 45 µm cannot be
separated from pine fibre under the
assumed conditions. This also implies that
particles smaller than this will actually be
more concentrated in the accepts than in the
feed (so very fine particles might be
removed by means of reverse cleaners).
From these simple calculations, it is
apparent that very large particles of sand
with settling velocities much greater than
those of wood fibres can be readily separated, that particles of 30-45 µm will not be
separated at all, and that particles of intermediate size will be separated to some
extent. However, this simplistic approach is
insufficient to determine the degree of separation of intermediate size particles.
The need to determine the efficiency of
removal of ‘intermediate’ size particles is
regularly faced in the minerals industry
where cascades of hydrocyclones are
used. In this case the object is to separate
minerals initially present at similar concentrations, and sometimes two saleable
products will result.
The extent to which particles of various
sizes can be removed may be estimated by
the method of Lynch and Rao(23) which is
commonly used in the mineral processing
industry and which is described in SME
Mineral Processing Handbook (p 3D-22 et
seq.) (34). Here the proportion of a component rejected is reported to vary according to the equation:
Y is the fraction of a particular size passing to the rejects stream
α is a characteristic of the particle-fluid
combination and of the cleaner configuration.
x is the ratio of the diameter of the particle of interest to the diameter of the
particle which passes equally to the
accepts and the rejects (usually designated d50).
The curve that can be fitted by the equation is a partition curve, and is commonly
known as the ‘reduced-recovery curve’.
Obviously, this equation is applicable
for particles that only differ in size. The
density of the particles must be substantially the same, and the shapes must also
be similar to the extent that the effect of
shape on settling velocity is approximately uniform.
The parameter α is determined by fitting available data on rejects and accepts
at different sizes for a particular installation. According to the SME Handbook,
the value of α is usually in the range 2.5
to 6, and is most commonly 3 to 4.
There is limited data available on the
size of sand typically removed by cleaners in the paper industry and obtaining
such data requires experimental equipment that is not readily available.
However results by Kadant (35) give sufficient information to calculate a value for
α and to calculate the rejection efficien-
Vol 62 No 1
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Table 4
Performance of two commercial cyclones.
Cleaner A
Cleaner B
Rejects %
Thickening factor
Pulp to rejects %
Pulp to accepts %
Corrected pulp to rejects %
Corrected pulp to accepts %
cies of coal and sand particles of various
sizes. From this data it is found that with
a conventional cleaner (as used in most
pulp and paper mills) there is about a 9293% rejection of 100µm sand at typical
operating consistency of 0.6-0.9% of
hardwood pulp. This result can be combined with information on sizes of coal
and sand particles having the same settling velocity as pulp fibres and typical
cleaner operating parameters to calculate
the performance of cleaners in removing
coal particles of various sizes.
To determine the value of the parameter α, one proceeds by the following
1. Part of the reduced recovery curve can
be deduced from the thickening effect
with pulp in a known centrifugal
cleaner. Data for two commercial
cyclones are given in Table 4
As before, Y in Table 4 is the fraction
of a particular size passing to the
rejects stream.
The ‘corrected pulp to rejects’ value is
a figure allowing for the fact that some of
the fibre in the rejects stream is entrained
with the accompanying water, rather than
there as a result of classification – so an
amount is subtracted from the rejects pulp
equivalent to the amount of pulp that
would be in the same volume of accepts.
(In mineral processing applications, there
can be some uncertainty as to whether the
concentration applied here should be that
of the feed or the accepts, or some intermediate value. However in normal pulp
cleaner operation, the consistency of the
accepts is not much lower than that of the
feed, and it makes little difference which
of these values is used.).
2. The value of α is then determined by
assuming that it will be the same for
both pulp and contaminants in a given
cyclone. This assumption is not strictly correct, but it provides a reasonable
approximation in the absence of better
experimental data. (Essentially it is
assumed that the contaminant size
having the same settling velocity as
the pulp fibres will also be rejected at
the same rate as the pulp.)
The value of α is then found by fitting
the general reduced recovery curve
(equation 1) to the two points corresponding to:
• the equivalent of the pulp rejects rate
for the particular case (as shown in
Table 4);and
• the rejection of 92-3% of 100µm sand
R e v i e w e d
(or same rejection rate of another contaminant having the same settling
velocity as 100µm sand).
Because of the highly non-linear
nature of equation 1, it is convenient
to substitute one of the points into the
equation and then solve the remainder
3. For the data used here, it was found
that the best fit for Cleaner A was with
α = 3.0, and for Cleaner B with α = 3.6.
Both of these values lie within the
most common range quoted by SME
as 3-4.
Figure 3 presents a graph showing that
the data from the two types of cyclone
give quite similar results. This is not
surprising as they are of similar geometric proportions, and much of the difference relates to set-up for operation.
Figure 4 shows the relative performance
of a centrifugal cleaner in removing contaminants of sand and coal of various sizes.
Clearly, although both particles are
more dense than pulp fibres, the performance in separating them is very different
because of the differences in the densities
of the two contaminants. One stage of
cleaning will remove more than 90% of
100 µm sand particles, but for coal an
equivalent % removal is only obtained
with particles larger than 250µm. This
shows that contamination with fine, but
relatively low density particles can present difficulties for centrifugal cleaners.
It is often not recognised that only the
first stage of cleaners in a system removes
contaminants. All subsequent stages only
work to recover good fibre and so to
reduce the losses from the system (in the
process they also ‘recover’ some of the
contaminants with the good fibre and so
reduce the rejection efficiency of the system slightly.)
% Reporting to rejects
% Reporting to rejects
Cleaner B
Cleaner A
Particle size, mm
Fig. 3
Reduced –recovery curves for sand using rejects
data from two commercial cyclones and α = 3.6.
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Particle diameter, mm
Fig. 4
Reduced recovery curves for sand and coal for α =
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The only ways that the cleaners can
remove more of a contaminant are by:
• Rejecting more pulp in the first stage
so that more contaminants are also
rejected. This approach requires the
use of additional stages of cleaning if
fibre loss is not also to increase.
Use of a double first stage of cleaning
whereby two sets of cleaners (of the same
size) are operated in series so that the
accepts from one set is re-processed in a
second stage. In theory this appears quite
attractive (even if expensive) as cleaners
work on a statistical basis, and if single
screening will remove (say) 90% of a
contaminant, then double cleaning will
remove 99% in total. Unfortunately it is
found that with this type of arrangement,
the second stage cleaners are less effective than the first. Although the first
cleaner will theoretically remove 90% of
a particular size, the 10% it does not
remove is often more difficult to treat in
the next step.
The reduction in apparent performance
when either of these approaches is used is
significant, but not necessarily sufficiently so as to make double cleaning impractical. The problem is that in the paper
industry we do not normally have
reduced-recovery curves (or grade-efficiency curves) and there is a tendency to
just look at the quantity of contaminant
remaining rather than its size distribution.
The reality is that the portion of contaminant passing the first step of cleaning is
the finest part, and additional passes will
not be very effective in removing this.
It should also be noted that the treatment
given above has been based on the requirement to remove contaminants from uniformly sized fibres. The same approach can
also be used to predict the separation of
shives, fines or fibres of different species or
morphology. The principles described can
still be applied, but as the fibres may be of
different aspects or effective densities, the
actual separation will be on the basis of
equivalent diameters (i.e. diameter of the
spherical particle of the same density and
having the same settling rate) rather than on
for example fibre length.
Although centrifugal cleaners have been
widely used for many years to remove
dense contaminants from pulp, there has
Appita Journal
been little information on the relative
removal efficiency of contaminants of
different sizes and densities.
This paper has explained how a relatively simple technique, which has been
used for many years in the minerals
industry with the same equipment, can be
used to predict the grade efficiency for
contaminant removal.
Ideally, the parameter α should be
determined experimentally for the particular cleaner and contaminant. However in
the absence of better information, an estimate of removal efficiency that is adequate for most purposes can be obtained
by assuming a value of α of 3-4.
(1) Bretney, E.:US Patent US453105 (1891).
(2) MacNaughton, J, : US Patent 813984 (1906)
(3) Ohtake, T., Usuda, M., Kadoya, T. – A fundamental study of hydrocyclones Part 1. Flow
pattern in the hydrocyclone, Japan Tappi J.
41(2), 60 (1987).
(4) Zhao, J.Q. and Abrahamson, J. – The flow in
Conical Cyclones Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on
CFD in Minerals and Process Industries,
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(5) Wang, B; Xu, D.L.;Xiao, G.X. and Yu, A.B. –
Numerical study of gas-solid flow in a cyclone
separator Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on CFD in
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(6) Gong, A. L. and Wang, Lian-Ze , – Numerical
Study of Gas Phase Flow in Cyclones with the
Repds, Aerosol Sci. and Technology, 38:5, 506
– 512 (2004)
(7) Kegge, S.J – Numerical Simulation of an Axial
(8) Ko, J. – Numerical modelling of highly
swirling flows in a cylindrical through-flow
Licentiate Thesis, Royal
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Mechanics Stockholm, March (2005)
(9) Tomlinson, G.H. II US Patent 3096275 (1961
– continue in part of 1951 filing)
(10) Hill, J.; Hoglund, H. and Johnsson, E. –
Evaluation of screens by optical measurements
Tappi J. 58(10) 120 (1975)
(11) Corson, S.R. and Tait, J.D. – Prediction of the
performance characteristics of a centrifugal
cleaner Tappi J. 60(8) 126 (1977)
(12) Pesch, A. W. "Process for separation of fibers
having different characteristics", US Patent
3085927 (1963).
(13) Paavilainen, L. – The possibility of fractionating softwood sulfate pulp according to cell
wall thickness Appita J. 45(5) 319 (1992)
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